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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Drifting farther and father away, from the original base camp were her companions lie, an ear-piercing scream broke through the air. It was so terrifyingly loud, the wind around her almost seemed to stop for a moment, interrupted by the high-pitched frequency of the sound. Looking closely at the forest beneath her, it immediately grew alive with noise and rustling. Hurriedly and carelessly, figures began to rush through the forest, heading towards her companions' general location, where the noise came from. Realizing the potential peril they could be in, she glided towards the location of the scream. Who screamed, and why? Did something happen? She thought calmly, yet concerningly in her mind.

Upon reaching her companions, the scene she witnessed, was an eerie silence. Almost as if the very air itself was waiting for something, anything to happen. As she landed atop a high tree, at such a height that she could see a far distance, she noticed the girl from earlier recovering from her scream. Anazlyzing carefully, she didn't see what was amiss. Why did she scream? She was in no potential peril... except for now that is. She waited patiently through a tense silence, something was bound to happen, and it wasn't going to be pleasant.
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"Just by the way, does any one have a swimsuit on them? There's just a few things I wanted to check out." Caear commented loudly to the whole group, bringing his eyes away from the piece of ground that he had been staring at for the previous several moments, his mind having wandered elsewhere. Of course, they immediately landed towards where he thought he could see a silhouette. And then there was a huge flash of light from somewhere,causing Caesar to cry out in surprise and fall to his knees, rubbing his eyes and blinking repeatedly until he gained sight once more. Fortunately, he did manage to regain his eyesight right before the area all around him burst into flames. "What the HELL IS HAPPENING!" He yelled, leaping to his feet as the flames encircled him. His mind was wheeling, progressively attempting to put together the clues of what had happened, unfortunately his brief time in the Water Park AU clouded certain critical ideas. "Does anyone have a huge tub of water perhaps? That would likely be a decent idea when it comes to you know, putting out the forest fire that someone decided would be a good idea to start." He commented sarcastically, leaping through the flames towards a currently unburnt area before he was trapped in the bonfire.


(I'm not going to watch you misspell Krika as Kirika the whole RP NB. GET IT RIGHT IT'S KRIKA NOT KIRIKA)

Red continued to hunt through the forest, completely oblivious to the problems currently going on back in the camp site. She was still feeling the primal desire for blood and meat, and for now, it seemed like hunting would be the best way to get such things. Getting frustrated with the amount of leaves, she began to use her spear as a machete of sort, cutting through the vegetation as best she could in order to get through faster. Red sighed loudly, and decided that this was going nowhere, and fast. She needed something that would help out in her hunt. And so she gave in to the wolf. Her senses sharpened dramatically as fur replaced her dress, and she grew taller, larger, stronger. The forest was hers now.
Just before the deer attacked, Jahri managed to get Xenith's name. "Xenith. Okay. Jahri remember." Afterwards, once there seemed to be no immediate danger, Jahri hoisted herself up off of the creature and stood up, looking down on it as her tounge flicked out to tast the air for a moment. "Foolish creatures come to thier deaths. More food for us." This was said matter-of-factly, almost in a sage manner, as if Jah'Ri was reciting the way the world truly works.

Out of the corner of her narrow reptilian eyes, she spotted another female seeming to become aware of her surroundings, a light-skinned one that looked more frail than her and Muro, just as all the others except perhaps the metal one and the tough-looking male still fending off one of the stags. Jah'Ri saw fit to observe thier battles for a moment, see natural selection take its course. The others seems to have thier assailants handled, and watching them fight was interesting. Then suddenly a scream tore from the nearby female who had just woken up. It was loud and startling, and Jah'Ri found her stance stiffening, her senses peeled on instinct to watch for any predators the noise may have woken. Jah'Ri glanced all around, tongue flicking the air and literally tasting the tension.

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"Why would we have a tub of water?" yelled Jenna at the dark-haired boy. He certainly wasn't helping. She recoiled back as a flaming branch dropped near her feet. The largest flames all seemed to be coming from the left... perhaps they could escape it if they ran in the other direction?

"RUN EVERYBODY," she shouted over the sound of leaves crackling. "After me!"

Hoping for a lucky thunderstorm wouldn't save anyone. This was their only chance. Jenna sprinted off rightward, dodging patches of flames.
"hektor... i believe," fia hears him finish, but it only adds to her growing sense of anxiety. he thinks his name is hektor? then everyone here had no idea what the deal was? fia tried to wrack her brain for something that would be relevant - something from before now, something that made sense to fall back on - but there was absolutely nothing. no past to draw back on, no reason to even believe something was really 'wrong' with this. but she knew it - this wasn't right. she's about to say something more - she isn't sure what, but she wants to lay into him about his nonchalant demeanor - but she finally gets her answer.

"there is no visible sun because it is nighttime." what. what did that voice just say to her. a time of day where the sun wasn't visible? actually... it kind of sounded a little familiar, but -

in the middle of her increasingly muddled thoughts, her eyes that previously saw nothing were blinded with flashes of light - two flashes in quick succession that lit up the dark overlay of the land. as the lights flashed , she noticed - the multitude of little black rocks scattered around in the tall, dead grass, and something falling on her face. she didn't have time to make out exactly what, but it hardly mattered to her, in the moment. all she was concerned about was the light. if flooded her veins with energy, made her limbs limber and light, filled her with warmth. glorious, glorious, light.

but... hang on. she could still see...? the bright white light from before was no longer present, and had instead replaced itself with a warm, dim glow. she recognized it immediately, and she immediately turned to face it. "hey, what the hell are you-"

and then everything was on fire.

it was less deadly than a swarm of angry predators, at least. or it was for fia, anyway. as she looked around, to try and take stock of everyone, she quickly realized that they might not, in fact, be like her. maybe it was the weird spindly looking man that looked like he was covered in iron who tipped her off to that, maybe it was fact that they were all just now panicking as opposed to when actual predators were hunting them, but one thing was sure - these people needed help. she hears screaming over the flames - run, for the love of god, run! - but she knows this won't be enough. she has to do something.

a deep breath. the movements come naturally - a dance. it's slow, at first. then even quicker, a large, bold twirl, with her arms out stretched beside her. as she moves, she can feel the flames begin to lick at her skin, moving away from the now scorched grass and floating around her moving limbs. a pleasant, warming heat - but only for now. more and more, flames and smoke begin to surround her, climbing higher and longer around her like snakes. she moves faster and faster in time with a nonexistent beat, trying to keep them from completely engulfing her as she goes. a path begins to open - it's working. but she's scared. her mind races, full of nonsense omens of smoke and death, and she's already sweating. she doesn't know what will happen if she slows. she keeps moving, and the path has stretched out, only far enough to get out. it struggles to increase in length as the flames consume more and more land, but she keeps moving, and god, it's all she can do.
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Muro stood on top of the hapless deer, then, he plunged his sickle shaped foot claws into its neck. He backed away from the new corpse slightly, then he turned it over and started ripping it open, the meat was delicious to Muro, the blood covered his face as he devoured anything near his bloody maw, muscles, organs, anything. He could see there was only one deer left now. Muro decided he'd help speed its death along. A distraction would be a good tactic. Retreating into some bushes, Muro mimicked the call of the distressed young deer, hoping to catch the survivor off guard so the the human could finish it off.
'Crap!Why didnt I think of the outcome?!' Rea thought angrily as she followed the group, her speed making it easier for her to catch up to them. She just sighed and continued to run, not even fazed that they have a lesser chance to survive and being burned to a crisp, surprising herself. 'How the hell am I so calm?'
-Karyx, Conflux of Darkness - Western Plains- (Best Teammate. xD )

