Before the End of Summer Concert

Mattias 'Felix' O'Fleur

Mattias had been spared.His own incompetence had nearly cost him a horrible price, but he had been spared. The gears turned in the strategist's head, trying to figure out what happened. He rolled on his back still panting. 'I-I'm here.' Even through their connection he sounded abashed, if his body language wasn't enough. He tossed his head back and curled his toes in frustration as he finally realized what had happened. 'You dulled the blade. A more cynical part of me wishes you'd have let me slice my fingers for a lesson I'd not soon forget. I'm not a strong miester, so I have to be the smartest and the fastest. I was neither.'

He places one hand over his face. He felt pathetic right now. Smaller and more insecure than usual. 'I'm sorry...I think I'm done with training for today...b-but if you still want to uh...well...hang out...I'd like that.' If the physical stuff wasn't working out right now, he could at least try the social. He liked Jayce a lot, and maybe...even if he found a more suitable miester....they could still be friends.

@DaughterofAthena @SummerWolf[/QUOTE]
Jayce Hammerkin
Jayce wasn’t sure how to respond. ‘You wish I hadn’t dulled it?’ That was the same as saying that he wished he’d been hurt. Such a thing would only hurt Jayce’s reputation further by once again proving to everyone else that he was incapable of protecting his meister. Of course, Felix didn’t know about that whole situation yet, being new and all that. Jayce was certain that ignorance wouldn’t last long, though. Sooner or later, the school would return to its normal schedule of classes and then someone was sure to fill him in. He wanted to enjoy the partnership while it lasted.

Because he still had his secret, though, he wasn’t sure what was an appropriate response. ‘As a weapon, it’s my job to keep my meister safe. That includes making sure they’re safe from harm for me. And whenever you wield me, you are my meister.’ It was a hard thing for him to say because he felt like he’d failed himself in his past, but he meant it now, so that had to count for something.

Finding himself at a loss and not wanting to share his thoughts any further, Jayce shifted back into his human form. The khopesh flew out of Felix’s hands and Jayce landed safely on his own two feet. He held a hand out to Felix. “We can definitely hang out, though. Have you ever seen the view from the roofs? I used to sit there and think about things all the time. It took ages before I realized how beautiful it was.”

Deadeyelee Deadeyelee
Igor and Honey
Honey felt relief when she finally walked back into Death City. The training mission she had been on with Ivy, Demetri, and Igor was extremely extensive (at least for her, she still wasn’t nearly as strong as her counterparts). However her relief melted away with a single word as a hulking beast of a man growled out the word ‘meat’ at the top of his lungs right next to her. It was then that it hit her, because the group was gone for so long, they made sure there was no food that could go bad left in their apartment. She had nothing to feed her psycho.

“Igor.” She choked out. The beast turned toward her upon hearing her voice. “We don’t have anything to eat at home.” She carefully announced, noticing his body tense in the process. “But we could go to the cafeteria…” Before she could even get the words out the man bolted like he was a bullet shot from a gun. Fearing as to what the man was capable of, Honey quickly ran after him, forgetting all about the other two they returned with.

“MEAT!!” Igor yelled the word at the top of his lungs as he ran through the streets of Death City. He knew the way to the cafeteria; he knew the way to food and he wanted it NOW! As he whipped around a corner he saw an obstacle ahead but he didn’t care; he wanted food, dammit! He picked up his pace and lowered his head charging ahead like rhino. In an instant he slammed into a wooden cart, round green vegetables flying through the air in every direction.

“My Cabbages!!” A man cried out from behind him to which Igor simply laughed and kept on running.

Running through the streets Honey could tell exactly which way her weapon partner went, simply look for the destruction. Following along she turned a corner to reveal a man with his hands in his hair surveying quite the scene. A broken wooden cart, cabbages lying about seemingly everywhere, only Igor could cause destruction like this. “I’m SO Sorry!” Honey cried out as she ran over to the man. She leaned over to pick up one of the vegetables when she heard laughter from ahead of her. Looking up she could see her massive partner already climbing the stairs to the DWMA! “I-I, I’m sorry I can’t help, I have to go!” She apologized again giving a slight bow to the man before once again running after the psycho.

