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Realistic or Modern Black Cat| Open

Pyro said:
Ellis Tahoma

It's okay to sin, but shit hurts. Don't forget your dreams cuz they'll get you through this, life they call living...&quot][ATTACH=full]305536[/ATTACH] [/fieldset][/imagefloat] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Name: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Ellis 'Eli' Tahoma[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Nickname:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]That Guy[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Age:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]23[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Gender:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Male[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Sexuality:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Heterosexual[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Rank:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Butterfly[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Skill:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Persuasion, his talking skills make him one of the few guys that can collect information. Whether he be knocking down doors or just calmly leading someone into an alleyway to beat the information out of them, he makes it one of the best moments. Basically, he takes a picture of the [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][I]essentially [/I][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]dead person and makes it his portfolio. Every day. Oh right, Ellis' talking skills.. Those are good too.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Fighting, he's skilled in some karate moves, mostly referring to being able to knock out a man in two moves. Choking someone, or defending himself. Ellis seems to be able to do very different things, various techniques. Of course they're all in karate so anyone with basic knowledge of that fighting style should be able to counter everything Ellis throws at them.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Running, Ellis can run like a boss, which comes from his bullying acts. Being the bully and getting bullied at the same time, he found that he could easily just run like the flash away from anything. Not the [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][I]Flash [/I][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway]but like.. he can still run.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Weakness:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Sense of direction, due to his plenty of running and talking, he's lost a sense of where to go sometimes. He'll be walking around than think: 'Ellis, why are you here?' Or he'll just wonder what he's doing. His sense of direction also fits into his running skill, as he's not very familiar with the area, so he'll probably take a like a right turn and hit a wall.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Overthinks, yeah, Ellis often overthinks plans and ideas, but that doesn't stop him from kicking information from someone. But, he always double checks and idea or plan when he's gonna actually execute it.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Whistling, he can't whistle. Which is bad for him since he can't give out any like codes in whistles..[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Personality:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Ellis... Is dangerous. A man that no one should be able to fight, but people can fight him. And with that, he's very wary, carrying around knives and a Silenced Makarov. Cause he's paranoid, sometimes. He overthinks things which means he actually concludes when writing them out as 'Get shot [Probability]'. As he never knows when he'll just get shot and die. Or get blown up, very problematic. But... He's an excellent Butterfly and get's a good amount of information.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]So, his methods vary. From bribing the police, blowing up the police, using blackmail on the police, sneaking into the building or just beating up the police. Yeah. Ellis thinks it's a open way to political discussion. Cause the police suck. I mean, why call them for a problem, when you can call the police a state away... Or the police. I mean, Ellis thinks that if the police did things better, I think they'd be able to get more calls. But whatever.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Very social. As he is a butterfly, he'll be cracking jokes time to time, just kinda jokes around. But as typed up before, he's very wary and once he gets sent to the battlefield, he won't be cracking up jokes. Rest in spaghetti and never forgetti.. Ellis.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Biography:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Ellis grew up in the Bronx, an underling to a Hip-Hop-er. Yeah. He was a rebel back than and never cared for anything. His story wasn't so bad, he developed as a hive mind, someone big decided something and he went with it. Nothing bad happened.. Until he turned 15 and was actually learning how to DJ. It was at this time his father retired and stuff.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]While arranging a few things, little did Ellis know that someone broke into the building, aka, the door was left unlocked. And than, eventually murdered Ellis' father and not Ellis. The person escaped the building before Ellis found his dead father. Now, there is one huge ass plot hole. A hole that consumed everything... Where was his mother while all of this was happening... Let's wait for that.[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Likes:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Hip-Hop[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Juicy Information[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Finding That He's Not Gonna Die... [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][I]Yet.[/I][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Fire[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Dislikes:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]Pears...?[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Math[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]His Paranoia[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Getting Shot[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Relationships:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][FA]eye-slash[/FA]N/A[/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][B]Other:[/B][/FONT] [SPOILER][FONT=Raleway][MEDIA=soundcloudembed]soundcloud.com/edubble/01-klitschko[/MEDIA][/FONT] [/SPOILER][FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [SPOILER] [FONT=Raleway][ATTACH=full]305553[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]305554[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]305555[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]305558[/ATTACH] [/FONT] Accepted. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31868-bhlow/ @Bhlow[/URL] I actually got a couple of complaints that I agree with. It was said that your character's biography kind of went against the point of Black Cat, and that the mother of the character was solely killed for being poor. I couldn't see any reason for her to hate her mother, or for Black Cat to see her as a villain/one worth of death- and that prostitution, which is illegal, served more reason for punishment than a lack of wealth. I find it really hard to say no, but the other players feel strongly about this, and I really agree. Please change it. [/SPOILER]
Quarantine said:
@Bhlow I actually got a couple of complaints that I agree with. It was said that your character's biography kind of went against the point of Black Cat, and that the mother of the character was solely killed for being poor. I couldn't see any reason for her to hate her mother, or for Black Cat to see her as a villain/one worth of death- and that prostitution, which is illegal, served more reason for punishment than a lack of wealth. I find it really hard to say no, but the other players feel strongly about this, and I really agree. Please change it.
In that case, please retract my form. I'd rather not be in a role play where people are making complaints about me rather than to me. Feel free to delete both my form and post.
Well... I mean, don't have to be so... Alone on that, you can just change it. They probably made the complaints to @Quarantine because they were afraid of snitching or something. Cuz, I ain't no snitch.

You can just change the form to tweak it.

