Before the End of Summer Concert

Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Arriving first at the field, Sarah paid little attention to the others. Yeah, she saw that Jack and Kalin were there, as well as an unknown sickly looking girl with white hair. But she was waiting for Lauren and Dakota for what ever reason the teacher had asked. Though this was surprising to her. Even with all the events that proceeded the auditorium, somehow they still arrived their before their instructor. Checking real fast-like to see if anyone was paying attention. She set her bag down and just took in a deep breath of fresh air. Then... she fell face first into the grass.

Seeing this as they arrived to the field, Lauren and was rather confused. Did her sister pass out or something? She would of just asked however another opportunity for mischief presented itself. Putting her own bag down next to her sister's, she quietly ran over and jumped ontop of Sarah. "
Ooof..." Landing softly, somehow, Lauren straddled Sarah, preventing her from turning over or standing up. Lauren giggled.

Sarah just sighed, she was just so lost in the grass. "
But it's soooo soft~" She whispered as her face rubbed it continuously. Lauren just waved at Jack and Kalin since she hadn't at first, but then after a moment of waiting and thinking What would happen if she tormented her sis right now?

They were about even way between the boys and Dakota. No one would really see or notice anything. Sooo... her eyes narrowed and silently she moved her hand behind her, just below Sarah's butt and pinched the thickest part of her sister's thigh. Sarah instantly squealed out loud and start to thrash but stopped when the pinch stopped.

Breathing heavy she threated Lauren, "
Don't you dare!!! I swear to god Lauren! If you..." Lauren reached back and pinched her other side.

Sarah screamed bloody murder before finally thrashing enough that Lauren was knock over and the two finally went at it. Rolling all over the field, spitting words no one could understand, screaming, laughing, yelling and giggling. Finally after getting turned around, Sarah ended up on top and facing Dakota; boys behind her. Lauren seemed like she was worn out, but not Sarah.

Wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck and under her arm, she pulled back as hard as she could. The expression on Sarah's face much like a domo-chan's; Sharp vicious teeth and dark, blank eyes. Her grin conniving and evil. Sharply she swung her head around and stared into Kalin's
soul. She didn't hear what was said, but it had felt like someone said something about her. Narrowing her eyes, she glanced down at Lauren's butt then back at the boys before lifting an eyebrow is quick succession.

Lauren stared at Dakota, as if pleading for help. As if somehow this wasnt her own doing but only for a moment before her eyes kind of glazed over and Lauren ended up KO'd.

Letting loose her right hand, Sarah released her grip and Lauren fell limp against the grass. Lauren agreed that her sister was right though, this grass was quite soft. She kind of lost herself in its softness. Sarah still had things to do though.

With her right hand, she grabbed the end of Lauren's skirt. "
What are you doing!" Lauren squeaked as best she could. Sarah quickly pulled Lauren's skirt up to her waist revealing her fresh light blue panties for the boys and the girl to see.

Lauren twisted and turned, tried to kick and get her sister off her. "
Staaaaaaahp!! Everyone will see..." The real surprise came when Sarah slid her fingers under the seam of them and hiked Lauren's panties away revealing nearly all of her cheek. Her whole face shot red. "STAAAAAAAAHP" Lauren screamed right before Sarah took nearly a handful of said skin and pinched it as hard as she could.

The short haired twin let out the most blood curdling, high pitched scream imaginble that was probably heard in the next life. Her butt throbbed from the pinch and it had her nearly in tears.

That's what you get!" Yelled Sarah before the two got in a fight, once again rolling, giggling, tumbling, and laughing.

Finally after what seemed like forever, both girls were worn out. Clothing all misplaced and turned, hair frizzy and adorned with grass. Both Sarah and Lauren just laid there, looking up at the sky. Panting, waiting, laughing.

@DaughterofAthena @Deadeyelee @QuirkyAngel @Zenaida


Akahana Shima

The Hooded Terror

The girl scoffed at the girl's sentence. SHE offended her FIRST, she deserved a beating! What a pretentious bitch... Thinks she can overpower Akahana! Her! Who slaughtered the entire village! How dare she... But, she forgot about it in an instant as she heard Arthur's voice. She slipped her mask back on, grinning hugely as she saw him running out of the cafeteria. So THATS where he was! Hiding in the cafeteria? Quite silly for the king to hide. Oh well, he must have his reasons.

"King Arthuuurrrr! I'm comiinnng!" She called out in delight. She ran after him, a deranged smile on her face.

As she caught up, she had half a billion questions buzzing in her mind. Where was he? When was he? Why didn't he sit with her at lunch? Gasp, why DIDN'T he? That flipped her switch from happy to see him to angry at him. That asshole! As she got close to him, she got in his path, clearly fuming with anger.

"Asshat! Idiot! Jerkface!" She barked, without much of an explanation. She went forward to swing a punch at him, feeling up to screaming and seeing him bloody.

"How dare you not sit with me at lunch! You probably sat with a different bitch! What, do you hate me now? Do you not wanna be partners anymore?!" She just wouldn't stop screaming...

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Arthur staggered, and looked at Akahanna before saying, "Nothing personal my lady, I simply endure my flashes of bloodlust alone... I doubt even together we're strong enough to turn them into a reality, so I seek to change that... That's the only way they'll stop... They're fun, but it hurts... And I don't know how much more I can take..."

Arthur could tell Akahanna about his flashes. She was his partner, they had no secrets, as far as Arthur knew, and Arthur wasn't even going to let petty fear keep him from being honest with her. Akahanna was different, and her shere understanding had won Arthur over, and with nothing else to give but his life and his word, he gave it to her.

He smiled at her and said, "I'm going to talk to that teacher... I don't want you getting hurt if my people are right about him... Would you wait for me to come get you? We could become stronger, individually and as a team... We could turn the bloody fantasies into reality..." Arthur's grin grew maddening, as he watched his partner with glee.

Kassana Silverstream

Location: Athletic Field

Classification: EAT Weapon - Slingshot

Partner: None

Tags: @Kaine @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @Zenaida
Kassana stared at Kalin and Jack for a moment, a bit lost on what to say, what to do, what to… anything. Her eyes widened a bit as she looked at Jack, fully and completely believing what Kalin said. She wasn’t the most socially adept person in the world so she really had no reason to disbelieve Kalin at first. However, looking at Jack, even Kassana couldn’t really see anything too special about him. Instead of questioning it, though, Kassana simply nodded, going along with it. “Oh… cool, I guess…” She sounded very hesitant. Uncertainty slipped into her words.

Something else completely threw her off. Jack had called her a pretty girl. If Kassana’s face could turn any more red than it already was, it happened. She stared at Jack’s hand for a moment as he held it out to her before hesitantly shaking it. “N-n-nice to meet you t-too,” she smiled softly as she said it although she was still very much not used to meeting new people.

When Kalin returned to his human form and seemed very unconfident with himself, Kassana immediately became very concerned, though. ‘But… he’s a sword. I’d just about die to be some sort of useful weapon like that…’ Of course, she didn’t say exactly what she was thinking, but she wasn’t going to just let it slide. “No, no, no! You’re… you’re entirely impressive! You’re a SWORD! You’re a weapon of KINGS! That’s…. that’s b-better than I c-can say of me...” It was the loudest she had been so far in their encounter, but by the end, she was back down to a barely audible volume.

