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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky


Jonas Jonsson


Okay, so this picture didn't really turn out quite like I wanted it to. I get the feeling my skills are becoming a bit rusty, but meh.


Height: 177cm (though he may appear shorter due to his (sometimes) bad posture)

Weight: 65kg

Jonas usually wears a matching set of oversized white pyjamas (the pants of which have enormous pockets that he can fit almost his entire forearms into) and white socks, both of which have a slight tinge of grey from age. He wears a pair of large glasses, though they are mostly obscured by his long, golden hair, which he makes little to no effort to groom (i.e. it's extremely disobedient). He also wears a pendant with a small nigiri made of slightly squishy rubber.

Jonas has a habit of lying flat on his belly and playing with whatever lies in front of him, whether it be grass, pebbles, or anything that isn't particularly filthy.


A nameless, subspecies of humans who are less stocky, more graceful, and more intellectual.

Though details of this nameless race are unknown, it has been established that a number of them are born with certain special abilities. These abilities vary greatly from person to person.

Race specific abilities/combat info

  • Jonas is able to easily manipulate water with his mind, whether it be liquid water, ice, or water vapour; he is able to change the state of matter of any water at will, and is also able to move water telekinetically in any state. He is extremely creative with this ability, and can use it in numerous dexterous ways without having to think much. He cannot, however, manipulate ice or water elementals as easily (he would have to fight, which may or may not put him at a disadvantage especially since he isn't, strictly speaking, an elemental) or the water found in cells.
  • In addition to the above, Jonas is also a gifted logician and thinker (a self proclaimed philosopher). He also has a keen interest in botany and the natural world in general.



Basic personality

Lackadaisical and dreamy, Jonas is seldom willing to get up and do dirty work, relying almost entirely on his intellect and, in rare situations, on his water-manipulating ability. Most of the time, he usually lies down and (in other peoples' eyes) relaxes; in reality, however, his laziness masks a deep curiosity about the world around him (particularly flowering plants, which he takes great liking to for some reason), and an ever present desire to learn more.

His relationship with people varies greatly, and often depends on the person whom he is interacting with. Jonas is sometimes comfortable with sharing his emotions and thoughts (of which there are many) with those around him, but generally spends most of his time hiding within the libraries in his head.

Though he maintains some level of self pride and respect, Jonas isn't above admitting mistakes and flaws in his logic, something which he believes to be second nature; he is often baffled by the fact that some people attempt to argue their way out of self dug logical or mathematical holes.

Jonas can also be forgetful at times, probably as a result of his perpetual daydreamy state.


Beginning Weaponry

Probably the nigiri pendant; it could theoretically be used to strangle unsuspecting people.

Other than that, nothing much.

Best Basic Knowledge

Science (though either Math or English could be close runner ups)

Worst Basic Knowledge

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~ Name ~

Jaighd (pronounced 'Jade')

~ Appearance ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/0741a456928cd0eb8d822b1119733026.jpg.030826c4231711cf8159bf2d28bfc08a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/0741a456928cd0eb8d822b1119733026.jpg.030826c4231711cf8159bf2d28bfc08a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Race ~


~ Race Specific Abilities/Combat Info ~

Regeneration - If the air is humid enough, the sun bright enough (or perhaps the moon), and/or the soil is fertile, she can heal and regrow limbs (very slowly), though these are not full size and resemble tiny sprouts.These little limbs take about a week to regrow, though they will be tender green and weak until they start to age naturally. And then it takes a about a month for them to fully regenerate and recover.

Reproduction & Junk - Due to the fact Jaighd is a herm, intercourse with any species whether male or female will literally cause her to grow huge pink flowers to bear fruit. Even a kiss could trigger this due to a anatomy difference between humans and Florians. This fruit is fist-sized a vibrant purple, and is very similar that of a tomato, though the taste is similar to an unidentifiable mixture of sweet berries. The succulent fruit is edible and is a very strong curative for poisons and healing of wounds. However, the person that took of the fruit will gain access to a mind-link that all Florians share, which can lead to very strange things. In addition, the person will feel incredibly emotionally attached to the Florian bearer and possibly very aroused- but this feeling can pass within an hour or mere minutes depending the amount consumed- though there maybe lingering effects… That aside, only Florian to Florian can produce children, unless it is a similar plant race. In that aspect, sexual reproduction in performed the same way as a human’s, her/his genitalia is covered by a very strong and leafy ‘wrap.'

