Before the End of Summer Concert

Naia Mahiʻai

Naia shifted back a step and watched Virgo as he quite literally jumped for joy. Her was remained in a light smile, watching the shorter boy in all his enthusiastic excitement. Somewhere in there however, he did say something that helped her understanding of the traditions here in Death City. She pocketed the information away for later use, then switched her focus to the professor as he was addressed. Virgo must be an extremely new student to not know one of the DWMA Professors—admittedly one of her favorites. She nodded to the Professor Rudolph as he began his introduction, listening while being very amused.

Her eyes followed Professor Rudolph as he finished and went on to pick another flower. She noted how careful he was with it, and smiled. That was good, less harm done to the flowers. Though she was curious as to why... Nevermind. He was picking the flowers for his...
fiancé. She wasn't positive what exactly that meant, but as he went on, she determined what he meant for the most part. "That sounds like a lovely idea, Professor. I think she will love the bouquet." She commented to start with a smile, her eyes resting on the bouquet for a few moments.

"I don't really have any plans at this time actually, other than enjoying the Gardens." She finished with a light shrug, almost like she didn't really care about that particular fact. Her gaze shifted to Virgo for a few moments, then back to Professor Rudolph.

-|| Location: The Gardens -||- Partner: N/A -||- Classification: NOT Weapon -||- Mentions: @SpicyLickiTung

@QuirkyAngel -||-

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Virgo silently listened, mouth agape and eyes wide, to the man's introduction. He blinked once it was over, but then grinned and jumped in the air once again, clapping rapidly as he landed back on the ground. "AMAZING!" He exclaimed. "It was even better than mine! I loved it! I can't wait to go and see you teach Mr.Rudolf! I'm sure your lessons will be fun and filled with JUSTICE!" Virgo said. If Mr.Rudolf was going to teach him, than that'll make going to the DWMA 1000% More fun! It made Virgo shake even more in excitement! And he thought that wasn't even physically possible, but it was happening, and he was LOVING it!

Watching Mr.Rudolf clip away at another flower, he titled his head curiously. Those were a lot of flowers! Virgo loved flowers as if they were tiny little petals of JUSTICE! Although he didn't pick them though. He didn't see any reason to, although he did pick the dandelions once in awhile. The yellow ones AND the white fluffy ones! He liked to blow on the fluffy ones and make wishes! It was always what he and his dad did together when they were at the park smile quickly fell and his eye twitched a bit, but when Mr.Rudolf explained who the flowers were for, his grin quickly returned and his eye stopped. "That's an excellent idea! She must like flowers a lot if you picked all those out for her!" He didn't know what these poltergeist people were, though. Were they ghosts? Were they Friendly ghosts?

Virgo was broken from his thoughts as Mr.Rudolf asked what their plans were. He eagerly listened to Naia's response to this, but when it was his turn, he hummed and scratched his head. "Excuse me!" He said and quickly turned his back to them. Taking out a folded piece of paper and non-prescription reading glasses-for comedic effect-he unfolded the paper and put on his glasses, reading its contents carefully.




-Sing of Justice

-Train for justice

-Help shops in the name of justice

-Read in the gardens...FOR JUSTICE!

-More justice



Virgo nodded at this before throwing his glasses and paper to the side and turning back to his two companions. "Just Normal stuff for today!" Virgo replied, grinning widely and looking up at Mr.Rudolf.

@Cecilia @QuirkyAngel

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Keziah Swan


Rank: 2-Star Meister

Partner: Warren Langston

Location: The Dojo

Date: Monday Week 2

Mood: Soothing

Walking into the Dojo, Keziah could almost immediately feel the calming aroma of the candles within the room as it seeped into her pores, through her nostrils and into her core. She was actually quite surprised she’d managed to escape Warren’s incessant nagging to go on a mission. Despite how much her partner seemed not to believe her, Keziah really wasn’t feeling up for a mission at the moment. Dealing with ghosts, chasing them around the city until she’d collected every one she could sense, had drained her more than anyone else seemed to realize.

The meister took of her shoes and stepped up onto the wooden sparring platform. She wasn’t actually planning on sparring; she had no one to spar with so that wouldn’t have been the best of ideas in the first place. Keziah simply preferred the calming environment of the Dojo for training as opposed to the sunny outdoors of the field.

Briefly, she sat down and crossed her legs beneath her, sitting indian style with her hands on her knees. Her eyes slipped closed and she sunk into a state of deep concentration as she started breathing with the rhythm of the candles’ rise and fall.

Focusing on a single candle after a moment, she allowed her wavelength to flicker to light around the tiny flame. Blue streaks of lightning smothered it completely, putting out the candle. The room became the slightest bit darker then, though there were more candles to offer light. Putting out the electric sparks of her wavelength, Keziah opened her eyes again knowing that her mind was as calm as it could possibly be and knowing that there wasn’t a single thing that could penetrate her intense focus.

Rising to her feet, she stared at the light of a single candle.

It seemed then that her feet acquired a mind of their own as they leapt to life beneath her. Keziah’s toes pushed her up into the air and sent her tumbling into a flip. Once she left her feet, she didn’t land on them again. Instead, her body rolled onto the surface of the platform, cushioning her controlled collapse before she spun her body upon the ground. Electric waves of soul wavelength seemed to spring from her body as her leg swung out, sweeping at the feet of an imaginary target. The waves and strands of lightning seemed to dance with her as she moved, gracefully returning to her feet though the dance continued on.



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Jason Daniels

Jason groaned as he rolled his shoulder while he made his way towards the dojo. The recent events had allowed him to let loose a bit, but really, there wasn't much combat he could do against a bunch of ghosts. Truly, all he did was brain someone and only that in terms of close combat. Sure, shooting arrows was nice and all, but nothing changes the euphoria of a fistfight. Or more specifically, putting his fist in someone else's face, but that's just a technicality.

