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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)

Wolfrose said:
Location: Medical Unit, in his own mind

Company: King in Yellow

Action: Restraining himself, already catching a bad vibe from Yellow

At the mention of his unblood father, Rin's breath shook and he widened his eyes. He flashed back to that terrible time, recalled how Satan had possessed Shiro, how Shiro stabbed himself to get Satan out of him, how he fell into the Gate to Gehenna, how Rin's power was suddenly revealed to him...

He sneered and glared hard at Yellow.

"That's a touchy subject to bring up, buddy... And if you know everything, then you would know that bringing up my..." He stopped, his heart clenching painfully in his chest. The break was still there, he was reminded of that just then. He sneered again and slowly approached the Demon. "... Bringing him up would piss me off..." His eyes hardened, as did his face.

"What do you want...?" he snarled viciously, clenching a fist.



Location: Outside

Company: Yukio

Action: Responding

Shuro looked to him. "Depends on how much trouble you're willing to give Rin," she responded, then turned fully to him. "That's your choice to make. Not mine. I'm just here to clean up the mess my Trainee caused." She waited for his response, expectantly.

Location: Outside

Company:, Shuro

Yukio nodded before turning and narrowing his eyes. "Please be sure that you do." He spoke before walking off and starting for the Main Building of Tru Cross Academy. Pushing up his glasses, he inhaled before going to speak with Mephisto.

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Shuro, Kuro

Location: Outside

Company: Kuro now

Action: attempting to clean up the mess Rin made, irritably

Shuro watched Yukio go, then sharply exhaled from her nose and turned to the massive rift made in the middle of the True Cross Academy campus.

"Great... How the hell am I supposed to fix this...?" she muttered, then pinched the bridge of her nose and growled.

"I swear, Rin, when I'm done with this... Your wounds from that Demon will be NOTHING."

Kuro ended up padding over to Shuro once the chaos had ended and Rin had been safely escorted to the Medical Wing. He was relieved the fight was over, though worried about Rin since he came out of it unconscious and harmed. He stood by Shuro and looked out at the rift in the middle of the campus.

'Will Rin be alright...?' Kuro asked worriedly.

Shuro grunted, hardening her face. "Whatever he got he deserved. It was his fault for thinking he could fight that Demon alone, it was quite powerful. Rin may be stronger than any Demon since he has Satan's blood within him, as is Yukio... But they are still mortal. Rin forgets that..." She shook her head. "Are you gonna help me clean up this damn mess or not? Because if you aren't, get lost." She was still sour about having to be stuck to clean up Rin's mess.

Kuro continued staring out at it.
'I can help. What do I need to do?'

He shifted into his massive Demonic form and waited for Shuro's command.

Then, they began their work.


((Kuro and Shuro will be open from here on out.
@Nyxianforeigner Mephisto is with djinnamon's character right now so until I can free him up he will be frozen. But you can have Yukio run into others on the way if you want))
Nyxianforeigner said:
Location: Outside
Company:, Shuro

Yukio nodded before turning and narrowing his eyes. "Please be sure that you do." He spoke before walking off and starting for the Main Building of Tru Cross Academy. Pushing up his glasses, he inhaled before going to speak with Mephisto.

Location: Outside

Company: Shima, Ester, Shuro, Yukio

Action: Inquiring about class

Seeing Yukio start walking off without giving word on what everyone else should do, "Wait! Yukio-sensei! Do we go back to class or is it cancelled?" Hotaru inquired.

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Mizuki A.

company: Izumi, Asami, and a now woken up and angry Rin.

location: the medical wing

action: Concerned about Rin, while keeping away from the blue flames that surround him.

Mizuki stepped back quickly once she saw the blue flames surrounding Rin. "Rin!" She exclaimed. "It's ok! You're safe!" She reassured, hoping her words would reach Rin and calm him down, now she was really concerned, as seeing how frantically, angrily, and painfully he turned around.