Mind-link - This is a telepathic link between Florians and the eaters of their fruit. The ability is similar to common modern day plants that communicate to one another through different phero- and hormones. Though, this is taken up to the next level and is able to communicate tastes. smells, feeling, thoughts and even memories between multiple individuals, however, this only happens if the people receiving the message is completely empty of mind, or in a meditation-like state.

It's the Roots - The same mind link that Florian's and their eaters share is very similar to this next ability. By a Florian extending their roots to another plant, they can extend their sentient self and for a few brief moments, view the host plant's state of being and what they are currently experiencing along with other things, such as finding water sources or rich soil.

Sacrifice - By releasing her body’s nutrients, whether needed or not, allows her to manipulate and grow the surrounding plants (circumference of aprx. ten ft) around her in a defensive or possibly offensive barrier. This can also pertain to her own body, by reducing nutrients in one area, she can grow another area or limb to a greater size, strength, or length.

Uproot- Unlike her mindless and thoughtless plant cousins, she is not stationary, though she can be. Her legs, in actuality -her roots retract, and can morph into snowy white and smooth human-like ones. It takes about ten minutes for her to gain this form and about five to undo it to become one with the earth again.

In addition, have any of you tried to set grass on fire? It just smolders itself out, pretty much the same concept here.Though, she will be 'crispy' and stiff due to the fibers melding together.

~ Gender ~


(Appears Female)

~ Basic personality ~

A very bubbly creature who tends to go out of her way to help people. Jaighd refers to herself as female. She doesn’t understand aggression and is very new that area of emotional expertise. She can turn incredibly volatile if someone/thing tries to hurt her for she doesn’t understand danger or pain until it sinks in that what the other person is doing is the causing the abnormal feeling within her body.

~ Beginning Weaponry ~

None - Save for her natural abilities

~ Best Basic Knowledge ~

Science - though she sees it as a way of life

~ Worst Basic Knowledge ~

English/Literature - In fact, it is very hard for her to talk like a human and is prone to speaking very little words and reverts to motions to convey meaning unless said person has a mental link.



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Name: Mina

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.0af213d350ddd46572a14b5e8a1470e2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109590" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.0af213d350ddd46572a14b5e8a1470e2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Half Human and Demon

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Hast: Time around her slows down for a very small amount of time enough to let her reload her gun or fall back a little

Bullet Storm: Summons two demonic guns that only last until the clip is empty (25 rounds each)

Hell Summon: Will summon a random demon creature for a short time usually a hell hound names fluffy

Death Spike: Creats a giant claw on her right arm with only one use typically used to nock an enemy back

Gender: Female

Basic personality: She can be a bit cocky and lazy most of the time but if she has to she will be serious

Beginning Weaponry: Single shot rifle and two pistols

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Pysical​



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I'm confused by your post in the RP, if I'm honest. Can you give me more details on it?

Aside from that, here we go on the new sheets.

[QUOTE="Drunk Dragon]
Jonas Jonsson



Height: 177cm (though he may appear shorter due to his (sometimes) bad posture)

Weight: 65kg

Jonas usually wears a matching set of oversized white pyjamas (the pants of which have enormous pockets that he can fit almost his entire forearms into) and white socks, both of which have a slight tinge of grey from age. He wears a pair of large glasses, though they are mostly obscured by his long, golden hair, which he makes little to no effort to groom (i.e. it's extremely disobedient). He also wears a pendant with a small nigiri made of slightly squishy rubber.

Jonas has a habit of lying flat on his belly and playing with whatever lies in front of him, whether it be grass, pebbles, or anything that isn't particularly filthy.


A nameless, subspecies of humans who are less stocky, more graceful, and more intellectual.

Though details of this nameless race are unknown, it has been established that a number of them are born with certain special abilities. These abilities vary greatly from person to person.

Race specific abilities/combat info

  • Jonas is able to easily manipulate water with his mind, whether it be liquid water, ice, or water vapour; he is able to change the state of matter of any water at will, and is also able to move water telekinetically in any state. He is extremely creative with this ability, and can use it in numerous dexterous ways without having to think much. He cannot, however, manipulate ice or water elementals as easily (he would have to fight, which may or may not put him at a disadvantage especially since he isn't, strictly speaking, an elemental) or the water found in cells.
  • In addition to the above, Jonas is also a gifted logician and thinker (a self proclaimed philosopher). He also has a keen interest in botany and the natural world in general.



