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Blood Lust

Luna felt safe having Nero on her side, glad that it seemed as the rest of their trip back home went without any problems. She let him inside, as she gestured him to be quiet when they entered the house as she waved for him to follow him upstairs, where her bedroom was. "You can place it there, thank you for walking me home," Luna said and smiled to him. There were a couple of other paintings where she gestured, as her roof had been painted to look like the night sky.

"I'm sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I appreciate your help Nero," Luna told him with a smile on her face. There were a couple of hours before her first lesson, she would be so tired tomorrow... It was great getting to paint the night sky, but she should learn to restrain herself as time doesn't stop for her.
He nodded. "As repayment you can give me a thick umbrella. I have awfully fair skin and consequently burn like a slab of meet in an open flame. I really am sorry to trouble you, though." he said, not giving away he was a vampire, but acknowledging that when he left the sun would be out and ready to kill. He did not like the idea of catching fire. He then thought about the thugs with concerns. The fact that one of them was a werewolf still bothered him. "Did you recognize those thugs, by chance? I'm just wondering if getting attacked by fool men is an average event for you."
"An umbrella... pretty sure I got a thick one here somewhere..." Luna said as she began looking inside her closet and a couple of drawers before she found a pretty thick umbrella and gave it to Nero. It was one that she used when it was raining very heavily, she wasn't sure how good it would do, but better than nothing right? "Um..." Luna thought of their faces, but none of them seemed familiar to her, but her eyes were more fixated on the knife that the man in the middle had been holding, than on their faces.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I recognize any of them... and it is the second time this week that I've been approached by strange men... I suppose I look too vulnerable huh?" Luna joked as she followed him downstairs towards the door. "Thank you again though Nero, you were great help! I hope I'll get to see you again soon!" Luna said as she remembered something and ran upstairs, grabbing her cellphone. "Do you have a cellphone? We can exchange numbers to keep in touch," Luna said with a smile on her face, hoping she didn't seem too pushy.
"Yes, let me give you my number." he called up to her.

She's been attacked by strange men twice this week. That is definitely not good. At this rate I may have to kidnap her. That would be such a bother. I don't need her hating or fearing me! Damn it all!

He hurried up after her, flipping through his modest little phone for his number. He felt he had to say something, he just wasn't certain as to what. When his foot reached the last step it slipped and he toppled backwards, dropping his phone. He slid down the stairs a few steps before his head stopped his fall from continuing.

"I just can't catch a break today!"
"A- Are you okay Nero?!" Luna asked as she ran down the stairs after him, offering her hand to help him up from the floor. "Luna was that you?" Her father asked, as the door to the right opened up and Luna smiled a bit embarrassed to him. "Hi dad... This is Nero, he's from my art class... Nero, this is my dad..." Luna said a bit awkward as her mother had at the very least yet to wake up, since she was a heavy sleeper. The fire alarm went off once and she didn't even know it, thank God it was a false alarm.

"Adam," Her father introduced himself, holding out his hand creating a bit of an awkward atmopshere around them as he eyed Nero up and down, looking at him carefully just like an overprotective father would do. Luna cleared her throat, trying to make the weird tension a bit better as she smiled to Nero, handing him his phone. "So... your number is...?" She asked, her father standing looking at the two of them.
He allowed her to help him up and almost fell again when he heard her father's voice. He was then yanked away from the man's voice and face to Luna. He would answer her first as he wanted to bind her to him. He unlocked his phone again before showing his number to her. His eyes then darted back to the man. He sized the man up. He was without a doubt, human.

"Forgive me my intrusion sir." he was putting on his most charming face and voice. "I didn't mean to make a ruckus outside your door. I slipped. I promise, the next time I walk your beautiful daughter home I will be less noisy. You shall hardly know I'm here. Promise."

Nailed it again! I'm getting pretty damn good at this. Little did he know that his words would make any father who cared anything for his child destroy him.
"If there will be a next time you should say," Adam muttered under his breath, still eyeing him down. Adam walked over to the door, opening it up for Nero with a smile on his face, not trying to be rude, but he didn't like how Nero was trying his best to charm him. These boys were usually trouble. "I'll see you later Nero, have a safe trip home!" Luna said to him, before she ran upstairs to her room, trying her best to not blush by Nero's compliment once again.

