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Blood Lust

Nero set to work preparing a tasty cream sauce and some flat noodles (not sure what they're called). He was too busy with the sound of chopping things to be bothered by conversation. He was extremely focused. Emanuel rolled onto his back and looked thoughtful. How long had it been?

"It feels like hundreds of years." he answered, sitting up. "This isn't Nero's permanent residence. Where we usually live is much cuter.He has a large property with lots of houses on it. Nero is our leader. He takes care of all of us." Emanuel looked thoughtful for a moment. "When I was little I was attacked by a pack of wolves. When I was certain they'd kill me, Nero appeared. He killed half of them and scared away the others. He wouldn't want me telling you this, but Nero saved me. He's a good person. Even when he acts mean, he is still kind."
"I know he's a good person. He saved me too after all. He's really strong now isn't he?" Luna praised him and smiled to Emanuel, thinking of the other he had told her.

Was Nero rich or something? Owning a large property with lots of houses on it, it sounded a bit off... If he did own this large property then what was he doing in a small apartment here, in school for that matter? Or even more curious was Emanuel's constantly titling Nero as his 'leader'. Where did Nero come from exactly? "Emanuel, why are you calling Nero your leader?" Luna asked curiously as she was still curious on what was happening, but was interrupted by her cellphone. She had completely forgotten to tell her parents!

"Excuse me for a second," Luna said as she picked up her phone, her angry mother was on the other end. She was worried and a bit angered as they hadn't gotten off to a good start of the day after all.
"Dinner is nearly done." Nero called.

Emanuel got up and sat on the back of the couch, giving Luna big puppy dog eyes. He hoped that Nero wouldn't be mad at him for sharing that with her. He wanted to help Nero gain her trust. He was certain that if she knew that Nero had saved him and countless others that she would be very pleasant to him. He looked intently at her. He did not want her to leave. He knew it was necessary Nero talk to her.

"Please say you aren't leaving! Nero made you pasta!" Emanuel pleaded. 
thought you might like to see an image of Emanuel. This is him))

"Sh...." Luna gestured to him, holding her finger over her mouth as she made sure the phone was away for her mother not to hear her on the other end of the phone.

"What was that? Yeah, that's fine. I'm coming home a bit late, we got a project all of a sudden you see... Hm? No. I'll be careful. Thanks mom, bye," Luna lied as she smiled a bit of mischievous smile as she turned to Emanuel, ruffling his hair with her hand.

"You almost blew it you know!" Luna scolded him a bit annoyed, as she narrowly escaped that one! She could have told her mother the truth, but that meant she had to leave, since Nero was already making the food for her it seemed as such a waste to go home. She just had to return a bit earlier that is all.

"I'll eat here, but then I'll have to leave. Sorry for the inconvenience, but my parents are still a bit shaken up from yesterday. That... and I sort of left on a bad note this morning..." Luna said a bit embarrassed as she was not looking forward to the scolding when she came home.
"I can talk to them for you! They will like Nero when I tell them how nice he is!"

Nero put a hand on his head and softly ruffled his hair. "They would never believe you. They know me to be a rebelious man who will do what he wants despite what others think. This is not far from the truth. There's no point in arguing with people who've made up their minds. One can only agree with them and hold silent." with that said he set the table for four and filled the plates with food. "I'm sorry, we are expecting another."

At that moment the door opened and a man in a long black goat entered. He wore a top hat and carried a pile of books under one arm and a staff in his free hand. He had red hair and dagger like facial features. His eyes were piercing green. His red hair was braided and he had a tired expression.

"Sorry I'm late. I had mass to attend. And then I had to steal a much needed book from an old library. You would never imagine how fast the old librarians can run. Good grief! If I hadn't cast--- oh there's a guest. She's cute Nero."

"Luna, this is an old friend, Sebastian. He's on;y here for tonight." Nero explained.
"Pleased to meet you Sebastian, I am Lunaria, but Luna for short," Luna introduced herself as she sat down at the table, smiling as it seemed Nero knew many strange or strange looking persons at the very least.

What was this about stealing a book anyway? She hadn't been mixed into a weird group now, had she? Quickly she shook the thoughts out of her heads as it was too late to doubt now, and Nero seemed normal and nice enough. Emanuel did too, despite his colorful and childish personality.

"Don't take my parents for being the bad type though, they are just a bit cautious as I've been a bit unlucky this week. Maybe if I looked a bit more intimidating they'd leave me alone..." Luna thought a bit out loud, but with her small stature and build she was not sure if she could pull it off, after all. She was a girl, and looking intimidating and being a girl was never an easy task.
Nero looked down at his food and began to eat quietly. Sebastian sat down and eyed Luna. He was looking her up and down, a concerned expression. Nero would glance at him occasionally, wondering what he was thinking. All the while Emanuel was chatting their ears off. He chattered on about how he thought Sebastian and Luna should be great friends and on how sweet she was as well as how he enjoyed classes. He mentioned that he wished he could stay in classes forever.

