Before the End of Summer Concert


As the shorter, but heavier boy went on rambling about his inane plan, Kalin struggled to keep himself in control. You took the name Galahad, and yet you dare let such black feelings take hold? How could you allow this? Have you learned nothing?! The boy took another, deep breath, willing the aggressively negative emotions to roll off of him. Step by step. He'd resolve this without anger or raised voices. And he might lean on Jack a little, taking solace in his touch and wavelength.

'Because he is loud and obnoxious, because he extols a concept as broad and as faulty as 'Justice', and because his logic is convoluted and full of fallacies, I'm afraid of him. He seems like a megalomaniac hiding behind an ideal, a kind of individual who's caused me harm, and suffering in the past. But is he?' The cogs within his head turn. He doesn't like the fact that he was briefly capable of animalistic hatred. 'But when he held was awful. I wanted to DIE. I wasn't capable of functioning, running away, anything. I was just...witless. Witless. That's it. He's not evil, or good. He's mad. He's just...bonkers. He's still very dangerous. B-But dangerous, like a rabid dog. Like... Like I've been before.' Kalin's face slacks. He did unforgivable things.

But he was better than he was then, right? He was actively trying to make a difference. To be a good person.
'To help my miester. To help my friends. I was a knight once. I've helped someone.' He'd tolerate this mad chimpanzee, so long as his stupidity didn't endanger his friends.

He liked the way that the Batty boy's weapon steered him firmly. And smiled and nodded as Kassana took a lead. He liked that pair, a lot. He wasn't about to let them down by allowing himself to be affected by 'boy wonder'. He slowly peeled away from Jack, looking the slightest bit abashed, and started to follow him meekly down the stairs.


Dakota Eimear

Dakota listened to everything being said, especially when Kassana chimed in to which she nodded along with a smile, until Naia sternly addressed Virgo. That was when she tuned out and stopped paying attention to the African American's loud rambling. When Jack started off down the steps towards the rest of Death City, she glanced to Kassana. She had been nodding along to everything she agreed with, which was basically everything but a few of Virgo's suggestions. A faint smile found it's way to her features, and she pulled her plain black cell phone out of her pocket. "Th-that sounds good to m-me, Jack." She replied, with a slight nod to Professor Mitsaki.

All of their ideas were good enough for her, so she didn't feel the need to add in her own input. The professor's response to her question did ease her mind a little. She did, however, find herself moving back away from Virgo and Naia because of how immensely loud and excited the boy was, despite Naia's calmness. She liked the Indian girl, definitely, but when she was paired with the hyper Virgo, she knew she wasn't going to be spending much time talking to her. Not only that, but for all of their sakes, she hoped Kalin would be able to tolerate Virgo, at least for this mission.

She skirted around Naia and Virgo politely, then started down the steps after Kalin and Jack. She moved past Kalin carefully, to catch up to Jack easily enough. Once she stopped beside him, she turned on her phone, and made a new contact labeled
'Jack'. She then turned her phone to offer it to Jack so that her fellow NOT-mate could input his number. It was way easier for her to share contact information with Jack than it would be with Virgo, but she knew she'd have to save the louder boy's number at some point. Saving Naia's—if the Indian even had a phone—wouldn't do much good if the girl was in weapon form at the time of a call. For now though, she'd focus on Jack and Kalin instead.


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Keziah Swan


Rank: 2-Star Meister

Partner: Warren Langston

Location: The Dojo

Date: Monday Week 2

Mood: Soothing

Keziah’s body twitched away from the wavelength of his that snapped mere inches from her skin. It wasn’t an instinct reaction nor was it out of fear either; instead, it was a demonstration that she had seen it coming. She’d seen it coming a mile away and she wanted him to know that. To her, Jason was predictable to a tee in that moment.

“The fact that you never noticed is where you fail to impress,” she commented, her voice sharp, but again, she was not intentionally attacking him with what she said. She was merely explaining her opinion. “A skilled meister is always watching. One little thing goes unnoticed and it means both you and your weapon are toast.” She shrugged vaguely just to show that she didn’t really mean anything by it.

At his last question, though, Keziah visibly scoffed, her face curling into a position of disgust at the mere suggestion of fighting him. It wasn’t for the reason that might be assumed at first, though.
“The DWMA is in high threat mode, classes were cancelled, and you want to fight me!? You’ve got a lot more issues than your lack of observation if you’re really that daft!” It was clear that she wasn’t happy with his suggestion. Even more than that, it was obvious that she was not going to fight him. “Find your kicks somewhere else. Maybe as you’re looking for a target, you’ll learn to actually pay attention.”

Her back turned to him and Keziah grabbed her shoes off the floor before she started to walk out of the training room. Her mood had shifted completely now and she blamed him for ruining what had been a decently stable afternoon.

Jason Daniels

His eyebrow twitched. He swore to god he felt his eyebrow twitch as Keziah insulted him, and walked away. First, calling him predictable, as if he wasn't telegraphing his movement on purpose. It was supposed to be a show that he too had a good bit of control over his Wavelength, yet she had to take it to that next level, to insult him over things she obviously knew not of. Oh sometimes he absolutely loathed his outwards laidback demeanor as well as people like her. Always watching she said, of course he was always watching! He did nothing but watch! Well, no, that wasn't true. He spent a good portion of his time lazing about if he wasn't training, in class, or on a mission. But he was vigilante, that much he was sure of.

Pushing off the wall once more, he walked into the middle of the Dojo and got into a boxing stance and threw a few warm-up punches as his mind continued to rage over the snub delivered to him. He understood the situation that they were in. He understood that there was a problem, that everyone was tense, that things had to be done. But he also understood how that affected people. Yes, he wanted to fight her, but what would a fight bring? Experience, training, improvement! Jason snorts and picks up the pace of his punches. This once again made him regret his lack of a permanent partner. Not only did his temporary ones not truly sync with him, but most of them simply couldn't deal with his headstrong approach to fighting. And because of that, he was forever stuck at one star, and people like Keziah just think they can walk over him, think they're better than him. His punches speed up once more and sparks of his Wavelength begin to travel across his arms. He knew he wasn't going to enjoy tonight's sleepless night, this one event completely capturing his anger and focus. As his arms became nothing more than electrified blurs and he began to move across the room as if boxing an invisible opponent, he blamed Keziah for the damper that she put on his whole upcoming week.