Pyro said:
Well... I mean, don't have to be so... Alone on that, you can just change it. They probably made the complaints to @Quarantine because they were afraid of snitching or something. Cuz, I ain't no snitch.
You can just change the form to tweak it.

I would, but now I've gotten defensive, haha, and I don't want to role play with snakes either - hope the role play works out for you though ! :)







Erika Vericchi


"Peach Fuzz"- By Ria






Bisexual(Prefer Males)




Blending In



"Reading" Others(Analyzing Personality/Lies/Emotions)


Male Interaction

Flirting(For Cases Where Feminine Charm is Necessary)

Loud Noises(Is Scared of Them)

Slow Reflexes





Erika is a somewhat... "interesting" person. On the one hand, she seems polite, friendly, outgoing, and even witty, joking energetically with those who engage her in conversation. Most people would call her a well-adjusted, mature young woman well on her way to success, and everyone who talks to her, if you asked them, would probably say that she has a lot of friends - although if you asked them to name any, they'd probably have great difficulty producing even one name. She herself, however, feels anything but.

Even if she interacts with others kindly when they speak to her, she shows almost no initiative when it comes to actually reaching out to others. Possessing a hyper-sensitive sense of self, she over-analyzes any potential course of action, always doubting how she's perceived and worrying that others will only find her strange for behaving the way she does, even in the way she feels is normal. Consequently, she usually remains completely silent in the presence of others, awaiting someone to give her a reason to speak before she does so. Feeling stifled by her lack of experience with other people, she finds herself crushed by a sense of dread that she'll be perceived as strange, or stupid, or a nuisance. Consequently, she feels obligated to meet up to the expectations of those around her, and to exceed them, so as to prove her misgivings false. Because of this, she finds herself spending most of her time just joking around, trying to amuse the people who actually bother talking to her, so that they won't notice that her outgoing facade is just that - a mask.


Highly intelligent, she's the sort of person who sits in the back of a class, raising her hand every time the teacher asks a question she's confident she can answer, rattling off her response, and then lapsing back into silence as she ponders the world outside the window to her right. If you asked her, she'd probably say that she's not smart, persay - just good at memorizing things. She'd also likely joke that, when described like that, she sounds like the main character of some cliche school story, and then shut her mouth again as she realized she'd just hinted at her fondness of anime, something some of her peers would look upon with scorn. Indeed, beneath her semi-studious, socially awkward exterior lies an unparalleled love of fiction - largely video games, movies, and the occasional anime. But, like so much else about herself, she hides these facts, too afraid of how people would view her to stand up and state her hobbies plainly.

Suffering from a relatively minor case of chronic depression, she's well aware of how pathetic the way she lives his life is, and of the fact that not a single person she regularly interacts with really knows, or particularly cares, what she's actually thinking. Even so, she's reluctant to step out of the mold she's made for herself, conditioned by years of avoiding others into maintaining her aloof, shy mindset. Even if called directly on any one of what she feels are her flaws, she'll always just pass it off with a joke and a smile, making it seem for all the world like there's nothing wrong. Because of this, she's something of a compulsive liar, refusing to tell the truth about anything she feels strongly on out of fear of how those around her might react. Over time, this habit of lying only spread, such that she thinks very little of speaking falsehoods so long as they make things easier on her. Her lies are seldom malicious or manipulative - they're usually just meant to keep people from realizing that she's not nearly as competent, calm, and collected as she seems. And, despite her lack of motivation, she'll usually help people if they ask for it, as she loves nothing more than being useful to others - not to mention that she finds it very difficult to say "no." But, at the same time, she doesn't go out of his way to meet and hang out with his peers, or to offer his assistance to them, since she seldom does anything unsolicited, and if they didn't ask, then whatever it is, it's none of her business. It is perhaps for these reasons that she hasn't actually had any notable male friends at any point in his life, let alone a boyfriend - another embarrassing secret she hides from the public. Another important thing she lacks is a goal for the future, as, aside from going to college when she graduates to please her parents, she doesn't really have any dreams or goals set for herself - a fact which worries her, as the youth she so cherishes is almost over. She knows she'll have to face reality sooner or later - she's just not sure how she'll manage it...



Although her solitary demeanor and social awkwardness might lead one to believe that Erika was an only child, this is actually an incorrect assumption. Born as one of a set of twins, Erika was almost inseparable from her brother Richard during their youth. The two of them might have fought occasionally, but at the same time, they also shared almost all the same interests - mostly video games, old sci-fi movies, and other such "nerdy" hobbies that weren't always shared by their peers. Because of this, they tended to understand each other better than any of their friends did, which inspired a certain level of companionship between them that remained even through their worst quarrels. This bond was only strengthened by the fact that they went to the same school and took the same classes, which meant they ended up hanging out with one another essentially all day every day.

However, both of them being kids, they didn't exactly enjoy their schoolwork. And, since neither wanted to do any more than they had to, they ended up deciding to come up with some less-than-legal shortcuts. Richard approached Erika frequently, asking if he could copy her homework. Erika, deciding that she wouldn't work for free, instead moved to strike a deal. Both of them would do half of their assignments, and then copy the other's work, with a few small changes to obfuscate their collaboration. However, try though they might, they couldn't completely hide the similarities in their returned assignment, and so after a few months of comparative ease, their teachers started to catch on. Erika, realizing that they couldn't keep their routine going, was too afraid of getting into trouble to confess her cheating. Realizing that she'd probably be expelled from school, she decided to take desperate measures to avoid being caught. Happening to "find" some of her homework in her brother's room, she told her parents that Richard had been copying from her without her knowledge. Richard managed to cover his actual cheating well enough that he wasn't conclusively caught, but he was suspended for a year, putting an end to their cheating... as well as to both his teachers' and his parents' trust of Richard.

