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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)

(Alright this will probably be my last post depending on certain factors where I love right now... and I have a question; are Hotaru and Rin love interests?)

Mizuki A.

location: outside

company: Koru and leaving Rin.

action: running with Koru to Yukio's classroom.

Mizuki took one last worried final glance at Rin before sprinting as fast as she could to Yukio's classroom. He was probably irked as it was to know how late she and Rin were to class, she just hoped Yukio would be semi-merciful to them both considering the situation Rin was in. "Koru, I need to know something... are you positive Rin has this under control for now?" she asks, worry etched in her voice as she continued running.

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(Sure ^_^ )


Company: Rin, Kuro and the boogeyman?

Action: Making an entrance.

As the gale blew through again it was her queue to launch forward with great accuracy and speed, she was dumbfounded by the commotion and shown signs of curiosity, that why her feet were very silent while they step.

''Battle of music... that will soon become music of war... and war leads to the silence of deaths... and deaths leads to the gates of hell...''

She spoke with strange words of knowledge to herself on the spot.

Once she was close to the scene her light steps were now taking a normal stroll, she was approaching with ease while knowing there was unknown danger. The wall guided her by the her hand as she touch. Leading to the two demons and the cat and girl heading off, she stood in front of the battle like she was in a deserted audience.

The wind flurry past once more as her giant yellow orbs didn't blink, not even a expression of surprise or fear just mere confusion with slight narrowed brows.

''How can demons get into this school...?''
Clenching her fist and she jerk with silenced anger. 'I want to kill them...'

@Barbas @Wolfrose (also couldn't resist :D ) [media]


Location: Entering Exwires Classroom

Company: Shuro, Ban, Hotaru, Ester, Mizuki, Yukio

''Oh brother...''
She muttered as she grab the door knob and open to witness most of the students. ''Always the same here.'' Poking her nose up like she was royalty as always. ''Guys, I just past something really weird.. dose anyone not know their a big fight going on outside of school?''

She pointed her thumb to the back of her head, perhaps they did know and knew Rin could handle it or did they not? ''Anyway... I done my homework!'' She sheepishly grin, knowing half might have not done the equation but she definitely did.

@Anyone (don't really know who to tag here ^_^ ;)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg.83de67adf2bf4267199179a0a1db1f21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg.83de67adf2bf4267199179a0a1db1f21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Outside

Status: Fighting

"Oh, but the game is just beginning. And I'm having too much fun to simply let it end." Focusing all of his attention on Rin, Sargon uses his fear ability on Rin while multiple claws made of pure darkness begin to sprout from the ground around him.



  • Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg
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@I am Shadow no Rin and Hotaru arent love interests. No one is a love interest of Rin hes just being a typical boya nd flirting around right now. However if anyone wants to ship their character with him let me know))
@Wolfrose Oh, then may I volunteer as tribute? (sorry The Hunger Games are my life I had to ask if Mizuki could be Rin's love interest like that))

Location: Outside, headed to the Exwires class

Comany: Mizuki

Action: Trying to assure Mizuki, concerned for Rin, heading to the class to warn Yukio and the others Rin was in trouble

Kuro narrowed his eyes.

'Believe me, if anyone can stop that Demon, it's Rin. Ive seen his power myself. And I know him. He won't stop fighting until he's won,' he attempted to assure Mizuki. But he himself was still worried; Rin had a tendency to push himself too far past his limit. Even if he can heal himself, Rin still hated to see him get hurt.

@I am Shadow

xkeyxx said:
(Sure ^_^ )

Company: Rin, Kuro and the boogeyman?

Action: Making an entrance.

As the gale blew through again it was her queue to launch forward with great accuracy and speed, she was dumbfounded by the commotion and shown signs of curiosity, that why her feet were very silent while they step.

''Battle of music... that will soon become music of war... and war leads to the silence of deaths... and deaths leads to the gates of hell...''

She spoke with strange words of knowledge to herself on the spot.

