Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi stood in front of Urahara's shop and took in a deep breath. As he exhaled, he walked up towards the door and raised hie right hand up towards the door. Knocking on the door a couple of times, he awaited outside the door upon the response of one of the occupants from inside the building.


Raiden smiled and nodded as Grimmjow spoke out towards them. The thought of him fighting one of the shinigami's that were claimed to be really powerful was a great pleasure to him.

"Thank you Grimmjow sama. We will be ready in two days sir." Raiden spoke out as he bowed in respect.

Turning away from Grimmjow, Raiden whom was carrying Jacque, vanished from sight. Appearing out of main hall, Raiden set Jacque upon the ground and took in a deep breath. Jacque a couple of times before opening his eyes and got up to his feet. With a stagger, Jacque looked upon Raiden, with a confused expression.

"I see that you are awake. Kind of disappointing that you had passed out. There was some good news. We have two days to get your power level to a respectable level before the time to invade the real world. So as it stands, your training starts now!" Raiden yelled out as his power began to rise.

Jacque got to his feet as he looked upon Raiden and his raising power.

"I will not lose!" Jacque replied as his staff formed from the palm of his hand.
Kishi blinked her eyes open, not having fallen back to sleep yet from earlier when she heard knocking on the shop door. What the...what time was it? She waited, listening for Urahara to get up to answer to the door. She growled unhappily when she couldn't hear him and rolled clumsily to her feet, stumbling to the front door. She was to tired to think, which meant she was to tired to remember to sense for reiatsu. So she slowly opened the door, green eyes blinking at the somewhat familiar face that stared at her.


Hotaru nodded, "Thank you Grimmjow-sama. I look forward to the opportunity." 'Crazy fucker.' She walked from the chamber, passing the two in the man hall a bit after and snorted, "Pathetic." She continued on towards her own room, having occupied one of the old espada's rooms as her own. She did not feel like dealing with any ofthe idiot males right now, and Nari was all but humming as she held back from the will to slice them open.
"You make me laugh! You dont even compare to a ranked shinigami!" Raiden yelled out as he held his blade out to the side.

Vanishing from his spot, Raiden soon appeared in front of Jacque. With his right foot firmly planted on Jacque's chest, he pressed hard and kicked him away. Jacque flew from his spot fast, making a cracking noise from hitting the wall. The cracking sound was heard through out the hall by all. As Jacque hit the wall, it cracked from the force and soon crumbled and shattered away. Jacque exited the building and flew into the desert of hueco mundo. Flipping backwards, Jacque landed upon the sand and slid to a stop. Raiden was not far behind and within a flash, he appeared before Jacque. Jacque placed his hand upon his chest and his breath was labored.

"Look at you, a kick just a fraction of my power, and you are extremely out of breath." Raiden spoke out as he pointed his blade upon Jacque.


Riyoshi smiled slightly, placed his hands up in visible sight, and took in a breath.

"Hello Kishi-san. It's me Riyoshi." Riyoshi spoke out as he looked upon the tired face of Kishi.
Torres collapsed on the floor completely out of breath his face planted firmly in the dirt as he breathed heavily.

"I really don't like you right now."

He grumbled as his eye raised up to the individual in front of him who simply stood smiling at him from beneath the bandages.

"Why don't you take a break... We will start again tomorrow."

It smiled as it hopped off, completely unaffected and no fatigue showing as it seemed rather gleeful.
Jacque looked upon Raiden and gripped his staff firmly. Slamming the staff into the ground, ice shot from the staff in all directions. Raiden leaped into the air and smiled.

“Still got fight. I like that. But you need to be faster!” Raiden spoke out as he vanished from sight.

Appearing behind Jacque, the force of his landing cracked and shattered the ice. Raiden brought his free hand up and grabbed the hoodie that Jacque wore. Pulling back, Jacque soon lost grip upon the ground and Raiden tossed him into the white sand. Lifting his blade into the air, it began to glow a faint green in color. Raiden smiled his sinister smile as he slashed the blade down.

“You better dodge this cero!” Raiden yelled as the energy left the blade and shot in a straight line towards Jacque.

Jacque rolled and tumbled across the sand and when he heard about the cero, he rolled onto his feet and leaped to the side. Missing the cero, Jacque gathered his own cero in his right hand. His cero was different in power, it was weak.

