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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)


(fucking hell... my character's a doctor physically and emotionally)
(Amber does want help but at the moment he is very emotionally unstable and then having someone blow up him , seemingly listen it on his conversation then asking ' Why are you here' to his crying sister didn't help.)
Wolfrose said:
((Yeah, that's typically how it goes when I do rps, it gets to the feels train pretty quick. But those are the best kinds of stories. It'll pick up soon. Rin is one to pick up his head and at least try to swallow his pride, so he'll probably apologize to Asami and your characters as soon as he gets a chance, maybe try to start over with them :) And I promise it won't be all emotional and such))
(I actually really like emotional rps so bring on the emotions)
((Lol okay good xD

Yeah and Rin eventually realizes that. He just sees it as Amber didnt give him a chance to explain himselfand we all know Rin acts before he thinks xD But he'll attempt to clear it up. Anyway now I gotta go and also be sure to keep this stuff in OOC please. Makes it neat and easier to see the rp^^))
Wolfrose said:

Location: Library

Company: Cattileona

Just then, a familiar sigh of both dread and expectancy could be heard from behind Cattileona.

"I figured something like this would happen. But, I let them try to figure out their issues on their own before I intervene. Which I only do if things get out of hand and endanger my institution. Youth at this age are such trouble... Don't you agree, Madame Catilleona?"

It was Headmaster Mephisto.

He grinned brightly with a slight chuckle of amusement. "I figured I'd find you here." He was sprawled out across a bookshelf, twirling his staff and resting his cheek in his other hand. He wore his same typical, gaudy outfit and had that same charming, charismatic look on his face. His purple locks just slightly under the breath of the library's AC unit.

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Library

Company: Mephisto Pheles

Cattileona turned around to face him, already timidly biting her lip as she was already flustered from the man's appearence and that typical charming characteristic of his. She tried to cover it up with a small amused giggle and smile, answering his question, "We were both youthful once. Youth always comes with a bit of trouble at this age, especially for humans. Dreams of the future, desires to have a for filling life, having enough friends to not feel like a loner, money....love" she mused, as Mephisto always seemed to manage bringing out those emotions deep within her that she always considered a weakness. She was slightly embarrassed when he said he knew he would find her here, and looked away promptly whilst scratching the back of her neck in a shy and embarrassed state, "Well, you know me too well that I tend to be around libraries" she flushed slightly as she said this. "I figure you would be enjoying the students and their excitable moments then coming to see me. I don't provide much entertainment, especially with your chaotic tastes" she muttered timidly, looking slightly at him once again.

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Wolfrose said:

Location: Training Arena

Company: Asami

Shuro was unfazed as she watched Asami train with the frog, even though she knew Asami didn't realize that this was a training arena. Frogs got loose like that all the time, frequently, rather. It pestered Mephisto.

She grunted. "Nah. I'm not gonna waste my skills and energy on a kid," she scoffed, then pushed off of the doorway and crossed over to the edge of the bleachers.

"You're not worth it, anyway. Too cocky. You don't take honor in what you do. I don't fight people like that. As for creatures like that, like Demons- well, I don't have much of a choice there." She crossed her arms.

"I don't underestimate the power of your Demonic Weapons, either. You should quit I'm a freaking Senior Exorcist, I know more than you about Gehenna and the Demonic world. You're not the only one with a Demonic weapon, either. I guess you think having those little tin mitts makes you feel special. You know nothing of the true power of the Demons..." She rested a hand over the red tattoo over her chest and torso.

"I have a Demonic weapon, too. But I don't feel the need, nor really need to, brag about the powers I have, and that my weapon has. I let my actions speak for themselves." She drew the sword from within her and slashed it through the air.

"And we aren't desperate, either. I don't know what the hell made you think that in the first place. Maybe that's just your cocky attitude again." She held the blade straight up in front of her, feeling its power. It rang satisfyingly.

"As for Rin. I don't really like people talking bad about him or saying anything bad about him because he is my student, and I am his teacher; but he's also dear to me in a way I don't expect you to understand. I'm teaching him to contain and control his power. You've already caught a glimpse of that. And I can promise you this- those little tin mitts of yours won't fare well for you against him when he's pissed off. So I'd hold your tongue. It's foolish for you to show such arrogance. Scoffable, really. But if you're looking for a death wish, that's not my problem. Mephisto won't let you lay a hand on him anyway. So you're no worry to me." She opened her eyes.

