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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

Levana & Sebastian

The hellhound Levana kept with her followed, growling at Mey-Rin. It didn't attack, waiting for Levana's command. As the maid continued to pull her through the halls, she felt another presence above her. Stopping, she turned into a bird form and flew outside, and to the roof. She stopped behind Felix, and rematerialized behind him. "I thought you left." She said. At this point, she was in her uniform, not wishing to be seen in her nightclothes.

Sebastian finally stood on his own time. As the doves flew into the room and swarmed around the gift, he walked over. He took the notes from the birds, and picked up the box, a bit confused. He put the box on the table, waiting for Levana to come back to open it with him. He opened the note from Felix first, and began to read it.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix's note was the following: Hello, Sebastian. Congrats on your marriage! You're much luckier than I was, I can assure you that. Your child may not be perfect, but then again, no child is, am I correct? I'm glad you can have something I have tried and failed to accomplish: a child. Your wife will look stunning, and so will the child. I can tell that he or she should live a full life. I do hope that we can put the past behind us. I stopped attacking mainly because I care too much for children. I wasn't after Master Ciel, I was merely after the gardener's pet bird. I'm not that heartless. I have left a small gift for you. Sorry, I ran out of ribbon half way through wrapping. You can't say I'm not resourceful. -Felix T. Anderson

Felix turned around "!? Oh, so sorry, I was hoping to see the wedding from a far view. Besides, what's a wedding without the ceremonial doves? I'm sorry. If you wish for me to leave, I will do so." The eye that was bitten had an eye-patch over it, black with a skull on the center. Psh, typical reaper...
Levana & Sebastian

Sebastian finished reading the note, and then put it near the box so that Levana could read it later. He appreciated the gesture, but the fact that his note mentioned the fact of his wife looking stunning-not that he disagreed- automatically made him a bit protective. He brushed it off. No harm, right? He then moved on to undertaker's note, which he found even more strange.

Levana shook her head. "I'm not saying you have to leave, I was just curious, is all." She sat next to him. "It is a good view, correct. But if you'd like, you could be on the grounds. You protected our home, for the most part. It's the least I can do. Except maybe help you heal your eye? The eyepatch is a bit cliché." She laughed slightly.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98


Anders had been cleaning and straightening and doing various things through the night, since he didn't need any sleep he decided to be useful and finish getting the house set up for everything that needed to be done. Serenity's room he would take care of at a later time but she needed clothes so he took some time to design and make some clothes she could wear to the wedding and after words. He wasn't much for making frilly girl clothes but for his mistress he would do anything for her. Once dawn broke he went into the room where he saw Serenity thrashing about from a night terror and he calmly approached and as he did her eyes snapped open. "Are you alright, my lady?" he asked and placed the dress on the chair beside her bed.

Serenity Phantomhive


The whole night through Serenity's nightmares plagued her and tormented her. Every day she spent in that hell replayed itself in her mind and caused her to freak out in the waking world When the nightmare finally released her from its clutches due to Anders standing beside her she sat up with a start and gasped for air. Her breathing labored and her heart rate elevated and her scar felt like it was burning but it was just some phantom pains that she would have to deal with. She looked up at Anders after she calmed down with a deep glare. "I'm fine. Leave." she said and with a bow Anders did as she commanded. She got up and grabbed a common house robe and went to find a place to calm her mind further, ignoring the dress laid out for her. She would dress in it when she was clean and not drenched in sweat. Even her hair was wet.

Levana & Sebastian

Before he got dressed for the occasion, Sebastian went outside to assure that everything was in place. He spotted Levana on the roof and smiled towards her, earning a smile in return. He went back to what he was doing. Luckily, the plans were followed exactly in this area, and not a detail out of line. Assuring everything was good, he went about his other business before the wedding started. He was a bit nervous, to say the least. After all, it wasn't every day a demon got married. Actually, it's never happened at all. But he had to do a spell. He had never done one in his life before, and if it went wrong, it could spell disaster. He froze. What if his spell going wrong would cause their child to be injured? He wouldn't be able to live with himself.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix smiled and was now behind Sebasitan. "I did say in my notice the child would be alright. Heh, I would rather have myself or an old friend do the spell for you if you're so scared. Oh, I know you're able to handle it." He playfully and lightly punched his shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about it....I'm sure you won't need to go through what I had to..." He was, at this point, straining to keep a smile. What he said was awfully depressing, but he kept a smile. He's strong when it comes to that in public.
Levana & Sebastian

Sebastian looked at the reaper. "Trust me. I'd like nothing more if someone more skilled at magic would do this. But, they can't. It's a demon ritual that will bind Levana and I together for all eternity." He sighed.

Levama was sitting on the roof still, listening to them. He was worried about her. How sweet. She put a hand on her stomach and looked down at it, talking to her unborn baby. "Your daddy is sweet, you know that? He's worried about not hurting you." She smiled. "When you get here, you're going to be loved so much. Nothing bad will ever happen to you." A few kicks met her hand.