“Nice cero.” Jacque replied as he looked at Raiden.

The energy forming in the right hand of Jacque was a light blue with a darker tint upon the outer section, almost as if it was encased in dark blue. Launching his cero at Raiden, Jacque ran to his left, going to flank Raiden. Raiden smiled at the tactic that Jacque was using, but he knew that it was useless since the cero Jacque fired was inferior to Raiden. As the cero approached Raiden, he placed his hand up and slashed the cero with his free hand. The cero exploded with ice, freezing Raiden’s arm up to his shoulder.

“Nice attack boy.” Raiden spoke out as he raised his blade up in defense to Jacque.

Jacque brought the staff down and connected firmly with Raiden’s blade. Jacque smiled as the staff started to emit ice onto the blade. Forcing down on the staff, the ice shot forth towards Raiden, covering his other hand and down towards his shoulder.
Kishi blinked rapidly, her green eyes showing her shock well. The man sounded like Riyoshi...kind of looked like him too, but...She reached for his reiatsu, adrenaline waking her up a bit more and her eyes widened more when she realized it was for a fact the man she had seen not only a few hours ago.

"What the hell happened to you!?" Her voice had risen and she quickly brought it down to a harsh whisper, "And where's your taichou?" She looked around him as if expecting to see the girl there. But her eyes flew back to his face, "Nevermind..." She stepped aside so that he could enter.

"Come in, I'll see if I can find you a place to sleep, it might end up having to be the floor though..." Kishi moved into the shop, clearly expecting him to follow and to shut the door behind him.


Hotaru pulled her cloak tighter around her form as she quickly slipped out from Las Noches, moving into the desert more so that she could train in peace. She absentmindedly gripped her electrically blue wrapped hilt with her right hand as she walked, the blade crackling with energy...Which was fitting for Hofuku Kaminari....

Her eyes flashed over the vast sand and she frowned, even for Hueco Mundo it seemed dead. She didn't like didn't bode well. She hissed lightly before unsheathing her blade and set about training.
Torres didn't bother to return back to Urahara's that night, he just found a random tree and spent the night in it. Thinking about what had happened.

Why didn't he remember this person, when they seem to know so much about him. He wondered if with this 'person's' help if he could really enter his own Inner World.

He remembered what it had told him during their training.

"Shinigami use their Zanpaktou to enter their Inner World, that is why they train with it. The spirit of their Zanpaktou is what helps bring them into their Inner World, it is their guide and key. Without they would have no clue how to do it. That is why trying to do it the Shinigami way is impossible, you have not Zanpaktou spirit to help pull you in to your Inner World, to guide you, to show you the way..."

"Then what do I have in my Inner World!? If anything?!" Torres shouted back as the creature was binding him with it's bandages that stretched across the field and wrapped around his wrists, ankles and torso.

"You will need something else to draw you in your Inner World." It smirked under the bandages

"What?!" Torres growled at it as he ripped through a bandage and charged with his blade in fury.
(Jeeze! I can't believe it took me so long to figure out how to navigate this freaking sight with the major change to the inner workings of it! Hrmph!)

"Nya!" Nyra mewed, her violet eyes still filled with their usual glint of mischief. She was much smarter than the average cat, though still a normal cat for that matter.

I opened my eyes a bit and immediately closed them back, not liking the sunlight. I rathered dark places to begin with. I reopened my eyes as I hopped down from my perch in the tree, landing soundlessly on the ground.
Raiden smiled at the fight within Jacque, his power was impressive, but not near good enough.Leaping back, Raiden flexed his arms and shattered the ice from himself.

“Your power is still not were it needs to be. If we are to be of any assistance to Grimmjow sama, then you need to be stronger. If the information is correct, then we will be facing captain class shinigami.” Raiden spoke out as he vanished.

As he appeared next to Jacque, he felt a presence off in the distance and he shuttered. It was a presence he did not like, and was hoping he did not have to feel it again.

“That is enough training as of right now.” Raiden spoke as he placed his hand upon Jacque’s shoulder.


Riyoshi donned a very depressed look as she asked about his captain. He took in a deep breath before letting out a long sigh.

