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Fandom Black Butler Rp {canon and oc}

"Yes" Ciel said. "This young lad here wished to sign a contract with you. He will serve you until you die..." He trailed off.

Levi picked up where he left off. "And then, when you are dead, he will consume your soul. Like Sebastian and I will, when Master has passed."

She stood straight. "It does seem dark, but you shan't notice. You'll be too dead to see what they do."

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


"That is true," Lucy said, staring at Carmine. "Many of my contract offers have failed. This is a one time opportunity. My duties and faith as a butler will have no limit, I assure you! And I only ask for your soul at the end. Do you understand?"

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
Carmine looked the boy up and down, his usual smirk gone.

"I have many servants at my disposal. What is it that you can offer me that they cant?"
"Unwavering service. Loyalty. Something your normal servants cannot. Perhaps....revenge?" Levana smirked.

Ciel nodded. "Like Ciel. Sebastian is in charge of helping me get revenge, and Levana is essentially to protect me, due to her immeasurable power and abilities."

Levon's smiled slightly. Ciel had never said anything remotely kind before. It was odd for him.

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy nodded. "But what about demon servants? A demon butler. Unwavering loyalty and constant service, power, assistance," she said. If she was human, she'd take up the offer. Then again, she had no idea how humans really thought or acted. She was a demon, wasn't she? "As Levana has stated, if you seek revenge, I shall immediately assist. And a valuable source of protection, as well. All for a little cost," she added.

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
"Yes, but a soul is a precious thing, indeed. Revenge is such a petty thing, though......heh."

He stood from his seat and walked to the large window in the room and stared out, a hand on his chin.

".......to be honest, it doesn't seem like I NEED a Demon Butler. You've been to the Indigo Estate Ciel, you know how well it functions."
"Yes, but they're all mortal. No?" She asked. "They can die at the hands of an enemy." She looked to Ciel, who nodded.

He unlocked a drawer in his desk, and pulled out a gun. Levana walked forward and took the gun in her hand,pushing in a clip of rounds and cocking the gun.

She look directly at Carmine, and looked at Sebastian, who just nodded. She pointed the gun at him, and pulled the trigger. The bullet went through his forehead, and he fell to the floor.

Then he got back up. His skin was healed, and the bullet in his hand. "We, however, cannot."

@Knight Nate
Carmine turned and watched as Sebastian was shot in the face, but didn't move. His expression didn't change as he watched him get back, seemingly unaffected.

"Come now, everything has a weakness. Holy water, perhaps? A cross?"

He turned back around to stare out the window.

".....would this even be worth giving up my soul? Hehe. With the shit I've done, who says I even have a soul anymore...'

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy was growing annoyed at how he refused her offer so far. "A good point. They're just mortals, aren't they? Easily disposable at the hands of an enemy," she said. "And a thing as fickle as holy water or a cross?" Well, actually, she'd never encountered either of them, but surely those human conspiracies weren't true. Pfft.

"Only when you die do you give up your soul. So, it's fine for you,"
she said. By the way he acted, she figured he wasn't always so nice. Rather be quickly eaten by a demon, and it's quick and painless, then go to Hell.

@Knight Nate

@Brianna Ackerman
Carmine said nothing, only continued to stare out of the window. He sighed, deep in thought. Possibilities began to flood his mind, plans following them, and the rewards that came from them. He forgot where he was as he stared, lost in his mind...
"They're bound to you for eternity. Or, until the mark is gone." She took off the glove on her right hand, revealing a pentagram in her skin.

"You will bear one too, should you take up the offer. Young Master's spot is well placed, and easily hidden."

Ciel stood once more, and removed his eyepatch. There, where his left eye used to be, was simply black, with a bright pentagram shining in it.

@Knight Nate

Lucy Montgomery


Lucy nodded. She didn't say anything about how painful sealing the pentagram would be, of course. She didn't want to chase the human away, did she? Lucy had wondered where Ciel's pentagram was. Then again, with his eye patch, she really should have guessed. Most people, both demons and humans, with a contract preferred to hide their pentagram. Of course Lucy did not bear one, yet.

"What questions do you still have?" she asked Carmine.

@Brianna Ackerman

@Knight Nate
"............you.....CAN die, yes?"

