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Blood Lust

Luna let out a small squeal as the shot suddenly appeared beside her, shooting onto the two bikers behind them. Luna didn't dare to look behind herself as she heard the tire of one biker pop, and the ruthless sounds of the man being thrown off the road, as the other was simply the lame thud of a body, she could already guess what had happened.

Luna's grip tightened once they drove off into the forest, as the road was clearly not made for motorcycles, she was close being thrown off the bike at one point if she hadn't tigthened her grip onto Nero.

They arrived at the road after a while and she breathed relieved out as they walked into a hotel and got a room, as Nero locked the doors and drew the blinds straight away, she looked around and it seemed as a decent hotel, but she was too busy keeping her eyes closed as she had no clue where they had driven off to.

"Nero... Is Emanuel and Sebastian....?" Luna couldn't bring herself to ask the entire question, but she guessed that Nero got her point as she looked up at him, sitting down on the bed as she was still slightly shaking from the pursuit.
Nero placed a finger on her lips to silence her. His face went from harsh and stern to soft and considerate. "Don't worry about them. This isn't their first time fighting. We will probably see them again." he said before pulling the blankets from the bed they were given back. He delicately ushered her in and covered her, turning out the lights. "Don't worry, I don't need to sleep." he said, going to the window, gun drawn.

Nero would stay up and keep watch. He parked himself in between the window and the door. He was very cool looking right now, like a super spy. He had his back to the wall. In this lighting, or lack there of, his eyes seemed red, glowing, and sinister. He could see clearly in the dark.

"Luna, I will protect you. You can rest with ease. I cannot be killed like normal humans can. I am something far more powerful."
Luna didn't utter one word after Nero gestured her to be quiet, as she was happy to be a bit reassured, but it wasn't an answer either. It seemed as Nero wasn't completely sure either, all she could was hope. Luna went to bed as he ushered her to the bed, and turned off the lights. She glanced over at where Nero was standing, smiling a bit at the image she got in her head. Honestly it looked very silly. But it did give Luna something else to talk about, she was quite scared, and confused and frustrated as a lot had happened in only one day. Who knew her life could take such a drastic turn?

"Thank you," Luna muttered to Nero, as his words calmed him down, just knowing he was there calmed him down in general as she felt safer, not safe enough to fall quickly asleep, but it didn't take her long either as she was very tired.
The night flew by quickly. As soon as the sun was up Nero put on a coat and face mask. He shielded his hands with gloves then stirred Luna. He had allowed her six hours of sleep. He hadn't slept. He'd been awake the whole time, watching, protecting. In that time he had the unfortunate pleasure of being left to his own thoughts. Like a movie moving before his eyes he saw his past.

He could see himself and his brother. His brother was older and got everything. He only got a few things, especially being the child of his father's mistress. His brother's mother had a mysterious death, and shortly after so did his father. Nero always thought his brother had something to do with it, but never voiced it. He took his inheritance and built a safe place for his kind, a village.

He filtered through the people he had living there. Emanuel was among them. It was painful to remember his activities with him, especially knowing that he could be dead. He finally shook his thoughts clear when the sun came up, its rays burning his skin.

"Luna, we should leave."
Are you sure it's safe? It was a woman talking, but she didn't recognize the voice as she sounded very worried. "Yes, I'm sure. Hurry now, we don't have time!" A man answered her, sounding even more worried as the woman didn't say anything, but ran off in the distant. "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect us..." the man says as a sea of red appears in front of Luna.

"AH!" Luna wakes up, screaming looking over at Nero instantly. "I- I'm sorry..." Luna apologized quickly, as she watched the sun coming up from the distant. "We should probably get moving," Luna said as she stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to wash her face a little, as she looked into the mirror and down on the golden pendant around her neck. What was that dream anyway? Who were those people, and why are they in my head? No, let's not think about it. It'll only worry Nero. Come on Luna, let's go. Luna thought as she headed out of the bathroom. "I'm ready," She said with her usual smile.
Nero waited patiently for her to finish in the bathroom. He knew that she had a nightmare, but didn't addressed it. He felt sje had a right to her mind, her phobias, her dreams. He would not press into the little privacy she still had. When he exited he gave her the helmet she used the night before. He tried to give her an encouraging smile before ruffling her hair. They had a lot ahead of them, but the first step was to get her home.