Basic personality

Lackadaisical and dreamy, Jonas is seldom willing to get up and do dirty work, relying almost entirely on his intellect and, in rare situations, on his water-manipulating ability. Most of the time, he usually lies down and (in other peoples' eyes) relaxes; in reality, however, his laziness masks a deep curiosity about the world around him (particularly flowering plants, which he takes great liking to for some reason), and an ever present desire to learn more.

His relationship with people varies greatly, and often depends on the person whom he is interacting with. Jonas is sometimes comfortable with sharing his emotions and thoughts (of which there are many) with those around him, but generally spends most of his time hiding within the libraries in his head.

Though he maintains some level of self pride and respect, Jonas isn't above admitting mistakes and flaws in his logic, something which he believes to be second nature; he is often baffled by the fact that some people attempt to argue their way out of self dug logical or mathematical holes.

Jonas can also be forgetful at times, probably as a result of his perpetual daydreamy state.


Beginning Weaponry

Probably the nigiri pendant; it could theoretically be used to strangle unsuspecting people.

Other than that, nothing much.

Best Basic Knowledge

Science (though either Math or English could be close runner ups)

Worst Basic Knowledge


I feel like this is an obscure refrence to Death Note for some reason. Aside from that, the character is quite a bit diffrent from the others, and I think he's good to go. Accepted.

SolisNighsun said:
~ Name ~

Jaighd (pronounced 'Jade')

~ Appearance ~

View attachment 244344

~ Race ~


~ Race Specific Abilities/Combat Info ~

Regeneration - If the air is humid enough, the sun bright enough (or perhaps the moon), and/or the soil is fertile, she can heal and regrow limbs (very slowly), though these are not full size and resemble tiny sprouts.These little limbs take about a week to regrow, though they will be tender green and weak until they start to age naturally. And then it takes a about a month for them to fully regenerate and recover.

Reproduction & Junk - Due to the fact Jaighd is a herm, intercourse with any species whether male or female will literally cause her to grow huge pink flowers to bear fruit. Even a kiss could trigger this due to a anatomy difference between humans and Florians. This fruit is fist-sized a vibrant purple, and is very similar that of a tomato, though the taste is similar to an unidentifiable mixture of sweet berries. The succulent fruit is edible and is a very strong curative for poisons and healing of wounds. However, the person that took of the fruit will gain access to a mind-link that all Florians share, which can lead to very strange things. In addition, the person will feel incredibly emotionally attached to the Florian bearer and possibly very aroused… That aside, only Florian to Florian can produce children, unless it is a similar plant race. In that aspect, sexual reproduction in performed the same way as a human’s, her/his genitalia is covered by a very strong and leafy ‘wrap.'

Mind-link - This is a telepathic link between Florians and the eaters of their fruit. The ability is similar to common modern day plants that communicate to one another through different phero- and hormones. Though, this is taken up to the next level and is able to communicate tastes. smells, feeling, thoughts and even memories between multiple individuals, however, this only happens if the people receiving the message is completely empty of mind, or in a meditation-like state.

Sacrifice - By releasing her body’s nutrients, whether needed or not, allows her to manipulate and grow the surrounding plants (circumference of aprx. ten ft) around her in a defensive or possibly offensive barrier. This can also pertain to her own body, by reducing nutrients in one area, she can grow another area or limb to a greater size, strength, or length.

Uproot- Unlike her mindless and thoughtless plant cousins, she is not stationary, though she can be. Her legs, in actuality -her roots retract, and can morph into snowy white and smooth human-like ones. It takes about ten minutes for her to gain this form and about five to undo it to become one with the earth again.

In addition, have any of you tried to set grass on fire? It just smolders itself out, pretty much the same concept here.Though, she will be 'crispy' and stiff due to the fibers melding together.

~ Gender ~


(Appears Female)

~ Basic personality ~

A very bubbly creature who tends to go out of her way to help people. Jaighd refers to herself as female. She doesn’t understand aggression and is very new that area of emotional expertise. She can turn incredibly volatile if someone/thing tries to hurt her for she doesn’t understand danger or pain until it sinks in that what the other person is doing is the causing the abnormal feeling within her body.

~ Beginning Weaponry ~

None - Save for her natural abilities

~ Best Basic Knowledge ~

Science - though she sees it as a way of life

~ Worst Basic Knowledge ~

English/Literature - In fact, it is very hard for her to talk like a human and is prone to speaking very little words and reverts to motions to convey meaning unless said person has a mental link.

I would suggest a time-limit on the emotional manipulation, as without one I would feel that the player having to undergo it may have a diffrent plan in mind than to be attracted to her, but as it is a poison curative, may be a way of surviving. Otherwise, accepted.