However, Richard also never found out that it had been Erika who had scapegoated him, and as such, he remained just as trusting of his sister as he always had. More than any bitterness would have, this filled her with shame, since despite the fact that she'd betrayed her brother and only friend, Richard was the only one who had to suffer the reputation of being a chronic liar and cheat... and he never once blamed or suspected Erika. Overwhelmed by her guilt, she tried to make it up to Richard, but couldn't bring herself to confess what she'd done, as she was too afraid. Because of this, she slowly drifted apart not only from her brother, but also from the rest of her family. With her guilt growing daily, she finally could take no more, and so when the time came to choose a new high school, she chose one far out in the suburbs of a small city, convincing her parents to let her rent an upstairs apartment in a family-owned hobby shop close to the school, where she worked part time for the owners to save up money for college and pay for his room. Thus, at the rather tender age of 15, Erika began to live on her own. Richard, being one grade behind her due to his previous academic suspension, wouldn't be attending high school for another year anyway, and although he tried to join his sister, he ended up not making the cut, in no small part due to the permanent stain Erika had left on his record. Consequently, he ended up instead attending a local high school in his hometown and dropping out of contact with Erika, who, without any real experience interacting with people who didn't share her own bizarre interests, and still beating herself up over the mistakes of her youth, ended up adopting her solitary lifestyle.


And how does Black Cat come into play?


On May fifth, he was shot on the way home from school. She go the news eight days after his funeral, as well as details on who might have done it.

According to the reports, Black Cat murdered him. After contacting someone who hinted they were in Black Cat, she was able to meet the leader, who, at the time, was named Halen, who told her that the police occasionally assumed the organization did it. Halen promised to catch the killer, which took eight months, the longest private case yet. At this point, Jess had taken up the case, and solved it three days after being elected as leader, with no fee. Erika was invited to the interrogation, held in a park bathroom, where the gang member confessed to killing Richard.

She was allowed to pull the trigger, ending his life.

It wasn't pressured of her, and she in fact asked to join them. Her request was granted a year ago.





Sweets: Like most females, Erika is rather fond of pretty much anything with a sufficiently high sugar content. Donuts, cinnamon rolls, candy, ice cream... it doesn't really matter. If it's sweet, she probably likes it. Given this, though, it's a wonder she's so thin. Just how little normal food does she eat...?

Video Games: Even leaving aside the fact that it's fun to get immersed in a fast-paced action game, it's just a nice way to spend time without, as she sees it, "bothering other people" - not to mention being a good distraction from day-to-day stress.

Anime: Another nerdy interest of hers. Although she ended up getting into watching anime through her love of giant robots, as well as her enjoyment of RPG Games, Erika swiftly ended up getting bored of the trite plots and cliches in shounen shows, and ended up shifting her focus... to something that's arguably even more of a cliche: Shoujo. Given her soreness over her own lack of luck with men, she's ended up becoming something of a closet romantic, with a soft spot for oftentimes cheesy, fairy tale romances through which she can live vicariously. This, like so many other things, is one of her most closely guarded secrets, however.

Singing: A somewhat more normal hobby. Her tastes in music are elastic, but when it comes to vocals, she has rather high standards for good singing, and usually judges a song by the quality of the singer's voice. She's actually quite the singer herself, with a remarkably wide range that allows her to hit both fairly high and fairly low notes. However, she feels kind of awkward about singing in public, so usually keeps this a secret also.



Eye Contact: She always feels a bit guilty when somebody notices her looking at them, as though just by observing them, she's somehow intruded on their personal space. Thus, her eyes usually tend to wander away from the person she's speaking to, making her feel a bit awkward when somebody confronts her directly on something.

The Heat: Part of the reason she seldom goes outside. She tends to sunburn easily, and aside from that, isn't particularly comfortable at even remotely hot temperatures.

Physical Contact: Another thing that simply makes her uncomfortable. She's not one to recoil and scream at the slightest poke, but at the same time, she tends to be a little uneasy about moving into anybody's personal space, and can be somewhat jumpy if touched when she doesn't see it coming or expect it.

Losing: Due to the high standards to which she holds himself, she tends to judge how highly she should hold herself in esteem based on her performance record. As such, she strongly dislikes being beaten, being unable to do something she feels she has has to do, or otherwise failing to live up to her own expectations, as in this sense, she feels as though she's inadequate.


Jess// Has a small crush on her, but will likely never go through with it. Ever.

Dio// Looks down upon him a bit, finding him to want to use others, but she doesn't show this often.

Mira// Doesn't care for her very much, but gives her decent respect.

Alex// Likes him for seemingly no reason. Constantly insults him to make him assume she hates his guts.

Charlotte// Generally avoids her, able to tell that she isn't as innocent as she first seems, but only able to tell from subtle hints.

David// Finds him uncomfortable to be around. She does find him attractive, but finds no other appealing qualities in him. She usually sends shade his way during any attempt at flirting.

Ria// Probably because she hasn't upset her already, Erika and Ria get along pretty well, one of the only people she can call a friend.

Anais// Doesn't feel strongly about her.

Switch// Hasn't met him yet.

Ellis// Respects him, but in all aspects but business, she finds him to be frightening.