Back below, Sebastian was watching her. He heard everything she said, and smiled. He was looking at her with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
He turned his back on them, letting a small tear fall down his cheek "I-I have to go." He didn't notice his voice was shaking as he hurriedly walked away from them, around the side of the manor, looking at the picture that Alucard had stolen, of the carriage crash "Heh...he's lucky in deed...." He looked at the jar and set it down as he left. He didn't and probably wouldn't come back to reclaim it any time soon.
Levana & Sebastian

Leavana stood up, and jumped to the ground, landing in a crouch. She shot another smile at Sebastian before walking inside, on her way to where Mey-Rin was waiting For her.

She walked in the room, and was immediately assaulted by Mey-Rin and the other female servants, pulling her in to get her ready.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Some birds flew in the opposite direction that Felix went, so he apparently didn't have control of these ones. A sudden gentle breeze blew by outside, opening a few of the windows. Something was wrong. Everything was good before Felix left. Perhaps it was him doing it? No, it couldn't have been. Oh well, no matter. He did eventually come back and gather his things, also holding an odd tray with a covering. Not like a dinner platter, but something like that.
Levana & Sebastian

Levana was ready rather quickly. Mey-Rin had already gotten her dress laid out, so it would be easy to get into, and had laced up the corset-with a bit of difficulty. She had fixed her long brown hair into an elegant up do that she'd probably never do again, and she had-hesitantly- allowed the servant girls to do her makeup. She had just fastened her necklace around her neck, and made everything look presentable. There was only one thing missing. A groom to go with the bride."How are you feeling?" Mey-Rin asked as she looked at the Demoness. "In all honesty?" Levana began. "Like I'm about to be sick. I don't know if that's nerves, the sickness associated with my pregnancy, or a combination of both." Mey-Rin laughed. "I wouldn't doubt it. Just relax. You'll be fine." Levana took a few deep, unneeded breaths to calm her nerves. "Now" she said, putting a hand on Levana's shoulder as she slipped on gloves to hide her contract mark. "Let's go." She picked up one thing, the veil, on the way out. She led the woman to a set of double doors, a few minutes from the beginning of the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Sebastian was already standing at the altar, waiting nervously. He looked around. There were quite a few people there, compared to how many people they invited. He was surprised to see Claude there. Levana had invited him. They had always been a dear friend of hers. At the same time, he was close to what a human would call a panic attack. He was freaking out. Mostly because of the spell.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix winked at him, smiling, as he set down the platter. Doves flew into place around the alter, a black raven sitting above where Sebastian stands, an elegant robin and it's chick sitting above where Levana would stand. Felix sat in the very back, next to William, who was ironically already starting to cry. He tried not to laugh at this, as it was humorous to him to see William almost in tears. The birds were obviously well-trained. Some of them set up the carpet for the walk-way, and the others were lining the path, awaiting the bride. Felix himself was smiling, trying to make Sebastian a bit more confident.
Levana & Sebastian

As the music began to play, Mey-Rin scurried to put her veil on. It was long, and trailed the floor. The was handed her boquet, a bundle of blue and black roses. Smiling, the doors opened and she watched as everyone walked out and to their spots. Then the music changed. She began walking slowly, looking at the ground. As she stepped onto the walk-way, she looked up at everyone. She smiled at Claude, Felix, and the reapers as she passed them, on her way to her new fate.

Sebastian was in awe at his fiancé. She was stunning. Her outfit was elegant and gorgeous, a timeless look. She looked like she was glowing. As she reached the end of the altar, she handed her bouquet to Mey-Rin, and took Sebastian's hand. The two were looking at each other, waiting.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix wiped a few tears, and handed William a towel, as he had used all of Felix's of tissues already. He smiled and awaited the signal from Tanaka, as he was holding the jar with him. William seemed a bit uncomfortable surrounded by so many birds though....


Anders finally finished his tasks and made sure that Serenity was alright and escorted her back to her temporary room and let her was and get dressed in the frock fit for the wedding. Once they were both ready, he made sure that she took a seat next to her brother so that she would not be in the way while he himself sat by Claud. Not that he had any particular liking for the demon but he found it appropriate for their kind to stay near one another so that their charges could mingle amongst themselves while they kept watch. When Levana cam in he was quite taken aback by her beauty and was tinged with jealousy at Sebastian for being able to find one so beautiful and so perfect for him. He watched as she walked down the isle to be tied with her mate.

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity finally managed to calm down after a bit and shortly thereafter was escorted back to her room to wash up and get dressed. She let Anders lead her to her seat by her brother and watch as the beautiful demoness entered the room and walked. She could not help but think she was like an angel, rather than a demoness at the moment in her grace. She wondered if she would ever look like her one day but she quickly dropped that thought as she knew her fate and her destiny would never allow her to reach that point in her life so why bother wishing for it.