@xkeyxx @Wolfrose

Location: Med Wing

Company: Mizuki, Rin and Izumo

''I see.'' She nodded and was preparing to stitch her own arm together from her the demon stabbing had cause a deep wound, but she able to chat and handle herself in the progress. ''Oh really? You saw the fight? You know I was planning to kill them both before I relies he was an ally to you exorcists.'' She roll up her sleeve and bite down on the fabric to hold it up, she began to pierce the needle through her flesh and she didn't seem to wince. Like she was amuse from the pain as if this happen to her before and was use to it.


But then she gawk with her deep round eyes shooting towards them, gaping from the jump scare, hearing the flames burst and the earsplitting screams from the devil child one of her bracelet form into those claws and she raise her fist in defense. Those round eyes soon reveal fear mix with fury for the first time and now she forgot to tell the lady her name.

''Is he always bursting out like this?'' Her stance was like she was ready to kill if one of them move an inch.

Izumo (A little of Asami in this one.)

Location: Med Wing

Company: Mizuki, Rin and Asami

She squinted her eyes at the new comer
''You was trying to kill him? why he clearly a student.''

''And clearly shows signs of demonic abilities.''

Her expression shifted, narrowing her brows as she folded her arms. ''Dose that wound even hurt?''

''No.'' Her tone was so heavenly, it didn't have no harsh tone at all.

''Accusing Rin of having demonic abilities and yet your like a statue, calmly showing sign of pain, and what with those damn eyes?! not made out of gold right?''

''No.... but if you want to test my abilities I'll be willing to oblige... but I suggest you don't, I wouldn't want to cut those cute purple pony tales off and give you panda eyes.''


Izumo only watch as she went back to her stitching and mumble she was a bitch before turning around to Mizuki and Rin, who surprisingly awoken that startled her ''Hey chill! you okay, your in the med wing, the demon gone.'' She explain hoping he would get work up.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow

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Location: Medical Wing

Company: Izumo, Mizuki, Asami

Action: Panicked at first, calms down, sees Asami and lights up again

It took Rin a few moments to process what was going on and to realize where he was and who he was with. One moment he was being threatened and taunted by a Demon in a dream world of sorts, then the next moment he was apparently awake in the Medical Wing with Izumo and Mizuki, he saw at first.

At the words and comfort of his friends, Rin eventually was able to calm himself. His frantic panting slowed, as did his heart rate, and his flames doused. He just gaped wide-eyed, feeling a bit guilty he had flipped out like that and scared his friends. He looked to them, feeling relieved, safe, and comforted. Then he looked to Asami.

He exclaimed and instantly reignited himself.

"What the hell is SHE doing here!? She wanted to kill me! And she kept taunting me and crap! She doesn't belong here!" he cried, anger rushing through him. She had treated him so badly and he didn't even pose a threat to her.

She didn't even know who he was.

He narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"You don't even know me, all you care about is the fact that I'm a..." He didn't say it. His face twisted and he looked away with a sort of angry sadness and resentment. He had been through enough today, first with that crazy Boogeyman Demon, then with her, and another Demon who seemed to pose a threat to Assiah who wouldn't quit talking about Shiro, personally and purposely attacking him emotionally. But this girl... He really didn't like her so far. To him, so far she was just a judgemental bitch.

At the thought of Shiro, however, he instantly calmed but couldn't look at the others. He kept his face twisted tight to keep from showing his emotional state.

@I am Shadow, @xkeyxx
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Location: Med wing.

Company: Rin, Izumo and Mizuki.

"I'm a new student." She kept her guard up while she replied. She glance back at her wound, needing the claw to morph back into a bracelet ''The injure belong here though..'' She then pick up the dangling pin that was attach to a thread of string, she accidentally drop. Half way through stitching she move to sit on the side listening to his voice. ''What a demon? Your correct... didn't you say before you was PROUD to be a demon.. why crumble now?'' She smirk.

She began finishing her stitching and after the knotted a tie she shifted her shoulder around as it was stiff and then she glance back up at the three that left a trembling atmosphere.
''A demon shouldn't be an exorcist.. no demon should competing with exorcist.. If you didn't have Shura backing you up you would of been dead.'' She stated bluntly causing Izumo to square up to her as she now cross the silver lining but she suddenly sway by fear.


Location: Med wing.

Company: Rin, Mizuki, Asami.