Stepping into the dojo, he immediately noticed someone flowing through movements. On closer inspection he noted it was Keziah that currently occupied the dojo. Silently, he took off his shoes and leaned against the nearest wall as he analyzed her movements. Like most others she seemed to have a bit more of a style to her fighting, as opposed to his incessant need to simply brawl, brawl, and brawl some more. Granted, that's what he found the most fun, but still. Simply watching her dance through the motions got his blood pumping, but even he knew patience was a virtue. So as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, he allowed his wavelength to slowly spark to life around his body. He could feel almost feel himself starting to fight as his wavelength got more and more prominent. All he had to do was wait a bit longer.

Then he could let loose.



Luxe Rosenfield

"No, I think that's all simple enough. Ravyn and me will handle this no problem, cha- uh, Lord Death."

As he spoke, Luxe rubbed the back of his neck gently, sweat forming on his brow as he nearly forgot to use the proper name for his headmaster. He didn't need Ravyn to attack him again.

Turning to the door, Luxe waved. "We're off! Cya later, big guy!"

So, there target was one stray soul, a guy who'd lost his way and turned into a murderer. Well, soon enough his killing spree was going to come to a screeching halt...

@KageYuuki @DaughterofAthena
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Ravyn Cooper

Ravyn glanced to Luxe, listening to the meister as he spoke to Lord Death. A single target in theory should be too big of a deal. But if this guy carried the madness wavelength . . . then it might be more difficult than they expected. "We'll handle collecting this soul, Lord Death."

With a slight nod of her head, Ravyn turned and followed Luxe out of the room. "Guess our first stop is going to be the police station, hm?" Perhaps it was a good thing she could take down a target from so far away. She couldn't shake the feeling this guy was going to be rather unpredictable.

@Kalin Scarlet @DaughterofAthena
Keziah Swan


Rank: 2-Star Meister

Partner: Warren Langston

Location: The Dojo

Date: Monday Week 2

Mood: Soothing

Soul Perception was like second nature to Keziah Swan. She couldn’t really turn it off and neither could she really miss anything that it picked up. She could ignore it if she chose to, but she’d learned from a very early stage in life that ignoring soul perception didn’t usually end well for her. One way or another, any attempt at doing so always went wrong.

That experience left the question of what she ought to do when she sensed the now very near soul of the meister, Jason Daniels. She knew him vaguely as she knew most of the EAT students in her class. More so for this one, she remembered having asked for his help in sandwiching the Demon Sword who had been assaulting the concert and she remembered her eyes consuming the scene as he’d complied with her request. Or maybe it hadn’t been a request? She couldn’t really remember how she’d asked it and neither did she care. Keziah didn’t even know why the question touched her mind. That wasn’t part of the current problem.

The current problem was that her sense of him was disrupting her dance. Her movements continued, graceful as ever, and the lightning wavelength seemed to warp around her body as she flipped and spun on balanced feet. Never once did she slow or stop in the time that he had been there and never once did her eyes glance his way, either. She wanted to show him exactly how much control she had. She wanted to show him
exactly who he was interrupting.

A sliver of electric wavelength slowly started extending out of her dance, weaving its way across the room while her body continued moving until it was nearly inches away from the boy leaning against the wall. A single zap brought it right alongside his ear in such a way that if he so much as moved, he’d also find himself zapped. It only remained for an instant, though, and then it coiled back around Keziah Swan’s body.

All her motions stopped as she turned to face him.
“Are you watching, Jason? I suppose a better question is: are you learning?” It wasn’t said with any malice or any ill intent. It was merely said in such a way that Keziah demonstrated a belief that she knew more than him and that she possessed more overall wavelength control. Rankings alone said she was right, but that didn’t always mean anything.

Thomas Rudolf

One of Thomas’s eyebrows arched as Virgo pulled out a piece of paper and began reading it. He caught, from the corner of his eyes, the words ‘to-do list of justice’. Repressing a chuckle, Thomas waited patiently for the boy to finish reading, addressing Naia as he placed another flower in his arms.

“I certainly hope so. Leila has been rather irritated at me lately.”

Thomas left the comment at that. Leila wouldn’t appreciate him sharing their private life with his students. He faced Virgo when the boy threw away the paper and declared quite proudly that he only had “normal” stuff to—whatever “normal” meant. Thomas had a feeling it had to do with justice.

Standing upright, Thomas dusted his pants before glancing at the DWMA students. It would seem neither had much planned. Perfect. “In that case, might I suggest taking on a mission?”

Picking the orchid from his bouquet, Thomas gave it a whiff before continuing. “Death City is being bothered by a little menace creating chaos within the city walls or so I hear. It’s nothing too serious, but a problem nonetheless. With all the trouble that’s been brewing DWMA doesn’t have enough hands to deal with this issue.”

He smiled at the two children. It wasn’t normally his policy to push new students to taking a mission, but Naia had already shown she could transform masterfully. And Virgo’s enthusiasm for justice would do wonders for the school. Not pushing them would be waste.

“It’s also an excellent opportunity to get to know your fellow students…while enacting justice.”

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Virgo Capri

"...And that's why you should always use the appropriate amount of wax for the floors, otherwise, it could hurt a lot of people and-"

"Kid." The Janitor Interrupted, who had been standing in the NOT Boy dormitory hall looking down at the vigilante as he spent the last TWENTY minutes asking him questions and giving him advice. "Don't you have someplace to be?"

Virgo blinked and looked at his wrist...only to realize he didn't have a watch. He then gasped loudly and clutched his chest as he remembered what today was. "HOLY CHEESE BALLS-excuse my language-I'M GONNA BE LATE!" He turned around, but stopped and turned back, pointing at the Janitor. "Don't worry! Once I get back, we'll continue this!" And then he turned back and ran away. The Janitor blinked and sighed, grabbing his mop. They didn't pay him enough to deal with the crazy kids.

