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Blood Lust

The kids nodded to her and took off. However, before leaving, the little girl alerted Zeroe to Luna's extended hand. Zeroe jerked forward and shook it. He was a bit awkward about it, as though he couldn't see where her hand was. He couldn't see where her hand was. He was blind. He waved for her to follow him inside and led her past a ton of paints for ceramics to a room filled with paints and canvases.

"This is my paint studio...Nero gave it to me. Since you are new, I assume you've got nothing to trade me for. That's fine. I will let your first few uses be free." he smiled kindly at her. A strong breeze made its way into the building, blowing up his white hair so his face could be seen. His eyes were grey with dull unseeing pupils and scars all over his face, but mostly around the eyes. He quickly turned from her. "Let me know if you can't find something..."
"A- Ah thank you very much. I- I'll be sure to bring something to trade for you later," Luna said as she realized the man was blind, no wonder he was walking around with a cane after all, maybe it was a bad idea to stretch out her hand. She wanted to know how he could paint without being able to see, but maybe the eyes weren't as important as she thought. After all, they had to paint what was in their imagination, and in their hearts. Just as Nero had told ehr when they met.

"This is a very large studio. You work here alone?" Luna asked as she began looking a bit around for some paints, careful not to pick anything that looked expensive or hard to get, looking around for the basic painting equipment.

The studio was bigger than she thought, and it seemed as the building was very well built. Surprisingly, she found a lot of different colored paint and a few brushes, along with some paper. She didn't need and easel as she didn't want to take something that expensive.
"Yes. My wife passed on shortly after moving in here. It's just me and the cat here now." as he spoke a large cream colored tabby came padded over and leaped onto his shoulders. It yawned lazily. Its eyes were a silvery blue. "Ah, here he is. Say hi to our guest, Thunder."

The cat looked lazily at Luna and blinked his eyes. He then draped himself around Zeroe's neck like a scarf and went to sleep. Nero smiled and turned to feel around for an easel. When he found one it was sort of small, but he brought it to her anyways. He set it up for her then went and got her a stool.

"Like I said, since you're new here, I will allow you to work with my things for free until you're settled. Perhaps, if you could cook I would allow you to repay me that way."
"I would more than happy cook for you, I can clean too if you wish," Luna suggested as she began painting, as Zeroe had been as kind as to bring her an easel.

She was a bit uncertain as to what to paint, looking outside at the shinning sun she found nothing. It was beautiful, but she didn't feel as it was any sort of inspiration from it. As she raised her brush to begin, and see where she ended up she saw the bracelet that she had been given by Emanuel... Was he going to be all right? Her spirit fell flat to the floor, but then she shook the thought out of her head. No! She was strong now! No more crying! She raised her brush, as new found inspiration had been found and she began painting on the canvas, careful adn elegant with each brush.

"It is very nice here, have you been staying here for long?" She asked, as she wanted to keep a conversation, just to forget a bit what had happened, everything that had happened as she was being captivated in her painting, careful with each stroke from the brush.
Zeroe looked thoughtful a moment. "I could think of things for you can do. Yes, I've been here for ten...fifteen years or so. I'll have a list for you when you return next." he then went and brought his wheel inside. He set it up near her, but not so close that the clay would ruin her paintings. "I hope you don't mind. I like to work in the company of others."

He worked skillfully at the wheel. His rough hands masterfully molded a vase. He curved it, formed it, making it to resemble a flower. It was very elegant and pleasing to both the eye and the senses. Thunder, the tomcat, obviously approved of it as he sat beside his master, purring. 
(sorry for such a short post))
(Nah, it's okay :D It's not a 1 liner, so I'm fine with it :D )

"Thank you. I shall work hard, and I also enjoy other's company," Luna said as her brush kept elegantly forming small forms on the canvas, carefully she jogged her memory to make her painting, occasionally looking over to see what Zeroe was making, as she was quite impressed with his work.

Luna had never been good with clay, but with a pencil or brush in her hands she could even impress herself at times. Once the painting was half done, some tears trailed down her face, as she quickly dried them away, happy that Zeroe was blind. The painting she was working on looked almost as a photograph, with Emanuel,Sebastian, Nero and herself standing outside the school building, all smiling and posing for the picture. It was the only thing on her mind.