It looked as though she had been about to say more, but Kassana was quickly distracted by some more new people on the field. Two girls - two very identical girls. Simply watching the two of them flushed out Kassana’s cheeks the rest of the way - there was no way they could possibly get any more red than they already were. “Uhm… uhm… is… is th-that normal…?” It was unclear who she was asking.
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“No, no, no! You’re… you’re entirely impressive! You’re a SWORD! You’re a weapon of KINGS! That’s…. that’s b-better than I c-can say of me...”

Kalin shook his head looking downcast. "I'm no kingly blade. I'm a Shortsword. At best, I'm a last resort. I'm a commoner's weapon, and not a particularly good one, either. No hero goes into battle with a Shortsword. I mean, Robin Hood had his bow, King David his slingshot, but a Shortsword? You won't find one even among heros of the common man. Shortswords are for after your other blades break, or for arming masses to stand in formation. I can't think of anything less heroic or kingly. That's part of why I'm so glad Jack let me..."

He suddenly ducks behind Jack as he takes the brunt of Sarah's glare, which threatens to pummel him. Oh god she's terrifying. She's going to destroy me. But...but...

"Must you persist with such vouyeristic acts? It's hedonistic! Do you wish damnation for all around you?! This uncouth behavior would have warranted...would have warranted..."

Kalin goes quiet for a moment, biting his lip for a moment before proceeding, a little less high and mighty, and a lot more pleading, his face reddening.

"Please stop! You're making me uncomfortable! It's indecent!"

Perhaps his step-father was right. Females were poisonous, vile creatures. B-But this one seemed alright...

He peered his head out from behind Jack to look the pale girl in the eyes, careful not to look at anything
else that was going on.

"I's....just the way they are..." He responds to her query. "I wish they'ed be less lewd." His face is a similar shade of crimson.




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Akahana Shima

The Hooded Terror

Akahana stared at her partner vacantly as he spoke about bloody flashes. Ah... She had that kind of thing as a child! Well, except she was imagining ways to kill everyone, and she dreamt about it. She sort of still did it, but since killing in the DWMA is illegal, she's had no choice but to lay back... It's drove her insane though... She hasn't seen organs or any still-beating hearts in weeks... She wanted to tear everyone around her apart, and Arthur too had that desire! That's why he's such a wonderful partner! He understood her... Her bloodlust...

"Of course... I'll wait... It is fine..." She kept in the desire to punch him again, leaving her alone... But maybe his, people, were right. Though... The DWMA wouldn't hire anyone that would kill them, though she's never trusted the system. She was always skeptical about the good guys in story books... They always had something sneaky to hide, those assholes. Like the man in Beauty and the Beast, a book she stole from a mother and child she killed; he tried to kill the beast, purely because he was an ugly, fearsome creature. She only cheered for the beast as she read the story, and scorned the so called "hero".

"I'll wait here.."

“King Arthur” Williams and “Sergeant” Hakoda Fuller

Arthur ran after the combat instructor, laughing under his breath the whole time. His fairies often hid from him when he was this consumed with his blood lust, but a few of them were still lingering, trying in vain to convince him to turn back. Trying to tell him that this new teacher was evil, but Arthur was in no mood to listen to them he swatted at the little pests, as he walked onto the fitness field. He growled lowly at the irritating ringing that his fairies made as their bell like voices overlapped. "BUZZ OFF!" He snapped at them, effectively silencing what was left of his escort.

He looked at the new teacher with a mild curiosity, an image of him, and one of the students in the background flashed into his head: chests ripped open; hearts still beating. He couldn't do it, obviously.

Well... Not yet at least....

Hakoda could sense the soul that was following him long before he heard Arthur snap although there was no other soul nearby for Arthur to be speaking to. To anyone without a soul perception similar to Hakoda’s, this would’ve been something that struck him as odd. However, Hakoda could see the details of Arthur’s soul - speckled with dust of delusions that sparkled like pixie dust.

As Hakoda led his follower onto the athletic field, he turned to face the boy and commented, “It’s been awhile since I’ve encountered a soul like yours. Tell me, what is it about blood that draws your attention so much? I can tell you crave it… and that’s not something I can just allow to walk through the halls and into a fight.”

Hakoda took a single step forward and asked, “Do you seek to control that dangerous urge?”

Arthur's fairies began to 'whisper' with their bell like voices, while others joined them. All at once Arthur had soft bells ringing from the fairies, whisper like singing from the wisps, harsh screaming from the earthbound mermaids, and even human like ridicule from a dryad, all of this filled his ears, and assaulted his senses.

They were telling him to run.

Arthur shook his head to clear it of any influence his people had on him, and focus on the question aimed at him. He knew what he wanted, what he NEEDED. He needed to stop the flashes. The only way to stop the flashes was to turn them into a reality. He needed more skill to turn them into a reality. He needed this.

Arthur knew better than to tell Hakoda about his people. He couldn't tell hardly any humans, or they would lock him up again. He couldn't let that happen. But... What would be so bad about telling Hakoda about the flashes? He already knew so much after all.

Arthur finally spoke after his people stopped screaming bloody murder ("Damn mermaids, and their land bound screaming!") in his ear, and he could think strait again. "I... Just want the flashes to stop..." He confessed, "I just want those images to go away.... I need them to stop... And I know you can help me..."

Hakoda’s expression did not shift away from the serious gaze that it carried when it had first fallen onto Arthur. ‘Death certainly has acquired a taste for the dangerous kinds of potentials…’ he came to realize. The more he studied the soul of the boy in front of him, the more he began to understand that the boy was right - Hakoda could help him. However, Hakoda wasn’t sure if the kind of help that Hakoda would offer was the kind of help the boy was looking for.

Hakoda was NOT a person who would allow such a lust for blood nor who would foster it’s existence. These mentions of ‘flashes’ that the boy spoke of, seemingly terrified, did nothing to ease Hakoda’s uneasiness.

“To control such a thing is not a matter of strength, boy.” In the absence of knowing a name, boy was the only term Hakoda felt comfortable applying to the individual in front of him. It wasn’t meant unkindly in any way; it was merely a term of reference. “It is a matter of the strength of your soul and the soundness of your mind. That I can help you with, but that is the kind of thing that changes a person.”

Arthur let a low growl escape his ears, almost inaudibly, at the title Hakoda had given him. Almost all of the remainder of Hakoda's speech had been almost unheard by Arthur, as his people made their outrage known to him. The image of Hakoda's bloody murder scene flashed before Arthur's scarlet eyes, and his people began to chant for the man's blood. Arthur believed fully that the flashes were a gide. A disturbing method of instruction passed on from the kings of old. His people cried for the flashes to stop, and their king to recreate it.

Arthur's furious growl after that was directed behind him, at the screaming mermaid, who was really getting on Arthur's nerves. His anger radiated around him as he looked back at his instructor. "My name is King Arthur Oliver Williams, thank you very much! Not 'boy!' You may refer to me as 'King Arthur,' or Oliver if my proper title offends you in some way..."

Hakoda held up his hands as a gesture of innocence in a way although his expression was in no way apologetic. “I am a new faculty member here and as such, I am unaware of names. I cannot know a name without your telling me so, Oliver, so ‘boy’ was the only title I had for you. Now I know.”

Pausing for a moment, Hakoda considered Arthur a bit more. “I am Hakoda Fuller,” he introduced himself, realizing that up until this moment, none of the students had really known who he was. “I am planning on offering a lesson on resonance links. You are more than welcome to join in, Oliver, and afterwards, if you still have questions, I’d be more than willing to work with you.”

Arthur looked at Hakoda with mild interest. "I'd like to attend..." He said, despite one of his fairies buzzing around his face. Ophelia, again. Arthur swatted at the little creature, and growled, "Stop it, Ophelia!"

