Before the End of Summer Concert

Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Evil! The evilness! Slender little fingers taking advantage of the defenseless spots of flesh on Lauren's neck made her whole body squirm and quiver. The giggles came out on controllably and while she tried to thrash it was of no use; she was stuck. Dakota held no quarter. She tried to breath but it was getting hard and her muscle control started to lapse. Lauren fell limp against the ground as the barrage finally ceased, her face fully flushed bright red across her cheeks. She wimpered lightly and took shallow breaths.

Finally getting out of her spot. Dakota quickly turned to go back to the others. Her motives were not apparent, but Lauren wasn't paying attention. She currently had much more pressing, and embarrassing matters. Sitting in a crouched position, still behind where no one could see her, she lifted her skirt to see under it for a second. Tears came to the corner of her eyes, before she put everything back, stood up with a tight grip making sure her skirt didn't move. She moved as fast as she could over to Dakota.

Dakota had shown up and put down some courage to introduce herself. Sarah smiled and introduced herself as well, "
And I'm Sarah!" With a wave and a smile. Kalin then gave his giant speech, followed by Jack and his speech. Jeeze these boys sure were long winded. Sarah just took it upon herself; about the time that Jack was asking about his die, Kalin was smiling so she just took a good half sideways facing portrait of Kalin. Click! She giggled lightly, and loved that neither of them seemed to noticed.

Lauren rushed up to Dakota. Standing on her tippy toes to match the girls ear height, Lauren whispered only loud enough for her to hear, "
Kota~" Her voice, warm against the girls ear and whimpering in tone, "I... I.. w...wh.w..wh...e...." Her butt seemed to shake a little bit, and her face was red enough to be on fire. Trying to hide her figure behind Dakota, she stood down again before resting her head on Dakota's shoulder for a moment. In this time she took a few deep breaths and tried to regain her composure. Standing back up on her tippies, she whispered calmly, "Will you come to the restroom with me." Her hand coming up and cupping Kota's ear so no one would hear, "I.. I wet m..m.myself." Lauren instantly stood back down and looked at the ground, ashamed of herself.

Well, I think the roll will be whether to keep mine, or let the photographer take a new one." She sad casually. Holding out the camera, she gave it to Kalin.

Squeezing past Jack, her rear came closer to his face than it should of. Her jean shorts, folded neatly at the base and pressed firmly against her legs. It fit nicely even if it was only for a moment. Plopping down in the seat next to Jack, she let out a large exasperated sigh of relief. It seemed like everything was done for the day, except you know, the second half of school. She waited to see what the others would do now

@Deadeyelee @QuirkyAngel @Zenaida

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Deryn Nicole Renoir

Status: NOT

Classification: Meister

Partner: Lexie Traynor

Mood: Sickly/Anxious

Location: Auditorium

Interacting with: Anyone
Deryn, for all intents and purposes, looked like garbage. Of course right after all this nonsense with the crazy people in town and the ice cream social she had gotten a cold- on top of her head injury. She'd been ordered to bed rest for a week, and now here she was, coming back to school- on picture day.

She winced as she saw how well dressed everyone else was- she looked like exactly what she was- a little freshman recovering form a concussion and the flu. Heck, she still had a bandage wrapped around her head! She'd missed her meeting with Lexie, and she was more than positive the girl had probably found a new partner by now- the thought alone made her want to be ill again.

Deryn had always been a worrier, but stuff like this always made it worse- she hated missing school, especially when people where depending on her being there- She had finally made some friends, and lo and behold, the next day she had the mother of all colds and disappeared for a week. She hoped she could just get her picture done, go home, and die. Maybe if she never showed up to school again they'd just let her drop out?? Maybe she'd never have to talk to Lexie at all, wouldn't that just be wonderful?

Of course, in that moment, she was hit by another fit of sneezing, causing her to stumble right into another student.

She fumbled around in her pocket, digging around for her handkerchief. "Oh my gah, I'm so sorry" She said between sniffles. "I'm just getting over a flu and I didn't mean to.." She brought the handkerchief up to her nose and looked up at the figure she had run into.

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Kalin Mickleson




“Don’t worry about it.”

Oh thank sweet merciful God, I haven't made a complete fool of myself yet. Kalin exhaled only in the slightest, not at all hiding his relief, before looking up at the lady with the raven hair, and intriguing violet eyes. She seemed extremely nervous about the affair, and that was something that Kalin could sympathize with entirely. He offered a gentle smile as he looked up at her, then became terrified that it was creepily subtle and increased the magnitude before realizing he looked like a loon and toning it down till it was just right. He hoped. He wasn't entirely sure. He wasn't good at this kind of thing. It's probably why no one tended to think he was sincere. Which most of the time he wasn't. Did that make him a bad person? He wasn't s-

"I'm Dakota, NOT class Meister. Y-your name i-is Kalin r-right? Nice to m-meet you."

Damn it Kalin, Pay attention. How intolerably rude. Here this poor maiden is trying to muster up the courage to speak to you, like you're important, and you're too far in lala land to correct her.

"Yes Mam, Kalin Mickelson is indeed my name, but you have nothing to be nervous about." He shakes his head a bit morose. "I'm not anyone of note. Maybe someday... but not anytime soon. I'm a weapon, a nice looking short sword. Probably my only redeeming quality. Well, I think I'm pretty at least. Okay, now that came out weird so I'm just going to stop talking now. I'm so sorry mam," He started to panic again.

And I'm Sarah! "

Oh no. Another one. A blonde lass, also taller than him, and of a cheery demeanor. She can probably see right through me. Kalin's expression turns briefly to raw, unadulterated fear. What do I say? Kalin, say something smart! Clever! Anything! "U-Uh...H-Hi, I mean, N-Nice to meet you Miss Sarah." He returned to smiling, trying desperately to mean it. Ok. Deep breath, it's time for damage control Kalin. What can you do to take hold of the situation?