"if anything... You'd be wise to want him as an ally. Anyone with any brains would want that." She looked back over her shoulder at the girl.


@Wise Owl

Location: PE Arena

Company: Shura

She tense while she mock, she roll her eyes as she continue and huff. ''I guess I should be calling you a old hag?'' Her lips curve up as she wasn't even looking towards her anymore, she seem to be lured by the Arena but she was still listening. ''You know this you know that... YOU. DON'T KNOW shit.. old hag.'' She narrowed her brows she felt a mixture of stubbornness and suffering. ''I know plenty of demons, you don't wonder why I want the boy dead?! You can't trust them...''

Seeming pretty lean back she could feel the powers of her blade but it hadn't cause her to phase, she was surprise though while she glance back towards her which she was peaking her interests, she had felt a few more auras like that but only a few, it been years since... but she hadn't felt threaten at all when her blade was wielded. Licking her lips as her claws look really tense, like a cat was about to pounce on its prey. ''Why would I want a demon on my side?! you act like he our only hope... I could kill him if I tried.'' Then she scoff ''But I guess your not going to let that happen anytime soon?!'' She chuckle as she raise her arms above her head while she shrug and then it lead to insane laughter with her holding her stomach.

''Demons.. are monsters and never will change! you especially should know that since your a senior!!! why are you protecting him?! their manipulative.. they just lure you into a trap and get ready to strike! they have no feelings.'' In a blink of an eye she appear inches in Shura face with her eyes brightening like the sun, but her body leaning to the side to stay out of the blades range. Yet she didn't attack only patted her shoulder and walk past her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-17_18-19-11.png.d40c93c81332063262b0342a831b2292.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-17_18-19-11.png.d40c93c81332063262b0342a831b2292.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(<---Her expression is half the time like Pitou
:) )



  • upload_2016-5-17_18-19-11.png
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Location: Library

Company: Cattileona

"Oh...?" Mephisto mused with a grin. "But that's where you're wrong. You're a dear friend to me, Madame. And a very important part of my institution." He hopped off f the book shelf and rested his hands on his hips, his staff curled into one of them.

"Sure, I may have chaotic tastes. To see those students out there surely will satisfy them. But you seemed so lonely in here, I just couldn't fathom why. I know you don't have a class until later this afternoon, but most normal people would be socializing and gossiping in their time off...? He raised an eyebrow at her.

"But you aren't like most people. And you aren't human. So that much I can understand. But as a Demon, I am also quite stunned as to why you aren't enjoying yourself in the humans' conflicts. They are quite amusing." He smirked and approached her to stand at her side.

@Wise Owl

xkeyxx said:
Location: PE Arena

Company: Shura

She tense while she mock, she roll her eyes as she continue and huff. ''I guess I should be calling you a old hag?'' Her lips curve up as she wasn't even looking towards her anymore, she seem to be lured by the Arena but she was still listening. ''You know this you know that... YOU. DON'T KNOW shit.. old hag.'' She narrowed her brows she felt a mixture of stubbornness and suffering. ''I know plenty of demons, you don't wonder why I want the boy dead?! You can't trust them...''

Seeming pretty lean back she could feel the powers of her blade but it hadn't cause her to phase, she was surprise though while she glance back towards her which she was peaking her interests, she had felt a few more auras like that but only a few, it been years since... but she hadn't felt threaten at all when her blade was wielded. Licking her lips as her claws look really tense, like a cat was about to pounce on its prey. ''Why would I want a demon on my side?! you act like he our only hope... I could kill him if I tried.'' Then she scoff ''But I guess your not going to let that happen anytime soon?!'' She chuckle as she raise her arms above her head while she shrug and then it lead to insane laughter with her holding her stomach.

''Demons.. are monsters and never will change! you especially should know that since your a senior!!! why are you protecting him?! their manipulative.. they just lure you into a trap and get ready to strike! they have no feelings.'' In a blink of an eye she appear inches in Shura face with her eyes brightening like the sun, but her body leaning to the side to stay out of the blades range. Yet she didn't attack only patted her shoulder and walk past her.