They rode for another few hours in silence before reaching a quaint little town. It was small, but it was busy. They rode a little further before Nero parked in front of a women's clothing shop. He hopped off the bike and handed her his credit card. He smiled at her. So far it seemed like they had evaded the enemy. The enemy probably expected him to wait until nightfall to move again. They were wrong. Just because he was a vampire didn't mean he was terrified of the sun. He knew they'd likely find their hiding place before night fall and then try and use the sunlight to their advantage. He beat them, though. He was going to be home before nightfall, and by the time the enemy knew he'd moved the barrier would be in place.

"You didn't have time to pack, so go ahead and buy yourself two weeks of clothes. It would be a pain to have to wash laundry after one week. Go ahead, I'll make them fit in the saddle bags." he smiled. "You have two hours. We can enjoy ourselves a little. They won't follow after us until sunset."
"You sure I can use your money? I wish I brought something, but my bag was left behind with-" She stopped talking, as she didn't want to remind herself or him about Sebastian, not right now. It was pretty obvious that he tried to lighten up the mood, so she stopped and then put on her smile once again to avoid any suspicion.

"I can work for the money later. It might be a lot of clothes..." Luna said teasingly as she entered the boutique, looking around at the different clothes. They were all so pretty, some were at the very least not so good looking, but she picked what she liked the most. Carefully she picked out some clothes that could fit together as she made sure they were either on sale or not expensive, she wasn't planning on using all of his money, even if he insisted on it. It felt good to be on shopping again, usually she wouldn't go on shopping alone or even go at all, but being in the store certainly felt better than being on the run as they had been the last couple of days.
Nero followed her in, casually. He picked out a few nice dresses he thought she could use for nice events. He quietly purchased them then made conversation with the sale's clerk. It seemed the two knew each other. Come to think of it the sale's clerk had a similar air of beauty and confidence to Nero and Emanuel. He was, however, a dark skinned man. His voice boomed like thunder and echoed throughout the store. He didn't seem like the type to work at a boutique. He was masculine all the way around. When the allotted two hours were up Nero sought Luna out.

"You almost done? We should get going soon." he said, draping the bag with his purchases over his shoulder. "There will be other shopping opportunities, I promise."
Luna looked to Nero and smiled as she gave a quick nod. "I'm finished. Thank you for the clothes," Luna said to him, as her mind had finally been taken a bit away from the situation. She hadn't forgotten what was happening, but she knew that she could relax a bit more now than what she did earlier.

Instinctively, Luna reached to her side as if she was reaching into her bag, but she quickly realized it was gone. A quick shocked expression spread across her face as she remembered something, she never told her parents! She was supposed to be back last night! Right now she was supposed to be at school having classes! In their eyes, she had gone missing! Quickly she looked over at Nero, not wishing to bother him, but he surely must have realized it too right?

"Um... Nero..." Luna started a bit skeptical on how to place the words, to not make it sound like she really was kidnapped. Technically she never went willingly, but Nero did this to protect her and that meant it was a good kidnapping. Her parents just didn't know.

"My parents... Can I contact them?" She asked, knowing the risk of going to a cellphone as Nero's lookalike had found her through her phone the last time, but she had to ask anyway.
Nero handed her his cell phone. "No matter what has happened or what they say we cannot go back." he warned. "We have to move forward only. If they do answer I want you to ask about Sebastian. If he got away he would have gone to them immediately." he paused, he knew that now he was being vulnerable. He was showing her how concerned he actually was for his friends. "I'm sorry to put that on you."

Little did he know that Sebastian had not been able to escape the wrath of Nero's brother. He fought his hardest, holding the enemy at bay for as long as he could. He fought them, killed many, until his body gave up. He fell flat in a pool of his own blood. His red hair matching it. Hir right eye had been removed viciously. He lay there for hours before Emanuel came upon him. Emanuel had been fortunate enough to avoid the enemy.

"Sebastian!?" he cried, falling beside his friend. "Sebastian, please, breathe. Talk to me. Tell me you are still here!"
"Thank you," Luna said as she took his phone and called her parents, her hands shaking as she was unsure of what to tell them, the reason for why she disappeared wasn't exactly believeable, but she didn't want them to go off and thinking she was dead or worry so much that they would die. A deep breath followed her shaking hands, as she called. Hoping Sebastian would be there, just holding her breath as she heard the beep go through, and her mother picked up the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?! I cannot talk ri-"

"Mom. It's me Luna,"

"Luna?! Thank God! Adam quick! Luna is on the phone! Come here quickly!" She could hear some shuffling in the background as well as her mother's tears of joy, as her mother clicked on the phone a couple of times before she was put on speaker apparently.

"Lunaria?! Is that really you?!" Her father asked, seeming even more happy than her mother.