“If you’ll truly be happy either way, Kalin, then why not let chance determine the fate of your yearbook photo?” Whether your picture should be taken by a more experienced photographer or be left in Sarah’s crafty hands. Which would turn out better? Which would make you look more dazzling? THAT is something for the dice to decide!”

Jack rescues a floundering Kalin once again, with his dramatic performance. Drama? Putting on a show? Surrendering to fate? Kalin may not be good at faking real emotions, but boy can he do drama, and a little more."Why thank you, Jack, good sir." He nicks the die from Jack's hat with a bit of flourish and a mischievous grin. He then flicks it over his shoulder gently with his right thumb, before kicking it up to his left hand over the other shoulder with his left heel, nodding to acknowledge Sarah's sneaky picture. He had been a lonely kid. He had a lot of time to play hacky sack. And the odds were clearly in his favor, considering he succeeded in his bout of juggling and didn't face plant again. He grins a genuine grin as he slams the die into his other arm, as one would a flipped coin. He nailed it. He actually got it right. But it wasn't over yet. "A six and I'll have a retake. Otherwise, I will be gracious with Miss Sarah's dazzling Photography. Either fate is fine by me, but who am I to argue with the force that rules this world." All the fear is gone. There will be time for fear when the stakes aren't so high. He has no bloody clue what the dice came up as, or how to react to either situation. It doesn't matter. "Would one of you be so kind as to tell me what has transpired?" He holds out his arm and reveals the die, while closing his eyes, a confident but wavering grin on his face. If they didn't like him after this, he didn't know what he'd do. This was his grand finale. He had no more cool tricks besides his weapon form. What if Jack gets mad he borrowed his dice? What if they think he's a show off? What if Sarah is offended by the whole ordeal? He realizes that this was a bad idea, but it was too late to go back now. His heart races, as he sits in the moment between 'Victory' and 'Defeat', trying not to faint.



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Jack E. Trinity

"Why thank you, Jack, good sir."

That was all Jack heard before his dice was taken from him. He didn’t pay attention to the click of a camera that sounded off as soon as a mischievous grin spread across the blonde boy’s face. No, his eyes were locked on his die that was being dexterously handled by Kalin Mikleson. The kid was good. Nimble—which was surprising since Kalin had tripped half-down the stairs earlier. Jack tilted his head thoughtfully as he watched Kalin’s performance. From the corner of his eye, he saw Lauren whispering to Dakota about something. What they were the girls were talking about, Jack had no idea. Probably something to do with the tickle attacks that had transpired between them earlier. Either way, Jack didn’t give them much thought. Nor did he acknowledge Sarah as struggled past him to a seat. Standing up, Jack glided over to the boy and peered at the number through his clear lens glasses.


“It’s a four,” Jack said before capturing the dice between two fingers and slipping it back into his pocket while Kalin’s eyes were closed. “Sarah’s photography skills are awe-inspiring indeed.”

Under normal circumstances, Jack would have been annoyed that his die was stolen. Yet the fact that Kalin was willing to cast the die startled him enough that Jack’s irritation dulled. People normally found it funny when they learned of his die obsession. They thought him either weird or interesting. Some went along with his strangeness, those he called friends, but rarely did they allow him to actually roll their decisions. Nor did they understand his reliance on a greater power than his own. He’d made that offer not expecting it to be taken seriously. Unconsciously, a smile formed on Jack’s face. “You’re juggling’s pretty neat too.” He said, giving Kalin a friendly clap on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'd make an excellent EAT weapon."

Seeing that all his NOT-mates had gotten their picture taken, Jack went over to where his backpack was and slung it over his shoulder. He passed by the photographer, giving the man a nod of thanks, before strolling up the steps to the auditorium’s exit. There were still many things to do. Explore the school. Attend whatever classes remained. Find his cousin. Which should he do now? A single hand slipped into his pocket, fingering the cube within. Jack shot a winning smile at his NOT-mates as he walked.

“We should all hang out after school’s over. Get to know each other and all. It’ll be fun.”

Humming to himself, Jack was surprised when a loud sneeze sounded off and a girl bumped into him on his way to the exit. “Woah, there.” He caught her easily enough, watching amusedly as she fumbled for a handkerchief and began dabbing her nose. Violet eyes, flicked back to Kalin for a moment, before the beginnings of laughter began to bubble in his stomach. He suppressed it of course. Randomly laughing like that would have been awkward. Returning his gaze to the sniffling girl Jack shrugged away the apology. “You look a little too sick for picture day.” He pointed to Sarah. “She could probably help fix you up. Sarah's a pro with the brush.”

Giving the sick girl a final grin, Jack then left the auditorium to go wherever his dice would lead him.




@The Succubi Queen
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Hakoda Fuller

Hakoda Fuller wandered from the Death Room through the halls of the academy. They were very much the same as he remembered them from his childhood; he had once been a student within these walls the same as the current students were now. He knew it was picture day, so that was the first place he thought to look for students simply because if he had been a student, he would’ve wanted to get that out of the way right away.

He peeked into the grand room as his eyes wandered through the rows of seats and across the stage.

There were a few students there although there weren’t nearly as many as he had hoped. Hakoda presumed that perhaps they were at lunch now. It was the second most logical place although it was also a bit out of his way. Sighing, Hakoda called into the auditorium. “Students of Death Weapon Meister Academy!!” That was just to get their attention. Hakoda didn’t know names yet and he also didn’t have time at the moment to ask about them.

“Professor Mitsaki has asked me to run some basic drills on the outdoor track! It’s a nice day outside and we should make use of it while we can!” He was about to turn and walk away, hoping that his suggestion was enough to get them to join him. Then his eyes caught sight of the job request board down the hall and he turned, calling in to add one more thing. “And if you already know what you're doin’, you should take on a job! Lord Death’s been working overboard to try and get some things taken care of.”

