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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

He slightly snarled "I was TRYING to get in contact with the lord so he WOULDN'T perish at such a young age. Although I'm a reaper I have standards, Michaelis. He left the furnace wide open, so I sent my robin to give the alert." He was very agitated, and had claw marks down his face. "Unlike some reapers, I have no intent on claiming a child's soul. I care too much for them."
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Levana & Sebastian

"Then why did you not write a normal letter to the residence, instead of attacking us and pretty much trying to kill my family?" He pressed the knife in deeper, but not cutting him. "Because if you would have harmed either my mate or child, you would not be standing here still."

@GamKat98 @SerenityAngel
He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Simple. Because it would be too late if I were to send it, even if I did so 5 days ago. As a matter of fact..." The shouts of the staff yelling FIRE! filled the air, as a small fire started in the furnace room, which was far from where they were. "See? There goes the furnace. How ever, I realized something. They couldn't easily handle it the first time the manor burned, now could they? Even with the help of the entire town. Luckily, I sent my birds to put it out this time, for good measure." The yelling then changed to BIRD, as the bird then flew out and onto Felix's arm. It was Alucard, the Raven from earlier, as Felix wore a grin.


Anders looked at the hell hounds but he was never fond of the creatures. He much preferred cats with their sweet independent nature, while dogs were so blinded by loyalty that hey forget themselves. He hates dogs and these were just large dogs hat annoyed him. "Thanks, but no thank you. I'm quite well on my own. You need not worry about me. You should take care of yourself a bit better, my dear lady." he said with a bit of a slightly annoyed smile. Upon hearing that Levana was with child he was a bit shocked but didn't react too much but a bit of a plastic smile, "Well, congratulations. I never thought that the famous Sebastian Mechalis would settle down with a family." he said, slightly making fun of he powerful demon but could not fault him for being protective of them. He sighed and lightly touched Sebastian's hand to let him know to put the knife down, "He went about it wrong, but his intentions were good. You can't really blame reapers for their...unorthodox methods." he was trying to be slightly diplomatic and proper since it was his first time being a butler. He wanted to see how well he could play this roll. He then turned to the reaper and sighed, "Now, thank you for the consideration. We appreciate your intervention." he said with a small bow at the waist. He just wanted this night to be over with. He wanted to get to his tasks and get things set for his mistress so she could get re-associated with society so they could work on granting her wish and he could eat.

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity just lay on her side and felt the presence of her elder brother. It was a feeling she wasn't used to anymore. When the door opened and Levana and Sebastian came in along with a large demonic dog she sighed and sat up and moved so that Levana could lay down and rest a bit to recover the energy she used. She owed the woman for healing her.

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Felix rolled his eyes, a bit surprised by how loyal these fools were being to children. Then again, who was he to judge? He was the one who refused to investigate the first Phantomhive Estate for survivors, mainly because he couldn't bare to have seen either of the siblings hurt or worse. He sighed and accepted it "Well, I am truly sorry for my actions. The birds tend to be a pa-" Just then, Alucard bit Felix's right eye, his grip strong. Felix sighed and shook his head, dissipointed in his advisor. "See what I mean? They tend to follow me every day." He didn't notice blood dripping down from his eye, of which was partially opening a past wound.
Sebastian and Levana

Sebastian hesitated for a moment, then lowered the knife, still glaring at him. He backed away slowly, staring him down. "I appreciate your concern, but young Master will not be harmed under the watch of Levana and me." Upon seeing the fire, he started heading back to the manor.

Meanwhile, Levana sunk to the ground by the door. The hellhound she had with her laid by her side, putting its large head in her lap. She began stroking not her fur. Hell hounds were just like normal dogs when with their masters. They were vicious when threatened. This one was directive of Levana because it could sense the child in her, it's next master. She was silent as she kept stroking it's fur, yawning slightly.

Ciel Phantomhive

Ciel remained silent as she rested. He looked up as ale and entered with the hound, and his eyes widened. Hell hounds? How had she managed to summon those? He nodded in acknowledgement and watched as she sat on the floor with the dog, who's head was rather close to her abdomen. "Levana" he said, giving her a knowing glance. Leavana gave him a nod, confirming his suspicion. Ciel sighed. "Well, we can't have you overworking. Sebastian will be on my ass about it." He said. Levana nodded. "Yes, sir."

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98


Anders breathed a sigh of relief when the Shinigami backed off and when the death god was bitten by his own bird he couldn't help but smirk. He didn't much care for reapers but he found them amusing from time to time. "Don't stain the carpet with your blood, please. It would be a pain to have to clean it up. Perhaps you need to exercise more control over them to make them behave." he said and let Sebastian take care of the fireplace and he was free to take care of things here. "Now, if your task is complete, we'd appreciate it if you would take your leave or if you could as properly for a night's stay, provided your pets could...vacate elsewhere?"

