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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Name: Reanne Shawcross



Race: Elf

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Elves have quick reflexes and are masters in the art of fighting. They also have the ability to control any element they would like but could only choose one element. For Rea, she chose water, which has extreme healing factors and can be used in defense or offense. Although elves excel in magic, they lack in physical strength, which resulted them in mainly using bow and arrows. Though one can improve ones strength in training, elves only excel in assassination, rather than head to head fighting.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Sweet, Caring, Protective, Loyal

Beginning Weaponry: Bow and Arrow, Magic, Sword

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math
SuperiorKunivas said:

Name: Lilith

Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Utilizes Dark Magicks such as Dark Fire, Dark Lightning/Thunder, Dark Ice/Blizzard and Darkness (Kingdom Hearts Style). Has a generally unholy and even diabolical aura to her person.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: A little more than dismal and nefarious to the common eye at her surface, but deep inside her heart is one of gold, being very selfless and of a kind nature, a direct opposite to a very polarizing Grace.

Beginning Weaponry: The Fallacious Cobra - A Sword-Cane made of folded high-tensile steel, she carries this on her person at all times, its Cobra Handle/Head seems to house something within as its red eyes tend to glow, sometimes follow people's movements.


Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

Name: Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard




Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Wields the power of Light defensively and offensively, currently using beams and orbs as attack and fragile shields defensively. Mainly uses her suit's weaponry and capabilities however.

Gender: Female (Yes, voiced by Jennifer Hale. X3)

Basic personality: A determined, fierce fighter and person in general, Jenny will do whatever it takes, yet remain within morals (Most of the time), to get the job done and mainly thinks of others above herself (Key word "Mainly"). Also, has a sense of humor and terrible dance skills. (Totally a Paragade.)

Beginning Weaponry: Suit Weaponry. Currently two mini-machine guns in the forearms (Light and Heavy Modes.) and deployable blades from the forearms too which have a visible electrical charge to them (Light and Heavy Modes). The suit is upgradeable to a great extent, being very modular and compatible with anything really, but right now it is bare bones.

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

And these are my other characters. Should they be accepted, I am ready. :3
RealityEntity said:
Name: Reanne Shawcross


Race: Elf

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Elves have quick reflexes and are masters in the art of fighting. They also have the ability to control any element they would like but could only choose one element. For Rea, she chose water, which has extreme healing factors and can be used in defense or offense. Although elves excel in magic, they lack in physical strength, which resulted them in mainly using bow and arrows. Though one can improve ones strength in training, elves only excel in assassination, rather than head to head fighting.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Sweet, Caring, Protective, Loyal

Beginning Weaponry: Bow and Arrow, Magic, Sword

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math
Reality's Character and Kuni's first character are both accepted. Your second character feels a little powerful with double machine guns and projectile light attacks. You can have the double machine guns or a machine gun and a light beam for right now.
NeverBetter said:
Reality's Character and Kuni's first character are both accepted. Your second character feels a little powerful with double machine guns and projectile light attacks. You can have the double machine guns or a machine gun and a light beam for right now.
Got rid of the guns now. :)
Name: Raphael Terrio


Race: Kitsune

Race specific abilities/combat info: Can transform into (and out of) a fox. Resistant to poisons.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Lighthearted and goofy. Slightly manipulative.

Beginning Weaponry: Daggers

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness
(I am going to be editing my character to include facts about her species. For example: How more vampires are created, the bloodline etc.)
princekyle said:
Name: Raphael Terrio

Race: Kitsune

Race specific abilities/combat info: Can transform into (and out of) a fox. Resistant to poisons.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Lighthearted and goofy. Slightly manipulative.

Beginning Weaponry: Daggers

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness
Accepted and is in the OP now. You will not run any checks this round.


Nio Magnetus



He has slightly long snow white hair and mysterious fuchsia eyes ,which look as if they could stare right through your soul. He has a thin slightly-muscular build and is taller than most men. He usually wears thin clothing which covers his whole body, he prefers wearing plain clothing. He has pale, almost snow-white coloured skin.


Ice Elemental

*Race abilities*

He has a high attunement to the cold and can withstand powerful freezing temperatures.

*Race weaknesses*

His race is more delicate than most, similar to ice.



*Basic personality*

Nio is generally aloof, and tends to ignore most situations. He loves to learn and explore, without a care in the world for many things. He is relatively friendly, but can be suave with his words. He likes poetry, philosophy, freedom and literature, but dislikes heat, enslavement, and being trapped. Secretly, he hides another side of him...

