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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

"You see, as my familiar, my power flows through you, as well as my thoughts, my needs, my wants. Essentially you are a small part of me now. As you will find you cannot refuse my word, but I hope we don't come to force, as long as your reliant." She said as the came across a large mansion. "This is where I will be staying and where you will be staying for the time being." She stated, walking to the door. "Oh and I forgot to mention, by binding in contract, you are now my wife." She said before walking not to open the door but rather right through the wall and inside.

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TerrinX said:
"You see, as my familiar, my power flows through you, as well as my thoughts, my needs, my wants. Essentially you are a small part of me now. As you will find you cannot refuse my word, but I hope we don't come to force, as long as your reliant." She said as the came across a large mansion. "This is where I will be staying and where you will be staying for the time being." She stated, walking to the door. "Oh and I forgot to mention, by binding in contract, you are now my wife." She said before walking not to open the door but rather right through the wall and inside.
"Wife?!" She almost shouted. Jack was not going to like that.. Not one bit at all. Claudine opened the door and walks in. It was odd seeing someone walk through a wall but still it wasnt as odd as supernatural beings.
"Plain and simple. Do not worry of your other acquaintances, you will soon forget them as I start to replace your thoughts of affection. We are one after all." She said walking to large living room and sitting on a couch.

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"Ah.. Ok.." Claudine replies and walks a bit further into the room. She stood awkwardly not sure what to actually do. Sit? Make conversation? Claudine wasnt really very good with many new people she met.

TerrinX said:
"Plain and simple. Do not worry of your other acquaintances, you will soon forget them as I start to replace your thoughts of affection. We are one after all." She said walking to large living room and sitting on a couch.

"Please sit, would you like some tea?" She asked as a small tables shadow turned direction and started moving, seemingly dragging the physical table with it over to the couch just as a girl wearing a black dress and corset walked in holding a tray of tea and desserts and setting it on the table, though the girl was smiling, she seemed off, as her skin was made of porcelain.

Claudine sat down and nodded a bit. In all honesty the whole situation made her feel uncomfortable. Once she saw the girl she recognized her, or thats what she thought. She looked like a doll.. A doll made of porcelain.

"Merci, you may go back to your room" she said to the doll, who bowed and left without a word. "Lovely isn't she?" Lucy chuckled, picking up a cup of tea and taking a sip. "Your must be so out of place, and for that I am sorry, but you will soon come to love this lifestyle, and you will soon come to love me."

TerrinX said:
"Merci, you may go back to your room" she said to the doll, who bowed and left without a word. "Lovely isn't she?" Lucy chuckled, picking up a cup of tea and taking a sip. "Your must be so out of place, and for that I am sorry, but you will soon come to love this lifestyle, and you will soon come to love me."
Claudine sighed a bit and just nodded. To say the least she found it interesting and kinda scary that a supernatural could do that to a human. She wasnt really sure if she was any more than a doll but she did something to help her village... Right? This was going to be interesting..

Lucy also was quite pretty.. Well pretty was an understatement but it seemed like all the supernatural were gorgeous. The whole time she felt out of place being a human and all. Though she doubted she'd get use to this.

Claudine realized how tired she really was and yawned a bit. Even though shw fely stiff and quite awkward the house was almost soothing. It was odd...
"Ah, yes, I have been working with transformation spells." She said watching her doll walk away with pride of her ability.

"Claudine, would you like to rest? Please come with me." Lucy said calmly standing up and taking Claudine's hand, leading her up to their bedroom which housed a single large and seemingly very comfy bed.

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TerrinX said:
"Ah, yes, I have been working with transformation spells." She said watching her doll walk away with pride of her ability.
"Claudine, would you like to rest? Please come with me." Lucy said calmly standing up and taking Claudine's hand, leading her up to their bedroom which housed a single large and seemingly very comfy bed.

"Oh I suppose so.." Claudine says while following Lucy. Looking around at the house she realized it too was also quite beautiful. She saw there was a single bed that looked quite comfy. She hadnt slept in a bed for a whike but she didnt really mind that. Claudine wasnt high maintenance or anything.
"Please, rest. I will join you shortly...I just have matters to attend to, but feel free to explore." She said leaving the room and vanishing, leaving Claudine alone in the house, well besides the Doll.

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TerrinX said:
"Please, rest. I will join you shortly...I just have matters to attend to, but feel free to explore." She said leaving the room and vanishing, leaving Claudine alone in the house, well besides the Doll.
Claudine felt very awkward now. She was alone with a living doll in a house she didnt know who belonged to her sudden wife? Oh god..

Claudine looked in a mirror realizing she was still in the same clothes from her with Jack. She just wondered if she could change them.. Well with magic of course. Yes she was very curious about the power but it was obvious Lucy wanted to use her as a so called vessal for dark magic but she could deal for the time being.