As he turned and walked away, Hakoda realized he had never introduced himself. ‘Oh well. They’ll learn who I am soon enough if they show up.’

@Kaine @QuirkyAngel @The Succubi Queen @Zenaida @Deadeyelyee
Keziah Swan

“Princess? Princess!? Keziah spat.

The meister barely even flinched when Akahana kicked her and if Keziah hadn’t wanted her to be able to escape, then it wouldn’t have happened in the first place. “You’re an idiot if you think you could really beat me. Only a handful of people here could and you definitely aren’t one of them,” Keziah said even as Akahana took off her mask.

Seeing Akahana’s face didn’t even seem to phase Keziah. Her face remained void of fear, void of emotion, void of all sense of anything other than nonchalance. “Is that supposed to scare me?” Keziah mocked. “You don’t know the half of what I’ve seen. I’ve seen a face twice as scarred as yours and I’ve seen that face eat people alive!” In a flash, Keziah was behind Akahana once again. She was definitely fast and there was no way even Akahana could track her. Keziah was in a whole other league.

“Anyway, I clearly don’t want to fight you. If I did, I’d have already won. I just don’t need you blowing up Warren’s ego any more than it already has been blown up and I certainly can’t appear weak and unable to protect my partner now, can I?”

@Chara Angel of Death


Kalin Mickleson




“It’s a four,” “Sarah’s photography skills are awe-inspiring indeed.”

Kalin's eyes open, this time hiding his relief.

"I'm sure you'd make an excellent EAT weapon."

Kalin's confident smile turns to a positive beaming grin, especially as Jack's hand found it's way to his shoulder. For once, he didn't flinch. He didn't mind this person, who had up until recently been a complete stranger, laying a hand near his face. And he thought his little trick was cool. And he wasn't mad that he pilfered his dice. Not to mention, now he was at no risk of offending the one called Sarah. She was onto him. He knew it. Nothing can possibly be that cheerful, and not know when someone is faking it. But he's not faking it right now. Right now he's happy. But how long could that last? Quite some time, it seemed, if he stuck around Jack. He must be chosen by the invisible mover. A good luck charm, put crudely and hedonistic. Kalin could use some good luck/Cosmic love/of God's blessing. Jack must be doing something right.

“We should all hang out after school’s over. Get to know each other and all. It’ll be fun.”

He's leaving? '
Well, I don't have anything better to do...' He convinces himself. Kalin does a slight bow to those still present. "Thank you Ladies, you were all wonderful. It was my honor and pleasure to make your aquatiences, however, I will be off. Please, do forgive me for my rapid departure."

How easily such verbage rolled off his tongue still terrified him, even after nearly two years had passed since it had started being beaten into him. As terrible as it sounds, pain and fear had been an excellent teacher for him. He reaches down, retrieving his neatly piled books, and crosses his arms in front of himself subconsciously as he carries them, instead of holding them under arm in the more relaxed manner. He starts up the stairs, and starts to stumble again, but catches himself on the rail this time, almost fluidly, looking up just in time to hear the Professor's announcement.

That settled it for him. He was going to take a deep breath. And then he was going to ask his new friend a question. He scampered to catch up, and summoned all of his bravery.
"H-Hey J-Jack? T-they're doing drills you want to give it a go? You're a meister, right? And I assume that the drills are going to be with meister and a I thought maybe....I mean I've never been wielded before...and I thought since your new too, maybe you wanted to see what this is all about, I mean I understand if you've already got everything figured out, and If I'm being to pushy let me know...You can do that any time actually, just sort of give me a swift kick to the shin or something.....Apparently, I'm pretty dumb so I need some help to understand when I'm crossing a boundary...Or we could do something else! I-If you'll have me...Because you could just tell me to buzz off, and I'll never bother you again. I promise."

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Jack E. Trinity

Jack had just left the auditorium when a teacher passed him and opened the door he had just closed. Curious, Jack remained outside and listened to the teacher’s holler. Drills, huh? Jack sighed. He already did plenty of drills, and probably would have to do plenty more, in his lifetime. His uncle made sure of that. In fact, one could argue that having to climb up the stairs of DWMA had been a drill in itself. Therefore, Jack wasn’t particularly eager to start doing drills. However, he’d already skipped Professor Mitsaki’s first lecture. Wouldn’t skipping out on basic drills organized by Professor Mitsaki cause him more problems later on? At the very least, if his uncle found out about it—via his cousin—there would be hell to pay.

“Alright! Time to roll the dice.”

The black haired boy reached into his pocket, just pulled out his six-sided die, when suddenly Kalin came out the door. Jack raised his eyebrows as soon as Kalin started speaking non-stop. It was amazing really--how the kid could turn a simple request into a long-winded monologue. And depressing at that. The number of ways that Kalin put himself down with words was impressive. It was almost as if the boy had decided Jack was going to say no even before he got a chance to speak. Jack tossed his dice up and down in one hand silently as he waited for Kalin to finish. Perhaps a swift kick to the shin would stop all the negativity spewing from the kid’s mouth. Or make it worst. Would he cry? Jack didn’t know how old Kalin was since students at DWMA tend to vary in age and the guy looked rather small. Jack mentally sighed before a bright smile found its way to his face. He disliked tense atmospheres.

“Slow down there, Kalin.” Jack said in an easy-going manner. “You aren’t a bother at all. I was just about to decide whether or not to do the drills.”

Kalin was probably right. This was DWMA after all. If there were practice drills it would be done in pairs. Having a partner was important in growing stronger, or so his cousin had told him when she found out he was attending DWMA. Jack’s one experience with trying to wield a weapon was with his cousin—though that could hardly count as experience. Ella had only been trying to freak him out. Kalin was probably different. A sword, if remembered correctly.

“As for as being partners…” Jack looked the boy up and down before shrugging. “Sure. But only if our dice match. A partner that doesn’t match my die won’t do.”