Once she was close to the scene her light steps were now taking a normal stroll, she was approaching with ease while knowing there was unknown danger. The wall guided her by the her hand as she touch. Leading to the two demons and the cat and girl heading off, she stood in front of the battle like she was in a deserted audience.

The wind flurry past once more as her giant yellow orbs didn't blink, not even a expression of surprise or fear just mere confusion with slight narrowed brows.

''How can demons get into this school...?''
Clenching her fist and she jerk with silenced anger. 'I want to kill them...'

@Barbas @Wolfrose (also couldn't resist :D ) [media]


Location: Entering Exwires Classroom

Company: Shuro, Ban, Hotaru, Ester, Mizuki, Yukio

''Oh brother...''
She muttered as she grab the door knob and open to witness most of the students. ''Always the same here.'' Poking her nose up like she was royalty as always. ''Guys, I just past something really weird.. dose anyone not know their a big fight going on outside of school?''

She pointed her thumb to the back of her head, perhaps they did know and knew Rin could handle it or did they not? ''Anyway... I done my homework!'' She sheepishly grin, knowing half might have not done the equation but she definitely did.

@Anyone (don't really know who to tag here ^_^ ;)
Its okay, and the reply for yours will be my reply for Barbas as well @xkeyxx ))

Barbas said:
View attachment 279187
Location: Outside

Status: Fighting

"Oh, but the game is just beginning. And I'm having too much fun to simply let it end." Focusing all of his attention on Rin, Sargon uses his fear ability on Rin while multiple claws made of pure darkness begin to sprout from the ground around him.
Rin O.

Location: Outside

Company: Sargon

Action: Fighting, defense mode, speaking to Sargon, retaliating

Rin hardened his face with determination and spun around in a circle, dispersing all darkness that Sargon tried to use against him with a powerful spin attack.

"Nice try, asshole, but I know better than to fall for that. Your darkness is useless against my blue light." He looked Sargon over and realized he was wearing a cloak.

Interesting... He looks like hes avoiding all light contact... he thought to himself, beginning the breakdown of how to defeat the new Demon. He just had to keep stalling...

Mizuki A.

location: outside

company: Koru

action: running with Koru to Yukio's classroom, warning the others.

Mizuki nodded, slightly reassured. She continued to run to Yukio's classroom, when she got there, she burst through the door, gasping. "Y-Yukio-sensei! Rin's battling a demon outside, me and Kuro came to alert you and the rest of class!" She exclaimed frantically.

Location: Outside

Status: Fighting and concerned

Shocked to see that the half Demon was able to easily dispel his illusion, Sargon begins to speak while planning his next." Strange. No one has ever been able to dispel my illusions. You might be stronger than I expected." Readying the clawed that he summoned around the hal Demon, Sargon launches them at Rin's arms and legs with the intention grabbing him.
(No worries, I understand ^^)


Company: Rin and Sargon

Action: Beginning to help out.

Her eyes shot to the demon figure 'Of course that evil' and then back at the student 'He using blue flames.. but he seems like a regular student? well their both demons... and I have to do something about it, but I can't attack both right now...' her brows could only narrow a little more before sighing, finally making up her mind.

With one foot step forward her bracelets dismantle, shambling into a piece of armor from the elbow downwards to her hands. It added another layer that made her tiny hands look similar to giants, metal claws. The attachment was extremely quick as she had an itching urge to jump in.

She began to approach but she was only strolling at her own speed. Not too close and not too far as she came to a stop, about the right distance. She locked her hands together raising them above her head before immediately swinging them downwards onto the solid ground like a hammer. She cause a very wide, long crack in between them. She then gaze back up with her normal expression, motionlessly cold.

@Wolfrose @Barbas
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@I am Shadow[/URL], @DopeJackalope, @Nyxianforeigner (if you even get on), @FireMaiden, @xkeyxx


Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Yukio, Ban, Izumo, Ester, Shima, Mizuki, Hotaru

Action: Bracing and directing the Exwires to Rin's aid

Shuro stumbled forward, having to put down a knee to steady herself as the ground shifted. She was tired of waiting for Yukio's decision.

