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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

TerrinX said:
"Your no fun...And you, Claudine is it? I could use your assistance with something.." She said stepping away from the two, before turning back around. "Would you like to be my familiar?" She asked quite bluntly with a smile on her face at this odd request.
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"Its simple. I bind your soul with that of an animal as a way to channel my magic through you. It will increase your power and create a bond between us. I could help you with whatever you need."

TerrinX said:
"Its simple. I bind your soul with that of an animal as a way to channel my magic through you. It will increase your power and create a bond between us. I could help you with whatever you need."
Claudine shakes her head, "No thank you id prefer not to.." She replies.
"Trust me. This is not an offer you wan't to refuse." She said getting a little angrier...


(( Whether she wants to or not, if I try to force it, let it happen, I have some plooottt ))

I finish the blood bag, I walk around the mansion. There's a lot of new people while I was gone, I need to introduce myself later... Later that is. I sit down in the living room.


(Harmonys a 11 year old btw) I finish my drawing, it looks great from my view. I haven't seen Sapphire in a while... Or any people at all. I go into the ground floor and sit there, I don't like starting conversation but here I could atleast be with people.

@Anyone_who wishes to interact
(I got completely in utterly lost in this rp, Ima drop out... In so sorry. I might come back depending if I have the time. If it's any meaning you were all very fun to RP with. No hard feelings)
Rukia said:
Alyiah waited for K'tal to finish his conversation with Belle before speaking with him again. Her eyes were red after the images he had shown her. She could feel the pain coming from his heart,and pressed his hand tightly.

"K'tal...I'm so sorry. There is nothing you could have done to save them. I...can't imagine how much pain you felt."

She didn't know what else to say. Honestly,there wasn't much to say to someone who had lost two beloved family members. Instead of speaking again,she simply stepped forward and wrapped her hands around K'tal. As she hugged him tightly,her warmth spread between both their bodies.


K'tal gasped at the unexpected hug, remaining paralyzed in order to hold back the tears. He looked up to keep the tears down, while saying in a shaking voice, "Nah, it's fine. You don't deserve to be left in the dark. Hehe," K'tal faked a grin to help assure Alyiah, "get it? 'Cause I'm a master at shadow manipulation." K'tal sniffed. "C'mon, Alyiah. That was a good pun. A..really good..." K'tal couldn't hold back his tears anymore and began balling as he hugged Alyiah back, tighter than the time he had thought she died. K'tal buried his face into her shoulder before giving out muffled wails of grief. He had been shouldering this pain alone for over at least ten thousand years. The warmth of Alyiah had allowed him to loosen up his muscles from carrying the weight of guilt, of inadequacy, of fear, of loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, and so much more pain he couldn't conjure names for. His gripped onto Alyiah's back a little tighter, not willing to let go.
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Alyiah's hold grew even tighter after K'tal started to sob against her shoulder. She buried her face into his arms,allowing him to find the comfort he needed in her arms. She kept them both warm and wrapped in light as she ran her hands through the vampire's hair.

Her voice started to hum a soft tune,the same music her mother sang to her before she went to sleep. It eventually turned into lyrics as she sang to K'tal,holding him tightly against her chest. She made the pain of the man hers as well,feeling what he felt.

"Lets get this straight I dont need you and obviously you know something to want me to be your familar right? So I'll make you a deal. Leave my village out of it and I will become your familar. Deal?" Claudine bargains.

Lucy chuckled, knowing something Claudine didn't. "Deal." The moment the words escaped her mouth, leaves on the ground and nearby tree's whipped into a frenzy, encircling only the two, blocking out any outside light before catching fire and burning away, revealing that the two were no longer where they were. The surrounding was pitch black except for the two girls, floating in seemingly empty space until gravity took hold, planting them on an invisible ground. A large book, covered in runes and ancient text appeared before Claudine. "Put your hand on the book, and choose the animal you would like to bind your spirit too" Lucy ordered, standing up and brushing herself off.

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Claudine put her hand on the book and thought of the animal she wanted to be binded with. This was madness but she had to do something to save her village.

"Yess!" Lucy hissed as a blinding light shot from the book and the two were suddenly back where they were.

"Merci!" Lucy stated, stepping towards the girl. "Now we are bonded by contract and by soul, I can longer harm your village and we are both more powerful as a result. How do you feel?"

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TerrinX said:
"Yess!" Lucy hissed as a blinding light shot from the book and the two were suddenly back where they were.
"Merci!" Lucy stated, stepping towards the girl. "Now we are bonded by contract and by soul, I can longer harm your village and we are both more powerful as a result. How do you feel?"

Claudine felt a rush of power surge through her as Lucy shouted 'Yess'. To be honest it felt amazing. Far to amazing. "Amazing.. I can feel the power surging through me.. Its just.. Wow.." She replies while looking at her.

Lucy looked deep into Claudine's eyes. She was hers now. "This is the power crave, its much more than you could have imagined." She said before kissing Claudine deeply before pulling away. "There is so much we can achieve together.." she said stepping back a bit, looking over at Val. "There is no cause for alarm Val, if only you had agreed to my contract all that time ago, you could be brimming with this power..."

@Libra259 @FireMaiden
Claudine didn't expect the kiss at all that surprised her big time. And it was quite obvious in her expression. Contract.. Ah I see.. She offered it to Val too..

(Ok guys, bad news. I have more testing tomorrow so I'm going to bed now. I don't know when I'll be back on tomorrow seeing as how the last test is at 3 pm and the first one is at 8. So goodnight guys)

TerrinX said:
Lucy looked deep into Claudine's eyes. She was hers now. "This is the power crave, its much more than you could have imagined." She said before kissing Claudine deeply before pulling away. "There is so much we can achieve together.." she said stepping back a bit, looking over at Val. "There is no cause for alarm Val, if only you had agreed to my contract all that time ago, you could be brimming with this power..."
@Libra259 @FireMaiden
"I didn't want to make a deal with you. Besides, I'm powerful enough as it is)
"Yes, yes as you always say...." Lucy looked at Claudine. "Lets leave, I have a few things to work over with you." She said walking away, back into the forest. @Libra259

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