Before the End of Summer Concert

Ravyn Cooper

Monday after the concert

The auditorium was empty this morning. Not an unusual sight at the DWMA, especially with classes being cancelled and missions picking up. The sound of boots against the wooden stage echoed slightly in the empty auditorium. Off to the side of the side sat a concert grand piano, its ebony body had a slight shine under the stage lights. While it may not have been played frequently, the instrument was still free of any sign of dust, perfectly in tune too.


Ravyn lightly trailed one of her slender fingers across the polished ivory keys before finally taking a seat. The weapon's mind wandered as her fingers did the same on the keyboard. The sounds of the soft melody filled the empty auditorium. Like relaxing with video games, music was an escape of sorts to her. Each melody painted a picture all its own. It was up to the listener to figure out just what the story was.

So many genres, so many songs, so many stories.

Each allowing Ravyn a brief respite from whatever may have been weighing on her mind. Like the fact all students were needed for missions, yet here she was almost a month after Levi's accident still without a meister. Given her form as a weapon, Ravyn couldn't exactly take on a mission alone either. Why was finding a meister so difficult anyway? It's not like she was some unorthodox melee weapon . . .

Either unknown to her or she didn't care, the sounds of music drifted lightly out of the auditorium into the hallway. Anyone with a keen ear was likely to catch it walking by.

@Kalin Scarlet

Hiro Mitsaki and Kassana Silverstream

So… Lord Death had decided to cancel classes.

At first, the idea delighted Hiro. He was looking forward to having a few nice and calm days completely free of work and he had a nap all planned out and ready for the coming afternoon. Then he’d showed up to work to confirm that he was off and he’d been summoned to the Death Room. From there, everything just went downhill.

It seemed he had been assigned to supervise a group of NOT students; well, they were mostly NOT students with one who had jumped into the group at the suggestion of the Shinigami himself. Hiro knew why, as well and he couldn’t help but agree. This particular mission was a good fit for the girl given her current position within the whole scheme of things. It also seemed, that she was to be the first to arrive.

“Good morning, Professor,” she greeted him softly and rather shyly as well. Her hand rose up to wave, almost as though for a moment she was trying to be enthusiastic, but it didn’t remain that way for too long and it saddened the professor to see such a thing.

Pushing himself upright, Hiro waved at her, trying to maintain the enthusiasm that she had seemed prepared to display.
“Good morning, Kassana! It seems you’re the first one here, but I imagine everyone else will be along soon enough. Are you ready?” It seemed a reasonable question to ask her.

Kassana shrugged.

“I guess so… Lord Death said he thinks Dakota will be good for me, and that maybe I can do some good for her as well.” She said it without too much thought because it was an honest statement. That had been what Lord Death said to her earlier that same day.

Kassana was an early riser; she’d been in the school since about sunrise.

“You know, I do agree with him. I think you’ll get along well with her and maybe you just might be able to help the team figure this out without too much trouble.” He tried to let his voice sound hopeful, thinking that some of that feeling might be encouraging to the student as well. In the end, though, they could both only watch down the stairway and await the rest of the group.
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Luxe Rosenfield

Two Days After the Concert

Luxe walked through the empty halls of the academy, the only sounds in his ears being the squeak of his sneakers on the ground and the sound of pages being turned over, as the young meister read through one of his many playbills. As Luxe turned the corner, he lowered the book, and stopped walking. He looked around in confusion as the sound reached his ears; a piano, a song playing on it nearby.

'Hmm? I wonder where that's coming from...'

Intrigued, Luxe decided to look for the source.

After a few moments of searching, Luxe found himself standing outside the auditorium. He pushed the door open slightly, sliding in as he took in the sight before him. Sitting at the piano was another student, one of the newer additions to his class. She had joined a few months back, and found a partner almost immediately, however an accident left her flying solo once again, and her meister retired from combat.

As her song came to an end, Luxe clapped softly, impressed with the girl's musical talent as he walked closer to the stage.

"That sounded pretty amazing. Did you write it yourself, or is it just a song I haven't heard before?" He asked, leaning on the stage's edge.


Ravyn Cooper

While Ravyn would deny it, she jumped at the sound of another's voice. She didn't think she was playing that loudly, let alone that there would be anyone around to actually hear her. "It's just a song you haven't heard before," She said after a moment, amber eyes finally turning to study Luxe. Normally the weapon was beyond terrible about remembering names and faces. But something about Luxe had always stood out to her. It was probably the bright red hair, no one else in their class had it.

"I couldn't write a song to save my life." She shrugged, now fully facing the meister. Keen eyes studied him for a moment, "What are you doing clear out here anyway? I figured just about every meister in our class would be off in a mission about now." That was one of the factors making it hard for her to find a new partner. That and it seemed most meisters were more comfortable handling a melee weapon. Ravyn sat quietly awaiting an answer from the bright eyed meister.

Who knows, maybe he was short a partner too and couldn't take on any work. It's not like she could keep track of who was partnered up and who wasn't at this school. Changed too frequently for her to start keeping track.