“She will not be joining us.” Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his hand on his chest signifying a great loss.

Following in behind Kishi, Riyoshi looked around at the place. Nodding even though Kishi could not see him, he answered her statement.

“The floor is fine with me, I am not really tired anyway. So, can i ask you a question? How long has it been since you last seen me?” Riyoshi asked out as he stopped walking through the shop.
Kishi glanced back at him as she led the way down the hall, her brow furrowed in confusion. But she didn't ask, only spoke softly, "I am sorry." She paused outside a door and raised her hand to knock but stopped herself, "Eh, you can sleep in my room, just as long as you don't snore to much."

She turned down that way, rubbing her eyes with her palm to get out some of the sleep, "And its only been a few hours to be honest, which was why ya scared me so much when ya reintroduced yourself just now." A bit of the street accent she had picked up as a kid slid back as her exhaustion started to take over again.

"Me and Moon took care of the arrancar, but I get fairly banged up sense I was down with him when he blew up." She waved her bandaged arms around and pointed out her wrapped head, "Almost my whole upper body and legs got some pretty new decorations on 'em too..."

She yawned softly as she opened the door of her room, immediately heading to her bed roll and flopping down on it, " long has it been for you?" Her bright green eyes were hidden by her forearm as she spoke.


Hotaru nimbly moved around, in her resureccion form already to help further her strength. Her armoured skin flexed, her tail whipping around harshly with her irritation, "Damn it..." She huffed lightly, her skin, where it showed, covered in sweat. She had been working for a few hours now, her reiatsu spiking uncontrollably as she raged.

She swung around, the small pointed ears on the top of her head flattening as she looked around. She released the power of her resurreccion, her chest still falling and rising a bit harshly. She sighed as she turned to head back to Las Noches, her hair still crackling lightly with electricity.
"its ok kishi." Riyoshi responded.

Stopping as she stopped in front of the door, she did not knock but simply invited him to her room so he could get some rest.

"I promise i will not snore." Riyoshi spoke out as he bowed his head in respect of her invitation.

As he followed her, he watched as she collapsed upon her bed and lay towards him. then her response to his original question came out folowed by one that would probably seem a little off.

"For me, lets see. I have not been in the world of the living for about 10 years. For me, it has been a long 10 years since i last seen you and the group." Riyoshi replied as he sat upon the floor looking at kishi.

Placing his zanpakutou to his side, Riyoshi sat back against the wall and took a deep breath before exhaling deeply.

"As you could tell, ive grown older, my dark hair is now red, and much longer then when we fought, plus i aquired my true power and potential." Riyoshi said as he looked towards the ground and closed his eyes.
Kishi snorted, "Nah, I didn't notice nothing like at..." Her voice was deeply sarcastic as she lifted her forearm from her eyes to peer down at him. "And ya look good for it having been ten years. Might even give Renji a running for the red hair."

She grinned lightly as her arm dropped to her pillow, gripping it and tossing it lightly at Riyoshi, "Here. You don't have to be uncomfortable at least." She sat up with a soft groin, her bandages stretching taut over her scorched stomach, "Wait a moment and I'll go an' get ya some blankets."

She stood and moved towards the door, her long black hair swaying a bit, "And tomorrow you could show me exactly what the limits of your power are?" It was a question, but it sounded like a command. then she was gone to get him some blankets, yawning as she did so.

Kishi might be beat up, but she could still train enough to test his new limits.
(Pffffthahaha! Sorry, weird moment now. Just ignore the sunlight part, then.)

I went to find Nyra, a bit bored. Then I thought, maybe it would be more fun to go annoy Ichigo.

"Ooooh! Ichi! Where are you?" I called.
Hueco Mundo had become much quiet since the fall of Aizen, many Hollow had been killed, many were hiding from Aizen and his Espada, others hid from those who could make Aizen fall. Many Hollows still existed around, but few were near Las Noches and saw it as a forbidden place.

Far from where many Hollow dared to venture, 3 Arrancar were training for an eventual encounter with Shinigami... however deep in the heart of that lair something was growing. The land seemed quiet as energy began to emanate through the sand. At first it was nothing noticeable, but soon Hotaru, Raiden and Jacque felt the incredible power and terrifying feeling wash over them, it was like waves in a sea. First lightly washing over them, small and easy as more and more powerful waves began to wash over them, smothering them, drowning them as the screaming followed after. The horrible screaming that echoed with rage and loathing.