''Your not even human yourself are you?!'' She snapped. Appearing inches away from her face daring to challenge her now but she saw something haunting about the girl. She back up over to her friends again while looking down on her with her nose pointing up.

''I hope I didn't intimidate you, your human luckily.'' Asami smile ''Shut up.'' Izumo was shaken and she didn't even know why. She already held two pieces of paper in her cause she didn't feel safe.

''Why do you even want to be an exorcist. Rin?''

@I am Shadow @Wolfrose

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Location: Medical Wing

Company: Izumo, Mizuki, Asami

Action: Defiant and fearless

Rin sneered back at Asami. "Leave Izumo alone. This doesn't involve her directly." He hardened his face. "I'm not afraid of you. No matter what you do. You can't scare me, and I know I'm much stronger than you. I'm the Son of Satan, and I take pride in my abilities that I purposely choose to help my loved ones. So SHUT UP." His voice thundered through the room and his flames threatened to ignite him again. His eyes narrowed to slits and he sneered harder.

"I don't have to tell you anything, and you won't know. You don't deserve to know, and I don't trust you..." He clenched his fists.

"I. Am. NOT. Afraid. Of. YOU." His gaze was cold and hid his emotions.

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Company: Mizuki, Izumo and Rin

Action: Another argument.

''She came to me... Sheesh''
She titled her head finding this rather amusing ''You have such a temper, did you ever speak to your father with that tongue?'' her lips curve upwards ''I don't trust you either, demon.'' She scoffed, hearing those words.

"I. Am. NOT. Afraid. Of. YOU."

She fell silent for a minute, look rather shock trying to give the comprehend he was trying too hard. But the lady burst into
laughter like she was insane. ''Even though your the spawn of the devil you do say some weird things!'' Shaking her head. ''You most likely hurt one of the students here and when you do, I'm going to make you wish you was never born~!''

Mizuki A.

company: Rin, Asami, and Izuko

location: the medical wing.

action: reaallly wants the fighting to stop. Goes into peacemaker mode.

Mizuki, having been fed up with the fighting already, went from her position in the corner and went to stand in between Asami and Rin. "Would both of you just STOP it ALREADY?!?!" She exclaimed. "You're both fighting like petty children and it's going to get you nowhere!" She stated firmly, which was out of character for her, but she was, just, done. "Now you." She stated looking to Asami, "I don't care who you are or who you think you are. You shouldn't go around trying to intimidate people on purpose and then trying to fit someones choices and the reasons for their choices into your own head without them willingly telling you, because, here's a glimpse at reality; the are not you." She said. Then she looked to Rin. "Rin, you should get better control over what you say in certain situations, specifically to strangers. It's only adding fuel to the flames (hahaha omg I just realized how ironic that was). If you only lash out because of what another says, specifically if you don't know them, and they don't know you, than you could be throwing away a possibly good friendship." She said, her voice getting calmer. "Now, Rin, calm down and stay sitting, and you." She said looking to Asami. "I want you to finish bandaging your wound, but please stay mum." She said, going back to her overall calm and quiet voice.

@xkeyxx @Wolfrose

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Izumo, Mizuki, Asami

Action: Feeling guilty, already emotional about the personal attacks on him, leaving

Rin was astonished by Mizuki's sudden outburst, for it was unlike her. He must've really driven her crazy.

He dropped his gaze and looked away.

"Sorry, Mizuki..." he mumbled. Then he threw off his sheet and got up, the pain minimum at the time being. These wounds had worsened since he first got them and were taking a while longer than usual to heal up. He was shirtless so that his wounds could be wrapped. Without another word, he limped across the room and attempted to leave to clear his head.

@I am Shadow, @xkeyxx
Mizuki A.

company: Asami, Rin, and Izumi.

Action: Upon noticing Rin's limp and the wounds worsening, tries to bring him back.

Mizuki felt sympathy for the pain Rin must have been feeling. She walked over to him before he could limp out the door. "Rin, that wouldn't be the best choice." She said calmly. "You need to get better." She stated. "I know you will heal but you'll only postpone yourself doing so if you keep moving around." She stated. "I'll bandage your wounds, because, obviously, I know how since I am training to be a doctor and the I'll let you rest for a few minutes. Then I'll let you leave." She stated.