She finished it with some tears, as she continued to dry them away, smiling at her work, waiting for the paint to dry. "15 years huh... I suppose Nero is the leader around here? It was sort of the impression I was getting," Luna said followed with a small laughter, as she could already feel that Nero was one of the more "responsible" type of guys from the first time they met.
"Nero has a thorough system. Whenever word reaches him that a vampire or any other monster is in danger he rushes to their aid and ill stop at nothing until they are safe. He came to my rescue too...he was just a touch too late." Zeroe's head drooped a little as though he was looking into the past, as if he could see the past before him. "Shortly after moving here he built for me the art studio, held a funeral for my wife, and let me grieve. Then he found an abandoned kitten on the edge of his property and brought it to me. He said if I didn't take it then he would drown it. We can both safely assume that was an empty threat. But that is how Thunder came to me. Thunder has helped me to grieve and accept my sightless condition. " as he spoke of the cat it crawled into his lap and licked his chin. "Thunder is my eyes. When painting he tells me which colors I should use. He is my art."

At that moment the kids came in. Lina had worried look on her face, and the two boys seemed a bit startled. Lina went quickly to Luna. She tugged on Luna's arm. Her big blue eyes were deep with anxiety.

"Luna, Nero won't let us in. He told us to leave or...or..."

"Or he'd be angry enough to hit us..." said one of the boys.
Luna smiled to Zeroe's beautiful story. It must burden Nero a lot to do this often though, thinking of how far and much he had to do to get Luna to come with him. Luna's thoughts wandered to Nero's lookalike as she had barely seen him before she was teleported to safety. Glad Zeroe hadn't notice her crying the children returned. Everyone looked worried as she looked down at Lina.

"It's probably an empty threat... I'll go and see what it is though. Thank you for trying," Luna said to the children as she stood up and looked at the painting of them all, a tears fell as she ignored it and pretended it was never shed.

"Thank you for letting me use your studio and equipment for free. I will come back later," Luna said to Zereo as she left back to the room she was first brought to.

She stopped outside the door, listening in as there was not a sound and then she knocked gently a few times, hoping this was another empty threat.

"Hello? It's me Luna. I'm coming in," Luna said as she opened the door.
"Go away!" Nero started but the door was already opened.

He sat there in a small pool of his own blood. He was kneeling on broken glass. He had superficial cuts around his arms and neck. The the source for the pool was the glass that was cutting into his legs and hands. He looked at her dully then looked away. He hated that he was like this. He hated that someone would see him like this. He immediately hid his face from her. He felt like he'd been chewed up by his brother, swallowed, then thrown up into the garbage. His eyes swallowed up the pool of blood he was sitting in. He felt incredibly numb.

"I did not want for you to see me this way." he said in a whisper. His shoulders began to tremble. To be perfectly honest, he'd never lost someone that he was close to during a mission. He quickly pressed his hands to his face, not caring that they had bits of glass stuck in them. "Go, Luna. You shouldn't see me like this!"
Luna was frightened by all the blood as she quickly ran over to him, slamming the door behind herself. In a panic she had no clue what to do and ended up searching around for anything to stop Nero from bleeding more. She ended up tearing the bedsheets, ignoring Nero as she began picking the glass out of his wounds and tied the pieced of bedsheets tightly on the cuts. They were deep, and had already bled a lot. She already knew the reason as she hugged him close, getting drenched in his blood.

"I know Nero... I'm sorry he didn't make it... However he lives on, in our hearts and memories. Since no one truly dies as long as we remember them..." Luna said not crying once as she kept tending to Nero's wound holding him close to herself.
Nero blinked, a bit surprised by her tenderness. He trembled some more before finally crying into her shoulder. His chest felt heavy. It felt like he'd failed. He knew that it was dangerous to tale on a mission against his brother. He knew that there could be casualties, and he took the mission anyway. He took it because he didn't want his fears of loss to kill some innocent person. In the end it did kill innocence. It killed the two people he'd been closest to his entire life were now gone. It was his fault. He couldn't protect them. He didn't stay to protect them. In his head he could hear them screaming. He could see them bleeding, and he could see his brother's evil grin. He flinched. He shouldn't be beating himself up. It was, after all, his brother who killed them. His brother...his brother had to die. His eyes lifted to Luna's. They were full of life once more. He sort of pouted.

"You're covered in my blood. I should clean you up." as he spoke he caressed her face. "You are so kind to me. Promise that I won't lose you too."
Luna heard his sobs as she kept petting his head. He had lost something very important, and even though Luna had too, she could always see her parents or her friends again, but Nero couldn't. It was unfair... they both died because of her. She had to do everything she could to survive, to not make their sacrifices be in vain. Once she finished covering up the last of his cuts, Nero looked into her eyes and she only smiled in response, as she dried some tears with her hand.

