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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

She easily blocked the ice daggers with a wall of her own ice Magic. Sending rock daggers from the concrete ground at her, she moved swiftly, using fire to melt her shield.

The room goes dark again. There is no sound whatsoever. The daggers are now unable to be seen.

"You forget I can also read thoughts. Claude! Stay with Sebastian and the child. Protect them at all costs!"

The light came back. To reveal every demon, human, and reaper alike who were at the wedding. Each were holding a weapon, and we're ready to fight. Claude moved to go guard the doors, with the hell hounds.

The group of beings stood behind her. "It seems that you are at a disadvantage." She said, laughing evily as William and Undertaker came to stand beside her.

"I guess you never figured out my big secret, after all. A shame. I know how much you wanted to know when you were a child, and I an adolescent. Do you still want to know, Misuki? Do you want to know why I have all these abilities, and why you have but one? Or are you too scared to handle the truth behind your sister?" She challenged.
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She growls as Aliah appears at her side,"I fear nothing!" She shouts as snakes made of ice appear as well. "Get the child! Use your powers! Leave no human,demon,and reaper alive Aliah!" He nods and causes shadows to appear behind her as an army,he shifts into a cloud of smoke and goes to find the child. "I also have tricks up my sleeve sister,you were always the favorite of the family and I was always in your shadow! But now you are in mine!" The shadows hold weapons and shout triumphantly,"this is where the war begins sister!" She holds up a silver sword and smirks. "Now,Are you ready to die?"
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She began laughing. "No, I am rather sure that you're still in my shadow." She extended her arms, as black shadows formed around her as well. Two portals opened once more, like earlier, and a large amount of hellhounds came out.

"You don't fear anything? Then let me enlighten you." She said. "You are not my full sister. Our mother was the same woman, but our fathers were different men. Yours a demon, and mine? My father was a reaper."

Her eyes went an even darker shade of gold, and catlike slits appeared in them. "Demon and Shinigami blood. It's why I have many..unique.. abilities. And why I can control a death scythe to do my bidding. Collect cinematic records. Why I have my own."

Extending her hand, The Undertaker handed her a rather large sword. It's blade was black, and it was incredibly sharp. A demon sword. "You're not the only one with a pointy piece of metal." She smirks.

@Misuki Tatsumi
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Grace stood up bored again. She turned around and saw an open door and curiosity got the best of her. She walked inside and up many staircases. Sliding down the rails and walking up again a few and time and one door caught her attention. It had a man and two weird looking animals on each of his sides. She also heard yelling. She walked up to the man. "Excuse me sir but what might be going on in there?" She asked in the nicest tone she could manage.

@Brianna Ackerman

Claude looked at her and said nothing. He just pointed to Levana and her sister. "Long, complicated story short. The one in blue is trying to kill the other's newborn, who it literally about five minutes old. They've started an all-out war."

Aliah wanders around in his smoke form and slides under the doors with ease,he causes the room to go dark and he shifts back to his former self "Nice..veeerry nice!" He hisses in a whisper,looking through the darkness he spots the girl. Such an inoccent child..but your time is up! He gets out a silver knife and smirks,his mistresses war will be won. Death is getting closer for the new born and he can sense it,the new era is here!
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Suddenly, a figure attacked him. It grabbed him and shoved him into the wall with great force, getting better the knife from his hand. Sebastian. He threw the male to the other side of the room, using his cat eyes to his advantage.

"You think I would leave her alone, especially with current events? No." He had shifted to his demon form. In all honesty, he was terrifying. "If you even dare to touch my daughter." He growled. "You will be sorry."

He picked up the blade from the ground, and flipped it in his hand. "Such a small, feeble weapon. Pathetic. But it will have to do."
Aliah growls and stands up "I thought demons didn't feel emotions such as love." He snaps at the butler and looks at him in pure disgust,love was not his nor Misuki's forté. Love was just a game,and they were the pawns. "You may have protected your child from death but he's coming closer than you think Sebastian." The demon says in a sickening sweet voice as he vanishes leaving a single black feather where he vanished.
"Oh okay," Grace said and walked away. "I want to fight too," she mumbled disappointedly but she highly doubted he was going to let a 14 year old girl go through those doors. When she was infront of a staircase she took out her sword that she hid in her clothes and jabbed the air. Then she put back and slide down some railing.
"Humans don't feel human emotions. But some emotions are not just limited to humans. Love being one of them. "

He then went back to his daughter, and scooped her up, smiling slightly. Her body was very warm. It was either her mother's charm, or she would be a fire elemental one day.
Aliah appeared by her side once more,"Your sister's husband." Was all Aliah said. Misuki grew furious and ice spikes shot out from the ground,"KILL THEM!! KILL THEM ALL!!" She and her army charged at the rivals,Misuki threw ice daggers everywhere and she swung her sword left and right. She didn't care who she killed,friend or foe,her sister was going to pay. ((I have a maid that comes in after the war and her name is Alice,picture and description in the character sign up))