Virgo burst through the doors and turned to the building, jogging in place as he smiled and waved at it. "Goodbye, Dorm! I'll be back later!" Virgo exclaimed. He had moved into the dorms just yesterday after him and Naia signed up for the mission together. He could still remember running around her in circles, telling her how excited he was over and over and over...good times. Shaking his head from his little flashback, he smiled brightly and began to run to the DWMA. He couldn't believe it! He was about to go on his first official mission with his first official weapon! Oh, this was going to be so fun! As he ran, he began to think up question after question. What did Naia look like? Was she excited too? Were other people at the mission? Who was this troublemaker?Was this finally his chance to show the DWMA his devotion to JUSTICE?! Did anyone here wear capes? Was-WHOA!

Virgo yelped as he tripped and fell. As quickly as he fell, he soon jumped back up and looked around...only to look up...and up...and up. WOW! The DWMA was bigger than he remembered! He then looked down and gasped loudly...again. They had stairs?There was SO MUCH! This was...This was..."STUPENDOUS!" Virgo cheered, jumping. This was an EXCELLENT opportunity to train AND get to the mission! Cracking his neck, he stuck out his tongue a little. "Ready...Se-OH I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE!" He began to sprint up the steps, no panting, but actually giggling and snorting. Most people who looked at Virgo thought he wasn't exactly fit thanks to the fact he was a bit (Okay, maybe more than that) chubby, but he was actually as fit as a new whistle and actually had good stamina...He didn't have the physical strength, but he had stamina! As the top of the stairs grew closer and closer, he grinned and pushed off with a jump, smiling as he saw the Group from mid-air. " The Golden Soul of JUSTICE is here and ready to-WHOOPS!" He exclaimed, miscalculating the number of steps and falling, not even landing on the top...and then he fell down the stairs.

"Ow! Owie! Oof! Hey, that felt good, OW!"

Finally making it to the Bottom, He stood up, shook his head, and looked up the stairs. "I...Have to climb them...again?" He repeated, blinking. "...YIPEEE!" He cheered, running up the stairs again, this time, not jumping off this time and making it to the top like a normal person. "PHEW! Anyway!" He said as he wiped his brow before putting his hands on his hips, cape flapping behind him as he looked at the group. "The Golden Soul of JUSTICE is here and ready to Help!" He exclaimed...

That went better than expected!

@QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @DaughterofAthena @Zenaida
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Dakota Eimear

Dakota blinked, her eyes still fixated on Kassana as she explained the situation. So it was because Lord Death that the EAT student was here for this mission. She glanced to Professor Mitsaki for a moment, then looked back to Kassana and smiled ever so slightly. "Nice to m-meet you, Kassana." She started, her voice quiet as she spoke. "Alright... I look f-forward to working with y-you then..." She finished as stepped forward a tad as well, and brought her hand up to Kassana's hand. She clasped it gently around the other girl's and smiled, this time a little brighter. Maybe this would work out.

It wasn't long after that she found herself jumping slightly, and quickly releasing Kassana to turn and stand beside the other girl. The cause of her start? Another student's arrival, or failed arrival as it seemed. Her eyes just barely caught a glimpse of the African American boy before he went tumbling back down the many steps. She winced slightly hearing his 'Ows' as he fell. She thought about going to check on him, but thought better of it. It wasn't long of a wait after that and he arrived at the top again, this time successfully staying there.

She stared at him, and shifted back a step or two, not a fan of his loudness.
Golden soul of Justice? Never heard of that before. Haven't seen him before either... She thought as her eyes looked him over. She then looked to the Professor and Kassana, before her gaze flicked to Jack and Kalin. This new arrival was certainly interesting, and she had a feeling she was going to spend a lot of time trying to avoid him if he stayed this loud or risk a headache of major proportions.

@QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee

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Jack Trinity

From the top of the steps, Jack watched as Dakota and Kassana shook hands while his own hand continued to slowly maneuver the handkerchief across Kalin’s blade. Satisfied when the short sword gleamed, Jack pocketed the piece of cloth. Dakota and Kassana suited each other—personality-wise at least. Though, he wondered if Dakota even knew how to wield a slingshot. Jack had never actually seen Dakota fight, or even wield a weapon, therefore he was certain the mission would be an eye opener for him in regards to his gentle NOT-mate.

Whichever the case, the mission for Jack was mostly about his die. Therefore Jack’s gaze didn’t linger on the pair long and returned to staring down at DWMA steps. “Virgo and Naia…,” Naia he knew, but the name Virgo didn’t sound familiar to him. “You don’t suppose he could be an EAT student as well?” Jack asked his weapon conversationally.

Just then a short, slightly chubby, African American boy came into view, sprinting up the steps with a pink tongue stuck out and decidedly mad gleam in his eyes. Jack blinked, startled, when at the last second the boy decided to jump the rest of the way. Violet eyes followed the cape-wearing figure as he landed in front of him—a couple steps from the top, slipped, and fell…all the way back down. Oddly, Jack was reminded of when he first met Kalin. His partner had tripped over some steps then as well.

“I guess not,” A smile of amusement formed on Jack’s face briefly before vanishing as he recalled what had brought them together. His die. It was being held hostage by the miserable little runt messing with Death City. Jack’s hand tightened around Kalin’s grip and he forced himself to remain calm. This wasn’t the first time he had his die taken from him.

Jack directed his attention to the new arrival. Honest. Vibrant. Compassionate. Obnoxious. The meister rubbed his eyes, willing himself not to look. He still wasn’t used to it. Without his glasses helping to curb what he saw, Jack couldn’t fully block out all the souls around him. The result was quite a bit of noise, which he was steadily growing used to. Steadily. The concert had been worse.

“Virgo, right?” Couldn’t be Naia. Not unless she managed swap genders, shrink, darken her skin a shade, and gain the hyperactivity of a chipmunk loaded with sugar. Still seated, Jack continued.“I’m Jack. This is Galahad.” He lifted the short sword slightly. Then the boy wearing a blazer and bowler hat pointed towards each of the people present at the stairway, wanting to get the introductions done as quickly as possible. “Dakota. Kassana. Professor Mitsaki.”