Igor was skipping multiple steps as he climbed the stairs. No small obstacle like this would keep him from his meal! It only took him a matter of seconds to get up to the top and with hitting a flat surface he gained a new burst of speed, propelling him forward into the building. He slammed the doors open and charged down the hallway, skidding around a corner he couldn’t quite stop his momentum causing him to slam into a wall. A decent sized crater was left in the drywall from his weight but he didn’t seem to notice.

There it was, right before him, the cafeteria!! “MMEEAATT!” He shouted once again, charging forward. Stretching his arms out in front of him he slammed the doors open like they were made of nothing but paper. Stopping for only a split second to get his bearings before setting his sight on his goal. Once again his feet pounded the floor while his arms swiped at anything potentially in his way. Chairs were thrown halfway across the room, tables flipped over, one chair even broken in half before he finally made it to the counter.

“MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” He chanted, with each word slamming his fists into the counter creating dents as he impatiently awaited the response from the lunch lady.

Slowly turning around the woman glared up at the impatient beast of a manchild. Without even saying a word she pointed up above her. Looking up from the lady, Igor raised his mask skyward before his vision rested on a bronze plaque.


Not necessarily being able to read the words, Igor new the presence of a plaque meant Honey was needed. An unholy growl escaped from underneath the man’s mask before he frantically looked around him, lifting his arms to see if they were hiding his small meister. No such luck. Once again he began to run, this time away from the food the longed for so badly. Slamming the cafeteria doors open harshly due to his slight frustration they threatened to break but held on.

Igor went on to search the hallways of the school but Honey was nowhere to be found. Running outside of the building he didn’t see the child either. Wait, THERE! He saw the girl climbing the stairs. “HONEY!” Igor screamed, running directly at her. He chuckled at the slight panic that appeared on the girl’s face when she saw him quickly approach her. With one hand, he clasped onto the back of the girl’s shirt and hoisted her easily into the air before running back inside.

Once more he saw the cafeteria, his mouth drooling he slammed the doors open for a third time. This time one of the doors couldn’t take the powerful it, half of it came off its hinges, bending out of shape as the man continued to run further into the room. He ran up to the lunch lady, holding Honey out in front of him like she was nothing more than a rag doll. “H-Hi Ms. Zapinski.” Honey greeted awkwardly with a wave. The lunch lady didn’t seem pleased to see her, just narrowing her eyes at the girl. “I’m sorry but c-could we get a meal? I-Igor will just take his usual…” She trailed off.

Without saying a word and just giving a huff of disapproval Ms. Zapinski got to work. She grabbed four trays and filled each of them with food, mainly meat, and set them up on the counter. Upon seeing the food, Igor dropped Honey and grabbed all four trays at once, not caring if the food was crushed in the process and went to take a seat. Honey waited patiently as her food was prepared before taking it over to sit next to the psycho who was proceeding to make a horrid mess.

thatonespacytallgirl thatonespacytallgirl
Alexis “Lexie” Traynor
On this particular afternoon, Alexis had been enjoying - or rather, tolerating - a very late lunch on her own. She simply didn’t have much motivation to be around anyone because everyone somehow seemed interested in bringing up what happened to her brother. Either that or they didn’t know about it and that made her feel like she had to share; the problem was that she didn’t want to share. She didn’t want to deal with any of it because she really didn’t want to cry anymore. She wanted things to get back to normal, but her normal revolved around her brother. It really left her with nowhere to go and too many people to avoid.

Unfortunately, there was no way for her to prevent people from coming into the cafeteria. There was no place in the DWMA where she could really ensure that she avoided people. Someone was bound to show up sooner or later.

That was a lesson she learned when a large boulder of a man came charging through the cafeteria doors while she was sitting in the corner eating. She knew him from class and she wondered where the rest of them were. The man was Igor - someone who Alexis was only aware of when his antics disrupted class or started a fight somewhere. Xander had always tried to get in on those fights and Alexis had always tried to stop him. Some of her attempts had even left scars along her body, actually, because Xander wasn’t capable of being kept out of fights. Now it didn’t matter because he was gone.

