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Full Name: Azrael Amias Westley Emery, Sixth Prince of Castillon
Name Meaning:
Azrael is the name of the angel who, in Jewish and Islamic tradition, separates the soul from the body upon death, otherwise known as the Angel of Death.
Amias stems from the Latin word amare, which means “to love.” A variant spelling was used in the epic poem “The Faerie Queen.”
Westley is derived from an English surname meaning “west meadow.”
Emery was originally a Germanic surname until the Normans introduced it to England from France. It means “industrious,” “powerful,” or “ruler.”
Nicknames: Friends and family members have dubbed him nicknames like “Rae” and “Pain in the Az,” but the only one that’s really stuck is the one his mother used to call him, Azzy. Ever since her death, he is not fond of hearing this nickname from others’ lips. He is quick to correct overstepping courtiers that the proper way to address him is “Your Highness.” One of his older sisters, upon experiencing his powers once, remarked that it's much like being on LSD, and insists that his superhero alias should be "Blue Acid" or "Moon Rocks." Azrael sincerely wishes she'd stop. Personally, he much prefers the title "the Conjurer."
Gender: Male
Age: 28 years old, but he is often mistaken for younger on account of his slight build and boyish features.
Birthday: May 24th, making him a tricksy Gemini.
Species: Homo Magi
Nationality: Castillon, which is an alternate version of the United States in which the British monarchy relocated to their colonies after having been vanquished in Europe by Napoleon. They have been ruling from there ever since, expanding their territory into an empire. So, in our-world terms, Azrael is American with English heritage.


Role: Neither, technically. But so long as he’s impersonating Lieutenant Cyrus Njeri, he is a guard until he can escape the subterranean hell that is Belle Reve.
Crime: Conspiracy to overthrow the monarchy of Castillon, which worked, but not as Azrael planned it to. He cut a deal with Kryptonian forces to lower national defenses long enough for them assassinate all members of the royal line preceding him, in exchange for all of the precious stone viridium that they’d like. Unbeknownst to him, the Kryptonians twisted the deal: They murdered the royal line in addition to just about everyone else in Castillon. Azrael was one of the sole survivors of the invasion, because they spared him. So he essentially has a nothing kingdom to rule over. In addition to successful conspiracy to overthrow the government, he committed financial fraud of thirty million kruge (the Castillon currency) in the days leading up to the execution of his plan, stolen directly from the emperor's checkbooks.
Powers: As a homo magi, Azrael has the inherent ability to wield magic; however, his magic takes on a distinct form. His power, if you will, is hallucikinesis, better known as illusion manipulation. He can induce vivid hallucinations, bending one’s perception of reality as he sees fit. When he first discovered his ability, it was primarily limited to visual hallucinations, but now that he is an experienced user, he can affect any combination of senses at the same time. He can cause objects to change shape, size, and color; make targets misinterpret the distance or number of an object; cause entire objects and landscapes to disappear and replace them with imagined ones; and simulate excruciating pain without harming a hair on the target's head.
The main hangup of Azrael’s ability is that an illusion is only as vivid as he imagines it to be. Unless he’s copying a person or place that he already knows, he is essentially an artist drawing without a reference, and small details of an illusion may escape him, like adding shadows or the shimmering air above a fire. Moreover, if he is conjuring the image of a person well-known to others, the product is only as good as his memory. He may misplace a feature, shattering the realism of the illusion. Perhaps somewhat obviously, one must remember Azrael’s illusions are just that. He has absolutely no effect on reality no matter how terrifyingly real they may seem; just on people’s perception of it, even if it’s everyone around him. Finally, his abilities require sustained concentration to use. If he is suffering intense pain or solving a complex equation, his illusions will falter. If he is unconscious, they will dissipate entirely.
Skills and Weaponry: Unfortunately, Azrael is most definitely not a fighter. In fact, he’s hopelessly incompetent at just about anything martial or physical. Aside from magic, his only real skills lie in administration. He is a bureaucrat and a damn good one, with a keen mind for research, finance, and data synthesis. He genuinely enjoys formulae and equations, acting as both an accountant and actuary for the city that his father, Emperor Maximilian, has put him in charge of, New Reynes. Secretly, he combines his business acumen with an artistic flair as a fashion designer and CEO of luxury brand Felicity LLC. Azrael enjoys spending his free time designing unorthodox, dreamlike dresses and naughty lingerie for both sexes.
Allegiances: The Castillon Crown, at least in theory. Azrael would have been executed if his family found out that he was planning treason, but since the Kryptonians have reduced Castillon to a wasteland, that’s no longer a threat. As its ruling lord, he has an allegiance to the city and people of New Reynes, which is geographically where New Orleans is in our world.
Enemies: His father, Emperor Maximilian. To a lesser extent, Azrael held grudges against several of his older siblings, but they’re all dead and gone now. His new enemy is the Kryptonian race of invaders who obliterated the kingdom that he was supposed to inherit through their deal.


Appearance: Azrael only looks half the part of a prince, and perhaps unfortunately, it’s the less impressive part. He’s not the tall and strapping hero who will battle a thousand demons to come to your rescue. Rather, Azrael is clean-cut, expensively clad, and pale in the way of imperialists who send soldiers to do their bidding while they manage budgets in offices. In other words, he looks like a good Christian boy. Which is good for his disguise. People are less inclined to think that a good Christian boy fantasizes about murdering most of his relatives a hundred different ways and stealing the throne, let alone has the chutzpah to actually do it.
Azrael’s coffee-brown hair is cut and styled in a particular fashion: long on top and shorn close on the sides and back, with a deep side part. The hair in front flips up along his brow, revealing that it’d have a somewhat wavy texture if it were allowed to grow out. He has a long, narrow face with a broad forehead and a squared jaw, producing a slightly boxy shape. He has a long nose that slopes upward at a delicate, almost feminine angle, and his eyebrows are arched in a perpetually haughty expression, as if he’s questioning your intelligence. His lips are narrow and naturally downturned into a frown, making him look cold and regal and disappointed. Azrael’s eyes are round, wide-spaced, and a dark hazel color, containing glints of brown and green and gold. Conveniently, they seem to shift to match the shade of the suit he’s picked out for the day. He is right-handed.
Wardrobe: If it’s just a day at the office, “smart casual” is the best phrase to define Azrael’s wardrobe. He likes to experiment with colors and patterns while still retaining a neat, polished appearance. One day he may wear a blazer, business shirt, khakis, and Oxfords, and the next a fun plaid button-down, dark wash jeans, and Chelsea boots. In cooler seasons he will top off the look with a stylish red leather jacket. However casual, everything in his wardrobe is expensive, either tailored or designer-made, and made of premium fabrics like cashmere, silk, and Vicuna wool.
Outfits Jacket
Scent: Luxardo cherries and cinnamon, expensive cigars and moonlight on metal
Height & Weight: 5’11” & 170 lbs.
Body Modifications: Um, no. The day that Azrael gets tattoos or piercings is the day that he gets disowned from the royal family. However, nestled in the hollow of his collarbones is a distinct birthmark, a symmetrical zigzag that resembles horns, which glows red when he uses his powers. When dormant it is the whitish-silver of a healed scar. People typically think it is a tattoo because it looks so deliberate, but Azrael was born with the mark. Additionally, he has a rather prominent burn scar on his lower left leg, where the skin is crinkled and raised but lost most of its discoloration over time.
Physical Disabilities: Hyperopia in both eyes, which is really unfortunate for a bureaucrat. As a kid, he used to wear glasses when working on a computer or reading, but stopped when some of his older sisters made fun of him and never went back. He also has allergies to bee stings and peanuts, which is really unfortunate because he used to love Thai food. Lastly, he has some long-term concussion symptoms, such as frequent headaches, disorientation, mood swings, long-term memory gaps, and an inability to stay asleep for more than a few hours at once.
Faceclaim: Finn Cole