[QUOTE="Okami Izumi]

Name: Mina

Appearance:View attachment 244495

Race: Half Human and Demon

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Hast: Time around her slows down for a very small amount of time enough to let her reload her gun or fall back a little

Bullet Storm: Summons two demonic guns that only last until the clip is empty (25 rounds each)

Hell Summon: Will summon a random demon creature for a short time usually a hell hound names fluffy

Death Spike: Creats a giant claw on her right arm with only one use typically used to nock an enemy back

Gender: Female

Basic personality: She can be a bit cocky and lazy most of the time but if she has to she will be serious

Beginning Weaponry: Single shot rifle and two pistols

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Pysical

NeverBetter said:
I would suggest a time-limit on the emotional manipulation, as without one I would feel that the player having to undergo it may have a diffrent plan in mind than to be attracted to her, but as it is a poison curative, may be a way of surviving. Otherwise, accepted.

Okay doke, I'll do it later because my macbook is at 0%. How is that even possible?
NeverBetter said:
I feel like this is an obscure refrence to Death Note for some reason. Aside from that, the character is quite a bit diffrent from the others, and I think he's good to go. Accepted.
Yep, his appearance was based partly on Near. That aside, I generally dislike lifting characters, so I tried to make this one as distinct as possible.

Hopefully, I did a good job with that. xD
NeverBetter said:
By the power of wrong batterY percent numbers! But alright.
It happens to me all the time, especially considering how I often forget to bring my charger along with me when I need to go places. xD

Name: Xai'Kah

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/vtD4zZV.jpg.08af9710e987ffb154c0e112661b9c27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/vtD4zZV.jpg.08af9710e987ffb154c0e112661b9c27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Dragonborn

Race specific abilities/combat info: Xai'Kah has the ability to create, control and snuff out small amounts of fire using magic, as well as summon sudden and precise gusts of wind with his air magic. He is unable to breathe fire unlike Jah'Ri, but the natural armor all dragonborn have does apply to Xai'kah.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Xai'Kah is wise, thoughtful and considerate of most others. He tries not to jump to conclusions and solve conflicts and problems without violence or rash action unless there seems to be no other option. He is curious and eager to learn new things about others, perhaps to a fault.

Beginning Weaponry: shortsword, basic fire and air magic

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness​



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DergTheDergon said:

Name: Xai'Kah

View attachment 245768

Race: Dragonborn

Race specific abilities/combat info: Xai'Kah has the ability to create, control and snuff out small amounts of fire using magic, as well as summon sudden and precise gusts of wind with his air magic. He is unable to breathe fire unlike Jah'Ri, but the natural armor all dragonborn have does apply to Xai'kah.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Xai'Kah is wise, thoughtful and considerate of most others. He tries not to jump to conclusions and solve conflicts and problems without violence or rash action unless there seems to be no other option. He is curious and eager to learn new things about others, perhaps to a fault.

Beginning Weaponry: shortsword, basic fire and air magic

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness​
Perfect, accepted.

Lekar said:

Name: Giorno Alesci


Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Although appearing as a normal person to an outside observer, Giorno is able to move at increased speeds to a point of being able to appear double. Although not very strong, his dexterity is above human. During the events of a new moon, his speed is amplified, during this event, he can reach speeds that appear more as teleportation. However, new moon or not, Giorno can only take very few powerful hits before he's down.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Trying to stay sophisticated, when relaxed enough, he will break out into goofy spurts and maybe crack a couple jokes. Highly confident, his clever mind can work out situations of high risk and danger in mere seconds. He has faith and respect in those that show him kindness. Rarely letting his anger and rage get the best of him, Giorno is also a level and cool-headed individual that comes off as a bit charismatic as well.


Preferring the lightweight adaptability of the rapier, Giorno has never seen any finer weapon for his needs and specialties. His rapier, however, is specially made to be highly durable, able to deflect even bullets without putting a dent or scratch on it.

Best Basic Knowledge: Strategy, taking charge.

Worst Basic Knowledge: Mathematics.

I'm going to request his starting speed be bumped down. Your sheet is a base, and he can/will gain more speed as time progresses, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, accepted.
NeverBetter said:
Perfect, accepted.
I'm going to request his starting speed be bumped down. Your sheet is a base, and he can/will gain more speed as time progresses, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, accepted.
Toned down, thanks.
hey everyone, sorry for the delay in replies from me. I intend to reply today but I'm feeling kind of off, my muse just won't let me write. Hopefully by taking a bit of a break I'll be able to reply with renewed vigor soon. I will reply ASAP.