It was too much for her to hope that Igor wouldn’t come back when he stormed out. He did come back, with his meister in tow this time around. As far as Alexis could remember, the two of them had left on a mission before the semester even started and ergo, hadn’t been at the concert. They didn’t know what happened and that meant they were on Alexis’s list of people to avoid. She didn’t want them to ask where her brother was. She didn’t want to tell them he was dead.

Standing up promptly, with half a meal still on her tray, Alexis stood up and made her way to the nearest garbage. That also put her on the same path as Igor and as he stacked his trays to carry them, some of the slop that was squashed splattered onto Alexis’s shirt. She didn’t care, though. She just wanted to avoid anyone who could ask questions and she couldn’t bring herself to meet the gaze of the young meister who would certainly see her sorrow without even uttering a single word.

DonquixoteDoflamingo DonquixoteDoflamingo
Magna Carter
Damn! So not cool. Thought the experimental weapon, Magna Carter, as he rolled into the cafeteria on his skateboard. The headphones that hung from his ears -- free of any devices and there for noise canceling only -- were no match for the ambiance he encountered. The noise of talking students reverberated in his ears as he was accosted by the random electromagnetic pulses from the various devices -- such as phones and laptops -- that were in the vicinity.

Kicking the skateboard up to his hand, Carter reluctantly entered the room. He didn't care for making his own food, so this had become a necessary ritual that he'd learned to endure. He winced at a headache he got when he passed someone answering a phone. As he tried to clear the pounding in his head, he bumped into Lexie, knocking a lunch tray out of her hand.

He instantly snapped back to reality and threw out his hand to catch it. The tray was just too far away and his hand missed its target. However, the tray didn't fall to the floor. It seemed to float for a moment in midair. Carter sighed, thankful that the tray had been made of metal. Phew, I suppose that was pretty cool. Yeah. He thought as he waited for the girl to take it back.

However, before she had a chance to, Carter was hit with another disruptive magnetic pulse; the result of someone sending a text. He was jarred by another headache and the tray suddenly dropped to the floor with a CLANG. The loud noise didn't help matters. His skateboard has protected him from the splattered food, but that wasn't much better. Not cool at all. Shit, he thought as he noticed the mess on the board.

Looking to the girl, he said, "Hey, sorry about that. I'll make sure it gets cleaned up."

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
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Drago Tessel
Everybody in the cafeteria that this concerns I guess
The chaos of death city did nothing to affect the mischevious meister known as Drago. He'd spent the morning experimenting with different little pranks and dieas he'd thought up in the down-time of having no classes. Now, he was headed up to the academy to see what was going on. A stop by the mission board proved that he'd already missed the missions for time being, but that was okay. He wasn't in the mood for a mission anyway.

So, the white-haired smol made his way to the cafeteria, intent on finding something sweet to eat. He was not expecting the disarray of a partially destroyed cafeteria though. He would have wondered what happened and why the students were treating the destruction as if it was nothing when his eyes landed on Igor. All the explanation needed.

Drago shook his head and shot a sympathetic look to the little Honey who had to deal with trying to control the beast that is Igor. He avoided the Igor walking with a perilous stack of trays and approached the counter. Ms. Zapinski was one of those people who had varying opinions on the sweets-loving meister, so it was a gamble on her mood. After a short conversation, he turned away with a rather empty tray that had a piece of cake on it. He found a non-destroyed table and sat down to eat his cake and watch the chaos unfold.
Honey Mitskuni, Magna Carter and Alexis Traynor
Honey could tell that something was off with Lexie, even if she hadn’t had the most contact with the girl. She saw the girl from across the cafeteria, specifically when Igor accidentally splashed some of his sloppy food onto her. She remembered her brother mostly, always wanting to join in on Igor and Ivy’s fights. After setting her food down on the table next to Igor, Honey decided to go greet the girl. Perhaps all Lexie needed was a little love, maybe she simply lost track of her brother, he must be around somewhere, right?