@Kalin Scarlet

Naia Mahiʻai

Naia blinked with a bit of a start, pushed from her thoughtful peace of mind and back into reality as someone shouted out nearby. She turned her head to see a dark skinned boy approaching. She didn't respond right away, choosing to look over his appearance curiously, her eyes lingering on his cape for a moment or two. After a moment or two of that, she stood up to find she was considerably taller than the boy before her. "Well hello! It's peaceful here, so yes. I can say I'm enjoying it." She answered, her tone light and airy. Her voice was kind of loud, yet still quieter than the boy's had been, more of a casual conversational voice.

"How are you doing today?" Naia questioned after a few minutes to make small conversation. This boy was a new face to her, though he looked to be still around the right age for the DWMA. She didn't recall ever seeing him around the school before. Must be really new to the DWMA. Growing impatient with standing still, she wandered away a few steps, closer to the nearest bush, then turned back to stop before him again. As if she'd only just remembered, she held out her right hand to him. "My name is Naia. What's yours?" She introduced herself with a smile, as she'd been instructed to do by her guardian - who never seemed to be around anymore - when she'd first arrived in Death City. Apparently, it was tradition here to do when meeting someone. Another strange custom she did not understand.

Her eyes drifted from where they had been locked onto the boy's green ones, further on to the rest of his appearance, then out into the gardens. She was trying to figure out where he'd come from, and how long he might have been around. It wasn't like she would care if he'd been around to witness her dance, it was meant to be shared anyways. She was more curious than anything else. What she really wanted to know, was why he was all the way out here instead of out on a mission of some kind. Maybe he was lacking a partner too? Or had she just miscalculated and he wasn't even a DWMA student? So many questions. Too many, really. She pushed said questions away, and locked her eyes onto his again, a smile still gracing her face to wait to see what new adventures this meeting would bring.

-|| Location: The Gardens -||- Partner: N/A -||- Classification: NOT Weapon -||- Mentions: @SpicyLickiTung -||-

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Virgo grinned widely at her response. He thought the gardens were peaceful too! He was happy there was someone here who was enjoying it as much as he was! He just couldn't stop smiling! And it only got bigger when she asked how his day was! Wow! No one EVER asked him that since he was a little kid! "I'm doing FANTASTIC today! Thank you for asking!" Virgo exclaimed, actually jumping a bit, cape flapping behind him. This was going so well! She didn't even make that face people made when they usually talked to him!

His smile soon turned into a blank stare as he stared at her hand. He tilted his head, audibly humming as he cupped his chin, tongue sticking out a bit. Should he give her...the introduction? It has been a long time since he's done this...but this Naia girl was just too nice! He HAD to do it! He nodded and cleared his throat. "Who am I?" He chuckled. Turning around and walking forward, contemplating the question. "Who. Am. I?" He repeated, contemplating the question. As if the universe had sensed his impending speech, his phone, safely tucked away in his pocket, began to play a tune, only fit for HEROIC introductions:

He stopped and turned to her, pointing dramatically. "I am the peacekeeper of Death City. I am the guide of all the dark souls looking for light!" The music got louder as Virgo was visibly shaking now. "The Meister of Morality! The Vigilante of Virtuous! The Pursuer of Purity!" The music was practically blaring now. "I go by many titles. But there is one that Defines me the most..." He was grinning, the music suddenly stopping. The dramatic pause must be giving her the goosebumps right now! "I am the Golden Soul of JUSTICE!" Virgo yelled, the music blaring out one last tune before ending, a strong breeze flowing through the gardens as Virgo pointed to the sky, causing rose petals to fly behind him as his cape flapped aggressively.

Breathing heavily, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, tightened his now still cape, and walked over to her, green eyes, now as bright as his grin, meeting her golden eyes. He grabbed her hand and shook vigorously. "But YOU may call me Virgo June Capri!" He held up his finger. "The month. Not my Mother." He finished, looking up at her as he awaited her response, eager for feedback.


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Luxe Rosenfield

Interacting With: @KageYuuki

Luxe smiled as the girl said she couldn't write a song.

"Heh, of course you can. You just need something to write about, and trust me, everyone does. As for what I'm doing here..."

Luxe reached into his back pocket for a folded piece of paper, and climbed up onto the stage to hand it to his fellow classmate.

"I came here looking for a mission. I found one, and I'm going to take it. With or without a partner. I, uh, haven't had one all these years, anyways...Um, you're Raven, right?"

Ravyn Cooper

Ravyn watched him as he reached back and pulled out a paper with mission information on it. Her eyes quickly skimmed over the briefing, a bounty mission. While there were meisters out there more than capable of taking down a target like that without a weapon, there still came the issue of collecting the soul . . . "Yeah, that's me." She replied when he was worried if he remembered her name right. The weapon shifted, "Um . . . I can't remember your name for the life of me right now." A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "Sorry, I'm just awful with names."

"Well," Ravyn stood and handed Luxe the paper. "You're without a weapon and I'm without a meister and this mission needs a pair." She held out her hand, a slight shimmer trailed across it for a moment. It was the same that could often be seen on weapons about to shift forms. "Since we're in the same boat why don't we find out if we can even work together."