@Wolfrose @xkeyxx
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Location: Med wing

Action: Confuse but intrigued.

This time Asami fallen silent, she glare down at the girl who gotten in her way. ''Your protecting a demon?'' narrowing her brows she wonder to herself why no one would understand her views on demons, especially this one. She was trap in a thick fog here, her own dark gloomy world. ''So stupid...'' She stood up and scan the group of friends up and down before turning away irritated, she wanted to get her anger out on something.

''Why trust a demon?'' She was completely dumbfounded by their caring nature, she folded her arms and tiss before waltzing out, scurrying to the P.E hall that lead to those frog like demons. ''There very skilled in deceiving people...''


@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
@Wolfrose[/URL] @xkeyxx

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, Asami, Izumo

Action: Responding to Mizuki

Rin halted before going through the door when Mizuki tried to tenderly stop him. He didn't dare look back at her. "... I just want to be alone..." he sighed to her, but didn't move farther.

His wounds did need patching, however.

@xkeyxx, @I am Shadow

xkeyxx said:
Location: Med wing

Action: Confuse but intrigued.

This time Asami fallen silent, she glare down at the girl who gotten in her way. ''Your protecting a demon?'' narrowing her brows she wonder to herself why no one would understand her views on demons, especially this one. She was trap in a thick fog here, her own dark gloomy world. ''So stupid...'' She stood up and scan the group of friends up and down before turning away irritated, she wanted to get her anger out on something.

''Why trust a demon?'' She was completely dumbfounded by their caring nature, she folded her arms and tiss before waltzing out, scurrying to the P.E hall that lead to those frog like demons. ''There very skilled in deceiving people...''


@Wolfrose @I am Shadow

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Izumo, Mizuki

Action: Keeping to himself, not paying attention to Asami

Rin payed no attention to Asami. He didn't care what she had to say or do anymore. He was annoyed, emotional, and angry.

... Not all Demons are bad... he kept telling himself. People would know that if they just gave me a chance...

@xkeyxx, @I am Shadow
Mizuki A.

location: medical wing

action: acceptance.

company: Rin, Izumo, Asami

Mizuki nodded, "Alright Rin. That's fine." She stated as she let him leave. She had a feeling Rin had a lot on his mind and that he probably needed to sort things out for himself, so she respected his decision.

@Wolfrose @xkeyxx
Butter and Asami

Location: Hallway


On her short little legs she ran and Butter was fleeing with a piece of toast in her mouth, escalating pass Asami but she easily catch up and pick her puppy off the ground ''How did you? where did you come from Butter?! and where did that piece of toast come from???'' She tried taking the bread away, but when she yank Butter growl grew louder and it was not going to be pull away ''No? okay.'' She laugh.

Butter was nibbling before sniffing the air and she started to yap ''SHH!!'' she tried shutting up the puppy gently ''Smelling demon girl?'' She chuckle and continue walking ''School cancel for today so no one should be here.'' She put Butter down once she entered the P.E hall.

Butter lay down and started eating the piece of toast and Asami slide down the deep hill that lead into the P.E Arena, there was many giant toads that didn't scare her, she walk around scanning the space before deciding what to do.
@Wolfrose[/URL] @xkeyxx
Rin, Kuro

Location: Medical Wing, then bathroom

Company: Mizuki and Izumo at first, then just himself until Kuro returns to him

Action: Thinking

"Thanks, Mizuki... I'll be back..." he told her gratefully, then left the room.

He walked down the hall, hugging himself, hoping no one would see him half naked. He made it to the bathroom just down the hall, turned into it, then locked himself in a stall.

He sat down on the floor and hugged his knees to him, then thought about everything that has happened... And Shiro.

Why all the personal attacks...? Why does Satan still want me, and now Yukio, dead? Do we really pose that much of a threat to him? Do I pose that much of a threat to him...? I don't understand...

He thought about Sargon, the Boogeyman Demon and the one who called himself King in Yellow. He grunted.