"Plus. If I don't know it, I'll call the police," Adam added once Luna went upstairs to her room, eyeing down Nero once again, his smile quickly disappearing as his sentence was almost terrible. "I would prefer if you didn't walk Luna home this late, but I appreciate you doing it," Adam said as he was waiting for Nero to take his leave.
Nero picked up the umbrella and went to the door. He offered his hand to shake with Adam. As soon as Adam took it he pulled the older man close so he could whisper. His voice was almost a hiss. He'd lost his patience with humans and he didn't want this man to think ill of him. Why? He didn't even know.

"Your daughter is more than a pretty face, isn't she? I will continue to look after her, for her safety. You could try to stop me, but I'm not quite human either. Think on that old man."

He opened the umbrella and was gone in a blink. Later that morning when Luna was leaving her home Nero would be found in a black cloak with the hood drawn. He was sitting on the steps with a bag of pastries in his arms. The umbrella leaned on his shoulder and a half eaten maple bar was in his free hand. On the ground in front of him were two cups of coffee.
Adam stood there a bit frozen in place, as Nero's voice entered his head. Especially not pleased at the moment as he closed the door and locked it, and then talked to Luna's mother about the entire scenario. They waited until Luna woke up as they sat by the table, with breakfast on the table. That was always a bad sign. "Luna, who was this man that followed you home?" Adam asked her, eyeing her down this time. "It's Nero. I met him in my art class, he's a very nice person," Luna said with a smile, hoping this wasn't a: "I don't like him, stay away" speech, but it was closing in on becoming one.

"That man, Nero, I don't like him. Do not bring him home anymore, and do not get close to him. I sense danger," Adam said as Luna sighed, feeling a bit of anger build up. "Listen dad-" "It's not just your dad sweetie. I don't like him either... just... try to avoid him okay? We are thinking of your safety," Olivia, her mother, advised as Luna stood up, grabbed her bag. She had enough of this conversation already. "Nero saved me from three men yesterday, one had a knife. He was kind enough to ensure my safety by walking me home. If you think of my safety, then think of that and tell me I should avoid him," Luna said, as she stormed outside, angry, and began running towards school as she was running a bit late with her parents speech.
"Uhm, hey?" Nero said, jumping up to run after her, the bag of doughnuts in his mouth, both cups of coffee in hand, and the umbrella bouncing on his shoulder. "Hey, I brought you breakfast." he said, jogging beside her the coffee was spilling on his hands.

To be honest he'd only gone to his apartment to change and then to a doughnut shop for the coffee and goodies. He could tell by the look on her face that something upset her. He kept pace with her until he could call her to a stop. He figured that might happen. This meant he'd have to have a serious talk with her folks. He needed them to realize how serious the situation was. He called out to her one more time before stopping. He wondered if instead he should go and get the chat over with.
Luna looked over to Nero and smiled to him. "Oh thank you," Luna said as she grabbed the coffee and the breakfast Nero had bought, slowing down her pace to match his. Honestly my parents are idiots... They just don't know him yet, not like I know him a whole lot either, but he seems like a nice person. No, he's definitely a nice person! No one would go on and helping random strangers, and then make sure they are safe! Not everyone at the very least. Luna thought as she smiled to him, pushing the thoughts of her parents out of her head.

"Sorry, was I in too much of a hurry?" she asked as she looked at his sleeves filled with coffee. "Here," Luna said as she grabbed her handkerchief and began carefully drying away some of the coffee on him. "I'm sorry for my parents. They are just too overprotective at times, don't worry. They might soften up... after much convincing that is," Luna reassured him hoping that it was true.
(sorry for not being on today and disappearing yesterday >_<)

"They will never accept me, Luna, despite that I would like to continue protecting you. Please, will you allow me to remain by your side?" as he spoke he got to one knee and offered her a doughnut.

He wondered why he was saying this. He was being so blatantly nice to her. It was so abnormal for him. With his hoard he was very serious and stern, with this girl he was naturally sweet and sort of goofy. He wanted to win her trust. More than that, he wanted to protect her, to be by her side always. He felt strange. There was never a girl before that he behaved this way with. He rarely needed the company of others, but now he needed someone else to be near him. He needed Luna.

"Do you prefer a different doughnut?"
(Psh, we got real life stuff. You're completely fine~ This time... >:3)

Luna was about to answer Nero when she looked over to him, seeing him on one knee and holding a doughnut up to her. Her face turned dark pink in an instance and somehow this didn't feel like a normal walk to the school any longer. To top it all off, it had to be a round object he was offering her. "Y- You know... Y- You don't n- need to go down on your k- knees to ask that..." Luna stuttered as she took the doughnut and smiled to him. Doughnuts for breakfast... lucky~ "You don't really need to protect me though... I'm doing fine on my own, but I would love to have you as my friend. If that's what you're asking for," Luna said, as she was unknowing to the situation she was in and only smiled to him, as she took a quick peek down at her watch.

