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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

Misuki rolled her eyes and the snakes attacked but her ice quickly melted when she realized the child won't die because Alice had rebelled against her..She was losing the war,and very quickly. Her powers had died down and she was Turning a bit gray,The ice and frost in the manor vanished as if it was never there,Her hair was still white but it had gray lines in it. No! It has to stop!! I can't lose to her! Aliah! He can still get the girl..I won't lose! And when he gets the child,Aliah will kill Alice..I never liked her anyway. But little did she know that a certain maid was plotting to kill her one and only hope.
Levi and Sebastian

Levana looked over at Anders. "I'm fine, Anders. I don't need rest." That was a lie. She was exhausting a lot of energy on keeping up the shadow decoys, and her elemental abilities as well. Her whole body was shaking, her head spinning.

Seeing this happen, Sebastian left Claude in charge of their daughter, and ran outside to their aid. He stood next to Levi, and turned to her.
She took the hint, and dropped all of her decoys.

As she did, she dropped to her knees, trying to regain her energy. She began coughing violently, to the point that her dark, black-looking blood was coming from her mouth.
"Levana!" He called, running to her side, supporting her weak body against him. He didn't know what to do. Well, he did, but he couldn't. He had to be inside the manor for it to work. And getting her inside willingly would be very difficult. He watched in horror as she coughed up blood, her life seemingly wiping itself off.


Ciel just laughed. "Yes, well" he said as he stood up. "Try as you might, I will not concede. Now, if you'll excuse me...I do believe there is an issue outside that both of our butlers are tending to. If I am correct, I'd say it has to do with a certain child."
She cut the bonds of plant and fell to her knees,her skin getting more gray by the second,her hair was now a light gray with no white left,her clothes were turning to ash. Aliah stepped forward and tried to help his mistress up,supporting her with his arm around her shoulders he glared at the rivals..They caused this..my mistresses power failing...I will kill every.single.one of them until my mistresses task is completed,I won't fail you.

Anders sighed a bit irritated and weary of his own kind that were far too stubborn for their own good. "Really now, do you intend to leave your child motherless? That really quite rude. You need not worry. I'll handle things out here. I may not have more than one elemental power, but I have more than enough to deal with this riffraff. Now please, head inside and do not bother me so much. You're causing more trouble than there needs to be." he told her without even glancing back to see her cough up blood, "You just gave birth and now you are pushing yourself far too hard for no real reason. If you keep up with your stubborn attitude you will die and leave you mate and child alone without you. Your child will be vulnerable, and your mate unable to protect her with sorrow in his black heart. Now, if you would please go back into the mansion and rest, I shall handle this intruder." he told the weakened Levana as he tugged on a new pair of white gloves so he could prepare for a battle that he could take care of on his own. Well...sort of on his own. "Now, if you do not wish to disappear into nothingness, you will do well to leave while you still have the opportunity with your life intact." his eyes a deep violet, almost blood colored and shimmering as if they were covered with a layer of water. This was the only warning he would give before he pulled out his stops and showed this female demon why he did not have any fear of her. "Ice may be my affinity, but you will find that the bonds of blood are quite a game changer."

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity couldn't help but laugh as Ciel stood up to walk away, "So that is your solution? To up and leave? How childish. Then again we are still children after all." she said and rested her head on the knuckles of one hand as she relaxed into he chair, resting her elbow on the arm of the chair. "What could you do out there against demons, brother?" she asked him without even a movement to get up, "You really think that your presence will make a difference in a battle of demons? Even your butler has his attention and loyalty divided. Mine doesn't. Anders can handle things out there with ease. Besides, we leave this room, and we're as good as dead. Anders does not like to waist time you see. He's rather impatient." she told her older brother with a sly grin on her cute little face. "By now the child has been born and it feel like there's a bit of a squabble going on as to its existence weather or not it should. She puled the eye patch off of her covered eye and revealed the sage green coloring, bearing the mark of her demon's contract. "We'd only be in the way, Ciel. Best not to hurry your fate lest you upset your butler." Her long golden hair sprawled over her chair as if to create golden spider webs where she sat and rivers of flowing gold. The dark violet of her dress made her look like a dark doll and her grin that of an even darker entity. She was holding a secret that she almost was tempted to tell her older brother about but he would figure it out on his own later.

[Aliah] "Misstress..we have to leave,now." He told the weakened Female as she shook her head as a sign of no,Aliah was not one to argue but he had to save his Misstress from impending doom,So he sent for Alice. What a grave mistake he made for doing so.