Halfway upon approaching her Honey noticed her target was bumped into by a boy, she knew she had seen the boy around before but she couldn’t think of his name or if he was actually enrolled or not. Lexie seemed to drop her tray but it instead hovered in the air for a moment before clattering onto the floor. Seeing the awkwardness of the moment Honey sped up her pace toward the two. “Lexie!” Honey called out to grab the girl’s attention as she ran over. Turning to the boy she nodded her head a little “Hi, I’m sorry but I can’t think of your name?”

So far, two trays had marred Alexis’s clothing. Igor’s food had spilled onto her shirt. What made that worse was that it was just barely too much food for it to be something she could just wipe off and deal with. Then another collision seemed determined to make her day awful, and before she could put her tray where it belonged, Alexis found that another mash of food splattered all over - not just on her, but on everything around them.

When Carter tried to apologize, Lexie shook her head. “You don’t have to. I’m sorry I got in your way. I’ll just… uhm… go.” She briefly glanced at Honey, gave an attempt at a half smile, and then tried to be on her way.

“Huh?” asked Carter, noticing that the girl seemed to be down. Now he felt worse. This wasn’t cool at all. He was about to say that he’d take care of it and not to worry about it when someone else came up to them. Now more people were talking and it was making his headache worse. Turning to the newcomer, he tried to be cool and say, ”They call me Carter. I’ll just go get one of the custodians. They’ll be able to take care of this.

Upon hearing the offer to assist the mess Honey beamed with delight. “Thank you, Carter! That would be so helpful!” She exclaimed before drooping her smile slightly and turning to Lexie. The little girl reached out and grabbed the hand of the older one and looked up at her with puppy dog eyes. “Listen, if something is wrong you can talk to me about it, okay?” She tried to offer her help.

Looking back for a brief moment, Alexis made eye contact with Honey and she shook her head. “No… I… I don’t need to talk to anyone right now. I’m alright. I’ll just go… somewhere else.” Turning around again, Alexis started walking away from the small clump of people that was starting to form, heading towards the cafeteria entrance and then likely towards the bathroom so that she could clean her shirt off.

Carter could tell just by the look on the girl’s face that she was lying about being okay. In fact, it seemed far from it. Stepping forward to put a hand on her shoulder, he said, “Yo… I’ve seen that face before. I saw it in the mirror a lot when I was younger. Come on, what’s wrong?”

As soon as Alexis felt the hand on her shoulder, her entire body froze. Her eyes were crying by then, but the rest of her face was fury and it shook through her entire body as she inhaled deeply and then let it all out. She didn’t want to explode. She didn’t want to get angry with someone for trying to help her, but by this point, it was beyond her ability to stop any longer.

Alexis’s elbow jabbed back, knocking Carter’s arm off of her shoulder because she didn’t want him touching her. She didn’t want anyone touching her at all. As her elbow swung back - rather wildly, in fact - her whole body turned as well and when she faced him - and Honey as well - her eyes were flooded, but her cheeks were red with rage. “EVERYTHING, OK!? Everything is wrong! My brother is DEAD. I ABSORBED his soul and I know he was bad… he was… he was awful to me and to everyone else but now he’s DEAD and I want him back so badly and everyone else is just going on like nothing happened! Can’t you see how wrong that is!? I’m NOT OK! I’ve NEVER BEEN OK! Not since my mother died when I was THREE! I don’t even know what ok means anymore and you certainly can’t teach me what it means because you don’t know ANYTHING!” Tears flowed down her eyes as her voice echoed through the cafeteria, and by the end of it, she was putting effort into breathing because that was how much her own anger had consumed her.

Carter let his hand get swept away without resistance. He hadn’t expected the tears to come so quickly, but he showed no sign of surprise. Instead, he just stood there and listened. When it finally seemed like she was finished, he stepped forward again and pulled her into a hug. As he did so, he said, “Both my parents were killed when I was three, and I was taken in by a witch. Even though she was evil, she still raised me. I felt the same way as you do when DWMA students hunted her down and took her soul. I didn’t know what okay meant then, and I’m no closer to finding that answer; but I do know what it isn’t. Evil isn’t okay. That’s why I work every day to stop the spread of evil. To stop evil before it ever reaches people like your brother. To do what I can to save others from this fate.”