The purple fairy was relentless in her attempt to make Arthur turn, and learn his skills on his own, but Arthur was not swayed, by her pitiful plight. She tried one last time, only to find herself flung to the other side of the room, by Arthur's swatting onslaught. Arthur watched the fairy fade into nothingness, before reappearing with the rest of his escort, as she always did.

“Very well then,” Hakoda nodded and turned to walk away from Arthur, knowing that if the boy wanted to follow, he would. It wasn’t Hakoda’s job to force anyone into anything so he didn’t say anything on the matter. Instead, he simply walked over to the students who were already gathered in the middle of the field.

“STUDENTS!” His voice snapped out, not rudely. He was simply getting their attention. “Let me get a few things out of the way first. I am Hakoda Fuller. You may address me as Sergeant. I am NOT a teacher. I’m your new combat instructor - plain and simple. Lord Death brought me on staff because he was concerned about the coming year. You know him, he’s always concerned, but I wasn’t about to turn down the offer. Now, my lesson for today is a simple one. We’re going to work on soul links and communication as a weapon and meister. That ought to be a simple enough place to start.”

His eyes scanned the students curiously, glimpsing into each and every soul that was gathered there. Even though he already knew some basics about them, there were things that they wouldn’t know about each other. “Now, split up. I want weapons on my right and meisters on my left. And I’d like names, please. I won’t want to be offending anyone by having to resort to boy or girl for names.”

@Kaine @QuirkyAngel @Zenaida @Ariettie @Deadeyelee

Miyoko Oromo

"THE HELL ARE YOU ON ABOUT, HUH?!" A voice rings out across the field from behind Kalin- followed by the audible sound of a fist slamming into a palm. "The hell you demeaning the favored weapon of Rome, one of the greatest historical military powers /ever/, huh!? The Shortsword's not a weapon of kings, y'say? Sure! Maybe so- but every single Roman Legionary carried one and used it as their primary weapon, y'know! Not to speak of the countless heroes who used one- you dumbass!" She continues on- as she stands there- glaring at them- then taking in a deep breath, as she halts the steam pouring out of her ears as she takes a breath- taking a moment out of her bizarre rant about things that don't concern her to breathe.

When she next opens her mouth, her tone is far, far more normal. "Tch. I mean, really. Here you are at the DWMA, a place for people training to, y'know. Kick ass, save people, and all around be awesome- and you're putting yourself down like some kinda jackass? Yeesh. Have some self respect, y'fuckin shithead." She harshly demands- glaring at the person she has literally just met as she spits to the side of the grass, shifting from storing her fist in her palm, to crossing her arms.

"And if you're such a BAKA That you can put yourself down for being the kind of weapon REAL men like Perseus and Odysseus used, then where do you get of lecturing other people for having fun, anywa--!" She freezes- as she hears the sound of authority. Authority from the only institution she respects, at that. "... Welp. Business." She abruptly states... As she turns to face the sound of the shout.

As she quiets down and nods along- listening to the teacher- there's finally a moment to take in her full appearance- and it's a doozy. Clad in the
bizarre combination of classic punk jeans, and a smooth black skirt, along with a really plain, black, long sleeved shirt. It's all set off by her wild mane of messy red hair- framing her face then trailing down into the small of her back. Her ears are adorned with a pair of matching black, metallic skull-shaped earrings, and on each hand she has two different rings- simple black and white bands. Her features are a bizarre mix of being vaguely asian, and slightly Irish in body and facial structure- and she's tall for her age, to say the least. She snaps off a salute towards Fuller, and then nods.

"Yessir, yo. Names Miyoko, Miyoko Oromo, One Star EAT Meister." She says with a broad, eager smile- literally just sort of.. instantly changing tones from scolding the /shit/ out of Kalin, to dutifully and proudly reporting for 'duty', as she moves off to the left of the man, and tucks her hands into her pockets.
Keziah Swan and Warren Langston

Collaboration with


Codename: Silent Knight

Classification: EAT 2-Star

Partner: Warren Langston

Location: Athletic Field
Keziah led the way onto the athletic field with a million questions running through her mind. Who is this new teacher and why is he here? I’ve never seen a teacher jump into a fight like that… The scene in the cafeteria had certainly been an interesting one and Keziah nearly forgot about the fight she herself had gotten into with Akahana. Almost. The person trailing behind her was a constant reminder that she had had to fight in the first place because he was too much of an idiot to keep quiet enough that people might have given him a shot at being a liked person.

Codename: Evening Star

Classification: EAT Weapon - Morningstar

Partner: Keziah Swan

Location: Athletic Field
Trutting behind Keziah with an entirely giddy smile on his face was the Great Evening Star Warren Langston himself. He too had seen what this ‘new professor’ had done in the cafeteria and it most certainly intrigued him to no end. So did the prospect of this extra lesson. I’m sure I’ll blow everyone away, though. What else would anyone expect from the greatest weapon in the school? I haven’t really gotten to show everyone my greatness this year yet, though so that will certainly be interesting…

“Hey!” Keziah snapped. Great Evening Star... you coming?” She had noticed that he had begun to fall behind.

Warren scurried up to his meister, his face still plastered with an eternal grin. “Of course I’m coming, Miss Silent Knight!” His voice was almost mocking as he said it, mimicking her tone although he elbowed her playfully to try and take the edge off of it. “I wouldn’t want to give anyone a chance to show me up, now, would I?”

Keziah rolled her eyes. “Of course not…” she sighed.

The two of them were on the athletic field now, and Keziah’s eyes fell upon the students who had gathered for the lesson. She quickly realized that this was going to be rudimentary at best and she glanced behind her, wondering if anyone who could’ve made things even slightly more interesting might have been planning on showing up sooner or later. As things were, Keziah couldn’t see herself getting anything useful out of this lesson - and that was just judging based on the current attendees.

Keziah and Warren walked up just in time to hear Hakoda Fuller’s little lecture on himself and on the lesson itself and as soon as he asked for names, Warren made sure to scream his very loudly. “Great Evening Star, Warren Langston, reporting for duty! Yep! You’re looking at the next Death Scythe right here!” There was nothing shy about him at all and he even went so far as to point both his thumbs straight towards himself, hoping to draw all of the eyes possible onto him.

Keziah sighed. “Well, I guess I don’t need to introduce my partner… I’m Keziah Swan and from the looks of things, I’m the strongest meister here. Any chance you’d like me to demonstrate? I could probably link with just about any weapon you handed me, to be quite honest.” Even though hers wasn’t nearly as obvious, Keziah was just as cocky as her weapon partner and her eyes scanned the students, dwelling on the ones she could tell were weapons for a bit longer than the others.
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Kassana Silverstream

Location: Athletic Field

Classification: EAT Weapon - Slingshot

Partner: None

Codename: Bookworm
Kassaa visibly flinched when Kalin mentioned a hero who had once used a slingshot. What? No… it can’t be. Slingshots are silly, stupid and pathetic. Surely no one important ever used one… and even if they did, that doesn’t make me any less useless. She, of course, didn’t express her insecurities out loud though. That would’ve only made the situation worse because she actually wanted to make friends and so far she had learned that people didn’t like to hear her talking like that.