Hmph, tsk... Not much of a King to me... he muttered. But why now...? Six months later, after the Gate of Gehenna's defeat... And why do they hate me so much...? What have I done...?

He sighed and pressed his face into his knees.

"... I'm sorry, Old Man... I've caused so much trouble... And I'm not even an exorcist yet..."

He clenched his fists.

Moments later, Kuro strolled upon the bathroom, having tracked Rin's scent once he learned he wasn't in the Medical Wing anymore. He knew Rin was in there.

'Rin...? You're in here aren't you? Shuro and I finished cleaning up the mess outside from the fight with the De-mon...' He sensed the tense atmosphere in the bathroom. He blinked and furrowed his brow.

'... Rin... Are you okay...?'

xkeyxx said:
Butter and Asami
Location: Hallway


On her short little legs she ran and Butter was fleeing with a piece of toast in her mouth, escalating pass Asami but she easily catch up and pick her puppy off the ground ''How did you? where did you come from Butter?! and where did that piece of toast come from???'' She tried taking the bread away, but when she yank Butter growl grew louder and it was not going to be pull away ''No? okay.'' She laugh.

Butter was nibbling before sniffing the air and she started to yap ''SHH!!'' she tried shutting up the puppy gently ''Smelling demon girl?'' She chuckle and continue walking ''School cancel for today so no one should be here.'' She put Butter down once she entered the P.E hall.

Butter lay down and started eating the piece of toast and Asami slide down the deep hill that lead into the P.E Arena, there was many giant toads that didn't scare her, she walk around scanning the space before deciding what to do.

Location: P.E. Arena

Company: Asami, Butter

Action: Attempting to get to know Asami

"Oh look, its Pisshead again," Shuro suddenly said from behind Asami. "I didn't expect to see you in here. Did Rin scare you off?" She smirked. "He should be awake by now, all I did was knock him upside the head." She leaned in the doorway with her arms and legs crossed, amused.

(this is a new starter post for Amber)Amber Hirai

Location: Bathroom

Company: None (possibly Rin)

Action : Extremely angry and punching walls he sits and crys a little

Amber had arrived late ,he slept in a that dreadful phone call. That phone call was about the very thing he never wanted to happen. He stormed down the hallway and into the bathroom , slamming the door behind " Damn it!" He cursed punching the wall continuously. After a while he rested against the wall , slowly sliding to the ground as tears welled up in his eyes. " Anyone , anyone but him. " He muttered

@Wolfrose @Anyone
Rin, Kuro

Location: Bathroom

Company: Kuro, and now Amber

Action: Startled, but not revealing himself yet; listens in on Amber

Kuro screeched and jumped back as Amber came storming by. He hid around the corner fearfully and watched, ears flat and shaking.

Rin had jumped as well, almost having a heart attack. he bared his teeth as his wounds bleated at his tensing. but he held in a cry of pain and merely pressed his hands to his chest and leg.

Shit! Who the hell...? He diverted his eyes toward the stall that Amber had stormed into, throwing a fit it seemed like. He narrowed his eyes and listened in on him silently.

Amber Hirai

Location: Bathroom

Company: None

Action: Calling Jihyo

Amber calmed down slightly but didn't stand feeling to weak at the moment. Slowly , he pulled his phone out and dialled his sister's number. When she picked up he started to talk. " Guess what sister...... we're is going to be married off to a certain killer and a molester. " He said with a laugh , but it was obviously fake.

Mizuki A.

location: Medical Wing

companied by: Izumo

Action: leaving.

Mizuki sighed as she looked out the door. "Izumo, I'll be leaving now..." She stated as she walked out of the medical wing. "I'll see you later I guess." She said as she walked away.

DopeJackalope said:
Location: Outside
Company: Shima, Ester, Shuro, Yukio

Action: Inquiring about class

Seeing Yukio start walking off without giving word on what everyone else should do, "Wait! Yukio-sensei! Do we go back to class or is it cancelled?" Hotaru inquired.

Location: Outside

Company: Hotaru

Yukio then turned to Hotaru, "Oh, Hotaru. I didnt see you there. For now, I would see that class is still going on until I talk to Headmaster Mephisto about todays events. Its up to him whether class should be cancelled or not."

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