Claudine would ask Lucy about that later. So she currently just took her hair down and shoes off. She went out of the room and explored. Though she let the living doll be. The house was definitely beautiful..
Libra259 said:
Claudine felt very awkward now. She was alone with a living doll in a house she didnt know who belonged to her sudden wife? Oh god..
Claudine looked in a mirror realizing she was still in the same clothes from her with Jack. She just wondered if she could change them.. Well with magic of course. Yes she was very curious about the power but it was obvious Lucy wanted to use her as a so called vessal for dark magic but she could deal for the time being.

Claudine would ask Lucy about that later. So she currently just took her hair down and shoes off. She went out of the room and explored. Though she let the living doll be. The house was definitely beautiful..
(They gonna fuck, aren't they?)
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](They gonna fuck, aren't they?)

(Nope no no. Well i hope not. She's sixteen nope xD )
Libra259 said:
(Nope no no. Well i hope not. She's sixteen nope xD )
(Dude, she said that she would join you in her bed. She's totally doing it. Think about conversations she'll have:

Crowley: "Hey Red, what was your first time like?"

Red: "I had gay sex with a vampire who turned me into her familiar and then made me her wife. And this doll was watching us. Kinda weird if you ask me."

Crowley: "You have done me well. I'm proud of you."

An interesting topic to say the least.)
Rukia said:
Alyiah's hold grew even tighter after K'tal started to sob against her shoulder. She buried her face into his arms,allowing him to find the comfort he needed in her arms. She kept them both warm and wrapped in light as she ran her hands through the vampire's hair.

Her voice started to hum a soft tune,the same music her mother sang to her before she went to sleep. It eventually turned into lyrics as she sang to K'tal,holding him tightly against her chest. She made the pain of the man hers as well,feeling what he felt.


K'tal's crying slowly grew softer and quieter as Alyiah continued to hold him and brush his hair. Listening to her heartbeat slowly calmed his own. His once light and rapid breathing grew deeper and slower. K'tal's eyes got heavy as he leaned into her touch. His wailing was reduced to mere sniffles. With one last heavy breath, K'tal fell alseep in Alyiah's arms. His grip loosened, and body began to slump. Alyiah's song had slowly lulled K'tal to slumber. His tear stained cheeks slowly rose with a smile.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Dude, she said that she would join you in her bed. She's totally doing it. Think about conversations she'll have:
Crowley: "Hey Red, what was your first time like?"

Red: "I had gay sex with a vampire who turned me into her familiar and then made me her wife. And this doll was watching us. Kinda weird if you ask me."

Crowley: "You have done me well. I'm proud of you."

An interesting topic to say the least.)

((K'tal would burst through the door, like: "My first time was with my beloved wife, who got torn to shreds by vampires., along with my first child. After that, a spirit of a vampire who's even older than I possessed me, turned me into a vampire, and made me eviscerate my family's murderers. Finally, to complete the ritual, I had to feast on their corpses like the dead vamps did. *looks awkwardly left and right* I win for weirdness/going terribly wrong."))
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MightBeASithLord said:
((K'tal would burst through the door, like: "My first time was with my beloved wife, who got torn to shreds by vampires., along with my first child. After that, a spirit of a vampire who's even older than I possessed me, turned me into a vampire, and made me eviscerate my family's murderers. Finally, to complete the ritual, I had to feast on their corpses like the dead vamps did. *looks awkwardly left and right* I win for weirdness/going terribly wrong."))
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Dude, she said that she would join you in her bed. She's totally doing it. Think about conversations she'll have:
Crowley: "Hey Red, what was your first time like?"

Red: "I had gay sex with a vampire who turned me into her familiar and then made me her wife. And this doll was watching us. Kinda weird if you ask me."

Crowley: "You have done me well. I'm proud of you."

An interesting topic to say the least.)

(Well then this isnt even weird anymore. -.-)
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom](Jack: Didn't mean to what?)

(Red: We didnt do anything!... Hoping not at all to be honest! But didnt mean to get involved!)
Libra259 said:
(Red: We didnt do anything!... Hoping not at all to be honest! But didnt mean to get involved!)
(Jack: Uh huh. Suuuure you didn't. Why you so jumpy, then?)
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom](Jack: Uh huh. Suuuure you didn't. Why you so jumpy, then?)

(Red: Well she kissed me.. But why wouldnt I be jumpy?! Oh I'll tell you why im jumpy. I became a vampires familiar and apparently wife too! I didnt know that! So I have a damn right to be jumpy! *Crosses arms and sighs*)
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Libra259 said:
(Red: Well she kissed me.. But why wouldnt I be jumpy?! Oh I'll tell you why in jumpy. I became a vampires familiar and apparently wife too! I didnt know that! So I have a damn right to be jumpy! *Crosses arms and sighs*)
(Jack: That's it, I'm sharpening my claws to go eviscerate a certain vampiress. See you in a few)

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