Location: Training Arena

Company: Asami

Shuro just looked her over, then sighed. She should have expected this. "I don't really care what you call me, name calling is childish, and I don't have time for children. At least Rin is grown up enough not to stoop that low." She turned away from Asami. "I don't need to tell you shit about what I know, anyway. You don't deserve it. I figured I could find some sense in you, but that's long gone." She scoffed and sheathed her blade in her chest. "The first thought to most people when they see a Demon, or really anything out of the ordinary, is to fear them. You act like you don't, but deep down, I know you do. Because of how you're acting. I don't know what experiences you had with Demons in your past, and I don't care. But I know more about them than you anyway, that's obvious by how you're acting. Like they're all monsters. How you think a mere human with some tiny ounce of Demonic power can defeat someone like Rin. It's ignorant. Psh. You really don't know anything." She began walking off to exit the arena.

"But here's some wisdom for you, since you lack it and sense. I know some Demons who aren't monsters. And Rin is one of them. You're just like all other people... One look at a Demon and you shit your pants. But here's a news flash- Demons aren't the only 'monsters' that exist. Humans are too, and they can be worse than Demons in many cases." She paused and halted for a moment, then turned her head to look back at Asami, her eyes hard.

"Don't become one."

Her eyes flashed, then she turned and started off again. "but I doubt you'll even listen to- what did you call me- an old hag? Tsk. I've already wasted enough time on you. We don't need you by our side. We have plenty of knowledgeable people- Demons and humans- so we don't need anymore foolish recruits." She waved her hand, then she left out of the arena without another waste of breath. She exited that sector of the building and left to substitute in Yukio's place for the Exwires class until he was done talking with Mephisto.


View attachment 281982(<---Her expression is half the time like Pitou
:) )
Asami and Butter

Location: PE Arena

Actions: Leaving.

She sigh and watching Shura leave her presents. Butter had rush on her tiny legs towards Asami and jump into her lap once she knelled down. ''Cold truth but once a demon is always a demon.. inside and out.'' She stated with ease, she seem uncertain but her history would always convince her to never trust demons.

She sat on the edge of the breach, Butter growl as she stared down at the arena witnessing a smoking wolf, that was smothered in black flowing aura around its fur staring up at Asami and Butter. But she would just stare back, knowing it couldn't cause any harm, pretty much being an annoying ghost.

Butter had leap off Asami lap and scurry out of the area, down the corridors and who knows where. But she did go to the cafe and grab a slice of toast. Asami stood up and dusted herself off, exiting the PE arena with one dead toad stuck in the wall. Hopefully Mephisto won't find out who this was.
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Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students

Shuro made it to the classroom after about a five minute walk, the classroom not too far from the training arena, fortunately. She strolled into the classroom and greeted the students.

"Yukio went to speak with Headmaster Mephisto about today's events, so I'll be subbing in his place for the rest of class. How much longer do we have in here anyway before you're all dismissed for lunch?" she asked anyone in the class, really. She jumped up on top of the classroom desk and leaned back, waiting for someone in the class to answer, an emotionless look pasted on her face.

Wolfrose said:
Location: Library

Company: Cattileona

"Oh...?" Mephisto mused with a grin. "But that's where you're wrong. You're a dear friend to me, Madame. And a very important part of my institution." He hopped off f the book shelf and rested his hands on his hips, his staff curled into one of them.

"Sure, I may have chaotic tastes. To see those students out there surely will satisfy them. But you seemed so lonely in here, I just couldn't fathom why. I know you don't have a class until later this afternoon, but most normal people would be socializing and gossiping in their time off...? He raised an eyebrow at her.

"But you aren't like most people. And you aren't human. So that much I can understand. But as a Demon, I am also quite stunned as to why you aren't enjoying yourself in the humans' conflicts. They are quite amusing." He smirked and approached her to stand at her side.

@Wise Owl

~ Cattileona ~

Location: Library

Company: Mephisto Pheles

When Mephisto said the world lonely, it already hit her hard in the chest. She could have blurted out her answer to that, but refused to especially since it was foolish for a demon to have such feelings, especially actual feelings of love for Mephisto, in which demons weren't suppose to feel.