"Yes, dad. I'm here. Listen I don't have a lot of time I-"

"Luna where are you?! We can come and pick you up right now! If that shady guy from earlier-"

"Adam! Calm down, listen to her! Luna, just tell us where we are. We can come and get you home, safely. You want to go home to mom and dad right?"
Her mother's words were shaking, she was on the verge of tears as Luna was too. The entire girl was shaking as she tried not to cry, as her mother bagged her to come home, but it wasn't an option, not since they would be put in danger too. Just like Sebastian and Emanuel.

"I can't. I just wanted to say that I love you both and I miss you, but don't worry. I'm safe. I can't tell you where I am, but I'll be okay. Please, don't worry about me, and don't look for me," Luna said, as she felt a knife stabbing into her heart by the very words, twisting around as she felt worse and worse for each word that left her mouth.

"What do you mean Luna? Where are you, what is going on?! Luna!" Her parents shouted in panic, almost no words were audible, as tears trailed down her cheeks. This was maybe the last time she could talk to them, to avoid getting caught, to avoid them being killed.

"I'm sorry. But I love you. This is... This is for your own good!" Luna shouted, as she hung up and gave Nero the phone, still sobbing.

They didn't mention Sebastian... He's... He's... Luna couldn't stop herself, now she had abandoned her parents and Sebastian's death had been confirmed. She lost so much, just by her own selfish wish to call her parents... She wished she never did it, but it was too late to take it back. Her arms fell around Nero, squeezing him closely still sobbing as she didn't utter one word, only stood there clinging to him and crying.
Nero listened to Luna's words, only guessing what her parents were saying. He then flinched when her arms fastened around him. He hesitated only briefly before warmly engulfing her with his toned arms. He cradled the back of her head with one hand, letting her sob. He could feel the eyes of people around him watching. He ignored them, mentally willing them to disappear. His fingers softly laced themselves in her hair. He was very tender and very compassionate.

"Shhh, Luna. It's ok. It's ok. As soon as I can I will send someone to get your parents, alright? For now, you are safe and that is what's important. Come, let's get home."

He then scooped her and her clothes up and carried her out to the bike. He put the clothes away, cramming all he could in the saddle bags. Everything else he tied to himself. He fastened her helmet for her, wiping away tears as he did. He was as gentle as he could be. He knew that the loss was overwhelming. He didn't bother to ask about Sebastian. Since his friend had not been mentioned he assumed the worst, and yet he found the strength to comfort her.
Luna was happy that Nero was there, she honestly had no clue what to do if he wasn't there to support her. Now she had abandoned her parents and knew that Sebastian was dead, her tears couldn't stop and her sobbing seemed endless. She felt dumb for asking in the first place, knowing it couldn't end well either way. In the end, she never explained to her parents why she had to leave, but hopefully they would heed her advice.

Once they were back on the bike, Luna pulled herself a bit together, thinking she had to be strong for Nero's sake. Trying her best not to cry anymore as occasional sobs sneaked through her lips. The helmet helped her from sobbing as much, as she wrapped her arms around Nero's waist again, closing her eyes. I'm sorry... I couldn't say anything... I'm sorry for being a burden, but... Thank you Nero. Thank you for being there for me... Luna thought completely unable to tell Nero it, as her sobs were only interrupting her.
They drove a half an hour out of town before Nero started up a winding mountain pass. He then drove onto a property where the first thing to greet the eyes was a maze of shrubbery, then a fountain, then a massive building. It looked like a castle. It was massive, and it was beautiful. Before getting onto the property they had passed a gate. They could hear it slam shut as Nero pulled into the drive way. He killed the engine and hopped off. In moments people flooded out to greet them. There were men, women, young kids and teens, at least eighteen to be counted. Nero took off his helmet and smiled to them.

"Nero's home!" a young girl exclaimed, running and tackling him. He caught her effortlessly but was quickly toppled over by two other kids. "Did you bring us anything back?"

"Not this time, guys, sorry." he grunted before pointing at Luna. "This is, by the way, my new friend and a new resident. Be nice, ok?"

Everyone's eyes were then on Luna, Four gentlemen quickly went to her side. "Do you need help?" one asked. "I'll carry your things for you." offered another.
Luna looked at the building, it was almost as if she was being brought to a castle. It looked as if what Emanuel was talking about earlier, the property with a lots of buildings in it. Honestly, was she being kidnapped by a prince or something? This was getting weirder and weirder, but by now she wasn't surprised by anything.