The power became more intense as it rippled through the sand causing it to shake and mould away from the center. The blue/green reiatsu seemed to glow through Hueco Mundo giving it a new colour, but one that seemed to suffocate the world as it seemed to shake as all the Hollows peeped out from under their holes and hiding as they looked out to the sky which glowed brightly and the ground beneath them shook as they felt the energy tear through Hueco Mundo.


Torres was the first to notice it as he froze right in the middle of his training.

"W...what is that?!"

This horrific feeling washed over him as he could feel himself being consumed with this rage, like every dark thought he had ever had was rising up to the surface and screaming. He looked around him as the whole world seemed to shake and felt heavy with this dark aura.

The mysterious creature with Torres had even stopped.

"This.... this is one's whose very soul has fallen into chaos. When one without a heart loses his one grip, the one thing he fights for and he falls into the utter depths of destruction and hatred. This is when one loses their very soul and is consumed by something much darker..."

It looked to Torres.


The humans of Karakura town began to wake from their peaceful nights of sleep with the feel of dread as they all looked out their windows at the terrifying sight, the sky seemed on fire with blue energy as it felt like the atmosphere itself was filled with dark intent and rage, pressing down on them as they could stare outside at the strange event in fear and worry. As they slowly went outside to see, holding onto their loved ones.


"Master Ura..."

"I know Tessai... I know." Urahara kindly responded top Tessai early as he stuck his head through the door as it reached the shop. Urahara looked around, he had thought with Aizen gone the terror that had come with would slowly fade from this world, but he had no idea that Shinigami had without intent left such a devastating scar that could become threatening then he himself was.


Deep with Hueco Mundo the sand swirled around like a storm, nothing was visible as it was like a terrifying sand storm. Deep in the very center, two eyes glowed with such power and rage. Only one thought was on it's mind... destruction.


(Your Arrancars aren't the only ones training. This event won't last long, but the whole of Karakura Town and Hueco Mundo is feeling it. It is very strong, but it will fade in a few minutes and be like nothing ever happened. Just setting some mood and trying to really create a threat of looming, make Grimmjow a proper villain in his own right. Hope it's not too much)
(Okay...Moon. I get that you don't post very often, and I'm completely cool with that. But, you need to know what's going on. Ichigo isn't at the shop, he went home because he doesn't spend the night there unless he's training. Plus he was pissed at Urahara from before, so he went home to chill out and to sleep in his own bed. Your character effectively just screamed the name of a person who isn't even around to hear it.)

________Hueco Mundo___________

Htaru fell flat to her knees, gasping raggedly for breath as she had started to head back to Las Noches. She grit her teeth painfully as she stood back up, her body running cold. But she was still irritated like all hell. 'Bloody asshole, can't even keep his reiatsu under check for a few minutes.'

She breathed a soft sigh of relief as the feeling washed away from her, able to walk properly now. The arrancar wondered sometimes why exactly it was that she had stayed here to serve Grimmjow. Besides the threats at least...Of course though, it was of no concern. She was here now, and this was the life path she was stuck with.

_______World of the Living_______

Ichigo shot straight up from his bed, his eyes wide as the terrifying reiatsu washed over him. His brown eyes frantcially searched around his room, trying to see where the threat was coming from. Wait...that felt like Grimmjow's reiatsu....

Ichigo was up and out of bed in a flash, grabbing Kon as he did so. He wouldn't be able to rest easy until he knew Karakura town was alright. He jumped out of his window, not even bothering to give Kon the usual warnings that he did.


Kishi froze as she stepped inside her room in the shop, the blankets in her hands falling to the ground. Her skin was cold and clammy, the feeling of terror washing over her like a tsunami. "Grimm....jow..." Her voice was soft and almost dead, her eyes staring blankly at the wall in front of her.
Raiden and Jacque both fell to the ground as the monstrous reiatsu hit them. The sheer amount of power and anger behind it was overwhelming. Taking in deep breaths, Raiden tried staying upon his feet using this time to 'train' himself. Jacque on the other hand, fell to the ground and lost the ability to breath for a second. The power of the espada was too much for him, since he was only a new born into the world of arrancar. As the reiatsu passed them, they were able to stand and breath under their own power. Raiden reached down and picked Jacque up from the ground and shook his head slightly.

