Bleach Role Play

Kishi twisted dodging out of the shouting, "Moetatsu Hi!" which sent out a giant ball of flame burning the veains heading toward her.
The man jumped back as his body twisted around with his high jump and he landed on the ground avoiding the burning vines. He looked at them as the vines creeped along his face around his cheeks and around his right eye digging into his skin.

"Shinigami are so fun to play with... I'll bet you will be yummy!"

He suddenly jammed his hands into ground as they dug into the dirt only for vines to jut out under Seirah and Kishi wrapping around their legs to try and trap them.
Kishi struggled attempting to get out of them, "What are you?!" She shouted as she kept slashing at the vines burning and freezing them i turn.
"I'll tell you when your in my stomach!"

He licked his lips as he waved his arms and move vines shot out, this time they were thicker and covered in sharp thorns to cause major damage to the girls as the shot out like bullets towards them while they were still caught with the ground ones holding their legs.
Kishi's eyes widened as she placed a barrier in front of Shizuka not having enough time to do it for herself. She made a gutteral sound as the vines hit her and blood started dripping down her sides. She cocked her head at the man and whispered something that couldn't be made out because the vines were to tight. (Lol I actually forgot she could do that!)
With a explosive quake gato was consumed by force. This man was unable to block the strikes of the combined effort of jing and riyoshi. Once jing sent shards of reiatsu down upon him the man used the earth below his feet to block the strike of jing. But as soon as he did that riyoshi attacked gato head on. The strike left a deadly blow. But just as the impact hit gato yet another strike hammered down from above. Jing struck his fist covered with rieatsu at gato. The man broke through the earth dome below. Gato was struck down rocketing into the town below. A crater was formed under the the fall. Jing flash stepped to see if gato was alive or dead. Debris and dust covered gato but jing could still fell a slight reiatsu. Jing stepped forwards as gato jumped backwards. Blood covered his body as he stared in hatred. "Your lucky this time jing. Next time i will cut your head off." Gato said before flash stepping away. Jing sighed feeling the power of the relentless earth return to him. In a wave of his hand the earth dome was removed sending the material back into the ground.
Riyoshi landed upon the dome as Gato was sent flying through it, his breathing was heavy and his reiatsu diminished. Getting his balance, Riyoshi seen in a flash, Jing appear beneath the dome and in front of Gato. Riyoshi soon caught his breath and placed his zanpakutou firmly in his grasp as he peered through the hole and towards the two combatants. Placing his hand upon the edge of the hole, Riyoshi spun on his palm and vanished from sight. Appearing two feet behind and 3 feet to the left of Jing, Riyoshi looked upon Gato as blood covered his body, his grip ever tightening upon his zanpakutou.

"That's right boy. You better run." Riyoshi said mockingly towards Gato.

Reaching up, he twisted his zanpakutou and soon placed the blade into the sheath.
(Alright, I'm glad everybody brought in a villain of some sort but I would like to get back on track to the main line of the story. It's getting a little bit like the fillers with the anime, no I'm not saying that the ones we have are just going to magically vanish and we will run through them but immediately after its back to it. I'm really sorry if anyone thinks this is to harsh. -Kishi)
(just go ahead and lay us out a plot. The reason that i was bringing in villians is because i know not of the plot you have planned. I have no insight on where this is going like you do. But if i had a little guidance, i would be of more help. Sorry if i sound rude.)
(sorry i was bored n this is the only rp thats still active since my absence. Im still use to rp in the old day,well rp fights against another role player. Ive been bleach rping for about six years. Its a huge conversion going from fighting another role player to role play story line. Im still adjusting so throw something up there and ill respond.)
(I wish to join! Uryu Ishida rules! Fo Bleach! Yeesh! I'm hyper right now....) I sat in the boughs of a maple tree as I watched what was happening. I wondered if I should interfere. (Also, take a peek at the about me section on my profile to know what I look like.)
(Sorry I was being rushed earlier. Moon please post your character info so everyone can see it, everybody else, the original plot was that Grimmjow hadn't died like we thought and was now the ruler of Las Noches and even stronger then before. So we will get through these baddies here and get back to the original plot. Again I'm sorry about the stop on the rp, but is everybody clear?)
(Yea i remember comming up with that idea. Sorry im just recently returning. But, do i have permission to aim grimmjow a bit? at least for now?)

Age: 16

Birthday: December 2

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Favourite Weapon: Bow-and-Arrows

Favourite Food: Peanut-butter

Loves: to read(manga and most books); stargazing; nighttime; archery; playing chess and/or checkers

Likes: drawing; singing(when no one aside from animals is around for good reason[this applies to RP/fan-fictions only, I actually sing every year for the school talent show in real life]); dancing(usually with faeries); writing[in real life only, currently working on a Bleach fan-fiction]playing instruments, such as and especially the ocarina; most vegetables(especially spinach); talking to animals; listening to music; listening to birdsong, and singing along with the bird/birds if no one is around; all fruit, not counting grapefruit; seaweed; tofu

Dislikes: mean people; sunlight/daytime; fighting; others dying(especially if that person dies for her sake); grapefruit; harassment and/or teasing(in a mean way; perfectly fine if the teasing is lighthearted) of others

Species: part vampyre, part witch, part wolf[type of wolf is classified, may eventually say type later on in the story; NOT WEREWOLF]

Theme Song: changes depending upon mood and the scenario(usually something by H.I.M. or Three Days Grace)