"Luna, I do not believe your parents to be bad people. After all, they seem to have done well of raising you. I just-"

Nero was then interrupted by Sebastian. "He doesn't take orders well. It's plain and simple. When he feels that someone needs him, regardless of whether or not they want him, he's there. That's just the way he is." Sebastian then stuffed pasta into his mouth. "He's a good person, that is his one flaw."
"So... in other words... You're stubborn," Luna said to keep it short, teasing Nero a bit as she laughed it off. It was weird being this open to someone she had just met, but she felt really comfortable being with Nero and the others. Plus, Nero did seem as the stubborn kind, and the 'big brother' type.

"You know, I don't need that much help though. I'm just a bit unlucky. I appreciate the thought though," Luna said to Nero, as she couldn't keep Nero around herself at all times, she didn't need a life guard after all. Despite this week being a bit unlucky, she could fend off for herself or just run quickly in the other direction, both could work out.
Nero opened his mouth to say something but a loud burst of laughter from Sebastian interrupted him. Sebastian laughed a few seconds more before leaning across the table. He had a dark seriousness about him. His green eyes shimmered in the dim light of the oil lamps. He stared directly into Luna's eyes, piercing his way into her very soul.

"Don't you know what attacked you and why? Don't be so foolish. Your death could mean the end for a lot of people and creatures You're a necessity. If your attackers succeeded in their plight there would be a war that none of us want to fight." He then smiled and sat back, laughing some more. "But there could be a war anyways."

"Have you been drinking, Sebastian?" both Nero and Emanuel asked.

"You normally have more restraint." Nero growled before turning to Luna. "I admit that I had other motives for inviting you to dinner. There is a matter I wish to discuss with you. It is very urgent, and I hope you will listen openly." Nero said a bit nervously. He looked serious, but at the same time he tried to appear friendly. He had to tell her and he had to whisk her away to safety.
"What do you mean by that? That my death may cause war? What's going on?" Luna asked as the atmosphere quickly changed.

"Have I've been dragged into some weird cult or something?" Luna thought to herself now a bit more concerned in what situation she was now in. She sighed, and then lookef at all of them before sighing one more time.

"Okay. I don't know what's going on... but I owe Nero to listen at the very least," Luna said as she was ready to listen to their story, but if she would believe it was a whole different story.
Nero took a deep breath and let out a big sigh. "I came here to watch after you, protect you, and eventually take you from this dangerous situation. You have abilities that have been laying dormant within you since birth, but those abilities and your liniage are the reason you love the night so much. Luna, I'm here specifically to take care of you."

"Furthering that." Sebastian interrupted. "The people after you are after your blood. There is a forbidden ritual you can do to gain the powers of a wolfling, the child of a werewolf and Shapeshifter. In order to gain said power they have to sacrifice the wolfling and drink their blood under a full moon. You may find it hard to believe, but you're a wolfling. It's taken a great deal of magic to find you. Your parents have hidden you well."

"Trust me, Luna." Nero started back in. "I wouldn't be telling you this unless I felt it absolutely urgent. The most wicked of all werewolves is coming after you. If he gains your power he will kill all of my kind and tackle humanity. I need to...." he paused and stood, looking Luna directly in her eyes. "I want to protect you. After these two days....I can't stand the thought of harm coming to you."

"You aren't mad, are you, Luna?" Emanuel asked sheepishly.

(Am I rushing things too much?))
((Nah it's fine. We'll jump quickly into things :3))

"So you're telling me... I am a magical creature, someone wants to kill me and drink my blood, on a full moon that's a month from now.... and I'm supposed to believe it?" Luna said a bit frustrated as she let out a loud sigh looking at all of them.

They were a weird bunch of people, and weirder people had already attacked her twice. It did explain why she had been attacked at least. She was confused and needed some time to think, as she stood up and looked at all of them, forcing out a smile.

"I'm sorry, but this is a bit too much... and not believable... I- I need time to think," Luna said as she headed towards the door.

She remembered how they got there in the first place, so the way home was easy to remember. Maybe her parents were right? If all this was true, then Nero was suspicious as well.. no. He helped her twice... no. No, she needed to think. Or at least try to as this sounded as if it had been taken out of a book.

"I'll just go home, and pretend nothing happened," Luna sighed as she looked at her watch.