Edit: Wow, I JUST realized after checking the OOC that I posted this in the character sign up somehow... yep, I needed a break. If I tried to post right now the derp would be real guys xD ... gahh I'm so exhausted lately.

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Man, bbcode is weird sometimes. I accidentally put the slash after the h when typing the bbcode for Xai'Kah's header and it apparently decided to make the whole post a header, so everything was huge and bold. O.o Fixed it tho.
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DergTheDergon said:
Man, bbcode is weird sometimes. I accidentally put the slash after the h when typing the bbcode for Xai'Kah's header and it apparently decided to make the whole post a header, so everything was huge and bold. O.o Fixed it tho.
As soon as I clicked on the notification, it zoomed me to this post of GIGANTIC BOLD writing ( :o ) It kind of worried me over what had happened. I noticed that it had just been posted, and then you changed it (*U*)
Name: Lyon





Race: Bloodsummoner

Race Abilities and Information: Bloodsummoners are rare. Visually, they are not much different from humans. They are paleskinned, from 5-6 feet tall, thin and have pointy ears. Their blood can shift colors, and when it does, so does their attributes. They live in small, scattered populations, live a dangerous lifestyle, and reproduce little(pregnancies are long and sexual drive is far lower than that of humans and animals). Their dangerous lifestyle is due to their natural magic that all are born with. Bloodsummoners are born with Gray Blood, a form that grants them physical attributes similar to humans and no other remarkable traits. However, Gray Blood itself is poisonous, and will kill the host after 18 years of continuous use. Fortunately, Light Blood and Black Blood tend to be created in the body around puberty. If the Bloodsummoner can manage to channel either blood before their eighteenth birthday, then they do not die. Unfortunately, to shift bloods is difficult and takes a lot of work. There is about a 75% success rate. Each blood has its downsides and upsides, and they are all more difficult to stay in for long periods of time than Gray Blood, leading to Gray Blood being the default blood for bloodsummoners, though they will change periodically so to not die from the eighteen year poison. Other blood colors can manifest in normal bloodsummoners, but they often remain latent and untapped unless the bloodsummoner has a need for said blood. The blood of a bloodsummoner is rare and valuable, and poaching is not uncommon, once again leading to the aforementioned sparse and small populations. Bloods all exude a magical aura that change what clothing the bloodsummoner is wearing to the color scheme of the blood. White Blood is gold and white, Black Blood is black and purple, Gray Blood is gray and blue. White Blood also grants healing magic to the bloodsummoner, while Black Blood grants higher physical attributes, such as endurance, durability, speed, and strength.

Info specific for Lyon: She awoke with the Sacred Blade Uzpeni. The blade itself acts as a conduit for bloodsummoners, allowing them to shift bloods more easily. Their are spaces for gemstones on the blade, and Lyon feels an incredible draw to find these gemstones. Each gemstone will grant her a new blood to shift with the color of the gemstone. Finding the gemstones is her current goal, but will help anybody and everybody she sees.

Gender: Female

Personality: Noble and compassionate, with a good heart. She is naive to darkness and death, and often finds herself paralyzed by the realism of the world. She seeks peace and a good life for everyone, no matter their disposition or past.

Beginning Weaponry: Sacred Blade Uzpeni: One and a half handed blade, golden hilt, slot for eight gemstones across the middle of the blade. Exudes a dim aura of light that changes color depending on the blood form.

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: History
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Name: Lyon




Race: Bloodsummoner

Race Abilities and Information: Bloodsummoners are rare. Visually, they are not much different from humans. They are paleskinned, from 5-6 feet tall, thin and have pointy ears. Their blood can shift colors, and when it does, so does their attributes. They live in small, scattered populations, live a dangerous lifestyle, and reproduce little(pregnancies are long and sexual drive is far lower than that of humans and animals). Their dangerous lifestyle is due to their natural magic that all are born with. Bloodsummoners are born with Gray Blood, a form that grants them physical attributes similar to humans and no other remarkable traits. However, Gray Blood itself is poisonous, and will kill the host after 18 years of continuous use. Fortunately, Light Blood and Black Blood tend to be created in the body around puberty. If the Bloodsummoner can manage to channel either blood before their eighteenth birthday, then they do not die. Unfortunately, to shift bloods is difficult and takes a lot of work. There is about a 75% success rate. Each blood has its downsides and upsides, and they are all more difficult to stay in for long periods of time than Gray Blood, leading to Gray Blood being the default blood for bloodsummoners, though they will change periodically so to not die from the eighteen year poison. Other blood colors can manifest in normal bloodsummoners, but they often remain latent and untapped unless the bloodsummoner has a need for said blood. The blood of a bloodsummoner is rare and valuable, and poaching is not uncommon, once again leading to the aforementioned sparse and small populations. Bloods all exude a magical aura that change what clothing the bloodsummoner is wearing to the color scheme of the blood. White Blood is gold and white, Black Blood is black and purple, Gray Blood is gray and blue. White Blood also grants healing magic to the bloodsummoner, while Black Blood grants higher physical attributes, such as endurance, durability, speed, and strength.