"Everyone! Get the hell outside now before Rin kills himself! Let's GO!" She stood and spun her hands around rapidly, directing them towards the door. "If you wanna be exorcists, prove yourself! Help your teammate!"

@Nyxianforeigner (if you get on), @xkeyxx, @FireMaiden, @DopeJackalope, @I am Shadow

Barbas said:

Location: Outside

Status: Fighting and concerned

Shocked to see that the half Demon was able to easily dispel his illusion, Sargon begins to speak while planning his next." Strange. No one has ever been able to dispel my illusions. You might be stronger than I expected." Readying the clawed that he summoned around the hal Demon, Sargon launches them at Rin's arms and legs with the intention grabbing him.
Rin O.

Location: Outside

Company: Sargon

Action: Getting trapped, cursing

The claws clamped over both Rin's legs and his arms, staying his blade. He exclaimed.

"Damn it!" he cried, then bared his teeth as he began trying to yank himself from the grip of the claws.


xkeyxx said:
(No worries, I understand ^^)

Company: Rin and Sargon

Action: Beginning to help out.

Her eyes shot to the demon figure 'Of course that evil' and then back at the student 'He using blue flames.. but he seems like a regular student? well their both demons... and I have to do something about it, but I can't attack both right now...' her brows could only narrow a little more before sighing, finally making up her mind.

With one foot step forward her bracelets dismantle, shambling into a piece of armor from the elbow downwards to her hands. It added another layer that made her tiny hands look similar to giants, metal claws. The attachment was extremely quick as she had an itching urge to jump in.

She began to approach but she was only strolling at her own speed. Not too close and not too far as she came to a stop, about the right distance. She locked her hands together raising them above her head before immediately swinging them downwards onto the solid ground like a hammer. She cause a very wide, long crack in between them. She then gaze back up with her normal expression, motionlessly cold.

@Wolfrose @Barbas
Rin O.

Location: Outside

Company: Sargon and now Asami

Action: Confused, but is able to free himself in the midst of the distraction; observing the girl who had helped him (or that he thinks helped him)

Rin hadn't noticed the girl with the Demonic Claws advancing toward him and Sargon yet, until she had slammed the ground with them and created a rift between Sargon and him. He was supported and prevented from falling by the dark claws, and couldn't believe he thanked him when he did for preventing his fall. Using that moment while the ground shifted, he shouted as he exploded his flames from his body, disintegrating the claws and freeing himself. He readjusted him stance, then looked to the strange girl who had saved him.

She was quite a sight- especially those claws of hers.

@xkeyxx, @Barbas

Location: ExWires Class

Company: Everyone in the classroom

Action: Leaving to help Rin

Upon hearing Shuro's orders Shima got up from his seat, "Come on Ban, we gotta go save your little friend." He said with a sigh, he then hustled out of the classroom and started off in the direction all the commotion was coming from.


Location: ExWires Class

Company: Everyone in the classroom

Action: Leaving to go help Rin

"Oh, shit..." Hotaru exclaimed under her breath. She was not prepared for this at all. All she had memorized was a couple books of arias. She had no weapon to use against this thing! She hesitantly followed after Shima and the other classmates to where Rin was fighting the demon.

@Wolfrose @Barbas @FireMaiden @xkeyxx @I am Shadow @Nyxianforeigner
Sorry I wasnt on! School has been wearing me out lately. //

Location: Classroom.

Company: Mizuki, Ban, Izumo, Ester, Shima, Hotaru.

Facepalming Yukio then pulled out one of the barrels of his pistol. "Thank you Kuro" Inhaling he then rushed outside to make sure Rin was alright, his glasses glinted with anger, more at himself though. "I cant leave Rin alome for ONE second here can I?" He muttered to himself as he rushed out.