His vision a blur in the first moments of his awakening and the sounds around him muffled yet steadily clearing as fast as his sight became clearer and sharper, Karyx rose from his face-down position slightly, dusting off the dirt from his face, already his hand confirming to him that he was not Human and if anything, somewhat insect-like, plus his face had a clear protrusion to it, if only slightly and covered up as it was closed up. As he rose to his feet, he quickly found himself unconsciously floating less than a foot in the air at first, looking down to see his legs covered by a dress-like underside, fastened with a belt of many things and a Dark Lantern and he took in a deep breath, floating a little bit higher, but not absurdly high or rudely high.

The Shadow Conglomerate noticed signs of imminent danger around them, firstly via a brown pool of liquid which had the feet of one of the beasts slip past, its movement pattern and the foot shape suggested quadrupedal and large monsters. Soon, something flashed brilliantly but Karyx was able to shade his vision from its blinding effects, while at the same time he was able to gather something more from their enemies: While they were of a pretty shade due to their fur pattern, their teeth and claws weren't anything to be jested about, looking able to tear the flesh of anything that did not fight back or wasn't protected in mere moments. Unfortunately for him however, there was a second flash which blinded Karyx, only being able to shake off most of it yet still being slightly stunned from it.

Nevertheless, this gave Karyx something to know for certain: Whatever this world was...it wasn't going to show them any mercy. Deciding to reciprocate the merciless nature of this world and its inhabitants, the Conflux of Darkness let out a mighty, snarling roar, his mouth being visibly larger than most and producing small visible sound waves, doing this to intimidate the creatures, even if it startled his companions. Subconsciously, he extended his right hand to the side and with this action, plus a loud yet exhilarating sound of a sword summon; the Resolve Sapper, Karyx's Blade-Cleaver, appeared in a flash of Darkness, white light and Green Flame, showing he was ready to fight, plus his left hand beginning to glow.

-Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard - Western Plains-

With haste, after awakening, Jennifer Shepard shook herself to most of her senses and rose up from the ground, dusting herself off and noticing her outfit being a skin-tight suit that seemed to be humming with energy and had a few buttons ready. "Huh." She said to herself, then had a quick look around, seeing many...interesting people around her, including Mr. Roboto and a floating Wizard-thing. Wonderful. Rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, she was about to warm herself up when she noticed something amiss: Bones, and a number of them at that, all chewed thoroughly, yet by teeth not meant for bone, like a Cow trying to eat up a Lion...what were they facing?

Naturally, before she could think for a moment, everything went to hell, shit and back, with beasts circling them and ready to attack sight unseen, setting everyone on edge, including a pink-haired woman who had a blade on her, yet Shepard was left with nothing it seems... "Wait...this suit is humming with power and these buttons can't be for nothing..." Managing to think for a moment she looked over her suit and pushed a button, which caused the internal computer to speak: "Light Level Armour Activated, Shepard." Following this, her body was soon being enveloped by panels that had emerged from the suit and began unpacking, assembling and forming together around her quickly, before she knew it her feet were covered with mechanical legging, her chest covered in medium armour, her hands now technological gauntlets and her head wrapped with a helmet with a fully transparent facial visor with heads-up display and in-lighting. "...nice. I bet there's a Heavy Armour too?" She said to herself, rolling her wrists and not being at all surprised when the computer responded. "Affirmative, Shepard. It is available for use immediately." It responded. "Ah, let's not use that right now." Soon enough she turned her attention back to the situation at hand, readying herself. "I need a sit-rep! Does anyone know what's going on?!" Shepard shouted at anyone listening then she pumped out her forearms, causing two blades to emerge from their tops going beyond her hand and crackling. At least she was now combat ready.

-Lilith - Woodland Plains-

Shaking her head as she rose, mainly from hearing such a jarring scream is what roused her from her slumber, lord knows how long she had been sleeping for, but right now, after picking up her Cane, she walked up to the girl in question and, holding the base of the Cane and using the Snake Head as her attack point, sent a slap to her face, intending to hit her straight across it, even if it failed, she just wanted to get a point across. "You've single-handedly attracted every living thing in this forest that might want to tear us apart because of some...trivial nonsense! I hope you're happy. I'll kill you first if need be." Most of this was said to intimidate the brat of a princess, then she looked over to the battle taking place, which involved Stags and three people, one of which was a Lizardwoman, the others...oh, she didn't care. She merely readied herself, noticing that as she did she crackled with purple electricity.

@Xion136 @DergTheDergon @DemonStiletto
Hektor quickly recovered from the earlier flash of light, but now found himself in an even worse situation, the place was on fire! Hektor wasted no time following the others, being the lest one out, making sure everyone was out safely, as he deftly ran away from the fire alongside the group. as Flaming branches and whatnot were falling, and the fires were spreading.

"Seems like the beasts from before are gone...but now we have a spreading fire to deal with..." Hektor commented.

(Just thought i'd get him out of that fire :P )
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"Yeah, I apologize for that. But as you said earlier, the enemies are now gone." Rea said as she slowed down for him to hear her her. Of course with her heightened senses, she can hear anything if she focused, and that included the mans comment. "My name is Rea, by the way."

-Eclaire & Aurielius-

The pink-haired woman looked at Jenny. "I...I don't know." She said, drawing her sword. "I...I don't even know why I'm here. I don't even know why I know this sword is also a gun, and why I know y...nevermind." She shook her head and stumbled away from the flames. "W...where the hell are we supposed to go..." She was a bit disoriented, unsure of where exactly to go.

Aurielius? He was standing in the fire. "...well uh. Okay. Who set the fire and why does it feel like a warm blanket?" He asked, looking around himself.


Her body went rigid as she was slapped. Turning back to face her assailant, she teared up. "W...what was that for? I...I did not deserve such treatment!" She realized it was the pretty girl in the white dress, and stomped her foot. "Look at me! I'm in pants for the love of some unnamed yet goddess! This is tragedy of monumental proportions and - ohmygod." She scrambled behind Lilith as she heard growls. "I'm sorry I'm sorry don't let whatever is there eat me!"

There was no doubt that due to Sylas' helpful advice the group had suddenly been able to rush into action. Mere moments after the informative words left its mouth, a whole chain of events spiraled into a new direction. A few more members departed from their dreams into... Here? A woman, from the sound of it, with a slight temper if it's audio sensors were working properly, as well as, a much more accepted, cheerful lad had joined this haphazardly put together party. There wasn't much time to make note of them though as a surprising flash caused an emergency switch in its circuitry to filter its optical sensors of the sudden light. By the time the light was filtered out, the next sight it took in had an overwhelming humbling effect over the android as new information flooded its memory.