@Kalin Scarlet
Professor Thomas Rudolf

“That was the most impressive introduction I’ve ever heard,” Professor Thomas Rudolf chuckled as he rounded a bush of bright yellow roses and approached the fountain where a pair of teenagers seemed to be introducing themselves. In one hand was a bouquet of colorful flowers and the other a pair of shears. “Very inspiring. I wish more students at DWMA had your zeal.”

The NOT professor hadn’t been happy when Lord Death canceled classes, as Thomas actually enjoyed teaching and the halt would set the learning schedule of his students back, but he understood the necessity. The threat to DWMA took presidence. Therefore, he decided to spend his rare time off from work with his fiancée. Thomas had been strolling through Death City’s garden, picking flowers to give to Leila, when he saw others had joined him. Curious, Thomas went to investigate. He was glad he did.

He recognized Virgo’s name on the new attendance sheet he’d been given. A new first year. And a rather energetic one at that. Thomas had seen the boy wandering Death City a couple of times. Odd that Lord Death would accept more students all the while canceling classes until further notice. However, Thomas wasn’t about to question how Lord Death’s mind worked. He doubted even Lord’s Death’s Deathscythes knew how the grim reaper’s mind worked.

As for Naia, Thomas had been meaning to talk to her. The Indian was still struggling to read and write English. She was learning slowly and gradually improving, as evidenced by her history paper, but it wasn’t at the level it needed to be. He was considering assigning her a tutor, someone who could help her adapt to the change in culture she was subjected to. If the witch activity hadn’t increased and the school wasn’t facing imminent threat, he would’ve done it himself. Being an assassin for DWMA, Thomas excelled in multiple languages. He offered the Indian girl a kind smile, plucked red rose from his bouquet, and handed it to her—once her hand was free of Virgo's enthused grip of course. “For a beautiful performance, Miss Mahi’ah.”

Her dance had told him more about her culture than her paper did. While words weren’t her strength, there were many other ways to express her thoughts. Becoming a teacher had made him more aware of the difficulties children went through. The students of DWMA especially tend to come from rough and troubled background. It was a teacher’s job to help guide their souls down the right path, teach them to control their powers, and help them become well-rounded individuals. Truly a more noble goal than manslaughter.

After a moment of thought, Thomas picked a yellow rose and gave it to the small cape-wearing boy as well. “And a welcoming present for the Golden Soul of Justice who’ll endeavor to protect the peace of Death City. With all the trouble that’s been brewing lately, I have a feeling Death City will need it.”

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Luxe Rosenfield

"I'm Luxe. Nice to meet you."

Luxe smiled, and reached out a hand himself. He wasn't sure how it would turn out, trying another partner. The last time was a bit of a confidence booster for Luxe, but even she didn't stick around. The DWMA experience wasn't turning out how he had expected it. But maybe...he could give it one more shot.

Pulling back his hand, Luxe coughed gently.

"I would be happy to try...if you play me a new song. One you come up with yourself. It doesn't have to be fancy, either. Just sing."

Jack and Kalin

Collaboration with


The room Jack and Kalin shared in the NOT Boys’ dormitories was an upturned mess—or at least Jack’s side of the room. Clothes scattered on the floor and bed, books randomly strewn around, and little trinkets, toys, etc lay in disarray in front of him as Jack, once again, scoured the room in search of his most precious possession. It was nowhere to be found. Shaking a pair of boxers for the last time, hoping that the small item had simply wedged itself into the folds of his clothes, Jack let out disappointed sigh when nothing fell out. The black haired boy forced himself to his feet.

He looked miserable. There were bags under his eyes and it was clear he had not gotten a wink of sleep since he had found his die missing. He didn’t think the problems in death city would have anything to do with him. It had started over the weekend—rumors of mysterious creature being sighted around the NOT dormitories, creating general mischief and stealing things. He’d thought they’d just been rumors. Even if they weren’t, Death City’s pest control was hardly more his responsibility than hunting poltergeists. That was something for his die to decide. But his die was gone. Likely stolen by the “mysterious creature” making trouble in Death City. Tossing the pair of boxer carelessly on his bed, Jack peeled off his glasses, his violet eyes wild with an odd combination steely determination and malice.

He pocked the glasses his adoptive father gave him and reached for his hat before turning towards Kalin. Kalin, for once, was in a similar state of disarray. Though his bed was still kept made to a military standard of crispness, and most of his meager belongings were kept packed away in the trunk at the end of his bed, the boy himself was uncharacteristically unorganized. He lay curled up on the foot end of his bed, in the same clothes he'd worn yesterday, a now wrinkled long sleeve T-shirt, and a pair of one size too small jeans.

“Sorry for the delay. Ready to go?”

At Jack's beckoning, Kalin sat up, revealing a massive cowlick that he simply couldn't be bothered to fix, and slid his feet into a simple pair of canvas shoes he'd bought himself shortly after the concert in an attempt to cheer himself up.

Jack felt guilty about dragging his partner along with him for the mission, especially when Kalin was still feeling down about what happened to Lexie and Xander. However, Jack didn’t know how he could make a proper decision without his die. His grades, his meals, his plans for success…everything was determined by the die! Without it, how would Jack survive?

