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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

He slightly growled, summoning a stunning red robin about the size of a large eagle, and handed it the death notice with Ciel's name on it. "Fly to master Ciel's study and tap on the window. If he opens give him the notice. If he does not, find the maid or gardener and report back to me at once. If you can't find them, just report to me, alright? DO NOT LET SEBASTIAN GET THIS NOTICE, JOHANNES." The large bird nodded and took flight to the windowsill of Ciel's study, tapping on the window. Felix smiled and faded himself onto the roof, making sure not to step on any old tiles that may break under his feet.



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders gave a deep bow as the woman left, "Thank you again, my dear, for your expert care. My lady will be forever grateful." he said and smiled when he stood back upright. When he was informed that they would be moving he gently picked up Serenity and carried her after he had dressed her in the dress that had been provided. At least now she looked normal and taken care of. He fallowed Sebastian to a more suitable to their needs. She would be returning to her original room soon enough once Ciel recognizes her and lets her come back home. Surely he would not throw out his little sister.

@Brianna Ackerman
The bird then flew around, but didn't spot anyone, thus returning to Felix. "So you have failed?! Useless bird!" He took the letter out of its claws, very angry. "I only tried to warn him to turn off the furnace...oh well, he should soon learn his lesson. Now go!" The bird flew off, as Felix pondered on his next move. He had to turn off the furnace somehow. How else would his quota be filled. Oh, times like these make him wish Michaelis wasn't around...
Levi & Sebastian

Levana went to to Ciel's study. She knocked, and entered. In the midst of their conversation, which was about how she and Sebastian's plans after their wedding tomorrow, she saw a rather large bird sitting at the window. it soon flew away. "That bird was too big to be of natural origin. We may need to get you somewhere safer. It must have come from that reaper." She said. "Come, young master." She said. She ushered him to a room down the hall. She passed Sebastian and Anders on the way there. "You two. Come with me. Take Lady Serenity with you. We must get you to a safe place." She began to usher them with her. "Quickly, now." She said. "When we get them there, the two of you will follow me." One of the things she was best at was protecting her home and her master. Amongst one of the clans she had once been a part of, she would have been classified as a 'warrior demon'. But she had left with Sebastian before she could be placed. She didn't regret it for the world, but she did get tired of having to do this. She and Sebastian? A very lethal pair. The only way an enemy would have a chance of defeating one of them was to get them apart. And that wouldn't be happening any time soon.

@GamKat98 @SerenityAngel



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders was a little bit tired of being ordered around by others, other than his mistress, but he didn't have a choice at the moment. He carried the young girl and fallowed the other two demons and the elder brother of his young mistress. She wasn't much of a burden to carry at all but he would be appreciate letting her rest and get her strength up. Perhaps while the two humans hid and the demons fought the two siblings could get to know one another again.

@Brianna Ackerman
Levi & Sebastian

She went to a nearby room, and opened the door, ushering them in. "Come on." She said. She let Anders put Serenity on the bed, while she made Ciel watch over her. "Come on." She said. "But first" she paused. She reached down and slipped off the heels that she was wearing. She put them by the door. "That is going to make this a lot easier." She sighed. "Let's go." With that, she hurried off to defend her master's home for the umpteenth time.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders lay Serenity down and fallowed Sebastian and Levi out the door, trusting that Ciel wouldn't let his remaining family perish. Especially after all that she had gone through just to get back here. He tightened his gloves on his hands and made them more secure so that he could handle this task with efficiency and not be hindered with a weak grip. Reaching into his coat he pulled out some silver dinner knives to be ready for a battle. "So, may I inquire as to whom our target is?" He asked smiling as if it were a normal task.

Once left alone for a few minutes Serenity's eyes opened and she found her body wasn't in any pain save for the burn mark that had scarred itself into her back. She slowly sat up and held her right eye and looked around with her blue eye. The same blue Ciel had. She looked and her gaze softened a little when she saw her elder brother for the first time in years. After so much torment, she at least had one thing back. "Brother...Ciel?" she asked in a quiet but firm voice as her expression didn't show one of relief, or sadness, or pain. Just of indifference but it was soft.

