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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

At this point, the hellhounds were guarding the room that Evans and Sebastian were in. They'd asked sanders to leave, as it would be odd to have him there. As the butler, Aliah, approached their room, they all sunk to the ground, growling and snarling. They were going to defend their masters if they had to. They couldn't be killed easily. They began barking, preparing to attack if he got to close.

A voice came from behind Aliah. " you won't be able to get in there. You can tell whoever is looking for Sebastian or Levana that they are busy." Claude said.

A cry came from behind the door from Levana, and muffled words from Sebastian. Claude looked at the butler. "I
'm sure you can figure out what is going on." He fixed his glasses.

@Misuki Tatsumi
"Thank you for the information sir." He bows and walks outside to see me "Why isn't she here!" I snap growing angry as my hair turns to a white color. Ice appears in my hands. "Now Miss Misuki,your sister is busy. Don't grow angry." He says as Calmly as possible,"With what!" I shout as my black dress turns blue and white,"What is making her so busy!" He stays silent which causes me to snap. My whole appearance looks like the ice queen from fairy tales. "I'll go in myself!" Ice appears as I push Aliah aside and walk into the manor looking for her. My skin is covered in frost markings. "Where is she.." I mutter turning another corner.
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Claude was standing by the door, between the two hounds. Hearing her approach, he turned, looking. At her with his golden eyes.

"I should assume you're the mistress of the butler I just told to inform you that Sebastian and Levana were both busy? Did he tell you?"
He asked in a monotonous tone, adjusting his glasses once more.

There was another cry of pain from Levana, before everything went silent, save for the sound of heavy gasping

"It's about time" Claude mumbled. "They've been in there for nearly three hours." He listened to the sound of theit conversation, hearing that it was close.

@Misuki Tatsumi
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[QUOTE="Misuki Tatsumi]"Thank you for the information sir." He bows and walks outside to see me "Why isn't she here!" I snap growing angry as my hair turns to a white color. Ice appears in my hands. "Now Miss Misuki,your sister is busy. Don't grow angry." He says as Calmly as possible,"With what!" I shout as my black dress turns blue and white,"What is making her so busy!" He stays silent which causes me to snap. My whole appearance looks like the ice queen from fairy tales. "I'll go in myself!" Ice appears as I push Aliah aside and walk into the manor looking for her. My skin is covered in frost markings. "Where is she.." I mutter turning another corner.

{also, would you mind writing in third person point of view, please?}
Misuki slowly realized what was going on and she calmed down,with a look of shock she broke down onto the floor sobbing. " She was having a c-child! And s-she d-didn't have t-the heart to t-t-tell me!" Her appearance changed back rapidly,"M-My own s-sister!" Her black dress was now stained with her tears. Her brown hair and eyes were back. She continued sobbing until she just sat up with her back up against the wall,tears still fell and her face was buried in her hands.


Anders sighed as it seemed that Sebastian, the soon-to-be father, was at a loss of what to do and it thoroughly annoyed him to no end. He then tugged his gloves down onto his hands so that they were secured properly before he gently placed a hand on Levana's stomach to feel the strength of the growing child demon and to ensure that things were going smoothly at the moment. "Alright, it won't be long it seems." he then glared at Sebastian, "Make yourself useful and get some hot water and some towels for the child's arrival. It's sure to be quite the blood bath. And you're supposed to be one of the demons I'm to look up to? I feel sorry for the child if its father can't even help deliver it." He said then turned his gaze upon Levana and softened his expression a bit, "I have helped bring some demons into the world, would you permit my help, my lady?" he asked so that he did not overstep his boundaries upon a fellow demon's mate.

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity was more than just a bit miffed that she was made to leave the room like that but she dismissed it for e time being since it was for a good reason. She then sighed and went to the game room and gestured for her elder brother to fallow her so that they might playa game of chess while they waited. Perhaps they could even converse and get reacquainted with one another since it had been years since they saw each other last. She set up the board game and chose to play the black side and let Ciel have the first move. "Tell me brother, how was it that you came to possess, not just one demon, but two? Sebastian seems capable enough on his own, but to include his mate, now that is a feat. Also, for what reason did you trade your soul for his help?" she was rather curious as to what reason he would give her. She was younger than him after all and she had only just yesterday been freed from her captors. Hearing that Ciel had thought she was dead was not an excuse. He could have continued to look for her at least until he could confirm that she was dead, instead of leaving her with no hope of being found, even in death.