Ella M. Trinity


In a circular clearing, surrounded on all sides by trees, Ella checked her watch. She'd asked Aiko if the meister would meet up and practice resonance with her. There was still a few minutes until their agreed time. Ella tucked a loose lock of pink hair behind her ear. She had shown up early, extremely early....because it was never good to be late to their first meister-weapon bonding date. She'd asked Professor Rudolf what he'd though would be a good location for them to practice, telling the teacher that Aiko was shy, and the professor had suggested a forested area--away from the eyes of other students. Hence why she'd been waiting for nearly an hour at the current spot.

Ella paced back and forth. It had been a while since she'd met someone whom she couldn't resonate with off the bat--a two-star meister at that. She'd thought it'd been her fault, that she'd made a mistake somehow, but after checking in with the meister teachers, Ella found that she could synchronize with their souls just fine. Ella huffed. She had a lot of experience with soul resonance, having resonated with quite a few different partners in the past. Granted, every time she successfully merged her soul with a partner she broke up their partnership soon after, but that was beside the point. The point was that she had a lot of experience with different people and she had no excuse not to succeed with Aiko.

Ella glanced at her watch while she paced. It was nearing 3pm. Aiko should be here any minute. Ella dusted her skirt, checking for any spot of dirt or leaf that might have clung on when she traveled through the woods. Sudden, Ella stopped pacing as a thought hit her. What if Aiko didn't show? Would she be stood up? Aiko the Blur was a 2-star meister after all. And she was Stray spinner--the cursed weapon that wouldn't stay with anyone no matter how close their souls. Who refused all permanent partnerships. Perhaps Aiko had heard the rumors about her and thought trying to resonate with someone like her, who didn't believe in commitment, wouldn't be worth the effort. What would she do if that were the case?

"No, no. Aiko's not like that. We're friends..." Ella murmured. All the same, Ella's pale pink eyes flickered worriedly to the edge of the trees and she found herself willing the appearance of the 2-star meister. 

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Aiko took her time to get to the location. It had only been Ella's insistence on it so much she had ultimately settled down on a time to meet up to 'practice'. The very idea left Aiko feeling uneasy. She wasn't worried in the least bit Ella wouldn't want to be her partner... someone so self-conceited as Aiko pretty much thought she was irresistible. It was the embarrassment and shame she was afraid of.  Aiko's pride was something that both benefited her as well as brought her the most unease. The idea of not being able to do something others could was a type of humiliation she couldn't handle. 

She suddenly peeked out from the trees, several minutes late. It is important to show up fashionably late, your admiring fans are left wanting you that much more and are that much happier to see you if you come in a few minutes late. She would likely mention about in some form... granted today that wasn't at all the reason she had taken her time. She put on a big warm smile, waving her hand in response to Ella. Despite going there for 'training', Aiko wore a rather nice red button up top and just above knee length red and white skirt. It was far from the clothing someone would expect of someone about to train.

"Heya, miss me?" She spoke brightly walking over to her placing her hands behind the back of her head. She walked up close to Ella before suddenly stopping, stretching a bit. 

"Such a nice day! You wouldn't believe all the cute guys I've walked past on the way here! So many eyes on me, I felt kind of bad denying them my company... well the few minutes I'd give them out of my own kindness." She spoke with a playful wave of her hand before giggling a little bit. She gently grasped her hand behind her back doing a brief spin as if trying to play up the idea of being in thought, not giving much time to Ella to speak before her voice continued on. "You know... its such a nice day... and a great day to find some cuties! Why don't we head out looking to find some cuties around here to tease with our beauty?" She spoke leaning forward with a bright smile.


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Ella M. Trinity


Ella didn't respond right away. Instead, she simply stared at Aiko as the 2-star meister emerged from the trees, an expression of relief etched on her pale face. The relief slowly morphed into a smile as Aiko continued talking. Ella wasn't smiling at the words, but at the magenta haired meister's presence at their designated practice spot. When 3pm hit, and Aiko the Blur still hadn't shown, Ella had been almost certain she would be stood up. It was something she was used to, but it never failed to hurt. However the presence of the giggling girl before her proved otherwise. As Aiko leaned forward, her smile as bright and beautiful as ever, Ella wrapped her arm around the 2-star meister's shoulder and pulled her into a tight hug. 

"Ooooh! I'm so happy you came!" Ella exclaimed giddily. Loosening her embrace, though her arms were still draped over Aiko's shoulder, Ella looked at the magenta meister, her eye pale eyes glimmering a little. "I thought you wouldn't show. You should've texted me if you were going to be late!"

The  last sentence was spoken with a hint of a Ella often used when she didn't get her way. It usually worked with her father. Not so much with Jack. Well...sometimes it did.  Letting her arms fall from Aiko's shoulder, Ella reached forward and took the meister's soft hands in hers. "We can go find some cuties later. You're beautiful enough that it doesn't matter when we do it. They'll be eagerly waiting."  Ella giggled. "In fact, keeping them waiting is sort of like teasing them!"

She lead Aiko to the center of the clearing,. "Right now we should practice like we planned. That way we'll be able to resonate perfectly when we undertake a mission together!"



Aiko smiled brightly keeping up her upbeat expression as the girl suddenly grasped onto her. She blinked a little bit taken back by such an expression from the girl. She wasn't exactly use to such a thing. She simply smiled not really seeming to mind it too much after her initial surprise by it. She didn't really know all that much about Ella outside the bit of talk about her and her nickname that seemed to push that idea further ahead. She did have a little ounce of caring about others in her, although she didn't put two and two together in terms of Ella's response to her being there. She had her own selfish reasons keeping her mind distracted.