Personality: The Castillon royal court is a snake pit, and Azrael fits right in. But fitting in isn’t enough for him. He strives to be the monster with the longest teeth and sharpest claws. Underneath a neat, polished demeanor lies a dark heart that will justify almost anything to achieve its goals. Azrael is a schemer. He will come up with an alphabet list of contingency plans on top of contingency plans, complete with double-crosses, mindfucks, and violence to eliminate his rivals. He is a manipulator of facts, believing that perception is reality, and a lie told often enough becomes the truth. Unlike some pathological liars and borderline psychopaths, though, Azrael is fond of introspection, and he goes back and forth speculating whether his illusory powers are a byproduct of this deceitful nature, or vice versa.
Fortunately for Azrael, he is a strategist and a visionary, able to see patterns and trends and act on them, but he uses his gifts selfishly. He has a razor-sharp mind for puzzles and problem-solving, ruthlessly weighing assets against liabilities to arrive at the optimal solution. He is smart and loves learning, readily absorbing information like a sponge, but he thinks knowledge is pointless unless it’s used to achieve something. It's hard to throw him for a loop; he commonly uses inductive and deductive logic to arrive at conclusions and draw comparisons between unrelated scenarios and concepts. Azrael is a big-picture thinker who enjoys philosophizing and pondering questions that can't easily be answered. If something strikes him as odd, he has an obsessive nature that goes wild asking itself, What's missing? until he figures it out. For this reason, he's pretty much a human lie detector. He watches others carefully while pretending not to, strategically timing the moments that he weighs in. Thus, despite his (many) flaws, Azrael is a genius administrator, unafraid to do diligent research to acquire information and innovate new methods when the current system isn’t meeting quotas. During a stint of exile from Castillon in his teen years, he got his start as a bookmaker in Italy, where he took bets on horse races and football matches, calculated odds, and fixed the outcomes to earn maximum profit.
A gambling man to his bones, Azrael is addicted to winning. He is very image-conscious, and much of his persona is constructed to appear successful and confident. He says the things that will garner social approval, and he longs to impress those in court who are of a higher rank of him. Well, he did once. But time and time again of rejections and belittlement has iced over any affection he may have once had for his family. Now, he seeks only one thing: their destruction, and a chance to seize the throne for himself. While he publicly respects the chain of command, there is a rebellious streak in him that absolutely defies being told what to do if he thinks the order is illogical. He strongly believes that authority should be earned on merit, not given to someone due to birth or standing or material assets. However, his beliefs are not so passionate that he’ll fight for them when nepotism benefits him. Being seventeenth in line, he has a small claim on the throne, but it’s better than no claim.
Azrael may be arrogant, thinking that he can take down any opponent with wit and cunning and connections, but he’s no fool. He doesn’t rush his machinations, and is content to wait for the perfect time to strike, comforting himself with promises of what the future will look like when he’s on top. He loves a good challenge and can be brash and impetuous, unable to resist showing off when he has an audience. He’s a natural on camera, analyzing everything he says and does through several different perspectives before committing. He’s polite, courteous, and chummy when there’s something to gain, having plenty of “friends” whom he can’t stand and sometimes require all his self-discipline to tolerate. On behalf of both his personal goals and his obligations to his province city, New Reynes, he is a tirelessly hard worker, oftentimes forgoing sleep to meet deadlines and oversee budgets. As such, he is prone to accidents, burnout, and mood swings. On the flipside, he is a critical thinker with a constantly active mind. The mundane bores him, and he balks at the thought of being “ordinary,” which is the driving fear behind many of his achievements. He has delusions of grandeur where he is the Castillon emperor who unites all of the world under his control.
For one with such a self-assured facade, others can be surprised to learn that Azrael has plenty of fears. He has a paranoid streak, imagining dangers where there are none, and exaggerating mild ones. There's a switch inside of him that flips onto attack mode and is damned to shut off, because he knows the line between predator and prey is a thin one. He's prone to worry and anxiety, and feeling safe is paramount to him. On the flip side, he's good at reading between the lines to sense imminent danger and has acute reflexes. These traits make him very sensitive to power dynamics and figuring out who's in control. He's courageously protective of those for whom he is responsible or genuinely cares about, wanting to shield them from being misled or taken advantage of. When his thoughts are racing and he feels in danger, he has certain techniques and habits that he uses to ground himself. Azrael does not like anything that he cannot control because he feels threatened by it. He thinks people are inherently evil, that humanity undressed is no better than the primal instincts that drive one animal to hunt and kill another, and people will generally do whatever they can to get ahead if they think they can get away with it. As a result, he thinks that most people are out to get him, likely to interpret kindness as an attempt to patronize or a setup for future sabotage.
Positive Traits: Ambitious, driven, strategic, intellectual, patient, organized, diligent, goal-oriented, decisive, punctual, efficient, visionary, tenacious, charismatic, polished, affable, intense, daring, opportunistic, protective, confident, innovative, polite, sophisticated, articulate, observant, mysterious, bold
Negative Traits: Conniving, materialistic, competitive, paranoid, brooding, selfish, manipulative, cold, ruthless, dishonest, amoral, anxious, two-faced, distrusting, showoff, withdrawn, controlling, rebellious, violent, aggressive, vain, arrogant, exploitative, power-hungry, obsessive, insecure, snobby, standoffish, volatile, cruel, fearful, defiant, outspoken, judgmental, insensitive, detached, condescending, clumsy, addictive personality
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Temperament: Choleric-Melancholic


Likes: Geometric patterns, research, equations and formulae, philosophizing and intellectual debates, getting stuff done, puzzles and riddles, between midnight and sunrise, fashion, architecture, theatre, playing music, karaoke, impressionist paintings, firing guns, pocket billiards, Scrabble, Italian and Latin languages, Soppressata pizza, calamari and octopus, garlic bread, seafood soups, luxardo cherries, dark chocolate, black coffee, stimulants and hallucinogens, Havana cigars, partying with Italians, birds of prey and paradise, bold and cold colors, 90s alternative, opera, complex harmonies, dark fairy tales, dragons, graphs and spreadsheets, the ticking of a clock, traveling in luxury, creating illusory worlds, tricking others
Dislikes: Interruptions, someone walking slowly ahead of him, dysfunctional technology, red tape, illegible penmanship, losing, his father and most of his older siblings, being touched, emotionally-charged decisions, hypocrites, organized religion, astrology and pseudo-sciences, poetry, superhero movies and comics, dancing, video games, golfing, cheap pizza, spicy foods, raw vegetables, milk, nuts, fruit pies, custard, alcohol, weed, 80s music, sad rap, loud noises, open flames, dominoes, white noise, nature, humid heat, tarot cards and tea leaves, running, working out, sentimental objects, court gossip, small talk, social media, bright sunlight, nightclubs, camping
Habits: Walking industriously fast like he's in an airport always, smiling coldly when he's talking down to someone, shaking off a physical touch, calculating numbers without a calculator, tipping up his chin in defiance, having a coffee and cigar in arm's-length, speaking in idioms and double entendres, writing informal texts like a treatise to the pope, sucking his cheeks in disdainfully, over-tipping when sitting down to ensure optimal service, checking his reflection in any mirrored surface, making food appear outrageous colors with his powers, picky eater who generally plays with his food more so than eats it
Fears: Hospitals and doctors, failure, public humiliation, falling in love, fire, loud noises, growing old, going insane, being stranded in nature, bees and moths, drowning, clowns
Hobbies: Working, playing flute and bassoon, designing clothes, skeet shooting, karaoke night, plotting to take the throne, pranking others with hallucinations, recreational drugs, looking at art, playing pool, dining at fancy restaurants, organizing and reviewing ledgers, sketching new fashion designs in a Moleskine notebook when he can't sleep
Mental Disorders: Shows traits of PTSD, narcissism, OCD, OCPD, schizoid, and Asperger's, but he's never been diagnosed. It would be unbecoming for a prince to have a record of mental disorder. Moreover, Azrael displays highly gifted intelligence to the point where he finds it difficult to relate to or is just plain uninterested in the lives of individuals with low to average intelligence.