In fact, Kassana’s decision not to speak up was quickly determined to be a wise decision. She jumped up intensely as she heard Miyoko come up behind Kalin and inconsequentially come up behind her as well, and Kassana couldn’t help but grimace at the girl’s words to Kalin. The grimace wasn’t only because she felt bad for Kalin although that was definitely a part of it. She understood where he was coming from although she thought she had more reason to feel the way she did than Kalin seemed to have. Kassana took almost every word said by Miyoko as though it were being directed to her as well and it hurt. Yes, Kassana was at the DWMA to train, to save people, to be awesome and kick-ass. She wanted to be a hero. However, just because she wanted it in no way meant that she was fit to actually do it.

Kassana’s arm curled around her, almost as though she was trying to protect herself from Miyoko’s words. It was a silent gesture, and a gesture that would likely go unnoticed.

In her current mental state, Kassana was glad when the new professor actually showed up and she got slightly excited when he titled himself as a ‘combat instructor’. Soul links! I can do that! Aeryn showed me… Her former partner wasn’t there, but she still remembered their few practice sessions. Kassana’s eyes then turned nervously to the students around her. She had been able to link with Aeryn; however, Kassana quickly realized that it may not be the same with another person and thus her moment of confidence didn’t last very long.

“K-Kassana…” It wasn’t until Hakoda asked for names that Kassana finally gave hers out, realizing that when she had shook hands with Jack earlier, she should’ve given it. The formality of it had completely slipped her mind and she looked to him apologetically for a moment before she took a few steps, placing herself on Hakoda’s right. “M-my name… it’s Kassana.” She felt the need to clarify and every part of her body language undoubtedly pegged her as the shy one.
Alexander “Xander” Traynor

The business card in his pocket weighed heavily on his mind - so heavily, in fact, that he didn’t even really pay attention to who was out on the athletic field in the first place as he walked onto the grass. Most of them would be unfamiliar faces to him anyway as he really didn’t care one single bit for any of the new N.O.T. students. They were too pathetic for him to even bother with.

There were a few things Xander did notice despite the distractions floating through his mind. First, he noticed that his sister was not present. He wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing because as far as weapons went, his sister was definitely his first choice. He knew how to wield her. He had spent years upon years training with her. Then again, the fact that she wasn’t there meant he couldn’t get in trouble for using her, which was probably a good thing since Xander was trying to lay low. The second thing he noticed was that Zyra was not on the athletic field either. Part of him had been hoping that Miss Red Riding Hood would’ve made an appearance because he was very eager to finish the fight that the new faculty member had so rudely interrupted back in the cafeteria. The third thing Xander noticed was a voice - one of the most annoying voices that had ever graced his ears. Warren Langston. Xander quickly made to stand as far away as possible from the weapon who made him want to punch something so badly.

Despite his distractions and despite his desire to punch Warren in the face, Xander went to stand on Hakoda’s left, labeling himself a meister. “You can call me Dynamite. Seeing as you gave your codename, it’s only fit that I offer mine.” There was an edge to his voice - a very obvious edge. Xander didn’t like this new teacher and he was making it as obvious as possible without resorting to outright violence.

Waiting for further instructions, Xander finally pulled the business card out of his pocket. Surprisingly, there was nothing odd or abnormal about it. It simply had a name and an address within Death City limits. Isaac Alkaev was the name listed. That doesn’t sound like anyone immensely important. I’ve never even heard the name before. He was still undecided as to whether or not he would go, but for now, he slipped it back into his pocket and waited for further instructions from his now least favorite professor.
Saiken Martuba

Blind Prince

Saiken was interested in the man who had called out to everyone for physical training in the cafeteria, though he took his sweet time with his food and then calmly left the cafeteria. He wasn't one to get excited over something; he only felt interest in this because he needed another partner, or, well, throwaway toy to wonder why he didn't feel anything towards them. Saiken also wanted to try understanding everyone else in the group; he never participated in group activities unless told to.

He gently whistled as for the soundwaves to bounce off the walls, to create the black and white picture in his mind, so he wouldn't ungracefully slam into any walls. It was currently very quiet in the hallways, thus no soundwaves to work with except with his own. Whistling became a bit of a chore after a while, which is why it was easier to be around someone or noisy people so their chatter would create the picture for him without much effort. He approached the doors, outside, thankfully there should be wind to shape everything.

As he stepped outside, he noticed shapes a little ways away; probably the class. He made his way over, sporting a false smile.

"Hello there comrades." His voice was flat and emotionless, further supporting the false smile.

@ Anyone on the field

Aoi Asuka

Nickname: Ponytails

Rank: NOT Weapon

Partner: Undine Isle


Aoi sighed, the lunch break was over and thanks to his own clumsiness he was dripping in sauces - namely vinegar and gravy. The human potato salad walked through the hallways after his blunder, walking outside to continue his school day in the field, muttering sorry all the way until he joined the other students that already arrived at the field. "Sorry for being late, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..." He apologized to the NOT teacher, standing a few steps behind the almost robotic male. "Wait, am I late?" He questioned as he looked around, it seemed that class had barely begun.

He glanced at the two groups of students that were beginning to form, as well as the role call that some of the students were giving to the teacher - catching on quickly. "O-oh, My name is Aoi Asuka sir," He introduced himself as he walked to what he thought was the weapon group, seeing some familiar faces in that group from the 'incident'. The blue-haired weapon sighed as he was with the other weapons, relaxing a bit now after apologizing about his possible tardiness. His face then went pale as he realized that he hadn't socialized much since school had started - only staying in his tiny little circle of him and whoever his meister dragged him off to. Ponytails bit his tongue behind his teeth at this realization, reminding himself to start his school socialization soon.
Jack and Kalin

Jack watched amusedly as Kalin interacted with the pale-haired girl from safely behind his back. For some reason, Kalin saw it fit to use Jack as a shield. Jack wasn’t bothered by it. It was just...odd. The kid hadn’t seemed all that shy when he’d showed off his juggling skills in the auditorium. Nor when he went and asked Jack to be his partner. In fact, during both those scenarios, Jack would have labeled Kalin as rather brave—if not a bit nervous. Was it the girl? Did she make him uncomfortable? Either way, his new partner didn’t seem like a coward. Low self esteem maybe, but not a coward. Jack’s assessment was confirmed when Kalin responded in an indignant manner to Lauren and Sarah’s antics, even as the boy shied away from Sarah’s glare.

Jack chuckled, directing his gaze away from the twins. It was the second time today he saw those lavender and white stripes. He wondered how Kalin would have responded had he seen Lauren’s photo session in the auditorium. Probably like he did just now. Jack smirked, studying Kalin as his NOT-mate chatted with the pale-haired girl. She seemed nice enough, willing to try and boost Kalin's confidence, even though it was a hopeless endeavor--as she found out. Kalin was the epitome of self-hatred apparently. Not even Jack's compliments managed to break through...and they were compatible partners. However, Jack wasn't the type of person to give up. He was intent on learning what he could of his new partner. Hedonistic. That's an interesting choice of words. Are the Micklesons a religious family? Jack pushed up his glasses, a slight frown on his face, as he recalled more of Kalin’s embarrassed outburst. Warrant what? What does uncouth behavior warrant? Why didn't Kalin complete his sentence?

Jack had been so focused on his thoughts he didn’t notice another person approach the field until he heard shouting. Startled, Jack faced the red-haired girl that glared at them aggressively. He thought it was interesting how the older girl managed to demean Kalin while simultaneously compliment him. A real man’s weapon she says. A favored weapon of Rome.