Ban looked up to see Kuro, really confused at why Kuro had come alone with that girl. Inhaling, he then stood, soon following Yukio out of the classroom, "Wait up Teach!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.99fa642bd683e3c2b7726a1f1c27c133.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.99fa642bd683e3c2b7726a1f1c27c133.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Classroom

Company: Class people

Action: Going outside/Feeling concerned

"Dumbass," Ester muttered as she stood, closing her book. What the hell was she gonna do? She didn't have a weapon, and unlike everybody knowing the twins were demons; they didn't know that Ester was one. She always made sure she didn't use her powers, or exposed any of her demon traits. Though she knew she wouldn't be able to keep the act up forever. She sighed, the followed the others.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg.f5ec8d4f47a122693285cc8396f69595.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg.f5ec8d4f47a122693285cc8396f69595.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Outside

Status: Enraged

Emitting a loud, ear piercing shriek before summoning ten tendrils with razor sharp claws. Focusing his attention on Rin and the new arrival, Sargon sends two of his tendrils at Rin with the attention of having them dig their claws into his chest. Afterwards, Sargon sends the remaining eight tendrils at Asami with the intention of tearing her to pieces." You damn, insolent fools! Do you have any idea of who your dealing with?! I am the Boogeyman! The maifestation of all your fears!"

@Wolfrose @xkeyxx



  • Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg
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Location: A little ways off from where the real fighting is taking place

Company: Shima

Action: Reciting arias

'I guess I'll do the only thing I know how to do...' She thought. "Shima will you stay by me?" Hotaru said weakly. She sat down in monk's pose and began to recite the death verses she had memorized. Her concentration was unbreaking as the wind tousled her hair and shrieks from the demon and her classmates were heard. 'I have to keep going, it's all I can do...'


Location: A little ways off from where the real fighting is taking place

Company: Hotaru

Action: Defending Hotaru/reciting arias

"Hm!" Shima said while nodding. He held out his gold staff for protection as he recited the death verses he knew as well at the same time as Hotaru. Maybe just maybe one of these would work but they had no idea which one and they did not have them all memorized. It was in fact all they could do...

@Wolfrose @Barbas @Nyxianforeigner @FireMaiden @xkeyxx @I am Shadow
DopeJackalope said:

Location: ExWires Class

Company: Everyone in the classroom

Action: Leaving to help Rin

Upon hearing Shuro's orders Shima got up from his seat, "Come on Ban, we gotta go save your little friend." He said with a sigh, he then hustled out of the classroom and started off in the direction all the commotion was coming from.


Location: ExWires Class

Company: Everyone in the classroom

Action: Leaving to go help Rin

"Oh, shit..." Hotaru exclaimed under her breath. She was not prepared for this at all. All she had memorized was a couple books of arias. She had no weapon to use against this thing! She hesitantly followed after Shima and the other classmates to where Rin was fighting the demon.

@Wolfrose @Barbas @FireMaiden @xkeyxx @I am Shadow @Nyxianforeigner
Nyxianforeigner said:
Sorry I wasnt on! School has been wearing me out lately. //
Location: Classroom.

Company: Mizuki, Ban, Izumo, Ester, Shima, Hotaru.

Facepalming Yukio then pulled out one of the barrels of his pistol. "Thank you Kuro" Inhaling he then rushed outside to make sure Rin was alright, his glasses glinted with anger, more at himself though. "I cant leave Rin alome for ONE second here can I?" He muttered to himself as he rushed out.

Ban looked up to see Kuro, really confused at why Kuro had come alone with that girl. Inhaling, he then stood, soon following Yukio out of the classroom, "Wait up Teach!"
FireMaiden said:

View attachment 279494

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Classroom

Company: Class people

Action: Going outside/Feeling concerned

"Dumbass," Ester muttered as she stood, closing her book. What the hell was she gonna do? She didn't have a weapon, and unlike everybody knowing the twins were demons; they didn't know that Ester was one. She always made sure she didn't use her powers, or exposed any of her demon traits. Though she knew she wouldn't be able to keep the act up forever. She sighed, the followed the others.