Kalin, for his part, couldn't understand why his partner was so hung up on that particular die, but he knows it's his job to support him. He ran his hand over his face. It heavy. They both looked tired and miserable. That was unacceptable. Kalin forces himself to smile, to be more together than he feels. "Don't worry, we'll find it. And maybe we'll make some new friends..."

Jack nodded solemnly, not really responding.

A Weapon protects his Miester. Kalin intended to take it beyond just combat. He patted his jean pocket, to make sure his blue handkerchief was still there. It was. No one cares about a bloody handkerchief. Except for him. He may have failed to spare Lexie from the pain of.... He shakes his head. If he goes down that thought path, he'll end up bringing Jack down to. He smiles harder, trying to will himself to be happy. "Do you want to carry me, or shall I walk?"

"Let’s walk. The mission details said meet Professor Mitsaki at DWMA's stairway."

Jack appreciated Kalin's efforts. Really. If Kalin, who was the epitome of negativity, could force a smile, there was no reason Jack couldn't. It was their first mission as a pair since attending DWMA. The fact that Lord Death was allowing a couple of first year NOT students, who hadn't even been in DWMA for a month, to take on a mission was a cause for jubilation. Or suspicion. One or the other. Either way, Kalin needed the mission to get himself out his depressed rut. Jack needed to find his die. It was win-win for them both.

As the pair exited the NOT Domitories, Jack spoke in a slightly forced jovial tone, a simple effort to make conversation with his partner. "I wonder who else signed up for the mission?"

"I hope it's not the archer pair." Kalin sounds uncharacteristically harsh. It probably wasn't fair, but they still killed someone. A DWMA student. And the only way he'd found to live with himself, was to put a little of the blame on them. He walks quite close to his miester, his shoulder likely brushing him as they walked. He'd grown fond of physical contact, though he'd never admit it, and he certainly didn't want to burden Jack by hanging all over him, but...he'd take small things, like this. Just... reassurance that he's here. "I hope it's not anyone too loud or obnoxious. Who do we know that would've signed up for the mission?" He tried to *foof* a stray bang from his eyes, not feeling annoyed enough to move his arms to fix it.

Absentmindedly fixing Kalin's bang for him, and then subsequently the blonde boy's cowlick, Jack tried to think of anyone he knew who would join the mission. It didn't seem like something an EAT student would join, as no souls would be collected and he didn't think any of his NOT-mates would be particular eager to catch the little bugger. "Perhaps the twins?"

Kalin seemed to blossom under Jack's preening, blushing a little as he dealt with the cowlick he hadn't bothered to fix. However, he sighed in response to his question. "They don't seem like the mission type, and...they're...awfully fond of shenanigans. Plus, didn't one hit her head pretty bad at the concert? I don't think it'll be them unfortunately."

Jack shrugged. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Not long after, Jack and Kalin found themselves in front of DWMA's unnecessarily large stairway. Jack sighed mournfully. He'd gotten used to climbing it every morning. Really no harder than the drills his uncle made him run. Didn't mean he liked it. Jack checked his watch. He wasn't particularly eager to be back at school when classes were canceled, but catching the creature that quite possibly held his die hostage was Jack's main priority. "We'd best hurry. We're already running a little late."

Kalin was still his negative self. He looked up at the stairs with a clear sense of dread. He really hated being late, but he wasn't a very fit bundle of toothpicks, and he could only barely survive the stairs at a jog. "One step at a time..." He forced himself onward.

Jack kept pace with Kalin, a reluctantly amused smile forming on his face as he watched his partner’s efforts. "Want me to carry you?"

Kalin looks over at Jack pitifully. "Promise not to laugh?"

"Of course."

"One Galahad, coming right up."
Kalin transforms, in his signature golden light, appearing at Jack's chest, perfect height for snatching.

Jack's fingers encircled Galahad's golden hilt as the short sword took form. Laughter bubbled in Jack's stomach, but he repressed it off course. He promised. There was nothing particularly embarrassing about Kalin liking his weapon form or wanting to be wielded anyway. If it meant not having to climb the stairs, Jack would do the same if he could. Bringing the knightly short sword with him, Jack dashed the rest of the way up the stairs. He could see Professor Mitsaki and Kassana waiting for them.

"Looks like we're not that late after all."

Odd. He certainly didn't expect to see Kassana taking up the mission. But having an EAT student present surely would help in Jack in his quest to reclaim his die. And Kassana, fortunately for Kalin, wasn't loud or obnoxious in the least. Jack tipped his hat.

"Hi there, Kassana. Professor. Good to see you."
Jack would've added 'this fine morning', but the morning for he and his partner hadn't really been fine in the least. Still, it wouldn't do to be unfriendly, no matter his current mood. He took a seat at the edge of the steps, pulled out a hankerchief from the pocket of his dark blazer, and lazily began wiping Kalin's blade as he tried not to let his impatience show on his face. "Who else are we waiting for?"

