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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

Santeru gave a lighthearted smirk bowing to his master and Ciel before evaporating out of the air, as the breeze passed by Sarah he stood only a few feet from her. "Good evening dearest, Do you remember me?" He knew she tend to pay more attention than Ciel but they were both still very young when we worked for their father.

(Quick update: Pretty sure everyone is MIA on this topic, also as stated above Santeru did work with Vincent and is revisiting the Phantomhives just like Sarah.)

@Michaela Seabrooke
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Sarah looks at Santeru and smiles warmly. "It's been a while since I last saw you. Santeru." she says remembering him vividly. She then turns to Sebastian and Levana before nodding slowly. "Yes I'm here to see Ciel" she then looks at Santeru before walking into the mansion and looking around surprised by how similar it looks from before the fire.
Sarah nods and follows the female demon to Ciel's study, looking around at the manor along the way before the two walk into the study that was once her father's. She smiles warmly at Levana "Thank you. It's been such a long time since I've been in this house" she remarks as she looks around the study.
The manor doors shook and the Windows creaked as a large murder of crows circled the estate, knocking a few things over. "Oh my, what a splendid manor~" Felix said with a sly grin, as he knew his assignment would not be easy in the slightest. He had to be wary of the servants around here. Everything then quickly stopped as he gave two light taps at the door, adjusting his tie.
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She nodded at her. "It was no problem at all, miss. I am simply doing my job." She said formally. "And we tried to make it look as close to the original manor as possible. Hopefully we have it rather close." She glanced over at the female as she led her to the study. Upon arriving, she knocked lightly and entered. She bowed to Ciel. "Sir, a visitor has arrived." Ciel simply nodded and waved her off. She bowed once more. "If you need me, simply call for me." She said. She then left the office, and went towards the front door, ignoring the shaking manor, or the swarming birds outside. As soon as he had tapped on the door, she pulled it open. A reaper, of course. "Yes?" She asked slowly in a low volume. "May I help you?"

@Knight Nate
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Santeru laughed running a hand through his own hair as the night took it's hold over the landscape. "Oh my dear, I'm not that forgetful am I?" His expression turned to stone quickly his games were done. "If you try to pull that girl into a deal, I will end this charade."

@Brianna Ackerman
She looked at Santeru. "I am already contracted to young master. I wouldn't try to pull his sister into any deal. I cannot." She said simply, holding her head high as she looked at him.

@Santeru Ishumari



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


It wasn't long before there was another knock on the Phantomhive manor, this one though, was strong and purposeful. No hesitation in it at all. Outside the door stood a man with light blond hair, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. He stood up straight and proud and dependable without even caring to notice any of the thousands of stars that spackled the night sky. In his arms he held the frail frame of a young girl about 16 years of age with extremely long golden hair, pale skin that now felt like ice from the cold of night. Her gown was torn and shredded and barely clung to her light form. She was unconscious and unaware of the waking night world at the moment. Though when Anders knocked on the door she opened her eyes to reveal two different colored eyes. one jade green the other a blue diamond blue. "We are here, young mistress. You are home now." he told the young girl with a grin and a lick of his lips as he couldn't wait to give her, her wish so he could devour her soul. The young woman looked at her home and sighed that she finally returned but she was exhausted from her escape and wanted to be let in already.

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When she heard yet another knock at the door, Levana opened the door to reveal a blonde male, holding a girl in his arms. She was suddenly defensive. Another demon in their home? Not good. "Yes?" She asked, with an innocent yet venomous tone of voice. She was ready to attack if necessary. The temperature of the room dropped significantly, and a slight wind blew through, blowing her hair back. Her abilities were practically powering themselves up. "I asked you a question. What business do you have here, demon?" She said, looking straight into his bright eyes with her dark ones.

@serenity angel



Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders simply grinned as the door opened and was polite in even other demons companies. "Good evening, no need to get hostile, my dear." he said in a calm voice as not even his defenses were up but this female seemed to be. "I am here with my mistress, Lady Serenity Phantomhive. She has finally returned home after quite a long time. She seems to be in need of some medical attention and she refuses my help in that department, perhaps another female would be a bit more useful. My business is to remain by my mistress's side till such a time...well...you understand, I'm sure." he said and Serenity looked at this female that stood in the way of her home and chilled the air further. The young woman in Ander's arms seemed to be badly bruised and beaten but not too much worse for wear, but her soul was burning and enraged, but still pure. "So, are you going to let us in, or are you going to let my mistress catch her death out here?" he asked still grinning.