Location: ExWires classroom, about to leave to aid Rin

Company: The ExWires, Yukio

Action: Guiding the class out, accompanying Yukio

Shuro waited until everyone was out. Then she looked to Yukio and nodded, waiting for him to lead the way.

@Nyxianforeigner, @FireMaiden, @xkeyxx, @DopeJackalope, @I am Shadow

Barbas said:
View attachment 279499
Location: Outside

Status: Enraged

Emitting a loud, ear piercing shriek before summoning ten tendrils with razor sharp claws. Focusing his attention on Rin and the new arrival, Sargon sends two of his tendrils at Rin with the attention of having them dig their claws into his chest. Afterwards, Sargon sends the remaining eight tendrils at Asami with the intention of tearing her to pieces." You damn, insolent fools! Do you have any idea of who your dealing with?! I am the Boogeyman! The maifestation of all your fears!"

@Wolfrose @xkeyxx
Rin O.

Location: Outside

Company: Asami, Sargon

Action: In pain, keeping Sargon's shadows at bay, to the offensive

The dark claws tore into Rin's flesh, slicing his chest open. Blood streamed from the gaping wounds and he screamed in agony, swiping Kurikara up to slice away the clad upon impact. He bared his teeth and struggled to remain standing upright as his blood gushed. But already the wounds were beginning to rapidly heal. It would take some time though. He held his chest, eyes flashing wildly with rage. His flames intensified, growing an extra few inches from his body.

Damn it... I can't defend myself against him much longer, I need to strike... he pondered, then decided he should see how Sargon reacts to light. He narrowed his eyes, then (while his chest was still healing) he charged at Sargon and leapt over the rift between them, shouting and bringing down his sword at Sargon.

@Barbas, @xkeyxx
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg.e477e289a1860cb02a3b3dfb0709f9e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg.e477e289a1860cb02a3b3dfb0709f9e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Location: Outside

Status: Alarmed

Growing uneasy when he noticed Rin's flames growing, Sargon summons two more tendrils and sends them at Rin with the intention of stopping him from attacking with his sword." No! Stay away from me, you damn abomination!"



  • Cloaked-figure-for-Lagerkvist.jpg
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Location: Outside

Comoany: Exwires, Shuro

Yukio nodded back before running ahead and holding tightly to one of his pistols. He narrowed his eyes. soon reaching the courtyard he looked around, pondering the best plan of action in helping his brother. "Rin! Where are you?!" He glanced around quite worriedly for his brother.
Amber Hirai

Location: Class

Company: None

Action : Reading/Growing Annoyed by the class

Amber sat at his desk , his elbow prompted on a table as he gazed through his reading glasses at the book in front of him. He had woken up early and decided to go to class despite the fact his head was killing him and he kept having the urge to vomit up his breakfast but he keep his expression neutral to on lookers. But as the people in the class talked more and more , he started to clench his teeth. The talking was only making things worse for him ad he was ready to lash out.

Kotori Hirai
Location: Hallway in the school

Company: None

Action: Drinking water and eating a granola bar while walking to class.

Kotori down the hallway to class slowly , her hips swaying side to side , her hair bouncing behind her as she absentmindly sip her drink before aking a bite of her granola bar ,falling into routine of sorts. Unlike her brother , Kotori woke up late and was in hurry before hut she had thankfully managed to get on schedule again so she was taking her sweet time , even teasing a few boys and girls by winking at them.​
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Mizuki A.

location: outside with the others.

action: worried over Rin's current predicament, searching frantically for him, upon finding him, she calls out for Yukio, hoping to get his attention.