There was no way Sylas could take the credit of the the floating, growling shroud, a combat ready android with a female AI, and a "survivalist" creating a small fire. "Fire?" Sylas queried. "Such an altering of the terrain isn't desirabl..." Before it had the chance to utter its warning, the fire quickly became a spreading inferno. With such a blaze, it wouldn't be long before darkness returned. The black char of burnt human kind of darkness. Although, on the brighter, warmer side , it was now easier to see. In the background, the previously dangerous creatures could be seen retreating from the heat. Closer to it, everyone's faces were illuminated by the ensuing blaze. It took a mental note of each facial expression as the emotions ranged from classy to shocked to combat ready to still half a sleep. Comments fled into the air to match each person's expression.

"Does anyone have a huge tub of water, prehaps?" a sarcastic male asked.

"EVERYONE RUN!" a concerned woman shouted a desperate command.

"Crap! Why didn't I think of the outcome?!" the survivalist lamented.

"I need a sit-rep! Does anyone know what's going on?!" the other android yelled with authority.

The group was in shambles as some immediately ran to avoid the flames. The man who had called himself Hektor seemingly led this troop as he waved toward a path away from the fire. Closer to the flames, the shroud, the android, and the rude woman stood fearless. Then right in the center was the cheerful young man. Curiously, he sat in the flames as it weren't a problem, but at the same time he looked around confused. Even more curiously, the one person in the direct center of the flames was Fia, if it heard right, who appeared to be having some sort of seizure amid the inferno. The fire wasn't directly touching her, but no doubt the temperature was the worse in there.

"Unidentified machine. Is your armor fire resistant?" Sylas questioned the "female android".

@SuperiorKunivas @Scrapmaster @rusticyawn @NeverBetter @RealityEntity @Xion136 @Pashpu @Yuffie Kisaragi
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princekyle said:
Upon his waking, Raphael instinctively transformed into a fox and darted into the bushes and trees to quietly observe the group. He watched, as many different things occurred. A whole family of deer slaughtered. Drunk dinosaurs. Berries falling on heads. People screaming. Fires. Food.
The food smelled ridiculously good.

Raphael quietly walked up next to the dinosaur, who was mimicking the call of a deer.

"Mind if I give you a hand?" Raphael, the tiny, talking fox asked the hulking, talking dinosaur.

Raphael joined in with the deer call.

(I appologize, but you haven't been assigned to a team yet officially, you will be in this post, and I'm afraid it is with Plains group...)

SuperiorKunivas said:
-Karyx, Conflux of Darkness - Western Plains- (Best Teammate. xD )
His vision a blur in the first moments of his awakening and the sounds around him muffled yet steadily clearing as fast as his sight became clearer and sharper, Karyx rose from his face-down position slightly, dusting off the dirt from his face, already his hand confirming to him that he was not Human and if anything, somewhat insect-like, plus his face had a clear protrusion to it, if only slightly and covered up as it was closed up. As he rose to his feet, he quickly found himself unconsciously floating less than a foot in the air at first, looking down to see his legs covered by a dress-like underside, fastened with a belt of many things and a Dark Lantern and he took in a deep breath, floating a little bit higher, but not absurdly high or rudely high.

The Shadow Conglomerate noticed signs of imminent danger around them, firstly via a brown pool of liquid which had the feet of one of the beasts slip past, its movement pattern and the foot shape suggested quadrupedal and large monsters. Soon, something flashed brilliantly but Karyx was able to shade his vision from its blinding effects, while at the same time he was able to gather something more from their enemies: While they were of a pretty shade due to their fur pattern, their teeth and claws weren't anything to be jested about, looking able to tear the flesh of anything that did not fight back or wasn't protected in mere moments. Unfortunately for him however, there was a second flash which blinded Karyx, only being able to shake off most of it yet still being slightly stunned from it.

Nevertheless, this gave Karyx something to know for certain: Whatever this world was...it wasn't going to show them any mercy. Deciding to reciprocate the merciless nature of this world and its inhabitants, the Conflux of Darkness let out a mighty, snarling roar, his mouth being visibly larger than most and producing small visible sound waves, doing this to intimidate the creatures, even if it startled his companions. Subconsciously, he extended his right hand to the side and with this action, plus a loud yet exhilarating sound of a sword summon; the Resolve Sapper, Karyx's Blade-Cleaver, appeared in a flash of Darkness, white light and Green Flame, showing he was ready to fight, plus his left hand beginning to glow.

-Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard - Western Plains-

With haste, after awakening, Jennifer Shepard shook herself to most of her senses and rose up from the ground, dusting herself off and noticing her outfit being a skin-tight suit that seemed to be humming with energy and had a few buttons ready. "Huh." She said to herself, then had a quick look around, seeing many...interesting people around her, including Mr. Roboto and a floating Wizard-thing. Wonderful. Rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, she was about to warm herself up when she noticed something amiss: Bones, and a number of them at that, all chewed thoroughly, yet by teeth not meant for bone, like a Cow trying to eat up a Lion...what were they facing?

Naturally, before she could think for a moment, everything went to hell, shit and back, with beasts circling them and ready to attack sight unseen, setting everyone on edge, including a pink-haired woman who had a blade on her, yet Shepard was left with nothing it seems... "Wait...this suit is humming with power and these buttons can't be for nothing..." Managing to think for a moment she looked over her suit and pushed a button, which caused the internal computer to speak: "Light Level Armour Activated, Shepard." Following this, her body was soon being enveloped by panels that had emerged from the suit and began unpacking, assembling and forming together around her quickly, before she knew it her feet were covered with mechanical legging, her chest covered in medium armour, her hands now technological gauntlets and her head wrapped with a helmet with a fully transparent facial visor with heads-up display and in-lighting. "...nice. I bet there's a Heavy Armour too?" She said to herself, rolling her wrists and not being at all surprised when the computer responded. "Affirmative, Shepard. It is available for use immediately." It responded. "Ah, let's not use that right now." Soon enough she turned her attention back to the situation at hand, readying herself. "I need a sit-rep! Does anyone know what's going on?!" Shepard shouted at anyone listening then she pumped out her forearms, causing two blades to emerge from their tops going beyond her hand and crackling. At least she was now combat ready.

-Lilith - Woodland Plains-

Shaking her head as she rose, mainly from hearing such a jarring scream is what roused her from her slumber, lord knows how long she had been sleeping for, but right now, after picking up her Cane, she walked up to the girl in question and, holding the base of the Cane and using the Snake Head as her attack point, sent a slap to her face, intending to hit her straight across it, even if it failed, she just wanted to get a point across. "You've single-handedly attracted every living thing in this forest that might want to tear us apart because of some...trivial nonsense! I hope you're happy. I'll kill you first if need be." Most of this was said to intimidate the brat of a princess, then she looked over to the battle taking place, which involved Stags and three people, one of which was a Lizardwoman, the others...oh, she didn't care. She merely readied herself, noticing that as she did she crackled with purple electricity.