"Still need some more training, but I am pretty sure that we are about to leave for the world of the living soon." Raiden spoke out as he placed his free hand upon the handle of his sword.

"The world of the living. I wonder about the shinigami that we will be fighting." Jacque responded as he looked up towards Raiden.



Riyoshi was out cold as he sat against the wall in Kishi's room. He had not slept in what seemed like his entire time in hell. But just as he fell asleep, The reiatsu poured over the world of the living and Riyoshi's eyes shot open and he looked around the room, then quickly darting towards Kishi.

"Grimmjow huh? I thought he had died when Ichigo faced him the last time. The Information that we had tated that he perished in Hueco Mundo." Riyoshi spoke out in a soft voice towards Kishi.

Not moving from his spot, he closed his eyes once more to see f he could pin point any reiatsu that was out of place normally. He wanted to see if this was a mere diversion, if anything was coming in to attack this town. His perception did not pick anything up besides the reiatsu covering the entire sky.

"Well, if this really is him, then we need to get a team started up and get a defense perimeter around this town." Riyoshi spoke as he opened his eyes and reached out for his Zanpakutou.
Torres shook it off as the feeling seemed to pass and the sky slowly returned to normal, but even though the energy was gone it had left a feeling deep within the soul that could not be shook and he was sure the humans of this world would start freaking out.

"Well it seems the time for battle is coming soon, so I won't have time to keep this training up for long. So we had better hurry and kick this up, we'll have to speed the process a little."

Torres said to his friend as his eyes glowed, he held out his blade as crimson reiatsu began blasting out of his body.

"Heh, so you are finally going to show me..." The creature smiled as it heard Torres roar and was consumed with energy as he transformed.

(One last day of training and preparing before our enemies show up.)
Kishi kicked aside the blankets before she moved to her over night bag she always left here, muttering to herself as she did so. she came up with a soft and triumphant 'Aha!" She was holding a blue mod soul pill and quicly popped it.

Her body fell away from her, "Stay here and keep away from Urahara." She had spoken quickly tothe mod soul who dutifully saluted. Kishi turned to Riyoshi, "Coming?" She didn't wait for his response, dashing out of the room, through and out of the shop.

Her heart was racing, her breath coming short as she basically shunpoed into the air. If Grimmjow was here, that didn't bode well for anyone. Especially not Ichigo, or anyone who got in the way of Ichigo. Which meant his family...Her speed burst again until she felt the familiar and relieving reiatsu of Ichigo.

But...was that all the way from Hueco Mundo then? How did Grimmjow turn into such a beast?


Hueco Mundo


Hotaru made her way towards where she could so obviously feel Grimmjow's reiatsu. Her purple eyes were duller than usual as they landed upon the training arrancar. She hated that she stayed here under his control she really did....."Grimmjow-sama. Maybe your training should be a bit more....reserved."

She waited for the oncoming consequences of her words, but found that she didn't care much. Huh, maybe her will of fire was dying. Oh well.
Looking over at kishi as she took the soul pill, and her shinigami form appeared. She turned and vanished from the room in a hurry, but Riyoshi just took his time getting to his feet. As Riyoshi stood up straight, he placed his zanpakutou in his belt and walked out of the room. As he entered the hallway, Kishi's reiatsu was completely gone from the building. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled and soon rubbed his eyes. Walking through the shop, Riyoshi kept from hitting the doors on his way out of the shop. Exiting through the door, he seen Kishi flash step away and he soon followed. Leaping from his spot, he was ten feet behind Kishi as they traveled through the air.

"What is your plan?" Riyoshi asked out as he slowed down his traveling speed.
There was nothing but rubble as Hotaru stepped inside, as giant slabs of rock began to move and tumble off as Grimmjow emerged. There were no words, just a quick flash of Sonido as Grimmjow stood with his hand tightly gripped around Hotaru's neck lifting her a few feet off the ground as his hands began crushing her larynx.