She began to swing her own sword. Only, her attacks were controlled and planned. She had certain people to strike first, and that she did. "Adrian! William! Come with me!" She said, charging towards her sister. She launched herself at the girl, her sword out right in front of her, going in for the stab.
Misuki was ready and made a shield with ice,she cut her sisters arm and two shadows were already fighting William and Adrian off,She hit Levi's head with her shield and cut her back. "Not so tough now!" She shouted as she beheaded one of Levi's comrades. Oops..I'm pretty sure that was Adrian..Who cares! Once I Win the new era will reign! She continued fighting off whoever was in her way,Human,Demon or Reaper. All that mattered was winning this war and killing the daughter of Levana. (Plus I Added the photo to Alice XP)
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The body disappeared. "Killing Adrian Crevan is not that easy. Shadow decoy" she said, doing a backflip and standing up, before disappearing. Suddenly, there were about twenty of her. "Which one is the real Levi? Huh?" They all asked simultaneously.
"Get all of them! Don't stop until I have the real one!!!" She shouts to her army,they kill the decoys left and right. ((Sorry this is short but I might be Afk for a while since my IPad can't charge unless it's off,so brb! XP))
As the decoys are killed, more just appear. They all strike as one,using light and killing all but one shadow figure, who they quickly took care of. They all turned to the woman. "Just you and me now." They all said.
"If you're a real fighter,show yourself you coward!!" Her sister shrieked at the decoys,covered in blood and with her hair in a mess,Misuki looked less beautiful and more like a Demon going on a killing spree. Ice shot out at all directions hopefully killing all the decoys at once,I need that child dead..even if I lose,I will stop at nothing to kill her daughter! I might die but Alice and Aliah are able to do the deed. Yes,I have to get them to carry out the deed! You may have an advantage but I have have faithful servants to carry on the deed,and they too will stop at nothing until their task is completed..
"Oh, but I am showing myself. You just don't know which one I am." They all spoke at once, easily moving to avoid her attack. "I've been going easy on you, sister. But no more. Let us take this outside. I don't want to make a mess of the house while I'm kicking your ass." She laughed curtly, before backing up to a nearby door, all of them going through in a line at once.
She runs outside and her ice snakes follow,Misuki isn't one to give up easily now. Alice,if I die in this war,carry on the deed,avenge me. If you do not do this,I will personally send Aliah to kill you,don't fail me. The female contacted her maid and blackmailed her,Alice doesn't have a choice. It's kill or be killed now,for everyone. ((Back))
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She and her clones all turned around. "What is such the big deal over my daughter? Demons have had children before, and nothing bad ever happened. Except for me. I happened when a demon had a child. Why bring my daughter into this?"

"It doesn't matter now." She growls as the snakes hiss "Though you may win,I have people to carry on what I needed to do. I will get your child. What about you? Do you have people to carry on what you did? Because once you figure out you do have someone,they'll already be dead!" She cackles and her eyes have a devilish glint in them.
"Oh, yes. Trust me, I do have people to carry on my legacy. To carry on my duties as a person, and as a mother should any harm befall me and my husband." She growled. Her hands fligked up, and vines and branches came down, wrapping around her and holding Misuki tight.

They were in Levi's domain, now. There was nothing she could do that would make Misuki win.
[Alice] "She Wants me to kill her sisters daughter.." The maid whispered,She was scared. If she didn't do the deed,she would die..But those two had to die before her. She made a plan to kill the butler,She was skilled in this,almost skilled. "Your time is up Aliah and Misuki,Levana will win this war." The teen grabbed a bow and set off in pursuit,I'm sorry mistress,but Levana will win and nobody will carry out your deed..

"That would be a matter of over population, my dear. Simply put, humans are greedy but demons even more so but for something more specific. Souls. I believe that the elder demons are having a hard time finding souls that suit their pallets and are attempting to limit the amount of demons to souls. Am I correct?" Anders asked without making any move of violence but making sure to protect the infant and Sebastian at the same time. "Really, all this trouble over a demon child with a little reaper blood thrown in. Though the reaper blood could make her a it dangerous in the future. Knowing this, she is going to be a lot of trouble, no matter how cute and adorable she is." he said and sighed, "I believe it is time for you to take your leave, lest you want to start a debacle with a third clan." he warned and allowed his ice blue eyes to turn violet and shimmer with demonic power and irritation. When Levi used her elemental abilities to manipulate the vegetation he sighed, "Now, my lady, I assure you that there is no need to worry. The reapers and I have it from here. Why don't you go and rest a while? Hm?"

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity sighed as she was rejected for her suggestion that she take over as family head but couldn't help but chuckle when he said that his son or daughter would take over as family head. It made her laugh and with a few more moves of the chess pieces she was in check. "Brother dear, you and I both know, neither of us are going to reach the age of maturity. We sold our souls to demons who will devour us entirely. Make no illusions to yourself that you will ever have a child. Neither of us will live to see our twentieth birthday. I doubt I'll live past my 13th. But if you're so keen on keeping your title, perhaps I should petition the queen to take the title from you and put you in your proper place." she told him and before too long she had Ciel's king trapped and he could not make a move at all. She had forced him into a corner to where he had no options left to him. "You see, brother, in our time apart, the gap between us has widened and I've grown more than the years could have allowed. My fangs are sharp and claws at the ready, I'm not going to wait on you to get the revenge I deserve because you want to avenge mommy and daddy. I have my own pride to get revenge for. Checkmate in the next move. Up to you weather or not you decide to give up, it will end the same. My advice? Spare what you can of your honor and pride, yield" she told him and laced her fingers together as she sat back in her chair and waited for his answer to both her chalange and the game on the board in front of them. "Even you demon, Sebastian, won't help you to win as we both have the same advantage. But what sets me apart from you, is I have twenty other contingency plans to reach the same goal. Do you? Or do you dare trust a soul sucking demon?"

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