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Levi Coraelis

"Well, I do not know who you are, or if you really are who you say you are. But; I do remember a young lady by this name a while back. So, I will let you in this one time. You will follow me, where she can get the medical attention she requires, and then you will return to this foyer until I come to retrieve you. You may be her butler, but Ciel is my master, and he told me to act befittingly. Which means I can do nearly anything with master's interests protected. This also means I do have the authority to remove you from this estate's premises. Do you understand me perfectly well?" She returned the room to its previous temperature, and stood aside, letting the two in. She closed the door behind them. "Come." Was all she said as she began walking.

@serenity angel
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Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders continued to smile as politely as he could muster. "But of course. I wouldn't dream of harming your master. I do have my own after all." he said and fallowed the female to a room where he set Serenity down and let her be for the time being and just stood by her bedside and waited for the proper person to tend to her injuries. The same would be said of me, after all, this is my lady's home and I am bound to her as you are to your master. You need not fear from me." he said staying by his mistress's side. Serenity looked up at the maid with her two colored eyes and finally spoke, "I wish to see my brother. I want to see him now. Not in a minute, not in an hour, now." she said confidently and coldly. Her words were as clear and deliberate as Ciel's and quite confident.

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Levi Coraelis

"Lady Phantomhive" she said. "You are severely wounded, and you must get medical attention. Plus, your brother is in conference with your other sister at the moment. You will have to wait until he is done with that. Please, allow me to treat your wounds in the meantime." She looked at the girl. She had many bruises and cuts all over her body. She looked up at her butler. "If I may ask, what happened to her?" She inquired. "I need to know if I wish to heal her properly, so I don't accidentally skip over a wound that may prove to be fatal." She looked over as the door opened. Sebastian. "I have sent for the town Doctor. He won't be arriving for a while, so you may wish to begin treating the young lady, Levana." She nodded. "Yes. Thank you,Sebastian." She said to her mate and fiancé. "Will you please retrieve me a few towels and warm water? She has a lot of blood on her that we must clear." Sebastian nodded, and turned and left. She looked back to Anders, waiting for his answer




Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity was not going to be detoured no mater what any demon or any human said. She slowly stood up but refused the aid of her demon butler, "I said now. If you will not bring him here, then I shall go to him. Besides, you say I have a sister. I should pay my respects to my siblings." she said as she staid standing but when she tried to take a step she collapsed unconscious but Anders was quick to see that she exceeded her physical limit, though her spirit was exceedingly stubborn, and caught her as she fell and lay her down on the bed. "My apologies, m lady is rather stubborn. But now that she is asleep I can give you the information you need. If you wish to know what she went through...." he then went to a tear in the young woman's clothes and pulled it apart to reveal the burn mark that matched that of Ciel's and in the same place, "Why do you not simply ask your master?" He then pulled away and let the female work on his mistress. When Sebastian came in he grinned and gave a respectable nod of the head to him. "Good evening, Sebastian. Your reputation fallows you."

@Brianna Ackerman
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Levi Coraelis

She sighed upon seeing the burn mark. "Them" was all she said. While waiting for her fiancé to return, she took a cord from around her neck and placed the ring she had on her left hand on it, before fastening it around her neck. She then put her finger's to Serenity's forehead, mumbling a word in Latin. "That will cause her to sleep until I am done, to prevent anything from happening." She explained. When Sebastian returned, he set the items on a nightstand. He Looked at Levana, as she began to clean the blood off of her. "Anders" Levana said. "Will you please help me get the blood off of her?" She asked. Sebastian put a hand on her shoulder. "You need not over work yourself, my love." He said. "Please, allow me to take care of this." Levi looked at him. "I'm fine, Sebastian. Really." He looked into her eyes. "It's not you I'm worried about." He said knowingly. Levana just sighed and went back to her work. Sebastian nodded. "I will be with young master, should you need me." He said before turning and leaving. Kebabs called after him. "Don't you dare tell him, Sebastian!" She then went back to her work.

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Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Serenity was completely out and her body relaxed. She finally is now able to rest in at least a little peace of mind. There were gashes, bruises, broken bones and of course the burn mark but nothing that would not heal over time, given that she would rest. Upon hearing the female's request for him to help clean his young mistress he smiled and gave a small bow, "Of course." he said and carefully lifted his mistress so that the shreds of the torn gown could be removed without causing the young girl too much pain in her much needed sleep. "I must admit, I'm impressed with your power. I'm always at a loss when it comes to sleeping spells." he mentioned in common conversation as they took care of the young girl. "It seems she has two cracked ribs, a broken arm, and leg, lacerations and bruises but no major damage that I can see beyond that but then again, the human anatomy escapes me so their health is not my specialty I'm afraid." he explained and began to gently wash off the blood from her arms and shoulders, being careful not to cause too much pain as his hands went over some deep and shallow cuts and brushed against darkly bruised skin.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Levi Coraelis