(@Quarantine Thank you for helping me, and I'm sorry it took so long... I still feel like I'm missing something. @too much idea @pandana @Der Eine @Aes @Nyxione @Pyro If you need, I can change the relationships. I look forward to playing with you guys! Alas, I may not begin for a while. My family is in a war involving cake and silly string from a recent grocery run. The house isn't safe.)
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ZebraWolf said:







Erika Vericchi


"Peach Fuzz"- By Ria






Bisexual(Prefer Males)




Blending In



"Reading" Others(Analyzing Personality/Lies/Emotions)


Male Interaction

Flirting(For Cases Where Feminine Charm is Necessary)

Loud Noises(Is Scared of Them)

Slow Reflexes





Erika is a somewhat... "interesting" person. On the one hand, she seems polite, friendly, outgoing, and even witty, joking energetically with those who engage her in conversation. Most people would call her a well-adjusted, mature young woman well on her way to success, and everyone who talks to her, if you asked them, would probably say that she has a lot of friends - although if you asked them to name any, they'd probably have great difficulty producing even one name. She herself, however, feels anything but.

Even if she interacts with others kindly when they speak to her, she shows almost no initiative when it comes to actually reaching out to others. Possessing a hyper-sensitive sense of self, she over-analyzes any potential course of action, always doubting how she's perceived and worrying that others will only find her strange for behaving the way she does, even in the way she feels is normal. Consequently, she usually remains completely silent in the presence of others, awaiting someone to give her a reason to speak before she does so. Feeling stifled by her lack of experience with other people, she finds herself crushed by a sense of dread that she'll be perceived as strange, or stupid, or a nuisance. Consequently, she feels obligated to meet up to the expectations of those around her, and to exceed them, so as to prove her misgivings false. Because of this, she finds herself spending most of her time just joking around, trying to amuse the people who actually bother talking to her, so that they won't notice that her outgoing facade is just that - a mask.


Highly intelligent, she's the sort of person who sits in the back of a class, raising her hand every time the teacher asks a question she's confident she can answer, rattling off her response, and then lapsing back into silence as she ponders the world outside the window to her right. If you asked her, she'd probably say that she's not smart, persay - just good at memorizing things. She'd also likely joke that, when described like that, she sounds like the main character of some cliche school story, and then shut her mouth again as she realized she'd just hinted at her fondness of anime, something some of her peers would look upon with scorn. Indeed, beneath her semi-studious, socially awkward exterior lies an unparalleled love of fiction - largely video games, movies, and the occasional anime. But, like so much else about herself, she hides these facts, too afraid of how people would view her to stand up and state her hobbies plainly.

Suffering from a relatively minor case of chronic depression, she's well aware of how pathetic the way she lives his life is, and of the fact that not a single person she regularly interacts with really knows, or particularly cares, what she's actually thinking. Even so, she's reluctant to step out of the mold she's made for herself, conditioned by years of avoiding others into maintaining her aloof, shy mindset. Even if called directly on any one of what she feels are her flaws, she'll always just pass it off with a joke and a smile, making it seem for all the world like there's nothing wrong. Because of this, she's something of a compulsive liar, refusing to tell the truth about anything she feels strongly on out of fear of how those around her might react. Over time, this habit of lying only spread, such that she thinks very little of speaking falsehoods so long as they make things easier on her. Her lies are seldom malicious or manipulative - they're usually just meant to keep people from realizing that she's not nearly as competent, calm, and collected as she seems. And, despite her lack of motivation, she'll usually help people if they ask for it, as she loves nothing more than being useful to others - not to mention that she finds it very difficult to say "no." But, at the same time, she doesn't go out of his way to meet and hang out with his peers, or to offer his assistance to them, since she seldom does anything unsolicited, and if they didn't ask, then whatever it is, it's none of her business. It is perhaps for these reasons that she hasn't actually had any notable male friends at any point in his life, let alone a boyfriend - another embarrassing secret she hides from the public. Another important thing she lacks is a goal for the future, as, aside from going to college when she graduates to please her parents, she doesn't really have any dreams or goals set for herself - a fact which worries her, as the youth she so cherishes is almost over. She knows she'll have to face reality sooner or later - she's just not sure how she'll manage it...



Although her solitary demeanor and social awkwardness might lead one to believe that Erika was an only child, this is actually an incorrect assumption. Born as one of a set of twins, Erika was almost inseparable from her brother Richard during their youth. The two of them might have fought occasionally, but at the same time, they also shared almost all the same interests - mostly video games, old sci-fi movies, and other such "nerdy" hobbies that weren't always shared by their peers. Because of this, they tended to understand each other better than any of their friends did, which inspired a certain level of companionship between them that remained even through their worst quarrels. This bond was only strengthened by the fact that they went to the same school and took the same classes, which meant they ended up hanging out with one another essentially all day every day.

However, both of them being kids, they didn't exactly enjoy their schoolwork. And, since neither wanted to do any more than they had to, they ended up deciding to come up with some less-than-legal shortcuts. Richard approached Erika frequently, asking if he could copy her homework. Erika, deciding that she wouldn't work for free, instead moved to strike a deal. Both of them would do half of their assignments, and then copy the other's work, with a few small changes to obfuscate their collaboration. However, try though they might, they couldn't completely hide the similarities in their returned assignment, and so after a few months of comparative ease, their teachers started to catch on. Erika, realizing that they couldn't keep their routine going, was too afraid of getting into trouble to confess her cheating. Realizing that she'd probably be expelled from school, she decided to take desperate measures to avoid being caught. Happening to "find" some of her homework in her brother's room, she told her parents that Richard had been copying from her without her knowledge. Richard managed to cover his actual cheating well enough that he wasn't conclusively caught, but he was suspended for a year, putting an end to their cheating... as well as to both his teachers' and his parents' trust of Richard.