@Xion136 @DergTheDergon @DemonStiletto
(While he may be best teammate, he is worst observer because he is standing in fire. Please see: The ground is on fire :P )

(Anyhow. Let us continue.)

Dying Plains
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]"Just by the way, does any one have a swimsuit on them? There's just a few things I wanted to check out." Caear commented loudly to the whole group, bringing his eyes away from the piece of ground that he had been staring at for the previous several moments, his mind having wandered elsewhere. Of course, they immediately landed towards where he thought he could see a silhouette. And then there was a huge flash of light from somewhere,causing Caesar to cry out in surprise and fall to his knees, rubbing his eyes and blinking repeatedly until he gained sight once more. Fortunately, he did manage to regain his eyesight right before the area all around him burst into flames. "What the HELL IS HAPPENING!" He yelled, leaping to his feet as the flames encircled him. His mind was wheeling, progressively attempting to put together the clues of what had happened, unfortunately his brief time in the Water Park AU clouded certain critical ideas. "Does anyone have a huge tub of water perhaps? That would likely be a decent idea when it comes to you know, putting out the forest fire that someone decided would be a good idea to start." He commented sarcastically, leaping through the flames towards a currently unburnt area before he was trapped in the bonfire

Pashpu said:
"Why would we have a tub of water?" yelled Jenna at the dark-haired boy. He certainly wasn't helping. She recoiled back as a flaming branch dropped near her feet. The largest flames all seemed to be coming from the left... perhaps they could escape it if they ran in the other direction?
"RUN EVERYBODY," she shouted over the sound of leaves crackling. "After me!"

Hoping for a lucky thunderstorm wouldn't save anyone. This was their only chance. Jenna sprinted off rightward, dodging patches of flames.
rusticyawn said:
"hektor... i believe," fia hears him finish, but it only adds to her growing sense of anxiety. he thinks his name is hektor? then everyone here had no idea what the deal was? fia tried to wrack her brain for something that would be relevant - something from before now, something that made sense to fall back on - but there was absolutely nothing. no past to draw back on, no reason to even believe something was really 'wrong' with this. but she knew it - this wasn't right. she's about to say something more - she isn't sure what, but she wants to lay into him about his nonchalont demeanor - but she finally gets her answer.
"there is no visible sun because it is nighttime." what. what did that voice just say to her. a time of day where the sun wasn't visible? actually... it kind of sounded a little familar, but -

in the middle of her increasingly muddled thoughts, her eyes that previously saw nothing were blinded with flashes of light - two flashes in quick succession that lit up the dark overlay of the land. as the lights flashed , she noticed - the multitude of little black rocks scattered around in the tall, dead grass, and something falling on her face. she didn't have time to make out exactly what, but it hardly mattered to her, in the moment. all she was concerned about was the light. if flooded her veins with energy, made her limbs limber and light, filled her with warmth. glorious, glorious, light.

but... hang on. she could still see...? the bright white light from before was no longer present, and had instead replaced itself with a warm, dim glow. she recognized it immediately, and she immediately turned to face it. "hey, what the hell are you-"

and then everything was on fire.

it was less deadly than a swarm of angry predators, at least. or it was for fia, anyway. as she looked around, to try and take stock of everyone, she quickly realized that they might not, in fact, be like her. maybe it was the weird spindly looking man that looked like he was covered in iron who tipped her off to that, maybe it was fact that they were all just now panicking as opposed to when actual predators were hunting them, but one thing was sure - these people needed help. she hears screaming over the flames - run, for the love of god, run! - but she knows this won't be enough. she has to do something.

a deep breath. the movements come naturally - a dance. it's slow, at first. then even quicker, a large, bold twirl, with her arms out stretched beside her. as she moves, she can feel the flames begin to lick at her skin, moving away from the now scorched grass and floating around her moving limbs. a pleasant, warming heat - but only for now. more and more, flames and smoke begin to surround her, climbing higher and longer around her like snakes. she moves faster and faster in time with a nonexistent beat, trying to keep them from completely engulfing her as she goes. a path begins to open - it's working. but she's scared. her mind races, full of nonsense omens of smoke and death, and she's already sweating. she doesn't know what will happen if she slows. she keeps moving, and the path has stretched out, only far enough to get out. it struggles to increase in length as the flames consume more and more land, but she keeps moving, and god, it's all she can do.
SuperiorKunivas said:
-Karyx, Conflux of Darkness - Western Plains- (Best Teammate. xD )
His vision a blur in the first moments of his awakening and the sounds around him muffled yet steadily clearing as fast as his sight became clearer and sharper, Karyx rose from his face-down position slightly, dusting off the dirt from his face, already his hand confirming to him that he was not Human and if anything, somewhat insect-like, plus his face had a clear protrusion to it, if only slightly and covered up as it was closed up. As he rose to his feet, he quickly found himself unconsciously floating less than a foot in the air at first, looking down to see his legs covered by a dress-like underside, fastened with a belt of many things and a Dark Lantern and he took in a deep breath, floating a little bit higher, but not absurdly high or rudely high.

The Shadow Conglomerate noticed signs of imminent danger around them, firstly via a brown pool of liquid which had the feet of one of the beasts slip past, its movement pattern and the foot shape suggested quadrupedal and large monsters. Soon, something flashed brilliantly but Karyx was able to shade his vision from its blinding effects, while at the same time he was able to gather something more from their enemies: While they were of a pretty shade due to their fur pattern, their teeth and claws weren't anything to be jested about, looking able to tear the flesh of anything that did not fight back or wasn't protected in mere moments. Unfortunately for him however, there was a second flash which blinded Karyx, only being able to shake off most of it yet still being slightly stunned from it.

Nevertheless, this gave Karyx something to know for certain: Whatever this world was...it wasn't going to show them any mercy. Deciding to reciprocate the merciless nature of this world and its inhabitants, the Conflux of Darkness let out a mighty, snarling roar, his mouth being visibly larger than most and producing small visible sound waves, doing this to intimidate the creatures, even if it startled his companions. Subconsciously, he extended his right hand to the side and with this action, plus a loud yet exhilarating sound of a sword summon; the Resolve Sapper, Karyx's Blade-Cleaver, appeared in a flash of Darkness, white light and Green Flame, showing he was ready to fight, plus his left hand beginning to glow.

-Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard - Western Plains-

With haste, after awakening, Jennifer Shepard shook herself to most of her senses and rose up from the ground, dusting herself off and noticing her outfit being a skin-tight suit that seemed to be humming with energy and had a few buttons ready. "Huh." She said to herself, then had a quick look around, seeing many...interesting people around her, including Mr. Roboto and a floating Wizard-thing. Wonderful. Rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, she was about to warm herself up when she noticed something amiss: Bones, and a number of them at that, all chewed thoroughly, yet by teeth not meant for bone, like a Cow trying to eat up a Lion...what were they facing?