"I'm going to be late!" Luna said as she turned to Nero with a smile. "I'm so sorry! This is such a rush isn't it? Why don't I call you once my classes are done for the day? We can do something together then!" Luna said as she ate the doughnut and drank the coffee quickly, trying not to spill any.
He trotted after her. "What class room are you in? I may be in the same one." he already knew he was in her class. He was in all her classes.

At that same time a thinner gentleman dressed similarly trotted pat them. He was running fast. His clothes were very tight fitting, revealing his puny form. He waved as he passed them. As he faded in front of them they could just make out him texting. A bloop sound went off on his phone. Then in the distance was a cloud of dust. When they caught up to it they saw the speed demon on his back, a street light in front of him. He'd obviously run right into it.

"You're so worthless, Emuel." Nero said crossly.

He lefted the boy onto his shoulders and carried him the rest of their way to class. He still kept pace with Luna. He set the boy out side of the classroom and opened the door for her. He as she went in he pushed the bag of doughnuts into her arms. He already knew this teacher had a weakness for donuts.

"Tell the teacher you were late because you bought her doughnuts. Should go over easy."
Luna looked at the person who passed them, as he had unfortunately run into a street light, but she couldn't help herself from giggling a bit at the silly person, after all he had been running and texting, which was always a bad idea. Once they entered the school building, Nero gave her the entire box full of doughnuts. It seemed as they were in the same class, how fortunate for her! She walked in casually and smiled to her teacher, not receiving one back as she gave him the doughnuts. "Here you go. Sorry, we had to wait extra long to get them for you," Luna said as she sat down at a free desk by the window, smiling.

The teacher didn't exactly return her smile, but he was seemingly less angry about their late entrance. He cleared his throat as he waited for Nero to go to a free desk before he continued class, pretending that nothing had happened. Luna smiled as she mouthed to Nero. "Thank you," before she began paying attention, Math was a hard subject after all.
Nero took a sear nearest her. He fell asleep during the lecture though. He didn't do well in schools, he never did. That is exactly why he dropped off the face of the earth. He lay back in his chair. His dreams were filled with is hoard. He was irritated that Adrien had followed him here. He hated to have to care for him at the same time he was protecting someone else. He dreams then funneled to his brother. He could see the bastard's face. He was a monster. He could see the amber eyes of that man buring into him like the sun. He had a wicked, evil smirk on his face. Nero flinched a bit in his sleep, knocking his pencil to the floor.

"I'm coming for her, brother. Do not think that I will hesitate to get precisely what I want. I look forward to spilling your blood as well as hers, and everyone in your little village. HAHAHAHAHA!"

"NO!" Nero jolted awake as the class bell rang.
Luna looked over to where Nero shouted as she looked a bit worried over at him. "You okay?" Luna asked concerned as she picked up his pencil and gave it to him. "We tried waking you up earlier, but you were fast asleep," Luna said as she put her books back into her bag, and looked at her schedule, she was never good at remembering anything, and frankly she didn't like remembering boring stuff. Next up was science, the class she usually fell asleep in and somehow still passed. "Maybe you should go home? Rest up a bit?" Luna suggested to Nero generally concerned for why he shouted before waking up.
He shook his head. "I still have classes to attend." he said drowsily. "Don't mind me, Luna, I have nightmares all the time." he then took her schedule, comparing it to his, and said, "Okay, what class do we have next? We have science...joyous. As long as we're not dissecting anything..."

At that moment the boy that Nero left at the door wobbled in. He swayed to and froe before brushing his medium length blonde hair out of his face. Despite his extremely thin form he was quite attractive, almost bewitchingly so. He looked drowsily over at them.

"Nero, you seen my phone?" he asked.

"Yes. I took it away, you half-wit. If you can't be responsible with it, you can't have it."

"That isn't very nice!" the boy pouted. He immediately went to Luna's side like a puppy who was being scolded. "Make him give it back."

"Pfffft. She's on my side, you dull witted mongrel."
"Dissect... Bleh..." Luna thought about it and glad she usually slept, but when they had to dissect, she would almost run out of the room in panic. It was better to just look at the picture in the book and not physically touch it, or cut it for that matter. Suddenly the boy who had run into the street light earlier came into the room, and it seemed as he knew Nero very well, as he asked for his phone back. The boy pouted, and he was quite attractive and cute, as she giggled at his childish request. "You really shouldn't run and text at the same time. You're lucky that it only was a street light you hit," Luna said, siding with Nero that he could have his cellphone back later.