Info specific for Lyon: She awoke with the Sacred Blade Uzpeni. The blade itself acts as a conduit for bloodsummoners, allowing them to shift bloods more easily. Their are spaces for gemstones on the blade, and Lyon feels an incredible draw to find these gemstones. Each gemstone will grant her a new blood to shift with the color of the gemstone. Finding the gemstones is her current goal, but will help anybody and everybody she sees.

Gender: Female

Personality: Noble and compassionate, with a good heart. She is naive to darkness and death, and often finds herself paralyzed by the realism of the world. She seeks peace and a good life for everyone, no matter their disposition or past.

Beginning Weaponry: Sacred Blade Uzpeni: One and a half handed blade, golden hilt, slot for eight gemstones across the middle of the blade. Exudes a dim aura of light that changes color depending on the blood form.

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: History

I would like more direct information on the Blood's and their abilities, if you could, please. Ktherwise, accepted.

MsPolite said:
Name: Bellaum Ignius

Race: Sephrim (Angel)

Race specific abilities: "Thy will be done"- can Heal minor wounds and infections of anyone of her choosing periodically. Also glows a bit even in the dark.

combat info:

Fighting Style: Spear and shield fencing, Arial sword and hand to hand combat/wrestling.

Powers: Flight, Blessed art thou- does extra damage to undead and burns the flesh of any undead she touches.

Special Abilities:

Cleansing Fire:- lights her body and weapons on fire with holy fire. She can then "whip" the flames off her sword making her attack medium to short range. Last for 7 "whips".

Shield of Faith:- Wall of holy light that Burns/damages undead and/or demonic enemies or weapons. Blocks all non-light magic, extends defensive perimeter by 3in. Has no effect on normal solid items.

Judgment:- She flys high into the sky at mach 4 and then plummets to the ground striking the ground with her sword and the bottom tip of her shield, causing a fire blast to erupt obliterate any feeble thing in a 1/4 of a mile. Creating a crater that is 7 feet radius and all other land charred.

Ultimate Ability: Eden's Sword:- saying the Lord's name brings down the Awesome power of THE flaming sword of Eden, striking the target area causing a small 2 ft radius crater. Cannot be blocked. Only deflected or dodged. Then only an angel or saint or one without sin(aka- a child) can wield it. The holy fire can not be absorbed and sword cannot break.

Strengths: Strength, is physically strong being able to carry more, deal more close range damage, and take a little more damage. Tactilely proficient in the art of war.


- Her wings. Losing one's wings is the worst thing that could happen, it's extremely painful, and saps most of hers powers. And is emotionally Damaging.

-Demon Fire, extremely Susceptible to demon fire as it burns there wings and can only be put out with holy water.

-Frost/Ice Based powers, as it slows her down and seen as an antithesis to the holy flames.

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Basic personality: if you had to use one word it would be Order. She is orderly, courteous, polite, frigid, strict, loyal, compassionate, motherly.

Beginning Weaponry: Saint Michael's Spear (a relic from long ago and stained with demon blood), and Gabriel's Shield Blessed by the Eternal Fire. 5 Holy water vials in her belt. Angelic Armour(weighs nothing)

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Science

There are issues here, mainly, her second to last and last power, they're far too strong for this point in the game. Later on, sure, but for right now, I have to absolutely say no to those. Otherwise, accepted.
NeverBetter said:
There are issues here, mainly, her second to last and last power, they're far too strong for this point in the game. Later on, sure, but for right now, I have to absolutely say no to those. Otherwise, accepted.
Alright can I just put a star by them and say locked
That feel when notifications don't let you know about posts at certain point for no reason... I would've already written a reply, or two, concerning the events happening right now if that didn't happen. I'll get a reply up soon, I have to catch up on reading and figure out what Jah'Ri would do, though realistically she would've acted earlier... le sigh.
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