It was getting a bit late, but she should get home in good time.
Sebastian stood and followed her to the door. He motioned for Nero and Emanuel to stay seated. He went and got the door for her. His eyes were stoney. He made no attempt to keep her, despite the anxiety he knew was filling Nero and Emanuel. Sebastian followed her out, staff in hand.

"I believe we are going a similar direction, do you mind walking with me a short ways. I will break off, likely to the left, and you will continue on alone." Sebastian was frank and to the point. "If speaking is uncomfortable for you I will refrain from it as well. Do not fear. I am not as abrasive as the others."
"Sure, we can walk together," Luna said as she didn't wish to coldly brush them off, just a few seconds to think through what was happening. Even if they had told her the truth, she still found it hard to believe. She had to ask her parents, if they knew anything. Not only that, but to find out more about the situation she found herself in.

"We can talk, it's not as if I don't like you," Luna said to reassure them all that she was still their friend, she just found everything hard to believe.

She walked out the door and waved to Emanuel and Nero before she left with Sebastian, on their way home as she was for once was a bit eager to get scolded, just to get her life a bit back to normal.
Sebastian followed her out, leaving the two vampires to ponder his plans. Sebastian was quiet a while as they walked. He walked with staff in hand. It was long and silver. It certainly must be heavy. The silver swirled upward and around a large purple amethyst that was fused to similarly sized opal. The bottom of the staff wrapped itself around spherical sapphire. It was beautiful. He then placed an unlit cigarette in his mouth. his green eyes lowered to her.

"You don't mind if I smoke do you?" he said, eying her. He glanced around, they were the only ones out at that time. "Also, if you like I could give you a lift so you don't have to walk... I'm terribly impatient. I'm not good at waiting for the 'opportune' moment. Nero is better at that."
Luna looked at Sebastian's staff, it looked beautiful and very expensive. She wanted to ask why he was carrying it all the time, but was afraid she'd end up with yet an unbelievable answer. It frustrated her that she had only left them and Nero seemed as a very nice person too. With a sigh she kept walking, trying to think of something else.

The silence between Sebastian and herself was broken when he asked if he could smoke and Luna smiled to him. "No, it's fine I don't mind," she reassured him as he asked an embarrassing question next. "I appreciate the offer, but my legs does still work. I can walk on my own," Luna answered as her thoughts wandered once again back to Nero.
at my parents place so...I'm only able to respond when I'm free. Sorry))

Sebastian shrugged and lifted his finger to the cigarette. "Ignis." he said softly. A fire appeared on the end of his finger, allowing him to light his cigarette. He then shook his hand and the flame was gone. "You smoke?" he asked casually.

He had cast a spell to allow him to light his cigarette. He would hate to admit it but he often used his natural talents for frivilous things. He honestly should have been teaching other humans to use magic, but he wouldn't. He had taught someone before and that was a miserable experience. It was his fault that Nero's crazed brother had magic. He had taught him as a boy, and now he was paying for it. He was here to protect this girl who would be his student's prey. Thanks to unlocking magic's more pleasant gifts, Sebastian ages slowly. He was older than Nero and company and yet appeared only in his late twenties, early thirties. He wasn't muscular, however. His countenance was far more scholarly than Nero or Emanuel. He could pass as a college professor.
((It's fine :3 Haste is waste so take your time and enjoy ^^))

"I don't smoke, my parents says it's bad for your health," Luna answered him as they kept walking along the streets, it was a bit weird the silence that hung over them, but she honestly didn't know what to talk about. She had kind of brushed them off a bit coldly, and it wasn't as if she didn't believe them, but she couldn't say she did either. Her thoughts were interrupted by her cellphone as she flipped the screen open to look at it. "Unknown number?" Luna asked out loud as she was a bit skeptical if she should pick it up or not. Hesitantly she answered to hear a voice she hadn't heard before, but it was cold. It sent chills down her spine as she dropped her phone to the ground.

Sebastian immediately took notice. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. He could only assume what was on the other end of the phone. Sebastian picked it up and held it to his ear. There was nothing but a dial tone. He closed it and slipped it into his pocket. He then tapped his staff to the cement and the top gems glowed. A clear dome surrounded them, shielding them.

"Alright, Luna, we need to be serious here. Who called you? What did they say?"
"I- I don't know... I- I couldn't r- recognize his voice..." Luna said as she was slightly panicking, a bit scared of who was calling as she was out of this world and into the next one. Her breathing increased as she looked around herself, seeing the gems on Sebastian's staff glow up. Was she really in danger or was this some weird joke? What had she been dragged into?

