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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy's face darkened as someone appeared at the window. Another demon..?

She stayed quiet as she listened to their conversations. So he knows Ciel, huh? Greed, he called himself. She didn't say much to him, not yet, as he seemed immerse with Ciel and his demon butler and maid.

"Oh dear, Mister. It's quite awfully rude to forget someone," he said, finally talking. Her eyes had narrowed (Second expression in reference pic) and she had folded her arms. She also looked at Carmine. "And the killing of demons is something hushed to most," she answered.
Santeru chuckled acknowledging Lucy with a simple side wave of his hand and looked deep into Carmine's eyes. "The means to kill a demon are actually quite simple, a answer hidden in plain sight." With a flash of speed Santeru's feet landed behind Lucy resting his arm against her as his now unhinged smile shone through. "The most common way is to get someone like myself, or even another demon to do the deed. In fact that is the only way but it requires a special tool."

@Knight Nate
Carmine shook his head.

"Enough. I require time to process my thoughts. I shall be in my room should you need me."

He pushed past the people by the door and opened it, stepping it out and closing it roughly behind him. He ran a gloved hand down his face and began walking back to his room.

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy was annoyed at how so easily she looked defeated. This strange demon... In a flash he had suddenly appeared beside her, arm draped on her, smile eerie. "Your death right here when I am trying to sort out a contract would be quite unnecessary, Greed," she hissed as she used her enhanced demon speed to run to other side of the room in a split second.

Carmine said he had enough, and walked to his room.
"Wait a seco-" she started to say, but he had already left. Lucy sighed. Why are humans always so fickle?

@Knight Nate
Santeru took a bow in an almost playful way laughing satisfied with his imaginary performance. "Thank you~ But my dear trying to pressure the boy into a contract won't work, He has a good head on his shoulders." Stopping his act he straightened up gazing at Ciel as his scarlet eyes read intently. "Besides there's no use for unnecessary blood stains all over the Lords study." As the passing breeze shifts through the room through the open window the curtain moves in front of Santeru for a moment, He is gone and is instead back at Carmine's side. "I find demons to be such an interesting species." He chuckled.

@Knight Nate

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Carmine's eyes glanced over to the person next to him and he sighed, staring forward to where he was going. He gripped his cane tightly as he walked.

"You know, the reason I left was to be alone so I could think."

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy growled. The demon disappeared behind a curtain. She could hear his voice now speaking to Carmine somewhere else, and folded her arms. Lucy looked at Ciel. "Excuse that. I was aggravated," she said.

"Hm... Is it too much to ask that I can stay the night? I'd like that better than sleeping in an uncomfortable bench in a street," she said, bowing to Ciel. "I'll allow you to think." Lucy sped off to a hallway, where she walked sort of aimlessly around, thinking.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
Levi looked as everyone left. She turned to Ciel. "Master, if you do not mind, I do believe that Sebastian and I will retire to our quarters. It is getting rather late."

Ciel nodded and made a motion with his hand. "Go ahead. I won't be going to bed for a while yet. Don't worry about helping me dress, Sebastian. I can do it myself."

A bit surprised, Sebastian nodded. As they straightened up, they walked to the doors, and walked out.

When the doors were closed, they turned towards each other. Sebastian leaned in and kissed Levana gently. "Two more days" he said against her lips.

Levi smiled, and pulled back. "Two more days until you're actually my husband" she said, in an arily voice. "I can't believe it." With that, she kissed him again, his arms resting in her waist.

She soon pulled back, and smirked. "You want more, you better catch me." She laughed, before turning and running off. He chased her, smiling himself

They brushed past everyone outside Carmine's door, laughing loudly.

@Knight Nate @Santeru Ishumari
Santeru relaxed letting his arms rest in his pocket as his attitude changed into an almost entirely different person, with a new serious look it was bland and cold as his voice matched. "I'm aware, But I don't dare leave you alone while you're making this decision." He gave just the slightest smile as he faced forward continuing his walk with Carmine. "I was just like those demons that live here now, always doing odd jobs for the previous Earl. To be honest I didn't mean to interrupt but I had been gone for sometime and the last day I was here... Well the mansion at that point was ashes, A fire engulfed this home and poor Ciel was gone. I honestly expected nothing to be here but yet I stumble upon a small den of demons and Ciel went ahead and sold his soul, I'm not here to stop your choice but I will observe it." His eyes watched carefully studying every inch of the home. "I will stay by you for the time being, I won't be allowed around the Earl by that demon."

@Knight Nate (Sorry for the delay I've been busy.)
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"I'm sure there's a slough of other people you can bother. Why don't you find them?"