Naturally, before she could think for a moment, everything went to hell, shit and back, with beasts circling them and ready to attack sight unseen, setting everyone on edge, including a pink-haired woman who had a blade on her, yet Shepard was left with nothing it seems... "Wait...this suit is humming with power and these buttons can't be for nothing..." Managing to think for a moment she looked over her suit and pushed a button, which caused the internal computer to speak: "Light Level Armour Activated, Shepard." Following this, her body was soon being enveloped by panels that had emerged from the suit and began unpacking, assembling and forming together around her quickly, before she knew it her feet were covered with mechanical legging, her chest covered in medium armour, her hands now technological gauntlets and her head wrapped with a helmet with a fully transparent facial visor with heads-up display and in-lighting. "...nice. I bet there's a Heavy Armour too?" She said to herself, rolling her wrists and not being at all surprised when the computer responded. "Affirmative, Shepard. It is available for use immediately." It responded. "Ah, let's not use that right now." Soon enough she turned her attention back to the situation at hand, readying herself. "I need a sit-rep! Does anyone know what's going on?!" Shepard shouted at anyone listening then she pumped out her forearms, causing two blades to emerge from their tops going beyond her hand and crackling. At least she was now combat ready.
Scrapmaster said:
Hektor quickly recovered from the earlier flash of light, but now found himself in an even worse situation, the place was on fire! Hektor wasted no time following the others, being the lest one out, making sure everyone was out safely, as he deftly ran away from the fire alongside the group. as Flaming branches and whatnot were falling, and the fires were spreading.
"Seems like the beasts from before are gone...but now we have a spreading fire to deal with..." Hektor commented.

(Just thought i'd get him out of that fire :P )
RealityEntity said:
"Yeah, I apologize for that. But as you said earlier, the enemies are now gone." Rea said as she slowed down for him to hear her her. Of course with her heightened senses, she can hear anything if she focused, and that included the mans comment. "My name is Rea, by the way."
DemonStiletto said:
There was no doubt that due to Sylas' helpful advice the group had suddenly been able to rush into action. Mere moments after the informative words left its mouth, a whole chain of events spiraled into a new direction. A few more members departed from their dreams into... Here? A woman, from the sound of it, with a slight temper if it's audio sensors were working properly, as well as, a much more accepted, cheerful lad had joined this haphazardly put together party. There wasn't much time to make note of them though as a surprising flash caused an emergency switch in its circuitry to filter its optical sensors of the sudden light. By the time the light was filtered out, the next sight it took in had an overwhelming humbling effect over the android as new information flooded its memory.
There was no way Sylas could take the credit of the the floating, growling shroud, a combat ready android with a female AI, and a "survivalist" creating a small fire. "Fire?" Sylas queried. "Such an altering of the terrain isn't desirabl..." Before it had the chance to utter its warning, the fire quickly became a spreading inferno. With such a blaze, it wouldn't be long before darkness returned. The black char of burnt human kind of darkness. Although, on the brighter, warmer side , it was now easier to see. In the background, the previously dangerous creatures could be seen retreating from the heat. Closer to it, everyone's faces were illuminated by the ensuing blaze. It took a mental note of each facial expression as the emotions ranged from classy to shocked to combat ready to still half a sleep. Comments fled into the air to match each person's expression.

"Does anyone have a huge tub of water, prehaps?" a sarcastic male asked.

"EVERYONE RUN!" a concerned woman shouted a desperate command.

"Crap! Why didn't I think of the outcome?!" the survivalist lamented.

"I need a sit-rep! Does anyone know what's going on?!" the other android yelled with authority.

The group was in shambles as some immediately ran to avoid the flames. The man who had called himself Hektor seemingly led this troop as he waved toward a path away from the fire. Closer to the flames were the shroud, the android, and the rude woman. Then right in the center was the cheerful young man. Curiously, he sat in the flames as it weren't a problem, but at the same time he looked around confused. Even more curiously, the one person in the direct center of the flames was Fia, if it heard right, who appeared to be having some sort of seizure amid the inferno. The fire wasn't directly touching her, but no doubt the temperature was the worse in there.

"Unidentified machine. Is your armor fire resistant?" Sylas questioned the "female android".
A dance of fire sure to save our heros, but of the lone heroine trying her best to contain the raging fire? What befalls her fate? Or of our keen-eyed, but slightly aloof friends standing in the middle of a blazing storm? Only our check of events will tell.

(I promise in the future thst these will look prettier, but it's hard to do BBCode on Mobile.)

Statistics Check ('s)

Fia recieves minor burn damage, however it's so little that it will not even impar her.

Jennifer stands in the fire as if it's nothing. Though she can feel the inherent pain of fire heating her armor to a rather high temperature rather quickly, she quite simply doesn't care. (Critical Success)

Eclare somehow forgot she was in a fire and forgot to get out of it, as a result, she recieves a small burn. Physical checks are slightly reduced until healed. (Critical failure)

(... if I may say, Oath, Eclare has the same stat as Jennifer in the check for this stat and she easily criticality succeded. How. HOW.)

Sylas begins to feel his heat sensors tick off. He is beginning to overheat in the fire and must leave or else he will receive damage.

Aurelius, despite only feeling a warm blanket on his body, is in fact still sitting in a fire pit. Due to complete disregard for his own safety, he takes a minor burn. Physical checks are only slightly hindered, but your Proffecient stat is no longer considered Proffecient until recovered.

Jenna is safe in thanks to Fia.

Hektor was one of few people sensible enough to run away from the fire and is safe.

Karyx did not move from his position but recieves no penalties, mainly due to the fact that I'm pretty sure a shadow cannot tecnically burn.

Reanne ran and was covered by Fia's control of the flame.

Ceaser is safe thanks to Fia

Environment check

The fire burns brightly, with great intensity, it's rather clear you all are not normal, as a normal person would likely had been incinerated instantly in that blast. The walls of flame rise as the grasslands begin to go up. Some of you may notice that Fia isn't going to be able to contain the whole fire, she's barely holding the path out as well as she is, and it's only going to get harder as the flames begin to become the whole biome itself.

The light pollution has dulled out the stars for the night.

Multiple trees look more like the result of me trying to cook broccoli with a blowtorch.

A lot of the materials that the monsters had in their nests begin to break down under the heat. Some, like crystals of mutilate kinds, do not melt, so there is still stuff to scavenge.

The pool of water gives off another bright flash of light, but because all parties are aware of that being a possibility, we're not stunned this time around.

Forest Cove

Scrapmaster said:
Tolan stared down the deer that was circling him, slowly, with his left hand reaching for his hook, which was attached to his belt, as he quickly snagged the hook from his belt, and deftly threw it at the Deer, if the hit connected, Tolan would be able to pull the deer down to the ground with his strenght and the hook stabbing the deer's flesh to pull it, and deliver a clean axe cleave to its Neck, possibly resulting in a quick, clean, kill. If no complications were met of course.
Xicor was aiming at the deers with his rifle, seeing as two deers have fallen already, he aimed at the remaining one, which Tolan was taking care of, if the deer managed to dodge the hook, it would have to deal with a burst of magnetized lead from Xicor's rifle.