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Dakota Eimear

Silence. That was what filled Dakota's room in the NOT Girls' Dormitories. Well, it was silent aside from the noise of other girls outside either complaining about something gone missing or loudly gabbing with friends on their way to missions, or whatever wacky things they had planned for the day. It was never really silent in the girls' dorms from dawn to dusk, and if it was, something was majorly wrong. Sometimes, the girl found herself really regretting her choice to move into the dorms and out of her peaceful basement room. The quiet there was welcome, and hard to come by now. There wasn't much she could do about the noise, and faced with the rest of the dorm full of other teenage girls - she herself being practically invisible to most of them - stopping it was a task she would rather avoid.

Dakota's room, though usually tidy and well kept, was a disaster zone. She didn't own much, and it wasn't like she shared the room with anyone. Nevertheless, she'd torn the room apart throughout the past night and early morning hours, after she'd come back from the bookstore yesterday. For once she'd left her sister's skull clip home, and chosen to wear a hat. She'd come back to find her clip gone, like it had disappeared into thin air. So, she ended up spending the rest of that day searching for her beloved clip, and in the process, her room ended up as it was. A disaster.

Eventually, she'd fallen asleep laying on a blanket she'd torn off her bed in her search. Not the most comfortable place in the world. Her clip was no where to be seen, and she had a sinking feeling it had to do with that troublemaker that had been terrorizing the NOT dorms lately. The other girls' had reported things missing too. She hoped, that the mission to catch the little bugger would be successful. Not just for her sake - though she really, really hoped to get her sisters clip back - but for all the other students too.

She ended up waking from her extremely short slumber to her alarm going off, muffled by whatever had gotten plopped on top of it but still loud and annoying.
"Alright, alright. I'm getting up." She grumbled at the little device, and moved her sore body up and off the floor. She turned the alarm off, and dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt she pulled from the floor. A quick run of a brush through her bedhead hair, tennis shoes hastily pulled on, and she was off. After locking her dorm, she made her way out of the dormitories, successfully ignoring those she passed - or rather going unnoticed by them - and headed out into the street. She wasn't moving very fast at all, due to how little sleep she'd gotten.

Nearing the DWMA finally, she thought about why she'd even signed up for this mission. If she remembered correctly, it was something she was going to do with Sarah and Lauren, and had signed up on the way out one day. Later, she found out that the twins had decided not to take the mission after all, and she was now left without them on this. Hopefully, she knew some of the others coming. The problem at hand was who she was going to wield as a weapon partner was unknown to her.

She started the long trek up the staircase, which was normally no issue what-so-ever for her. As she neared the top, she took a moment to see who was up there. Professor Mitsaki was there as expected, along with an EAT student known as Kassana. Why the EAT girl was going on the mission, she wasn't quite sure. Either way, she felt just a little bit relieved when her eye crossed over Jack seated on the edge of the top stair with Kalin in his hands. She stopped on the step just below that, and gave a halfhearted smile. Her friend looked even worse than she did, and if Jack looked that why, she could assume Kalin was the same, or worse. She'd heard about what happened at the Concert between them and Xander. It had to be weighing on Kalin hard knowing how he was. Nevertheless, she tried to sound as least a little cheerful as she spoke to them.
"Morning Jack... Kalin." She greeted quietly to the pair, then moved up the last step to stand on the flat ground before the DWMA.

There, she stepped a half step closer to the professor and Kassana.
"Good m-morning Professor Mitsaki," She gave a nod in the older man's direction then turned to Kassana. "H-hello." She greeted simply. Though she did know of the other girl, she'd never actually spoken to her before. To Dakota, Kassana was as unknown as a new student. Her hand found her string bow around her neck and fiddled with an end, like nervous tick. She watched the pair before her, but didn't really move much, still curious as to why Kassana was here for this mission with a bunch of NOT students. Maybe Lord Death had a part in her being here.

@DaughterofAthena @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee

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Ravyn Cooper

Ravyn blinked, letting her hand fall to her side. The hell? Did . . . did she hear him right? Did he really want her to sing or come up with some kind of song on the spot like that? "I-I . . . " She stammered, her gaze shifting away, down towards the wooden floor of the stage. What kind of request was that? They didn't even know if they could resonate with one another yet. "Well . . . I mean I can't exactly sing. Like, at all. You- probably don't want to hear that . . ."

She shifted, brushing a few strands of hair from her face. "I'll see if I can't come up with something . . . I don't know, I've never . . . " Amber eyes moved back to the piano. Why was she even so nervous all of a sudden? Sitting back at the piano, she could only stare down at the keys for a few minutes. Get a hold of yourself, dammit.


Simple, yet strangely haunting. The little improvised melody was far different from what she was playing earlier. As the short song came to an end, the weapon opted to sit in silence.

Why couldn't she even look at him?

@Kalin Scarlet

Naia Mahiʻai

Naia blinked a little as the boy jumped about, his cape flying out behind him, and exclaimed how his day was doing. She smiled at his response, quite glad that his day was going so well that he could be so enthused about it. However, her smile faded for a few moments as she watched him begin to just stare blankly at her hand. Had she done something wrong? Was this not the custom? Her questions to herself grew more as he repeated the question twice while moving away. She was then very thoroughly confused as, seemingly out of nowhere, music began to play, and not any kind of music she was used to. It was a very obnoxious sound to say the least. Where was it coming from? That odd and complex contraption people here called a 'phone'? That seemed like the most likely answer.