"No, I'm not like normal people. I don't really care about socialising or gossip, that's for children." She replies simple and quickly, before his last question took her awhile to answer. She paused, trying to figure out the best answer, as she herself couldn't quite answer that. "I....I just don't care I guess. I can see why such conflicts between humans is amusing and interesting....but i don't see it as an amusement. I was never really born in Gehenna...so I grew fond of caring for them, instead of harming and growing amused by their actions. Even so.....I have too many conflicts of my own...I don't really have time to laugh at others" the last sentence truly was the answer. Such a deep black hole within her heart kept her from enjoying the things she loved, especially having the moment to laugh once and awhile. She felt like an empty souls, simple wondering around, and it would be a lie if it didn't bother her everyday.

Mephisto could see her face shrouded in deep thought of her pain again, as she always tended to do that when she least was aware of it. It changed just enough though to a flushing face as Mephisto started getting closer, standing by her side now most likely as it took awhile for her to answer. "Besides" there it was again, "Your much more interesting to watch getting all excited and amused of humans conflicts. You always make things interesting at every current moment, especially with that charming personality" that moment when she threw such emotions and suffering away, burying it deep inside her once again, like literally shoving it down her gullet. Mephisto always seen it, infact, anyone and everyone could see it. And she always gave that fake smile, like she is right now looking at Mephisto.

Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students

Shuro made it to the classroom after about a five minute walk, the classroom not too far from the training arena, fortunately. She strolled into the classroom and greeted the students.

"Yukio went to speak with Headmaster Mephisto about today's events, so I'll be subbing in his place for the rest of class. How much longer do we have in here anyway before you're all dismissed for lunch?" she asked anyone in the class, really. She jumped up on top of the classroom desk and leaned back, waiting for someone in the class to answer, an emotionless look pasted on her face.


Location: Exwires Classroom

Company: Shima, Shuro, Ewxire students

Perking up as Shuro entered the classroom and upon hearing her question Hotaru replied, "About 15 minutes I think." Her stomach growled at the mention of lunch. Her chocolate croissant didn't last her very long. She blushed and giggled at the sound her stomach made, she was sure people could hear it.

@Wolfrose @Nyxianforeigner @FireMaiden

Location: Library

Company: Cattileona

Mephisto hummed. "So-so," he replied, indifferently, to her first few remarks. Then he herd what she said about him being charming. He smirked and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh...? You really think I'm charming?" He threw his head back and laughed a hearty laugh. Then he looked back at her. "I appreciate the lovely compliment, but I don't see how I am 'charming', Madame. But, all the same." His watch gave off a strange sound, like that of a cuckoo clock. He widened his eyes and lifted it so he could see it. "Oh, would you look at the time. I must return to my quarters." He lowered his wrist and smiled back at Cattileona. "Thank you for the nice talk, Madame. but I'm afraid I must take my leave. I have previous occupations scheduled for today. Feel free to drop by, though, if you would like." He winked at her, his left fang sparkling, and raised a thumb. Then, with a twirl of his staff and his signature farewell- "Eins, zwei, drei!"- he vanished in a cloud of pink.

@Wise Owl

DopeJackalope said:

Location: Exwires Classroom

Company: Shima, Shuro, Ewxire students

Perking up as Shuro entered the classroom and upon hearing her question Hotaru replied, "About 15 minutes I think." Her stomach growled at the mention of lunch. Her chocolate croissant didn't last her very long. She blushed and giggled at the sound her stomach made, she was sure people could hear it.

@Wolfrose @Nyxianforeigner @FireMaiden

Location: Exwires class

Company: Exwires students

Shuro grunted when she said the time. "Figures. A whole day of class wasted. What a pain in the ass.." She looked off out the door of the class and narrowed her eyes, thinking to herself for a moment.

"Well, fine. Here's a deal- the remaining fifteen minutes of class, I'll let you all finish the homework I heard Yukio said was due today if you didn't finish it. Turn them in before you leave for lunch or god have mercy on your soul. Yukio doesn't take lightly to procrastinators, you all should know that after how hard he is on Rin. Get to work."

