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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

"I only agreed to my contract because I needed something only they could help provide. Revenge to those who wronged me."

Hearing her next comment, he nodded. "Oh yes, the two are quite close. They approached me a few months ago and asked me if I would allow them to marry, in the old human form. I said yes, so they are marrying in two days from now."

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy looked at Ciel and folded her arms. "Yes, and perhaps Mister Indigo is also in need of something which a demon butler can help with," she said.

Lucy was also taken aback by the news of Levana and Sebastian's marriage.
"Ah, how unexpected. I wish for the best for them, I suppose," she said. She marveled at how they could love each other like that. Somewhere, she felt happy for them. But she brushed away the feeling, knowing that it was unnecessary for her to feel that.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
"Perhaps" he said. "Everyone has something they need assistance with.And I'm sure they would be happy to hear that. After all, I'm sure it's not every day a demon falls in love. Correct?"

With that, he stood, walked to the window, and pulled a small chain. In Sebastian and Levana's room, and everywhere else, a succession of rings from a tiny bell sounded, summoning the two.

Sebastian and Levana were there quickly. "Please retrieve Carmine for me, Sebastian. Levana, will you start preparing dinner early? I have a few plans later."

The two nodded and went off to do what they were assigned to do. Sebastian walked to Carmine's room, and knocked on the door.

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


"Correct," she answered. Quite rare, indeed.

Ciel pulled a little chain that summoned Levana and Sebastian to the room quickly.

Carmine was to be retrieved by Levana. Dinner was being made. Perhaps she should stay here longer. And if Lucy was to become the butler of Carmine, she would have to stay here due to his staying at the Phantomhive residence as well.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
Carmine had been at the window in his room, staring outside, deep in thought. He didn't know much of Ciel, but he did know that he didn't converse with random people without a reason. He sighed, rubbing his chin with one hand and leaning on his can with the other. He wasn't sure of it before, but now it was certain; there was something strange going on around here, and he needed to find out just what it was. He sighed again as a knock sounded from his door, knocking him out of his stupor. He went to the door and opened it up, seeing Sebastian on the other side.

"Ah, Sebastian. I trust matters have been settled?"
Sebastian bowed to Carmine. "Yes sir, all is well once more. Although, Young Master wishes for a conerence with you before dinner. May I lead you to the study?" He inquired.

Meanwhile, Levana was working away at dinner. Her sleeves were pushed up, her face dusted with flour, and her hair now up in a ponytail. She prepared the main dish, and set it in the oven. She began cleaning and preparing side dishes as she waited for the food to cook.

She walked out to the dining hall and put a new tablecloth on the table, before replacing everything already on it. Then, she set places for everyone, even Lucy, since she had a feeling she would be staying a while.

When dinner was done, she began to work on dessert. She was a rather good baker, and made delicious sweets, much like Sebastian.

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy waited for Carmine to arrive. "Should I stay as you and Carmine talk, or shall I be leaving the room, Ciel?" she asked.

Lucy could slowly sense Sebastian and the human walking towards the study.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
Carmine nodded and stepped outside into the hall, closing the door behind him and walked with Sebastian. He looked up at Sebastian as he walked, his cane still thumping on the ground with an even rythym with his steps.

"So, may I inquire as to who the new arrival was? From what I could gather, they didn't seem to be a regular around here."
"You will learn soon enough, sir. I'm afraid I do not know enough to give you an adequate question."

He fell silent as he walked, leading them. He opened the doors to the study, leading him in.

Ciel looked at her. "I believe you should stay. This is about you, after all. You should help me explain this."

@Knight Nate

Carmine shrugged slightly as he responded.

"Well, I guess it's one more surprise the Phantomhives have yet to show me, yes? Kyahaha..."

He laughed to himself as he walked, but remained silent for the remainder of it. They eventually reached the study and Sebastian held the door. Carmine gave a nod of thanks, stepping inside to see the person from before and Ciel.

"You sent for me, milord?"

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy nodded. She should stay, after all. She wondered about how to start explaining this to Carmine. It would be a lot to take in for a human. She'd heard of ones who even fainted after hearing about it. Then again, this particular one struck her as different to the usual oblivious, idiotic human.

Sebastian opened the door, and Carmine walked in. He addressed Ciel.

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
"Indeed it is, sir. Phantomhive manor has many surprises in store for their visitors." He said, before entering.

"Hello, Carmine" Ciel said, nodding as they walked in. He motioned to a chair opposite his desk. "Please, sit down. We have much we need to discuss."

Sebastian stood at the back of the room. As if on cue, Levana walked in, dusting off her dress, and fixing her hair.

She stood next to Sebastian silently, folding her arms in front of her. The corner of her mouth twitched up into a smile as his arm snaked around her waist.

"Carmine" Ciel said. "There are some things I haven't been honest with you about."

@Knight Nate @kurol

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy noticed Sebastian and Levana stand near the back of the room. Did she catch a glimpse of that old butler's arm snake around her waist? A flicker of a smile?