It was barely his first month at DWMA and he hadn’t really adopted a nickname yet. The purpose of one baffled him. Though, he supposed that certain people entering DWMA would have a reason to keep their real name a secret. And, when going on missions, he could think of several purposes for using a stage name. He’d have to ask Kalin what the boy thought later.

“Good to meet you, Golden Soul.”

Just Naia left now. And given that he knew the Indian to be a bone dagger, Jack guessed Virgo to be a meister. He eyed the boy’s fluttering cape for a moment before glancing at his weapon.

What do you think, Kalin? Will he be much help?

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Naia Mahiʻai

The Indian girl had found her way to the gardens again this morning. It seemed the beautiful place was becoming her favorite place to be. This time, she was seated on a bench with her weaving loom in hand, paying no mind at all to her surroundings, lost in her work. She had just finished her current project, when something came to mind. Wasn't there something she was supposed to do today? Well, whatever it was, it must not be very important if she was only just remembering. Her mind drifted to the day before, when she was in this very location, alongside Virgo and Professor Rudolph. That was an interesting conversation.

"Momma, what time is it?" A young girl's voice sounded from not to far away and drew her attention away from her thoughts. Time? She wondered to herself, as she listened to the mother's reply.

Oh no! I'm gonna be late! Naia realized with a start, and jumped to her feet hastily shoving her items back into her hide bag. She paid no mind to the weird looks she was getting from the mother-daughter pair. A hasty wave later, and she took off at a sprint through the Gardens. She needed to get to the DWMA. The event of yesterday had lead to her signing up for a mission with Virgo. A vaguely amused smile came around as she remembered how excited he had been. Hopefully he'd gotten the time right when he'd read it, because if not they were both going to be very late, or early depending.

By this time she had left the Gardens, and her pace had inevitably slowed to avoid crashing straight into anyone. She briefly wondered if Virgo was already there, and who else was going to be there. How many of them had already arrived? She stopped with the questions there, and focused on getting to the DWMA. In the distance, she was sure she could see something or someone on the steps, but who it was she couldn't tell. She reached the bottom of the steps, and pitched into a stop just in time to hear a very familiar voice echoing down.

"--of JUSTICE is here and ready to Help!" That was Virgo. No doubt about it. She pitted the others up there only just slightly, especially if they were trying to have a conversation. On that note, she decided to give those up there a few moments to adjust or introduce themselves to her obnoxious partner. If she listened close enough, she thought she could hear Jack speaking. So he and Kalin would be going along on this mission then.

After a few more moments worth of rest, she started up the stairs at a walk, compared to Virgo who had probably taken the many steps at a run. That might have been what she had seen earlier. She reached the top after a bit of time, and stood still a step below where Jack was seated, not really too bothered to step up to the landing where he was stationed along with Professor Mitsaki, Kassana, and Dakota.

"I apologize about making you all wait. It seems I lost track of time." She stated, a faintly apologetic look upon her face, before it dropped again. She didn't say anything past that. Everyone gathered either already knew her, or would be able to assume who she was due to her being the last to arrive, so there wasn't much for her to say.

-||- Location: DWMA Staircase -||- Partner: N/A -||- Classification: NOT Weapon -||- Mentions: @SpicyLickiTung

@QuirkyAngel -||-

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He had been more than pleased with Dakota and Kassana tagging along, however at the arrival of Virgo, Kalin is silent for several long moments. His wave length fluctuates. If he were in his human form, he couldn't have hoped to hide his feelings from anyone. He would have frowned as he sprung up the steps. He would have become agitated when he realized just how obnoxiously loud the boy was. And his face would twist with the utmost contempt as he declared himself the Golden Soul of Justice. There were perhaps more...unsavory reasons for his disapproval, his disdain, his disgust, but they were an after thought. 'Jack. I hate him. And everything he stands for.'

The Cape. The Ring. The Name. Three strikes. Three Insults to everything it meant to be a hero. Kalin by no means believed himself to be a hero, but he wouldn't have this...FOOL besmirch everything he had ever wanted. The thing that he'd sworn, to someone beloved dying in his arms. No, he would not make a mockery of this. This would not stand. Kalin's form turns to light, materializing as a 5'1 scrap of a boy, with simple clothes, slightly mussed blonde hair, and his hands clenched with white knuckle intensity. He took a few deep breaths, to quell the tempest of anger within him, and to stop it from shaking his entire form. Always, at first be civil. He took a step forward, and put on a saccharine sweet smile.





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Virgo Capri

Virgo's confident grin remained even if no one seemed to say anything for awhile, although he didn't really understand. Did they want a longer introduction? He thought that if he shortened it, it would save them a lot of time to tackle this mission as a team and catch this troublemaker in the name of JUSTICE while having fun at the same time! ...BUUUUT if they really wanted a longer introduction, who was he to keep it away from them? And yet, before the boy could open his mouth, The boy on the step spoke up, causing Virgo to give him his full, undivided attention. His eyes turned into stars as he saw Ghallad, but he still paid close attention as Jack began to list the names of everyone here. After he was finished, Virgo was left smiling widely, shaking as the excitement spread through his body, making his heart thump faster as he began to bounce up and down. Wow! All these interesting names and faces! He couldn't WAIT to get started!

He opened his mouth, ready to respond to Jack (As well as to Comment on Naia's arrival), but a flash from the short sword caused Virgo to go star-eyed once again. He'd never seen an actual demon weapon before, and seeing one transform back into a human was just...was just...AMAZING! He grinned as Ghallad, now a blond boy that was, no doubt, taller than him, stepped up to him. He titled his head, but gave Ghallad a sweet smile almost equal to his. And such a smile too! He must be REALLY friendly! Virgo bit his fist and bounced faster, his excitement bubbling now. COULD THIS DAY GET ANY BETTER?!

...And then the boy spoke.