@Brianna Ackerman
As he heard the commotion, Felix grinned. "Oh well now..the children want to play hm? VALKURE!" A large jet-black vulture landed on his arm, wearing a skull cap. It saluted to him, Felix doing the same, then both go at-ease. "Send your finest armada to surround this estate. We mustn't be figured out! Now go." The bird flew off, some feathers falling off and onto the ground.
Levi & Sebastian

"There's a trapper, who just appeared. I have a feeling he has come to collect the young master's soul. And possibly anyone else's. If we don't hurry now, not only will his Soul be taken, so will Serenity's."

Ciel looked at his sister. "Serenity" he said, only a bit of relief evident in his voice. "Why are you here? It's dangerous. You know that."

Levana led the others through the halls. "I'm not sure your weapon of choice, so I'm taking you here first." She opened the door to reveal a large armory.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
An emmense swarm of birds sped around the house, making the windows black, and the walls shake. "Heh, try now fools..." He grinned as he got his bone-saw, hoping to find who he was looking for.
Levi & Sebastian She noticed the birds swarming the house. She let out a loud string of curses. They were very unladylike but she did not care. She grabbed a large sword and daggers, and ran like hell was chasing her. "Let's go!" She exclaimed. "He's after young master! We must protect that area. It is our primary focus!" She headed back towards that area.

@GamKat98 @SerenityAngel



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders was not about to let his meal be touched and spoiled by any outside hands. Her would belonged to him, and him alone. "Oh, you need not worry about my weapon of choice, my dear. I've everything I need." he said with a smirk and a flash of the dinner knives in his gloved hands. "Though with this many birds, it would be difficult to win on ones own. Thankfully, we can stand together here. Sebastian, would you care to help make a few choice selections so that we can prepare dinner later? It would be a shame for such meats to go to waist." he said and fallowed quickly after Levi, making sure to guard the rear so they were not fallowed.

Serenity sat up, her slender hand still covering her eye as she looked at her brother as if nothing were moving her. "'Tis just as dangerous for you. Tell me...after these years...why did you not bother to look for me? Did you believe me to be dead?" she asked and brought her feet over the edge of the bed so she could face him. She looked up at him with her deep blue eye. The deep color of her soul. "I waited....and waited...I thought for sure that you would send help to look for me but...you never came...I had to find my own way out. I guess I should thank you. You've helped me to see that I can't rely on people. I came back...for the same reason you did...this is not just your home...it's mine too. I may not be family head, but I am still part of the family." she was still weak from her recent escape but she was not going to show it any time soon.

@Brianna Ackerman
The sky was blacked out by the birds, as he crouched on the roof, out of nearby sight. "Hm...this will never do...I need a diversion...ALUCARD!" An odd Raven landed on his shoulder, which had blood on its beak and wings. "Ah, Alucard, my most trusted raven. Fly inside and find him. Make sure Michaelis doesn't see you, my pet." The Raven clawed and swooped inside, perching on the dark top chandelier, of which he blended easily with.
Levi & Sebastian

Levana went to stand by the door to the room. "You two. Go scout around this area. But don't go too far. He's bound to get inside somehow." She said. Sebastian came to stand next to her. "I'll be back every so often. Stay safe, my love." He said, then leaned down to kiss her for a moment. She pulled back and looked up at him. "I will. Don't worry. Now, go."

Ciel looked at her. "Yes. I did fear that you were dead. You can ask Sebastian or Levana. After the fire, I searched endlessly for you and our other sister. I couldn't find you, so I assumed the worst had happened."

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders nodded his head and did as requested and made sure to cut down any birds that managed to make her way inside. He was very efficient with those little things. He went about to secure the area, especially the windows as he knew those were not the strongest parts of the house but he was not too worried. "Well, right out of the gate and I'm already on the clock." he said to himself and was on high alert to make sure that no pesky devine or demonic creature was after his precious meal.