Jack remained silent, fingering the die in his pocket to stop himself from responding on Kalin's behalf. While her words harsh, and somewhat uncalled for, they did hold a sliver of truth. If Jack went ahead and defended Kalin, it would only needlessly add heat to the flames. It wouldn't prove the girl wrong. There would be no true victory in the end. The only way to prove the girl wrong was for Kalin to defend himself. To show the punk-dressed girl that he had more self-respect than she gave him credit for. However, their was no response from Kalin. Only silence. Cautiously, Jack glanced towards his partner.

Kalin winced at each insult to his character, as if he'd been struck, his arms coming to cross his chest. It wasn't as if those assertions were wrong. How could they be? They fall perfectly in line. They're nearly identical. Except this time he's not being physically struck. But to hear it from someone who's never even met him before? He takes the most dimunitive posture he can manage. Even she could see the corrosion within my blade. He was pathetic. Sure he wanted to be here. He wanted to fight evil, to be trusted. But did it matter what he wanted? When had it ever mattered? This wasn't about him. This was about a promise. Something even a miserable subhuman whelp should be able to do.

His eyes burned. His whole body trembled with a mix of anger and sadness. What kind of scum am I that I can't keep one promise? How are you supposed to keep your Miester safe when you can't even manage this? He blinked and a single stubborn tear fell as he realized he was breaking not one, but two promises. A promise he had made literally moments before.

"J-Jack.... " He swallows. "I-I'm sorry..."

Jack sighed and ruffled the smaller boy's blond hair. He could see that Kalin was trying to hold back tears, even as a single drop fell. It was understandable. Normal even. He'd just been called baka, jackass, and a bunch of other colorful insults by an older--and rather intimidating looking--student. Kalin was a new NOT student. So was he. They were both new NOT students in a school that trained fighters. And given Kalin's low self-esteem the outcome was to be expected. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I said I w-wouldn't let you down...I can't even...keep it together...because I know she's mostly right." He wiped his eyes.

"No she's not." Jack said firmly. "And even if she is, so what? You managed to do what most others can't." The dice-lover reached into his pocket and pulled out his beloved cube. His eyes glowed somewhat fanatically behind his glasses. "You matched my die. We're perfectly compatible! Therefore it's not possible for you to let me down."

Kalin's eyes brightened a little, convincing himself that maybe he isn't as much of a subhuman failure as he thought. "A-Alright..."

Jack nodded seriously. "Good. Now let's give the Sergeant our undivided attention. If he's anything like my Uncle, he'll give us hell otherwise."

Jack turned towards the new teacher/combat instructor, Hakoda Fuller, listening to the man as he gave his instructions. He sighed mournfully. The Sergeant resembled his Uncle--which meant it would be difficult for Jack to get away with slacking off in his classes. Fortunately, it didn't look like the lesson he had planned involved anything physically strenuous. Jack didn't have any idea what soul links were, but he figured Fuller would explain that later. There were new NOT students present, after all. Taking position at Fuller's left, next to a guy who called himself Dynamite and a girl who claimed to be the strongest meister here, Jack introduced himself with a dramatic bow while keeping his soul perception blocking glasses firmly perched on his nose with two fingers.

"I'm Jack Trinity. Faithful follower of the dice."

Kalin, following his miester's example, moved to be with the weapons on Fuller's right, before introducing himself with a less dramatic, more modest bow. "I-I'm Kalin Mickleson, or Galahad...whatever you want to call me sir, is fine.It's not like I earned any of those names.., especially not Galahad. I find it absurd." He spoke with a bit more confidence about this. He was certain that he was undeserving of the name of the greatest of King Arthur's knights.

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Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: Fitness Field

Mood: Amused, Confused, Scared, & Nervous

Tags: @Kaine @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @SephirothSage @Violet Obsidian @Sergeant Sass @Lilllysaurus Rex @T h e F o o l @DaughterofAthena @Anyone else in the Fields
Dakota blinked, looking at Sarah as she laid in the grass. At this point, she'd stopped questioning the odd twins actions, but she still wondered what in the world the blonde girl was doing. She was even more curious, when Lauren jumped onto her sister. That lead to another 'war' between the twins, and Dakota settled for watching them roll across the ground from her spot, somewhere between amused, terrified, and confused. By the time the girls finally rolled to a stop, and Sarah exacted her revenge, Dakota had settled herself on the ground, seated Indian style. Skirt flipping seemed to be a theme with her new friends, and she was seriously glad most of her closet in that department consisted of pants or shorts instead of the odd and problematic clothing. Dresses and skirts were just awkward and way to uncomfortable for her tastes.

An outburst from Kalin drew Dakota's attention again, and she blinked at the boy was he preached using words that thoroughly confused the girl, even though she really should have known what they meant. She smiled a little, before drawing her attention to the pale haired girl who the blonde boy then moved on to speak with. It seemed he was still using Jack as a shield. A voice cut through the moment, as a red haired girl stormed up from behind Kalin, shouting something about shortswords and their fame. Dakota tilted her head, still listening, but slowly losing interest as her eyes shifted elsewhere. Back to the twins, who had finally ended their rolling fits, probably a while ago, and were currently just laying in the grass laughing. She found herself smiling, though it didn't last long as her attention was ripped away. Again.

A movement to the edge of the field caught her eyes and she watched the figures until they, or at least one of them, made their way to the center of the field with them. His shout drew attention from all gathered, and she listened just as well. The man introduced himself, and went on to speak about how he wasn't a teacher, and how Lord death had asked him to come. He explained the plans for today, then asked the students to separate by meisters and weapons. Dakota stood again, but didn't move for a few minutes, listening to several others as they arrived and settled in on their side. She listened as one girl just introduced herself, the one and only Evening star made his presence known, then another girl stated she was the strongest meister here. she lost track of the others, not really listening as she edged closer. Eventually, Jack joined the Meister line, and Kalin the weapon and introduced themselves.

Dakota sighed, holding a slightly shaky hand to her chest as she made her way over to the left of Sergeant. She slipped in beside Jack, standing rather close to her friend, almost like she was drawing comfort off of him. She eyed the faces around for a second, just breathing and calming down a bit. Several of them only served to make matters worse in the case of her nerves. Casting her eyes down, and not really looking at anybody, she worked up to actually introducing herself. No sense in ticking the instructor off this early. Sometime just before she opened her mouth to speak, her still slightly shaking hand found the side of Jack's shirt, lightly gripping the fabric. Whether that did much good or not, she'd already started to speak.
"My n-name is D-Dakota Eimear..." She stammered out, stumbling through the sentence considerably more than most of the other shy ones had. She spoke just loud enough to be heard, but not exactly yelling. Right after finishing, her grip on Jack's shirt grew loose and she left go, though not stepping away in the slightest.

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Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Laying in grass was pleasant. Enough so neither twin wanted to move. Sarah, could hear the conversation between the girl and Kalin, and then there was another and they seemed to argue. The words just kind of faded into the whirl of everything as she stared up into the sky. Lauren's gaze never broke the sky. Watching the sparce rolling clouds just took her away. At least till ashout filled the air and their Instructor which had jumped into the Auditorium earlier finally showed up.

Both girls rolled over onto their arms and watched him. He introduced himself as the Sergeant, their instructor, not a teacher. He however, did not say it was a requirement, so both of them would refer to him as Mr. Fuller.

Working their knees underneath of them, the twins sat up, attentively listening. They had gotten excited right up until the point he explained what the drills they would be practicing were.

Soul Links and Communication

Both the girls just turned to each other, their expressions lost. Sarah just sighed. She knew this was going to happen. Coming into school a semester late, they had no idea how to do any of this, or even what it meant. Was it normal to just change into a weapon for anyone? at anytime? Most, if not all of these students knew their family lineage. Yet that had known for about the whole of a month.