Virgo gasped loudly, going silent for several minutes. It...It all made sense. The smile, The name, The eyes! This could only mean one thing...THIS BOY LOVED JUSTICE AS MUCH AS HE DID! With rapid speed, he stepped forward and hugged the boy, sniffing as he started to cry tears of joy from the beauty of it all. This day...This day was just so AWESOME! "Don't worry, Ghallad!" He said, grinning widely, despite the tears. "I, too, am slightly disappointed of those people, but once we give them a chance and show them how to properly handle the etiquette of JUSTICE, I believe we can change them!" He stepped back and sniffed, rubbing his eyes to clear the tears before he gave everyone a grin. "Do not worry, teammates! I shall try my best to help you solve this problem, and once this is all over, I promise that we'll be the best of friends!" His grin widened. "Friends of JUSTICE!" He jumped at the last part, and when he landed, zoomed at Naia's side and looked up to give her a wide smile before looking back down to stare off in space, bouncing in place once again

@QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @DaughterofAthena @Zenaida

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Kassana Silverstream and Professor Hiro Mitsaki

Kassana returned Dakota’s smile and shook the meister’s hand gently when their palms grasped together only to let their hands fall after a civil handshake that seemed to Kassana to be a good enough form of greeting. The EAT student also jumped, though, when a boy seemed to take to the challenge of climbing the DWMA steps with a bit too much gusto and found himself falling back down them. ‘Is that normal…?’ she couldn’t help but wonder.

The silver haired girl also found herself stepping back right alongside her partner at the boy’s loudness. Her eyes remained focused on him, curious and also slightly judgemental as well, though that wasn’t at all obvious in her gaze.

Hiro as well found himself merely standing by and watching the scene unfold in front of him, his eyes taking in all the students as they approached and joined the group. He gave Jack a brief nod as the boy introduced everyone to the new arrival and then finally Naia joined them as well. The encounter between Virgo and Kalin caught his eye more than most others because he was beginning to see that there might not be some favorable qualities among the students gathered, but there wasn’t much he could manage to do about it in the brief time that he had. Scratching his head for a moment, he thought about how to proceed.

“Well,” he sighed, “since everyone is here, I guess I can get the briefing under way.”

Kassana’s eyes finally turned away from the African American boy and back to their professor as he spoke.

“Your mission is simple. There’s a little… well, let’s call him a gremlin… wandering the city. We’ve been receiving reports of it stealing and causing general mischief as well as being over all disruptive to life in Death City. Your job is to find him and capture him. Bring him back here so we can figure out what he is and where he belongs.” He shrugged briefly, unsure of what else he could possibly add. One more thought occurred to him. “We believe that he was likely freed in the chaos created during the concert. Reports of the trouble he’s been causing are quite recent.”

His eyes scanned the students.

“Most recent reports put him last by the morning farmer’s market. Are there any questions?”

Jason Daniels

He couldn't help it, not with the grace and skill that she moved with. He let a small, genuinely joyful smile spread across his face. One that only got larger as she snapped a spark of wavelength right by his face. He would admit it right then and there to anyone that would ask, he was honestly, one hundred percent impressed. Her level of skill was something he hadn't seen often in all his years here. He knew for a fact that she would be a challenge for him, something that excited him to no end. But, first and foremost, he had to show that he wasn't a joke, and that he really, really, didn't appreciate her believing herself to be better than him at his best skill without coming out on top in a fight.

Driven by that line of thought, Jason willed the wild sparks of wavelength to be tamed to his desires, covering his crossed arms with them. Silently, he pushed off the wall and snapped his arm forward in a punch that was mere inches away from Keziah's cheek, and with that his wavelength sprung forward and reenacted the scene he was subjected to only moments ago, and as he pulled back his arm the sparks also returned back to him. Once again leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, he raised an amused eyebrow at Keziah. "I dunno if I can learn somethin' that I already know, but I sure as hell was watchin'. Kinda funny that, all these years, I've never noticed you comin' to the dojo, what with all the time I spend here." He shrugs to himself with a vaguely interested smile. "Size of the world in correlation to our relative positions on it given a period of time aside, what say ya to a good ol' fight? 'Fraid I didn't get my kicks with them ghosts, and you seem to be one of the few competent people in close combat, well, at least compared ta' me."


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What. Just...what? 'How did this, why did this..He...' Galahad's face is a Kaledescope of emotions. Confusion, disgust, anger, but most of all, fear and guilt. He had allowed another miester to hold him. To possess him, even if he hadn't been in weapon form. 'I wouldn't have. Not even if he asked nicely...' Kalin backs away slowly, shaken, towards his miester, rubbing his arms as if to be rid of the experience. 'Jack is my miester. I can trust him not to...' Kalin physically leans on his miester as he reaches his side. "Has it hurt anyone yet?" He nervously asks the professor.

"If it hasn't, there should be no need for the excessively violent approach. Simple cordination and teamwork, and a well designed trap will be all she wrote. But the first part of that is to know your target. I'm guessing that's why we're headed to the farmer's market?" Kalin is desperately trying to take control of some part of this situation, before he loses his mind. He had to keep it together for Jack. Because Jack was grasping at strands to. They were going to get his die back, and everything would be back to normal...Almost. He can't help but let a sullen look creep upon his face as he recalls the death of Xander. He still needs to face Lex. She called him a knight. For a brief moment he was her knight. But the knight is supposed to save everyone or die trying. Kalin did neither, and such, he did his best to avoid her. Until he could figure out what to say, how to properly beg her forgiveness for his ineptitude. For letting her family die.



Jack Trinity

Jack’s hand dropped comfortingly to Kalin’s shoulder as the boy leaned against him. It seemed his partner was still not comfortable with physical contact. The dice loving meister had been surprised when Kalin admitted—rather bluntly—through their mental connection that he hated Virgo. He had been even more shocked when the blonde appeared in his human form and declared directly to the African American that he disliked people like Virgo who went around talking about justice.

Jack wondered if he should intervene. Animosity right before the start of a new mission was never a good thing. Fortunately, Virgo was either entirely too positive or too oblivious to notice the meaning behind Kalin’s words. His attention settled on Professor Mitsaki as the professor quickly debriefed them on the mission.