They entered inside as she walked off the bike, and took the helmet under her head, her sobbing had stopped and her tears had faded. She had cleared her head on the way, and was now smiling. There was no reason to cry, she had to be strong! For Nero, Emanuel, Sebastian, her parents and herself. It was the only thing that could keep her from mentally panicking, as she had already panicked physically. A lot of people met them, and she was happy to feel as she was coming back to society, and laughed as Nero was pounced by some children. Once she was introduced to them all, she smiled and waved to them, seeing as introduction was made by Nero. Four men moved to her side, asking to help her out as she smiled to them all.

"I can carry my own stuff, but I appreciate the thought," Luna said to them as she was already relaying so much on Nero, that she wanted to do something herself, despite her situation and giggled a bit more at the children, staring at her very excited or curious.
Nero wressled the children off and started to unload the bike. The four men that had flooded to Luna's side walked away feeling very rejected. Nero couldn't help but laugh as they filed away. Nero led Luna inside with her things. The seemingly castle like strusture was actually mostly wall. Behind it was a bunch of little houses and farm land. He then guided her to the part of the castle that was actual building and into a a luxurious room. He then set her things down on the queen sized bed.

"We'll share my room until I can finish building your house." he said a little bashful. "Don't feel anxious here. Everyone is a refugee, running from something or searching for safety. We are self sufficient. Some even have jobs." he paused and put an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close to his chest. "You're safe here. Try to be happy. Sebastian and Emanuel would want you to smile when you got here." he paused. "Well....Emanuel would want you to smile and partake of the baker's cakes." he laughed. 
Nero wressled the children off and started to unload the bike. The four men that had flooded to Luna's side walked away feeling very rejected. Nero couldn't help but laugh as they filed away. Nero led Luna inside with her things. The seemingly castle like strusture was actually mostly wall. Behind it was a bunch of little houses and farm land. He then guided her to the part of the castle that was actual building and into a a luxurious room. He then set her things down on the queen sized bed.

"We'll share my room until I can finish building your house." he said a little bashful. "Don't feel anxious here. Everyone is a refugee, running from something or searching for safety. We are self sufficient. Some even have jobs." he paused and put an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close to his chest. "You're safe here. Try to be happy. Sebastian and Emanuel would want you to smile when you got here." he paused. "Well....Emanuel would want you to smile and partake of the baker's cakes." he laughed.
Luna looked around, taking in the new environment as she smiled. Despite missing her home and her friends, this was really nice too. Even the guys were nicer over here than at school, she could still remember herself carrying three boxes up two floors because no one wanted to help her at all. Once they came to the giant room, she was astonished and looked around, smiling and almost dancing slightly as the room looked bigger than her entire house!

"You're building me a house? You're doing far too much for me!" Luna insisted as Nero wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind as she blushed a bit, but kept her act up straight, even though she tensed up a little bit. "I will... don't worry..." Luna answered, as she laughed a bit as it was true.. Emanuel wanted cake for breakfast after all."Thank you for everything, I'll pay you back whenever I can!" Luna said, as she smiled, returning to become more cheerful than before.
He laughed at her enthusiasm. He was finding it hard to hide his grief now that he was home. He helped her load her things into the closet. He put a divider between his clothes and hers.

"Listen, Luna, I have a few things I need to tell you before you get too carried away. About the house, I build one for everyone who comes through my gates. I've built it so that everyone has the opportunity to make a life here. Now some ground rules. Do not go outside the gate without me. The gate is the barrier between my village and the human world. No one can get through without my desiring it so. Secondly, do not go outside my wall without an escort. It is the secondary, emergency barrier. Thirdly, if you are ever wounded, injured, cut, anything involving blood, get into this room and lock the door. Don't let anyone else in until the bleeding stops, not even me. Do you understand?" he asked. He was putting only these rules, and they were simply placed for her safety.
"I understand," Luna answered as she finished placing her clothes in the different drawers and the closet, happily that she had done it so well. Now her thoughts wandered off to Emanuel, hoping he was still okay. Quickly she shook her head, there was no time to think about that right now. They could manage on their own, no problem! Even though that Emanuel seemed quite childish...

"Can I at least go outside the castle walls, looking around town?" She asked him, wanting to see how this village was, as Nero had done quite a good job building this place for everyone's safety. Luna's thought wandered off to painting, maybe she could find something she could paint on to ease of her thoughts a bit. It was the best thing to do when she was feeling down after all.