The black haired boy flipped his die, letting it spin rapidly in the air for two seconds before slapping it on to his arm, much the same way Kalin did. Without the juggling, of course. Fingers still covering the cube, Jack spoke. “The number you rolled in the auditorium was a four. If this is a four, five, or three I’ll be your partner for the drill. If not, I don’t think we’ll be very compatible. The greater the difference in our numbers the greater our incompatibility.”

Jack slowly removed his hand.

It was a four.

Jack blinked, staring at the cube for a few moments. “Hmm, looks like we’re more compatible than I thought." Jack gave Kalin another once over. Then he shot the boy a wide grin and a thumbs up. “Okay! Let’s do the drills, Partner!”

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Kalin Mickleson




“Okay! Let’s do the drills, Partner!”


The moment outside the auditorium had been one of the most stressful of Kalin's short life. Normally he had no objection to leaving something up to fate. But this is something, as selfish and greedy as it sounds and probably was, that he desperately wanted for his self. He might of condensed a million little desperate prayers to the invisible mover as the die seemed to tumble in slow motion through the air, his heart threatening to tear from his chest, as he pleaded with the powers that be that the dice would be moved in his favor. His utter glee and shock at it turning up a four could not be understated. He wanted to let out a shout of triumph, but that would have been entirely improper, so he just didn't speak at all, letting his face doing the talking at first. After a moment of utter euphoria, his expression turned serious. The dice had given him a chance. Now? Now the ball was in his court. Now was the time to prove to the God above that he was worthy of this miracle. And so, with a slight, determined grin he made a simple deceleration, a promise to both Jack, and the force above.

"I won't let you down."

With that he quietly followed Jack out to the practice field, the same determined grin on his face, with a shade of shyness, his hands jammed in his pockets. He had called him Partner. They were going to work together as a team. He was one step closer to his goal, and he had a friend. He couldn't be more contented as they arrived at the edge of the track. It was quiet. It appeared that they were the first to arrive. Kalin took a deep breath. It was a nice day. He normally wasn't one for physical activity, but now, he was, what did they call it? Jacked? No...Pumped. Anyways, he began to remove his blazer, neatly folding it, using it to secure a place to put his books, while keeping his beloved jacket clean, before limbering his shoulder and arm joints, free of their constrictive prison. "Perfect! Time to get in a bit of extra practice, so I don't look too stupid. I'm tired of looking stupid. You ready?"

Kalin doesn't wait. He can't contain himself. He'd practiced this for hours and hours. He starts to shimmer, then bursts into golden light, encompassing his entire form, before starting to condense into a spherical orb at about where his sternum had been. It then began to move towards Jack's dominant hand, stretching out, and defining it's self as a sword, with a blade around a foot and half long. It's not exactly to Jack's hand as the his soul energy fades away, but with a bit of grace, Jack could easily procure the handle. Still, Kalin is not happy about this. At all. As soon as Jack's finger even brushes the hilt all he hears is violent cursing, that he likely didn't think Kalin was capable of. Just another benefit of a drunken foster father. Naturally it's all pointed at himself, terms that he's heard time and time again. "I'm sorry. That was terrible. It won't happen again."


Kalin's Weapon form

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Jack E. Trinity

Just as the DWMA teacher said, it was a nice day. Clear sky. Cool breeze. The funky-faced sun gazing down at them with an eerily large smile. Jack had changed into his gym clothes, keeping only his hat, his tie, his glasses, before leading them to the track. He wasn’t really looking forward to doing drills, but the thought of seeing his partner’s weapon form made the trip to the field worthwhile. Kalin seemed eager to show off his weapon form as well.

Jack watched, somewhat mesmerized as his new NOT-mate and partner—chosen by the die—burst into a golden light. He hadn’t lied when he told Lauren that he thought weapons were cooler than meisters. Being able to fight with a weapon and seeing souls; that was all Jack could do. None of which was that much different than a regular human, except the seeing souls part, which Jack didn’t even really like all that much. But Kalin was different. He had the ability to shape-shift and that, in Jack’s mind, was pretty neat.

Jack reached forward, catching the short sword before it fell. Immediately after touching the hilt, he’d heard Kalin’s apology. However, instead of responding right away, the black-haired NOT meister ran his violet eyes over the gleaming blade, inspecting Kalin’s weapon form through his clear lens glasses. Jack smiled. It was a beautiful blade.

“What are you apologizing for? You’re a very pretty sword.” Swinging Kalin experimentally, Jack could hear the wind whistle as Kalin’s blade sliced through the air. Nice. Not too heavy either. Twirling the Kalin in his hand, Jack looked around at DWMA’s physical fitness field. It was large. As expected of a famous military-oriented school like DWMA. However, there wasn’t really anything to test Kalin’s sharpness against in the track area. He didn’t see anyone else around either.

“I guess we could practice a bit before the teacher and the rest of the students to show up.” But before that there was something Jack had to make sure. Jack took a deep breath, lifted Kalin, and pulled his partner down in a vertical arc, slicing through through the finely cut grass and leaving a small mark on the earth as the edge of Kalin's blade slammed against the ground. Nodding, Jack glanced at Kalin.

“Does that hurt?” Jack asked curiously. As a weapon, it shouldn’t hurt. At the very least, it hadn’t hurt Ella when he’d smashed her against things. But Kalin wasn’t Ella. Jack imagined that if the transformation wasn't as complete as it appeared, it would hurt his partner. And if that was the case, it was probably better to get assistance from a teacher before continuing.

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Warren Langston

Location: Cafeteria

Classification: EAT Weapon - Morningstar

Partner: Keziah Swan

Tags: @Arkytior
Pretty boy? That’s a new one. While I do admit I am pretty, I’ve never heard someone else compliment me in such a way. Huh…

Warren was too lost in trying to interpret what Akahana had meant when she called him pretty boy and trying to figure out why she would call him that in the first place. He never even noticed the green beans that Akahana had thrown at him which was honestly perfectly ok because due to Warren’s meister’s actions, the missed anyway. And Warren didn’t notice her either.