— Maximilian Emery, Thirty-Second Emperor of Castillon // father // presumably deceased
— Harlow Abbott, Seventh Consort of the Emperor // mother // deceased
— Chandler Emery, Fifth Prince of Castillon // older brother // Age 34 (?) status unknown
Fifteen half sisters and four half brothers by nine different royal consorts; Azrael is seventeenth in the birth order of the twenty-one total siblings, all or most of whom perished or were taken prisoner in the recent Kryptonian invasion.
Gabriella Alessi // ex-girlfriend // Age 31 (?) status unknown
— Flora Alessi // daughter // Age 11 (?) status unknown
Hometown: Born in Los Sueños (our-world equivalent: San Antonio, Texas). Currently lives in New Reynes (our-world equivalent: New Orleans, Louisiana).
Azrael Emery, Sixth Prince of Castillon, is the sixth and youngest son of Emperor Maximilian. His mother, Dame Harlow Abbott, served in the Emperor's elite guard, the Asura, for seven years before her beauty caught the eye of the emperor and he took her as his consort. The move was largely made by the fact that she was already pregnant with his child and could no longer continue her knightly duties after her first trimester. Thus, at age thirty Harlow gave birth to a son, Chandler, and became the envy of every other lady in court, on account of being the newest bauble on the emperor's arm. Not for long, they thought, because the longest of Maximilian's consorts lasted for five years before he moved on to the next one. Harlow was no exception to the rule. Six years after Chandler's birth, she bore another son, but her husband had already divorced her for a younger woman by the time she came to term (in fact, the emperor had a set of twin girls with said younger woman during the gap between Harlow's sons). Of course, their broken-off union didn't stop him from picking Harlow's baby's name: Azrael, named for one of the twelve archangels.
In the colorful, semi-arid city of Los Sueños, Harlow was a single mother of two, but a single mother with a lavish bank account as a former consort. She spoiled her sons rotten, and even though she could afford a whole house staff, she was there for each first that her boys had. A talented musician, she taught her sons to read music and play the flute. She nurtured them, taking them on holiday to the savannahs of Nigeria and the beaches of Spain, and sent them to the best schools, where Chandler excelled on the ice hockey team and Azrael participated in band and the debate team. Everything was perfect until the Carnage, the day the sky rained fire.
The three dominant superpowers of this world are Castillon, the European Union, and the Chinese Federation, and they are almost constantly at war with one another in endless territorial conquest. In retaliation to Castillon's attempts to annex Iceland, the E.U. rained down bombs on the southern border of its mainland. Harlow was killed in the bombing. Chandler and Azrael were luckier to be at school when it happened, where they had an extensive underground bunker in the event of such an emergency. Nonetheless, Azrael was in the middle of marching band practice when the football field was inflamed before his eyes and he lost consciousness shortly thereafter. He sustained a grade-three concussion and a nasty burn on his lower left leg, the latter of which would have been much worse and possibly resulted in amputation if not for Castillon's cutting-edge surgical tech. However, the symptoms of his concussion persisted for three months, during which time he was hospitalized in a long-term ward. Azrael emerged with a newfound tendency to flinch at sudden sounds, frequent headaches and disorientation, and an unhealthy fondness for morphine.
The fallout of the situation placed Emperor Maximilian in an awkward position. The question of what to do with his two motherless sons remained. His current consort was a woman whose physical attractiveness was rivaled only by her selfishness, and she made it clear that she did not want to raise children that were not hers. Thus, the emperor, who was in the process of brokering a peace treaty with the E.U., decided to kill two birds with one stone. As part of the deal, Princes Chandler and Azrael would be sent as political hostages to Italy. The boys were ages fifteen and nine at the time that their charter plane arrived in Genoa, a flight that Azrael spent in a deep opium-induced slumber.
Unlike most hostage situations, they were treated quite well. The brothers attended an academy for nobles from all over Europe, given a housekeeper to see to their needs, and mingled with court at social functions. Azrael excelled in school, having a gift for numbers, while his brother quickly ascended to popularity on the football team. However, Azrael was malcontent. His mother was dead and his father had sold him like cattle to her killers. On a less noble note, Emperor Maximilian had sent his sons off with a minimal budget compared to those of the other courtiers. Wearing clothes that were a size too small and glutting himself on free school lunches to hold him over until the next day, Azrael quickly grew jealous of his foreign peers. He and Chandler didn't always have the best reception, too. They were frequently the subject of court gossip, rumored to do all kinds of lurid things.
About a year into his stay in Genoa, something incomprehensibly strange happened. On his walk home from school, Azrael was bruising and in tears because a bigger German prince had tripped him in the school yard, laughed at him with his friends, and won the ensuing scuffle. He was walking down the Via Garibaldi as he always did, and reluctantly stopped crying when he saw an ostrich barreling down the street, weaving between cars. Nearby were a jaguar, a brown bear, and a rhinoceros, running around and causing havoc and occasionally chasing civilians and cars. Yet strangely, no real damage occurred. No one was trampled, no buildings were leveled. And, most strangely, when a sniper put a bullet through a zebra, it simply vanished. Dissipated into dust. None of the animals were captured, and when they passed outside of the city's limits, were never seen again.
Azrael continued home, shaky and scared and attributing it to a hallucination he'd experienced on painkillers, which he still used for his lingering concussive symptoms. It wasn't until after he woke up from a miserable nap later that evening and awoke to the most bizarre news report of his life that he reconciled he wasn't the only one to have imagined such a thing. And then at school the next day, something else peculiar happened. Azrael was disappointed in gym class to get a pink jump rope; he'd wanted a blue one, but he was a slow runner, and by the time he reached the pile they'd been picked through and only pink remained. Or so he'd thought. When he tripped over the rope and had to restart, he noticed that, inexplicably, he was holding a blue jump rope. He could have sworn he'd selected a pink one. A strange yet delightful notion crept into his mind. For lunch that day, Azrael sat alone as usual, and tried to transform his mashed potatoes into mac and cheese. He was astonished when it actually worked. But when he bit into them, for all their misleading appearance, they still tasted like mashed potatoes. It was through a variety of such experiments that he came to understand that he possessed an unearthly magic, able to manipulate the five senses and warp people's perception of the world around them.
One of the first applications of his power to transform his wardrobe. He went from colorless shirts and too-tight pants to jewel-tone designer clothes and tailored suits that resisted wrinkles. But it wasn't enough for Azrael. Because when he let the illusion fade at the end of the day, he was still a shaggy boy in shabby clothes, while his peers took luxury for granted. He wanted money so that he could have real, tangible things, not the imagined ones of a sad boy who looked in on restaurants and arcades from the outside. Surprisingly entrepreneurial for a thirteen-year-old, Azrael was struck by inspiration when he saw a homeless man scrounging his last coins not for food or clothes, but for a box of cigarettes. He was still prescribed small monthly shipments of morphine to deal with the headaches and dizzy spells he got. Until Azrael acted out one day, staged a trip to the nurse's, and made himself throw up and claimed to see things that weren't there. The symptoms miraculously disappeared when he took his medication. As a result, his prescriptions of morphine increased in doses. Not that he actually needed these, of course. What he didn't use for himself he began selling in discreet alleys and streetcorners. Azrael made a tidy profit. Chandler, in his last year of academy, was too busy applying to colleges and partying with his friends to pay much attention to his younger brother's doings. The brothers had grown distant in the time since they'd left Castillon.
With his new flow of income and a hard-earned understanding of the limits and possibilities of his power, Azrael decided that there needed to be a change in his social image. Once Chandler left for college in Verona, he began to throw wild parties, with breathtaking decor that changed every weekend. One time it was under the sea. Another time outer space. The inside of a volcano. He appeared to hire the best in entertainment, and with his underground connections and lack of parental supervision, it was easy to get his hands on very potent liquor. Azrael generally hated large parties, finding the noise overwhelming and the conversation distasteful, but his quick ascension in popularity was worth it. Especially when he could drown his insecurities in alcohol and blow. Girls wanted him. Boys wanted to be him. And he continued to pump out some of the best grades in the academy, making the top ten routinely.
It was the night of his sixteenth birthday when he met Gabriella. A couple of his mates had taken him out to celebrate. Their mission was to hunt down some liquor, but they were scared of getting caught. All except for Azrael, who, unbeknownst to them, had made all four boys resemble the age of recent college graduates. Fearlessly, he pushed into a bar and ordered gin and tonics for all of them. Yet he forgot about the liquor when he glimpsed the bartender's face. She was a resplendent beauty of conventional Italian standards, with dark waves of mermaid hair and curves in all the right places. Her name was Gabriella, and she was nineteen. Azrael continued to flirt with her over the course of ten shots and several hours, and at the end of the night, he got her number. Having introduced himself as Harlan, a bastardized masculine version of his mother's name, and twenty-three years old, he continued the ruse on their first date. And the next, and the next. He learned things about her. Like she enjoyed painting and riding horses. And her father was a soldier, and she eventually wanted to go to university to study computer science. She'd been working as a bartender since she was seventeen, getting paid under the table because she was underaged, and cleaning up in tips despite the house paying her less than what was lawfully permitted.
They'd been seeing each other for five months when Azrael's ruse was exposed. At the arcade, he unexpectedly ran into some acquaintances at school, who bounced up to him and called him by his real name. As if that weren't incriminating enough, they yammered on about a biology assignment, asking if they could borrow his notes. Gabriella watched the whole exchange. After his friends left, seeing no way out of the situation, Azrael came clean, revealing his true name and age. But it was a selective story, and he conveniently left out the parts where he was a Castillon prince. Disgusted that she'd been sleeping with a sixteen-year-old, she ignored all of Azrael's future calls, and had him kicked out of the bar when he tried to find her there. Two weeks after that incident, she called him to inform him that she was pregnant.
Several months later, there was a breaking news report that Castillon had sunk a Greek ship, which was a direct violation of the peace treaty that had been brokered between the two empires. The next day, during history class, Azrael received a summons to the main office, where he was told a car was waiting for him outside. The driver of the black sedan was clad in an inconspicuous business suit, and he reached for something discreetly inside of it. He told Azrael to get into the car. Azrael obeyed. He was driven forty-five minutes away to a secure fortress that looked like it'd once been a prison where hangings were staged.
Tied to a chair in a featureless room was Chandler. The two princes were taught what would happen when the peace treaty was violated. Azrael watched as Chandler was beaten within an inch of his life, his nose smashed in, one leg broken at an unnatural angle, a grotesque rasping escaping his lips that indicated cracked ribs. Chandler was losing consciousness, but his torturers showed no sign of letting up. Azrael decided to intervene, ignoring the warning that his captors would rather not beat children, but would if they had to. Using his powers, he conjured the image of a venomous snake that induced pain and disorientation in those that it bit. Just before the snake closed on him, the last man standing noticed the absolute lack of fear in Azrael's eyes. Instead, hatred smoldered there. Desperate, the driver of the sedan backhanded Azrael across the face so hard that the world dissolved. He woke up at home with a black eye and a missing tooth and a bloodstained academy uniform. He made a few calls and found out that Chandler was in the hospital nearest his university. In critical condition but alive. Azrael blamed his father, Emperor Maximilian, for the whole incident, for knowingly violating the peace treaty and gambling with his sons' lives.