*Beginning Weaponry*

The ability to create/use/control ice

*Best Basic Knowledge*

English (Due to his love of literature)

*Worst Basic Knowledge*

History (He does not care much about events)

(He will be updated as the story progresses: potential likes and dislikes, new personality traits, new story may be added.)​
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NeverBetter said:
Perfectly fine, accepted. He will be introduced in my next group post.
Thank you, that was a fast reply. I'm looking forward to starting soon, my main character is currently unable to move forward (>:<)
Name: John Colt


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c82211726_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesLA16EX6M.jpg.706e22d4a055f3c1301e75ff6544fe25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c82211726_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesLA16EX6M.jpg.706e22d4a055f3c1301e75ff6544fe25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Race specific abilities/combat info: Sturdy

Gender: Male

Basic personality:happy, lighthearted and very bashful. Is easily embarrassed and never wants a fight.

Beginning Weaponry: A wrench

Best Basic Knowledge:Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: History



  • C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_imagesLA16EX6M.jpg
    C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_imagesLA16EX6M.jpg
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Blacknife said:
Name: John Colt

View attachment 242890


Race specific abilities/combat info: Sturdy

Gender: Male

Basic personality:happy, lighthearted and very bashful. Is easily embarrassed and never wants a fight.

Beginning Weaponry: A wrench

Best Basic Knowledge:Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: History
You will join once the game calms down a bit and I've actually gone to sleep, but you are accepted.
Name: Somrene Neyelmnik


Race: Gigant

Race specific abilities/combat info: Huge humanoids, most make it to about ten feet tall, while the big ones sit comfortable at twelve. Somrene falls in the middle at eleven. They are physically powerful, strong, hardy, and quicker than most would give them credit for. They have a skill for forging weaponry and other hand crafts. Gigant shamans also have hugely powerful earth magic, and even novices in this skill have some basic power, able to create small tremors and grow plants at a faster rate.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Honorable and duty-bound, Somrene always sticks true to his staunch morals, no matter what. He feels his duty is to other people above himself, and thus can easily be seen as selfless. He has a strong distaste towards selfish or glory-seeking individuals. If he swears a vow, he will always, always keep it. Somrene is also very serious, and does not get sarcasm, irony, or even subtlety. He's blunt and no-nonsense, but is completely honest and loyal.

Beginning Weaponry: A large warhammer.

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness (next time I die it won't be because I failed a fitness check)

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Name: Somrene Neyelmnik

Race: Gigant

Race specific abilities/combat info: Huge humanoids, most make it to about ten feet tall, while the big ones sit comfortable at twelve. Somrene falls in the middle at eleven. They are physically powerful, strong, hardy, and quicker than most would give them credit for. They have a skill for forging weaponry and other hand crafts. Gigant shamans also have hugely powerful earth magic, and even novices in this skill have some basic power, able to create small tremors and grow plants at a faster rate.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Honorable and duty-bound, Somrene always sticks true to his staunch morals, no matter what. He feels his duty is to other people above himself, and thus can easily be seen as selfless. He has a strong distaste towards selfish or glory-seeking individuals. If he swears a vow, he will always, always keep it. Somrene is also very serious, and does not get sarcasm, irony, or even subtlety. He's blunt and no-nonsense, but is completely honest and loyal.

Beginning Weaponry: A large warhammer.

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness (next time I die it won't be because I failed a fitness check)

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

Name: Mymiron


30 meters/ 98 feet long, able to rear up to about 15 meters/49 foot tall.

Race: Demonic death worm

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Fire breath: Able to breath scorching hot fire at his enemies

Burrowing: Mymiron is extremely good at burrowing through almost any kind of material

Tendrils: Each of Mymiron's tendrils is extremely sharp, they can be used-to a degree-to pick up certain objects. They also make highly effective weapons

Armour: Mymiron's armour plating is resistant to heat and weapons, however it goes have a few chinks between the segments.

Rock/metal consumption: Mymiron's diet consists entirely of rock and metal, which is used to maintain his armour, if he does not have access to tho these materials, his armour will start to weaken

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Wise, territorial, jealous, prideful

Beginning Weaponry: Mymiron's body is basically a living weapon

Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: English

Name: Simon Cross


Behind his mask, his eyes are green and his hair is black. His face is, for some reason, scared and disfigured, with numerous deep scratch like marks in it.

Race: Human(?)

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Healing magic: Simon is able to heal allies of any injuries or illnesses they have, this usually takes as little as a minute. However, he must have physical contact with the injured.

Self healing: Simon regenerates from wounds and illnesses at a slower rate than those he heals, serious injuries and ailments can take up to 24 hours to heal fully. He cannot use this ability to come back to life if killed

Resurrection: Simon can bring the dead back to life. However this is extremely hard to do. His head must be clear, there must be no conflict going on around him and he must have enough energy. Reviving someone drains a huge amount of energy, so he cannot be tired out when he does it, if he did do it while tired, it could kill him.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Morbidly curious, fidgety, has a bit of a "mad doctor" way about him

Beginning Weaponry: Magic crossbow with near unlimited bolts, he gets 15 at a time to use, before the bow must recharge for around 15 minutes, the bow can only fire projectiles made for it, as soon as it fires, another bolt appears in his hand until they run out, ready to be loaded in, these bolts will do several things depending on what Simon needs. They are:

Healing bolts: If Simon cannot reach someone who is injured, shooting them with one of these bolts will heal them. Don't ask how it works, Simon doesn't know

Poison bolts: They're poisonous, enough said

Explosive bolts: Again, what it says on the tin

Standard bolts: If Simon has nothing specific in mind, it crossbow fires normal bolts with no additional effects.