"Well if I text yah, I can't surprise yah and keep you waiting that few extra minutes! It would ruin my big entrance. Besides, I don't make it drag too long, it loses its taste if you come in too late." She spoke waving her finger as if teaching a lesson about being 'timely late'. It was very much something she was throwing together at a whim. She was pretty well known for her habit of showing up late when it came to missions or meeting up with someone. When it came to class, more often her lateness at times was her being far to lazy or oversleeping in on the occasions she was like that.

"Well I say we resonate together pretty well, its a tag team of beauty that catches the eyes of all the guys." She spoke putting a little lyrical spin on it before laughing a little giving a thumbs up. "Now now, you can't leave them waiting to long though either. They will simply admire and forget if you pass them by, you got to give them some attention to give them a false impression of a chance so they get hooked on you and really become attached. Acknowledgement opens a doorway that they won't ever be able to close." She spoke with a wink, smiling brightly.

She talked to her partner keeping a very upbeat mood about her acting as if a teacher in a way. She had gotten a bit too good when it came to trying to distract and keep things off topic. She didn't want the topic at all to shift to idea of training. She dreaded the idea completely. She didn't want to expose her weakness... her inability to someone like Ella who seemed to pride herself on resonating with others with ease. No matter how close Aiko could get... the last little stretch always caused things to fall apart. It wasn't as if she wasn't trying... but it just fell apart at the very end. 


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Grace Jean (Axel Grace):

Erica Grace (Grace Hunter):



The sun drooled in a sleepy mood as a black limousine rolled up to the steps of the DWMA. A tall, partially bald man wearing a tailored suit stepped out of the drivers side door and walked around to the other side of the vehicle to open the door. The man gave a slight bow at the waste as the door swung open and he started to speak, "We have arrived, your majesties. Is there anything else I could..."

A girl sporting a turquoise plaid dress and sunglasses shot out the door. The man quickly stood up and adjusted his spectacles, having almost been knocked over by the dangerous projectile. The girl ran up to the base of the stairs and felt to her knees to lean against the stairs with her arms outspread. Then she started to cheer, "Stairs! I missed you so much! Teehee! C'mon, get out here sis! I can't wait to go inside and say hi to everybody! We're back, Death City! The Axe Twins are back in action!"

A second girl stepped out of the limousine in a maroon plaid dress, also wearing sunglasses. The sunglasses were quickly removed once she was out of the security of the limo. She hesitantly thanked the man holding the door by name before walking over to her sister, clutching a purse that matched her dress as if it were a shield from the world. Scanning the area for any other eyes, she said, "Uh... a-are you sure about this G-Grace? I don know if I'm ready for this yet. What if I can't control the madness again? Oh, I wasn't supposed to think about it... oh no, GRACE..."

The second girl started to hyperventilate and turned back toward the limousine and started a brisk walk back without her sister. A few moments before she reached the door - and safety from the world - the engine revved up and the limousine shot around a corner - out of sight. The girl in maroon dropped to her knees as well. Though when she began to cry, it was in tears of fear, not shouts of excitement, "*Sniff* I wanna go home Grace. I can't do it. We're gonna hurt someone ag..."

"ERICA GRACE TAGHAN!barked Grace, "You stand up right now missy! We're not monsters!"

Erica looked up and raised a finger as she added, "By definition of madness, technically we..."

"Shut it Webster. We trained for this, Remember? Neither of us want to be monsters, so we're not. Got it? We've always been in this together so let's go," responded Grace, extending a hand to her sister. Erica sniffled before giving a reluctant nod and taking her sisters hand. The two of them started the stair walk together. It had been a while since they'd done it, but they had been keeping in shape, so it wouldn't take them too long.



Anime Twins.jpg
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                      Caeden Seele

He had finally arrived at the DWMA, which from his view seemed naught but a giant staircase. Though he gawked at the huge complex, humbled by its presence, his gaze was then directed to the pair starting up the stair as well. They had obviously been here before, and even as he looked away to further stride up the large steps, Caeden was subconsciously focusing on them from their clothes to their personalities. They had arrived in a limo, and something about that was strange to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it...

Meaning not to show off, he simply skipped up the steps towards the top, his excitement growing with every stride!"This is what I was waiting for! But, what things could I possibly be doing with my weapon here? What exactly is this school anyway?" 

Caeden's steps became more frantic, messy, quick, as if anxious for something to happen, until he was practically jumping across multiple steps at a time with beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. Alas, he was only halfway there, and once he realized this fact he slowed his steps, sighing. Caeden was going to get to the top...and then take it from there!

Day 1 of Second Week

Jessyka Volontari

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]She was heading out for the day, actually. With classes cancelled, it was clear that Lord Death was trying to get students to focus on missions and there wasn’t much she could do given she had no partner. Smoky had vanished and it really didn’t seem like he had any intentions of returning anytime soon and that left her with… well, nothing to contribute to. She wasn’t the kind of meister to think she could go on any mission all by her lonesome and with nothing else to do, she knew she would be more productive if she just headed home. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]That was what brought her to the staircase. She couldn’t believe she’d put all that effort into climbing them earlier and now she was going back down without a care in the world. It was quite annoying really. Jessyka had no choice but to tolerate it, though. And so she did. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]That was when she found herself running into another student. She hadn’t actually seen him before and she credited herself with knowing everyone in her class. That had to mean he was either new or in the NOT class… or both. Most likely, he was both. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]“Hey!”[/SIZE][SIZE=18.666666666666664px] she called to him. [/SIZE][SIZE=18.666666666666664px]“Are you new here or have I just not seen you? If you’re new, then you honestly picked a terrible first day. Lord Death decided to cancel classes and send people out on missions because there’s been a lot going on in the world and he wants to know more… or something like that.” [/SIZE][SIZE=18.666666666666664px]She would never and could never claim to understand the inner mechanisms of the Grim Reaper’s mind so she wasn’t about to try. [/SIZE][SIZE=18.666666666666664px]“What’s your name?”[/SIZE]

                      Caeden Seele

A girl met him halfway down from the stair, even though it would've still been time for classes, she seemed to be going down to Death City. Classes were cancelled,apparently the headmaster wanted people to focus on "Missions", but what missions were there anyway? He would have to head there later, but for now the girl had asked his name, "It's Seele, Caeden Seele, German for soul. So, that's why the place seemed empty Huh, well that's my luck for you!"