"The worst did happen. You left me in that world for years, brother. Shows how strong your resolve is. Father would have been able to find us had he not perished." she said a bit miffed at him to say the least but sighed and pulled her hand away and revealed her green eye with the contract held within it. "Seems like I can't get out of your shadow, no matter how I try. They even tried to dye and cut may hair to make me look like you. Any idea how humiliating it is to be forced to pretend you're a boy pretending to be a girl? That's only one instance they tried to make me like you. They also did a LOT worse." she then sighed and went to the drawer and pulled out an eye patch and covered her green eye with it. "So who are they? I'm guessing their not human. They seem to know Anders, or at least what he is."

@Brianna Ackerman
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Alucard flew around Anders, passing Finnian and Mey-Rin, landing in the bedroom, searching for any way of identification. Felix, however, added more and more birds to circle, one occasionally attacking them.
Levi and Sebastian

Leans held out her hand to Sebastian, who nodded and put a dinner knife in her hand. She took aim, and threw the knife, slicing the necks on three birds coming towards them. Sebastian, seeing that she had herself covered, went with Anders. He didn't quite realize the mistake he made. While he had backup should he need it, she did not. She could easily be overpowered and taken down.

Ciel sighed. "You are right. They are not human. They are demons, much like Anders. Well, Sebastian we know is a demon. We don't know exactly what Levana is, due to her many abilities of the like. We assume she's a demon, nonetheless." He said.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98

{ hey can you two start using field sets? Serenity, the multiple colors on your responses are a little too overwhelming for my eyes. They're giving me a few terrible headaches}


Anders thought on the situation and the more the thought the more he fell back and distanced himself between Sebastian. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave too much to chance, Sebastian. I'll stay half way between you and her, that way if either of you need some...extra hands to keep these pesky birds at bay. They seem rather intent on our meals." he suggested with a smirk and let some of his knives flick from his fingers to slice right through some of the birds without leaving even a speck of blood on the blades. "No don't go getting into too much trouble, huh?"

Serenity Phantomhive


"From what I could see, your Sebastian had a resemblance to crows. Old ones. Tattered and dusty feathers but wisdom and cunning from beyond the mortal realm and sharp claws and beak to take out the eyes of those that dare to see. The woman, Levana, you said? I can't seem to relate her to anything yet, but it will come to me eventually. Anders could be a cross between an arctic fox and the Edelweiss flower. Both cold and pretty to look at but get too close...and you'll see the glint of your death before it claims you. A little skill I picked up while in that cage for so long. It was the only thing that kept me sane." she said and looked at her borrowed clothes. "Once this night is over, I'll be going into town for some new clothes. I can't be running around in a maid's clothing in my own home, that is if I'm still welcome here? Or will you throw me out because I've changed too much that you don't recognize me? I wouldn't be surprised."

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Levi & Sebastian

Sebastian nodded and ran past him, so that he could be in the center. He continued throwing the knives at the birds, attempting to clear them out. Meanwhile, Levana was having a few difficulties. The birds were overwhelming her. She'd run out of knives, and her sword was doing absolutely nothing to help her. So, she fell to her knees and covered her head, hoping it would stop soon. The ravens made it worse. They were ravens. She couldn't look at them without thinking of Sebastian. Sebastian looked over to see her on the ground. "Anders! Help her, please!" He called over the sound of the ravens."


He just looked at her. "Why would I throw you out?" He asked simply. Upon hearing her comment about his servants, he nodded. "That's because Sebastian is a raven demon. It's his form. Levana is typically referred to as a cross between the mythical dragon and the vicious wolf, by those who know her. I can see it. Fiery and passionate about what she does. Powerful. Graceful Protective, and a few anger issues."