Misuki didn't care if her sister could hear her or not,Levana didn't tell her anything. Even if she doesn't remember her,she felt like she'd deserved to know. Still sobbing Misuki had a million questions swirling in her head,Why wasn't she informed? Did her sister hate her? She didn't have anymore tears left so she just sat there against the wall hiding her face in her hands. "Why didn't she tell me?" Misuki whispered since her voice failed to speak above that. She started to grow angry and cold. Why didn't she tell her! She demanded to know but her body wouldn't move,her voice had also failed her..so she just sat there,her face in her hands not making a single sound or movement. The only thing that can be heard was her own breathing.
Levana took a few deep breaths, nodding. "Just do something" she growled, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please, just do something." Now, she was pleading. Her already pale skin had gone even whiter, and she was gripping Sebastian's hand tightly. Sebastian looked at Anders. "I haven't had much experience with female demons. You know there aren't as many as the male of the species." He stated, but went to retrieve the objects he requested. In the hall, he glanced at the girl. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He asked. He ignored Claude. He knew why he was there.

Ciel looked at his sister. He had grabbed a few files he needed to look over. "What is Sebastian helping me with? He is helping find who killed our parents. Levana is his mate, so she is always with him, but she assists as well. She has no formal contract with me, but she does with someone else in her spare time."

@SerenityAngel @Misuki Tatsumi
She slowly stands up and regains herself,"My name Is Misuki Tatsumi. I changed my name after I made my own company,I'm here to see my sister Levana." She fixes her brown hair so it won't cover her eyes "Is she alright?" She asks with concern evident in her voice. She's shaking from head to toe as she starts to feel dizzy she passes out without another word.
"She's fine" he said in a low voice. Seeing her pass out, he looked at Claude, who picked her up and carried her to a guest room. Sebastian walked off, getting what he needed, and walking back into the room, putting them down. He walked over to Levana, taking her hand, and kneeling behind her, so that she was leaning on his chest. He began to talk softly in her ear, making her visibly begin to relax, until another contraction came over her. She stiffened back up and cried out, leaning back on Sebastian when it was over.

@Misuki Tatsumi @SerenityAngel
She moves a bit,mumbling something incoherent and that caused her to go pale and cold. her hair became a beautiful shade of white,frost markings made their way up and all over her body,she was growing colder and colder by the minute. "Why didn't she tell me." She mumbles still unconscious. Her dress became a light shade of blue mixed with white,she shivered a bit because of the sudden cold.


Anders shook his head a bit in dissapointment at Sebastian as he didn't understand females at all. "Honestly, they're basically the same as humans. The only difference is the child is a bit more....aggressive, shall we say in both appearance and personality. At least at first. The way they enter the world is no different though." he said and turned his attention back to Levana and got into his appropriate position and remained very calm. He spoke with that same calmness to Levana to try and make her rlax a little more, "Now, Levana, I need you to understand that the pain will get worse before it gets better. I need you to start pushing when you feel the contractions, alright? Remember to breathe between pushes and don't push for too long or you could hurt both you and the baby." he instructed and gave a kind and encouraging smile, "I'll guide you through the process, just relax and bear with me, alright? It's going to be fine, I promise." he said and helped to tell her when to push and when to rest and breathe. He was careful not to push her too far, even for a demon she was still vulnerable when she was this weak.

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity moved her piece after he made his move and she smirked to his answers to her questions. "SO you're doing it for mother and father? Disappointing. I suppose it's something though." she said and listened to his connection to Levana and smirked, "That makes sense. It would be a bit of an overkill if you had two demons after your soul. How would they share it between them?" she slightly joked and as piece after piece was moved and Serenity became the one with the upper hand. "I see our years apart have made us quite different, even from similar backgrounds, my sentence was longer, so I had more time to think and plan. I wonder, brother, would you ever conceder...granting me the title of queen's guard dog? I have my reasons for asking before you start yipping at me like a puppy for asking." she said and looked at him as they continued to play.