Being a weapon brought some advantages; unlike meisters, a weapon could technically fight on his own, but it would be strategically unwise..."What's your name, are you a meister? I'm a weapon myself, but I'm new and such." The fire in his steps slowly burned out and he relaxed, sitting on the stair looking bored. "What missions are open?


Jason Daniels

Having forced himself to calm down, though he was still in a terrible mood. But he was well enough to hide his frustration behind a laid-back smile, at least, he hoped it was a convincing one. So, that's where he found himself now, ambling lazily throughout the school, wondering if he should simply give in to his overwhelming desire to sign up for a solo mission and tear through anything in his path. It would be very therapeutic, that is certain. As he continued on through the school, imagining all the ways he could eviscerate his future enemies with his bare hands. It was at this moment that he stumbled upon two people talking at the stairway. Pausing in his path he inspected the two through a half lidded eye. One of them he recognized as a 2-Star Meister, and another he had no clue about, which likely meant they were new as he knew of most of the students in the school. He wondered what he wanted to do now. He could walk by and go on with his day, or he could stay and just see if they could amuse him even the slightest bit, though with his current foul mood, he doubted anything could have any major impact on his general outlook at this moment, though he supposed it would never hurt to simply try and find something to lessen the burning anger flowing through his veins at the moment.

@DaughterofAthena @Xenoxx
Jessyka Volontari

There were a few things Caeden said that felt a bit off to Jessyka. First and foremost, he went very into detail on his name and it almost seemed as though he was very proud of it. She didn’t particularly care what his name meant, but if he wanted to turn that into something he said every time he met someone new, there wasn’t exactly anything she could do to stop him from doing that. All she could do was listen to what he said. “Mhm,” she hummed a simple reply.

The question she could address in a more in depth manner. “I’m Jessyka… or Jess… doesn’t really matter. Yes, I’m a meister but my weapon’s been MIA for a while now which leaves me kinda stuck in a rut. Can’t exactly do much on my own.” It was the main reason why she had planned on heading out for the day. Even though classes had been cancelled, she had things she could study and other things she could address in the world outside of Lord Death’s missions.

However, the world had other plans for her in that moment. Her phone started vibrating in her pocket, making the pink haired girl jump more than a little before she pulled it out of her pocket and answered it. “Hello?” she said, talking to the person on the other end of the line.

Standing there, she was clearly listening to an explanation about something or other. Her head nodded every once in awhile even though the person on the other end clearly couldn’t see it. Finally, it resolved with an “I’ll be right there.” Hanging up the phone, Jessyka slipped it into her pocket and recalled that she had been having some semblance of a conversation with Caeden.

“Sorry about that. Apparently I’m needed to fill in for another missing student. I’d stay and talk more, but it seemed like a bit of a rush. There are still a few students at school who can probably help with questions and some of the professors should be around as well.” Leaving it at that, Jessyka ran down the steps and started to make her way to a cafe where there was apparently going to be a briefing on a mission that Lord Death wanted to get underway sooner rather than later.

        Caeden Seele

She was either quite busy, or wanted to get away from him quickly, both could be true, but Caeden went with the former. "Thanks for the info! Hopefully you'll do well on the mission, but goodbye anyways, auf wiedersehen!", turning around, Caeden continued up the stairs, hoping not to disturb the furious looking boy heading down the stairs at the same time, he wondered if those twins were still coming up despite classes being over. Despite his wondering and excitement, it still took him another good while to fully scale the staircase, after which he was quite winded.

Caeden waited a bit at the top, thinking about what he was going to do, the girl said that Lord Death was sending students out on missions, so maybe there was an announcement board he could look for to sign up for one. " we go...", Caeden approached the gates and walked in.

    ~~~Exit Staircase~~~
While the State of Souls Mission is going on...

Ella Trinity and Professor Thomas Rudolf

“…wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Ella sniffled, raising her head from the desk. The EAT student had finally stopped crying and started talking—a fact which Thomas was grateful for.

Or not.

The former assassin sighed, continuing the simple, repetitive motion of patting her back in a soothing manner while Spinner continued telling him her problems. He wasn’t DWMA’s counselor. Or even an EAT professor. Therefore, he’d been startled when Eleanor Trinity burst into his classroom, asking for her cousin. Upon revealing to her that Jack was on a mission, the pink haired weapon broke into sobs—which, for anyone who personally knew Stray Spinner, happened quite often. Every time the ‘cursed weapon’ broke up with another partner of her own volition actually.    

I wonder if I should call Nadia. She’s much better at this than I am.

“...I don’t know when it happened, but I think I must’ve really liked her—even though we’ve never agreed to anything. It hurts to be rejected. It hurts a lot. I wonder if all the other meisters I broke up with felt the same.”

“Most likely.” Thomas hadn’t a clue how one could be rejected when no solid relationship was ever set. However, that probably wasn’t what the pink haired half-zombie needed to hear at the moment. Therefore Professor Rudolf chose not to comment on that matter. Student relationships weren’t exactly his specialty.  

“I can’t help it though! I feel what I feel. And I feel miserable every time that happens.”

“The one who rejected you probably feels the same.”

Eleanor shook her head rapidly, tears once more welling in her eyes. “Aiko didn’t even run after me. One of the twin battleaxes did--probably out of pity. I don’t even know her name…,”

Thomas had a vague idea of who the Ringblade was referring to. Either Grace or Erika, as they were both battle axes. If he remembered correctly, Erika had been Aiko the Blur’s weapon at some point. Or was it Grace. Hard to tell with twins…especially ones he wasn’t too familiar with—though all EAT students tended to stand out. They made only a small percent of the school’s population, after all.  

"How do you know she rejected you if you didn't talk to her?"