VioletShadow said:
Drifting farther and father away, from the original base camp were her companions lie, an ear-piercing scream broke through the air. It was so terrifyingly loud, the wind around her almost seemed to stop for a moment, interrupted by the high-pitched frequency of the sound. Looking closely at the forest beneath her, it immediately grew alive with noise and rustling. Hurriedly and carelessly, figures began to rush through the forest, heading towards her companions' general location, where the noise came from. Realizing the potential peril they could be in, she glided towards the location of the scream. Who screamed, and why? Did something happen? She thought calmly, yet concerningly in her mind.
Upon reaching her companions, the scene she witnessed, was an eerie silence. Almost as if the very air itself was waiting for something, anything to happen. As she landed atop a high tree, at such a height that she could see a far distance, she noticed the girl from earlier recovering from her scream. Anazlyzing carefully, she didn't see what was amiss.
Why did she scream? She was in no potential peril... except for now that is. She waited patiently through a tense silence, something was bound to happen, and it wasn't going to be pleasant.

[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Red continued to hunt through the forest, completely oblivious to the problems currently going on back in the camp site. She was still feeling the primal desire for blood and meat, and for now, it seemed like hunting would be the best way to get such things. Getting frustrated with the amount of leaves, she began to use her spear as a machete of sort, cutting through the vegetation as best she could in order to get through faster. Red sighed loudly, and decided that this was going nowhere, and fast. She needed something that would help out in her hunt. And so she gave in to the wolf. Her senses sharpened dramatically as fur replaced her dress, and she grew taller, larger, stronger. The forest was hers now.


DergTheDergon said:
Just before the deer attacked, Jahri managed to get Xenith's name. "Xenith. Okay. Jahri remember." Afterwards, once there seemed to be no immediate danger, Jahri hoisted herself up off of the creature and stood up, looking down on it as her tounge flicked out to tast the air for a moment. "Foolish creatures come to thier deaths. More food for us." This was said matter-of-factly, almost in a sage manner, as if Jah'Ri was reciting the way the world truly works.
Out of the corner of her narrow reptilian eyes, she spotted another female seeming to become aware of her surroundings, a light-skinned one that looked more frail than her and Muro, just as all the others except perhaps the metal one and the tough-looking male still fending off one of the stags. Jah'Ri saw fit to observe thier battles for a moment, see natural selection take its course. The others seems to have thier assailants handled, and watching them fight was interesting. Then suddenly a scream tore from the nearby female who had just woken up. It was loud and startling, and Jah'Ri found her stance stiffening, her senses peeled on instinct to watch for any predators the noise may have woken. Jah'Ri glanced all around, tongue flicking the air and literally tasting the tension.

Spinoceratopsrex said:
Muro stood on top of the hapless deer, then, he plunged his sickle shaped foot claws into its neck. He backed away from the new corpse slightly, then he turned it over and started ripping it open, the meat was delicious to Muro, the blood covered his face as he devoured anything near his bloody maw, muscles, organs, anything. He could see there was only one deer left now. Muro decided he'd help speed its death along. A distraction would be a good tactic. Retreating into some bushes, Muro mimicked the call of the distressed young deer, hoping to catch the survivor off guard so the the human could finish it off.

SuperiorKunivas said:
-Lilith - Woodland Plains-
Shaking her head as she rose, mainly from hearing such a jarring scream is what roused her from her slumber, lord knows how long she had been sleeping for, but right now, after picking up her Cane, she walked up to the girl in question and, holding the base of the Cane and using the Snake Head as her attack point, sent a slap to her face, intending to hit her straight across it, even if it failed, she just wanted to get a point across. "You've single-handedly attracted every living thing in this forest that might want to tear us apart because of some...trivial nonsense! I hope you're happy. I'll kill you first if need be." Most of this was said to intimidate the brat of a princess, then she looked over to the battle taking place, which involved Stags and three people, one of which was a Lizardwoman, the others...oh, she didn't care. She merely readied herself, noticing that as she did

Xion136 said:
Her body went rigid as she was slapped. Turning back to face her assailant, she teared up. "W...what was that for? I...I did not deserve such treatment!" She realized it was the pretty girl in the white dress, and stomped her foot. "Look at me! I'm in
pants for the love of some unnamed yet goddess! This is tragedy of monumental proportions and - ohmygod." She scrambled behind Lilith as she heard growls. "I'm sorry I'm sorry don't let whatever is there eat me!"

Statistics check

With so many forces on the fourth Deer, it had nothing it could figure out it could do and was subsequently hit by multiple powerful blows in succession, ending it's life.

Krika's transformation allows her to see what could only be described as a behemoth of a thing inbound to the camp.
No doubt the scream attracted it... Despite the form change, something that huge would instill fear into anyone or anything, details other than its size is decernable out of fear, distance, and the darkness. It may be a good idea to go hide... even though its far away, something like that is but to be able to cover some distance in quite some time.

If you go out into the woods today your in for a big surprise...

Environmental check

The sound of trees falling is heard in the distance.

Crunching of leaves can be heard within a relatively close spot to Xenith.

Elliot could see something with wings and horns incoming from the southern portion of the forest. They were coming fast.

The waters turned red. The sparkles also turned red, before vanishing all together.

The forest itself seems to be upset at the group as the berries begin to fall from the trees, and when the berries end up in the water, the liquid instantaneously disolves them. The trees are shaking....
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Somehow, Rea was attracted to the pool of water. No, not because of its flashing light, but because she can hear it calling to her. She approached the pool and looked down. She saw her appearance. She seemed normal but what stood out the most was her pointy ears. She was an elf. She slowed down her heartbeat and concentrated. She needed to stop this fire. The girl cant hold it much longer, and if she's dies, she will be at fault.

Upon trusting her instincts, she calmed down, and touched the water, and moved her hand. It made it seem like she was dancing with water. Literally. As she controlled her movements, the water flowed with her. By now, the pool of water was almost empty and the water was rising through the air. With one flick, the water went through the fire, quickly extinguishing the flames. She was careful to avoid wetting her companions, especially the androids. She still wasnt sure if they were waterproof or not.
Eclaire screamed in pain. Smacking the flames away and sprinted after Hektor, heading...Oh fuck no.


Her shouts at Reanne were too late, as the liquid hit the fire...and caused it to fucking explode. Because as the liquid hit the damn fire, it flared and intensified. She gave up and ran as she saw Aurelius flying across the sky, smoke flowing off him. He didn't seem really...concerned. He seemed more...pissed.

Eclaire felt the boy.


Grace heard a roar to her side. Panicking like only a pampered princess could, she threw her hand out, finger pointed.

"I am princess Grace...something something regal and I decree you begone foul uncouth beast!" She screamed in a very...scared...high-pitched voice...

And then her finger glowed and she fired a stream of fire at the shadow...and this time screamed.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD WHAT JUST OH MY GOD I DIDN'T MEAN OH GOD." Grace began freaking out, shaking her hand. The stream of fire was already done, and she looked at Lilith.


