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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

The birds face-palmed and turned normal, flying off. Felix was far out of sight by then, but he was still secretly watching from a roof-top not too far away. He secretly knew what he did was very rude and most likely that of a criminal. But, he couldn't bare to watch for have any hand in a possible death of a child or a mother. It was just against his own morals. He hoped that they would be alive long enough to have the child and get the gifts he had left them. Still, that hatred was still brewing in his system...
Levana & Sebastian Michaelis

She leaned against Sebastian. "This can't be happening now." She cried. "It's way too early!" Sebastian kissed her forehead. He helped her sit up, and knelt behind her, leaning her against his chest for support. "Don't worry my dear. We have many reapers and demons here. None of them will let anything happen to the child."

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
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Sarah looks at Ciel and smiles warmly. "I imagine you don't remember me at all Ciel." she says as she looks down at the ring on her index finger before she looks back up to him. Her blue eyes looking into his own. "My name is Sarah Phantomhive, I...I'm your older sister." she tells him, smiling warily wondering what his reaction will be. She assumes that he will not believe her and tell her to leave.
[QUOTE="Michaela Seabrooke]Sarah looks at Ciel and smiles warmly. "I imagine you don't remember me at all Ciel." she says as she looks down at the ring on her index finger before she looks back up to him. Her blue eyes looking into his own. "My name is Sarah Phantomhive, I...I'm your older sister." she tells him, smiling warily wondering what his reaction will be. She assumes that he will not believe her and tell her to leave.

{hey I'm sure we forgot to notify you. We are rather far ahead of that xD }
Felix chose to send a classic reminder of good luck. He sent his finest falcon to circle the estate. It dropped cat's eye gems as a sign of good luck. He hoped that one would fall into the room. The falcon, however, was eventually too tired, and landed on the roof. He feared the worst.
One of the gems luckily did fall into the room, glimmering. It was actually the luckiest of the batch. It would most likely insure that everything would go smoothly, contracictory to what the reaper said about a complication. Sometimes you can't trust anyone, even someone who deals with tpdeath and not life in the slightest. Wait, wouldn't that be obvious not to trust that person?!
Levana & Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian eyes the gem wearily, not very easy around it. She looked back down at his wife and rubbed her stomach gently.

A few minutes later, Levana woke up with a gasp. She shot up, and gripped the bedsheets.

"Okay. This kid's not wasting time, huh? He's coming now!" She cried out, gritting her teeth. "What are we going to do?" she asked, looking between Sebastian and Anders frantically.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
The gems stopped, Felix seeing what happened from a nearby roof-top. He couldn't do anything. Not if it would get anyone mad or defensive. He stayed on the roof, eyes closed...(FELIX YOU...censoring myself...ok.)
Levana and Sebastian

Levana leaned against Sebastian, breathing heavily. "OHHH!" she screamed. "It's happening! One of you, someone, do something! Please!" With that, she leaned forward and pushed, crying out in pain as she did. Sebastian could only watch ,frozen, as his mate writhed in pain. The butler that could do almost anything, did not know what to do for once.

@GamKat98 @SerenityAngel
Felix fell off of the roof he was watching from, right onto the ground. Never mind his numerous injuries from the fall, he was most concerned about her and Sebastian. Oh, he wished he had kept his mouth shut about the child's well-being. Even what he said HIMSELF was beginning to freak him out. The child's health was what consumed his mind as his vision faded black.
Grace Crone Grace was walking down a sidewalk. She had convinced her servants to let go for a walk by herself. As she walked she saw a figure in distance. "What colud that be?" She asked herself. She ran to the figure to see it was a man. She crouched down and poked him with her finger many time. "Sir are you okay?" She asked in a fake sweet tone. Then she started poking him repeatedly again. 'This is fun' she thought. @GamKat98
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Ceres said:
Grace Crone Grace was walking down a sidewalk. She had convinced her servants to let go for a walk by herself. As she walked she saw a figure in distance. "What colud that be?" She asked herself. She ran to the figure to see it was a man. She crouched down and poked him with her finger many time. "Sir are you okay?" She asked in a fake sweet tone. Then she started poking him repeatedly again. 'This is fun' she thought. @GamKat98
{oh, I forgot to tell you. Currently, we are the only two active in this roleplay. We should probably assume the others have resigned}
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SerenityAngel said:
(I'm still here, I just don't know how to reply at the current moment but I am still very much active.)
{alright. That makes three of us. I want to add something that's going on back at the estate, but I have no idea what could cause any good drama. Any ideas? Maybe Angels? Idk}
[QUOTE="Santeru Ishumari][Never said I was inactive, just as well I had no idea how to continue forth with a reply.]

{we're going to introduce a plot full of more action, so you'll be able to get back in soon}
Misuki hums to herself whilst turning another page of her book,"Just as I predicted." She looks outside and sees she's nearing the Phantomhive Manor. "Nearly there,I wouldn't be surprised if my own dear sister doesn't recognize me." She sighs as the carriage stops,Aliah,her butler steps out and opens the door for her. "Dearest Aliah? Can you tell Levana I wish to see her." He nods swiftly and enters the extravagant manor,She steps out and waits for her butler to come back with her sister. She holds a rose made of pure ice between her fingers and hums something "Love is like ice,It melts the cold interior only to reveal the smallest pool of deception and lies underneath."
Sitting with his legs crossed next to her Santeru gazed affectionately at the frosting morning grounds, he sighed his breath a haze in the morning sunlight that was shining across the manor. "What lovely words, for someone so cold." He chuckled lightly his impure violet eyes scanned across the peaceful scene, much like the ice on the surface of a pond the moment had frozen itself. "You know, perhaps the best part about an individual isn't the truth but the act they put forward and the effort behind it?"

@Misuki Tatsumi
"Perhaps,but sometimes the act is a lie and therefore the effort is wasted." She says as the rose melts in her hand,she lets the last remains of the rose melt before putting on her gloves. "I just simply believe that love is an act. A game,so to speak and we are merely pawns doing the worlds bidding." Her once brown eyes turn a light shade of blue and her skin turns as white as snow.

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