Levana & Sebastian

Levana and Sebastian remained at the top of the altar until the demon that was officiating them was done speaking. They said their vows excitedly, both wearing smiles He finally spoke the words they were waiting for. "You may begin." With that, the two backed away from each other, releasing their hands. Levana went first. She said a few sentences in Latin, her voice light and graceful. Her eyes went blue before a symbol began forming in the air. However, it was incomplete. It was waiting for the other half. Sebastian's half. She sent a smile at Sebastian, and watched as he repeated the words, the symbol completed. The symbol dissipated, and they both watched as it reappears on both their hands. They were finally bound forever. The officiant looked between them as they joined hands again. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." He said. Then, Sebastian pulled her to him and kissed her, leaning her back a bit. She wrapped her arms around his neck as there was applause from their guests. The two stood side by side and watched, smiling. Nothing was wrong in that moment. Everything was perfect. Until, that was, Levana cried out in pain and collapsed against Sebastian, who helped her to the floor. "What's happening?" He asked.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix and William both shot up, rushing over to check if she was ok, before Felix realized what was going on. He looked at Sebastian, the look in his eyes showing both worry and bliss. He slightly nodded, trying to signal that it was most likely the child, but what did he know? He was just a grim reaper....
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Levana & Sebastian Michaelis

Legs a buried her face in Sebastian's shirt, breathing heavily. She tried not to cry out in pain. He kissed her head, taking one of her hands in his. "Love" he said. "Please, don't be alarmed. I do believe you've gone into labor." She began to panic. "Don't be alarmed? Sebastian, we are totally unprepared for this. We have no doctor on hand, or anyone with medical experience, and we definitely don't have time to send for one. This kid is coming fast!"

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix's eyes shot open, as he let out a loud whistle. A large swarm of birds appeared and cleared a pathway, stopping all traffic "I can get you there faster than any carriage. If push comes to shove-OH SORRY! Forgot, lady in labor here-I do have some experience in the medical field. Now, come on, we have no time to waste." The birds lined up and made a sort of bed, spreading their wings with only enough room for Sebastian and his mate. "Hurry now!"
Levana and Sebastian

"Both of you obviously know nothing about this. Demon children cannot be born in the presence of a human. Something is almost always different about them. Typically something is added, such as horns or wings." Sebastian helped her up, catching her as she almost fell again with another pain. At this point, all of her closest friends were around her, ready to help if need be. Claude, Funny, Mey-Rin, and surprisingly William. "What a way to end a wedding" she said sarcastically, gripping Sebastian's hand with everything she had to rid herself of the pain.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98
Felix didn't know what to do, and he was sort of...frozen there. Did he really mess up? He shouldn't have even come. All these thoughts ran in his head, so he backed out of the situation entirely, turning around. Without anyone to command the birds, how would they get there? Easy...he wouldn't let them. "...SHOO." He snapped his fingers and the birds all flew away, the hatred consuming his mind. "I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time. Good. Day." He walked away, his eyes smoking, which a normal reaper's have never done. "Good luck. I hope it burns." He obviously would never say that if he was in a good state of mind. With that, he faded away. The only birds left were Alucard and Valkure.
Levana & Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian scooped up Levana and went inside, practically dragging William with them. He knew that reapers typically undergo extensive medical training, should a situation like this arise. At least, that's what Levi had told him. Levana was curled up in a ball in his arms, pain overtaking her body. "How do humans do this?" She practically screamed.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98


Anders heard the restrictions and picked up bot Ciel and Serenity and left the room with them so that they would be alright. "Please, kindly wait here while things are being taken care of." he said and returned, "Perhaps we should take her to a room where she will be more comfortable? Sebastian, would you carry her? I don't think she can even stand at the moment." he said and waited.

Serenity Phantomhive


It was certainly a surprise when Levana went into laybor but when Anders put her and Ciel out of the room so that things could be taken care of she was not worried and just waited.

The birds turned human. (PS:Alucard types LIKE THIS and Valkure types Like this )Alucard hopped down first, checking her pulse. "IT'S GETTING TOO QUICK! VALKURE, GET THE MATERIALS. THIS ONE'S COMIN' FAST!" Valkure hopped down and got some..whatever people use in giving birth I dunno, and set them up "...Hey! Leave em alone, ok!?"
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Levana & Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian nodded and scooped his wife up into his arms. It still felt odd, calling her that. He carried her to their room, and put her on the bed. "I'm getting you changed from this." He said to her, grabbing a skirt and shirt she could wear, before picking her up again and bringing her to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came walking back in, helping her walk as well. He helped her over to the bed, and assisted her in laying down and leaning back. He knelt next to her, trying to keep her calm. She cried out again and grilled the bedsheets.

Ciel Phantomhive

"Well I must say the child has good timing." He said sarcastically as he sat in the corner of the room, waiting for anything to happen.

@SerenityAngel @GamKat98

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