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity sat up and looked at the tired Levana and with a sigh she got up from the bed and went over and offered her a hand up so that she could put her to bed. "I don't suppose the floor is all that comfortable. Why don't you rest on the bed a while?" She said. The young woman was very well spoken and soft voice that she managed to retain in her years of imprisonment. "Can't have a demoness falling apart on us, now can we? Let alone one that has a family to take care of."

Felix shooed the bird away, and he sighed, noting how he didn't like his presence. He, unlike William, actually enjoyed a demon's company, as his past client had been a demon, who wasn't as mature as he'd enjoy for his job. "Well, I suppose I should get going. Besides, London isn't going to burn down by itself now, is it?" He chuckled, foreshadowing something, probably to be later on a plot point. "I just wish to leave you with something in return for saving me an injury, if that's alright."
Levana & Sebastian

Leland opened her eyes slightly. "Thank you for your concern, Lady Phantomhive, but I assure you I am perfectly fine where I am. Besides, you need all the rest you can get, as you sustained quite a few injuries yourself."

Sebastian went to put out the fire, knowing that it wasn't that bad any longer. He easily put it out before it could grow larger. Then, he headed back towards the room where the three were currently in. "Young master, Levana, and Lady Phantomhive" he addressed them. "The ordeal is over, you may all go back to your prior business, or any others." He went over to Levana. The hound growled slightly at him, but Levana put it at ease. Sebastian lifted Levana into his arms, watching her as she put her head on his shoulder. "Please excuse me, young master and lady phantomhive. I do believe Levana has overworked herself today. Allow me to take care of her for a while."

Ciel Phantomhive

Ciel watched his sister as she offered her spot to Levana. As she approached the demoness, he went to warn her about the hellhound, but was surprised when the hound did nothing. When Sebastian came in, he nodded at his request. "Yes. Let her rest. She has done much today for everyone. She deserves it." He stood up. "Come, Serenity. Allow me to show you to your room."

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98


Anders found this shinigami to be fairely intelligent and polite as far as reapers go. He didn't have a problem with him as long as he behaved accordingly and didn't cause any more trouble. When he asked if he could give him something as a thanks for keeping him from getting into a scrap with Sebastian he could not refuse generosity. He gave a bow at the waist with a gloved hand over his heart and the other behind his back in a proper bow. "Of course. I would not refuse a gift from an honored guest." he replied with a smile before standing up right again.

Serenity Phantomhive

Serenity Phantomhive

Serenity nodded her head and took her hand back and allowed Levana to rest where she sat as she wished, "I understand. Make sure you take care of yourself. You're no use to anyone dead, least of all you growing little one." she said, unafraid of the hellhound as she knew that at her current state she could not pose any threat but she wasn't concerned about that at the moment. When she said that she sustained injuries she knew she was right but she would heal with time and right now she had plenty to recuperate. "Thank you for your concern and care. Rest well."


Kebabs nodded. "Thank you, Lady Phantomhive" she said weakly. "You as well." With that, Sebastian left the room, the hounds following closely. Two of them went back to their home dimension, while the other one stayed behind. He brought her to their quarters, and laid her in the bed, before laying next to her, stroking her hair. The hound jumped up on the bed and wedged itself between them, giving Levana warmth. Sebastian sighed but dealt with it.

Meanwhile, Ciel was still with his sister. "Come. Anders will find you." He put a hand on her shoulder and began to lead her down the hall towards her old room.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
"Heh, of course. Here, use these." He handed Anders a deck of cards, each with a certain symbol on them. "If you ever need to ask something, ask the question and pull a card. Some symbols represent people or otherwise in the area."


Anders was a bit taken aback when he was given the cards with strange symbols on them. "Interesting. Why give me such a valuable deck of cards? I didn't think I did all that much for you. Sebastian is not unreasonable." he said confused as he looks at the cards but smiles at him, "Well. I thank you very kindly. I will be sure to put them to good use."

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity flinched a moment when Ciel touched her shoulder with his hand. She was not used to gentile hands touching her to lead her but hard hands grabbing her and forcing her. She was not used to it anymore. She nodded her head as she walked with her brother. Her bare feet not making a sounds as she walked. She was forced to be quiet in every aspect of her life was to be seen and played with but not heard unless requested. She would have to make herself break that habit eventually. She fallowed her brother to her old room. The ruffles and frills of a bright eyed little princess's room screamed in this room. The bright pastel colors almost hurt her eyes. The soft lace and canopy bed set up for a little girl. "No...I can't stay in this room...It's too bright. I can't sleep in here." she told him and turned her head away from the brightly colored room.