"She doesn't want to train with me. She changes the subject whenever we talk about resonance. And then, when she was holding that battleaxe there was this...moment...between them, you know?"

Thomas's expression must have conveyed his lack of understanding because Eleanor huffed and rolled her eyes. He'd have to ask Leila this about this later.

“Either way, I can’t face them again. It’s too shameful how I acted! I should've known that a two-star meister like Aiko would already have another partner lined up and ready.”

“So you’ll abandon the mission you signed up for?”

“They don’t need me anyway.” Eleanor lowered her head back into her arms. Her voice was muffled, but Thomas heard her just fine. “Lord Death will sent others to help. I'm sure of it.”

“Look at me, Miss Trinity,” Professor Rudolf had stopped rubbing Ella’s back and the firmness in his voice caused her to look up. It wasn’t loud, as Mr. Rudolf never raised his voice, but was undoutedly a teacher’s tone. “Whether you’re rejected or not, whether you’re needed or not, none of that matters. You’re in charge of your own life. I won't hold your hand and force you to do what you don't want. Whether you run away or not, choose the right or wrong path, it’s your choice—your friends, your future. But don’t let other people’s actions control what you do--not even Lord Death. Take responsibility for any rights or wrongs you may have committed and finish what you started. That’s what it means to be a professional.”

“...Professional in what?”

“In anything you want. Isn’t there something you wanted to achieve when you decided to enroll in DWMA?”

“N-not really. I only wanted to make friends. Then I met Kira and she wanted to be the strongest meister with the strongest weapon. She was crazy—and a little mean—but I loved her so I wanted to be the best for her, and now…,” Ella shrugged. “I don’t know. Deathscythe, I guess...”

“Well, that’s alright. Take your time deciding. You’re still young. But until you finally figure out what you want, it’s better to not close any doors. After they shut the first time, opening them up again will be harder the second time around.”


“Did my sagely advice help you any, Miss Trinity?”

“…yes. I think it did. Thank you for listening, Professor...and the advice."

Thomas was relieved when he saw a hint of a smile curve on Eleanor’s face. He was glad it was over.The half zombie stood and ran out the door of the Not classroom, but not before waving goodbye. "Good luck with Leila~!"

Face flushing red, the teacher responded to the wave with one of his own. Then he returned to his desk and continued where he’d left off before the pink haired girl interrupted him—penning a letter to an old friend.   

(mentioned: @DaughterofAthena, @Hanarei, @CelticHero37)
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Jayce Hammerkin and Professor Hiro Mitsaki

Day: Tuesday

[SIZE= 10px]Week: Second Week; After "End of Summer Concert"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10px]Time of Day: 1pm[/SIZE]


It was kinda weird not having classes and because he didn’t have a mission to go on, Jayce found himself wandering a bit lost throughout the empty DWMA corridors searching for anyone or anything to do. It wasn’t surprising that his feet carried him to the EAT classroom since that was where he would be at that time if there was class on that particular day and because he was so bored, Jayce actually walked in and took a seat at one of the desks. The board was empty and there was nothing to pay attention to. 

Sighing, he realized he couldn’t just sit there all day. 

Luckily for him, someone else walked into the classroom at that same time, though. “Hey, kiddo,” Professor Mitsaki greeted the boy. It wasn’t an odd thing at all since Jayce had been at the DWMA for so long. Many of the teachers knew he was ok with them being familiar in their conversations with him because it just made it feel more friendly and less rigid. Both were healthy things for the young weapon. “Whatcha doin’ in here? I would’ve thought you’d at least spend your day training if you didn’t have a mission.” Hiro knew that Jayce had been trying for a while now to get stronger. It wasn’t unusual after a traumatic experience. 

Jayce’s eyes lifted and he looked at his teacher for a moment. “I suppose. That would mean I would have to find Felix, though, and I’m not sure where to look. Do you think he would be wandering the school too? I don’t know where to find him in Death City if he isn’t here so…” So he wasn’t sure how to approach the situation. 

“Well, looking around campus would be a good place to start, I would think,” Hiro replied. “And it would definitely be better than sitting and staring at an empty board.”

“Yeah. Right.” Jayce couldn’t disagree there. 

“Go see if you can find him, then. Some of the other instructors and I might be hosting a lesson for those who are here later this afternoon so if you find him, head to the field. We’ll be there. Maybe you’ll learn something new.” 

After nodding quickly, Jayce stood up and scurried off. 
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     Felix cracks his knuckles, and pops his shoulder blades as he works on shaking off the morning cobwebs, even after he stretched. He wriggled his toes, getting a feel for the grip of the Dojo floor, before entering a formal ready stance. He'd normally forsake all the formality, but it was quiet for once, as everyone competent was off on a mission, given the sudden escalation in activity due to the concert. He focused on his breathing, and clearing his mind, his work space. If one wanted forge a sound soul, they'd need to make sure that they're working with a sound mind, and sound body. At least that's what his Master and this bizarre school had drilled into him. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts of that. Breathe in... and out. He pops in his ear buds.

    The sleeves of his Gi pop as he suddenly springs to life, aggressively exploding into one of his fancier forms. Jump-spin hooks, rolls, and kip-ups are thrown about like confetti, in contrast to his normally practical style. He was frustrated. He wanted to break something. And in absence of things to break, he's settled for taking himself to the anvil. Practicing techniques he's told himself that he's already mastered, that take too much time, or are simply...flamboyant. Even showmanship has it's uses. Even if it's just stretching muscles in a way they haven't been stretched in a while. And he can only get faster, even if his body defies his will to grow stronger. Eventually it ends, with a somehow elegant finishing punch to a grounded, enemy opponent. The Frenchboy stays there, on one knee, sweat dripping down his forehead, fist cocked, as if to punch again, and again, to pummel the imaginary opponent, the visualization of his frustrations into the earth, into oblivion.

He felt a little bit better now. Besides, it was almost time for tea. He stood, wiped his hands free of sweat upon his Gi, and promptly returned them to the snug fit of his pristine white gloves.

