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Blood Lust

(Your characters... your choice ^^)

Luna smiles and giggles a bit as she finished her breakfast, placing it next to her on the nightstand as she saw the clothes that had been prepared for her there. Looking over at Nero again, he seemed very tired, probably been working hard. The sound of her parents coming made her heart almost skip out of her chest in happiness, and then she had to explain everything to her and her heart sank a bit. Would they believe her? Or would they try to leave?

"It's fine. Don't overwork yourself," Luna reassured Nero, hoping he would take some time to regain his energy as he already seemed tired, laying beside her feet. She avoided mentioning her parents to Nero, as the only thought hit her was how terrible it must be for her parents to live and the lost of his two friends. It truly was unfair, towards Nero. The lookalike wanted her, so Nero shouldn't have lost anyone. Truly it was yet another one of Fate's twisted decisions. The thoughts however was quickly dropped as Luna felt something tickle her feet, letting out a small laughter looking at Nero.

"That tickles!" Luna exclaimed happily, looking at Nero with a smile as they had become far closer than she thought was possible for someone only knowing each other for two days.
ok haha I'm gonna go for shock factor then!))

"Oh it tickles does it?" he said, sitting up and pulling the blankets from her feet. "Haha! Got cha!" he said before tickling the bottoms of her feet playfully. As she kicked and laughed he fell backward off the bed, laughing as well. He lay on the wood floor a happy expression on his face.

In that moment a tall thin woman entered. She was wearing a black top and a pair of military pants. Her black hair was drawn up in a ponytail. Her feature were thin and sharp. She softly knocked on the door way. Her eyes were brown and had a sort of arrogance to them. Nero looked at her and waved her in. He was still smiling, but his smile quickly faded when he saw how stern her face was. He braced himself for bad news or some grim task. He was tired of running all over.

"What's up Clara?" Nero asked.

"Have you spoken to Emanuel's mate about his disappearance yet?"

"No, I do not think it is time yet." he answered, sitting up.

"It's been two days. How long will you wait?"

"As long as necessary, Clara. I believe I might still find him. Are you questioning my authority!?" as he spoke he rose, his muscles flexing. the woman quickly backed down.

"No, sir. My apologies." she quickly fled out the door.

Nero relaxed then looked at Luna. "Sorry about that. Go ahead and get dressed. I'll meet you outside so we can start the day." he grabbed his shirt and headed out.
Luna laughed more as Nero laid down on the wooden floor, great to get her minds of things as they could have some fun. Some normal fun as normal people would have, reminding her that she wasn't different from everyone else, just a little bit in her genes, but she didn't really feel different. She wasn't attracted to blood, she didn't react to sunlight, she wasn't exactly sure what she was. However, she knew she was alive and that was all that was needed. Her laughter stopped as a woman stepped in, her expression reminded Luna of her Math teacher when she came with a bad excuse for not doing her homework, and the same chill traveled down her spine.

A mate? Then Emanuel isn't human either...? This keeps getting weirder and weirder... but at least nothing suprises me anymore. However, why are you calling a lover a mate? Luna thought as the woman excited, unfazed by Nero's sudden shout as Luna didn't comment either, before he went back to his normal happy state and exited her room.

A small sigh escaped Luna's lips, as she stood up and changed her clothes into what she had bought yesterday. It was a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans, that fitted her perfectly, and she threw over a red shirt over her black t-shirt, as she looked in the mirror. Her black converse fitted perfectly, but compared to Nero's clothes, she looked rather casual. Maybe the Dracula movies weren't lying and vampires usually dressed that formally? Not giving it a second thought, Luna quickly finished, fixing her long brown hair a little bit, before she headed outside to meet Nero.
(Quick inquiry, and please don't take offense-- are you alright with homosexual characters? I ask because I do not wish to make you uncomfortable with any characters. Again, please don't be insulted. Also, do you mind playing a scene with Luna's folks since they're your characters?))

Nero stood outside, he was wearing a fedora now and shades. He was issuing orders to different people. They were all dressed to cover their skin from the sun but were also hell bent on getting work done. He watched them scurry away with their new orders. He was the Leader of this village. He had both control and power, yet it seemed he didn't let it inflate his ego. He only exercised his power when he needed to, otherwise he was fairly gentle. He turned to see Luna coming out to meet him. He smiled at her.