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Levana & Sebastian

Sebastian laid by his fiancé's side as she slept. He draped an arm around her, holding her as close as he could with the hound in between them. His other hand went to her abdomen, and it rested there. His usually emotionless eyes softened as he rubbed her stomach gently. He began to softly talk to the baby, knowing that Levana wouldn't be able to tease him about it, since she was asleep.

Ciel Phantomhive

"If you are willing to wait a few hours, I can surely get Levana to change it when she wakes up. But for now, you may use one of the guest rooms. It is getting rather late, and you should rest. After all, if you're going to stay here, I'm sure you'd be present for the wedding tomorrow morning?" He raised a brow at her as he spoke.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
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Felix smiled "No, no, it's honestly of no use to me...but..." He had a bit of a worried face "I, need you to tell something important to Sebastian, if you wouldn't mind doing so..." He was suddenly being a bit grim in the face, ironic due to his grim reaper title. "...something won't go right in delivery. One of them may not be in perfect condition, so make sure he keeps an eye on his mate's health for me." It was odd he would care so much about a child...aren't reapers normally cold-blooded and emotionless? Very odd...


Anders gave a sharp look as the reaper got more serious and asked if he would deliver a message and that he would do. "Of course. I will deliver it to him right away. Thank you for your time and care. I will ensure that Levana is well taken care of and her mate Sebastian. Thank you for the message, and for your time. Have a good night, Mr. Reaper." he said with another bow and went back inside to check on his mistress who had gone to bed but lay awake as usual. Her head on a swivel if anything even he moved. She could not sleep unless everything was dark and still. He ensured that she would at least get a few hours of sleep each night. And since he had no need to sleep it was fine with him.

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity shook her head, no. Don't bother her with it. She's done more than enough for me. Anders can take over my care. He does belong to me, after all. He can take care of it in the morning." she said and left the room for one of the darker guest rooms. One that had limited color and limited light. "I don't know her very well. But if she will have me, i'll be there at the wedding, though I'm afraid with so little knowledge I don't know if my being there will mean anything to her. It's good to know I'm not alone at least. Good night, Ciel." she said and went into the room and shut the door behind her and went to bed.

Levana & Sebastian

Levana's eyes fluttered open, and she looked at Sebastian. "Hello" she said gently. Sebastian smiled and pressed his lips to hers. When they separated, she stood up. "Where are you going?" Sebastian asked. "Outside. I need some fresh air." She said. Sebastian nodded. "Alright." He said, and stood up. Sebastian stood with her. "No. Stay here" Levana said. He shook his head and followed her, the hellhound trailing after them. They walked out to the main lawn.


"You'd be surprised" he said. "At this wedding, you'll have the chance to see many demon rituals you'll never see again. It'll help you understand their kind more." He went to the window and looked out at the grounds. He spotted Sebastian and Levana and began to watch them. He called for Anders. "I apologize for bothering you, but I need your assistance. I know demons have enhanced senses. Can you understand what Levana and Sebastian are saying out there?"

Levana and Sebastian

Now, the two lovers were sitting outside on a bench, looking up at the stars. Sebastian looked over at Levana. "Have you even consulted anyone on any statistics of your pregnancy? I know demons of your type typically don't gain weight during their pregnancies. We don't know how far along you are." Levana looked at him. "Well, we've known for about six months. And demon pregnancies usually last about seven, so I'd say maybe six and a half? I know it could be any time now. They've been moving around." She said. Sebastian turned towards her and slid off the bench. He knelt in front of her, and took both her hands. Levana smiled as he began to interact with their child, both completely oblivious to the fact they were being watched.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
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Anders could not move yet but he had to find Sebastian so he bowed and left the room but left a helpful little flower in the corner, an Edelweiss flower, to keep an eye on her and to provide her some security of mind as he left. He then summoned a few....relatives to help him keep an eye on the estate. Five arctic fox spirits dispersed across the manor and reported back to him once one located Sebastian and Levana. He then made his way to the main garden to give the message given to him by the reaper. Once there he saw Sebastian on a knee in front of his mate and halted a moment and cleared his throat a moment to get their attention, "Please, pardon the intrusion, but I have a message I must deliver to you, Sebastian. It's rather important and cannot wait." he said and approached calmly and with a straight face gave his message, "The reaper that was here asked me to tell you that there is going to be a complication during the delivery. He said that something is wrong and that one of them may not be in perfect condition and to be careful from here on out. Though really I think this message should be directed to Levana since she is insistent on being a little too helpful and not thinking of her health."