Jayce Hammerkin and Alexis Traynor

Although Alexis had been discharged from the dispensary on the Saturday after the concert, she still wasn’t feeling like herself two days after that. She hadn’t attended classes at all on Monday so she didn’t know that classes had been cancelled because she missed the initial announcement. Thus, when she showed up on Tuesday intending on trying to go to class, she was overly surprised to find that no one was there and that no one seemed to be coming either.

Throughout the morning, her footsteps had lead her to learn a little bit about what was going on. She had gone to the mission board to see that many of her classmates were out on missions which made sense. She still remained confused, though, when she walked by the NOT classroom to see that none of them were around. It had taken a while, but eventually Lexie learned from Professor Hakoda that classes had been cancelled in order to deal with a chaos that had risen across the continent after the concert. Apparently Lord Death wasn’t sure whether or not the events were connected or not, but until he knew more, he intended to act as though they were.

The important thing for her to know was what this meant for her. It meant that Lexie did not have to go to classes this week and it meant that if she had a partner, she would be able to join on a mission. She didn’t expect she would be finding a partner anytime soon, though.

Since she had nothing better to do for lunch, Alexis sat alone in the cafeteria and ate a meal that the school had provided. It was quiet and she didn’t like it. However, she also knew if she went back home, she would sit and sulk alone rather than wandering and sulking alone. Wandering in a place where she had a small chance of finding a person to talk to seemed like a better idea.

And it was a good thing she stayed.

It wasn’t long after leaving the cafeteria that she ran into a fellow EAT student - Jayce Hammerkin, actually. She actually quite literally ran into him, too. “Oh, uhm, Jacye… I would’ve thought that you’d be out on a mission.”

Jayce jumped back a bit when he found someone who was not the person he was looking for. However, he had to smile at the one person who he knew had an excuse to do little to nothing on a day like today. “I would like to be, actually. It seems Felix and I are in a bit of a holding pattern while Lord Death figures out where to send us, though. I’m actually looking for Felix right now. Would you like to help?” It seemed like an acceptable idea to offer.

“Oh. Uhm. Sure, I guess. Have you checked the training areas? I know that’s where…” Alexis had to stop herself because she knew she had been about to mention Xander and Aeryn and those were both people who she could not actually bring herself to talk about without crying.

Catching onto what she meant right away, Jayce picked up where she left off. “... that’s where a lot of meisters go when they have nothing better to do. You’re probably right. Let’s go look there, ok?”

“Ok.” She was glad he didn’t press her unfinished sentence.

Then together the two weapons walked to the training areas of the DWMA. And there was only one of them that they could hear activity coming from at the present moment - the Dojo.

Jayce led the way inside and he was happy to see that Felix was there. “Felix! I wasn’t sure if you’d be here today or not!” He was surprisingly excited to see the other student and he walked right up to him. “Would you mind if I trained with you? Oh, and… uhm… I brought Lexie with me. I didn’t exactly think she deserved to be all alone.” He hoped Felix would be alright with that.


[SIZE= 18px]Felix[/SIZE]

Felix cannot hide the surprise in his eyes, as the two weapons enter the Dojo. One of them was Jayce, and that also brought the slightest of grins. He was careful to keep it subtle. Apparently, if you're too enthusiastic about it, it freaks normal people out. And Jayce happened to be number one on the list Felix didn't want to scare away. He looked down for a moment to adjust his Gi, which had gotten crooked, and tighten his belt before looking back up. 

"Not at all. I was just finishing up with a morning warm-up, but I could always do with a bit more work on my endurance and technique. The Concert made that clear." The boy laughs at his own expense at the last bit, before his eyes meet Alexis's, and he stiffens, wiping both the sweat and hair from his brow.

"My apologies, I've been unfathomably rude. You are the young lady called Alexis, are you not? I am Mattias O'Fleur, though you can call me Felix. Everyone does."  He gives her a proper bow before returning his gaze to Jayce.

"I've always found the Khopesh among one of my favorite weapons. Simple, elegant enough to be ceremonial and beautiful even, and potent." He side eyes over towards the female weapon. "Though I've trained extensively with Bo-Staffs of the less alive variety, if you're itching for something to do.He extends his hand, and closes his eyes with a pleasant inviting smile.

It's probably awful to do so...
but he hopes it's Jayce.

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Kamryn Vessot

The seemingly empty athletic field was not as empty as it would seem upon closer inspection. In fact, if one bothered to get closer to the field surrounded by a track they would find a taller girl with light brown hair spread out on the grass as she lay on her back in the center of said field. One glaring, panting sun stung the young girl's eyes as she stared up out of it, a stick of chocolate covered pocky stuck in her mouth. A box of the sweet treat lay open on the grass beside her half empty and a tall, metal water bottle lay on it's side not too far away. What was she doing, just laying there in the sun? Simple. She was procrastinating.

Now, normally this was very unlike the loud, talkative girl named Kamryn, or also known as JJ. Usually, if she had a day off she could be found spending it out with friends. However, today was not one of those kinds of days. With classes canceled, she'd gone to the DWMA in hopes of snagging a mission for her and her partner. That effort had only resulted in being told she had to wait, because all the missions were currently full and in progress. So, she'd gotten a hold of Thalia, the boomerang weapon girl that she was partnered with, and informed her that they were on wait ad she could take the day to do what she wanted. She informed her partner that she could be found at the training grounds, presumably to train. It seemed she made it as far as running around the track for a long as she could before she called it quits on the whole training thing. That was how she ended up where she currently was.

She sat up, and stuck a new stick of pocky in her mouth as she'd finished the last one, before she stood up completely. Box and bottle in hand, she decided to poke around and see if anyone else was here training in any of the buildings, starting with the gym. She was headed towards the building, when she caught a look at a pair of students headed into the Dojo. Her course changed then and there, and she made her way to the Dojo. She didn't go in right away, rather hovered just outside the door the students had just gone through, listening to what was said to figure out who was inside. She gathered that there were two weapons within, Jayce and Lexie, along with at least one meister, though she couldn't place a name to the voice. After she finished yet another pocky, she made the decision to go inside. She entered just as the mesiter, whom she now could slightly identify as an EAT student but not which one, finished offering to work with each of the weapons.