Abilities/Powers: affinity for the five elements(air, fire, water, earth, and spirit); can bend light energy(can use this to form a bow and arrow or sword; the light energy turns a light blue hue when this ability/power is used); can run at extremely fast speeds; can use telepathy to a certain degree; incredibly strong despite looking so frail; hypersensitive hearing, sight, and sense of smell; can sense aura(though, ironically, not spiritual pressure); can cast spells(of witch capability, not kido; eyes glow a serene violet when spell-casting/spell-weaving); can speak to animals(crows, dogs, cats, etc.); can see ghosts as well as hollows; heals very quickly; extraordinarily high stamina and endurance; flexible; lithe; (more to be added later)

Looks: (skin)palest of all pallors; (hands)elegant and small, frail looking fingers, sharp pointed nails, look to be perfectly manicured though never taken care of; (feet)barefoot at all times; (frame)extremely thin, frail looking, clothes other than the dress that had always used to be worn usually too big; (hair)goes down to mid-back, straight, silvery-blue, bangs cover forehead just passed eyebrows of the same silvery-blue hue; (eyes)deep crimson shade of red, tilted inward slightly[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference], flash a silvery-red when provoked[i.e. usually when angered, but sometimes when annoyed; read Night World: book 1 for reference]; (ears) covered well by hair, pointed ends[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference]; (teeth)white, perfectly aligned, sharp pointed canines/incisors that lengthen into fangs when/if provoked[though not always, as with the eyes]; (jewellery/accessories)a silver chain with a blood red jewel hanging from it to form a simple necklace[the type of jewel on the necklace is a moon ruby, unknown to most; necklace never comes off], has a silver circlet from mum though rarely worn if ever; (markings)a sapphire blue crescent moon in the middle of forehead that is covered well by bangs

Personality: friendly; kindhearted; calm; hard to annoy, much less anger; mostly happy; easygoing; insomniac; distant at times; highly intelligent; strange; childish at times; childlike; trustworthy to friends; loner, but not exactly antisocial; highly emotional near and during nights of the full moon; very active; caring; ironically very trusting considering past events; strong-willed; charismatic; intuitive; highly empathetic sometimes; valiant; vegetarian; usually fearless; witty; easily attached to others(certain people); lighthearted; loyal to friends; unable to hate; free-spirited; has secrets; will avoid fighting if possible, except to protect; highly reluctant to deal the final blow/finish off an opponent, even if it is a hollow(referring to enemies and such); highly observant; can come off as a bit possessive of friends when protecting them; a bit teasing in a friendly sort of way; lively; somewhat meek; mild
(Okay seirah thanks for letting us know. Yes Vulcan you can, and moonlight you may join. Now let's get back to the rp shall we?)
(Sorry, was just trying to keep us busy! Just tell me what to do!)

Torres suddenly jumped in last moment as the ground shook from his arrival as he launched at the vines, cutting them with his Zapaktou, he glared at the man.

"No way, you... couldn't be..."

The Creep growled as he suddenly held his gut in pain.

"Torres, we meet again. You've changed."

He looked to the girls.

"Seems like you girls got lucky! I'll be back to see you sweet things later!"

He suddenly dissappeared with amazing speed as he was gone.

"You girls okay?"

Torres asked sheathing his katana.
Kishi glared at him as she lowered her barrier, "Yeah I'm just bleeding out over here ya know, but sure, I'm okay." She stumbled then fell when she cut the vines away from her legs, "*ucking bastard." She spit out some blood before turning to the other girl, "Come here, let me heal your wounds." She smiled at the girl but it was ruined by the blood dribbling out of her mouth and staining her teeth, "I'm Kishi by the way."
I fell out of the tree I was in and landed gracefully on my feet, having decided to reveal myself. (I just had a realisation...Whenever I bend light energy to form a bow, wouldn't that make me look like I'm a Quincy though I'm not??? I am weird...Accept the weirdness! Weirdness is a good a way.)
"I'm Seirah" she said, gripping Suzaku tightly. If this girl was of Soul Society, then she might end up taking he back. She would run before this girl could catch her though.
"I be Moonlight," I said in a highly pronounced British accent, using a strange choice of wording. The dress I wore seemed to belong in the Mediaeval Era. I saw how tightly she was gripping her sword, but I didn't tense. If I did, it could end up in a fight and I disliked fighting. My nose twitched with silent, catlike sniffs as I took in her scent from a distance. She smelled of maple wood.
Kishi glared at her, "Well f*ck you too." She finally collapsed to the ground with her zanpaktou still released, "If you don't want me to heal you I'll heal myself. Torres," she turned to him as well as she could injured like that, "the only drawback to me healing myself is I pass out. Would you take me to Urahara's after I do?" She ignored the other girls prescence, it was nothing personal, she could barely take in the people she already knew.
I turned to the other who was there. "Urahara?" I asked, the name sounding familiar. I knew I didn't know anyone with that name. It was more as if it had only been mentioned before back when I was younger. I had the feeling the strangest part of this day hadn't even come yet.
Torres nodded acknowledging her request and went to pick her up prematurely lifting in his arms cradling her like a child.

"We best leave, these battles are not over yet..."

Torres from an entire lifetime of fighting when to know when worse was coming, with that he looked to the others.

"You can either stay here alone or follow, the choice is yours..."

With that he used Sonido to heard back to Urahara, one of the few places he knew of in this world.

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