This demon man was giving him a headache. He just needed time to think, and this guy certainly wasn't giving him any. He picked up his pace and made his way to his room and quickly went inside, locking the door behind him. He sighed as he moved over to the window and stared out, becoming lost in thought.
Giving an exasperated sigh he sat legs crossed on Carmines guest bed as he leaned back his hands resting on the bed. "Such a rude noble, I'm surprised you can negotiate anything with that attitude." He started to move his neck a bit attempting to work out a knot. "Obviously you're not very smart to try and boot one of the only people who can answer your questions and help you find a decision." Eventually sitting up Santeru looked inside his coat and pulled out one of his death scythes inspecting the blade.

@Knight Nate
"Believe me, I hardly act rude. Consider this a treat to see. I don't really recall asking for more answers besides the ones I asked. I'm not taking the contract anyway."

He continued to stare out the window, wishing the guy would just go away.
Raising an eyebrow he stood up facing away from the young noble. "Then why let them think that you are?" Santeru looked around the dressers and cabinets noticing no details have changed since his last visit.

@Knight Nate
"I want to see just how far they want to go. Maximize my options."

He put a gloved to his chin as he looked outside the window.

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy strolled around the different hallways of the large manor. Once, she nearly swore she'd seen a pair of lovey-dovery demons chasing each other about. Usually she would have been quite against the topic, but somewhere inside she couldn't help to bring herself to think that.

As she was about to turn a corner, she heard voices nearby. Carmine and that Greed, it seemed. She stayed hidden behind the corner as she
eavesdropped their conversation with interest. She hoped the demon wouldn't find her.

Santeru gave an amused laugh. "Don't try to toy with Demons, Maximizing your options may prove fatal if worked at the wrong way." He said with a considering tone. "However, You should be aware that Sebastian intends to hide Ciels secret so refuse to cooperate and fall into a contract and they just might kill you."

A concerned look spread across his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I've lived for over six hundred years and the results are always the same."
"They would be fools to do so, if they did it now. Many people know of my location. Once they know I've gone missing near the Phantomhive Manor, things will start to piece themselves together. Not even the Queens Guard Dog is exempt from the law. But if all falls into place, my death won't be neccesary."

He sighed as he continued to stare out the window.
Santeru sighed with him giving a frustrated look he leaned against the bed post. "Who said they had to kill you here? That demon built this mansion from literal ash, Making your death look like the most convincing accident in the world would be easy." Shaking his head he stared past the Lord. "All I'm saying is, I don't doubt the cards you hold in your hand, only make sure you check before making a call." (HEHE CLASSY CARD JOKE.) Rubbing his eyes Santeru turned his head just a bit. "I tend to be a neutral party when it comes to conflict, but I gave Vincent my word that I'd protect his son. So if Ciel is put into any compromising situation it will be his side I take."
"Duly noted."

Carmine sat down in the chair next to the window and sighed. He gripped his cane tightly, still just racking his brain...
Suddenly, Sebastian and Levana were in the room. "He's right, you know" Levana said." It would be too easy to kill you. Trust me when I say it would not be my first time around the block."

She crossed her arms. Quite frankly, as long as he was mortal, killing. Him would be a breeze. "If only you had someone to protect you." She began to pick at her nails, wondering if she should trim them, as they were getting quite long.

"I won't harm you unless I absolutely need you. But, we are told to act befittingly, which means we could act freely if it meant protecting our master. In this case, his secret."

@Knight Nate @Santeru Ishumari @kurol
Carmine's brow furrowed as his grip on his cane tightened. He did not turn to face her as he stared at the window.

"Is it not polite to knock before trying to enter, miss?"
"Demons don't live by your human rules. Besides, it's how we get around if we don't feel like walking. Sometimes we miss our aim." She stated.

"But really, is this about the whole soul thing? Because one way or another, it has to go somewhere. You really wouldn't know. You'd be dead. Plus, Lucy there could keep your life prolonged, away from harm. It would be very beneficial for you."

@Knight Nate
Santeru smirked before busting out laughing as he held his stomach rocking side to side slightly before sitting up and gently wiping away a tear with a smile. "That's the hook line and sinker! Man a millennium and things still never change." Giving a playful expression Santeru walked to stand next to Carmine gently leaning his weight against the chair.

@Knight Nate @Brianna Ackerman
"I may not look like it miss, but I am a man of the Faith. By all means, I should have just left the moment you revealed yourselves as demons. But I was polite; I heard you out, and I respectfully decline your offer. I have no desire for otherworldly power, and my soul shall remain where it is."

He spoke in a quick and decisive tone, as if to say he's made up his mind for good.
Santeru smiled patting his shoulder, Being a Reaper meant he was sided more to a neutral bound perspective of Satanic and Holy influences. However his soul is tainted demon giving a reassured smile Santeru faced the rest while standing next to Carmine. "I believe the lad has made a decision."

@Brianna Ackerman @Knight Nate

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