It was safe to say Grace had lost it.
Xenith watched carefully, using her upgraded senses to tell what was amiss. A loud slap echoed from the location of the girl who screamed. A lady, clad in white had awoken angrily. Xenith herself was brimming with subtle anger, her eyes glowing a deeper crimson. She screamed...about something irrelevant like what she was wearing? What stupidity is that? If Lilith didn't slap her, she would have done it herself. Suddenly, a loud crunching of leaves appeared behind Xenith. Trouble was approaching... at a relatively quick rate as well. Trees began to fall in the distance, the pool of water turning a deep ruby red. Nature itself was angry. Berries of all colours fell from rattling trees nearby. Xenith was worried, not everyone could fly away to safety like her, there might even be ranged monsters on the charge, possibly ruining that escape route too. We might have to fight... she thought idly, whilst forming a deep ball of darkness in her hand. It felt so natural to her, as if she had done it all her life...

Two more high-pitched, annoying screams pierced her thoughts. Not again... Xenith was ready to knock Grace out if need be, if she wanted to die, could she not involve everyone else?
Muro could see the approaching creative's shadow coming closer, so far he could tell that: Someone was and shooting something out of her fingers. She looked a mixture between scared and completely nuts.

Someone else found her screaming annoying

The deer were all dead

Unless they got out of here they'd probably die, unless they could find some way to kill the creature.

Muro gave a deep roar to catch everyone's attention

"Everyone!" He shouted. "Either we run or we fight, does anyone have any idea how he could kill it, and what are the chances of fleeing successfully?"

He really hoped someone had knowledge on how to kill something bigger much bigger than themselves. Muro was used to killing small prey, he didn't know how he could defend himself against anything bigger, he hadn't felt fear before, he was used to being the biggest creature around for the time he had been sentient, nothing prepared him for this.
Xion136 said:
Grace heard a roar to her side. Panicking like only a pampered princess could, she threw her hand out, finger pointed.
"I am princess Grace...something something regal and I decree you begone foul uncouth beast!" She screamed in a very...scared...high-pitched voice...

And then her finger glowed and she fired a stream of fire at the shadow...and this time screamed.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD WHAT JUST OH MY GOD I DIDN'T MEAN OH GOD." Grace began freaking out, shaking her hand. The stream of fire was already done, and she looked at Lilith.


It was safe to say Grace had lost it.
What did I say, little girl?

The lion roars tonight.

A screech. Blood-curdling, like that of a primordial monster from a book of creatures before the dawn of man that one's parents would buy and read to them on a night where one would want to spook them. If one were to try and put the sound to letters, it would sound something like this:

A deep, low-pitched start into what could only be understood as a sound being blown through some sort of tube with a horn on the end. "Aaaaaaaaaaruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueruuuuuuuugeraaaaaaanurgaaaaaaaagh."

The forest began to shake, the trees, now lit a flame, like a wounded animal. The roars cried out as the forest itself rises out of the ground it previously rested on. Our heros falling far, far from their once peaceful habtats. Our party fell from the back of a titan, and no one knows if they even survived.

Life-saving Status Check.

Xenith La Rosia


Xenith lives, barely.

Rolling for injury (modifier minus of two, or -1 due to status bonus.)


Xenith recieves a gash on her left arm as she falls off of the creatures back. (Her roll check looks diffrent to the others on account of I put in the wrong numbers, but I decided to keep the score because I didn't wanna roll her injury again and risk worse...)

Elliot recieves no wound or life-threatening throws as he was flying at the moment



Grace lives.

Rolling for injury (modifier minus two, or +2 due to stat bonuses)


Grace is craped, brused, and harmed. But far from dead.


Tolan gets to roll for Grapple Hook effect because his chances are greater than thirty percent to succeed.


Roll is barely successful. Tolan grapples but his arm is injured slightly as a result.

Jah'Ri goes over 100% odds to succeed the physical throw and does not need to roll or roll for injury.



Xicor succeded, but is severely wounded (Bare Minimum)


Xicor has suffered impact shock and is stunned for a moment.



Miro succeded


Miro has had a bunch of his bones break from the fall. He is still able to fight on, but is slowed even farther.



Lillith succeded




Critical failure...

Krika... Oh, sweet Wolfchild, how gruesome a demise. A bratty little girl disturbed some sort of ancient beast and you fell from its back. How unfortunate... you would have lived, if not for one of its giant feet using the land you made a crater into a hole in the floor of its own. Poor, sweet wolf-child...

I warned you, my dear players. Your choices affect not just yourself, but others. Acting selfishly could reward one, or it could be deadly...





The moon fell red on this moment.

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Like a voice in a old radio that isn't tuned just quite right, a voice rumbled in the back of their heads. They couldn't make out what it was saying, but it was saying something...

From the Dying Planes, for all to see, a behemoth of a creature, many stories tall, erupted from the ground as a tree on its back caught a flame many, many miles away. It resembled a turtle in shape, but with more leathery skin, with more of a aged look to its body. It's dull colors and gigantic body could only be described correctly as a giant tortis with foliage covering it's back. And it was moving. Fast.

Forest Cove group had seen better moments. What seemed like an easy full-ride up until dawn at least has turned into the death of a member, and unleashing a giant tortis on the world.

Not to mention most of them were hurt.

Elliot had the luck to be able to fly away as he was already mid-flight, however the others were far from as lucky. He would have saved Krika, but keeping himself alive was the first and most important job. He was the only one aside from Jah'Ri and a few others who avoided damage, but the general consensus was damage had been delt. And a giant enemy... nay, two giant enemies, we're on them.

The giant beast, though not nearly as big as the Tortis, had shown itself. It was a brownish grey, like a dying tree, garnered in bits of trunk here and there for armor, however it was mostly spongey, like slime it's body had a Conglomerate of diffrent dead bodies attached to it of diffrent animals, including some familiar foals. And it was heading right for Tolan, who was handing by a thread.


Grace fired a fire shot at random into the forest, which disturbed the ground below them. However said ground was not actually ground, but a large tortis monster that erupted out of the ground and killed Erika "Red" Keystonkk in its awakening. It is so large that it can be seen from the Desert Plains group.
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Xenith's calm nature barely aided her facial expression. Her face in agony as she clutched her left arm, a long gash, stretching from her wrist to her elbow, had appeared from her scraping against the rocks on the forest floor. Her voice muffled from the act of biting her lip; she refused to awaken more monsters... if they hadn't awoken already. Blood trickled down her mouth, she had to stay calm despite everything around her. Her left arm and her left leg injured and in pain? Brilliant. She could only rely on the senses on her right side now. Flapping her wings, she noticed a hanging man struggling to remove his grapple. One of the giant beasts, spongy yet covered in bark for armour, was charging towards him. Smiling at her sudden, foolish, compassionate attitude, she flew towards him in a rush. Using the blood from her lip, she slashed the thread with her blood magic, and caught him as he was falling. Her left arm pained immensly, as she managed to successfully carry him, if not barely. Immediately, she flew away, attempting to find a safer location, away from these beasts.