Levana left the cleaning of Serenity to him, as she took a look at the more intense wounds. Upon hearing his comment on her abilities, she glanced up at him. With a shrug, she spoke. "Thank you. I've just had a lot of practice. I may not be contracted all the time, but following Sebastian around leaves me with a lot of free time." She laughed. "But sleeping spells are among the hardest to learn. Some have a gift, like my transformation abilities, while others must learn on their own." She tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear as she was looking at Serenity's broken ribs. "I might need to check closer on this one. It's pretty bad. I'm afraid it might have gotten close to puncturing a lung." She sighed and straightened up. "I'll be right back." With that, she left. A few minutes later, she returned with a few rolls of bandages, and put them on the table. Closing her eyes, she hovered her hand over her chest. She slowly closed her hand, and opened her eyes a moment later. "It's pretty close, but if I stabilize it with bandages, she'll be fine." She looked up at him. "You must make sure she doesn't move around too much when she awakens."




Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders nodded his head as he continued his work to clean her and left the wounds to the woman. Upon hearing that the rib almost pierced her lungs he gave a chuckle, "That would explain why she said it hurt to breathe too deeply." he stared at this female demon's ring and smirked, "By the way, my congratulations on your engagement." he mentioned as he watched the woman bind the girl's wounds and help to mend the girl's pitiful state. "Not to move around too much? Hah. That will be a challenge even for Sebastian. She never listens." he said and finished his work and let the woman work on her own. "I don't suppose the young lady could borrow some clothes? She hasn't been here in a while and she has most likely outgrown all of the clothes she once owned. Serenity lightly moaned in pain as every wound was touched, cleaned and her ribs wrapped to try and keep it from moving. She grit her teeth in her sleep and sweat a little. The burn was also infected and enflamed. It was fairly fresh but it would scar most certainly. "She certainly took her time to call me. If she had called earlier she wouldn't be in this sorry state. Stubborn child."

@Brianna Ackerman
Levi Coraelis

She smiled. "Thank you. You'll notice the servants around here will be rushing to put things together. That's what they get for procrastinating until the day before the wedding." She laughed slightly. She inspected the burn. "It's infected. Damn." She sighed and pulled something from a drawer. "Here. I'll go get some clothing for her. Put this on the burn. It'll heal it quickly. I'm afraid I can't use any more of my abilities for a few minutes without severe consequences." She tossed the cream to him as she left, going to find Mey-Rin. She returned a few minutes later. "I borrowed some clothing from our maid. She was fine with it. My clothes would be too big for her, as she is much smaller than I." She put the dress on a chair in the corner of the room. "Let's see if I can heal her now." She said as she walked back over to the bedside. She put her hands over her and closed her eyes, focusing.




Anders / Serenity Phantomhive


Anders saw the servants running about but he didn't bother to ask why or mention it. He accepted the ointment and carefully put it on the burn but sting it caused made her body flinch a moment but nothing more. He saw the dress and gave an appreciative nod as the woman put it in the chai. "I'll buy he some new clothes once she wakes up. He stood up at the side of the bed and let the woman do her work and heal his new mistress. "Thank you kindly for looking after her." he said with a smile and a bow at the waist. Serenity lay there quietly and her mind at peace even though her body was in pain. She had been through hell and back and Ciel would finally have someone that was like him and was similar to him.

@Brianna Ackerman
Sebastian & Levi

"It was no problem" she said. She finished up healing Serenity, and opened her eyes. The burn mark was faded a bit, but not a lot. All of the bruises and lesions on her body were gone, and not a scar was in place to prove what had once been there. She was about to say something when Sebastian came back in. "Pardon me" he said, bowing slightly to Anders. "I apologize for intruding, but I came to deliver a message to Levana." He stood next to her. "Young master would like to speak with you, Levana." He said. His brows furrowed. "How much of your energy did you use?" He asked. Levana waved him off. "Levana. Your energy levels are barely noticeable. You used too much of your abilities at once. You know how dangerous that is for you and-" he cut himself off before he could say any more. "I'm fine Sebastian, really. But will you please bring Lady Phantimhive and her butler to one of the more comfortable bedrooms while I am away?" She asked. Sebastian nodded. She smiled slightly. "Thank you" she said, before leaning in, pressing her lips to his quickly before leaving. Sebastian watched her go. "That woman." She sighed, shaking his head. "She is going to get herself killed using her abilities to that extreme this early."

Felix snapped out of his planning gaze, and felt terribly ashamed tha the had zoned off. "Terribly sorry, miss. I've come to inform Lord Phantomhive of a recent inheritance due to a passing of a close friend of his fathers." This was a bit odd. Inheritance only by a family friend? Unheard of. He didn't plan that out at all...
Levi & Sebastian

On the way to the study, she answered the door. "Well, he's busy right now. And nobody in this household will be able to help you. You'll have to come back later." With that, she closed the door and kept walking.


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