Her confusion continued and she forced herself to focus again as he pointed to her and started speaking, over the music—which only continued to get louder as he talked. What? This was getting weird, and fast. Was this kind of thing normal in Death City? She'd certainly never seen it before. The music stopped, and she assumed he was done, though he still had... Wait... Never-mind, he shouted once more, finally giving her some sort of a name and posed with his cape flying and newly knocked loose petals too. Those poor flowers, loosing their petals out of the blue like that.

Her hand had remained extended throughout this all, and just as she was about to let it drop, he walked over and grabbed a hold of it. He shook her had quite enthusiastically, catching her off guard. She finally received a name from him at this point too. Her eyes locked with Virgo's as he looked up to her after finishing his introduction that left her even more confused on the customs of this city and it's people.

However, before she found words to say, a familiar voice rang out and she looked away towards the source. Professor Rudolph had arrived carrying a bunch of flowers—those poor little flowers—and a pair of things that looked like scissors. Shears, that's what she remembered them being called. She smiled to the professor in greeting then eyed the flowers. She freed her hand from Virgo's grip, only for it to be filled again as she was handed a rose. A smile graced her face again, and she accepted the flower.
"Thank you, Professor." She commented, and then waited for a few moments as Virgo received a flower too. "I did not know you were here. The gardens sure are popular today" She spoke almost directly to the older man, before remembering she had yet to address Virgo on his introduction.

After a final smile of greeting, she turned her attention back to Virgo.
"Indeed, that was an amazing introduction." She commented with a smile still on her face. Even if she hadn't understood everything about his introduction and it had left her confused, she did have to admit it was pretty cool. Though it hadn't done much to help her understanding of how things worked here.

-|| Location: The Gardens -||- Partner: N/A -||- Classification: NOT Weapon -||- Mentions: @SpicyLickiTung

@QuirkyAngel -||-

Luxe Rosenfield

Watching in silence as Ravyn played her song, Luxe didn't even notice the smile creeping along his lips until it was over. Walking up to her, he tried to come up with the words that would describe his feelings clearly, but found himself at a loss. Instead, he moved closer, standing behind Ravyn, and after closing his eyes and reaching past her to the keys, he remembered the sound. After a couple of false starts, he was able to play the melody himself, if only a few seconds of what he'd heard. after he stopped, he stepped away, looking to the side as he scratched the back off his head.

"Uh, uhm...sorry, total invasion of personal space, that wasn't cool of me. But, uh...I told you you could come up with something."
With that, he looked up at Ravyn, smiling as he extended his left hand.

"And I would be happy to work with you as partners."


Ravyn Cooper

Ravyn was snapped back to reality as Luxe reached around her to get to the keyboard. He could have just asked, she would have moved to let him sit down for a while. Though it seemed he had a rather keen ear for music. Granted, it really wasn't that difficult of a melody to pick out either . . .

"Uh, uhm...sorry, total invasion of personal space, that wasn't cool of me."

She could only shrug at the apology. "I'm not sure personal space is really a thing weapons have the luxury of most times." A light smile played at the corners of Ravyn's mouth as she stood and gave Luxe's hand a firm shake. It would be nice to finally have a partner once more. But then came the matter of them even being able to work together in the first place.

It wasn't so much the matter of resonating with one another. Most meisters that attended DWMA were rather flexible when it came to resonating with a weapon. Whether or not they could do so well was another matter entirely, mind you. But her concern stemmed from her more unusual form as a weapon. That same light from before shimmered across her skin before turning to a bright flash. As the light faded, Luxe would find a rifle resting in his grasp.

"Well," Ravyn's voice sounded hollow in this form, though a twinge of hesitation could still be picked up. "You're not a melee fighter, are you?"

@Kalin Scarlet

Luxe Rosenfield

Two Days after the Concert

Luxe examined Raven's weapon form, testing the loading bolt on the rifle, and smiled in approval.

"Well, I won't lie, I've never shot a gun before..."
He said quietly, before aiming Ravyn at the back of the auditorium, and firing off three rounds quickly. He leaned her on his shoulder, suckling his finger, injured from reloading too quickly, as a small stream of blood flowed off.

"Ouch...but we can figure things out on the road, can't we? Yeah, we should be fine. Let's go see chalk face about accepting this misson..."
Luxe said, walking towards the door, Ravyn still sitting on his shoulder. He glanced at the chairs as they walked past, only one shot managing to pierce them. He turned his attention to the door, and made his way to Death's room.


Ravyn Cooper

Ravyn couldn't shake a bad feeling the moment Luxe admitted he'd never fired a gun. "Oh, uh, well in that case there are a few rules you should keep in mind. In our case, the most important would be never-" She noticed that Luxe was aiming towards the back wall, his finger actually on the trigger. "No, don-!"

Three shots were fired. One taking a chunk out of a seat, the other two going straight through the wall.