"Thank you for coming out. I want to show you where your home will be." he led her across the property to a space that was large and empty...except for the skeleton of a house. There were construction workers in clothes that covered all of them from the sun working on it. "Here it is, this is your home to be." he then pointed to the left. "and it is only a small ways from Zeroe's studio." he suddenly felt anxiety bubble in him. He'd never felt that before when he built a house for someone. His cheeks flushed a little. "You...do like it, don't you? A-are there any adjustments you want to make?" as he spoke anxiously the workers stopped, they were listening.

They burst into laughter. "Aye, looks like Nero's got himself a mate finally." they continued their laughter.

"Why have us build her a house, you could just ask her to live with you." said another worker.

Nero's face went red. "K-keep building!" he hissed with embarrassment.

"Ah we're just teasin ya, boss." said the first one returning to work with the others.
(Nope I am totally fine with homosexual characters, and I'll do the scene now though :D !)

Adam opened the door, seeing as a boy, seemingly Luna's age entered as he was carrying an injured older looking man, but only by a few years. Once Emanuel mentioned Luna, he took Sebastian away from Emanuel and carried him over to their couch, Olivia, who had watched them carry the injured man into the house, was already ready with her first aid kit, as they were both working within the medical profession. Olivia began tending to Sebastian's wounds, covering up the hole where his eye had once been, and then looked around her house. Their house was linked to a small clinic where they both lived, so most of the equipment needed was found there.

Adam returned from the clinic as he came with a bag of blood and a needle, as Olivia gently thrusted the needle into Sebastian's arm. Letting the blood slowly tranfser into him, as all they now could do was wait. Adam turned quickly to Emanuel now that his friend had been taken care of, and slammed his fist right beside Emanuel's face, as a stern look met Emanuel's eyes.

"You better tell me where Luna is right now. Or the wall isn't what I'm going to hit next," Adam threatened Emanuel, as he was sick and tired of not knowing where his daughter was, and after the phone call that was all he could think about. Olivia walked up to where they were both standing, but didn't say a word as she had a milder look in her eyes, but still anxious to hear about her daughter who was missing.


Luna walked outside to see Nero in a slightly silly get up, he looked like a celebrity undercover trying to buy some groceries or something, but at the very least he wasn't the one who looked the silliest, as there was a man who had dressed himself in only scarfs, and it didn't even look he could breath in his get-up. Luna followed Nero a bit excited to see her new home, as she looked at its position in town. It seemed as Nero had thought it through, as it was very close to the studio she visited yesterday. She still had to remember picking up her painting from yesterday. "It's great," Luna said with a smile as the workers teased Nero, letting out a small giggle as he was clearly embarrassed, but it was good to see hardworking people too.

(Long post! Sorry ^.^')
No apology needed. I loved it!))

Emanuel stared directly into Adam's eyes. His expression was very serious. He looked around the house quickly and wondered if he should try to cast a quick repellent spell to keep their location secret. He brought his thoughts back to Luna.

"She's safe. My big brother rescued her and took her to our village. I will take you there when Sebastian is well enough to move. You're going to have to leave here soon anyways. it won't be long before you are targeted as well. The creatures after Luna did this to my friend, he won't hesitate to do it to you too. He's a werewolf trained in magic. He is not someone you want to meet."


"You like it!?" Nero exclaimed, forgetting that he was embarrassed. The workers poked their heads out from their work and gave a wink and quick thumbs up to Luna before hurrying back to work. They did not need another scolding. "I thought you'd like it. I'll have Zeroe show you where to gather paints. I'm also having more paints shipped in." he seemed very proud of his hard work. "We do a lot of growing of crops for the human world, we trade that for money and other supplies. We only hang on to what we need. Even though Vampires don't have to eat...we kinda like to." he laughed.

Nero took a moment to look around. He was glad to see how things were running. If he needed to he'd intervene, but right now the society he worked so hard to build was running like a well-oiled machine. He was really satisfied to see that all creatures working together so well. He could see the children playing and learning. He'd recently employed a teacher. He had a lake for fishing that kept itself fairly well stocked. This society ran mostly on a trade system, but he was good at getting money circulating too so they could venture to the human world to get some desirable items. He'd worked on this for countless years. He was a vampire, he had all the time in the world.