She nodded towards Carmine.
"But honesty is something to be valued," she added, folding her arms. This talk would take long and would be difficult. But, perhaps, Carmine would consider her request and contract. Or, at least, know about the demons in the Phantomhive residence anyway.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
Carmine put a hand to his lips in fake surprise, and made it obvious as he took a seat.

"Come now Ciel, of course there's things you're hiding. The real question, however, is how serious it is, yes?"

He had seen Ciel become serious a few times over, with this being about...the third time. He gripped his cane tightly, his eyes flicking over to the other new person as they responded.

"Indeed it is, and it breaks my fragile heart to see Ciel be so dishonest. Kyahahehe..."

He laughed to himself for a second, but then returned to being serious.
Levana rested her head on Sebastian's shoulder, momentarily closing her eyes as Ciel spoke.

"There are reasons this has not been told you you, sir. It would be rather shocking." Sebastian said.

Ciel nodded as levana spoke. "Indeed. And it still will be. You must prepare yourself mentally."

@Knight Nate
"I have always been prepared, milord. I doubt there is much you could say that would surprise me."

He rubbed the top of his cane subconsciously. It seemed like whatever it was that he was going to tell him wasn't what normal news was. He was expecting something outlandish.
"Oh, I doubt that. If you aren't surprised, then you are, as the Americans should say, up to shady things." Levana, or Levi, said.

She walked over to the door, shut it and locked it. Then, she returned to the side of her mate.

Ciel looked at Indigo. "Carmine. There are no ways to say this easily. Levana, Sebastian, and him" he pointed at Lucy. "They are demons. Sebastian and Levana contracted to me, this one here has no master yet."

They all looked at Carmine.

@Knight Nate @kurol
Carmine made a note of the woman locking the door. A demon, eh? Well, that's one explanation. He shifted in his seat and his eyes flew over everyone in the room.

"..............a demon? Ah, perhaps you use it as a metaphor, yes? As in they work like a demon? Indeed, they are very good at their jobs. Well, I can't speak for the new one, but I hope they are."

In truth, he did believe that they were, in fact, demons, but to outright say that he did believe that would be rather suspicious. Carmine had felt something was off the second he first stepped into the Phantomhive Manor, and the actions of Sebastian only served to prove it. He needed to act like he didn't believe them, keep up the facade, at least for now.
"It is no metaphor, mister Indigo" Levana said, straightening up and separating from Sebastian.

She closed her eyes, and the form of her body began to waver. She jumped, and when she landed, she was a large, black feline. She was a shapeshifter demon, and could change into any form at will.

"You see?" Ciel said, motioning towards her. "That is no illusion."

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy watched as Levana locked the door. Ah, things are getting serious.

Ciel cut straight to the chase. Also, Lucy was glad he referred to her as a boy - she wasn't sure if Ciel knew or not, like his maid.

"Yes. We would all be demons, including me," she confirmed. Lucy nodded her head towards Levana, who had changed into a cat. A shape shifting one?

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
"Yet" she said as she morphed back into her previous form, fully clothed luckily. "The thing I'm changing to doesn't have to be alive."

She shifted once more, and where she was payed a flower vase, empty. Sebastian picked it up and flicked it, showing that it had the same texture of a real vase.

She shifted once more, and replaced herself into her spot next to Sebastian.

@Knight Nate
Carmine sat forward in his seat, an eyebrow raised at the car now in front of him. He grinned, his hand still gripping his cane roughly.

"Fascinating! Turned into a cat, she has...most amusing! And a plant as well....How curious."

He laughed to himself as he looked around the room at the people in it. He fell back into his seat as he sighed.

"So......you're all demons. I guess that means you too, Ciel. That must explain why Sebastian is so efficient, then....what I don't understand is to why you're telling me this. Do you mean to kill me?"

He adressed the thought so casually; in truth, he wasn't afraid to die. It was coming at some point, wasn't it? No need to run from something quicker than you. Instead, he thought it better to talk a walk with it; and indeed, his strolls with death happened more often than he'd like to say.
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Lucy Montgomery


Lucy watched as Levana changed into an empty vase. To prove it's realness, Sebastian even flicked it, the glass echo echoing inside it.

"I am afraid you're mistaken. Ciel is not a demon, he is a human, like you. But Sebastian is his butler, and Levana his maid. On some... special conditions, let's say. I don't intend to kill you. There is no reason for you to die yet, is there?" she laughed slightly, almost amused with the conversation.

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
Carmine raised an eyebrow as he looked at the...boy, he guessed. It was strange....he got a bad feeling from this person. His usual smirk grew wider at his comment.

"With the way you say that, it almost seems like you want something."

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy's face grew dark. "Perhaps I do," she said.

She turned back to the other human in the room.
"Ciel? Would you like to continue?" she asked, motioning towards Carmine. This was coming to be a very interesting conversation. Carmine took it very well, which surprised her a little. The way he talked about death and demons so casually, she must admit, it took her aback a little. What an interesting aura!

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman

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