However, Richard also never found out that it had been Erika who had scapegoated him, and as such, he remained just as trusting of his sister as he always had. More than any bitterness would have, this filled her with shame, since despite the fact that she'd betrayed her brother and only friend, Richard was the only one who had to suffer the reputation of being a chronic liar and cheat... and he never once blamed or suspected Erika. Overwhelmed by her guilt, she tried to make it up to Richard, but couldn't bring herself to confess what she'd done, as she was too afraid. Because of this, she slowly drifted apart not only from her brother, but also from the rest of her family. With her guilt growing daily, she finally could take no more, and so when the time came to choose a new high school, she chose one far out in the suburbs of a small city, convincing her parents to let her rent an upstairs apartment in a family-owned hobby shop close to the school, where she worked part time for the owners to save up money for college and pay for his room. Thus, at the rather tender age of 15, Erika began to live on her own. Richard, being one grade behind her due to his previous academic suspension, wouldn't be attending high school for another year anyway, and although he tried to join his sister, he ended up not making the cut, in no small part due to the permanent stain Erika had left on his record. Consequently, he ended up instead attending a local high school in his hometown and dropping out of contact with Erika, who, without any real experience interacting with people who didn't share her own bizarre interests, and still beating herself up over the mistakes of her youth, ended up adopting her solitary lifestyle.


And how does Black Cat come into play?


On May fifth, he was shot on the way home from school. She go the news eight days after his funeral, as well as details on who might have done it.

According to the reports, Black Cat murdered him. After contacting someone who hinted they were in Black Cat, she was able to meet the leader, who, at the time, was named Halen, who told her that the police occasionally assumed the organization did it. Halen promised to catch the killer, which took eight months, the longest private case yet. At this point, Jess had taken up the case, and solved it three days after being elected as leader, with no fee. Erika was invited to the interrogation, held in a park bathroom, where the gang member confessed to killing Richard.

She was allowed to pull the trigger, ending his life.

It wasn't pressured of her, and she in fact asked to join them. Her request was granted a year ago.





Sweets: Like most females, Erika is rather fond of pretty much anything with a sufficiently high sugar content. Donuts, cinnamon rolls, candy, ice cream... it doesn't really matter. If it's sweet, she probably likes it. Given this, though, it's a wonder she's so thin. Just how little normal food does she eat...?

Video Games: Even leaving aside the fact that it's fun to get immersed in a fast-paced action game, it's just a nice way to spend time without, as she sees it, "bothering other people" - not to mention being a good distraction from day-to-day stress.

Anime: Another nerdy interest of hers. Although she ended up getting into watching anime through her love of giant robots, as well as her enjoyment of RPG Games, Erika swiftly ended up getting bored of the trite plots and cliches in shounen shows, and ended up shifting her focus... to something that's arguably even more of a cliche: Shoujo. Given her soreness over her own lack of luck with men, she's ended up becoming something of a closet romantic, with a soft spot for oftentimes cheesy, fairy tale romances through which she can live vicariously. This, like so many other things, is one of her most closely guarded secrets, however.

Singing: A somewhat more normal hobby. Her tastes in music are elastic, but when it comes to vocals, she has rather high standards for good singing, and usually judges a song by the quality of the singer's voice. She's actually quite the singer herself, with a remarkably wide range that allows her to hit both fairly high and fairly low notes. However, she feels kind of awkward about singing in public, so usually keeps this a secret also.



Eye Contact: She always feels a bit guilty when somebody notices her looking at them, as though just by observing them, she's somehow intruded on their personal space. Thus, her eyes usually tend to wander away from the person she's speaking to, making her feel a bit awkward when somebody confronts her directly on something.

The Heat: Part of the reason she seldom goes outside. She tends to sunburn easily, and aside from that, isn't particularly comfortable at even remotely hot temperatures.

Physical Contact: Another thing that simply makes her uncomfortable. She's not one to recoil and scream at the slightest poke, but at the same time, she tends to be a little uneasy about moving into anybody's personal space, and can be somewhat jumpy if touched when she doesn't see it coming or expect it.

Losing: Due to the high standards to which she holds himself, she tends to judge how highly she should hold herself in esteem based on her performance record. As such, she strongly dislikes being beaten, being unable to do something she feels she has has to do, or otherwise failing to live up to her own expectations, as in this sense, she feels as though she's inadequate.


Jess// Has a small crush on her, but will likely never go through with it. Ever.

Dio// Looks down upon him a bit, finding him to want to use others, but she doesn't show this often.

Mira// Doesn't care for her very much, but gives her decent respect.

Alex// Likes him for seemingly no reason. Constantly insults him to make him assume she hates his guts.

Charlotte// Generally avoids her, able to tell that she isn't as innocent as she first seems, but only able to tell from subtle hints.

David// Finds him uncomfortable to be around. She does find him attractive, but finds no other appealing qualities in him. She usually sends shade his way during any attempt at flirting.

Ria// Probably because she hasn't upset her already, Erika and Ria get along pretty well, one of the only people she can call a friend.

Anais// Doesn't feel strongly about her.

Switch// Hasn't met him yet.

Ellis// Respects him, but in all aspects but business, she finds him to be frightening.