Luna didn't ask specifically for paint, as she didn't want to bother Nero too much. He seemed already busy enough as it was, and seeming as he was the leader around here, it must be pretty hard to keep everything in order. She could manage on her own after all, she was 18 years old, she was no longer a child. Despite everything that had happened, he did say she was safe here.
"Yes, of course. You are not a prisoner here." Nero said. "Go, enjoy yourself.If there is something you desire let me know and I will see what I can trade for it." as he spoke he went to his night stand and lit an oil lamp. The room was growing dim. "Just please, be careful. A drop of blood here is like a drop of blood in a shark tank."

He then went to the door and opened it. As it opened the children from before tumbled into the room. They'd had their ears to the door, trying to listen. They all fell to the floor with little squeaks. Immediately their eyes shot up to Nero to see if he was angry. Though he was not angry he bore an irritated expression.

"Shit, run!" exclaimed a little boy. Nero grabbed each of them before they could escape.

"Eaves dropping is rude! Wait until I find your parents, you're really in for it now." he scolded, but he made it plain to see that his threats were empty as he started to tickle them. "As punnishment, you little runts, you have to show my friend to the art studio."
"Ah really, I'm fine," Luna said as she laughed at the small children walking over to where they had been scolded by Nero, still smiling at their cute innocent curiosity. They were all so small, and cute as she hadn't seen children this small since she was their age herself, but the art studio sounded great, she just didn't want them to take it as a punishment.

"I can find the way on my own if you guys are too busy playing around, then maybe we can play together later," Luna suggested to the children with a smile, laughing at their cuteness as she looked to Nero smiling as well. "I promise to be careful, so don't worry about me," Luna said, hopefully reassuring Nero a bit, looking down at the children once again.
"Alright, enjoy yourself." he said, watching her go. He played and teased the kids a moment longer before shooing them off and sitting alone in his dimly lit room. "Sebastian, how do I tell them that you aren't returning?" he wondered, lying on his bed.

Finally being alone Nero let himself go. He let himself grieve over the loss of his friends. The tears streamed down his face and soaked his pillow. He wept for a whilr before losing it. He thre things around his room, getting angry rather than grieving. When he had nothing else to thrown he lowered himself onto the glass, letting it cut into him. Meanwhile the kids playfully followed Luna, watching her from afar.

"Think she'd dating Nero?" the girl asked.

"No way!" said one of the boys. "Nero is too cool for girls."

"Hey, I'm a girl!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you don't count cuz you hang out with us." said the other boy.
"I'm not going out with Nero," Luna insisted as she squatted down to the kids, smiling to them as she petted one of the boys on the head, smiling to him. "I would rather go out with a cute boy like yourself," She said and laughed a bit as she then began walking around, looking for anything that resembled an art studio.

"Um... Could you point me in the direction of the art studio?" She asked a bit embarrassed as most of the buildings looked the same for her, even though some looked a bit different, it was hard for her to decide where she should go. Plus, the kids were great company since they were giving off such a happy and cheerful atmosphere around themselves.
"Zeroe's studio is this way, Aunty." said the little girl, grabbing Luna's hand. "I'll show you."

"No, I'll show you!" said the boy she'd teased earlier. He took her by the hand.

"oh...ok we can go to Zeroes...." said the other boy a little dejectedly.

The three led her to a small cottage where a man sat outside on a potter's wheel. He had long white hair that drooped over his face. He stopped the wheel and lifted his head as he heard them coming. His hair covered his face. He reached beside him for a towel and wiped his hands.

"Zeroe, we brought you the new lady friend." said the little girl.

"Oh? And what bring you to my studio?" he asked cheerfully as the kids came up to him. "Lina, would you get me my staff?"

"Sure, Zeroe." the little girl said, running and getting a wooden staff for him.
((Thunderstorm did it again! Power said goodbye! -.-))

"Hello. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I am interested in some painting equipment. You see I am very interested in art," Luna answered him with a smile, before she reached out her hand politely.

"I am Luna, I'm the newest resident here. It's a pleasure to meet you," Luna introduced herself and patted the boy who had grabbed her hand on the head, giggling a bit as it seemed he was one of those who wanted to 'be in charge' of the small gang of children that had gathered to bring her over to Zeroe's studio.

"Thank you for your help. You were really helpful," Luna said to all of them squatting down to their level as she smiled to all three of them. It seemed as they were all nice children, and wanted to help her which was a good sign since she was suppose to live there from now on.

"Take a look on how Nero is doing, he will probably appreciate your concern, and greet him from me. I'll be back once I've looked a bit around," Luna said with a smile, hoping Nero was okay as the loss of his friend had to be terrible, as she knew his death was on her conscious, even if she didn't kill him.
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