"It's okay to cry. That's why we are alive, to feel all these dumb emotions. So next time, let's just cry together, don't do this. Okay?" Luna asked him as she kept smiling, holding her own tears back.

Luna held Nero's hand in hers as she leaned her cheek toward his hand. She could feel the warmth as she was worried he would bleed to death, but it seemed as he was fine as he was as warm as ever.

"I won't leave. Never," Luna promised, unsure if she could keep it, but made it anyway as she would do anything in her power to keep it.
Nero gave her a faint smile. He appreciated her and her kindness. Nero softly pressed his lips to her forehead in a sweet and tender kiss. He then rose to his feet and went into the bathroom that was connected to the room. He grabbed a damp wash cloth and returned. He immediately started to clean the blood off of her. He smiled softly at her. He was unable to explain the feeling in his chest as he touched her. It was very overwhelming.

"It is ok to cry, yes, but as a leader I cannot let my people see me in such a miserable state. I have done you a terrible disservice. Who can trust and follow a weak man?" he sighed. "And yet, I'd be even weaker if I did not allow myself to break...thank you for letting me lean on you a moment."
Luna smiled as she watched Nero go into the bathroom. Quickly she began cleaning up the glass shards scattered on the floor, one of them accidently cut her finger as she didn't notice it due to all the blood that was already all over her, as she continued to put the pieces of glass away. Nero returned and began cleaning her, as she smiled.

"No strong man is too scared to show he is alive. I'm sure they will not think tears is a weakness, it's a sign of a heart beating in your chest," Luna said as she placed her hand on his chest.

The beating of his heart ran through her hand, as she smiled. Two of these heartbeats stopped today. The thought of it was bad enough. Only now did she see her own slighter brighter blood, as she ignored it, forgetting that Nero warned her earlier.

"I'll support you since you've already done so much for me," she added with a smile as she was being cleansed of his blood.
Suddenly Nero's eyes turned bright red. He staggered backwards, holding his head. He couldn't help it, the monster he always tried to keep in check was coming out. He kept backing up until he fell over onto the bed. He winced, the smell of blood filled his nostrils and made his body tingle. He hated it. It was like blood in a shark tank. He looked at her in terror.

"Y-you cut yourself!" he cried. He turned and ran for the door, reaching the knob, but then he stopped. His lust engulfed him. It was too late. his inner monster was coming out. To make matters worse he'd lost a lot of blood and it would need replacing. He walked towards her slowly, hesitantly, still trying to fight it with all of his soul."Luna..." his voice was dark, charming, sinister. It was different from his real voice. He fastened his hands on her shoulders. "I-I cant stop...Luna...please...don't hate me..." he winced and softly licked her neck. He then slowly sank his fangs into it. "Nngh, Luna. Your blood..." he slurped a pint from her before collapsing backwards and reverting. When he came back to himself he looked upon her in horror at what he'd just done to the woman he wanted to shelter.

(Research moment-- humans have 10 pints of blood. 1 pint of blood is what a person can lose without getting too weak.))
Luna was almost completely clean, once Nero's eyes changed and Luna watched him stagger backwards, and fall over the bed. She stood up and began walking over to him, watching him as it was as if he was in pain, or struggling, but she was unsure what the cause of it all was. Maybe he did lose too much blood... I should ask if there's a doctor around here, since I only know basic first aid. Luna thought, but before she managed to do anything, Nero cried out. His eyes were wide, his bod almost trembling as she froze in place.

"I- It's only my finger.... I was cleaning up the glass shards, but it's only a small cut, so don't-" Luna stopped as Nero rushed for the door, but then he stopped and turned around, slowly walking over to where she was standing, she felt almost paralyzed by his bright red eyes, as her feet became glued to the floor. His voice changed, the entire man before her changed, and it sent shivers up her spine. Nero's hand glued themselves to her shoulder, ensuring her captivity, as he winced, before he liked her neck. "N- Nero... W- What are you...!" Luna stopped, as she winced herself, as his fangs slipped into her neck.

She could feel her blood being sucked up by Nero, as her knees began shaking along with her breath. She tried pushing Nero away from herself, stopping him from sucking more blood, but the man was like a mountain, unstoppable. Once Nero let her go, Luna fell to her knees, as he collapsed backwards, unable to speak she touched her neck, where two puncture holes were located, blood dropping down her neck. She used her hand to hold over it, the pain overwhelming, as she looked over to Nero, seeing her blood trail down from his lips, and terror quickly filled her eyes.
"Luna...I'm sorry! I couldn't...I told you to lock me and everyone else out when you had an injury of any kind! This is why!" his body started to tremble as he spoke. "This is why..." he never wanted this to happen.