He said nothing, he just stood their growling. His eyes blank as he looked forward, it was like he wasn't even looking at her. There was nothing in his eyes, it was like he was empty inside and there was just rage in the soulless pupils. He continued to tighten his grip making it clearly obvious that this was the place Hotaru could die.


Torres reiatsu continued to flux as it seemed he was no longer holding back, it could now easily be sensed as he continued the battle with this strange creature. Their weapons colliding as they flew all over the place, thankfully they were in a very secluded part of the outskirts of town so they could cause major damage.
(I know that. I only said I went to look for him, not that he was there. Plus, I didn't bother with checking for his reiatsu.)

Realising Ichigo wasn't there, I pouted a bit, then just walked around. "Oh, well," I thought.

I froze when I sensed a powerful reiatsu enter the human world. Was this that Grimmjow guy's reiatsu? I would probably find out soon. Nyra ran up the closest tree to her.(I have seriously got to start being able to make longer posts......)
Kishi's head snapped back to focus on Riyoshi. She'd forgotten about him actually....."Um, I think we should re-group with Ichigo, he's probably dying right now from worry." He always did. The black haired girl rubbed her temples, the wight from her high pony-tail making the throbbing worse.

Her eyes snapped to where she could feel Torres' reiatsu sky rocketing, another heavy sigh escaping her lips. She was tired, and she needed sleep to help her wounds heal....But there would be no more sleep tonight, not for her, Riyoshi and Ichigo at least....She looked up at Riyoshi, her bright green eyes flashing, "Come on, we'll grab Ichi on the way."


Ichigo had frantically shunpoed through the town, Zangetsu in his hand but still sealed. His ragged breathing calmed a bit when he couldn't find any trace of Grimmjow except what little reiatsu traces there were left from the outburst. HIs brown eyes widened in shock a bit as he realized just how strong the espada must have gotten in order for his reiatsu to expand all the way to the world of the living.

His eyes flickered to the new explosion of reiatsu, while not as strong as Grimmjow's, still powerful enough to be percieved as a threat. But he recognized it as that arrancar that was in the shop...Tortito? ...Torro...No, Torres it was. He could also feel Kishi fast approaching him, so he waited.


Or not entirely perhaps. Hotaru's clawed hands gripped Grimmjow's wrist tightly, a breathy growl coming out before it was cut off by his tightening grip. Her purple eyes flashed with her anger and desperation, kicking out against whatever part of him she could get.

At the red-head's side, her zanpaktou crackled in response to her rising reiatsu, wanting to be wielded against the threat to its being. Light blue energy ran up and over her body, most definitely electricity, running up over Grimmjow's hand.

Dimly Hotaru thought that probably wouldn't do her much good, what with how much of a monster the blue-haired espada had turned into. And she had thought him a monster before his change. Her vision was fading a bit as an soundless and amused chuckle tried to force past her lips, so this was his power? Mindless rage? Then he would fail.
Hotaru felt the grip lessen as it suddenly released allowing her to fall to the ground. He suddenly turned around in a zombie like state, muttering something that couldn't be heard. Only after he mumbled it a few more times as he hobbled away could it barely be made out.

Riyoshi looked upon Kishi as she turned towards Ichigo's direction and went to flash step away. Taking his zanpakutou out of his sheath, he spoke words softly under his breath. The zanpkautou engulfed in flame before vanishing into thin air. What seemed like ash flew around Riyoshi and he reached his hand out towards Kishi.

"Kishi!" Riyoshi yelled out.

What seemed like chains formed in the sky behind Riyoshi. The chains looked as if they were made out of glass with a color resembling flame. They shot out towards Kishi and blocked her path.

"There is something that needs to be done before we join up with Ichigo." Riyoshi spoke out as he looked upon Kishi with a serious expression.

Taking a few steps closer, his zanpakutou no longer upon his person, his appearance was not altered but his reiatsu was higher. This form that he was in was his bankai.


Raiden and Jacque appeared just after Grimmjow released Hotaru. The amount of reiatsu in the room was intense. Raiden and Jacque stopped walking and a bead of sweat ran down the face of Jacque. Raiden took a deep breath before taking a step closer.

"Hotaru sama, are you ok?" Raiden asked as he stopped walking.

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