"So, do you want to learn about what you can do?...with your powers I mean. You don't have to find a space in the society just yet."
Adam wasn't finished interrogating Emanuel and opened his mouth to ask another question, but stopped when Olivia placed her hand on Adam's shoulder almost brought to tears as Emanuel had ensured her safety. Adam turned to comfort his wife, holding her in his arm, before Olivia smiled. "Go and prepare some tea for our guest Adam," Olivia said as Adam only nodded, and sent a other stern glance at Emanuel before he disappeared into the kitchen to prepare their tea. "Please. Come in," Olivia invited Emanuel as they walked into the living room, as they couldn't leave Sebastian alone in case something happened, and smiled to him, holding both of his hands in her small trembling hands.

"Thank you for protecting our daughter. We know, that she isn't human. A desperate wolf-like woman begged us to take care of her in her sted. She said that someone will try and take her life, so Adam suspected as much as Luna was in danger as well. Your brother... might he be this Nero man we met earlier?" Olivia asked as Adam returned with the tea and sat down next to Olivia. "Oh. I am Olivia and this is Adam, he usually isn't this intimidating," Olivia excused her husband as Adam was still a bit angered by the entire situation. "As long as Luna is safe, I suppose that's good enough for now," Adam said as he watched Sebastian in the corner of his eye.


"Of course I like it! Have you turned deaf?" Luna teased as she gently hit him in the side giggling as the workers gave her the thumbs up. The atmosphere was so different now that they were no longer on the run, but shr couldn't help, but wonder if her parents would be okay with everything. She didn't know anything, and denied everything. If they would do the same, then Nero might suffer more loses. She shook the thought out as she listened to what Nero was telling her.

"I promised to help him out at the studio too. I still have to fetch my painting from yesterday too," Luna said as it seemed this was a very good and organized community that Nero was in charge for. Must be hard to do it alone, but she didn't comment on it as she saw how good he managed on his own too.

"My powers? I- I can do things?" Luna asked curiously as she looked at Nero then her hands. She had never thought that she might have powers too, as she considered herself a human, but nodded. She didn't have to be defenseless anymore, she could be useful. It was time for her to help Nero, just to lessen the burden of having to protect her at all times.
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Emanuel quickly reverted to his sweet childish self. He nodded sincerely. "It's ok Mama Oli." he said cutely. "Nero can be scary too. I understand. When you love someone you can be scary for them. Nero...he's scary a lot, but I think that's because he has lots to love. He takes good care of all of us. I'm sure that by now he's already prepared a comfortable living situation for Luna." Emanuel said sweetly, easily charming Luna's mom. "For all the refugees he builds a home. He built one for me. I'm sure when you get there he'll make one for you too! We don't have any doctors yet! Mama Oli, you would be a very good doctor." Emanuel then turned to Adam. "Tea, pretty please?"

At that moment Sebastian stirred and shot upright. "Luna!?" his head jerked towards Emanuel. Emanuel went to him immediately. "Is she safe. Tell me we succeeded."

Emanuel gently forced him to lay down again. "She's safe, Sebastian, you'll bleed more if you remain hyped up like this." Emanuel was right, Sebastian had ripped some stitches and the bandages over his eye started to fill with blood.


"Yes, your powers. Have you ever wanted to chase cats or maybe rabbits just because? That's part of your wolf blood. You have two forms you can change into. You can change into a wolf and a wolf human hybrid, that's the were wolf. But you, and this is the interesting part, you can change at will. That's why my brother, Lupo, is after you. He wants gain the ability to change at will. To do that he'd have to perform a ritual under the light of a full moon. Don't worry about that right now, though." He then took a wolf psychology book from under his arm and handed it to her. "To become your wolf form, which is the easiest, you will have to understand the form. You need to understand the basic psychology of the creature... we'll start tackling the physical nature of your powers after you finish the third chapter of this book."

"Ooooo physical!" one of the workers chimed.