He did, however, continue to follow Alessa and Jayce to the table while carrying his lunch tray because they had invited him to sit with them. Of course, he wasn’t about to refuse a fan. He was actually surprised Alessa answered his question at first. Warren, despite his erratic tendencies, did tend to be able to pick out the quiet ones and he could tell she was one of them.

“Alessa, huh? I’ll try to remember that,” Warren commented although he did sound very uncertain with that statement. It didn’t quite seem as though he would actually remember it.

When he asked to confirm his name, Warren smirked. “Yes, I’m Warren. Also known as The Great Evening Star!” Warren held his hand on the side of his mouth so he could whisper something to Alessa. “The ‘The Great’ part is really important so don’t forget it ok?”


Kalin Mickleson




“What are you apologizing for? You’re a very pretty sword.”

Kalin's mood had gone seriously dour. While the compliment helped a little, it also hurt. "Micklesons have always been pretty, and powerful swords. My great-grandfather was a Deathscythe apparently. But it doesn't do you a damned bit of good to have a pretty sword if it doesn't land in your hand, you know. It doesn't help that I'm a glorified knife." He recalled a joke that his foster father made about the subject and his heritage, depressing him further. Here he was proving that jerk right.

However, the sensation of being swung around, the actual adoration of his weapon form by Jack placated him a little. He was actually here. He nodded when Jack suggested they work on their own for a bit from his prospective within the blade, before realizing he hadn't spoken.
"Sounds good to me. I'll follow your lead, Sir Trinity. Heh. Sir Trinity. I like it. You have a nice last name for a slayer of evil. It could go on a movie know? " This cheered him up a little. What the hell was he complaining about? He'd gotten everything he wanted. He was an entitled brat after all.He had been about to go into another pout over the fact that he was clearly scum when he was yanked to attention by a slight impact with the ground.

“Does that hurt?”

"Huh? Oh. Don't worry about me. I've weathered much worse than anything you can do to me. I'll survive anything you put me through. So, if something nasty is coming your way, and you can't get out of the way, I'll take it, alright? I might be little, but I'm resilient. If there's one thing I'm good for, it's taking a beating." He chuckles a little at his little morbid joke. But it was true. He'd endure as much pain as Jack required of him, and he'd be damned if he was going to whine or complain about it, weapon form or no weapon form. It was his job, and it would be his pleasure. He was tired of being to weak to protect those he cared about. That was going to change. Fate had made it's will known. He smiled, for only an instant finally contented with that train of thought. Or at least a stage above melancholy.

"A recommendation Mr. Trinity. Perhaps we should make sure my blade isn't just for show?'s just a suggestion"

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Jack and Kalin

Jack frowned, not liking Kalin's comment about taking a beating, but decided to shrug it off.
"All right. If you're sure."

He nodded at Kalin's suggestion, his lips curving upward at his partner's enthusiasm.
"Good idea." Jack glanced around at the empty track. Hitting people was no good, not that there were that many people around. The field was quiet. Violet eyes darted over to the wooded area behind DWMA. Perhaps the trees? "What do you think? Should we try cutting leaves?"

Kalin pondered this for a moment.
"Do you think I'm sharp enough to cut paper? Actually, I have a better idea. My father's apartment had a backlog of newspapers, so I took one in case I got really desperate. P-Pretty lame right? But if we roll it up real tight, it could be a good test, right? Like a tetami...titamue? TetamI? I forget exactly how it's called, I'm sorry. B-But a newspaper should be a good first test...right?"

"Right...but paper?"

"...yeah. That was a dumb idea. I'm sorry. I'll try and think of something better."

Jack shook his head, a small smile forming on his face. Kalin's confidence was something he really needed to work on.
"I was only joking. It's a fine idea. Let's go get your newspapers. Lead the way."

"It's in my math textbook, which is wrapped up in my jacket. Why are books still even a thing? They're so heavy..."

Jack laughed as he made his way over to Kalin's neatly folded jacket. Reaching into the folds of the clothing, he managed to find his partner's textbook and the newspaper wedged within. The black-haired, hat-wearing meister rolled up the paper and tightened it with a rubber band, before setting the newspaper down in front of them. Then he raised Kalin up.
"Ready?" Jack asked teasingly.

"Of course. If I wasn't, I'd expect you'd go looking for a better partner."

Nodding in mock solemnity, Jack brought the sword down, slicing the rolled up newspaper cleanly in half.
"Yep you're very sharp. No need to worry about that."

"Or you just have an excellent aptitude for determining the appropriate amount of force to use. If you would have hit it much harder or softer, we just would have just smashed it. I'm just barely over above average sharpness, I'd suppose." Kalin depreciates the compliment a little, uncomfortable.

Jack sighed at the way Kalin talked about himself.
"You talk too much, Kalin."

"Right. So Sorry. I'm shutting up now. Promise."

Jack gritted his teeth. Kalin was so difficult. Trying to be positive didn't work. Any compliments given to him was rebuked with negativity. And any insult halfheartedly thrown at him was met with immediate agreement. It didn't make sense. Kalin’s pessimism was the exact opposite of Jack's optimism. Yet the die had said they were compatible. Therefore they had to be. Jack took a deep breath, his usual smile returning to his face.
"No, no. There's no need to do that. I like listening to you talk."

"R-Really? I was worried that my voice was a little high for most people's comfort...but that makes me happy. I know I'm not great at seeming grateful...but believe me, I am. About everything that's happened today!" Kalin starts out tentative but ends assertive. "A-And that's why I'm afraid. I have almost everything I wanted...and now I want to be worthy of it. So that fate doesn't decide to take it back away..."