Freshly turned seventeen, Azrael made a visit to the bar that Gabriella worked at, where he'd met her a year ago. Sure enough, she was eight months pregnant and still working, because her father was overseas, her blind mother was jobless, and she was the only source of income. He waited until her shift ended, and before she could shoo him away, he gave her a tidy sum of cash. Enough money to live off of for half a year if she budgeted prudently. At a dearth of options once she gave birth, she reluctantly accepted the money. Azrael didn't answer how her when she asked how he'd gotten it. He walked away and out of Gabriella's life. A month later, he received a courtesy call to inform him that she'd given birth to a little girl named Flora.
Around the same time, Azrael was struggling to maintain his lavish lifestyle. He'd given Gabriella practically all of his savings, and he was scrounging to afford the expenses of his next weekend party. He doubled down on the drug deals to the detriment of his schoolwork, skipping classes and assignments to rendezvous with clients. One night, he met a particularly wealthy client in an upscale nightclub called L'Oliva Blu who sought a year's supply of opium. This was it. The big score that would get him flush again and hold him over until the end of the semester. They sat down in a private curtained-off booth of the nightclub to conduct the transaction. The client rifled through the briefcases, ensuring that he was getting his money's worth. When someone stumbled through the curtain. It was a student that Azrael recognized. In fact, it was Edwin Ostwald, the German prince who had beat Azrael up seven years ago and continued to be a regular nuisance at court. Hanging on his arm was a scantily-clad girl whose company he'd likely bought. And he saw everything.
After an impressive string of obscenities, Edwin threatened to turn Azrael in unless he gave Edwin a hit of dope. No, strike that. Edwin wanted all of it. Having no choice, Azrael surrendered the briefcases and returned his client's money, and Edwin left with tens of thousands of Euros' worth of narcotics. Humiliated and poor once again, Azrael used the last of his savings to pay some of the sellers beneath him to watch Edwin, and tip him off as to the German student's activities. Two days later, Azrael received word that Edwin was planning a hunting trip into the forest with two other friends. Slipping some laxatives into their sodas at lunch ensured that they did not accompany Edwin. On the day of the trip, Azrael stalked him from a distance as his rival went into the forest alone, armed with a shotgun and some snares. Taking care to keep a safe distance away, Azrael followed. When they were far enough away from civilization, he made Edwin hallucinate a living nightmare: He'd disturbed a nest of wasps, and a stinging mass of insects the size of a thundercloud was upon him. And then when that wasn't enough, they were joined by fire ants. Flesh-eating spiders. The pain was as excruciating as Azrael could imagine. Finally, when no end of his misery was in sight and driven mad by pain, Edwin used his own shotgun to blow off his head. A suicide. The perfect murder, because there was no perpetrator. Now there was no chance Edwin would threaten Azrael for money ever again, or blab his secret to the police.
A year and a half passed in relative calmness. Then, unexpectedly, Azrael and Chandler both received directives from their father by mail, telling them that at the end of the school year their exile in Italy would be over, and they'd be rejoining court in Castillon. Chandler, who had mostly recovered from his beating except for a crooked nose and a limping gait, was equal parts terrified and infuriated. He told Azrael he'd rather die than return to the father who'd allowed him to be beaten within an inch of his life. Feeling sympathy for the brother who'd suffered so he wouldn't have to, Azrael suggested that they fake Chandler's death, and that way no one would go looking for him. Chandler was dubious, but reluctantly agreed to entertain the idea, not knowing of Azrael's powers of illusion at the time. It was well-known that Chandler enjoyed surfing. So it would look completely accidental if a monstrous wave swallowed him up one day, hopefully without sparking a war between empires. The conversation about Azrael's powers wasn't an easy one. Chandler needed multiple proofs of the impossible before he agreed to go along with this surfing accident idea. When he did, it went blessedly according to plan. Numerous witnesses watched a young man fitting Chandler's description get swallowed by a forebodingly large wave, never to resurface. Meanwhile, the brothers drove to an airport, where Azrael tailored Chandler's face to match the one on a fake passport, and saw him off to Middle of Nowhere, Bulgaria.
Minus having to verify his brother's death in a freak surfing accident multiple times (Emperor Maximilian never believed him, for the record), Azrael's homecoming was lackluster. His siblings seemed to have forgotten him and Chandler during their absence, and when they did acknowledge him, it was typically to joke at his expense during court functions. Nineteen years old, Azrael attended university at one of Castillon's most prestigious, as is expected of a prince, majoring in accounting and minoring in design. He'd been picked on ruthlessly when he first started school in Genoa on behalf of his raggedy clothes, and ever since he started making his own illicit income, he'd obsessed over his appearance until it became a passion and status symbol. After obtaining his degree, Azrael joined his siblings in that he was given a city to govern and oversee in his father's name: New Reynes, a city known for its singular cuisine, jazz music, and vibrant nightlife. At least on the tourist brochures. What they didn't advertise was that it was largely a shithole, a hub of gentrification and violent crime perpetually on the verge of bankruptcy and victim of devastating hurricanes, sometimes several a year. Azrael hated the obnoxiously spicy food and the year-round soup bowl of humid heat.
But he proved to be damn good at his job. A natural bureaucrat, he halved unemployment and funded a major housing project in New Reynes within his first two years as the city's lord, having a keen eye for details and using records to get to the bottom of a mystery. The problem was that administration isn't a very glorious job, and he never received acknowledgement for his hard work. Instead his father and siblings showered him in disappointment that he didn't have Tommy's military accomplishments, or Maya's appeal to a variety of tasteful suitors. His resentment blossomed quietly.
At age twenty-five, fed up and bored with his lonely absorption in numbers, Azrael launched a fashion company under the name of Felicity LLC. Knowing that his father would disapprove of the operation as a frivolous waste of time inappropriate for a man, he kept his role as CEO under wraps, hiring a spokeswoman by the name of "Felicity" to handle any and all public relations. The luxury brand is on the rise and known for its avant-garde designs combining aesthetics and colors, also featuring a very slinky product line of lingerie. Running the business is work away from work, but it's one of Azrael's few pleasures. He does not wear his own clothes because he does not want any public connection with the brand, yet he designs especially for several B-list celebrities. (Side note: in the nine years since his return to Castillon, he's been sending monthly checks to Gabriella and Flora, despite having almost no contact at all with his ex-girlfriend and daughter. He very occasionally checks in with Chandler, too, who enjoys a quiet existence as a fisherman in the Black Sea.)
Six months ago, there was a bizarre occurrence. Satellites over New Reynes indicated an attempt for a foreign craft to penetrate the atmosphere. A traumatized victim of international warfare, Azrael feared that it was an attempt for the E.U. to bomb the city and finish the job they'd started when they'd killed his mother. However, when analyzed, the radio waves and frequencies it emitted were nothing like modern technology had ever seen. Not eager to pick a fight until he knew what he was up against, Azrael hesitantly made contact with the foreign ship. And inexplicably found that they were an alien race. Kryptonians, they called themselves. And the atmospheric security was so efficient that they couldn't descend without tripping an alarm that would blow them sky high.
The Kryptonians announced that they were interested in viridium, the precious stone unique to Castillon and not found on other worlds' periodic tables. As such, this claim didn't strike Azrael as at all unlikely. Casting off some of his assistants' stigmas ("But they're aliens!"), he arranged a secretive meeting with a representative from Krypton to negotiate a trade. But he was uninterested in any money, technology, or materials. What Azrael wanted was the Castillon throne, and more than that, revenge for years of abuse and trauma. He wanted his father and all sixteen of the older siblings who stood in his way to the throne dead. And so they struck a deal. A hundred kilos of viridium for each royal head laid at his feet.
Azrael spent the six months until present day stealing from the emperor's coffers under the guise that it was a mole somewhere else in the company, a book-cooking white-collar thief with no respect for the monarchy. Stealing from Emperor Maximilian himself was the best way to get his attention, because then the crime became a personal insult. New Reynes was almost twenty percent short in the taxes that they collected and returned to the monarchy, which was unheard of and made Azrael look bad, but he suffered the blow to his image for the bigger prize. Pretending to lend a helping hand, Azrael agreed to help his other siblings out with some of the ledgers for their cities, and unbeknownst to them, skimmed the pot there too, making the missing money a national epidemic. The press was under strict orders to keep mum about the situation, as the emperor didn't want word to get out that he was being taken for a ride. Until just a week and a half ago, the group of thieves was apprehended. They were remnants of an organized crime family completely innocent of the dirty paper trails that they were accused of committing, but Azrael falsified evidence to make them believable scapegoats. In the wake of their executions, Azrael, now a hero for restoring justice, invited the whole royal family to a celebration at the New Reynes palace. Minutes before the first carriage pulled up at the gates, Azrael disabled the satellites and atmospheric security system, allowing a Kryptonian warship full of assassins to descend, unmolested and undetected.
Chaos ensued as nobility dropped like flies, their bodyguards standing no chance against alien technology. But as the city was leveled, it quickly became clear that the Kryptonians intended to do more than just fulfill the deal they'd made with Azrael. Thinking it silly to have to ask a foreign monarch's permission for trade when they could just take everything they wanted, they killed or captured the residents of just about the entire city. Until Azrael was left the emperor of a ghost town. Honoring their bargain somewhat, the commanding General Zod made a point to spare Azrael, but made it very clear to him that the title he'd inherited meant nothing now. New Reynes was under new management.
Enraged and humiliated that he'd been so easily tricked, Azrael realized that he had no future in Castillon-- no one did. However, as badly as things had turned for him, he had one thing he hadn't before: freedom. Raiding his office and home safes for all of the priceless valuables that he could carry and pawn off, Azrael made the one move left to him. It was time to pack up and start a new life in a new world. He checked his schedule for upcoming appointments and noticed that the day after the invasion, an ambassador from a different Earth was supposed to visit him. Since the procedures for interdimensional travel were as of yet still unknown to Castillon, he was forced to wait for this messenger to whisk him away elsewhere. And now with the help of his illusions he is impersonating Lieutenant Cyrus Njeri, guard in Earth 1966's most secure prison, until he can find his way out of the subterranean hell that is Belle Reve to the world above and start a new life for himself. But getting out of Belle Reve is almost as challenging for guards as it is for inmates, a place where every secret is kept under lock and key. Also unknown to Azrael is the fact that his and Njeri's trip through time and space was tracked by the Kryptonians, potentially leading them on an interdimensional wild goose chase, should they find Earth 1966 more conducive to their needs than Castillon.


Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): Can totes see him falling for Shi without realizing she's a gay gurl... maybe Levina too.
Past Partners: Gabriella Alessi, with whom he has an eleven-year-old daughter named Flora. With her being the sole exception, Azrael maintains that he's never been in love and never will. He is frightened by the idea of another person making him so weak.
Turn-Ons: Exotic types, pixie cuts, tall and leggy, hourglass figure, stylish clothes, high heels, bright eyes, long-haired guys, looks good in leather, well-mannered, supportive, calm, gentle, good listener, praise, competing, splurging on his sweet, wearing them on his arm, multiple partners, mind games, power, lip biting, long nails, acid makes him horny as a mf
Turn-Offs: Lots of tattoos or piercings, overweight, bad posture, no fashion sense, loud-mouthed, unintellectual, on the phone while he's talking, sensory overload environments, sad rap or country music, uptalk accents, hurts his image, attention whore, talking down to him, aware that he's a prince, oversharing, crying or losing temper, gossipmonger, religious
Dominant or Submissive: Submissive


- Lay All Your Love on Me—ABBA
- Ecstasy of Soul—Zeds Dead
- Miracle, Baby—Nothing But Thieves
- Hardest of Hearts—Florence & the Machine
- Civil War—Guns N' Roses
- Ghost—MisterWives
- Stole the Show—Parson James
- Sacrilege—Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Nightmare—Halsey
- Long Snake Moan—PJ Harvey