"Shut up!!" Nero yelled, turning red again. They all burst into laughter, Nero included.
Olivia smiled and let out a small giggle as Emanuel had already given her a nickname. This boy was far from the other guy they had met earlier as he seemed a bit more intimidating, but she was always skeptical towards the guys, and she knew that very well. Almost too well. Adam poured some tea in Emanuel's cup, not entirely convinced yet, but liked him better than Nero that was for sure as he even manged to smile to the boy. "I see... she's such an independent girl..." Olivia said as she admired her own daughter, crying a bit as she was still relieved that she was alive and well. "As long as this 'Nero' keeps her safe, then I suppose I cannot say anything..." Adam muttered as Sebastian shot up.

Olivia moved quickly over as Emanuel forced him back down on the couch. "Please do not move around. Your recovery will only take more time. Adam dear, get more thread and some more blood bags," Olivia asked as Adam disappeared and quickly returned with what she had requested and she looked at some syringes, giving Sebastian some sedatives, but only to lessen the pain as she gently took off the bandage around his eye. "His eye was completely removed, but we might be able to save your vision..." Olivia said and almost as Adam had read her mind Adam gave her an glass eye. "This will sting... so endure it okay?" Olivia said with a smile, putting on two gloves.

She carefully linked the glass eye to the different nerves in Sebastian's eye. As she moved elegantly with her hands, not uttering one word as when she finished she looked at it one last time as she finished, placing a new set of clean bandages around his head and eye. "Your sight should return after a couple of days. You should be able to walk again soon too, just lie down," Olivia said as she was more than enough covered in blood. "Excuse me for my boldness, but can we get a real explanation of what's going on? Why are we being moved and why was Luna moved too?" Olivia asked the two of them removing the blood covered gloves.


"Lupo wants my blood... wait... I'm a werewolf?!" Luna shouted a bit surprised, but she had a strange hate for cats... and had chased a squirrel for 30 minutes once.. it did explain that at the very least... "So he wants to transform as I can?" Luna asked as she hadn't transformed once... she wasn't even sure she could pull it off... once Nero gave her the book her spirit fell a bit. Why did everything start with reading? A small sigh escaped her lips as she smiled, for once she wanted to read to not ve absolutely helpless.

"I'll read it as fast as I can," she said as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening, but she wasn't really sure herself.

"Then... what happens if Lupo gets my blood? Except from him being able to transform whenever he wants that is," Luna asked a bit curiously as she opened the book to see only plain text, no pictures. She really wasn't going to enjoy this at all...
"Lupo would sacrifice you, and drink your blood. His next step would be to wipe out humanity and other 'monsters'." he said. "If he got his hands on you you would be killed. Don't think about him right now...he's my problem. Think about mastering your powers." Nero tried to be encouraging. It was true, his brother would be his problem to deal with. He would have to eventually end Lupo's life."Let me know when you've finished reading." as he spoke he turned and started for Zeroe's studio.


Sebastian gritted his teeth as she placed in the glass eye. "I will place a curse on this eye..." he growled in pain. Once she finished he lay still. He listened to their questions. "I will speak plainly to you then. Your daughter is the offspring of a shape shifter and a werewolf. Consequently she can change at will. A ritual can be performed by a mage under a full moon that requires the consumption of her blood. The ritual would allow whoever drank her blood to gain her power. The power she possesses is to change into either a wolf or werewolf at will. It is incredibly rare. Lupo is a werewolf, and Nero's elder brother. He wants her blood so he is not held at the mercy of the full moon and no moon nights. He wants the power that he can gain with changing to wipe out humanity. Being immortal also helps with his ambition. So there you have it. We came here mainly because we knew he would eventually. We came here to rescue your daughter from a wicked fate. That's what Nero does. He rescues the people he learns his brother will target."

Emanuel looked a bit nervous as he listened to Sebastian talk abrasively. He knew he was speaking out of pain. "Heh...a-any questions?"
Luna looked at the book, skipping through a couple of pages as she smiled to Nero, trying her best not to think about Lupo, but her mind kept drifting back to him. He did look a lot like Nero, but if they were brothers then how did it end up like this? It must be terrible to have to kill your own brother, or at least abandon him just like that, leaving him completely alone and only waiting for him to strike, Luna couldn't even begin to imagine how he must have felt right now. "I'll read it as fast as I can!" Luna said motivational as Nero began walking over to Zeroe's studio. She thought about joining him, but wanted to start reading, so she sat down beside a tree, hiding in its shade as she let herself be captivated by the book, trying to remember everything.