Lauren was more worried about making Mr. Fuller mad. He seemed like a military man, one who would not accept girls like them. Much like their father. Her mother was the only thing that kept him from beating them most the time, and after she was gone... She put her hand up to her chest and held it tightly. That gave her inspiration enough to try.

Sarah ground her teeth slightly. Their day had been going so well; now with everyone here, their failure would be known school wide. Her knuckles turned white as her grip tightened.
Would this end just like before? But she couldn't just up and leave. Turning back to Lauren, her eyes were sad, but were somehow confident. It was something Sarah had always been envious of.

Each student gave their name, and their voice identified them as very confident. Sarah's chest tightened as even Dakota Jack and Kalin stood up there. She couldn't meet their eyes with her own. Lauren was the same, her eyes turned down as they sat there.

Lauren." Her voice low, but audible. She couldn't stand up and get in line, because getting called out and not being able to perform would be like lying.

S-sarah." She stumbled in her own name. Her whole body tense and she just wanted to run. But if her sister was going to stay, so would she.

Both of them remained in their spot, awaiting punishment for being uneducated in the ways of this school.

@Zenaida @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @Anyone else

Hakoda Fuller and Keziah Swan

Gathering the Masses

Hakoda watched as the students fell into line. He listened to each of their names, knowing that he wouldn’t remember all of them, but some of them would stick well enough and he was sure more students would make an impression as the lesson went on. Many of them seemed shy and quiet with a few exceptions notable among them.

Sergeant made note of Xander as he made his way into the small group of meisters that was forming. That was one name he could be sure to remember as he remembered breaking up a fight of the boy’s in the cafeteria when he had first peeked in. Even more so, the boy’s soul was certainly an interesting one - one that invoked a sense of caution in Hakoda.

Overall, he noted that he seemed to have more weapons than meisters although two of the weapons just stood off on their own after introducing themselves. Hakoda just barely picked out their names as Sarah and Lauren, and they were twins. That much was obvious. Turning to Keziah briefly, Hakoda nodded and accepted her offer of providing the demonstration.

“Works for me. I don’t have a weapon here right now so anyone who can demo is more than welcome to,” Hakoda commented. He glanced to the other meisters who had gathered up, gesturing in such a way that implied that they could demo alongside Keziah if they knew what they were doing. Turning back to Keziah, Hakoda added, “Probably best to use a weapon that’s not your own. The process will move too quick if you’re familiar with your partner and then I won’t have much opportunity to teach through it.”

Keziah nodded briefly.
“Of course,” she replied curtly. Letting my weapon demo would give him a big head, anyway. She kept that in the confines of her own mind, though.

Peeking into the crowd of weapons, Keziah quickly realized she wasn’t familiar with any of them which was probably for the better. Likely they were all NOT students or something of that sort and that would only make her demonstration more impressive
if they could actually pull off a transformation in the first place. “Any volunteers?” she asked them.

Meanwhile, Hakoda walked over to the twins, noting the tension they seemed to be feeling and he spoke only to them.
“You two are welcome to go stand among the weapons,” he said to them. “If you’d rather work together, I’ll make sure not to pair you with meisters and that might actually even out the groups a little bit, too.” Hakoda flashed them a brief smile. “And I’ll be walking around to help people too.” He wasn’t exactly sure why they were so nervous, so he was trying to cover all of his bases.

@Kaine @T h e F o o l
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Alexis “Lexie” Traynor and Nadia Voltaren

Collaboration With:


“Yeah… somethin’ like that,” Lexie replied as she turned to face Zyra before quickly turning slightly panicked. “W-well, not the illegal part. Just the ‘having a moment’ part.” Lexie paused for a moment, hoping she had managed to clear that up in time before she realized she had made yet another mistake. “Oh, and the moment’s over now so you don’t have to worry about interrupting anything.”

Lexie sighed for a moment, realizing that she had finally (hopefully) cleared the sight up in a way that made sense.
“Anyway, I’m going shopping. I thought Thalia was going to come but I haven’t seen her lately. Did you want to come?” She was slightly hopeful that Zyra would join her because going shopping alone was never fun. “You don’t have to buy anything or anything like that. It would just be fun to have some girl time, ya know?”

As she was standing there, Lexie heard someone call out. “Hello? Anyone there? I was told someone would be here to meet me…” If either Lexie or Zyra turned to look out to the stairway, they would see a man standing with a pile of flyers in his arms. The pile was almost so tall that it hid his eyes although fortunately, he could still see if only just barely.

At that exact moment, a strong gust seemed to blow through as a few of the papers flew off the top of his pile and he wobbled.
“Uh… ah… HELP! PLEASE!” The man called out.

“Coming, sir!” Lexie called out as she ran up to the man and took half the stack off of the pile, tucking it under her chin so that the top papers wouldn’t fly away.

“Ahhh… thank you, miss,” the man sighed as the weight and the fear of losing the whole pile was relieved.

“Oh, hello Lexie. Zyra,” came another voice. Suddenly, the school nurse was standing within the group. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” Nadia looked to see that Lexie was holding some of the fliers and then she looked at the stranger, slightly surprised by the large stack of papers. “I didn’t think you’d be bringing so many.”

The man chuckled a bit.
“Well, the company’s trying to get their name out there I guess. Advertising up the whazoo… it’s a bit much if you ask me, but I just do what they tell me and they pay me for it.” He shrugged after Nadia took the remaining papers out of his charge.

Nadia smiled slightly.
“Well, we’ll do what we can to help. I’m sure plenty of students will be more than interested. Have a good afternoon, now.” Nadia would’ve waved, but her hands were full so instead she simply nodded.

“Good day, ma’ams!” The man tipped his hat to Lexie, Nadia and Zyra before he began the trek back down the vastness of the DWMA steps.

Nadia gestured to Lexie and they walked just inside the building to a point where the pile would be safe from the winds. Then Lexie set it down.
“Well, thanks Lexie. I should be able to handle it from here. Although, I suppose you can each take one while you’re here. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all of these. You can only hang up so many…” Before Nadia carried the first pile away, she handed a flier to each of the girls.


All youths invited...

Hosted By the Arts Company A-Muse


Featuring: Walk the Bleeding Moon

Guest Stars: Undirection

Concert Starts at 8 pm

Walk the Bleeding Moon takes the stage at 10 pm

Death City Square

Come celebrate the last few days of the summer sun before school gets you weary and the bleeding moon gets you dreary!

“Hmm…” Lexie remarked as she looked it over. “Seems fun!” She slipped the flyer into her backpack and then turned back to Zyra again. “So… shopping?”

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All youths invited...

Hosted By the Arts Company A-Muse


Featuring: Walk the Bleeding Moon

Guest Stars: Undirection

Concert Starts at 8 pm

Walk the Bleeding Moon takes the stage at 10 pm

Death City Square

Come celebrate the last few days of the summer sun before school gets you weary and the bleeding moon gets you dreary!

Mysteries… Mysteries… Mysteries…

“Hmmm?” a woman with long sandy hair stopped in her tracks as she meandered along the streets of Death City. She hadn’t really been doing anything; at least, none of it had been significantly important to her. However, she did enjoy her walks so she was more than a little confused when she was hit in the face with an errant piece of paper.

She snatched the paper off of her face, exhaling angrily as her mouth was freed. Paper didn’t taste very good.
“Hehe… a-muuuuuse!” The woman seemed more than a little intrigued by the name of the company supposedly putting on a concert in only a few days time.