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Full Name: Rodrick Nimrod Unger
Name Meaning: The name Rodrick means 'famous power'. Nimrod is a religious figure in the Bible. He was a great hunter in the eyes of the Lord. His surname Unger is my attempt at a play-on-words regarding the location of his home country.
Nicknames: Rod, Mr. Unger. Rodrick / Belle Reve comes up with the codename Headhunter after he's recruited into the Suicide Squad.
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Birthday: August 12th
Species: Human
Nationality: Australian

Role: Inmate
Crime: Rodrick is serving a life sentence for first degree murder. He has serve one year so far.
Powers: Rodrick has no superpowers. Besides being Australian, of course.
Skills and Weaponry:


  • Hunting Mastery - If there is one thing Rodrick can do well, it's hunt. From the first day Rodrick was exposed to the art of the hunt, he was hooked. Trained by his expert uncle, Rodrick learned the ins and outs of tracking, encountering and subduing his quarry. With the outback as his classroom, Rodrick learned the ins and outs of how to utilize his environment and the essentials, such as tracking, moving stealthily, and using all five of his senses to their highest potential. This heightened awareness can even allow him to notice when he himself is being hunted. While employed by the Australian Federal Police, Rodrick extended his range of prey from animals to humans, forcing him to master, then perfect what he had learned.
  • Trap Mastery - From snares to pitfalls and even log traps, Rodrick is very experienced in designing, creating, and utilizing traps to subdue his targets.
  • Trained Strategist and Planner - Rodrick not only has been privately taught by a decorated Australian Federal Police officer and hunter, but also worked in the force himself. This gives him a strong foundation as a strategist. He has played a crucial role in the creation of plans for offensive and defensive operations alike.
  • Excellent Human Strength and Stamina - A rigorous training regiment combined with constant physical activity has conditioned Rodrick's body, putting him on the upper echelon of human strength and endurance.
  • One-handed Weapon Proficiency - Rodrick's primary weapon in close range is a war club. He has trained with the weapon extensively, to the point the weapons feels like an extension of himself.
  • Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Although not rooted in any particular fighting style, Rodrick is a formidable fist fighter. He relies on brute strength to unleash powerful strikes and grapple his opponent.
  • Experienced Marksman - Rodrick is a good shot, capable of working well with most ranged weapons. In particular, Rodrick is proud of his skill with a longbow.
  • Survivalist - As to be expect from an avid hunter, Rodrick is well versed in self-sufficiency and surviving in the wild. From knowledge of medicinal herbs to general foraging for resources, Rodrick is someone you would want to be stranded in the wilderness with.


War Club
- Rodrick's signature weapon. It's slightly longer than the image presents. Rodrick received the club as a present from his uncle as a graduation present from the Australia Federal Police academy.

Retractable Shield - Attached to Rodrick's left arm is a gauntlet that goes up to his forearm. By making a fist and squeezing his thumb. Rodrick can activate a foldable shield made from a lightweight but durable alloy. Using the shield and war club together makes for a powerful combination, but Rodrick prefers using the war club by itself to avoid the speed reduction the shield provides. The club and shield combo is reserved for opponents that require extra defense to go toe to toe with.

Longbow - For ranged engagements, Rodrick wields a longbow. He takes great pride in how far he can draw the bowstring. His quiver comes equipped with regular arrows and arrows that can relay a signal to a device Rodrick keeps on him.

Knife - Any hunter worth their salt has a knife in their arsenal. Rodrick uses his for cutting game, slicing ropes and other hunting tasks. He also knows how to use it in a fight. It is kept in in a sheath on his belt. He keeps an additional knife in his left boot.

Allegiances: (Formerly) The Australian Federal Police - Rodrick was employed by them for a number of years, up until his termination.
Enemies: The organization that deceived and framed him.

taking orders from your lieutenant ⋯ jake... : no! i’m a star!

Appearance: Rodrick is a 6'0 Caucasian male with a muscular build. Before his incarceration, Rodrick took pride in his appearance. He kept a steady schedule of haircuts and eyebrow trimmings, preferring to have his head of blonde hair cut short and tidy. He shares his hair color with his father, second and third born brothers. His remaining brothers share his mother's brown hair. Rodrick has a square jaw with a slight cleft in his chin. Rodrick often jokes about his perceived good looks, cracking that he 'got into the wrong profession with a face like his'. He is by no means a vain person, but in the words of his uncle Don, 'just because you hunt beasts doesn't mean you should look like one'. At the moment, Rodrick's hair is in a state of disarray, having grown wild and hanging slightly past his ears. His clean shaven face is now scruffy and on the way to gaining a bushy beard. They say the eyes are the window into the soul, and Rodrick's are his most defining facial trait. They are light green and although a small part of his face, they tell a lot about his mood, despite what everything else is saying. If he is smiling, but his eyes are narrowed, he is most likely annoyed with something and is saving face. Speaking of his smile, Rodrick can be often be seen with one, showing off his pearly jacksons.
Wardrobe: Rodrick's clothing selection is befitting of an outdoorsman. Cargo pants, tank tops, t-shirts and Hawaiian shirts usually find themselves on his body. He has never been a fan of hats, preferring to have his hair exposed. While working for the Australian Federal Police, he wore the typical attire of an officer of the law, albeit with slightly muted colors because of the environment he worked in. Rodrick has never had an affinity for clothing. As long as the colors somewhat matched and it didn't smell awful, he would wear it. Although, he was particular for the color green, green being his favorite color. While on the hunt, it's a completely different story. It all depended on the location he was working in and his quarry. If he needed to be lying in wait for an extended period of time, he would wear proper camouflage gear. When alone, Rodrick also enjoyed roaming about without a shirt on. An article of clothing that frequently makes an appearance regardless of situation is his belt, a green one with black dots that was made from crocodile skin. The belt buckle is the Greek symbol for omega. Right now, Rodrick can be seen wearing the finest fashion Belle Reve has to offer, an orange jumpsuit.
Scent: An earthy musk that consists of light sweat with undertones of grass and wood.
Height & Weight: 6'0 and 192 lbs.
Body Modifications: Rodrick's right arm has burn scars running along it from his last fight before being arrested. There also various nicks and tears on his body from the various torture methods used on him.
Physical Disabilities: N/A
Faceclaim: Glen Powell