[Alice] She got The message and smirked as she appeared behind the male butter who was holding Misuki,Now was her chance.
Sorry Aliah and Misuki..But your 'New Era' has come to an end..Alice raised her dagger up and stabbed the butler in the back. The war was won,Misuki's last hope was dead and now she'll die too.
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Levi and Sebastian

Sebastian helped his mate stand up, hoping that she would follow him. "He is correct, Levana. You did just have our daughter, and you're spending large amounts of extra energy on your body unnecessarily. You know how that affects your health. Come, let's get inside. To our little girl."

Leaves nodded weakly. Taking one step, she gave up. Her vision went black and she collapsed, unconscious into Sebastian's arms. The demon scooped her up and ran back inside.


He raised a brow. "
Ciel I'm not being childish. I'm preventing an argument before it begins. It was bound to happen. And Sebastian's loyalties are split, hm? Between who?" He looked at his sister, holding his head high and looking at her, before taking his patch off.
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Misuki looked furious but it was hard to tell with her vanishing into ash,Alice ignored the blood on her clothes and smirked,She just stood there watching her used to be mistress vanishing into ash before her very eyes. Alice pulled down her right shoulder sleeve down a bit,revealing her seal. "Your time is up Misuki.." Her seal was vanishing because her task was done. She was sent to Misuki to kill her. That was a secret that she kept for a long time,and a secret Misuki will never know. Her mistress was now a pile of ash,and with that she turned to the group in front of her and raised up the dagger that killed Aliah,the dagger that killed their chance of losing. She smiled a bit,dropped her sleeve and put the dagger in Misuki's ashes and walked away.
Sebastian carried his wife into their room, and laid her down on the bed, feeling her temperature. She was burning up. Putting a cool rag on her head, he tucked her in and tried to wake her up. He went over to where their daughter was laying, and gently picked her up, cradling her to his chest. Hearing a groan from Levi, he walked over and sat by her, sitting her up and putting their baby in her arms. She smiled, softly stroking the little girl's black hair, careful for her horns. From experience, she knew it was a very sensitive spot. She cooed as the girl began to wake up, whimpering. Calming her down, she began to him slightly. "You need a name, huh?" She joked quietly.
(Sorry it took so long. Was making dinner and doing dishes afterwords.)


Anders sighed rather boardly, "All that irritation over a child. How irksome. This is why I refuse to have a mate, especially one so stubborn and set on signing her death wish." he said and watched as Alice killed Mitsuki, seemingly with a dagger. "Well, that was rather pointless. Now I have more to clean up. Oh well, it can't be helped." He then got to work disposing of the ashes that were left behind as well as the messy dagger. After the whole situation had finally been resolved he went to the room where Serenity and Ciel had resided for the time being "The situation is now under control. Please fallow me and I will make dinner preparations." he said and gestured for them to leave the room in a very polite and distinguished manner.

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity chuckled again and continued to answer his question, "His priority now is his family, rather than his meal. That is how his loyalty is split. Or didn't you know? Even a demon has maternal instincts. Anders was very thorough in his deal with me and educated me on how things are run in the demon world that lives within our own. Besides, again, what can a human do in a demon war? You'd be squashed before you uttered your first statement." she told him before standing and taking a few steps closer to him and letting him stare deeply into the eye that held her contract. "You needn't worry so much anyway. Anders has ensured that things have calmed down already. You can relax now. But one more thing before we adjourn for the evening, think on my offer, brother, I can use the title more than you can and honestly, your bark has become worse than your bite. I'm going to get what I need one way or another, and not even your Sebastian will stop me. Not with how he is now. A family demon, taking care of his mate and child. You'll be lucky to get any service out of him." she then left through the door that Anders opened, "I'm going to rest after dinner. I need to recuperate and heal still. Anders, you know what is needed." Anders nodded and smirked with a quiet tone said, "Yes, my lady." and licked his lips in hunger and desire as if he were looking at a stake dinner with an ambrosia dessert. He waited for Ciel to leave and he would get to preparing dinner for everyone.

Alice stopped suddenly and wondered,How would I explain this to the others..oh well,I guess I'm a rouge. With a smile and one final look at her finished work,she set off with her dark grey hair bouncing behind her and her eyes shining in glee at the happiness she gave herself for saving many innocent lives and ridding herself of the horrible 'Mistress' she once had. I guess I did get a happy ending after all

At this point, Sebastian was already in the kitchen making dinner, since a very worn out Levi had forced him to, claiming that he still had a contract and having a baby wouldn't change that. She wasn't bound by a contract, so she would be the one taking care of the child for the time being. He had taken his tailcoat off, and began to take out ingredients, careful not to make a mess.