“In the event that the gremlin resists, or harms anyone, are we allowed to use…violent…means to subdue it?”

A stark contrast to Kalin’s suggestion that excessive violence was not necessary, but Jack didn’t feel too merciful towards the imp that held his die hostage. It was question that needed to be asked. Jack didn’t know why DWMA wanted the creature back, but the little bugger was clearly a menace to Death City. Especially if it had caused the chaos at the concert.

Funny. I thought it was Xander that had caused the chaos.

Then again, Xander hadn’t exactly admitted to releasing the poltergeists that attacked Death City. Perhaps it really wasn’t him. Jack glanced down at Kalin whose expression had turned sullen the moment the concert was mentioned. It was better that his partner focused the mission, so the boy didn’t think about the concert. It would only lead Kalin down another spiral of negativity. And Jack would need Kalin to remain level-headed, since Jack wasn’t confident he be such without his die.

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Dakota Eimear

Dakota nodded ever so slightly to Virgo as Jack stated her name and pointed towards her, though she was still quite startled and scared by the boy's loud and obnoxious behavior. She then watched with wide eyes as Kalin transformed. Though she could only see his back while he faced Virgo, she could tell her earlier prediction of how he was taking the events of the concert was correct. It shocked her when he spoke to Virgo, but it shocke dher even more when the African American boy decided to hug Kalin. She blinked a few times, then swiveled her attention over to Professor Mitsaki. Her eyes however, continually moved to Kalin with concern, worried about her friend as he leaned against Jack. Her worry worsened when the concert was mentioned.

Eventually, she tuned back into what was being said, and nodded to Kalin's statement about a well placed trap. Both his and Jacks questions hit the nail on the head on what she though they needed to know more about. However, there was one other thing she decided to chime in about.
"P-professor, is there... anything else... roaming about out there that we need to know about?" She questioned, still holding that usual nervous tone, but considerably louder than when she had been speaking to Kassana alone. "O-or that we should try t-to avoid... if we can?" She finished her questions, and fell silent again, her eyes flicking back to the boys and Naia, then beside her to Kassana. If the gremlin had been freed during the concert, she felt it was a true possibility that other dangers might have gotten loose or awakened as well and could be roaming around Death City.

Though she would not be against needing to use violence to subdue the gremlin, she personally would rather they avoid it at all costs. Violence was something she'd drawn away from and was not a fan of, but the little nuisance had something of hers she needed back. It was a priceless, precious, and irreplaceable object to her, that carried many memories along with it. It seemed Jack was out for blood with the Gremlin. Maybe he'd had something stolen from him as well.


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Virgo Capri

Virgo didn't even notice the emotional destruction he'd had caused, his attention focused on the professor's briefing. As he was done, Virgo opened his mouth, ready to eagerly throw all the questions he had at the professor, but soon, he remembered something. As everyone gave their questions and concerns, Virgo began to dig into his pocket with vigor until he took out a small folded piece of paper. He waited for Dakota to be done her question, and he stepped forward, big proud smile on his face. "If I may interrupt," He began, holding up his paper. "I think I got a plan! Heh, I've been up all night working on this, so please forgive me if it's not really detailed." He warned and unfolded the paper...and then unfolded it again...and again...and again....and again...after a few seconds of unfolding, the paper was so big it took both of Virgo's hands to even have a chance at holding it. Stumbling backwards, nearly falling down the stairs, he regained his balance and looked over at its contents carefully. "Let's see...JUSTICE...Hmm Victory sandwiches...Meeting lord death and shaking his hand...AHA! Here we go!" The phone in his pocket vibrated slightly at this and began to blare its music once again.

Virgo cleared his throat and began to read his plan aloud. "Let's see, First, we question the community! I've actually assisted a lot of shops at the Farmer's market, so I'll ask them about the Gremlin's whereabouts! Once we gain enough information, We can perform a day search AND a night search! Then, when we encounter the gremlin, we'll explain our quest of JUSTICE and give him/her a chance to surrender and bring him/her in for questioning. If he/she doesn't surrender the first time, we'll simply just explain to him/her the damage he's/she's caused and the people that were upset by this and give him a chance to surrender again! If he denies the surrender the second time, THEN we shall resort to violence, but only in a respectful manner of JUSTICE! After the questioning and further time in the mission, We can all celebrate with a nice breakfast, lunch, or dinner!" Virgo breathed out, finally done with his plan. He looked at everyone, oblivious to the now solemn mood, and gave them a hopeful big grin, folding back the piece of paper with incredible speed and putting it in his pocket as the music stopped. "So?! How about it?!" He began to bounce again.

This was SO. COOL! He actually made a plan! Sure, he didn't get any sleep at all, but that didn't bother him one bit. After all, JUSTICE never sleeps...until they pass out from not sleeping! He was so excited to get feedback, he started to dance on his tip-toes a bit, cape flapping up and down behind him with equal excitement.

@QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @DaughterofAthena @Zenaida

Professor Hiro Mitsaki

Hiro took in all the concerns brought up by the students and answered each question in turn, appropriately addressing each student as he tried to ensure they had all the information they needed.

To Kalin, he replied,
“People have been injured in some of the situations it has caused, yes. However, the creature itself hasn’t directly attacked anyone. I myself was the recipient of a report of a man who decided to chase it and later was in the hospital with a black eye and a possible concussion after a… uhm…” he paused, wondering if the students would really take this seriously, “... bucket fell on his head.” Hiro himself wasn’t laughing but it was clear that he knew it could be funny in the right light.

After giving that mild amusement time to settle, he turned to Jack.
“It is preferred that the creature be kept alive, but beyond that, just try not to hurt anyone else in the process. Ultimately, yes.”