Personality: Rodrick is a walking, talking energizer bunny. He is a constant wellspring of energy, rarely sitting still except when forced or when performing a task that requires concentration. He is very animated in his speech and movement, often incorporating his hands into his speech to convey his point. He seems to almost always have a smirk or grin plastered on his face. And yes, it can get bigger. The battery personification extends to his personality as well. Rodrick is lively and tries to spread his energy to others. He enjoys getting people to come out of their shells. In his eyes, it makes things more interesting. If things are going slow or there is an air of uneasiness, he will try his best to ease the tension. Which can create problems if people really don't want to be bothered at the moment. Rodrick's intensity is like a faucet that can be turned on and off, depending on the situation. He can be volatile at times, throwing a tantrum like a 33 year old 11 year old. However, this side of Rodrick is scarcely seen. And unless the source of his anger is specifically someone messing up, he would much rather excuse himself to blow off the steam. Additionally, Rodrick has no doubts about his self worth, and wants to make sure the entire world is aware of this fact. To the point where his behavior is comparable to that one child you knew whose dad apparently worked at Nintendo and had a girlfriend who goes to another school. The man can brag, and if you're not careful, he'll talk your ear off about his experiences. At times, he can seem like the dullest knife in the drawer, cracking jokes and hardly taking anything serious. But when it comes time to get down to business regarding a hunt, he'll become galvanized, spouting off suggestions and collaborating with whoever he's working with. Rodrick has an indomitable will, built up from his time as a hunter and facing adversary in his life. When he sets his sights on a goal, he won't stop until the job is done. He has spent days on the trail of a quarry or at the drawing board devising the perfect trap. Even when things look to be at their darkest, Rodrick will still keep his spirit up and the fire inside alive.
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Positive Traits: Determined, Jovial, Energetic, Intense, Creative, Brave, Friendly, Encouraging
Negative Traits: Stubborn, Braggadocios, Reckless, Mouthy, Competitive, Exhausting, Fickle
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine

Likes: Being outdoors, working out, lounging in the sun, barbequing, hunting, long walks, competitions, animal watching, green apples, dirty jokes, rock music, telling stories, lizards, beef jerky, pranks, arm wrestling, action movies, when a plan comes together.
Dislikes: Being confined indoors, soda, laying about doing nothing, heavy drinkers, collecting arrows, condescending people, slow music, British people (jokingly), cold weather, prudes, senseless arguing, wasting food or resources, romance movies, crying.

  • Rodrick sometimes punctuates his sentences with a 'WHOO' when excited.
  • Has a tendency to start talking with his hands when the conversation is about a topic he is passionate about.
  • Rubs his hands giddily in anticipation of something good about to happen.
Fears: Rodrick is most afraid of reaching a plateau in terms of his growth as a hunter. He sees life as a trial that requires constant evolution and change, so if he becomes stagnant, then he feels that he is as good as dead. Additionally, Rodrick is afflicted with aerophobia, the fear of flying in an aircraft. He'll have a mini panic attack at the slightest hint of turbulence.
Hobbies: Hunting, camping, journaling, grilling meat, chess (rusty, last played with Uncle Don), shooting targets at the range, cliff jumping, riding dirt bikes.
Mental Disorders: Rodrick suffers from depression, both from the loss of his Uncle and the loss of his freedom after being framed.


  • Marvin Unger (Father)
  • Lisa Unger (Mother)
  • Wallace Unger (Eldest Brother)
  • Edwin Unger (Second Oldest Brother)
  • Daniel Unger (Middle Brother)
  • Calvin Unger (Second Youngest Brother)
  • Don Unger (Uncle, deceased)

Top Gun: Maverick: Glen Powell Reveals the Advice Tom Cruise Gave Him

Hometown: Leigh Creek, Australia
Backstory: Rodrick Nimrod Unger was born to Marvin and Lisa Unger on August 12th in Australia. He is the youngest of his family, with four older brothers preceding him. Each Unger boy was born 2 years apart in succession. The Ungers resided in Leigh Creek, a small town in close proximity to the vast Australian outback. Marvin and Lisa were thankfully spared from working in the coal mines, the two having met while working at the Leigh Creek hospital. Marvin and Lisa worked hard to make sure their children had what they needed to thrive. And most especially, that their children grew to be better off than them. Marvin in particular instilled a hard work ethic into his children, urging them to pursue whatever they wanted, as long as they put 100% into whatever their passions were. At an early age, Wallace, Edwin, Daniel and Calvin all found a hobby or activity they enjoyed. Wallace was always close by when mother was cooking, developing a hunger for culinary knowledge. Edwin took a deeper interest in his studies, biology especially. Daniel had a way with words and the workings of people, and Calvin would keep everyone awake at nights while he practiced his drumming with pots and pans. Rodrick, however, was the odd one out. No matter what he tried, he could never get any interest or hobby to stick. Everything felt too restrictive, a pile of rules and guidelines he didn't see the use for hampering him from enjoying. While his four siblings received praise, Rodrick floundered, his frustration leading him to act irrationally. He developed a reputation as a troublemaker, the class clown, anything to garner attention of some kind. He'd pick ill-favored fights and find himself on the receiving end of a beatdown. This led to backlash at home, Marvin and Lisa spending many a sleepless night trying to figure out what was wrong with their son. And while they loved all of their children equally, they slowly set their expectations for their youngest lower and lower.

As the years passed, all four of Rodrick's siblings had bright futures ahead of them. Wallace enjoyed cooking and had decided to attend culinary school. His goal was to start a career as as a private chef for the many rich tourists who frequented the country. Edwin's dedication to biology had earned him a scholarship to a prestigious university, where he wished to major in marine biology. Daniel was working as an intern in the mayor's office, rubbing elbows with those of high political standing. And Calvin had grown into a proficient drummer, slowly earning recognition in a band named 'Buck Wild'. Rodrick alone remained the same. However, the stakes were higher as a 12 year old and Rodrick's antics were putting him on the fast track to a juvenile detention center. All seemed grim. Then, Uncle Don entered Rodrick's life. Donovan Unger was the older brother of Marvin Unger. The two had a falling out shortly after Rodrick's birth and hadn't spoken to each other in years. Don had just retired from his 30 year long career with the Australia Federal Police, working in the Anti-Drug Transport Unit. His work in the A.D.T.U included spending long stretches of time patrolling the outback, keeping an eye out for smugglers attempting to move their product through the wilds, where police presence would be at its lowest. Although the two brothers didn't immediately reconciliate, Don was urged to stay in town by Lisa. While staying at the house, he saw firsthand Rodrick's acting out and identified it as his struggle to find himself. And Don's heart felt for his nephew, because long ago, Don was on the same path as him until he was introduced to the wild as an outlet.