"Mind if I join in?" She spoke, seemingly her greeting, with a bright smile. "I mean, I see one meister here and two weapons that really don't work well as dual wields, no offense. Which means one would get left out... I don't really know how well I can work with either of you, but whichever decides not to work with... Your name has slipped my mind... him, is welcome to give it a shot with me if you want to. Can't promise I'll be very good, but hey it's worth a shot." She continued, not really waiting for confirmation on her first question, one hand gestured lazily at Felix when she spoke about his name, as she smiled to both weapons individually, before her gaze drifted towards the other meister. As if to punctuate her sentence, she pulled out another stick of pocky and settled it inside her mouth before she set her bottle and box down on the floor against the wall.

@Deadeyelee @DaughterofAthena

Jayce Hammerkin and Alexis Traynor

The weapon student could not contain his excitement at the possibility of training with his partner, Felix. Jayce had honestly never thought he would have a partner like Felix before because in general, students had a heavy dislike for him. Even when someone did partner with him, they often left once they found out the truth - a truth Jayce hadn’t tried explaining to Felix yet. He was finding, though, that he had the smallest sliver of hope that maybe Felix would understand the truth of what had happened, and that maybe… just maybe… he wouldn’t lose a partner when the truth escaped him.

Now was not that time, though. Jayce wanted to keep enjoying himself for as long as he could possibly manage and that meant he had no intentions of being the one to unveil it… well, unless their lives would be in danger if he didn’t. That might change things a little. Again, though, that was not the present situation.

Jayce’s attention turned back to Alexis again when Felix turned to speak to her and for a moment, Jayce honestly felt a pang of jealousy for the fact that his meister was offering to train with her. When he’d offered to let her come with him, the khopesh hadn’t considered that option at all and he didn’t want to be left with nothing to do himself. He had only made the offer because that he knew in sad situations, it was better to be with people and he imagined that Alexis was in that kind of situation given all the things that had happened at the concert. It had merely been him trying to make more friends.

“Uhm, yeah, if you’d like Lexie… uhm… go ahead,” he waved his hand and stepped back a bit leaving room for Alexis to transform and jump onto the platform with Felix. Jayce felt that for him to do anything less than that would be exceedingly rude and so he didn’t voice his desire to train with his meister.

However, the minute Felix started offering, Lexie had already been shaking her head. “You two are partners. You should train together and I can just watch for now.” In truth, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to actually try transforming again just yet after everything that had happened last time.

Suddenly, though, Jayce realized that if he started training with Felix, then he would feel bad because once again, Lexie would essentially be alone and he didn’t want to leave her alone. That was the reason he had invited her in the first place. He didn’t want her to be alone. While Felix held his hands out and waited with his eyes closed, Jayce was extremely hesitant to do anything and that was obvious by the way his eyes flickered from Felix’s hands to Alexis and back again. “Uhm… are you su…”

He was cut off when a fourth person walked into the room.

The khopesh couldn’t help but smile when she did and when he recognized her as a meister. She could train with Alexis, or at least keep Alexis company, and then he would be free to train with his own meister. Everything would be perfect! “Yes! That sounds like a wonderful idea! Felix here is my partner so I think I’d like to train with him if that’s alright with you two and then you two can work together or…” Or something else, but together nonetheless. That was the important part because Jayce knew that Alexis needed company right now. There was no hesitation after that. Jayce transformed and the hilt of the khopesh landed in Felix’s hands.

In the end, Alexis didn’t feel that she had much of a choice and that made her nervous although she had no intentions of separating Felix and Jayce. She knew that they deserved the chance to train together.

That meant that her attention had to turn towards Kamryn. “Uhm… I’m not actually sure if I… if transforming would be a good idea for now…” she stuttered briefly, not wanting to leave the other girl with nothing to do. “I can… try.” She really wasn’t sure what was going to happen though and she wasn’t sure how to explain that to her.

@Deadeyelee @SummerWolf
Mattias 'Felix' O'Fleur

Mattias could not help but show a bit of surprise. He twirled Jayce around the back of his hand, remembering his weight and balance. "Right...we're partners..." He responds softly. His grip tightens. His heart rate accelerates. In a bid to calm himself, he starts slow, simply moving through the 9 basic strikes, adjusting his stance properly with each one, in order to stay balanced. Nice and simple. He then flips the Kopesh into an inverted grip in his back hand, giving the blade a nervous smile. This... was less traditional, but Felix hopes his partner is open to new things. He's not a swordsman. Sure, he's had training with swords, but it never came as naturally to him as kicking, punching, and the other acrobatic nonsense that he was so gifted with. The young french meister executes a lightning quick right hook, now accentuated by the Demon Weapon's axe like blade. He envisions the clean severing of a head, then steps forward, using the blunt, hooked side, to pull an imaginary opponent into a soul force backed punch to the gut, or groin, depending on how tall the imaginary opponent was. A slew of imaginary opponents follow, killed or beaten by an increasingly fatigued and out of breath Felix. He might be a little less high flying, high kicking than normal, But he wasn't about to deny Jayce the chance to train as a pair. It's something Felix had wanted to do ever since he set foot in the academy, but they just, never seemed to work out.

Given the boy's obsession with grace and circumstance, he doesn't seem to fight in a manner that fits him. It's efficient and brutal, but filled with the same passion of an animal backed into a corner. He's not very sociable as he gets into it either. His mind is working feverishly, devising every possible advantage and disadvantage gained with the tool in his hands, from cleaving off door handles, to the potential for it to get stuck in things, to an extension of reach when climbing. All of this halts when he realizes, aghast, that he's thinking about a living thing as a simple tool. Without considering his dignity, his concerns or feelings. How quickly had he gone from being overly anxious in his presence to... this?  'Napoleon' is thrown off balance, mentally, and therefore physically. He stumbles forward, falling, too exhausted to come up with anything but cradling the blade-no. Cradling Jayce even though it's liable to cut into his fingertips if he's unlucky. This is precious to him, this realization, and he's not going to let it go. He doesn't want to be like this. Not with Jayce. Not with anyone, really. 