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98


Anders nodded his head as he sped toward Levana with his knives drawn and shooting at the blasted and annoying crows that overwhelmed the female demon. "Now, here I thought you were supposed to be a warrior demon. Well, I suppose you did use a lot of energy on my mistress, so it can't be helped." he said with a smirk and letting his knives run out but that was not the only weapon in his arsenal. His eyes glowed a deep purple for a moment and in his hand icicle daggers formed and he let them fly with ease and grace. "I think I can take it from here. Why don't you rest until Sebastian confronts our antagonistic friend."

Serenity Phantomhive


"I see. That would explain it." she said in response to Levana's demonic side. When he asked why he would through her out, "Because, Ciel, I've not retained who I was before the incident. I'm not the same person I was back then. I'm just like you, if not worse. Why would you be wanting to look in a mirror every day?" she said then took a deep breath and lay down in the bed and turned her back to her elder brother. "I'm tired Ciel...and...I don't want to be left alone right now....could...you just sit beside me till I fall asleep? I just got home...and I don't really feel like I can sleep alone in such a big room..."

Levana Coraelis & Sebastian Michaelis

"I'm fine" Levana said weakly. She stood up, with the assistance of the wall. However, luck was not on her side, and her knees buckled from exhaustion, sending her back down towards the floor. Sebastian, with the quick reflexes he had, was over by her side to catch her almost instantaneously. He helped her back to the ground slowly, and leaning her against the wall. "Okay. Maybe I'm not so okay." She sighed. Sebastian looked at Anders. "Do you mind if I stay here with her? If someone were to slip by and try to get to young master and Lady Phantomhive, she wouldn't have the strength to deal with it singlehanded my quite yet. As you said, she did use quite a bit of her energy. Enough to where she could possibly die if she uses any more."

Ciel Phantomhive

He nodded slowly after a moment of careful contemplation. "Yes" he finally said. "I will stay by your side until you need me no longer. Besides, what couce do we have anyways? We aren't allowed to leave this room until the problem is dealt with."

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
( Wait, how do you use bracket sets o_o )

Alucard eventually got some way to identify Ciel and Sebastian, then flew out and into the swarm. Felix was honestly surprised he wasn't spotted yet. At this point it would've probably been obvious. Well, the Ravens are doing their job he supposed. Maybe he wouldn't starve them tonight...oh well, he'd probably do it anyways.
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Levana and Sebastian

Sebastian looked up at the swarm of ravens. The group was getting smaller and smaller, but not fast enough. Their crowing got louder, and Levana buried her face in Sebastian's chest to shield herself from the noise. Sebastian shielded her, throwing more knives at birds that got too close. After a few minutes of rest, Levana shakily stood up and held up one hand. A dark swirl of matter began forming behind her. Four large dogs stepped out from the mass, now easily identified as a portal. They were huge and solid black, and had merge, gleaming red eyes. They were snarling as two came to stand by Sebastian and Levana, and the other two by Anders. "Hell hounds" Levana called to Anders. "They'll keep you safe, and help defend you in battle. Tell it what to do, and it will listen." With that, Sevastian led her inside the room, knowing she was about to collapse. One of the hounds followed her, and rested by the door, sitting next to Levana. Outside, Sevastian was back in the battle. "I will never understand that woman." He called. "With child and still insisting on using her energy reserves and fighting." He almost frize after he spoke, realizing what he had just revealed.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix soon froze himself. "A...a child? FLEE, SHOO!" The birds started to disperse at the command, and his voice echoed around the estate. "I'm so sorry for everything. Goodbye." He leaped off the roof and behind the manor, walking away as if nothing happened.
Levana and Sebastian

As the birds dispersed, Sebastian set off in search of the voice's source. He went outside, and picked up his knives on the way. His red eyes seemingly went darker as he followed the reaper. He grabbed him by the back of the shirt, and slammed him into the wall, putting a knife to his throat. "Why are you here?" He growled. "Threatening the safety of not only my young master, but the servants, our visitors, and the lives of my mate and unborn child. And you think you're just going to get away that easily? No."


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