It should be noted that Simon is not particularly skilled with the bow, and he struggles to hit his targets at long range.

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: History
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Spinoceratopsrex said:
Name: Mymiron

30 meters/ 98 feet long, able to rear up to about 15 meters/49 foot tall.

Race: Demonic death worm

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Fire breath: Able to breath scorching hot fire at his enemies

Burrowing: Mymiron is extremely good at burrowing through almost any kind of material

Tendrils: Each of Mymiron's tendrils is extremely sharp, they can be used-to a degree-to pick up certain objects. They also make highly effective weapons

Armour: Mymiron's armour plating is resistant to heat and weapons, however it goes have a few chinks between the segments.

Rock/metal consumption: Mymiron's diet consists entirely of rock and metal, which is used to maintain his armour, if he does not have access to tho these materials, his armour will start to weaken

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Wise, territorial, jealous, prideful

Beginning Weaponry: Mymiron's body is basically a living weapon

Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: English

Name: Simon Cross


Behind his mask, his eyes are green and his hair is black. His face is, for some reason, scared and disfigured, with numerous deep scratch like marks in it.

Race: Human(?)

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Healing magic: Simon is able to heal allies of any injuries or illnesses they have, this usually takes as little as a minute. However, he must have physical contact with the injured.

Self healing: Simon regenerates from wounds and illnesses at a slower rate than those he heals, serious injuries and ailments can take up to 24 hours to heal fully. He cannot use this ability to come back to life if killed

Resurrection: Simon can bring the dead back to life. However this is extremely hard to do. His head must be clear, there must be no conflict going on around him and he must have enough energy. Reviving someone drains a huge amount of energy, so he cannot be tired out when he does it, if he did do it while tired, it could kill him.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Morbidly curious, fidgety, has a bit of a "mad doctor" way about him

Beginning Weaponry: Magic crossbow with unlimited bolts, as soon as he fires, another appears in his hand, ready to be loaded in, these bolts will do several things depending on what Simon needs. They are:

Healing bolts: If Simon cannot reach someone who is injured, shooting them with one of these bolts will heal them. Don't ask how it works, Simon doesn't know

Poison bolts: They're poisonous, enough said

Explosive bolts: Again, what it says on the tin

Standard bolts: If Simon has nothing specific in mind, it crossbow fires normal bolts with no additional effects.

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: History
Mymiron will show up later, if that is fine, otherwise, he's accepted. Simon is a tad powerful, but fine otherwise, accepted.


Massun Yeri


Human/Forest Siren Form


Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the SEAL's.

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)

Beginning Weaponry:

Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols 9mm

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


((Sorry for any mispelling! English is not my first language xD ))​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Massun Yeri


Human/Forest Siren Form

Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the SEAL's.

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)

Beginning Weaponry:

Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols 9mm

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


((Sorry for any mispelling! English is not my first language xD ))​
Uh, this is quite a bit more powerful than I'm intending to allow for right now, think you could turn it down and they can gain more ability's as we go on?

NeverBetter said:
Uh, this is quite a bit more powerful than I'm intending to allow for right now, think you could turn it down and they can gain more ability's as we go on?
Sure! I can make Ammax (da Ipotane) punch slower, but still as strong. And he runs like a car. And the Siren cant control plants for now. And her Siren powers don allow her to kill the Man, only like, suck his life essence out. Its not dead, just weak AF.

Sound good?
Name: Fiora Fulmen


Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Improved durability, and an affinity for healing magic.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Fiora is shy and quiet, but very loyal to those she becomes close with. She is very friendly, though not very assertive or forceful when she needs to be.

Beginning Weaponry: A pair of fairly long daggers.

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: Science
Supermegabrenda2 said:
Sure! I can make Ammax (da Ipotane) punch slower, but still as strong. And he runs like a car. And the Siren cant control plants for now. And her Siren powers don allow her to kill the Man, only like, suck his life essence out. Its not dead, just weak AF.

Sound good?
Still a little powerful, but it's not out of the question now. Accepted.

[QUOTE="Face Nemesis]Name: Fiora Fulmen

Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Improved durability, and an affinity for healing magic.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Fiora is shy and quiet, but very loyal to those she becomes close with. She is very friendly, though not very assertive or forceful when she needs to be.

Beginning Weaponry: A pair of fairly long daggers.

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: Science


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