He went to her side. He then bit into his own arm and put to fingers of the holes, painting them with a bit of his blood. His wounds closed almost immediately after he received some of his blood. He sharply yanked her hand away from her neck and placed his two fingers over the puncture wounds. They started to go numb. As it numbed the two holes also drew themselves closed.

"I'm a vampire, Luna. I can't help it. I tried to resist feeding, I did. I'm such a miserable monster." he said sitting back, but keeping his fingers on her neck.

He recalled the first time he fed on someone. He was a child at school. A boy scraped his knee and Nero could not resist. The second time was in high school. Oh high school was so maddening! Women go through a monthly bleeding process that generally starts in high school. He attacked many women before dropping out. He hated what he was and he hated what he had to do. He had been fighting it his entire life. Tears swelled into his eyes, but he resisted them. He had to get her house built quickly or she would be miserably at risk. Nero ran his free hand through his messy black hair, letting his arm hide his face. He hated what he had done. This was why he felt most vampires the devil incarnate. To keep them from roaming and feeding on unsuspecting humans he built his village. He knew vampires with nothing to lose were the most terrible, so he rescued them. He gave them a reason to go on, and to go on safely. He even created a blood bank system so he could help nourish them. Then his desire to save grew and spanned over more than vampires. He wanted to help all of his kind, monsters that humans feared in the dark.
"A- A vampire?" Luna asked as she looked over to Nero, as she had heard stories of these vampires, but that was only tales from books, but right now she couldn't really say that anymore. Everything she thought was fiction had just turned into reality after all, and what a twisted reality it was. She shook her head, as Nero removed her hand, the puncture holes went numb, as most of the pain disappeared, but she was still a bit tired. Luna reached out her hand, a bit hesitant, but smiled as she caressed his cheek in her hand, feeling his warmth in her hand.

"You're not a monster. Don't cry Nero. I'm fine. I'm sorry, you already warned me," Luna said forgiving, in a calm and soothing voice. She couldn't deny the fact him being a vampire scared her, that he had just sucked her blood, but she still felt somewhat safe beside Nero, even if she was being a bit more scared now. His eyes were filled with regrets and some tears, and she didn't heed his warning. She was partially to blame, as she was in every tear Nero had shed since this morning.
He removed his free arm and leaned his face into her hand, liking how calm and gentle it felt. He closed his eyes, the tears escaping down the sides of his face. He pulled his hand from the punctures and sighed. He hurt her, he knew it. He hated the pain that was sure to be throbbing through her neck. He took her hand from his face and kissed it. He found the wound and kissed it too. By now her bleeding had stopped. He finished cleaning up the room. When he was done it looked like nothing happened. He sighed again. He knew the others would be wondering what the smell of blood was. He fixed the bed before picking Luna up bridal style and gently laying her down.

"Sit still a while while your body recovers." he says gently. "Can I get you something?" he asked. "You must be tired." he didn't wait for her to answer before getting her a night gown. He set it gingerly on the bed as though it would burst to flames if he wasn't careful. "I'm terribly sorry, Luna. I have done you wrong twice in one day. I swear to you that it'll never happen again."
Luna smiled as she felt him lean against his hand, as it was truly a warm feeling. He trusted her, and right now Nero was fragile. The leader position, of someone who was forced to be strong for those who couldn't, burdened his shoulders greatly. It was a great feeling to know she could relieve him of that burden, if only it was a small portion. Her neck still hurt, but it wasn't as bad as she had originally thought it would be, but then again she had never imagined being actually bitten by a vampire. Luna blushed once Nero took her hand and kissed it, not once, but twice as the same numb feeling traveled down to her small cut, looking at her hand the cut had disappeared even though it was such a small cut from the beginning.