Mizuki ran, searching for Rin almost everywhere, she then heard his screams of agony, and ran to where the noise was coming from, she grabbed the pistol from the belt of her skirt and held it to the ground in front of her, running while searching for Rin. When she located Rin and Asami, it was all she could do not to feel mortified as she watched Rin and Asami fight the demon. C'mon, Mizuki. woman up... She thought to herself, she gained the courage enough to shout for Yukio. "Yukio-sensei!!! They're over here!!!" She shouted, hoping Yukio would hear her.

Company: Rin and Sargon

Action: Making her way to finally attack... or defend?

While the eight tendrils slivered towards Asami she needed to prepare for battle. Lifting her claws slowly to her face like she was in the boxing ring her eyes enlarge, feeling the adrenaline kick as she began to dart forward, she moves her arm to her side and launches her right fist out that leaves heavy blows with the effect of a brutal gust of air. 'First and second snake...down.' she called the tendrils snakes.

For the third tendril, she back flipped over. Another punch was landed on the fourth and then for the fifth she jumps on... Believing she could compete along. You could tell she was trained in acrobatics but her main goal was getting close to the demon that shows its signs of true evil.

'Three more left' She didn't want to get pierce by them things which Asami inside panic but she didn't express those feelings so she proceeded. Racing with the tendrils towards the demon but the three in front. She suckers punch the sixth upwards and catch the seventh in her hand trying to examine the thing. She was baffled ''what are these thing--'' she forgot about the eighth one. feeling the object cut through her shoulder causing her to flinch ''I let my guard down for a mere moment..'' She underestimated them. But one thing about her, she underestimates everything.

Quickly glancing forwards she thought 'We need to end this... I can deal with the other one later.' Her orbs glowed as they seem colder, same stationary look but her speed increased. Finally, she manages to get beside Sargon while he was focusing on Rin and the light. She was ready to strike in mid-air as she extended her fist into the side of Sargon's face that shifted him to the side well out of range from Rin's blade.

She put lots of effort into that strike since this was the boss of all tendrils but when her feet touch the floor she suddenly witnessed the blue flame catching her attention. The flames were so bright they shine through her wide yellow orbs which nearly shown an aggressive manner. 'demon...' The blade would of clash on the piece of metal on her arm that would cause sparks to fly. Her clenched fist swing outwards, intending to move his blade. Afterwards she marches a step closer and grabs his collar, scanning him up and down before pushing him away and turning her direction towards the other demon.

@Barbas @Wolfrose


Company: Everyone who was in the classroom

Action: Following to help Rin.

She followed behind, she cock a brow ''Pff! common guys! he'll be fine'' shrugging her shoulders though she was going to witness the fight with the rest of the class and help out, no demon was allow here. Except for the Okumuras... and the others they didn't know about.
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Barbas said:
View attachment 279533 Location: Outside
Status: Alarmed

Growing uneasy when he noticed Rin's flames growing, Sargon summons two more tendrils and sends them at Rin with the intention of stopping him from attacking with his sword." No! Stay away from me, you damn abomination!"

Location: Outside

Company: Sargon, Asami

Action: Gets trapped in the claws, frees himself, attempts to strike Sargon once more

Rin's first attack was stayed by the claws Sargon summoned, one snagging him around the lover torso and the other stabbing his upper right thigh. He exclaimed and then screamed in agony once more. He snarled, and roared as his inner Demon threatened to lash out. The flames disintegrated the claws once again, then he flipped in midair, swinging his sword over his head for his previous attempt to attack Sargon.
@Barbas, @xkeyxx

Nyxianforeigner said:
Location: Outside
Comoany: Exwires, Shuro

Yukio nodded back before running ahead and holding tightly to one of his pistols. He narrowed his eyes. soon reaching the courtyard he looked around, pondering the best plan of action in helping his brother. "Rin! Where are you?!" He glanced around quite worriedly for his brother.
((@Nyxianforeigner please be sure to tag the people your post is about too please))

djinnamon said:
Amber Hirai Location: Class

Company: None

Action : Reading/Growing Annoyed by the class

Amber sat at his desk , his elbow prompted on a table as he gazed through his reading glasses at the book in front of him. He had woken up early and decided to go to class despite the fact his head was killing him and he kept having the urge to vomit up his breakfast but he keep his expression neutral to on lookers. But as the people in the class talked more and more , he started to clench his teeth. The talking was only making things worse for him ad he was ready to lash out.