(@Quarantine Thank you for helping me, and I'm sorry it took so long... I still feel like I'm missing something. @too much idea @pandana @Der Eine @Aes @Nyxione @Pyro If you need, I can change the relationships. I look forward to playing with you guys! Alas, I may not begin for a while. My family is in a war involving cake and silly string from a recent grocery run. The house isn't safe.)
You're great. I couldn't find a sufficient gif. Here ya go:


no slide
Oliver Ventillas

Name: Oliver Ventillas

Nickname: Oli, Smokerat, or GasMask

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Rank: Neutral - friend of Mira's


Skills: Burning and booming stuff - Oliver is a pyro-psycho/explosives maniac. He lives not only to watch the world burn, but to be the one to light the match. He is skilled in making improvised explosive devices or IED all thanks to YT. Military grade explosives are too guarded and exclusive to be available to him, but he's had clients who have provided him with such. His IEDs range from incendiary devices to fragmented grenades to lazy-lock-picking-style-this-is-a-faster-way-to-break-in to explosives powerful enough to destroy a car and lastly glue bombs(a chemical sticky mix that when exposed to heat will explode)

Janitorial services - If he's not burnin' he's cleanin'. Oliver, through his decoy number, is often contacted by other independent vigilantes who require his clean-up and disposal services. Of course, he will still be throwing those body bags in a furnace.

Driving - Oliver's driving is phenomenal. It's like he is one with the stick-shift and wheel when he drives. He has outrun both cop and criminal and still continues to do so.

Bomb fu - He calls it bomb fu. His very own mix of hand-to-hand combat while occasionally exploding stuff when he fights. It is usually very effective when facing a large number of foes. Of course, he has specially designed IEDs for his bomb fu that are not as explosive as grenades. They're kind of like fire crackers, but a little bit more explosive.

Weakness: Lazy and unmotivated - If there's one thing Oliver describes himself, it's this. And yes, he is very much aware of it. He is practically unmotivated when money is not in the discussion. Or maybe some other form of payment, perhaps? He is often lost to his own thoughts, even while at work. "What if the sky suddenly breaks like glass?"

Has some episodes of anxiety attacks - Oliver's head is full of what-could-have-beens and these regrets often find Oliver while he's asleep. He's not schizophrenic, no. He just overthinks too much and loses concentration.

Reckless - Oliver despises life-or-death situations. HE FEARS THEM. But for some stupid reason, he is always faced with them. I mean, come on! He usually just spends his time cleaning up than blowing things up, but why is that he is always caught in a crossfire. And it's not like someone is after him, no. It's more of when he's walking down the street after buying some eggs then all of a sudden a shoot-out between rival gangs happens right in front him!

Hand-to-hand combat - Oliver has no formal training in any type of martial art other than his very own bomb fu which is only just a mix of punching and distracting his opponents by scaring them with fire-cracker IEDs, but then again he has killed with these.


Oliver has a laid-back-I-just-wanna-lay-in-my-bed personality who is not particularly violent but will do mostly anything just to live or survive. He is unenthusiastic about having to fight to survive, but he will when threatened. He also prefers not to get involved in "troublesome" activities that is why he does more cleaning jobs. Oliver considers most women as bossy and over-bearing. He usually defines them as aggressive, demanding, and sometimes even scary. Given his mother's tyrannical personality, this isn't too surprising. Nevertheless, Oliver is generally courteous to women, doing them favors and avoiding fights with them though he is a very big flirt and a big fat liar. He claims to be a coward and reasons, "If you admit your fears, then it means you're not afraid of 'em."

Despite all these, Oliver holds onto his skill of cheating of death and ends up surviving, he clings to life like it's some thin thread because if he thinks about it he's got no reason to live. Although, he does plan on getting married one day.

Biography: The son of a bomb disposal officer and a newspaper journalist, Oliver grew up in an unusual family. His mother, the bomb disposal officer, would suggest to his father, the journalist, to let Oliver deliver newspapers around the block - it was newspapers or house chores. Of course, he always chose the former but after his rounds of delivering newspaper, he was cleaning their house because mama said so. She always says that this was to train Oliver to one day become a responsible man who knows how to work and not just sit on tables trying to write an article about poverty or prostitution - like her husband. Oliver, well, was a lazy kid so he despised work and throwing newspapers at people's doors. But it was okay since he was provided with a bike which he really liked. Life was hard for the young Oliver but also a bit fun, his mother would sometimes take him to the station where she would show him how to make miniature IEDs (improvised explosive devices). And he did so in his room - homemade firecrackers, and IED lighters.

Tragedy struck his life in the form of his parent's death - killed by premature detonation. While his father was victimized to create false articles against a powerful business tycoon/crimelord which got him into where prison where he hanged himself. Oliver was then taken by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben and was bitten by radioactive spider--Okay, he was taken in by his Aunt Sheila at the age of 14. Because of this, Oliver grew up with a mindset of reckless irresponsibility and independent idiocy which helped him cheat death countless times. From an angry mob of gangsters to a situation where he was caught on the crossfire of a shootout, he's got a few grazes but he still manages to stay alive. Oliver never joined any gang as he grew up though, he was often called the "lone wolf" but he thinks this is stupid and would like to think of himself as an "independent strong individual" who is just trying to live life to the fullest and maybe one day meet the girl of his dreams. He has tried robbing a criminal bank before though but it was a complete failure which almost caused him his life and almost got him into prison, so he bought a gas mask and decided to just burst ATMs open with his IEDs or kick them until they let money out, he is no hacker.

Despite all these, Oliver has a knack for chemistry and metal-working, so most of his improvised grenades are exact replicas of actual military grenades but of course, his grenades doesn't really have the "KABOOOM" effect as what professional grenades do, but whenever he has his shirt off and two grenades in his hand then just run..really, just run for your life and--...
or just punch him in the stomach and it'd pretty much be done.
Other Stuff



The smell of tobacco



Hot coffee

Cold soft drinks


Surviving a blast he caused.