Jack nodded at Kalin’s response, hearing the blade’s determination, though not quite understanding it. He peered at the short sword in his hand thoughtfully. It really was a beautiful blade. Decently sharp as well and from a good family. So why was Kalin so un-confident? Why did he feel he needed to be worthy of the things he wanted? Why was he so grateful to Jack even though they just met…even though Jack hadn’t done anything particularly noteworthy? Jack pondered those questions while he swung his new partner at the air. Once. Twice. Vertically. Horizontally. He thrust Kalin at an imaginary foe.

A part of him was tempted to take of his glasses and take a sneak peek into Kalin’s soul, but Jack resisted. There were many things about Kalin he still didn't know. That was fine. That was normal. There was no need to hurry. They'd only just met after all. Since the die had decided they were compatible partners, Jack had every intention of finding out these things about his NOT-mate eventually. But not now. For now, it was fine to leave things as they are.

“Don’t worry Kalin,” Jack said happily, his repeated movements growing faster as he grew more used to wielding the short sword. “Just follow the dice and everything will turn out alright. Fate won’t take anything away.”
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Akahana Shima

The Hooded Terror

"What, so you're undermining me skills just because i'm a fuckin' newbie, princess?"

Akahana had immediately put her mask back on, releasing a snort. This girl was getting on her nerves. She wanted to see her bleed and cry, honestly. Who cares if she was fast? That just meant she was burning up more energy! Idiot! She was itching to reach for a knife and stab the bitch... She had a dozen on her, but her partner was nowhere to be seen. Oh well, easier to chop her up with knives, right?

She chuckled lightly as the girl preached about not wanting to fight and stuff she honestly didn't care about. Aww, what if she WANTED to fight? Huh? What would the emotionless bitch do about THAT? Oh she was itching to see some blood...​

"Man, you must not know the first part of respect, do you?" She said as her hand reached into her cloak, "Don't judge a book by it's cover... Didn't your mommy or daddy say that before letting you out into the world?" Her hand gripped a knife's handle, "Bitch!"

She quickly turned around, the knife swinging towards the older girl.

"Maybe I want a goddamn fight? Huh? HUUUUH?" She cackled.

Arthur practically hid in the corner of the cafeteria watching people mingle, and fight, and throw things, with a slightly crooked grin. He silently cheered on Akahana as he watched her altercation, his grin widening. His fairies fluttered about him in an almost comical game of tag, leisurely taking in the relaxed atmosphere. Arthur had, for the most part, gotten over the mad dog attack (aside from the damage to his hand, that was surely taking it's own sweet time) but he couldn't help but notice the flashes.

Arthur had always had a bit of a blood lust, and every now and then it would show up in the form of flashes. One moment he would be looking at two girls talking, and the next he'd see the image of their bloody bodies, compleatly mutilated, and bathed in crimson, flash before his eyes. It wouldn't stay long, but it was always long enough to make an impression. Long enough for Arthur to consider making it a realty, anyways.

He never recreated his visions... Well, almost never... But that nurse had it coming!

The fact was, Arthur was getting flashes, and with flashes comes the urge to recreate them. He would never openly massacre people (no matter how much he despised them), as it was unwise, and could lead to his death, and then who would look after his people? However, the urge was still there. The urge to turn the bloody fantasy horrible reality.

He watched as the bloody scenario played out in his head, aided by the flashes of his classmates mangled bodies. His grin grew into a sadistic, mad smile, as his wide eyes scanned the cafeteria, imagining a brutal, gory death for every one in it, save himself and Akahana.

Arthur began to chuckle at the image he had peaced together from the flashes, and it soon turned into all out laughter.

It was another one of those days.
Keanehan Diam

Location: Cafeteria

Classification: EAT Weapon - Tinker

Mood: Amused and intrigued

Keanehan had kept himself seated in a far corner, a bit out of the way from the commotion. Not only did it ensure the safety of both his food and his sketches, but it also gave him a nice vantage point. The scene was one that brought much more intrigue and life than that of what the classroom had offered before. Granted that didn't keep him from pulling out his previous sketch and having his sketchbook full of sketches of his classmates. Although, there were new faces now; which made Keanehan all the more wanting to draw. It was odd- his want to draw and sketch. He hadn't really felt a need to do it with people as much as he had these past few weeks. Considering the fact that Lord Death had asked him to make friends with his fellow classmates, it was not exactly the hardest thing to figure out as to why he kept sketching.

Before, human interaction and conversation meant little to nothing to this young man. He kept his thoughts and feelings, what little he had, to himself. He still did, but after being given that order, he forced himself to take a more active role in his learning of his fellow classmates and what they may find interesting.

Currently everyone seemed to be indulging in tossing food at one another. 'How childish,' Keanehan thought to himself as he watched the food fight take place. Those involved seemed to either be happy or thoroughly agitated by the whole ordeal. In a momentary lapse in judgement he slid his eyes down to his Chicken Alfredo and contemplated chucking it some of his fellow classmates, but given the circumstances he thought better on the matter and kept sketching and eating every so often. 'I honestly can't afford to get these robes dirty.'

As the food fight continued he noticed two girls up in arms and immediately began analyzing the two. They seemed to actually be engaging in physical altercation which made Keane immediately groan, mentally. 'Will I be seeing one or both of them in the Dispensary, today?,' he wondered wish a sigh.

Emotional key




Arthur Williams

King of Hearts

Arthur watched the instructor, curiously. He knew only enough combat to keep himself, and his people alive. He thought to himself, "Maybe I could actually learn something from this hell hole after all..."

He slowly rose from his seat and started to follow the new teacher slowly.

The bells of his fairies rang loudly, as they tried to convince him that it was a bad idea. They told him that they didn't trust the new combat instructor. They told him that the man would hurt him. They told him that he was in danger. Arthur's protests to his fairies grew louder as he became more distressed, and more of his people appeared to tell him off. To him it was a fierce argument, but to everyone else, he was just yelling at nothing.