(Excuse my sudden disappearance as well, power went out due to thunder :P )
I want thunder! *pout* ))

The boy's face then turned into a scowl and he crossed his arms. He glared angrily at Nero, but his glare faded and he immediately straightened when Nero gave a glare back to him. They went through all their classes together, the three of them. When classes were over Nero delicately offered to walk her home. Emanuel also offered. He was a bit more bouncy about it though. He had a big grin on his face. Nero was a very calm and cool person while Emanuel was childish, flamboyant, and hyper. He bounced excitedly at the prospect of meeting her family

"We'll walk you home then." said Nero. "Do you have any requests for breakfast tomorrow? If not I will assume doughnuts again."

"Oo oo can we have cake? I love cake! Nero, I want cake."

"Shut your damn yap, Emanuel. You'll make my ears bleed. I'm not interested in pleasing you with sweets. You'll get prune juice."

"Aaaaaaw Nero, don't be like that!" Emanuel then hugged Luna. "You want cake too, don't you?"
Luna giggled a bit as Emanuel hugged her tightly wanting cake for breakfast. She felt as if she had suddenly gained a little brother. "You know. Cake for breakfast is a bad idea. It's bad for your health," Luna said to him, smiling and laughing a bit as doughnuts weren't more healthy, but that didn't need to be mentioned. "The doughnuts were good," Luna said as she looked in her bag a bit. "I can pay tomorrow, so it's fair game. How much did they cost?" Luna asked as she found her wallet and smiled to Nero. Nero and Emanuel were so different, but they were like brothers. "Are you two brothers? You fit so well together," Luna asked laughing.

(Sorry for late answer! Wow I'm really late... Friends and stuff... real life... xD )
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it's ok, I've been busy too))

"No, we are not brothers." Nero said blandly. "We've, however, lived together for a long enough period of time that we may seem related." Nero said, a sort of fond expression on his face.

As he spoke Emanuel hugged him. Nero put one hand on his head and ruffled his hair in response. The two of them did seem pretty close. "You could be my brother!" Emanuel said cheerfully. "You're strong, and thoughtful, and you are my leader as well as my role model."

Nero then tightened his hand on the boy's head and used that to pry him off. He was obviously annoyed with Emanuel's over cuddly nature. Sometimes it was hard to believe that the guy was close to him in age. He then looked from the pouting boy to the girl he swore to defend. He sighed. The idea that werewolves had already attacked her twice was unsettling. It was already necessary to move her.

"Why don't you have dinner with us, at our place? I'll even cook for you. I'll drive you home afterwards." Nero said.

"Oh please! If you come over then Nero will cook! His cooking is soooo good! Please say you'll eat with us! Please Luna!?"
Luna laughed as Emanuel almost pounced on Nero, hugging him closely as Nero seemed to be good with it too. To a certain point of course, she couldn't help, but to laugh at how childish Emanuel acted, but it was quite cute. Even though it went a bit against his "handsome" look, it was still fitting.

"Then you are sort of like brothers, if he's your role model and all, just not tied by blood," Luna joked as she kept walking happily beside the two of them, as Nero pried off Emanuel, seeming he had reached his limit of affection for one day.

"Dinner? That sounds great," Luna said to their invite, a bit curious to the invite as it seemed a bit sudden, but it was a good way to get to know Nero better, and she could delay the confrontation with her parents, since she had a tough start at the day already, arguing with her parents and all that.
The three of them walked to Nero's apartment. It was fairly dark. The curtains were heavy material. He entered and lit a few old fashioned oil lamps. He then crossed the floor and dropped the umbrella on a black velvet couch. Emanuel dove over the couch and onto the floor. Why? He felt like it. The carpet was at least soft. It was a maroon color. The apartment seemed to have a color theme, red and black.

"Need anything to drink?" Nero asked, heading for the kitchen. "Would you mind pasta?"
"I'm fine, thanks for treating me for dinner. Pasta sounds good," Luna answered as she entered, taking in the dark room and the red carpet. It seemed as they were really living together. Luna wanted to ask where his parents were, but didn't want to seem too curious so she let it be as she was distracted by Emanuel's sudden dive for the floor. It seemed as Nero had a thing for an older era, as he was using oil lamps, they were quite beautiful though so she did admire them a little, especially compared to her dull lamp.

"How long have you've been staying together?" Luna asked Emanuel, seeing that Nero was busy in the kitchen, and didn't want to disturb him.

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