A determined Don asked if he could take Rodrick with him for the weekend for a camping trip. Marvin agreed, but the rebellious Rodrick wanted little to do with the uncle who had been gone for years and years. The weekend started as expected, with Don trying to ease Rodrick into things and Rodrick acting out as usual, his heart hardened. But Uncle Don refused to give up and finally saw his chance when Rodrick discovered animal tracks. Don guided Rodrick through what would be his first hunt, the boy loving every moment of it. The pawprints on the ground, noticing clues in the environment, Rodrick couldn't get enough. By the end of the day, Don and Rodrick had tracked down their quarry, an aging deer, and wounded it. After allowing Rodrick to deal the final blow, the two celebrated by the campfire. It was love at first sight for Rodrick. And it wasn't just the hunting that mystified him. It was all of the outdoors itself. He had finally found a joy that wasn't so constricting. The land was his to explore. After that weekend, Don agreed to take Rodrick out and teach him more as long as he focused on his studies and behaved. And thus, Rodrick's passion grew. As time passed, it was time for the late bloomer of the Unger family to blossom. Rodrick was now staying in class, out of trouble and was making decent marks. Uncle Don kept his promise and took Rodrick into the wild every weekend, continuing to teach Rodrick all he knew about the outdoors and hunting. The two would go exploring, shoot targets, and occasionally spend the weekend hunting game. The hunting son became Rodrick's favorite part. He found the process of brainstorming and devising a plan to catch his prey invigorating. And it wasn't just deer anymore, Rodrick wanted more of a challenge. Anyone could walk into the wild with a gun and bag some animal. To him, there was no greater joy than using your skills to outwit an opponent stronger than yourself. Which is why on the night of his graduation from Year 12, he announced to his family that he was going to join the Australia Federal Police and shoot for the position his uncle held. At first, there was widespread worry for the 19 year old Rodrick, but remembering his own words, Marvin respected his decision and fully backed his son.

The next few years of Rodrick's life took their sweet time rolling by. The rigorous educational requirements the A.D.T.U had in place daunted Rodrick. Spending time in the outback was his only respite from the seeming endless towers of work he had to complete. It was month after month of assignments, exercises and exams. As much as he didn't enjoy all the sitting around and studying, the young man gritted his teeth, eagerly awaiting the day he would be able to join the ranks of the anti-drug unit. And after four years of courses and training, Rodrick was ready. Assigned to a unit of six other operatives, the team was stationed to an outpost with other officers in the Northern Territory of Australia. And like a horse that had spent too much time in the starting box, Rodrick burst onto the scene with a purpose. He combined Uncle Don's teachings with what he had learned in the academy to become a nightmare to the smugglers who dared attempt to use the outback as a pathway to peddle their wares. With Rodrick's help, ambushes were planned out and executed in record time. The outpost was commended for consistent busts, seizing millions in illicit controlled substances. They were the best three years of his life. And they were followed by the worst string of luck anyone could ever experience.

First, there was the death of Rodrick's beloved Uncle Don. A letter he wanted released at a post-humous date explained it all. It was lung cancer. Inoperable. The doctor gave him seven maybe eight years to live. Which was enough time for Don to make some changes. Like retiring after 30 years of service so he could take a vacation for once. Visit that stubborn brother of his. Finally get to know his wayward nephew. And after getting eleven years instead of eight, Don was more than happy to pass on. On the surface, Rodrick seemed to have taken the news well. But he was hurting, bad, and the cracks first appeared in his work. He was already working at 110%, but now he was pushing his intensity into overdrive. He became pushy, wanting to attack at the drop of a hat instead of being more patient and analytical. Then he stopped pulling his punches. A dead giveaway of a Rodrick Unger bust was would-be dealers coming in with extensive bruising and broken bones. It took a situation with a mouthy detainee refusing to keep quiet for the others to realize something was wrong. It took three other officers to restrain Rodrick. And by the time back-up arrived, the victim had already stopped breathing. Rodrick was stripped of his badge and his job, the only thing he had going on in his life. Unger became a recluse, retreating the wild and mostly living off the land. It gave him time to think. No matter how many busts or seizures he completed, it wouldn't be enough to fill the void that Uncle Don left. The only thing that made him feel good anymore was hunting. But animals weren't cutting it anymore, and the drug lord certainly weren't sending their best through the outback. It was around this time that Rodrick was contacted by Interpol. Two of their agents were sent to track him down in the outback. They had a problem on their hands; there was an extremely dangerous criminal who had attacked a government facility and ran off with vital documents. He was now on the loose and needed to be stopped before he reached the coast and evaded capture entirely. The surprise factor was that this character could control fire. A 'metahuman', the agents called him. Rodrick jumped at the prospect of a challenge. Gathering his tools, Rodrick travelled to where the man was last sighted and began tracking him down on foot. The quarry's lack of resources and fatigue helped Rodrick catch up. And after a heated fight, Rodrick emerged victorious, albeit with burns running along his right arm. After contacting his Interpol connections, the man was rounded up and taken away, with the agents thanking him and saying they would be in touch.

And in a way, they kept their promise. Because two days later, more Interpol agents arrived, along with Australian Federal Police, to place Rodrick under arrest for treason and first-degree murder. At the police station, Rodrick learned that the 'escaped convict' that he had fought was an American agent who was working with the Australian government to investigate rumors of a shadow organization within the government that was on the cusp of finding a way to create artificial metahumans. When Rodrick brought up the names of the agents who contacted him, Interpol found no such names in the database. Rodrick had been played for a fool, doing someone else's dirty work and holding the bag when the time had come. And now, to avoid possible conflict with the United States, Rodrick was being sent there as a scapegoat. It wasn't long until he was escorted by the government to the airport and flown away from his country, a very high chance he'd never see it again.

As soon as he got off the flight, Rodrick was escorted into a black vehicle by the authorities and blindfolded. He didn't know how long the drive was, but he came to in a cold and dark basement that would be his home for the time being. Nameless faces grilled him incessantly, trying to get information Rodrick didn't have. And when that didn't work, they moved to more painful measures. There was a lot of variety when it came to delivering pain in that basement. The torture wasn't even the worst part. What really hurt was the lack of sunlight and fresh air. Rodrick felt like a caged animal. After an uncertain amount of time in that circle of hell, Rodrick was eventually blindfolded again and sent to Belle Reve, where he has rotted for the past year. Maybe they really did believe that he knew nothing, but at the same time couldn't just let him walk away. Or maybe some other poor bloke needed the basement more than he did. In any case, Rodrick tries his best to keep his spirits up, but he feels he's slowly losing even more of his mind with each passing day.

If you got to the end of this, I love you. :)

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None
Past Partners: None
Turn-Ons: Playing hard to get, not afraid to play rough, matching his intensity, tall women, wearing your heart on your sleeve, being authentic, touching as a love language, being athletic, big appetite.
Turn-Offs: Having just a pretty face, shallowness, petite women, being timid, high-pitched voices, mean-spirited.
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

- Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf
- King of the Jungle - Da Lench Mob
- Hell - Disturbed
- Spiral - Godsmack
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TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi Oml I love Rodrick, consider me his first fangirl!!!! There was such attention to detail in his form and I can't wait to see this lovable goofball in action and now I'm filled with desire to take him to Outback Steakhouse and see what he thinks hahahaha... Accepted! Welcome to our *dysfunctional* Belle Reve fam.

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