Arthur began arguing with the mystical beings, fiercely.
"I'll be fine.... What?.... No!.... He wouldn't do that!.... Why should he?.... Lord death trusts him.... So what!? He had to pair up tons of people randomly! It's not his fault!... Now you're just being silly!... If we don't go and find out, we'll never know, will we!?.... Well..." His voice deflated slightly, "I haven't thought about it like that.... But then.... What!?..." Arthur began to grow angry at his people,as his voice rose in volume. "Have you no faith?... Oh, honestly...." Finally Arthur snapped, yelling loudly at his people, furious that they did not believe in his ability to read people. His face was red with anger, and he shook as he yelled, "SHUT UP!! I NEED NOT OBEY YOU!!!"

With that the furious red head, stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving his people to trail fearfully behind him. His flashes stopped him in the hallway however, as he saw the completed image of his mutilated classmates, flash before his eyes. His eyes shone with a sadistic determination, and his mood changed instantly from anger, to pure blood lust. He NEEDED to see this trainer, because this trainer could help him turn his image into a reality. Arthur let out a crazed laugh, as he bolted down the halls after the new instructor. This would be interesting.
Aeryn and Alexis "Lexie" Traynor and Alexander "Xander" Traynor

Collaboration With:

@Pariah Stark

Aeryn had been tugged along by Lexie through the hallways. They darted through them at a fairly quick pace; it seemed Lexie was excited to get out of that mess. Or maybe Lexie just liked holding his hand through the halls. Aeryn liked to think that, but of course, that was partially just hopeful thinking. It was probably partially true, but it likely wasn't what had her so riled up. Maybe it was the shopping? Aeryn didn't understand why women had such a fascination with shopping. He recalled trips to the market being dull, mundane things. While browsing could be interesting, normally they had something in mind whenever they went somewhere. People just seemed to browse blindly and enjoy it, so it was off to him.

They ended up stopping in the middle of the main hall of the DWMA, smack dab between the courtyard and the staircase. Aeryn needed to head out the courtyard if he wanted to work out and Lexie obviously would be headed down to Death City to shop, but for just a moment, they stood there holding each others' hand. It was a brief, albeit sweet moment, ultimately broken by Aeryn: "Y'know, you really do make my jacket look good, Lex." He offered her a quick chuckle before he added, "Pretty sure you'd make anything look good, tho."

Lexie turned to face him and smiled at his comment, glancing down at his jacket that she was still wearing. "I wasn't sure about it at first, but I think I'm starting to like it. Thank you!" she stated. "I do hope I can get my blouse clean though. I'm assuming you'll want your coat back eventually?" There was the slightest hint in her voice that suggested she might not quite be ready to give it back to him.

Aeryn could only smile while talking to Lexie. Not that he wouldn't ever want to; it was just his subconscious reaction to being around her. That smile only did brighten at her slight hesitance in giving it back. Aeryn had a thought, though. He slipped his free hand into his pocket and pulled out the envelop he kept the money the DWMA gave to them as allowance in. EAT students were given plenty, and Aeryn really didn't buy many things; he spent his time mostly working out or training with Kass; the only thing he spent money on, really, was his dates with Lexie. He split his stack in about half, which was far more than enough to buy a new jacket, but he had no idea. Prices still eluded him.

"How about this, Lex. You keep that one... and get me a new one. I'll wear whatever you get me; you have good taste," he told her. His hand offered her the money. It's not like she couldn't just give him back change. The idea was plenty fun, though. He knew she was going shopping and she seemed to enjoy it. Maybe personalizing her boyfriend with a handpicked jacket would be fun for her, too. Aeryn didn't mind, either. He was sure whatever she chose would look good on him. And it seemed she wanted to keep his old one anyway. In his mind, it seemed like the perfect solution. He still had plenty of leftover money stashed that he didn't use over the summer, so that wasn't an issue either.

Lexie accepted the envolope with the slightest smirk, her mind already swarming with ideas because she knew what she was looking for for herself; getting a new jacket for Aeryn would only make it more fun. She would get to dress them both up for their next date although he wouldn't quite realize that was her intention. "That sounds fun," she chuckled. "I'll make sure to pick out something nice and for our next date we can both look fabulous!" Lexie chuckled a bit at the thought of it as she realized she was more excited about shopping now.

Lexie squeezed his hand gently as she realized now was where they had to split. "I'll be back," she said.

Aeryn smiled back to her, the same ever-persistent grin that stayed on his face while with her. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and nodded. "I'll be counting every minute, Lex!" he told her. Once she hit the stairs, he turned around to the courtyard, He had to cross through it to ge to the fitness center, and that was where he intended to end up for some weightlifting.

. . .

Xander had quickly finished his lunch before vanishing from the cafeteria, his walk not one of a calm meister or of someone who wasn't still as angry as he had been just a few moments ago when the professor had stopped him from getting involved in a fight. Fury still flooded through him at the face that Zyra had even dared to try and challenge him and he honestly hoped she showed up at the athletic field later so that the two of them could finish what they had started.

As he walked through the halls, he didn't look at anyone and he didn't acknowledge anyone either. It wasn't that he didn't see them - he did - but he didn't care to meet their eyes. That didn't quite matter because someone was watching for him. A very specific, yet completely missable person. A nameless one. And this individual crept behind Xander and sly asked, "Tired of being disrespected, friend?"

Xander heard the voice behind him although he didn't immediately turn at the sound of it. He only stopped walking for a second. "I don't think there's anyone with the right to call me friend and I don't know you're voice so that means that's even more of a mistake, friend." There was a very obvious edge to Xander's voice as he spoke. It was the kind of edge that carried a warning not to mess with him because although he barely ever won a fight, that didn't mean he still wasn't prone to starting them.