"There, no please rest. Sleep is best for you right now. You've lost a lot of blood, it'll be best if you don't overwork yourself now," Olivia told him as she had washed up a bit of the blood, and smiled as Adam was still pondering on what Sebastian had told them, but only let out a sigh and then a charming smile, as he wasn't as intimidating as he wanted to be, especially not when he was smiling. "Then we are happy that you protected Luna for us, but you honestly worried us a lot. I suppose this is why Luna didn't want to explain things to us on the phone, since she didn't know how..." Adam said as he poured a cup of tea to Olivia and himself. "I am Adam, by the way. It is a pleasure to meet you both," Adam said and smiled to the both of them, drying some sweat off Sebastian's forehead with a cold wet cloth, as he was clearly tired and spraining himself.

"Then... The yellow eyes we've seen from Luna at times... Could that be the 'wolf' part of her coming out? Occasionally when she got angry with us, her eyes would glimmer in an amber color. We never thought much about it, but that might have something to do with it. Of course, I'm not certain though," Olivia said to Emanuel, as she looked over to Sebastian over her shoulder, and then changed the blood bag, as it was empty, and made sure that the blood wasn't transferred too quickly into Sebastian. "I'll say... three days and you will be able to walk and see without any problems, but the glass eye will be difficult to get used too, please be patient with it," Olivia said and smiled to Sebastian, as she turned back to Emanuel. "Would you like to stay until your friend recovers? You can borrow Luna's room as she isn't here," Olivia suggested with a smile.
Emanuel nodded. "I would like that, please, but what about Sebastian?" he asked looking at his friend.

Sebastian opened his good eye and waved him off. "Go to be, Emanuel. You're being such a pain."

Emanuel smiled and was willingly led away. Olivia was kind to let him stay in Luna's room. He got himself cozy almost immediately. He relaxed in the bed and was asleep in no time. Sebastian laid there a while before turning to Adam who was still in the living room. He couldn't sleep so had to do something constructive. He reached out a hand to Adam.

"Emanuel brought my staff and books...Give them to me." he demanded. "I need to cloak your house."


(Time Jump)

Two days had passed since Nero gave Luna the book. By then she was already done with the parts she needed to read. Nero had collected the painting for her and brought it to their room. He'd also sent someone to gather Luna's parents, giving them orders to be on the look out for Sebastian or Emanuel. He stood in the center of town waiting for Luna. It was midnight, and it was time to begin her training. He was sitting on the edge of a fountain he'd just put in. It had fresh drinking water in it. He hoped that it would help the town prosper.
Luna quickly got up as she saw she had fallen asleep, she had gotten a bit more used to how the society worked around here, and was even more happy that she felt as if she belonged some place again. As she hurriedly got dressed properly and fixed herself up a bit, she skipped through the different pages to make sure she didn't forget anything, she had read it over the past two days, as she was hoping this would work, but she wasn't sure if she was being able to pull it off. She ran over to fountain, as she saw Nero already waiting for her and she ran over to him, almost out of breath as she smiled.

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" Luna asked as she looked at Nero, the book firmly under her arm as she brought it just in case they needed it, she had read the three first chapters, and was now ready to learn.
"Nope, you're right on time." his voice was shockingly sweet. He couldn't help but think that he was being way too nice. Before her he had a much more gruff expression and way of talking. "Here's a charm to help you transform." he said slipping a ring on her finger. "Now, focus all your energy into becoming exactly what you read. To become a wolf you have to think wolf, react wolf, and believe that you are a wolf. If it helps, you can envision that you are a wolf, running through the night with your pack. Remember the basic mentality of the beast you've read on. You have to become that."

Nero sat back on the fountain, giving her space. He only knew so much on this subject. Sebastian was the real expert. He'd trained countless changlings, werewolves, vampires, and mages. He was an amazing wizard with an extreme wealth of knowledge. Nero only knew the basics so he could protect everyone from Lupo's great greed. He focused on the charm. Sebastian had made it in preparation before they embarked on their mission. Nero wondered if Sebastian knew he might not return.
Luna put the ring on the same hand she had the bracelet from Emanuel, she had never in her entire life wore so much accessories in her entire life, as she looked at them and then nodded to Nero's command, closing her eyes. Wolf, wolf, wolf. Moon, running, forest, sheep, fur, chasing... What else? All four, tail, ears, senses... Luna thought as she kept thinking and felt her body slowly go down onto the ground, her hands turned into smaller versions and her entire body fell down onto the ground, slowly opening her eyes, she was suddenly half her normal height and was looking up at Nero.