Before Luna was able to protest, Nero carried her over to the bed, bridal style, as she blushed even more, hearing his heart beat up against his chest as he put her gently down on the bed. "Thank you..." Luna muttered as Nero disappeared leaving a question behind, as she was about to reassure him she was fine, but wasn't quick enough before Nero returned with a night gown. A small giggle escaped her lips as she watched how careful he was, as though it was made out of glass. "Don't apologize, I forgot about the rules. We are sort of even right?" Luna said with a smile, as she felt as she should apologize, due to her being the one who wronged him the most. Killing his closest friends... who was he to apologize to her? The puncture wounds on her neck, even if she could never tell him, she was glad that he hurt her, just a small payback for what she had done to his friends. It wasn't the true intention behind it, but she convinced herself it was.
He smiled at her. His chest felt light, like it was suspended in air. Was he falling in love with her? That was dangerous! The last people he loved wound up dead. That seemed to be a life theme. His loved ones died. He took a pillow from the closet and tossed it onto the floor. He was honestly tired from all the events. He shed his blood caked top and pants before replacing them with gym shorts. He used the damp rag to wipe blood off his face and chest. Occasionally he glanced at Luna, but kept his eyes from her when he thought she might be changing. Being undressed in front of others did not bother him or his kind, but he kne those raised as humans had different morals.

"Uh, don't worry...I-I'll be sleeping on the floor." he said a bit awkwardly.

(Time jump? and again, sorry for such a short post...))
"D- Don't look Nero... If you look, I'll seriously slap you!" Luna said embarrassed as she began undressing, her clothes were drenched in blood as she was sort of relieved to know it wasn't her own, and that Nero wasn't human. He had hinted towards it, but she never guessed it to be a vampire. Herself was a "wolfling" even though she had no clue what a "wolfling" was. She quickly changed, glancing over her shoulder to make sure that Nero wasn't peeking, before she folded the blood covered clothes neatly together, and went to the bed. She was to say that she could take the floor, but she had problems standing up straight, so she let it slide.

"Good night," Luna muttered to him, as she closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep as she was very tired, and the events of one day was already summed in her head, she remembered her promise with Zeroe, and smiled a bit as she hoped her painting was still there, where Emanuel, Sebastian, Nero and Luna was standing, posing in front of a picture smiling as if nothing at all had happened.

(Sure, we shall travel to the future!)
(haha back to the future xD )

Luna's parents were panicking enough as it was. They'd received a teary call from Luna and were absolutely besides themselves. They were busily discussing what action to take when the doorbell rang. Luna's father cautiously answered the door, but stood in frozen awe as he saw an injured wizard leaning on a thin pretty boy.

"Sebastian said to come here." the boy said shaking. "Y-you're Luna's parents....please, help him!" The boy was in tears. "We saved Luna, please save Sebastian!"

When morning came Luna found herself waking to the three curious faces of the children. There was a woman in the room, cleaning quietly. She had set some clean clothes on the night stand. Her hair was pulled up in a brown bun. She was in a purple victorian style dress with matching flats. She turned to see Luna waking.

"You're awake, Miss. Good morning." the lady said.

"Morning." the three kids said.

"Nero is fixing you breakfast." Lina said.

As soon as she said that Nero appeared in the room. He shooed off the lady and kids before setting a plate full of food for her on the night stand. He sat on the edge of the bed. He was wearing a pin stripe suit with a red collared shirt and solid black tie. His messy black hair was neatly combed back. He had obviously showered. He softly caressed her face, a gentle smile on his face.

"Good morning, Luna. Sleep well?"
Luna opened her eyes slowly seeing how the three children were eyeing her down and a woman standing cleaning, but her body was still slightly numb as she carefully sat up in the bed. She smiled to them all, brushing her hand trough hed long brown hair as she yawned, stretching her entire body out. The sun was shining as it was already morning, and luckily yesterday was nothing, but a faint memory.

"Good morning," she greeted them all back, as she didn't think 'Miss' was a title for her at all... it wasn't as if she was a princess or anything...

Luna watched as the children and the woman was pushed out the room, giggling a bit as Nero brought her breakfast. Her stomach was craving for some food, as she hadn't eaten anything yesterday. Nero's hand made its way to her cheek, as she leaned into the hand, smiling at him as the familiar warmth entered from his touch.

"Good morning Nero. I slept very well, thank you for letting me borrow your bed," She smiled as she stretched and yawned once more, before she began eating.
(should Sebastian and Emanuel live O_o)

Nero lay back across her feet, stretching and wrinkling his top. He promptly stood and stripped off his coat, tie, and top. He had been up since four that morning tending to matters. He had to gather a few things as well as get some thing shipped to them. He had to look professional. He flopped back across her feet, his arms lifted over his head. He looked over at her a big smile on his face. He'd put his grief aside for now. He'd address it fiercely soon.

"I'm starting construction on your house today. I am also prepping someone to go and retrieve you parents. Don't worry about the vampire thing...I will place a repellent over the home for yours and your parent's safety." he said smiling even bigger. He rubbed his head against the blankets. "Sorry, am I laying on you? Is that feet I feel against my head?"

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