All of a sudden, though, her eyes lit up. Her eyes widened.
“Meeuuuse…” She almost purred out the words. Her eyes glanced towards the structure that commanded her view - the DWMA. “I guess I’ll be back later, then.” The woman turned and began walking away. There didn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it, but she carried the flyer with her, crumpling it up in her hands and sliding it into her pocket for the time being.
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Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Neither one of the twins really knew how to act, or what to think. At first it was the assumption that he was a military like man; stern and strict. Yet as each of the girls looked up to meet the eyes of the man who stood before them, Mr. Fuller did not meet their intial judgement. His posture was casual, and even his voice seemed to be caring.

“You two are welcome to go stand among the weapons,” he said to them. “If you’d rather work together, I’ll make sure not to pair you with meisters and that might actually even out the groups a little bit, too.”

Sarah stood up first, brushing herself off, followed by Lauren. Though their height still wasn't enough to meet the man at level. Sarah's face was flushed red from being so nervous, her hands at her side in fists trying to contain this inexplicable fear that engulfed her. Lauren just crossed her arms and remained silent as Mr. Fuller continued.

Hakoda flashed them a brief smile.
“And I’ll be walking around to help people too.”

Taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself, she needed to clear the air. This was their intructor, someone who was suppose to be trusted. Even if they
didn't trust him yet, they had to place their confidence that he at least knew what he was doing. "Mr. Fuller" She asked in a tone just loud enough hopefully only he could hear. "Is it really OK to just freely change into a weapon? Me and my sister are the first in almost 3 or 4 generations to be weapons so..." She paused for a second, trying to imagine how to properly word it so he might understand. Her eyes looked down of and off to the side unconsciously.

Lauren took advantage of the pause, "
Weapons are used to kill things; we're dangerous." Standing on her tippy toes a few times out of nervousness, and fidgetting with her fingers infront of her chest, she turned to look at her sister and then back. Her voice dropped to barely audible, "trust us..."

Locking her eyes back onto Mr. Fuller's, she continued, "
This just all so fresh and confusing. Everything we know is just from messing around. No one ever told us, or taught us anything. I mean what even is Soul Linking and what do you mean by communication? Isn't this communicating?" Sarah's head tilted to the side slightly.

Without realizing it, the girls may have been nervous, but the fear had subsided for the time being. But both the twins had noticed that they flooded their instructor with questions that were probably answered in their class, not out here. Taking a small step back they stood shoulder to shoulder and apologized simultaneously with a soft courteous tone.

We're sorry."

We're sorry."



Aiko strolled enthusiastically into the auditorium. A light yawn escaped her lips as she stretched a bit as she walked. It wasn't hard to tell she felt still a bit stiff from drudging through class. Her hand brushed lightly through her hair, fixing up the ribbon keeping her long hair up on her left side. Her red jacket was left unbuttoned, fixing up her yellow scarf in attempt of making herself look as good as she could.

Well then, I suppose its time to blow everyone away with how damn cute I am. I wonder if there is any cute guys I can flirt with! Ooo that can be fun too, they will all want to watch me get my pictures too, top quality model here after all!. She thought without an ounce of humility with her thoughts. She was generally a little full of herself when it came to any opportunity to do so. Her self infatuation seemed to pause as she noticed that what should of been a relatively busy auditorium seemed to be rather... empty.

Aiko stared on seemingly with a blank face. Her expression changed to look rather gloomy, looking with a frown putting out a pouting face. "Hey now... they aren't suppose to leave when I come in to give them a pretty sight..." She spoke out lightly in a low tone. In truth, part of her excitement for picture day was being able to gloat a little while she was having her picture taken.

The teen shifted a bit, trudging her feet along as she ventured over. She saw the photographer wave over, lifting her hand up in protest. "No no... not yet... I'll come back soon for it..." She spoke with a little bit of a grumpy tone. She didn't give them a chance to even explain anything as she moved back to the door. She swung it open, stepping back into the hallway.

I came here to enjoy getting my picture today... where did everyone decide to go on me? She thought to herself trudging through the hall looking to find out where everyone else had gone.

<<Leaving the Auditorium>>
Keziah Swan, Hakoda Fuller and Aoi Asuka

Collaboration with:

@T h e F o o l

A Few Words

Hakoda couldn’t help but smile at the twins. There was something about them that he couldn’t recall seeing very often in DWMA students and that something almost made up for all the students who surprised him with their malice and potential for cruelty. Here these two were, avoiding a lesson because they understood how truly dangerous a weapon could be, especially in the right hands. It really did bring a smile to his face.

He did sigh a bit at their questions, though. They weren’t easy ones to answer. “There is nothing wrong with being able to transform into a weapon. It just means you come from a gene line that can trace their roots back to an ancient few - the first weapons.” Hakoda stated it as a simple fact because it was. “If you’re asking whether or not it’s ok to do it at any time, then the answer is absolutely not. But now, we’re doing an exercise that’s meant to give you more control. So for now, in a supervised environment, it is ok.”

His gaze drifted specifically to Lauren for a moment. “And yes, weapons are dangerous. That’s why this academy was founded in the first place. Well, it was one of the reasons. Lord Death seeks to train those individuals with weapon abilities - he seeks to train you - so that you know how to be safe with your abilities. And if you choose to progress in the curriculum, you will learn how to use your abilities to keep other people safe as well.”

“And I am here to teach you. I don’t expect you to know anything so the fact that you know anything at all is a surprise. This is a lesson for beginners when everything comes down to it. Soul linking is the process of bonding together as a weapon and a meister. And yes, we are communicating right now. However, it works differently for a weapon and meister. It’s a stronger connection on multiple levels. It’s…” Hakoda got lost for a moment, unsure of how to best explain it. “It’s not something I can tell you about. You have to feel it for yourself, if you want to.”

A Demonstration

Keziah’s eyes scanned over the crowd of weapons. She had been hoping someone would’ve stepped forward and volunteered to work with her. That didn’t seem to be happening though. They were all either too shy, not paying attention, didn’t care enough or any combination of the three from what she could see. Well, and there was Warren who she literally couldn’t pick anyway even if he did volunteer. Sighing, the two-star meister closed her eyes and accessed Soul Perception. She searched the souls in front of her, searching and sensing for one that would at least be capable of a transformation and one that would at least be compliant enough to work with her.

Keziah found one and she pointed him out within the crowd. “Well, since there are no volunteers, I guess you’re up,” she shrugged as she spoke, very nonchalant about the whole situation.

Aoi looked around to see who she was pointing to, until he finally realized that she was pointing at him. He internally facepalmed as he didn’t figure that out sooner. “O-oh, sorry…” He apologized, which thankfully was only once rather than ten.

Ponytails stepped out of the crowd of weapons to the meister, who didn’t seem to vary from the somewhat prideful theme of the meisters that he had found in the cafeteria.

At this point, Hakoda Fuller’s attention had returned from the twins to the lesson at hand and he nodded briefly to the weapon who would be helping with the lesson. He didn’t remember the student’s name so he didn’t really say anything to him specifically. Instead, Hakoda went right to teaching the lesson. “Now, before we get started, we’ll do one quick thing to make sure this sinks in properly. Keziah, turn around and you… uhm, I’m sorry. I forgot your name. There’s too many students to keep track of.” Hakoda sighed apologetically. “Anyway, show the students a number one through ten.”

Keziah turned around. She knew exactly what their instructor was setting up and it was honestly a good idea.