Having to work for money but what the heck..

Picky eaters

Books about love. He believes that love shouldn't be read, but sought.

Sleeping with one pillow


Mira Shichiyou - She's a long time friend with benefits, he he he. Work-related financial benefits is what he meant.

He is a friend and a giver of tune to the stray cats, he is especially fond of one cat that is black.

Other: [media]


Last edited by a moderator:
pandana said:

no slide
Oliver Ventillas

Name: Oliver Ventillas

Nickname: Oli, Smokerat, or GasMask

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Rank: Neutral - friend of Mira's


Skills: Burning and booming stuff - Oliver is a pyro-psycho/explosives maniac. He lives not only to watch the world burn, but to be the one to light the match. He is skilled in making improvised explosive devices or IED all thanks to YT. Military grade explosives are too guarded and exclusive to be available to him, but he's had clients who have provided him with such. His IEDs range from incendiary devices to fragmented grenades to lazy-lock-picking-style-this-is-a-faster-way-to-break-in to explosives powerful enough to destroy a car and lastly glue bombs(a chemical sticky mix that when exposed to heat will explode)

Janitorial services - If he's not burnin' he's cleanin'. Oliver, through his decoy number, is often contacted by other independent vigilantes who require his clean-up and disposal services. Of course, he will still be throwing those body bags in a furnace.

Driving - Oliver's driving is phenomenal. It's like he is one with the stick-shift and wheel when he drives. He has outrun both cop and criminal and still continues to do so.

Bomb fu - He calls it bomb fu. His very own mix of hand-to-hand combat while occasionally exploding stuff when he fights. It is usually very effective when facing a large number of foes. Of course, he has specially designed IEDs for his bomb fu that are not as explosive as grenades. They're kind of like fire crackers, but a little bit more explosive.

Weakness: Lazy and unmotivated - If there's one thing Oliver describes himself, it's this. And yes, he is very much aware of it. He is practically unmotivated when money is not in the discussion. Or maybe some other form of payment, perhaps? He is often lost to his own thoughts, even while at work. "What if the sky suddenly breaks like glass?"

Has some episodes of anxiety attacks - Oliver's head is full of what-could-have-beens and these regrets often find Oliver while he's asleep. He's not schizophrenic, no. He just overthinks too much and loses concentration.

Reckless - Oliver despises life-or-death situations. HE FEARS THEM. But for some stupid reason, he is always faced with them. I mean, come on! He usually just spends his time cleaning up than blowing things up, but why is that he is always caught in a crossfire. And it's not like someone is after him, no. It's more of when he's walking down the street after buying some eggs then all of a sudden a shoot-out between rival gangs happens right in front him!

Hand-to-hand combat - Oliver has no formal training in any type of martial art other than his very own bomb fu which is only just a mix of punching and distracting his opponents by scaring them with fire-cracker IEDs, but then again he has killed with these.


Oliver has a laid-back-I-just-wanna-lay-in-my-bed personality who is not particularly violent but will do mostly anything just to live or survive. He is unenthusiastic about having to fight to survive, but he will when threatened. He also prefers not to get involved in "troublesome" activities that is why he does more cleaning jobs. Oliver considers most women as bossy and over-bearing. He usually defines them as aggressive, demanding, and sometimes even scary. Given his mother's tyrannical personality, this isn't too surprising. Nevertheless, Oliver is generally courteous to women, doing them favors and avoiding fights with them though he is a very big flirt and a big fat liar. He claims to be a coward and reasons, "If you admit your fears, then it means you're not afraid of 'em."

Despite all these, Oliver holds onto his skill of cheating of death and ends up surviving, he clings to life like it's some thin thread because if he thinks about it he's got no reason to live. Although, he does plan on getting married one day.

Biography: The son of a bomb disposal officer and a newspaper journalist, Oliver grew up in an unusual family. His mother, the bomb disposal officer, would suggest to his father, the journalist, to let Oliver deliver newspapers around the block - it was newspapers or house chores. Of course, he always chose the former but after his rounds of delivering newspaper, he was cleaning their house because mama said so. She always says that this was to train Oliver to one day become a responsible man who knows how to work and not just sit on tables trying to write an article about poverty or prostitution - like her husband. Oliver, well, was a lazy kid so he despised work and throwing newspapers at people's doors. But it was okay since he was provided with a bike which he really liked. Life was hard for the young Oliver but also a bit fun, his mother would sometimes take him to the station where she would show him how to make miniature IEDs (improvised explosive devices). And he did so in his room - homemade firecrackers, and IED lighters.

Tragedy struck his life in the form of his parent's death - killed by premature detonation. While his father was victimized to create false articles against a powerful business tycoon/crimelord which got him into where prison where he hanged himself. Oliver was then taken by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben and was bitten by radioactive spider--Okay, he was taken in by his Aunt Sheila at the age of 14. Because of this, Oliver grew up with a mindset of reckless irresponsibility and independent idiocy which helped him cheat death countless times. From an angry mob of gangsters to a situation where he was caught on the crossfire of a shootout, he's got a few grazes but he still manages to stay alive. Oliver never joined any gang as he grew up though, he was often called the "lone wolf" but he thinks this is stupid and would like to think of himself as an "independent strong individual" who is just trying to live life to the fullest and maybe one day meet the girl of his dreams. He has tried robbing a criminal bank before though but it was a complete failure which almost caused him his life and almost got him into prison, so he bought a gas mask and decided to just burst ATMs open with his IEDs or kick them until they let money out, he is no hacker.