Kotori Hirai
Location: Hallway in the school

Company: None

Action: Drinking water and eating a granola bar while walking to class.

Kotori down the hallway to class slowly , her hips swaying side to side , her hair bouncing behind her as she absentmindly sip her drink before aking a bite of her granola bar ,falling into routine of sorts. Unlike her brother , Kotori woke up late and was in hurry before hut she had thankfully managed to get on schedule again so she was taking her sweet time , even teasing a few boys and girls by winking at them.​
((Are you in the ExWires' class, @djinnamon? Because they're all outside right now))


Location: Hallway

Company: Kotori

Action: Amused, having watched her the entire time once he got back into the school, confronting her for the first time

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Mephisto called to Kotori from where he entered the school, having seen her pass by flirting with passing boys. He smirked and tilted his head. "You're quite the social butterfly. How intriguing."


@I am Shadow[/URL]

xkeyxx said:
Company: Rin and Sargon

Action: Making her way to finally attack... or defend?

While the eight tendrils slivered towards Asami she needed to prepare for battle. Lifting her claws slowly to her face like she was in the boxing ring her eyes enlarge, feeling the adrenaline kick as she began to dart forward, she moves her arm to her side and launches her right fist out that leaves heavy blows with the effect of a brutal gust of air. 'First and second snake...down.' she called the tendrils snakes.

For the third tendril, she back flipped over. Another punch was landed on the fourth and then for the fifth she jumps on... Believing she could compete along. You could tell she was trained in acrobatics but her main goal was getting close to the demon that shows its signs of true evil.

'Three more left' She didn't want to get pierce by them things which Asami inside panic but she didn't express those feelings so she proceeded. Racing with the tendrils towards the demon but the three in front. She suckers punch the sixth upwards and catch the seventh in her hand trying to examine the thing. She was baffled ''what are these thing--'' she forgot about the eighth one. feeling the object cut through her shoulder causing her to flinch ''I let my guard down for a mere moment..'' She underestimated them. But one thing about her, she underestimates everything.

Quickly glancing forwards she thought 'We need to end this... I can deal with the other one later.' Her orbs glowed as they seem colder, same stationary look but her speed increased. Finally, she manages to get beside Sargon while he was focusing on Rin and the light. She was ready to strike in mid-air as she extended her fist into the side of Sargon's face that shifted him to the side well out of range from Rin's blade.

She put lots of effort into that strike since this was the boss of all tendrils but when her feet touch the floor she suddenly witnessed the blue flame catching her attention. The flames were so bright they shine through her wide yellow orbs which nearly shown an aggressive manner. 'demon...' The blade would of clash on the piece of metal on her arm that would cause sparks to fly. Her clenched fist swing outwards, intending to move his blade. Afterwards she marches a step closer and grabs his collar, scanning him up and down before pushing him away and turning her direction towards the other demon.

@Barbas @Wolfrose


Company: Everyone who was in the classroom

Action: Following to help Rin.

She followed behind, she cock a brow ''Pff! common guys! he'll be fine'' shrugging her shoulders though she was going to witness the fight with the rest of the class and help out, no demon was allow here. Except for the Okumuras... and the others they didn't know about.


Location: Outside

Company: Asami, Sargon

Action: Stopped by Asami, pissed off that she handled him roughly

Rin's blade met contact with Asami's metal fist and his bones rattled from the rough impact, causing his flames to return to their original size and weaken him. He exclaimed and tried to recover from the wrenching blow, but Asami had knocked his blade away (but he kept a tight grip on it so he wouldn't lose it) and snagged his shirt's collar. He widened his eyes as she scanned him over, still trying to process what was going on, but then she threw him aside. He staggered backwards and fell, unable to support himself on his bad leg. It was still healing. Once he recovered from what just happened, he shook his head and sneered at Asami.