Ciel sighed. "I am aware that demons have maternal and paternal instincts, even Sebastian. But this does not change the fact that Sebastian is my butler, and is bound to me. You have not met the two demons in my service. Not truly. Sebastian is a very loyal pawn in the chess game of life, per say. And Levana is the same way. She wouldn't let him ignore his duties. She is a very work oriented woman. True, she will change as their family grows, but that never changes who a person is. It just makes their true self more visible." With that, he opened the door. "And you may try, but the queen chose me to perform her tasks, and it is I that will do it." He paused. "And is that true? Well, get on my bad side and you'll see how bad my bite really is." He tied his eyepatch back and walked off.

Alice had settled down in her manor garden,just wanting get her possessions and supplies she walked straight to her room and grabbed her items,not bothering to change her blood stained clothes and set out again,making sure to set fire to the manor and everyone/thing in it. In all honesty she thought it'd look badass when she walked away from it holding a lighter in her hand,and it kinda did. But she still had to figure out where to go and she also wanted the dagger back from Misuki's ashes so she went straight back to the Phantomhive manor,walked inside and sat herself down. Once she killed Misuki she found some new confidence but her shyness and clumsiness were still there.
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Anders was rather impressed a little that Sebastian was able to perform his duties as a butler and put off his job as a father for a moment. "I'm pleased that you still retain a little sense and perform your duties as a butler at least. Even if it was our mate that told you to do so." he rolled up his sleeves and left his gloves on and got to work as well. "Allow me to lend my aid so that this task will get done quicker and you can go back to resting with your family." he grabbed the pots and pans they would need to cook human food properly. "I have a question for you, Sebastian, if I may, what is the attraction of having a mate? I see no strategic value nor any benefits to having a family. And how long do you plan to wait to devour your human's soul? He seems to have some flavor to him, but he seems a bit to mild for my taste. He seems a little too comfortable. But then, that is just my personal taste, and I have no inclination to even attempt to take your meal from you."

Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity smirked as they left the room together and she also covered her eye, "Cross me, brother, and you'll feel how much stronger my bite is compared to yours." she gave him a warning and continued but this time with a smile, "Then let our friendly game begin. If I cannot have the family title, perhaps I should get my own. Become the queen's wolf instead of a normal rabid guard dog? A bit more honorable and respectable. I look forward to working beside you, brother." she then took her seat at the dinner table and waited for their dinner. "I do look forward to seeing what a child demon looks like. I wonder if it will take after the father or the mother." She giggled a little at the thought. For a moment she looked as if she were thinking of the past and how things used to be. After a few minutes she sat back and began to think about her near future. "I wonder....do demons age if they are turned from humans? Or are they forever the age from which they are changed?" she was mostly asking herself but she didn't expect any kind of answer from anyone.


Sebastian looked up at him as he spoke, still working on his task. "Of course I'm still performing my duties. I am still the young master's butler, even if I do have a new child." He said in his normal voice, offering a small smile at the mention of his daughter. "And the advantages of a mate? There are actually quite a few, but I suppose it mostly depends on the person asking. One of the advantages of a mate is that it's so someone you're with forever, never apart, so you won't have to do anything on your own, really. And it is a statistic that the more powerful the bond between two demons, the better they work together in harmony, should they find a need to fight. Imagine how strong mates are as a team. If Levana would have waited for my arrival earlier, and taken a calmer route like you did, you would've witnessed it first hand." He said. "And I cannot consume the master's soul until I fulfill his wishes, which are to find who killed his parents." He spoke as he finished what he was doing, and put dinner in the oven for a few extra minutes. "What do you suggest for dessert, since we have a guest, your mistress?"


Ciel had not heard the question, but Levi had. She had gotten up and returned to working, since their child was sleeping for a bit. "My lady" she said, setting down refreshments for the two of them. "If I may answer your inquiries. Demons are rarely ever made from humans, only half-breed offspring. However, it is safe to say from experience that they do grow until a certain age, before they stop and are able to mutate their form and appearance at will. Also, our daughter takes after her father more, as of now. Looks almost exactly like him. Demon children aren't as gruesome as the adults. They appear like the human forms of one parent, but typically have something more. Our daughter, for example, looks like Sebastian's human form, but has an addition of horns, which she inherited from my own true form." She bowed slightly after answering. "I hope you found those explanations satisfying."