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity shook her head, no. "I have no need to know more about them. I have what I need to get what I want and that is all that is required for me to know about them." she said before going to bed and waiting for sleep to claim her but with subtle movement she couldn't but once those slight movements halted she was able to close her eyes and fall asleep for the night. Finally, but she would not be left to rest peacefully. Nightmares began to plague her mind and disturb her slumber.

Levana & Sebastian

Levana and Sebastian were both smiling at each other when he came. Sebastian was placing small kisses all over stomach, and slowly made his way up to her lips. It was odd, seeing the two of them like this. Happy and vulnerable. Their behavior immediately ceased when Anders approached. As he delivered his message, the two had totally different reactions. Levana's head went into her hands, and she was still. "Not again" she said quietly. Sebastian sighed and rose to his feet and sat next to her on the bench. He began talking to her. "I'll make sure it does not happen once more. History will not repeat itself, and he will be fine. I assure you." He looked up at Anders, knowing that he may be confused. "The last time a reaper said that to us, it didn't end well at all. The day she went into labor, the reapers attacked the manor, trying to get to young master. She was caught in the middle of it, and sustained major damage to her body. The child was born dead." He explained, then went silent, trying to comfort his mate.

Ciel Phantomhive

Ciel sighed and nodded, before going to his quarters in order to get some rest himself. He dressed himself and slid into the bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He too was assaulted with nightmares.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98


"I see. How tragic." he said not really surprised but he at least felt sympathetic to their loss, "My condolences for last time, but history shall not be repeated. After all, there are more of us this time, so you can rest easy and it doesn't seem as though the reapers are after your master anymore, so relax and calm down. Just be careful with your health and everything will be fine." he assured with a kind smile to the couple. "Well, I shall leave you two alone and prepare everything for tomorrow. Some of the windows need replacing and I don't want the master and mistress to see them. Good night." he said with a deep bow at the waist and went off to take care of the mansion.

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Felix sighed, looking at a picture of a carriage crash and a letter from a hospital as he walked. He stopped and looked at the manor again. His vision flashed with the fire and ruins as he stared, due to one of his past assignments. Just then, Alucard swiped away the image and letter, flying to the main court-yard where they were. He perched on the bench, leaving the image and letter, then flying south as Felix walked north. A few tears fell as he walked.
Levana & Sebastian

Levana nodded at his words. As he left, Sebastian stood and took her hand, gently pulling her up. He quite literally swept her off her feet , ignoring the bird, and carried them inside. "Come, my love" he said, as he walked. The hound followed, protecting them. He brought them to their room. Putting her in the bed, he kissed her gently. "I love you" Levana said gently. He smiled. "I love you too." He smiled at her. Levana then rolled over and closed her eyes. Sebastian laid next to her, holding her for the last time before they were officially husband and wife. He knew that Mey-Rin would be here early in the morning to take Levana, as it was human tradition for the groom not to see the bride before the wedding. She luckily stayed asleep for the whole night, with Sebastian spooning her from behind, his hands resting on her stomach. He wouldn't let anything happen to them.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix, at about midnight, hung upside-down and looked into the window from above. Seeing the soon-to-be bride and groom with the unborn child made him feel sympathy, but also a bit of envy. Not in the way Madam Red had felt, much less than that. He secretly faded himself in, setting a present on the floor, wrapped in black paper with a red bow. It was labeled to both Sebastian and Levana, as he then quietly leapt out the window. Only...he forgot to shut it.
Levana & Sebastian

In a few hours time, Levana and Sebastian woke up to the sun streaming through the window. Levana sat up and stretched, and smiled. "Today's the day" she smiled at her husband. Sebastian smiled and leaned forward, giving her one last kiss as bride and groom to be. He leaned down and kissed her stomach. "A few hours from now, you'll both be Michaelises for real." He said. Levana smiled and stood. "I'll see you in a bit" she said, hearing footsteps. As soon as she finished speaking, the doors burst open and Mey-Rin appeared, grabbed her arm, and pulled her out. "Mey-Rin!" Sh called. "Slow down!"

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
(Stretching for ideas now o-o)

The present was there, the paper shimmering in the light, while the ribbon stayed dull. Turns out he had run out of real ribbon, so he had to use old movie film instead. Well, you can't say he didn't use his resources. At about the same time, two doves flew into the room, holding letters in their beaks for him. They seem friendly, and the letters had names on them. One of them Felix, and the other Undertaker. Surprising Undertaker would actually send a note, but not Grell, hm? Anyhow, the room was much cleaner than it was last night. Probably Finnian's doing, possibly some other staff members. Felix was watching from a nearby roof-top, smiling as he held a small jar with a label on it.
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