@Scrapmaster @NeverBetter
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Muro felt terrible. His bones were not in good shape. This was it, there was no way he could fight this thing. Summoning up what energy he had, he ran for his life. He found a tree, and clumsily climbed up. Then he started hopping from branch to branch, widening the gap between him and the huge monster. Then he came back onto the ground, he was alone now. Time to rest. Muro curled up on the ground and began to sleep.
okay. focus.

fia had to focus. this was a particularly hard thing to do as bullshit was piling on at an increasingly frustrating rate. at the very least, from what she could see through the glow, almost everyone around had enough sense to run. well, an staggering amount of them were still here, actually, but from what she could see of the rag-tag group, they were all keeping up relatively fine. and so was she, relatively. well. it could be worse.

bam! and here came worse. the explosion, coming from somewhere nearby, startled fia, and she stumbled, minor burns searing her heels. she sucked air through her teeth - it hurt, a little - but it was hardly enough to break concentration. but what were they even doing out there? they were going to get her killed! her eyes caught glimpse of her path for a moment as she turned, and she was stunned to see it had increased significantly since the explosion. had they done something to create more fire, or was fia just seeing things? surely she was just imaging that blue-haired guy skyrocketing over the blazes, but she couldn't actually stop long enough to be sure. regardless, that left the rest of them.

"unidentified machine. is your armor fire resistant?" the voice from earlier asked, just loud enough over the crackling of flames to hear. fia wasn't sure whether it was directed at her or not, but it was a good question, nonetheless. she could just faintly feel the flame's touch on her skin, almost it wasn't there at all, so surely she had to be flame-resistant to some extent, but the burns on her heels and the looming sense of dread suggested she was not impervious. not that any of that actually mattered. why were they still here? it pissed her off - did they just not appreciate the effort she was putting in to save their asses?

"d-doesn't matter! i can't hold this! think about yourself and go!" think about yourself? what was she going to do if they didn't move? or better yet, what was she going to do if they did? would she be able to go through the flames untouched like she was now? she had no room to tell them to think of themselves - she hadn't really thought herself once since this whole thing started. this didn't even benefit her, and she had no reason at all to do it. so... why?


...well, it didn't exactly matter now. the flames around her only climbed higher - the flames in the distance only stretched further. it was do or die, and she knew with everything in her that she didn't want to die.
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Caesar heard one person reply to his comment about the water tub, with a "Why would we?". Caesar had a reply ready in an instant for this one. "Oh I don't know, why did we wake up here randomly? Who are you? Who am I? Why in the world did someone set a fire when the entire area was basically a tinder box? These are all excellent questions, and likely with no answers either." He called out in commentary as he ran further away from the flames. That was when someone, Caesar suspected the same one who set the fire in the first place, threw some flammable liquid onto it, which only cause the flames to spin higher. "Weren't we in a agreement that running was the good option here?" Caesar questioned the logic of whoever did that, still backpedaling as far away as he could from the flames. He could still see the girl who was attempting to control the flames, but Caesar sincerely doubted that she could hold on much longer. He wished the best for her, but he was certainly not about to run back into the middle of a wildfire to save a stranger's life.
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Bracing herself for attack, Jah'Ri had no idea how unprepared she truly was for the events to follow. Something was indeed coming, lumbering through the forest. Jah'Ri could hear it. She swore for a moment she could even see it, a nondescript massive form covered in darkness, almost as if the shroud was unnatural. Before she had time to even think of what to do when that creature got here, whilst the others seemed to be panicking, or trying to calm the panicked, or running away, something happened. Something nigh indescribable.

Everything happened far too fast for Jah'Ri to comprehend. The ground rumbling. Nature seeming to rebel as colors wildly fluctuated, berries fell, and the trees themselves seemed to fall far away... or was Jah'Ri falling? Only when hitting the ground with a thud did she understand that indeed, she had. Gazing up, her eyes widened, a raspy gasp issuing forth from her reptilian lips. "Forest was not forest... forest was... very large creature with forest on back." She said this aloud, in a startled tone, trying to comprehend it but failing.

Brushing herself off, she was amazed that she seemed uninjured having fallen from that height. Glancing about however, it seemed she was lucky compared to most of the others. She glanced about and saw a few of her party members in various states of injury. Jah'Ri glanced up towards the sky just in time to see the one called Xenith flying away with someone else in her arms. Calling out to her, Jah'Ri shouted, hoping she would hear, "If Xenith find safe place, return to Jah'Ri!" Jah'Ri hoped with all her being that Xenith heard, and at least considered her request. @VioletShadow

Spending a few short moments wondering what to do, she looked over the others. They seemed to be alive for now... Jah'Ri felt the need to protect them. She had no idea how to treat thier wounds, and she supposed if nature would have it they would perish. If nature saw for them to recover, they would. Jah'Ri supposed she should try and protect them from threats for the time being. First though, perhaps it would be a good idea to see if any of them were conscious and coherent after all that. Speaking loudly so all that she saw surrounding her could here, she cried out.

"Can anyone hear Jah'RI?! Can beings stand or walk?! Jah'Ri shall try to protect!" With that she began glancing around the nearby terrain, getting a good look of where she was standing now. Besides the massive monstrosity they seemed to have fallen off of, anything in the surrounding area could be of possible help or hinderance to helping these unfortunate injured beings survive.

Suddenly, Jah'Ri noticed the creature attacking a nearby male. Finally it showed itself in all its gruesome splendor, but her instincts bid her to act before thinking much. it seemed to be made of wood. From as safe a distance as possible, Jah'Ri breathed in deeply and let go a long jet of flame, careening towards the creature, then she immediately moved to try and protect the one the beast was going after.
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Xenith was stressed, pained and worried to say the least. Her vision blurred from the continuous struggle she needed to put up with, her senses dulled from her going numb. She only barely heard Jah'Ri's words, everything was a foggy afterimage in her mind. She knew, despite how much danger she was obviously going to put herself in, that she would return to Jah'Ri. Whether the request was to save Jah'Ri or the others, no, she knew the dragon-born much better than that. She was definitely going to ask her to carry the others... Xenith sighed heavily. Her favourite out of the group so far, Jah'Ri was self-less in her mind, especially from everything she had done. Remembering everyone in her group of people, she realized she might have to save that... ignorant young lady. Her face instantly darkened, she was never, not on anyone's orders, going to save her. She didn't care what others thought, she detested her with all her being. She didn't only attract one beast... no-no she had to take it one step further didn't she? Oh and one more thing. She wasn't. Even. Sorry. Shaking her head and removing that thought from her mind, she smiled weakly to herself. She decided to save Jah'Ri first, if she could return that is. @DergTheDergon

Realizing her location, she had flown a fair distance away from her original area. A small opening, to a canopy of large trees, similar to an igloo, caught her view. Carefully placing the man in the safest place she could find, she stretched her limbs for a mere moment before lifting into the air. She began her trip, back to 'that' place, filled with danger and destruction.
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