@DopeJackalope, @I am Shadow, @Nyxianforeigner, @FireMaiden, @everyone else ((sorry if I didn't tag you))
Location: outside the Exwire classroom

Company: Alone

Evelyn sighed, her fingers twitching slightly as she fingered the edges of her claw blades. She wasn't technically supposed to have them, but no one said not to bring them. She hoped to god Yukio wasn't here, that smug bastard. She had only met him a few times, but already she could tell he thought he was better than her. Like that time he dared to say 'hello' and asked if she was learning from her fellow meister?! God, that prick. She groaned, burying her face in her hands before knocking on the door to the room she believed she was supposed to be in. Okay, so he was amazing and she kinda admired him. And he was also kind of good looking. Nope, not going down that thought process, she's good right where she is.
Wolfrose said:
Location: Library

Company: Cattileona

Mephisto hummed. "So-so," he replied, indifferently, to her first few remarks. Then he herd what she said about him being charming. He smirked and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh...? You really think I'm charming?" He threw his head back and laughed a hearty laugh. Then he looked back at her. "I appreciate the lovely compliment, but I don't see how I am 'charming', Madame. But, all the same." His watch gave off a strange sound, like that of a cuckoo clock. He widened his eyes and lifted it so he could see it. "Oh, would you look at the time. I must return to my quarters." He lowered his wrist and smiled back at Cattileona. "Thank you for the nice talk, Madame. but I'm afraid I must take my leave. I have previous occupations scheduled for today. Feel free to drop by, though, if you would like." He winked at her, his left fang sparkling, and raised a thumb. Then, with a twirl of his staff and his signature farewell- "Eins, zwei, drei!"- he vanished in a cloud of pink.

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Cattileona flushed an even brighter red as he caught on to her compliment, and turned to a cherry when he laughed at such words. She felt completely embarresed, and slightly insulted he didn't take it seriously but she couldn't expect him to. Even if she did, she was completely silly to think he would.

When he mentioned upon leaving, she gave a small smile and nodded, "Yes....it was nice talking to you too for a bit. I...I will...see if I can...maybe when your not busy" she answered, keeping that small smile as she slightly was amused by his gestures, and then that typical leave again. She didn't know why, but every time he spoke German she couldn't help but think naughty things about it, which definitely caused her to go pink in the face again. She bit her lower lip, "I most definetly will~" before she suddenly blinked, slapping her head with a book abruptly. "Stop that" she scolded to herself, feeling like a complete idiot over her emotions called love. She wasn't use to it, and didn't quite understand why it was happening, which left her completely vunerbale to such things that would strike those feelings.

Calmly, after clearing her senses, to put the book back in its place, taking a long breath. The moment she took this long breath, her fluttered feelings instantly washed away, remembering that pain deep inside her.
I'm all alone....again she thought to herself.

She tried to erase that thought, thinking she would consider seeing how the students were doing, or maybe the teachers, or whoever she came across down the hall or in one of the rooms. She wasn't the type to want to talk to people....but she felt lonely, and that loneliness was growing.

Without a second thought, she left the library and walked down the halls, deciding she would just check on Yukio's class to see how the students were doing, maybe introduce herself to the new ones since they have not quite met her yet.

She didn't take long to get there either, just standing near the door for awhile....it was a scary situation for her. She was always anxious about any sort of social activities, and introducing herself was the worst. But she had to, she wanted to. She just wanted to try...to try and make something of her life, and be more social. Mephisto did make a good point that she should have been going around socializing on her break, or at least that she herself should give it a try. After all, she was curious of what the student were getting up to.

But before she grew the courage to go over there, she then noticed a brightly red headed women awaiting there, now just knocking on the door. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't even realize she was there. She froze, hiding close to the corner of the wall as to not be visible. Her heart was pounding as she realized this was harder then she thought. It was quite embarrising to, considering she was an adult for crying out loud. A really old, demon adult.

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Altaynna said:
Location: outside the Exwire classroom
Company: Alone

Evelyn sighed, her fingers twitching slightly as she fingered the edges of her claw blades. She wasn't technically supposed to have them, but no one said not to bring them. She hoped to god Yukio wasn't here, that smug bastard. She had only met him a few times, but already she could tell he thought he was better than her. Like that time he dared to say 'hello' and asked if she was learning from her fellow meister?! God, that prick. She groaned, burying her face in her hands before knocking on the door to the room she believed she was supposed to be in. Okay, so he was amazing and she kinda admired him. And he was also kind of good looking. Nope, not going down that thought process, she's good right where she is.