"H- He said... I see you... you're as good as dead... no use to run..." Luna repeated as the words sent trembles through her entire body as she looked at Sebastian with a slight shock, maybe she was this wolfling as they told her, maybe she really was in danger. But if that was true, then wouldn't everyone be a suspect? She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she just wanted to go home. Pretend nothing happened, as she longed for the scolding of her parents this morning.
In that moment a man approached the force field from the shadows. He looked almost exactly like Nero, just with brown eyes and brown hair. He had a dark grin spread across his face. He could have said he was the devil and be believed. He strode forward with terrible confidence. Sebastian stiffened. His eyes revealed his fear. He did not need to voice it at all, but he did. He stared at the man in awful disbelief.

"H-He's here..." he said breathlessly.

"Hello, old friend." the man said, his voice was icy cold.

"Go to hell!" Sebastian growled before turning to Luna and grabbing her shoulder. "I'm sorry. This will be the end of our walk. Tell Nero it is time to move." as he spoke his staff began to glow.

"No!" the man yelled, starting to run.

Sebastian kissed Luna's forehead. "Good bye, it was nice meeting you." in that moment Luna was elsewhere. She found herself standing in Nero's living room.

Sebastian smiled weakly at the man as the man demolished his shield. "You will regret that, old man." the man said in a hiss.

"Funny...I'm certain that I will not."
"Sebastian!" Luna yelled as a flash of bright light appeared in front of her, and then the scenery changed. Nero's look alike was no longer there, and Sebastian had disappeared too. Not only that, but she had moved, was she... She looked around to see the familiar setting of Nero's living room and then looked around for either of them.

"Nero! Nero! Hurry! Sebastian he-" Luna found herself lost at words as she could see the fear in his eyes, he was scared to death. Was he going to... this was all real... it was really happening... She didn't want it to, it was like a nightmare.

"Please! Help Sebastian! There was this man and-" She couldn't continue, the only thought that went through her head once she began was Sebastian's death, and she didn't want him to die, not in her place. Not because she didn't listen, it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all...

Luna didn't waste more time to call for Nero as she ran towards the door again, hoping she was still in time to save Sebastian.
Nero heard it all. An arm wrapped itself around Luna's waist. It was Nero. He knew by her panick that his fears were coming into a reality. Without a word he lifted her to his shoulder in a fireman carry. He carried her out to the garage and handed her a bike helmet. Emanuel was already there. He looked mournfully at Nero, then at Luna. His big blue eyes filled.

"It's too late for Sebastian." Nero said grimly. "He knew what might happen, and yet he took this mission with me. It won't be long before they come here for you. They can follow the trail left behind by Sebastian's spell. We have to leave now."

As Nero spoke Emanuel came and helped Luna get the helmet on. He was gentle with her. When he was finished he hugged Nero, and Nero actually embraced him. It was short but it communicated great lengths. The hug meant they may not meet again, it showed the bond they'd shared. It was a possible good bye.

"If things go south, Emanuel, get yourself out. I don't care what you have to do to achieve it. You get out." Nero said to the smaller man.

"Yes, Nero. And you be safe too." Emanuel then placed a bracelette on Luna's wrist. "I'm glad I got to meet you. This is charmed. It will help repel evil or vengeful forces. It should buy you time."

Nero turned on the motorcycle, the engine roaring. "Get on, Luna."
Luna didn't object as Nero carried her into the garage as Emanuel helped her placing the helmet over her head, as she was grieving over Sebastian, even if she didn't get to know him properly and now Emanuel was next. Luna embraced Emanuel tightly as she was crying underneath the helmet, but tried her best not to let it show.

"Please stay safe Emanuel," Luna whispered to him as he placed the bracelet around her wrist.

A little bit hesitant Luna threw herself onto the motorcycle and held tightly around Nero's waist, still crying, but tried her best to pull herself together as she took a deep breath and kept Nero close.

"Go! Go! Go!" Luna yelled to him once she sat comfortable, and hoped that Sebastian didn't die, that he somehow managed to save himself.

He had sacrificed his life to save Luna and now she needed to flee, only because she didn't trust them, now it was too late to turn back. She put her head up, trying to pull herself together and she had to survive, to not make the life of Sebastian being sacrificed in vain and Emanuel's life too... Hopefully... they wouldn't die.
Nero shot out like a bullet. The bike sped off. Emanuel waved and went up stairs to prepare himself. They sped for a few minutes in safety before being pursued. Nero caught sight of the enemy immediately. He took a pistol from his side and aimed it. He shot out the tires of their first stocker, and then he shot the other. After that he evaded through back roads. It wasn't long before they were lost to the trees of a forest. Nero drove for hours before they returned to the road. When they did Nero headed directly for a hotel. He sternly got them a room and led Luna inside. He locked all the doors and drew the blinds on the window.

"You'll rest here tonight." he said, going over the closet space. "We'll drive the rest of the way in the morning. I don't want to be vulnerable as the sun comes out."

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