To be honest, Honey didn’t even know what to say. She had never really experienced loss in her life. For her to hear not only one, sad life story, but TWO in such a short amount of time, she was speechless. The only thing she could think of to do was to walk up and join the hug, she pulled the two of them close. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t know.” They were the only words that she could form. She wished that she could help but she just didn’t know how.

More than a little lost for words, there wasn’t much Alexis could do besides receive the hugs that she was being offered. She really hated the fact that her tears would stain Carter’s shirt and it was a bit awkward to try and bring the smaller meister into the hug simply due to height differences, but there wasn’t much she could do about either problem. She heard what Carter said, though. There wasn’t much she could say to it, but she heard it.

The hug lasted for as long as it needed to and then, when Alexis wasn’t sure she wanted it to go any longer, she unraveled her arms from around her two hug-buddies and took a step backwards to get out of the embrace. Her hand tried to wipe some of her tears away, but wasn’t very effective and when she could finally manage words, Alexis mumbled, “Thank you. Both of you. I… I really think I should go now. I… if I need to talk, I’ll find you, ok?” She knew that the hug had helped, that their understanding had helped, but she also knew that she did need some time to herself.

Before Alexis could leave, Carter pulled out a scrap of paper and pen from his pocket and wrote down a number. Handing it to Alexis, he said, “I don’t really use phones much, but that’s my number if you need it.”

Smiling, Honey looked up at the two. “I’ll be here. If EITHER of you need to talk. I can even make cookies!” She offered, grinning wider at the thought of making sweets for her friends.

Carter gives a light smile at the mention of cookies and adds, “Cookies, huh? That’s pretty cool.”

Sniffling away some more of her tears, Alexis smiled as much as she could manage, said one more, “Thank you,” and then dismissed herself from the situation, seeking out some time for her to have to herself. She still had a shirt that she needed to clean off, after all.

JayeTheKat JayeTheKat DonquixoteDoflamingo DonquixoteDoflamingo CelticHero37 CelticHero37 thatonespacytallgirl thatonespacytallgirl
Ivy, Demetri, Igor, and Honey

It had been a long time since Ivy and Demetri had stepped foot in Death City. They had left some time ago to train, without the DWMA breathing down their necks. But there was only so much the two of them could do on their own and they knew they needed to come back to the DWMA to further their ambitions. Well… it used to be just the two of them anyway. Before they left for their training trip, Ivy and Demetri had actually found two other students who could stand their presence. Honey and Igor also managed to grow quite a bit during their time away although the young girl was still unable to fully control her weapon. For instance, as soon as they stepped foot in Death City, Igor went rushing off crying “MEAT!” with a frantic Honey hot on his trail.

Ivy and Demetri stood in silence for a moment as their friends ran headlong down the street.

“...Should we go after them?” Demetri asked in his usual bored tone.

“...Nah.” Ivy answered. “I’m sick of chasing after Igor. Let’s just take our sweet time getting back.”

“Sounds good to me.” Demetri smirked, as he and Ivy walked down the street at a leisurely pace through Igor’s carnage. They passed a man crying over a pile of cabbages, and Ivy stomped on as many cabbages as she could walking by.

“Hey!” The man cried, standing up. “Just what do you think you’re doing to my…”

“Huh?” Ivy turned her head and gave the man the evilest stare she could muster, conveying all her underlying bloodlust. The man squeaked but quickly shut his mouth as he hurried to retrieve the rest of his fallen cabbages.

Ivy and Demetri walked onward, and Ivy couldn't help a smirk spreading across her face. “It’s nice to be feared.” She murmured to herself, but Demetri smirked in agreement. The continued their way to the DWMA, with Demetri keeping a hold on Ivy’s arm. While he still knew the city quite well, it was usually for the best that he let Ivy guide him to where he was going. Once they made it back to the school though, Demetri let go of her arm, confident in his memory of the school would help him navigate it without aid.

“So… Hungry?” Ivy asked, not even turning to Demetri. It didn't matter anyway, it’s not like Demetri expected her to make eye contact.

Demetri shrugged. “Sure, that’s probably where Honey and Igor are anyway and we’ll have to help them out sooner or later.”