She could smell the night air and the moon was blinking in her eyes, as she looked at her tail, as it wagged from one side to the other, and a sudden urge to chase it ran through her head, but she stopped and looked up at Nero, smiling. "I- I did it right?" Luna asked a bit hesitantly looking down at her fur covered paws, smiling as she felt she really had done it.
Nero applauded. and turned away from her. "Yup, good job...Uhm...just a heads up when you revert to a human you'll have to put your clothes back on." Nero didn't want her to see him blushing.

At that moment a man ran up. He was about the same build as Nero. He glanced awkwardly at Luna. He couldn't understand where the wolf had come from and why there were womens clothes on the ground. He forced away the inquisitive thoughts as he bowed to Nero. Nero looked at him in surprise. He wasn't expecting him back so soon.

"What news?" Nero asked sharply.

"Your guests that you summoned are here. And they brought you a most pleasant surprise. They're at the gate."

Nero's eyes gleamed as he shooed the man away. He turned quickly to Luna. He had a big grin on his face. He hadn't told her yet that he'd sent for her parents. He winked at her. He gathered up her clothes for her and put them in her hands. He was too happy to really explain things well enough though.


Three days passed and Sebastian's temper was getting worse. He was constantly pissed off at his right eye. He gathered up their necessary things. Emanuel helped Luna's parents pack up some of the things he thought Luna would want. A messenger came from the village early that morning and insisted that they move quickly. Sebastian was all too eager to return home, and so was Emanuel.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Adam, Olivia. Any Medical supplies you feel you need or want bring them with you. I will use some strong magic to get us there quicker. I can cut 6 hours off of our trip but I cannot teleport further than that."
"My clothes?" Luna looked down to see her clothes laying there scattered on the ground and blushed, everything was there, absolutely everything. "I- I'll remember that!" Luna said as a man walked over to them, he looked to be like Nero and she only smiled to him, but her smile must have been more awkward than the look he was giving her, as she was a wolf right now after all. Guests? Who did he bring? Maybe another person who's running for their lives... He's honestly such a great man... Luna thought as Nero gave her clothes and ran off, as she hadn't listened to their conversation at all.

"Nero what did he say?" Luna said as she looked at Nero as he winked at her, she wasn't really sure what Nero was grinning about, but understood his hint as she walked behind the fountain, turning her back to Nero. If turning into a wolf is thinking of a wolf, then turning into a human should be thinking about a human right? Luna thought as she closed her eyes, and felt her body revert back to normal, well almost normal as her tail and ear was still visible, but she didn't have time to think about it, as she quickly got dressed and walked back to Nero.


"I told you it will be difficult to get used too, but at the very least you can see. After a while it will no longer be as annoying, but your nerves need to adjust," Olivia said to Sebastian's complaint, as she was packing some of her belongings and equipment into her bag. Adam was also packing, as he made sure that the syringes, and bottles of medication wasn't broken as they gently tucked it into paper and placed it between their clothes, along side some of Luna's painting equipment and favorite items from her room. "We got what we need, please bring us to Luna. She must be worried," Olivia said as they both closed their suitcases, ready to go.
Nero went immediately to the gate and paused. He should have at least showed Luna how to change back. He felt bad that he let his excitement carry him away so much. However, it was too late now. He was already at the gate. He went to it and opened it. The sight before him stopped him dead. His eyes filled with tears. His chest felt heavy. Honestly, he nearly fell backwards at the sight. He couldn't believe the two forms that stood in front of him.

"Is that...you?" Nero questioned.

"What, you thought Lupo killed me? He would've if it weren't for your girlfriend's parents." Sebastian answered.
Luna hurriedly ran after Nero, as she saw who had gathered there. She stopped, she didn't know who to hug first... She didn't even know who to greet first! Her parents were there... and Emanuel... and Sebastian... Luna's eyes were quickly filled with tears as she dried them away quickly, her tail wagged from one side to the other as she ran over to them, hugging them all into one giant hug, Nero included as she laughed happily, her tail still wagging uncontrollably. "You made it! You all made it!" Luna exclaimed as Adam ruffled his hand through her hair, looking at her ears and tails.