Alice expected this,of course they were relaxing after that huge war. And it was over a small child! Hah! She knew her 'mistress' wanted power but she didn't think that her 'mistress' would stoop that low! And unlike her 'mistress',Alice actually felt love and compassion. She hated the word mistress,she might say Misuki for now on. But why'd Misuki cause an all out war on a child? She shook her head and crossed her legs absentmindedly,Alice would wait all day until she got her weapon back and plus she wanted to know why Levana's sister wanted to take her child and kill her. She recalled Misuki saying something before she started the war,she was outside talking to a man. Love is like ice,it melts the cold interior to reveal the pool of deception and lies underneath. Harsh words but Alice didn't believe that,deciding it would take a while before they noticed her she decided to walk around and possibly sneak into the kitchen to bake something while they were having dinner.
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Anders nodded his head in recognition of Sebastian realizing that his duties are to his master first, at least for now since there was no longer a crisis. "Hm, if that is the only true advantage, extra power in battle, then I have no need of it. Nothing but a nusenc in my case. I suppose I am, what humans call, happy, for you and your mate and wish you luck in the future." he was at least well mannered in all things and so calm and collected like the ice that he is known for. Once the main dish was prepared and cooking Sebastian asked for suggestions on what should be fore deserts, "The lady is partial to apples, particularly red ones. If you'll prepare some pie crusts into long rectangles I'll prepare the apple slices and I'll make the lady's favorite treat, apple roses. A fitting desert for her first true night home." he then pulled out a basket of apples and cored them, sliced them into thin pieces and dusted them with cinnamon and sugar, mixing them so that the apples are soaked in their own juices and became a little flexible. Once the pie crust had been made he set the apples so that they were laid out side by side with the red peels pointing out and folded the crust so that it was folded in half and only half covering the apples and rolled them up and turned them into roses. Popping them into a muffin tin he stuck them in the oven to bake for a bit. "I believe your young master will find these quite delicious."

Serenity Phantomhive


"I see. That makes sense." she said and continued to listen and nodded her head with a smirk. "I see. well, congratulations. Be sure not to push yourself too hard. Even a demon can perish, remember and we wouldn't want your daughter to be without her mother, now would we?" She sat back in her chair and observed her nails that were still unpainted and chipped from her years of torment. She would have Anders fix them for her later. She wondered if she should paint them or leave them their natural color. She giggled a little at her own thoughts and her deal that she made. It would be interesting. "I have another question, if you'll indulge me, Levana. Is it possible to have half a soul? Or does a soul get devoured whole? I apologize for my curiosity but I wish to know certain things that Anders just will not explain to me. He thinks that I have time enough to learn all about your world and still get my wish but I have my doubts. Even a demon has their limit." her words were almost as dark as the look in her eye. Was she truly just a child?

Alice decided to have some fun since it's been a while since that time,Turning into a shadow she snuck into the kitchen and hid herself in a dark corner. This will be perfect! The girl thought as she used her telekinesis to move some kitchen appliances on their own,starting with the broom,which was sweeping the wall for no apparent reason and she moved onto the knives. Even though moving the knives were dangerous she didn't care,The knives began carving an ancient language in the walls and on the table,she chuckled to herself and caused some shadows to move because why not? The shadows danced around the kitchen and sang a human song she sang while cleaning up the manor,but that was when no one was home.(Glory and Gore by-Lorde). The song basically told her life story a bit and it was relatable,even to a demon maid. Alice just hid in the corner watching her work,sometimes laughing a bit. But she didn't blow her cover.

Sebastian nodded. "Like I stated a moment ago,it ultimately depends on the individual in question. For example, you obviously aren't fully accepting a thought of marriage or mating for yourself. But should you ask me, I would automatically accept the idea, since I met Levana." He fell silent for a few moments, listening to him talk. "And I do hope so as well. I would hate to upset young master." As the knives began moving, he sighed. Plucking one from the air, he turned and sent the knife flying, burying it in the wall only millimeters from her face. "Come out. We are not idiots. We know you are there." One thing many forgot was that some demons could sense others, and their exact locations. It was an ability, an equivalent to Levana's shape-shifting.


Leans smiled slightly. "Thank you my lady. But please don't worry about me. I know my limits, and can assure you I will not exceed them." She bowed slightly. "And as for your question, I do not know for sure. There have been a few cases where that fact has been questioned, but they were all dismissed with evidence. I don't believe it is possible, but we may never know."

@GamKat98 @SerenityAngel @Misuki Tatsumi
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.cf7f70173048a15330151b3288f879d9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.cf7f70173048a15330151b3288f879d9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Alice stood there shocked,she hadn't known this but it was mainly because she doesn't go out..like at all. But that look was replaced with a smirk as she came out of the corner,her shadow puppets dissapeared and the knives fell with a clatter as she came out of her shadow form and still smirking she said "That's not a nice way to treat guests you know. And by the way,I came back for my dagger." She held up an exact replica of the one she used to kill Aliah with,but this time it had a symbol on it. It was a symbol of her family,well used to be family.. (Her family Symbol is above)



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Sebastian and Levana

Sebastian did not say anything, only sighed and went back to work. "Then go get it." He said simply, only looking up when Levana entered the kitchen.

"So what are we doing?" She asked, cracking her neck and knuckles. "Well, that was a stupid question. More specifically, who is she?" She motioned to the girl.

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