Misuki has snowflakes fall around her and ice trails onto the walls and floors. "S-She can't hate m-me." She mumbles as ice surrounds her.
'Bored' Grace thought and walked a way from the man. "Why does life have to be so boring right now?" She complained to herself while walking.She sat down on grass in front of a mansion (Phantomhive Manor), grabbed a stick, and started drawing with it in the dirt.

Levana & Sebastian

Levi nodded slowly, closing her eyes as she awaited the next contraction. Gripping Sebastian's now bare hands, she reveled in the feeling of his presence, and sighed in relief at his cool touch. He held a towel to her forehead so that she wouldn't get too overheated. He looked up at Anders. "I may not know much about the actual delivery itself of a demon child, but I do know about assisting in one. You must understand that when it comes to her, everything is different." He spoke quietly. Levana had been resting, but gasped upon feeling a particularly strong contraction. Crying out, she gripped Sebastian's hands, and pushed. "Dear gosh" she said, struggling to breathe.


Ciel looked up at his sister, eyebrows raised. "What valid reasons do you have for wanting me to concede and give you my title? I am afraid that will not happen, little sister." He said, making his move.


Claude was still in the room. "I can assure you that your sister doesn't hate you, miss." He said boredly. "In fact, it's quite the contrary."

@Misuki Tatsumi @SerenityAngel
She woke up at those words and panicked as she saw all the ice around the room. "W-When did all t-this ice g-get here!?!" The stress didn't help,more and more ice surrounded her and the room. Trying to calm down she just closes her eyes and breathes deeply,when she moves her hands to get up the side of the bed became frozen,"C-Can y-you tell m-me how she doesn't h-hate me." The one weakness my powers had were calm words and human touch,but there was no way I was doing the second one.

"While you were sleeping. Surely you're aware of your abilities? Or are you still confused to them, much like your sister is to her recently developed ones? I must say, though, she did manage to get control of them rather quickly. It makes me wonder which ones their child will end up with when its born."

@Misuki Tatsumi
The Child.. She fights off her tears and runs her hand through her pure white hair. Her appearance already changed,"I-I'm aware..it just s-shocks me that's all." She states and shifts in the bed,clearly uncomfortable,plus the ice in the room still didn't help and she was confused on why it didn't go away yet. Surely it would've been gone by now,but with the mention of the child..it won't leave unless I completely forget about the child,but I can't. Why? She sighed and went to go lay back down. "Could you please not mention h-her c-child around me." The word child made her grimace and she grew angry but tried not to show it,if she was to people would've died.


"Alright, good push and breathe" he said and he grabbed one of the towels that Sebastian had brought and made sure to be ready for anything this new kid could dish out. He must remember to thank his mother for making him help with the birth of his siblings. Otherwise he would have been quite squeamish and that would not have helped the situation. "Okay, again Levana. Here we go. You're doing well. Just a couple more times and it's over." he told her and encouraged her as she relied on Sebastian for comfort and calmness. He didn't mind as it would help the couple bond over the child. After a little while and a few more rounds of pushing and breathing he felt the sharp stabbing of the child's horns and the heat from its tiny body. He wrapped the infant in the towel and hurried over to one of the buckets of hot water, dipping his fingers into the hot water he opened the child's mouth with them, trying to clear the passageways and encourage the new-born to breathe by turning the child so that it faced the floor and gently pat its back but hard enough to dislodge anything that obscured its breathing. After that he washed the child a little and clipped off two sections of the umbilical cord and offered for Sebastian to cut it as his right as the father. "Congratulation on your new born. Sebastian, I suggest you get all the quality time you can while you have the chance. You know what's going to be happening soon." he said and handed the now clean demon newborn to the mother and then went away to clean himself up from the birth. "A butler's job is ever so taxing. Even more so when you have more knowledge than demons supposedly older than you."