Location: Exwires class

Company: Exwires students

Shuro heard a knock on the door and hummed, snapping out of her thoughts. She furrowed her brow and slid off the desk, then crossed over to the door and opened it. She looked the new girl up and down, and noted she was an Exorcist because she wore the same outfit Yukio wore.

"Can I help you?" she asked with her usual attitude.

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Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires class

Company: Exwires students

Shuro heard a knock on the door and hummed, snapping out of her thoughts. She furrowed her brow and slid off the desk, then crossed over to the door and opened it. She looked the new girl up and down, and noted she was an Exorcist because she wore the same outfit Yukio wore.

"Can I help you?" she asked with her usual attitude.

Location: Exwire Classroom

Company: Exwire students and Shuro

"Uhm, yes, is this the Cram school? I was told for...reasons...to re-join classes." Nervously, her mind wheeled back to her claw blade blueprints, checking for the hundredth time for faults. They would slide onto her hands when she pressed the lever and pulled them from her pockets, but were currently compacted. The were made of holy metal, making them perfect for hurting demons. She snapped back to attention, her eyes clicking onto the woman's. She didn't know her, and she hoped to god this woman didn't reconize her. She was sort of famous, (infamous, really,) for becoming an exorcist at a young age, and for being related to the famous blacksmiths. It would be beyond embarrassing if she were known.
Wolfrose said:
((I don't really think it's much of Mephisto's character to be in a relationship with anyone on here, but I reeeaaally ship him with Catilleona xD I guess we'll see what happens but I also have to stay true to the canon's perdonalities))

(( Who knows, we shall see how things go. Besides, I would prefer if it was stuck to his character so whether they end up having a relationship is all determined in the future. And I won't be heart broken if they don't end up together xD Your so sweet though for shipping my OC with him.

Either way, if she ends up really determined for someone to love her and Mephisto just isn't it, then I'm sure she will take an interest to someone else. I'm sure Shura knows a couple hotties xD If anything Cattileona will be begging for her help ahahaha ))
Im here! Sorry I wasnt on yesterday. I was running around trying to look for a prom dress. So I wont be on much at all Saturday due to Prom. //
Altaynna said:
Location: Exwire Classroom
Company: Exwire students and Shuro

"Uhm, yes, is this the Cram school? I was told for...reasons...to re-join classes." Nervously, her mind wheeled back to her claw blade blueprints, checking for the hundredth time for faults. They would slide onto her hands when she pressed the lever and pulled them from her pockets, but were currently compacted. The were made of holy metal, making them perfect for hurting demons. She snapped back to attention, her eyes clicking onto the woman's. She didn't know her, and she hoped to god this woman didn't reconize her. She was sort of famous, (infamous, really,) for becoming an exorcist at a young age, and for being related to the famous blacksmiths. It would be beyond embarrassing if she were known.

((I just realized I was spelling her name with an o, whoops ^^ ;) )

Location: Exwires class

Company: Evelyn, Exwires students

Shuro raised an eyebrow. That as odd... The new students should have already arrived at class by now. She didn't trust her. "Really...? Show me your schedule." She waited impatiently.


Wise Owl] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20337-wolfrose/ said:
(( Who knows, we shall see how things go. Besides, I would prefer if it was stuck to his character so whether they end up having a relationship is all determined in the future. And I won't be heart broken if they don't end up together xD Your so sweet though for shipping my OC with him.

Either way, if she ends up really determined for someone to love her and Mephisto just isn't it, then I'm sure she will take an interest to someone else. I'm sure Shura knows a couple hotties xD If anything Cattileona will be begging for her help ahahaha ))
Lol yeah I could see that. There's Angel still and Igor Nauhaus, but no one has claimed them yet. There might be a slim chance they end up together though who knows, I'll see))
Wolfrose said:
((I just realized I was spelling her name with an o, whoops ^^ ;) )

Location: Exwires class

Company: Evelyn, Exwires students

Shuro raised an eyebrow. That as odd... The new students should have already arrived at class by now. She didn't trust her. "Really...? Show me your schedule." She waited impatiently.