Carmine turned his head to glance at the woman's hand and then to Ciel's eye, but then returned to the window. Was he thinking of taking the deal? Of course. Was he really planning on selling his soul? Of course not. He needed to learn all he could about these people; weaknesses and the like.
Santeru appeared smiling in the now open window of the study as he sat on the window sill, Looking at Carmine he gave a small chuckle audible to the rest of the room as he placed his chin in his hand resting. "Just like a group of demons to pressure in a contract." He smirked scanning the rest of the room as he placed a hand on Carmine's shoulder. "Their abilities really are something to be in awe about."
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"Not really. If we can, it's news to me" Levama admitted.

Sebastian nodded. "Plus, the facts are that you would probably be dead before you could even get the chance to kill one of us. Our abilities are very strong, to say the least."

Levana nodded, and jumped slightly when a male appeared out of seemingly nowhere. "Reaper" she mumbled, and looked up at the man. She stiffened up, and prepared to defend her master if needed.

"Who are you?" She asked, practically growling, eyeing the strange man. She didn't want to cause a scene.

@Santeru Ishumari
Santeru removed his hand from Carmine standing up beginning to stretch. "To the Phantomhive's I was called Greed." Eventually cracking his back he sighed standing up straight. "But you can call me Santeru." He chuckled looking around the room investigating the surroundings. "Oh dear, I disappear for a few years and this ash pile comes back." He looked deeply at Ciel a twinge of nostalgia of both his own son and the late Vincent. "I assume the repairs were handled by one of you?"

@Brianna Ackerman
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"Is there a certain reason that you obtained that nickname?" She inquired, crossing her arms.

Upon hearing his statement, she nodded and looked to Ciel. "You knew my parents?" He asked the reaper.

"What are you?" He asked. Levi stepped forward. "He's a reaper" she offered. "It's pretty much another soul thing."

Sebastian nodded, and his arm snaked its way around her waist. Two demons this deep in love? Impossible!

@Santeru Ishumari
Carmine stepped away from the man that had suddenly appeared; he didn't like the feeling he got from this person. He stood with his back to the wall and both hands on his cane, his eyes scanning everyone in the room as he listened.
Santeru gave a very laid back smile rubbing the back of his neck. "It was the name Vincent Phantomhive gave me when I accepted varying jobs from him." Giving a reassured look to Ciel he leaned down slightly. "Yes, I knew your Father very well him and I were good friends for a time." Eventually turning to Levi and then Carmine he glanced to Sebastian. "You're mostly correct, yes I am a Reaper but there's a bit more to it than that, however that's a story for another time I do believe I stumbled in during a very important discussion."

@Knight Nate @Brianna Ackerman
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"Yes" Levi said, picking at her nails. "You did." She stated this rather bluntly as she looked up at him.

"Yet, maybe you could help us? By explaining the supernatural and demon worlds to Mr. Indigo, here?" She motioned to Carmine eloquently, inviting him to speak.

@Knight Nate @Santeru Ishumari
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Santeru raised an eyebrow turning slightly as to face Carmine yet again letting a smirk spread across his lips. "Certainly." His eyes gazed past Carmine as if looking through his very soul it was a piercing gaze.

@Brianna Ackerman @Knight Nate
Carmine said nothing; only glared at the man looking at him. He didn't like this man. It was normal for him to not like people, but this man gave him an intense disliking. This 'Reaper' was putting him on edge, and he could probably guess why they called him a 'Reaper.'
Santeru raised an eyebrow surprised but content with the boy's curiosity and bravery he chuckled warmly. "What is it you'd like to know?" Santeru asked leaning against Ciel's desk crossing his arms.

@Knight Nate
"First, you can tell me what you are. Then, you can tell me if demons can be killed. And if so, then how."

He didn't like the man, but as long as he was offering information, he was going to find out as much as he could.
Santeru's amused expression only grew more obvious as the young noble began to order him. "Formally I'm what is known as a 'Reaper' a supernatural race of individuals who sort out the souls of the dead to see if their life was of any 'significance' and in a rare case will pro-long their life. However due a series of event's my soul is no longer intact as a Reaper demonic influences now inhabit my soul. As for the killing of Demons, that's just a secret." He winked cheekily giving a laugh as he would glance over to the two demons.

@Knight Nate
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