Next came Dakota’s question. Hiro had to rack his brain for a moment on that one as he recalled Lord Death’s board of things to be addressed both in the city and outside it. It had been quite an extensive list and Hiro really hadn’t had the motivation to remember all of it, but a few things stuck out.
“Well, they are still working on rounding up the rest of the ghosts who ravaged the concert so that’s possible although if I recall correctly, most of them left the city.” He paused, thinking a bit more. Then Hiro added, “Also as a precaution, I do recommend taking a break when night falls. The gremlin can’t cause much harm while people sleep in their beds.” Beyond that, the professor recalled that there was a serial killer on the loose, but he had no intentions of scaring them with that. With the killer only out at night, avoiding night hunts would leave them safe by all expectations.

After, his head turned to Virgo, expecting another question although this was quite different.

Kassana Silverstream

Before Hiro could comment on Virgo’s “plan”, Kassana actually took a step towards the justice-obsessed boy. Everything about the skinny girl’s movements was hesitant and it was very clear she was nervous when she spoke. “I think we should listen to Professor Hiro and not do a night search,” she said to him and to the rest of the group. “Nights… uhm… they get s-scary sometimes… and… well, things always go wrong at night in b-books so it just… it seems like a bad idea…”

Her eyes glanced to the other students, hoping they agreed with her and if they didn’t, she would be entirely embarrassed. Beyond that, some part of Kassana knew that she was the only EAT student there which kind of put her in the lead. She wasn’t sure if she was ok with that, but she was going to try at the very least.

“And… uhm… wouldn’t it work better to explain our quest and tell it about the damages both at the same t-time? It’s… uhm… more efficient… and that’s if the gremlin listens to us at all… I would th-think someone had already t-tried talking to it… it just doesn’t make s-sense to send in DWMA students if t-talking worked.” Her brain was spinning, trying to work through logic and the information they had been given and she hoped it made sense.

Meanwhile, Hiro just watched the situation. It was good to see Kassana stepping up a bit and he wanted to give her a chance to work through this before he felt the need to intervene.

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Virgo Capri

Seeing Kassana step forward, Virgo quickly snapped his head toward her and bit his fist, smile so big it was straining his cheek bones. His smile then began to slowly disappear and his once happy expression turned into a blank stare as Kassana gave her thoughts and opinions. At the end of it, Virgo removed his fist and stood up straight, blinking at her. He then hummed and cupped his chin in thought. No...Night search? Give him/her the chance to surrender once, not twice? Virgo tapped his right boot, trying to find the words for this. And after awhile, he nodded to himself and snapped his fingers, looking up at Kassana with a big smile. "You have made some interesting points, Kassana!" He said and started to pace. "How could I have been so blind?! The facts were all there! It wouldn't make sense for ALL of us to do a night search!" He deduced, stopping and crossing his arms.

"Our foe is crafty and full of tricks! He'd/She'd be expecting that! HOWEVER!" Virgo exclaimed, turning to the group and grinning. "He/She wouldn't be expecting ONE person to be out on the night search! So I'll just simply continue the search while everyone else rests!" He said as he held out his arms. "I have nothing better to do at night, anyway! And a whole team of DWMA students patrolling the city at night for JUSTICE would be too noticeable!" He looked at Dakota. "And it'll also give me a chance to search for these...ghosts you've all been mentioning, as well as learn about them for future quests of JUSTICE!"

His grin widened as he scratched his head, looking back at Kassan. "And you're right about the surrender too! He'll/She'll just run away if the first surrender doesn't work, making our second surrender useless!" He clenched his fist. "Yes! A longer FIRST surrender seems just as good as TWO surrenders! And do not worry!" He said, putting his arms behind his head. "He'll/She'll listen! We're dealing with sentient being, not a wild creature! No one just didn't talk to him because they were all too injured or upset." He waved an arm at all of them. "But with our level-heads, strategic thinking, and methods of self defense, we'll EASILY be able to outmatch his tricks and workout a peaceful solution!" He finished with a nod and with his fist on his hips, cape flowing again as he gave the group a big smile. Aaah! He LOVED discussions of JUSTICE!

@QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @DaughterofAthena @Zenaida


Naia Mahiʻai

Naia watched as Kalin confronted Virgo, only to be completely misunderstood by the African American. She turned to face the shorter boy as she came to stand beside him, a kind of half smile upon her face as she looked down towards him. Her attention was then moved to the professor as he briefed them on the mission. Her thoughts drifted back to the concert and what had happened with Xander in the end. Her gaze flicked to Kalin and Jack for a moment, then settled on Professor Mitsaki again. This thing was released during the concert? By who? she wondered.

It seemed everyone had some kind of question to ask, so the Indian held hers back to let the rest of them speak. Jack, Kalin, and Dakota's questions all hit valid points that were not covered already, but Virgo on the other hand she had a harder time agreeing with. His 'plan' had good points to it, but it also had spots that she thought would not work out as he wanted them to.

Professer Mitsaki chimed in again here, answering questions, to which Naia noted down mentally. but, before he could address Virgo, Kassana spoke up, and her entire focus zapped to the quieter EAT student. The other girl definitely held more experience than all the NOT students combined, so she felt it was a good idea to listen to what she said. Though she was still quite shy in her way of speech, she spoke about good information. Especially where Virgo's plan was lackluster and about the dangers of the night. However, Virgo, again, had other ideas where the night stood. Now, he suggested going out on his
own at night if it came to that. That was where Naia drew the line. She was not going to let that thought go on in his head without saying anything. Even the young children back at home knew the night was not safe and not to go out at night, especially alone. Despite her carefree attitude, that was one topic she was very, very adamant about, as the others were about to find out.

She stepped forward, and moved around to stand in front of Virgo. She wasn't even aware he had moved until just now. She paid no care to whatever else he state, still hung up on the earlier statement. Her face was calm, but anyone who knew her well enough would know that she was not happy.
"Virgo. Professor Mitsaki and Kassana were completely serious when they said the night is dangerous." She started, her tone firm and steady, "Like they've said, we don't know what's lurking around out there at night. That's what makes it so dangerous. Especially when your alone." She paused again, to take a breath. "I can agree to most of your plan, along with Kassana's suggestions, but I will not agree to letting anyone go out at night searching for this troublemaker if we are unable to catch it during the daylight. Not only that but even Professor Mitsaki, who has more experience than all of us combined, has suggested we avoid doing anything at night. That alone should be enough of a reason not to." At this point, it was quite obvious just how against that idea she was. Her argument finally ended, but she looked like she was about ready to knock Virgo senseless if he argued the point in favor of a night search further.