"Hey! What he hell, who do you think you are!? This is MY fight, stay OUT OF IT!" He attempted to get up but cried out when he put pressure on his bad leg and fell back again. He clutched his leg and noticed the gaping wound for the first time, blood drenching his hand. He glared at the injury through squinted eyes and a face twisted with pain.

Damn it! Those goddamned claws!

He looked back up at Asami and decided to stay down as she fought the Demon until his injuries healed up.


Location: Outside

Company: Sargon, Asami

Action: Joining Rin's side, annoyed with him, disgusted with his injuries and behavior, drawing her sword, calling Izumo over to help Rin away from the fight

Shuro rushed over to Rin when she saw him. Once she was with him, she pulled her purple Demon blade from her chest and stanced, ready to defend or fight if needed. She glanced over at Rin, sneering, eyes filled with annoyance, anger, and disgust.

"Goddamn you, Rin! Can't you stay out of trouble for ONE DAY!? Look at what you've done, look at this goddamned place!" She widened her eyes and exclaimed at seeing his wounds.

"You're a freaking mess!" She scoffed with disgust, then averted her gaze back to the fight between Asami and Sargon. "You better stay down or so help me god, I'll kill you myself! You're no longer allowed to fight this thing, whatever the hell it may be. Izumo! Get over here and help Rin get off his ass!" she called.


Location: Outside

Company: Shuro

Action:Protesting, pissed at Shuro, attempting to plea his case

Rin was startled at how fast the ExWires, his brother, and his trainer had shown up. He looked to Shuro, cringed at her words, but listened to what she had to say. He sneered and exclaimed.

"What!? No freaking way, Shuro! I'm going to end that Demon, he started this! I was trying to defend the academy! What the hell, and you think that's BAD!? I'm trying to keep everyone safe, it's my JOB!"


Company: Rin, Shuro, Sargon and Asami

Location: Outside.

Izumo flinch with sudden surprise as she heard her name being called out ''O-okay!'' She did wonder what the hell she could do ''Where Shiemi when you need her?!'' She didn't have healing supplies like Shiemi could get but all she could do really was get him out of the way. She ran to Rin side and put an arm around her shoulder ''Always getting yourself into this state, huh? Oh brother...'' She sigh rolling her eyes while she move him.


Company: Rin, Shuro, Sargon and Izumo.

Location: Outside.

''Are you stupid? it not your job..'' She added with a tranquil tone while watching the field where the creature scattered. Figuring if the demon would be preparing itself for another attack or maybe a final retreat. However, she couldn't help hearing the ear splitting voice coming from her right side. She closes her eyes as she narrowed her brows, showing a sign of annoyance while she listens as a brow twitch. As he spoke she did remember she took a hit, that irritation move like a river as her hand travels to put pressure on her left shoulder ''Your fight?'' she opens her hazy orbs and only gazes down at the blue hair kid while still standing in the same position. ''Gladly, it would be interesting seeing two demons rip each other to shreds.''

So firm with her words but so cold with her appearance, it would give the boy chills down his spine. ''Devil...'' mocking while she rotated her head back and let go of her shoulder, examining how much blood flow she didn't fear, she oddly accepted the wound depth.

@Wolfrose @Barbas
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.b54727d8124de6906faaf167dba6d5b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.b54727d8124de6906faaf167dba6d5b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Outside

Company: Class people

Action: Annoyed

Ester sighed when she saw Rin. What the hell was he thinking? And what is that thing he's fighting? She looked at the demon, something familiar about his aura. Who knows maybe she's encountered him bsfore. She looked back at Rin, then at Shuro who looked a little angry. "This is gonna be a long day," Ester muttered, scratching the bridge of her nose. She then ran a hand through her hair, before fixing her bangs back to their normal spot.



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