"That . . . " Even in this form annoyance dripped from her voice. "Don't ever aim at something you don't intend to destroy . . . School property included." She sighed as Luxe started for the doors in the back of the room. "Just, just keep in mind I'm not exactly a toy alright? My shots can pierce through armor in many cases. Walls too."

Oh, there better not have been anyone walking down the hall a few moments ago . . .

(Left auditorium with @Kalin Scarlet )
Kassana Silverstream

The EAT student’s eyes quickly took in the sight of Jack and his weapon partner as the two of them walked over. “Hello,” she said in reply to their greeting. Then at their question, she ran the thought through her mind for a moment and then pulled out the piece of paper with the names on it. “It says we need Dakota, Naia and Virgo still.” She read the names right off of the list, not looking up to see that Dakota was also walking over as she was speaking.

When she did look up and see the girl walking towards them, she amended her statement.
“I guess it's just Virgo and Naia we’re waiting on now.”

Kassana nodded briefly then to Dakota when the girl stuttered out a hello and for a moment, Kassana wasn’t quite sure what to say. She could feel the girl’s eyes watching her curiously and she knew that it was her job to let her know they’d be partners, but how did you tell someone such a thing? It seemed odd that Lord Death wouldn’t have informed Dakota ahead of time and it only made it more clear just how little about the Grim Reaper anyone actually understood.

Hesitance clear in the way that she moved, Kassana took a step towards Dakota and held out her hand.
“Hi. Uhm… I’m Kassana and… well, I don’t really have a partner right now and… well… uhm… Lord Death said working with you might be good for me,” Kassana stuttered it out. “... and you.”

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Luxe Rosenfield

2 days after the Concert

Luxe walked into the room with a frown, his gaze focused on the rifle hanging from his shoulders.

"I don't think it's that much of a big deal, Ravyn. I didn't even put that much power into the bullets, and no one got hurt...wait, hold on."

Luxe turned his attention to the man-demon-death incarnate thing they had come to speak with, smiling as he waved. "Hey chalk face! Me an' Ravyn here want to take a mission from you!" Luxe called out as he approached Lord Death, holding up the paper from the Mission Board in his free hand.

@KageYuuki @DaughterofAthena

Virgo silently waited for her response, smiling all the while. This was his first time doing that EVER! That was so much fun! He smiled at the look on her face. She was stunned, which meant she must've been rather impressed! Quiet greeting, cool introduction, big smiles, this was just too perfect! Was he gonna make a new friend?! He sure hoped so! He could already imagine the things they could do together, which made him shake in excitement.

Hearing someone comment on his introduction, he turned eagerly, giving the man a head tilt, but still smiling either way. He blinked at his last comment and Virgo couldn't help but grin more, making a mental note to make it his mission to befriend EVERYONE at the DWMA. That way, they could perform their duties as best friends rather than just strangers! Oh, it would be stupendous! He watch the man give Naia a red rose before gasping as he himself had been giving a yellow rose. He looked up at the man, smiling widely. "Don't worry, sir! " He exclaimed, saluting. "I promise that I will not rest until I know that death city is safe! I even trained myself so I can stay up for three days!" Virgo said. Whoever this man was, he couldn't let him down. Not when he already had such high hopes for Virgo to succeed!

Hearing Naia's Feedback of his speech, He turned to her and gasped loudly. He slowly adorned a big grin and jumped in the air. "HOORAY!" He screamed. After landing he quickly began to run in place, now pumped up by such words. "You really liked it! Oh, this is GREAT! I never ever ever ever ever EVER did that before, but if You thought it was amazing, then it must've been good!" Virgo began to ramble. "I learned that if you want to be friends with someone, you have to introduce yourself, so, I decided to introduce myself using the power of JUSTICE!" He exclaimed. "When you introduce yourself, you use what you like and who you are and make it special! Like when you were dancing! You must like dancing to do it, and if dancing is who you are, then you introduced yourself to me before we even met!" He explained, grinning up at the girl. "And introductions are always the first step to making new friends, which is why I love making introductions as much as I love JUSTICE!" He turned to the man and tilted his head. "Do YOU have an introduction, mister?"

@Cecilia @QuirkyAngel

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Ravyn Cooper

2 days after the concert

Ravyn gave an audible groan at Luxe's lack of concern for the damage he'd caused. "Fine then, you can answer to the profs when they go to find the one responsible." She fell silent as the pair approached Lord Death. It wasn't very often that she'd set foot in this room, the last time being to discuss what she would do next following Levi's accident.

"Hey chalk face!"

. . .

. . . . . . .

No . . .

He did not just . . .

In a flash, Ravyn had returned to her human form wasting no time as she hooked her arm around Luxe's neck and pulled his head down slightly. "The fuck were you thinking?" She hissed into her partner's ear before her amber eyes shifted up towards the shinigami. "So sorry about him, Lord Death." Her hold around Luxe's neck tightened slightly. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." While the headmaster of the DWMA may have been more than a little unusual and rather laid back, he was still the physical embodiment of death itself. Pissing him off was not on her agenda.