Despite all these, Oliver has a knack for chemistry and metal-working, so most of his improvised grenades are exact replicas of actual military grenades but of course, his grenades doesn't really have the "KABOOOM" effect as what professional grenades do, but whenever he has his shirt off and two grenades in his hand then just run..really, just run for your life and--...
or just punch him in the stomach and it'd pretty much be done.
Other Stuff



The smell of tobacco



Hot coffee

Cold soft drinks


Surviving a blast he caused.



Having to work for money but what the heck..

Picky eaters

Books about love. He believes that love shouldn't be read, but sought.

Sleeping with one pillow


Mira Shichiyou - She's a long time friend with benefits, he he he. Work-related financial benefits is what he meant.

He is a friend and a giver of tune to the stray cats, he is especially fond of one cat that is black.

Other: [media]


Accepted ^^


What If



Dakota R. Grier












Medical Repair. He fixes things. Like a carpenter, only for people. Doctor's another good word, but doctors do all kinds of things. Dakota's best at repairing lacerations, removing foreign objects, bandaging, and stabilizing.

Strong. Maybe not built like an ox, but he's reasonably strong, and can carry his own weight.


Diagnosis. He doesn't do that stuff. Losing your vision? Must have tumors. Coughing? Lung cancer. Stomachache? Herpes, duh.

Energetic. He finds it hard to pay attention. Dakota can follow orders, as long as they're summed up in eight sentences or less.


I Really Am



|Cheerful| Happy| Satisfied| Energetic| Fun| Open Book| Friendly|













Seeing Pain

Comforting Others







Quiet on the Outside















Melee. She's generally incredibly skilled with anything that has a blade. Even random things such as pipes or even sticks, she can use well. This is due to an understanding of anatomy and swordplay training.

Makeup/Disguise. It's the reason she works at BC. EV is incredibly good at doing make up... despite the fact that she never uses it to make herself more attractive. She learned this naturally, playing around with her siblings, and formal training after joining Black Cat.

Combat. She's bad at brute force. Terrible, even. However, if she can either make the first move, or the subject of her assault doesn't suspect her, because of her appearance, she can quickly get the upper hand. Whether its pressure points, or she finds an exposed area with lots of nerves, she knows several places on the average human body that can cripple someone. This includes but is not limited to the tongue, eyes, hands(especially knuckles), the back of the knee, and the back of the neck.

Committed. She used to be a dog, until being captured for two weeks. To keep her safe and make sure she didn't endanger anyone else, she was moved down to the position of "Bug."


Weak. Physically, she's quite weak. It's how she uses what little ability she has that makes her powerful. This is why she can't do anything based solely on strength.

Self-Conscious. She hates being stared at, and tries to act perfect in every single way, just in case someone cares how she goes about her daily life.

Sensitive to Pain. EV hates being hurt, as she is incredibly sensitive to it. This helps in a way, making her try harder to stay out of harm's way.


Loud on the Inside



|Shy| Conservative| Distrusting| Loyal| Obedient| Mature| Intelligent| Thoughtful



And as Sane




Horror Movies



Doing Makeup

Smart People


Basic People





no slide

(Taking a break for a while)
[Appearance(Anime is easier to find, for me-Its up to you)]

Name: zenith and morgan howl

Nickname: The red snake (Morgan) and the shadow alchemist (zenith)


Gender:male and female

Sexuality: zenith is straight and morgan is bi leans slightly more towards guys though


Skill:Zenith is creating poisons/ medicine and cleaning up body's/crime scenes and is a master thife. Morgan is very good at seduction and lying so good it's scary and she's been able to get close targets, she a bad ass driver and can get the client away from just about any robbery.

Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills): He hates most women because he was beaten something fierce by his mother and doesn't trust them as far as he can throw them this makes it hard for him to work in a mixed group. Morgan is cold as ice to most men and this can cause issues when doing jobs as a team. She's overprotective of zenith and is very bitchy/rude towards any women that does him wrong. Zenith can't stand idiots/ignorant or overly arrogant people and will tell them so.

Personality: Zenith is easy going and willing once he feels relaxed and can trust you fully, if he likes you he'll also forgive you when you have your bad moments and go out of his way to help you in any way he can, Zenith is both a masochist and sadist and makes no attempt to hide it from those he hates or wants to play or screw with.

Zenith's very reserved and mercenary with the contracts he's willing to accept and if you push him to your favor he'll just walk away.

Morgan doesn't care if she gets called a hoe but never ever call her a dumb hoe because she's very smart and wise and that will be the start of a very long grudge if not more.

Morgan is a tomboy and not afraid to get down and dirty when it matters and can drink many a person under the table thanks to being zenith's test subject for his different poisons and drugs and so on

Biography: One day after they had finished school and got ready for work, the uncle and mother came home early so zenith said he would cook dinner and that he did but this was no ordinary dinner and over the next couple of days the two that had made their lives a living hell went through extreme pain and suffering. Moments before they died zenith leaned down and says, i can finally get rid of you pieces of shit after years of having the crap beaten out of us and the things morgan had to endure i hope it was worth it. Little is known after that day morgan slept with the police chef for a while to throw the rest of the cops off their case, he died of some rare blood disease and for the first time morgan sincerely cried and zenith had to pick up the pieces.

Likes(3+): Both fun people and drinking and cooking and being creative the rest you'll find out

Dislikes(3+): People that pick on the weak and helpless, know it alls and being taken for fools same as above.

Relationships: none yet

Other: Will work with other groups to achieve a bigger goal but will never be anyone's lackey morgan has a very flexible body and knows how to dance to all kinds of music and likes to be pampered from time to time.

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