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity smirked as she moved her piece again and again and he asked his question to which she would answer with clarity and presicion. "Simply this, you've been out a bit too long brother, you've had a lot of time to getyour revenge for dear mother and father, but you have yet to uncover their identities. I've only recently gotten my freedom and I know what they look like without their masks. I've got more information and a bit more resentment than you do, brother dear." she said without batting an her uncovered gem blue eye. "Not only that, but I seem to recall having beat youat many games of strategy and revenge which makes me a bit more qualified to be family head, age not withstanding. Plus, you've seem to have grown a bit soft in your time of freedom. Do you need reminding of what they did to mother and father? To you? To our older sister? To me? You got out long ago, I've been there for years. They did things to me that you hadn't even dreamed of. Made to endure torture after torture. They had almost lobotomized me. Had I not complied to half of the things they made me do, I would be nothing but a drooling lump of flesh. Yesterday I had taken all I could. That was the last straw and all my hope that my dear big brother would come and rescue me was gone. I realized I could only rely on myself. My own will drew out my own power and got me out at the last second, no thanks to anyone. You had help escaping, I didn't. I got out on my own. After I found my way to daylight, Anders came into the picture. Promising my own revenge I agreed to let him eat my soul after I got it. Said he needed to spice me up before he feasted. I don't care personally, but my revenge is worth any price I can pay. They'll pay with their lives, but not before tasting what it was I went through."

Levana and Sebastian

Levana almost immediately collapsed after the child was born. She fell back onto Sebastian's chest, breathing heavily. Her vision was clouding and her head spinning. She smiled weakly as her child let out its first first cry, and Sebastian walked over to Anders's side and cut his child's umbilical cord. He smiled as he laid eyes on the child. As Anders began to walk away, he called out to him. "Anders. Thank you for this" he said calmly, and turned back to his wife and child. He kissed Levana's lips gently as he adjusted the child in her arms, so it was easier for her to hold. He piled up pillows behind her. "It's a girl" he announced to his wife. He looked at the little girl. She had black hair, and the same golden and black horns of her mother. Her skin was pale, and seemingly glowing. She was beautiful.


Ciel looked straight into her eyes. "It is true that I got out first, but I'm afraid I will not concede to you. I made an oath to the queen to do this until I die, and I will do just that. It was a position father held, and now I hold it. My son will hold it after me, should I have one. Or my daughter, also if I ever have a child."

She sighs and tries to control her breathing yet again,The child must go..I'm sorry lev. But in order for me to remain calm and relaxed the child must go. Misuki gets up and ignores the ice near her feet,she goes to the room where she previously was..where the child was. Please forgive me sister,but I need this child gone. She lets ice seep into the room like snakes,the ice spikes up around the three inside the room. The room gets colder and colder as her eyes get to the point of electric blue the room is full of ice and snow falls down onto the new born,wrapping the child in it. Now to finish it.. The door turns to frost and a small blizzard is happening in the hall.
Luckily for the parents, and unluckily for Misuki, Levana was the opposite of her sister. She had the ability to control fire and heat as a predominant ability. As soon as the ice entered, she wrapped her child in eternal warmth, handing her to Sebastian before getting up slowly and healing herself. She slammed open the door, as her whole appearance changed. Her hair was red and orange, and her eyes a solid gold. There were veins of a red fire floating around her. "Misuki Coraelis. Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now." Even her voice had changed. It was now more menacing.

@Misuki Tatsumi
Misuki growled and the blizzard grew stronger,"I am no longer Coraelis. I'm Misuki Tatsumi and I need that child gone." Her voice was cold,her hair was white with streaks of blue,her eyes an electric blue,her black dress was blue. "You should've told me about this child sister,and now you've created a war!" The snow was swirling faster and faster around the two females.
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"Tatsumi? You finally decided to join our rival clan? How fitting. The claim of traitors. I suspect you fit right in there." She sneered.

Hearing her sister's comment, the room suddenly got dark, and thee was a loud noise, like thunder, and bolts of light danced across the room.

Her voice was suddenly behind Misuki. "It's a shame, really. You dare go against your older sister, who you know has every natural ability our kind can have? Pathetic. And all over a child? Newsflash, dear. You're not going to lay a hand on my child. You know why that's so?"

She kicked Misuki's back, sending her forward. "Because nothing is more powerful than a mother's wrath. You thesten my family, you threaten me. And surely you know what becomes a threat. Death. I don't want to kill you, sister, but it seems I have to."
She stumbles but quickly regains her balance,"If you want me to die,I will gladly attack back. If you want to die before me..so be it!" She turns and shoots ice dagger at her. The blizzard forces all doors open and the whole manor is full of frost and ice. "Your try sis." She spits the words out like venom on her lips. Ice is surrounding Misuki like a shield but even she knows that it won't protect her from her sisters wrath. So she sends a message for her butler,Aliah. Get the child,if you do I'll exchange anything you wish. Just kill the child!

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