-||- Location: DWMA Staircase -||- Partner: N/A -||- Classification: NOT Weapon -||- Mentions: @SpicyLickiTung

@DaughterofAthena @Deadeyelee @Zenaida @QuirkyAngel -||-

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Virgo Capri

Sensing that he made his point, he went to move back next to Naia...only to realize she was standing right in front of him. He looked up at her with a big smile, but it once again started to disappear as she began to state her argument. Her voice, once calm and patient, now had that...weird tone. He had heard several people use that sort of tone, sometimes at others, and sometimes at him. For the first time since he'd met all of them, he frowned as she went on, sucking in his bottom lip and looking down at his boots as he kicked a stray pebble. When she was done, it took him a moment to process this information. He felt as if he...well, he didn't even want to think this...but...he couldn't help but disagree with her. The mere thought caused him to shiver slightly. But how COULD he agree?! He was serious too! And he knew what was lurking out there! He'd been out at night plenty of times even when he was just a wee little (well, more little) boy still learning about the path of JUSTICE! He just couldn't sleep knowing that while his eyes were closed, the troublemaker would strike again at any minute!

....But, she was right. Virgo wasn't stupid. Sure, he was slow, but he wasn't stupid. He now realized that even if he did encounter him/her, what would he do if the surrender didn't work? Naia would be asleep, and he had just moved into the dorms yesterday, meaning he didn't exactly know his way around yet...DANG IT! There HAS to be a way. Think, Golden Soul, THINK! His frowned deepened and he closed his eyes tightly, fist clenching and face turning red. On the outside, it might have looked like he was getting angry, but this was just Virgo when he was thinking really...wait...

"I guess you're right." Virgo said quietly, head still down as he slumped. "...A night search would be a bad idea..." Just before the solemn mood could return, Virgo's frown quickly disappeared, and he snapped his head up at Naia, big grin back and better than ever! "In fact, it'll only SLOW us down!" He looked at his hands and slowly clenched them into fists. "This is my first mission as not only a student, but as an agent of JUSTICE as well! If I have a Day search AND and a Night search, I wouldn't be able to work as hard on the Day search because I'll be distracted organizing the Night Search," He turned around and stomped his boot. "And I wouldn't be able to work as hard on the night search because I'll be too tired from my Day Search thanks to organizing AND finding our foe!" He nodded and held out his left hand before slamming his right fist into it. "So, In order to make up for the night search, I'll just have to work TWICE as hard for the Day search!" He started to giggle and snort, shaking in excitement before jumping up and down, turning to Naia. "And that means we'll have TWICE as much JUSTICE and TWICE as much Fun! This day just got ~Beeeetteeer!" He practically sung as he continued jumping, eyes now wide as his grin grew as he thought of all the possibilites!

@QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @DaughterofAthena @Zenaida

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Jack Trinity

“Alrighty then!”
Jack clapped his hands once to get the attention of his fellow NOT-mates plus Kassana. But the main reason was to get the attention of the energetic squirrel that was his teammate for the mission. The boy liked to talk. A lot. Jack had simply been watching, listening, while Virgo laid out his plans—which wasn’t that much different than what Kalin suggested about gathering information. The difference was that while Virgo wanted to talk to the creature, Kalin’s first inclination was to trap it. Which made sense. Why would the horrible midget that stole his die bother listening to them? Especially since their goal was to capture it. Capture first then talk afterwards was a better solution in Jack’s mind. “Sounds like we’ve got a plan.”

Jack didn’t bother telling Virgo that his plan was simplistic and his logic about working twice as hard redundant. Truthfully, the dice-lover wasn’t opposed to night search. He wasn’t afraid of ghosts and traps were better laid at night than in the daytime. Nights were good for sneak attacks. The gremlin had to sleep sometime, right? Though, he agreed with Naia that a meister searching for a mischievous, possibly dangerous, prankster without his or her weapon was fool-hardy move. Jack was glad Naia seemed able to handle her meister. He’d never seen the serene girl so serious before. She wasn’t exactly angry, but she spoke in a decidedly no-nonsense manner.

“Let’s just head to the farmers’ market and see what we can find out about this gremlin.”

Getting to his feet, Jack began to climb down DWMA’s enormous staircase. He wanted to get moving. Now that all the mission participants were present and all questions answered, there was no need to wait. If Jack hoped to find the culprit who stole his die before nightfall, he couldn’t afford to dilly dally.

“I say we split into pairs while we gather information,”
Jack suggested as he walked. “We’ll cover more ground this way. All of us traveling together in a large group might frighten the target and will only make it more difficult for us to find it.”

In actuality, Jack knew that Kalin already didn’t like Virgo. It was better that the two spent as little time together as possible, else their relationship might sour even more. Jack didn’t want any animosity between teammates to get in the way of recovering his die. Kalin had stated clearly that he didn’t like people who “went around brandishing the banner of justice”. Yet every sentence out of the African American meister’s mouth seemed to have the word justice in it . After observing Virgo, Jack concluded that Golden Soul didn’t mean any harm. However, he could see where this was going…and it wasn’t pretty. Would Kalin even want to go along with Virgo’s plan?

“But, even if we do search separately, for this mission we’re still a team. Communication between us is important. We exchange contact numbers and stay in the same general vicinity in case anyone of us needs help. If anyone finds any useful information that might lead to the gremlin we share it. And if anyone encounters the target, they immediately contact the others.

Jack stopped in his descent when he realized he was getting a head of himself. He didn't know anyone's phone number. He was also walking away from the people he was talking to.

Does that sound good?”
He called over his shoulder. His hands in reached into the pockets of his trousers and Jack was once again reminded that he didn’t have his die. Jack let out a sigh of impatience.




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