“You’re right.” Ivy grumbled and she and Demetri headed toward the cafeteria.

As they neared their destination though, Ivy and Demetri could hear yelling up ahead. They both stopped just outside the cafeteria and listened in as Lexie screamed about her dead brother.

“So that bastard’s dead huh?” Ivy whispered in low tones to Demetri. “Shame. I would have liked to have killed him myself.”

“I can relate, but we probably shouldn’t tell Lexie that.” Demetri pointed out wisely. “Come on, it’s rude to eavesdrop and she probably doesn't want an audience. Let’s just get our food.”

Not giving two fucks about the bashed in door, or the disarray of the cafeteria, weapon and meister strolled in and went to get their tray’s. They went over to the raging lunatic that caused all the carnage and took a seat.

“Yo! Honey!” Ivy called across the cafeteria. “Get your tiny ass over here!”

Hearing her name Honey turned around to see her friends had finally arrived. Turning back around to Carter she offered “Hey, if you want, you could come over and sit with us?” before she retreated back to her almost forgotten tray of food.

When she returned to the table she was not surprised to see all of the meat missing from her tray. “Igor,” She whined, “You can’t take my food when I’m not here.” She gave a little sigh and picked through her half destroyed tray of food before looking at Ivy. “Did you help that poor guy with his cabbages? I didn’t get a chance to...I feel bad about it.”

Igor instantly burst out laughing at this, almost forgetting that he destroyed that man’s ENTIRE cart of cabbages. In his fit of laughter he finally realized that Ivy and Demetri had brought fresh meat to his table. Little bit by bit, he grabbed pieces off their trays and shoved them under his mask.

“Uhhhhhhh, not exactly. I’m sure he’s fine.” Demetri answered.

“IGOR!” Ivy yelled. “Get your damn paws off my food! One more stolen bite and I will literally rip your head off.”

The sense of a challenge brought Igor to life. Grinning wildly from behind his mask he thrust his hand into Ivy’s tray of food and brought the fistfull up to his face. He anxiously awaited Ivy’s next move, thirsty for a fight. “PUNCH TIME!” He taunted.

“Okay, THAT’S IT!” Ivy stood up and slammed her hands into the table. “I’M GOING TO FUCK YOU UP!” She charged into Igor and sent them both tumbling to the ground.

Seeing the start of yet another bad thing to happen today, Honey panicked and jumped up from her chair. “Guys! Please stop fighting!!” She shouted and moved to run over to them.

“Nope.” Demetri drawled, as he grabbed Honey by the back of her shirt and pulled her back to the table. “Trust me, there’s nothing you can do.” Demetri looked out at the ensuing chaos and sighed. “I hate my life.”

Ivy and Igor continued to wrestle on the cafeteria floor, neither of them gaining the advantage as they punched and picked each other. They both finally managed to get to their feet again, only for the two of them to latch onto each other once more and crash land on a table where a young boy with white hair and a dark streak was sitting, right into the food he was eating, causing the table to creak and bow underneath them.

Collab with: DonquixoteDoflamingo DonquixoteDoflamingo

JayeTheKat JayeTheKat CelticHero37 CelticHero37
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This thread is a compilation of all the location thread posts that occurred before the concert. A lot of these posts probably have messed up coding because they came either before or during the transition out of xenforo for the while that it happened and the posts themselves were so dated that the coding never got fixed.
Magna Carter
Carter shrugged at Honey's invitation and headed over to the lunch line. By the time he had gotten the bento box he had ordered his head was throbbing significantly. He hadn't intended to be here that long, but the incident with Alexis had delayed things a bit. He took his bento box and headed over to where Honey had mentioned, concentrated more on trying to clear his mind than anything else. His headache was too severe to give a fuck as he walked right past the fight ensuing next to him.

He walked over and set his tray down across from Demetri. He sat and rubbed his temples for a moment, trying to ignore the fight, but finally he looked up at Honey and Demetri and asked, "One of you wouldn't happen to be a meister, would you?"

DonquixoteDoflamingo DonquixoteDoflamingo thatonespacytallgirl thatonespacytallgirl

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