@DaughterofAthena @SummerWolf
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Kamryn Vessot

Kamryn nodded in response to Jayce before he transformed, and her attention immediately swung to Lexie. She smiled gently to the weapon girl after she finished speaking, but shook her head. "I understand. You don't have to try if you don't feel up to transforming." She replied, her tone still cheery as ever but still held more gentle and friendly notes to it. Being as socially up to date as she was, and having been at the recent concert of chaos herself, she had a decent idea on what was plaguing her companion's head. She settled on the dojo floor beside her water bottle and pocky, then patted the space on the floor beside her, offering for Lexie to sit down with her. "We can just talk and watch the boys train for a while if you rather." She commented, her eyes shifted from Lexie to the blond haired meister on the platform before them as he began to train, sliding through strike after strike with a grace she knew she'd probably not be able to achieve in a million years. The idea of sitting and talking actually worked in her favor too, as she didn't have the motivation to train right now. She looked back to Lexie again as she picked up her box and offered a pocky stick to the other girl before taking one herself.

For once, the girl known for her non-stop talking, was a little lost on how to start a conversation. Her eyes roamed from Lexie, to Felix, then to the dojo itself. The building's almost oriental set-up gave her something to think about, and she thought about the different shops--more specifically restaurants--in Death City. One in particular stuck out after having admired the dojo for long enough. Though she wanted to ask how Lexie was doing after everything, she didn't feel it was a good idea, and opted not to, instead deciding to start a conversation about a happier matter. "Lexie, have you been to that one tea house down by the market? I heard it's really good, but I haven't been there myself." She started talking, slightly rambling as was her go-to thing. "I always find myself amazed at all the different places here in Death City, even though I've been here a while. It's like there's always someplace new opening. Do you have any places you like to go to... you know... eat, shop, stuff like that?" She finished talking, and smiled after she took a bit of her pocky. 

Her gaze traveled back to Felix, who by this time was no longer on his feet seemingly collapsed for one reason or another. Her smile quirked upwards a little bit, and she reached over to grab her basically still full water bottle--she hadn't even opened it once since she'd filled the thing earlier--and tossed it out of her hand, up onto the platform. Thankfully, it was metal and not likely to break open like it's more plastic counterparts, it'd survived falling all the way down the DWMA staircase before after-all. She didn't bother to watch where it landed, as she knew it wasn't likely to hit Felix so it didn't matter as long as it ended up near him. Her focus returned to Lexie after that, not really caring what the boys were up to anymore.

 @DaughterofAthena @Deadeyelee
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Jayce Hammerkin
There were a few things that Jayce had to respect as he felt his weapon from being swung expertly in Felix’s hands. It had been a long time since he’d been wielded by any meister of skill at all because most of the meisters who knew what they were doing refused to work with him. Because of that simple fact, he had to respect how many different uses Felix seemed to have for him, how many different ways Felix could conceptualize to strike with his weapon form, and how Felix seemed to be able to hold a bladed weapon without any fear at all of damaging himself in the process. It was a common problem with blades. People were so afraid of hurting themselves that the fear actually led them to hurt themselves in the process. To avoid getting hurt, you simply needed to believe that you wouldn’t and that much Felix had down pat.

However, he couldn’t help but notice the silence of his meister’s mind as Felix moved through the exercises without pause or hesitation. ‘Felix?’ Jayce whispered into his mind. He was afraid to be any louder because he didn’t want to interrupt whatever Felix was going through and possibly throw him off balance.

Unfortunately, Felix was sent off balance anyway somewhere along the way and Jayce really wasn’t sure why. He tried not to get panicked or worked up about it and to instead give Felix a chance to recover before he said anything, but regardless of that, Jayce was quite certain that some of his concern leaked through the link that they shared simply because they were weapon and meister.

Feeling the sharpness of his blade near Felix’s skin, Jayce had another moment for concern and he gathered up some of his own soul wavelength and used it to dull his own blade. It wasn’t an easy task, but it prevented him from drawing blood from his meister because he simply didn’t want to do that.

Finally as that situation calmed down and as their movement stopped, Jayce began to try figuring out what had gone wrong. ‘Felix, you can hear me, right?’ HIs first thought was that maybe their link didn’t even exist. It would be odd, but considering his own terrible history, Jayce wouldn’t be surprised it something terrible like that cursed his one chance at actually having a partner.

Deadeyelee Deadeyelee

Alexis “Lexie” Traynor
As glad as Lexie was that Kamryn decided not to be pushy about wanting to practice anything, a part of her almost wished that Kamryn seemed more eager to do some training. Lexie imagined that actually getting back into things would really help her to recover. The fact that it was so easy to get out of made it hard for her to force herself to consider it, though.

“That sounds fine,” she remarked, content to go with Kamryn’s proposal to sit and talk and watch the boys train. Lexie found that she wasn’t actually watching the boys, though. She really wasn’t all that interested in what the boys were doing and there were too many other things that were more than distracting enough for her mind.

It was probably a good thing that Kamryn shifted topics and that she seemed to have plans for things to talk about because it kept Lexie’s attention drifting too far into darker thoughts. She didn’t want to completely ignore Kamryn while she was talking and that kept her mind in a more safe realm. When it came to the tea house specifically, Lexie realized that she hadn’t actually been there and she shook her head in response to Kamryn’s question. She let the meister continue before she verbalized an answer.

“There’s a little cornershop cafe that I ate at a few times over the past few months. It was where I would go for date nights with Aeryn before… before he was deemed unsafe for the student body to be around. I’m not quite sure what happened to him. He was just gone.” Sadness flooded her voice as she spoke about it, but she knew that it could have been worse and she tried to force that optimism into her mind. “I’ve been to the ice cream shop a few times, though, too. I’ve always liked ice cream.”

She managed a smile at that in the end, though. Ice cream was a good enough reason to smile about.

SummerWolf SummerWolf

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