"This was what they were speaking off huh..." Adam said as he eyed Nero up and down to Sebastian's comment. "G- Girlfriend?!" Adam said as he looked at Luna. "Something you wish to tell me young lady?" Adam asked as Olivia grabbed her husband arm, smiling to Nero. "Do excuse him, he's not... he just has a weird way of showing happiness," Olivia said with a slight giggle as she hugged Luna. "I'm glad we're back together," Olivia said, smiling as they were all reunited again, safe from the danger.
A sharp pain coursed through his chest as he realized that they would likely not share a room anymore. He'd already grown so accustomed to waking up to her and admiring her beauty. He forced those thoughts away. He had her company a day or two more while their house was being finished. He had to focus on the happiness of the moment. He was squeezed to death in a hug with everyone else. Sebastian smiled and ruffled Luna's hair.

"I missed you Nero!" Emanuel exclaimed.

"I missed you too, you pain in the a-"Nero said but was interrupted as a tall muscular man came running up.

"Adrian!" Emanuel screamed, breaking from the group and tackling the man. The man held him tight, crying into his shoulder.

"I'm glad I didn't have a funeral for him. This would be even more emotional." Nero said happily.

"The parents will stay in my house." Sebastian said. "I'm sure a house will be built soon. Any news of Lupo?"

"No. He's been silent." Nero said blandly. "But let's not think of it. Let us have a celebration to welcome our friends home."
Luna's tail seemed to wag quicker once Sebastian ruffled his hand through her hair as she smiled happily, laughing as well. Everyone was here now! It wasn't up until now she realized she didn't look entirely human as her tail hit her side, but neither her mother or father seemed surprised or even fazed by the fact she wasn't human. "Dad... he's not my boyfriend... relax," Luna said to reassure him as she realized she wouldn't live with him anymore. A small frown spread on her face as she enjoyed waking up, hearing, Nero's voice early in the morning. She didn't want it to end.

Olivia smiled as she got something out of her bag quickly, it was a small golden locket, as she hanged it around Luna's neck. "I'm sure you know by now. But we wanted to keep it a secret, just too protect our little girl. Here. Your biological mother gave this to us, before she disappeared," Olivia said as Luna opened the locket and saw a small picture in it. There was a man standing with his silver grey hair, tail and ears, holding around a seemingly human woman. In her arms was a newborn child with the same locket around it. The side had been engraved with: "You are always in our hearts Lunaria".

She closed it, holding her tears back as she already knew the fate of the people in the picture, and luckily for her wasn't that hard as celebration was brought up. "Yeah! We should hold a party!" Luna exclaimed, her fist in the air. "No alcohol, and no being alone and-" Olivia gave her husband a hit in the side as she smiled. "I belive a celebration is in order. Don't you think so Adam dear?" Olivia said as an angry aura surrounded the smiling woman. "Ah... yes of course dear..."Adam answered her, clearly in fear of his wife's angry aura. Luna only giggled as everything was how it used to be, and hopefully it would be like this too, but she knew. Deep down. That these days would end, when the confrontation with Lupo happened.

(I keep writing a lot... sorry!)
I like it. :) I enjoy getting greeted with walls of text))

Nero led them to the center of town. To his surprise a celebration was set up already. The villagers all greeted and welcomed Luna's parents. Emanuel was quickly swept away by his lover and the two were gone. Sebastian went to Luna and placed a weak hand on her shoulder. He smiled reassuringly. Her form was cute, it wasn't powerful, but it was cute. He lightly boinked her nose and she reverted fully into a human form.

"Thought the tail might get in the way." he explained before going to a snack bar.

The village was set up like a mini carnival. There were games and other things to do. When it was obvious that Luna's parents were distracted with the food and people he whisked her away. He'd been thinking about it a while, and he'd come to a decision. He pulled her to a place where they were alone.

"Luna...I know it's strange...but I've grown attached to having you beside me...and I'd like you to remain beside me...at least until your house is finished..." his face was getting red as he spoke.