Lol yeah I could see that. There's Angel still and Igor Nauhaus, but no one has claimed them yet. There might be a slim chance they end up together though who knows, I'll see))
Location: expired class

Company: Shura, Exwire students

Rolling her eyes, Evelyn thrust out her slightly crumpled paper schedule, sighing in defeat. A held year left to go and she could go back to being on duty. She offered a cheeky grin, her thoughts wandering. She had heard that the son of Satan was here...did she share the same class as him? That would be strange, how could she react? "I trust everything is in order for me to join this class?"
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Okay. //

Location: Heading to Mephistos Office.

Company: Alone.

As Yukio walked up to Mephistos Office, thoughts ran through his mind, but mostly worry for his own brother. Pushing up his glasses, Yukio then knocked on the Headmasters door, soon waiting for an answer.

~ Cattileona ~

Location: Hallway, near door to Exorcist Cram School classroom

Company: By herself, but near Shura and Evelyn

Both the girls could sense someone watching, but Shura most of all considering she was an Upper Class Exorcist. If anyone knew better, Shura would most likely be familiar with such a timid presence as of being Cattileona. She would most likely be aware she was always like this, always shy with specialization, and possible would be amused by it.

With a little courage, Cattileona poked her head out, regonizing the girl in that firey red hair, longer them Shura's hair also to be that blacksmith girl. She was beginning to question why she was taking classes again, and was even more so curious if she should ask. Of course, Cattileona judged already this girl would be embarresed and insulted by the question, or not like it being brought up.

@Wolfrose @Altaynna
Altaynna said:
Location: expired class
Company: Shura, Exwire students

Rolling her eyes, Evelyn thrust out her slightly crumpled paper schedule, sighing in defeat. A held year left to go and she could go back to being on duty. She offered a cheeky grin, her thoughts wandering. She had heard that the son of Satan was here...did she share the same class as him? That would be strange, how could she react? "I trust everything is in order for me to join this class?"

Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Evelyn, Cattileona in the background (whom she knows is there, but won't approach her about it while another is around, knowing how shy the Demon teacher is, out of respect)

Sura's eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat.

That name... She knew it all too well.

However, she had to keep that on the down-low, because she could tell just by the young Exorcist's behavior mentioning her name would be bad. Plus, she knew how dangerous it could be on campus for her.

She looked up to her with shock.

"You're... That means..." She straightened and handed her back the schedule. "You probably know Yoshi, then, don't you? Yukio's blacksmith..." Her voice was low, but not quite a whisper.


Nyxianforeigner said:
Okay. //
Location: Heading to Mephistos Office.

Company: Alone.

As Yukio walked up to Mephistos Office, thoughts ran through his mind, but mostly worry for his own brother. Pushing up his glasses, Yukio then knocked on the Headmasters door, soon waiting for an answer.

I'll wait to see what Barbas is going to do with Hastur before I reply @Nyxianforeigner ))

@Wolfrose[/URL] @Altaynna
((My replies for Evelyn currently are yours as well @Wise Owl until evelyn gets into class))
Wolfrose said:
Location: Exwires classroom

Company: Exwires students, Evelyn, Cattileona in the background (whom she knows is there, but won't approach her about it while another is around, knowing how shy the Demon teacher is, out of respect)

Sura's eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat.

That name... She knew it all too well.

However, she had to keep that on the down-low, because she could tell just by the young Exorcist's behavior mentioning her name would be bad. Plus, she knew how dangerous it could be on campus for her.

She looked up to her with shock.

"You're... That means..." She straightened and handed her back the schedule. "You probably know Yoshi, then, don't you? Yukio's blacksmith..." Her voice was low, but not quite a whisper.


I'll wait to see what Barbas is going to do with Hastur before I reply @Nyxianforeigner ))

((My replies for Evelyn currently are yours as well @Wise Owl until evelyn gets into class))
Location: exwires classroom

Company: Shura, Exwire students, Cattileano in the background

Evelyn cringed slightly, before she nodded. "Yeah, I know Yoshi." She began fidgeting slightly, before peering into the classroom. "She's cool I guess, although her design could use a little work, and she doesn't know how to make holy metal." Her eyes flitted to the demon in the background before returning to Shura. "Why?"

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