The NOT weapon waved the forgetfulness of the teacher aside, he wasn’t upset at all since he didn’t really think many teachers actually remember students names within the first few months. “Oh er sure,” he said, uncertainty leaking into his voice. Aoi raised both of his hands up to his shoulders, quickly giving the number to the students, wanting to get this part over with - the number six.

“Ready?” Keziah called out, not wanting to look until things were prepared.

“Yes.” Hakoda glanced to the other students quickly and said to them, “If you have soul perception, it might be easier to see what’s going on, but I’ll try to talk you through it otherwise.”

Keziah turned around and held her hand out to Aoi. “I assume you can pull off a full transformation?” The way she said it seemed as though it was intending at first to be condescending although she did manage to hold that tone back at the last moment. Instead of sounding rude, it was a simple question and a suggestion at the same time. The implicit suggestion being that now was the time for him to transform into a weapon, if he actually could.

Ponytails gave a nod, he was able to fully transform, although most of the time he didn’t have to due to him being in the NOT class of students. Debating whether or not he should have apologize in advance if he couldn’t now, he came at the conclusion of transforming to finish the demonstration and not take the entire day simply debating of something that could happen - turning into his weapon form of a knife.

Keziah snatched the weapon up as it was spinning down, spiraling silver as the edges of the transformation completed and she instinctively took a fighting stance. Even though her current partner was very different from a knife, it very much looked like she could be a threat with the weapon that Aoi was.

What was unseen was the action of their souls. Keziah’s own soul was quickly adjusting to match Aoi’s wavelength - a process invisible to most. However, Hakoda was explaining it. “The weapon and meister need to match wavelengths for the link to build. The closer you get to the same wavelength, the stronger the connection is. Sometimes one will have a far more flexible soul. In this case, Keziah’s is doing most of the work, but that’s just because she has more experience and for the sake of the demonstration.” In the short time that it took Hakoda to explain it, Keziah had managed to match Aoi’s wavelength perfectly. Anyone watching their souls would only see one soul - not two.

‘Can you hear me in there?’ Keziah spoke directly into the mindscape she now shared with Aoi. ‘This is the true connection between a weapon and meister. Everything's shared. Our minds, our soul wavelength… if you try, you can probably even see through my eyes.’

‘Yes, I h-hear you,’ was Aoi’s only response. He was stuck in between shock and awe; he really only seen glimpses of this place with Undine before it went a little awry. When she told him that he could see through her eyes, it was actually a little unsettling to him, kind of crossing a privacy line; he was not going to even attempt at that ‘skill’.

Keziah sighed a bit into the mindscape. In all reality, she wasn’t entirely used to working with people who were new to all this stuff. It was kind of weird for her to be ‘teaching’ someone inside her own mind. ‘Well, as soon as you tell me the number, I think the demo will be over,’ she said to him in the mindscape.


‘Alright. You can transform back now.’ Keziah’s attention returned to the students and to their instructor as she continued the lesson from where he left off. “Once you establish a decent bond, a meister and weapon can communicate within a single shared mind,” she explained. “And it’s how I can tell you that the number was six.” She shrugged. It was a fairly basic thing for her.

Aoi gave a nod before turning back to his human form, looking forward to going back to the mindscape with Undine; well at least if they could.

Hakoda listened as Keziah explained the rest and he nodded. “Exactly. Matching wavelengths is probably the hardest part, but once that is done, it’s just a matter of becoming familiar with the mindscape. Now, we’re going to break off into groups and practice. I’ll be walking around to help if you need it and I’m also going to try to pair you up with a compatible partner. Not every match will be perfect, mind you.”

Hakoda’s eyes scanned the students he had assembled and he began pairing people up. He paired Kalin and Jack. He paired Kassana and Miyoko. He paired Warren and Saiken. He paired Aoi and Xander. Then he glanced at the twins. “You two should be able to establish a link together with one of you acting as the meister,” he explained. “It’s something only family can do. You can practice that if you want, but I’m going to pair you with these two as well,” he gestured to the two remaining meisters - Keziah and Dakota.

@Deadeyelee @QuirkyAngel @SephirothSage @Kaine @Zenaida @Violet Obsidian @Lilllysaurus Rex @Sergeant Sass
Saiken Martuba

Blind Prince

Saiken quietly "watched" the demonstration... He couldn't see souls, but he had an idea of what was happening. He already knew about this; he had been here for quite a while, so this wasn't anything new. But, the word 'link' never made any sense to him. He's tried so many times to figure out what it meant but, it just was hopeless. He's gone through so many weapons, so many people, so many deaths, just to know what it meant, yet he still didn't know...

Though, he pulled himself back to reality. He couldn't stay on that thought forever. He'll find someone... Eventually. There has to be someone to teach him how to feel... Though, that made him curious. Would any of these people want to even engage him? He honestly wanted to know. Maybe they heard of his various accidents and are too scared? No, can't be. It will be fine, he just needed to ask.

"Excuse me, I apologize for interrupting, but I currently don't have a weapon partner of my own." He spoke up, "And... I still do not understand 'linking' with your partner..."

Zyra Harriot

Zyra watched the school nurse and the man talk with each other. When Ms. Voltaren acknowledged the blonde, Zyra gave a small wave of her hand. "Hello, Ms. Voltaren." Zyra didn't go down to the nurses that often, so she felt a little awkward with the teacher. Of course, Daemon was pretty much on a first name basis with the woman from his trips down to her office, either from something happening on a mission or accepting a silly dare someone tells him to do.

Zyra followed the nurse and Lexie as they brought the fliers away from the stairway, though felt even more awkward than before since she wasn't carrying anything in order to help. She did pick up one as it fell, folding it quickly and placing it in her pocket for Daemon.

When the woman handed her a flier, Zyra took it and put it with the other one. '
Well, Daemon would probably want his own anyways. No hamr in taking an extra.'

When Lexie addressed Zyra again after the nurse left, Zyra chuckled. "
Yeah. Shopping. I need to buy a new dress anyways..." She disgustingly looked at her dress in the bag at her side. "This one's ruined, and the stain in it probably is going to take some time to come out. I also guess I just want a new one for the next occasion that pops up..."

She dropped the bag back down to her side as she gave Lexie another smile. "
Also, sorry for teasing you. You and Aeryn are a cute couple, is all." This was true, but Zyra didn't want to voice her complaints about not having someone for herself, as that wouldn't make a good impression of her to Lexie, most likely. "So, is there any place you have in mind to shop? The mall, a certain clothing store?"

@Sergeant Sass
Hakoda Fuller

Hakoda turned to regard Saiken with a fairly even gaze. He could tell just from looking into the meister’s eyes that the boy could not see, and it was a good thing he had realized it because it allowed him to tailor his response appropriately.

“You don’t necessarily need a partner for this drill to work. Any weapon - in theory - should be able to work with any meister although some pairings will undoubtedly work better than others,” Hakoda explained. “Some people will be more skilled at matching souls than others. Two people who both lack the skill, for example, probably won’t work very well together although they should still be able to function to an extent.”

“As for the link itself, it works around the souls of the weapon and the meister. A soul has a wavelength which can be interpreted based on sight and sound. You try to bring the sound of your soul as close as you can to the sound of your partner’s soul and once you’ve done that, the link is made. The pair can then communicate, understand each other’s thoughts and are overall a more effective team.” Hakoda hoped what he was saying helped. “It’s an important skill for any EAT meister to have. Going on missions with a weapon without the ability to link is dangerous.”

@Lilllysaurus Rex

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