' I love you, Luna. I want you near me. You give me courage and strength and you make me feel less alone. Please! I need you. You're making me a naturally nice person! I have never been nice so easily in all my life.' His thoughts were not spoken but he desperately felt them. He anted with all his heart to tell her everything, but he simply couldn't.
((Some people get scared so I just needed to apologize! I'll stop now ^-^ here you go. A wall of text xD ))

Luna enjoyed her time in the festival as Sebastian helped her get rid of her tail and ears, and smiled as she enjoyed the time they spent together. Slowly, but surely the group split apart as Luna waved to Emanuel getting dragged away with his lover, her parents went to explore and probably enjoy their 'alone time' too as she didn't even want to think about that, even less imagine it. Sebastian was gone before she even got a chance to talk to him, but didn't say anything as Nero called her out.

They exited from the small festival, and as the sound of the festival became more distant it was clear that they were finally alone. She smiled and sat down on the grass, looking up at the night sky. It was just as when they first met, only the full moon wasn't there, and they weren't painting this time either. A soft breeze ran through her hair as it was buffering in the breeze, and she gently put it behind her back again. Once Nero said he wanted her to stay in his room, her hearty skipped, but sunk a bit as he said until her house was finished.

Luna brought her knees to her face, looking up at Nero's face, barely visible due to the darkness of the night. "I- I know it's selfish of me..." Luna muttered as her own cheeks lit up, never had she loved the dark this much as she dug her face a bit closer to her knees. "B- but... if it isn't too much trouble..." she continued having troubles finding the right words, as she was mentally beating herself up for not just spilling it out. Telling him she wanted to stay longer, but her lips were frozen, they refused to move, as she forced out words, barely audible. "Could I stay..." she continued, biting her lower lip a bit, as she continued again, hating herself for splitting up a simple sentence. "After it's finished too...?" She said as she ducked down into her knees, redder than a tomato at her request. She had never been selfish in her entire life, and for the first time. She wanted something so bad, she would die for it.
Nero lowered himself beside her. His heart had leaped up into his head, bounced around a bit, then lowered to his throat and stayed there a while. He struggled to get words to form actual sentences as his only thought was that she wanted to be near him. He reached over and moved her knees away from her face. He was still struggling for words. How did he say yes without over eager? Oh no! What if he heard her wrong? What if he was just imagining things? What if she didn't say those words at all? Nope, it was too late and he was too close to pull away. He cupped a hand on her face, gently pulling her to him. His lips twitched with anticipation. He licked his lips as the adrenaline pumping through him made them dry.

"You can stay forever." he whispered. His heart threatened to break out of his chest with how hard it was beating. Should he kiss her? What was he doing? He didn't know if he should or even could follow through with a kiss. Worse, he didn't know if he would be any good at a kiss. He pannicked and just hugged her, putting a hand on the back of her head so that her face pressed into him. "Share my life with me...?" he asked, turning even more red.
Luna's heart skipped once Nero touched her, the warmth of his hand was perfect, just as how she wanted it to stay. It was perfect, the entire person in front of her was perfect. She didn't pull her head away as she looked at him, the darkness no longer concealing his or her red faces, as she smiled to see she wasn't the only one embarrassed about this entire awkward conversation. her heart kept racing, it was getting close to jump out of her chest, there wasn't enough room to hold it in after all. Her eyes focusing everywhere, as Nero came closer.

Was it a kiss?! Or was it a hug?! Would she be awkward if she pulled herself into a hug and he wanted a kiss? Shr panicked inside as she was pulled into a hug, Nero's breath brushing against her neck as she blushed even more on the verge of exploding from the heat that was boiling inside of her. Her lips were shaking, as his question echoed in her head, as her head spun around. She had to answer! She had to speak! Her lips... they had to move! "I..." Luna mumbled looking up into Nero's eyes.

The deep darkness of the eyes were like the night sky, glimmer of lights were the stars and her reflection was in the middle of it. Her lips wouldn't budge, they couldn't move. Her heart was beating through her chest, her thoughts were everywhere, but her head. Carefully she leaned in, no longer letting her head guide her, but her heart. Closer. Closer. Closer. She could feel his breath against her face now, as she leaned in, and let her lips unite with Nero's, a quick gentle peck as they separated. Quickly she realized what she had done as her head caught up with her heart, and she dug her face back into her knees and her arms over her head, as panic spread through her entire body.
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