Still keeping a tight hold of the red head, she continued. "But yes, Luxe is right in that we intend to take on that mission together."

@Kalin Scarlet @DaughterofAthena

Lord Death

Lord Death’s eyes, though their movement seemed nonexistent, watched as Luxe walked in carrying Ravyn in weapon form. ‘Good. It seems they can work together. That’s always a good thing to see.’ Though he didn’t voice his praise out loud, he gave the pair a subtle nod as they finally came to a halt in front of him. His head cocked to the side at Luxe’s words, though he didn’t mean to comment.

The Grim Reaper was likely nearly as surprised by Ravyn’s actions as Luxe was, though. He watched in bafflement as the girl’s physical form seemed to swim out of the weapon that the meister had been holding only for the girl to wrap her arm around his neck. It almost looked like she meant to choke him for a moment though the scene finally unfolded into a logical one nonetheless.
“It’s alright, Ravyn,” Death replied simply. “No harm done.”

Hoping that that resolved the situation, Death continued on to more important matters.
“Now then, on to the mission without further delay. As I’m sure you’re aware, we’ve a killer on the loose in our very own city and he needs to be dealt with. By now his soul is a kishin egg and it needs to be collected, lest he could cross over and become a kishin.” With the seriousness of his tone and his words, the Grim Reaper could only hope he had both of their attention.

“He’s left quite a trail by now and he’s built up a name for himself as Jeff the Killer. I’m inclined to believe he’s somehow connected with the madness virus that spread over the summer. Professor Miyoko led a team that purged the virus and encountered a hack called smiledog. It was not easy for them to defeat. If I’m right and these two are connected, there could be something much bigger going on here.” He turned his head, deliberately allowing his eyes to glance at each of them. “You’ll have to be careful and work together.”

After a quick moment, his posture relaxed once more.
“The last death was two nights ago and another two nights before. Officer Lysander will have more information at the police station about previous cases, but I do suggest you start by wandering about tonight. If he’s on the prowl, you should be able to feel it.”

“Any questions?”

@KageYuuki @Kalin Scarlet
Professor Thomas Rudolf

Thomas nodded, agreeing with Naia’s comment. However, before the teacher could respond, Virgo’s exuberance could be heard echoing throughout the garden. The word ‘justice’ seemed to resonate boy. Keen eyes studied the African American kid jogging in place. The kid was a bundle of energy. Training to stay awake for three days? If Thomas didn’t know better, he would have thought the boy to be overdosed on sugar or caffeine. Yet underneath all the hyperactivity, Thomas could see the pure, heroic soul, un-tarnished despite the harsh realities of life. He blinked when Virgo’s expectant gaze turned towards him.

“Ah,” Thomas’s hand rubbed the back of his neck, while his other arm hugged the bouquet he’d picked for Leila. “An introduction?” Blue eyes glanced over to Naia. “Miss Naia already knows who I am…though…I suppose an introduction is in order.” He smiled sheepishly at Virgo. “I don’t think I can manage one quite as impressive you and Naia have, but I’ll do my best.”

The NOT professor cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses, which gleamed brightly as sunlight reflected on it. He spoke in deep voice, punctuating each sentence with an air of mystery. “I am one who stalks the halls of DWMA at night. A shadow that protects what needs to be protected the most. Drawn to darkness, yet existing because of the light, I ensure that no student gets left behind. With a chalk as my weapon and a book as my shield I fend against low grades and ambition-less slackers who would disrupt the sanctity of Lord Death’s school. My name is Thomas Rudolf. My students call me Professor Rudolf, while my peers call me Ghost.”

Thomas winked that Virgo, his voice returning to its normal serene timbre. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Capri. I look forward to meeting you at DWMA.”

His eyes flickered between Virgo and Naia. An odd pair to find together. Naia’s soul was tranquil and serene, quiet yet comforting. It made him think of the open sea on a calm day. Virgo’s was the opposite, loud and brash. Yet both apparently found themselves drawn to the beauty of Death City’s garden. As did he. Spying a particularly lovely orchid, which reminded him of Leila, Thomas knelt and clipped the flower, careful not to harm the plant as he added it to his bouquet.

“These flowers are a present for my fiancé,” Thomas explained conversationally to the two students. “With classes cancelled until further notice, I figured I ought spend more time with her while I’ve got the chance, especially now that the poltergeists are finally gone. What about you two? Any particular plans?”

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Ravyn Cooper

Ravyn's gaze wavered slightly before she released her hold on Luxe. Even though his tone was as laid back as usual, she had a sinking suspicion the shinigami wasn't overly pleased with her actions. Seeing as he was already changing subject, however, she couldn't exactly apologize for it either. It didn't seem like he wanted to waste much time in regards to collecting this soul.

The weapon quietly listened to his briefing, nodding once or twice. As Death finished speaking, she combed his fingers through her long hair. "Mmmm so this guy's likely got a madness wavelength then . . . " Ravyn's soul perception may not have been honed too well just yet, but even she should be able to spot someone running around with that wavelength. Not to mention the fact that soul was already a kishin egg, something weapons seemed naturally drawn towards.

@Kalin Scarlet @DaughterofAthena

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