"You might be right, but this second, I'mma call you friend. You see, somebody somewhere is real interested in you. He sees how all these people treat you. Lie about you. He thinks you deserve a bit more respect, friend," the voice added. It was a lighter, masculine voice, and it did seem to be following him at a pretty solid pace. "He's here in Death City on business... and he is extending an invitation to you," this same voice continued on.

Xander's hand sparked just once. "People who don't heed my warnings don't tend to like my by the time our encounters are through," Xander commented, a growl in his tone. He still didn't turn to look at the person who had stumbled upon him. "And if there's someone who thinks I deserve some respect, maybe you ought to show me that respect." Another spark leaped off of Xander's hand.

"Oh, I won't be here long. Matter of fact, you make the choice now. Turn around, take the card in my hand, and go to the address on it tomorrow evening at six PM. Or, go about your business and never deal with me or my boss again," the voice replied. There wasn't a hint of fear in the voice. It was a simple sense of finality in that the ultimate decision was in Xander's hand. There wasn't a hint of force or coercion coming from this individual. Just an offer.

Something shifted inside of Xander. Curiosity boiled inside of him even though he didn't want to feel as though he was giving in to this stranger. And to him, turning and taking the card was a sort of giving in; at least, that's what it felt like. He didn't want to respect someone who hadn't respected him. Instead, he decided to say one more thing. "Will anyone else insist on calling me 'friend'? Because that's not respect, not in my book."

"Oh, if you do choose to meet my boss, he'll know exactly what to say. If you don't want to be called friend, friend, he won't. What you should consider is what he offers you... power. Respectful. Your deepest desires, no matter how dark. Nothing is beyond him," the voice answered him. "As for me, I have other messages to deliver. Say you want this card, I'll walk by, slip it in your pocket, and not another word will be said," the voice told him. It was noticeable. There was a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Fine!" Xander snapped, a wave of sparks sprinking from his fingertips. "I'll take the card." Those words were all it took. The individual behind him, a short-haired guy that seemed, at least from behind, to blend perfectly well into the student body, brisked past him, just barely grazing his side pocket, then hastily darting around a corner that lead into the Left Wing. This guy did exactly as promised. A simple business card was now in Xander's left pocket, and Xander didn't pull it out as he continued to make his way to the athletic field. He knew it was there, but he wouldn't worry about it just yet. He'd said the meeting was tomorrow so the boy had plenty of time.
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Aiko stood outside the classroom a bit to the side. The girl blinked as she seemed to snap to, just missing her partner venturing past. She scratched at her nose lightly in response. "Huh... I guess I completely forgot my little lover should of been in the class." She spoke out loud, not seeming to mind vocally stating her own thoughts without much thought. Her loud mouth couldn't help but blurt things out at times, specially when it wasn't completely in a 'functioning' state. It wouldn't matter much for Aiko though, given her lack of inhibition to saying something to someone. She wasn't known as a flirt and a tease for no reason after all.

The teen let out another yawn as she stretched out again. It was a rather awkward look for Aiko as her energy seemed to far outpace her sleepy mind as it struggled to regain consciousness. She seemed to perk up at least to some partial extent as she looked down the hall. It only made sense for her to find her partner, likely having moved to the Auditorium by this point. She had grown more use to him... even if he did come off as a 'better then thou' type to her. He seemed to always try pushing himself as knowing it all. Worst, he seemed to nag at her own weak spots, something Aiko hated the most.

She looked up lifting her finger. "That's what I need, I need a boyfriend! A nice good look'in guy! My poor bed hasn't had the presence of a handsome man in it in forever!" She spoke out loudly as if to make some vocal point... one that was rather useless and in part stretching the truth. She never really had a boyfriend ever as far as she could remember. She was always the tease or flirt, never one to ever commit. It wasn't something she would actually admit outloud, even if she was blurting out her own thoughts carelessly. She wasn't one to admit any such facts vocally.

"Ah well, off for the pictures! I'm going to find me a cute guy with nice big strong arms to care for me and treat me right and make Ikeda completely jealous." She spoke lightly as she rested her hands behind the back of her head walking towards the Auditorium making up her silly plan. It would only be a matter of time to see if Aiko even remotely tried to carry out her suppose 'scheme' at all. It wasn't that usual for her to give up rather quickly on half baked ideas or teasing on someone. She headed down the hall swiftly towards the Auditorium to find a nice cute boyfriend and spoil the camera with her pretty face.

<< Moving to the Auditorium >>
Kassana Silverstream

Location: Athletic Field

Classification: EAT Weapon - Slingshot

Partner: Aeryn

Tags: @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee
Kassana had finished her lunch quietly in the cafeteria although her attention had been completely consumed by the unnamed professor who had stopped the food fight from starting. There was something about him that said she could learn something from him, that said he could help her get stronger. And that was something she sorely wanted. Since Ivy and Demetri had vanished, probably on a mission of some sort or other, Kassana had fallen back into a routine of not training a whole lot. She simply didn’t know what to do.

Walking out onto the athletic field, Kassana looked around. She was surprised that she had beaten the professor there because she had left after him although it made a small amount of sense. He probably had to go meet with Lord Death or something, she assumed. In fact, it seemed she had beat a lot of people there and that really surprised her.

That being said, Kassana didn’t have a whole lot of choice but to approach the two students who were there. That didn’t mean she was entirely comfortable with it, though. It was a single weapon and meister pair and the weapon was the most majestic sword that Kassana had ever seen. Now there’s a useful weapon. Swords are beautiful… the weapons of warriors, of kings and princes. They’re the weapons that are always in the stories. Simply seeing that there was a student who could transform into such a fantastic weapon made her feel pathetic by comparison. And that showed on her face.

However, Kassana did continue to walk towards them until she was a few feet away. “Um… H-hi…” she called out to the two of them. “Are you here to t-train with that new t-teacher too?”

Kassana glanced back over her shoulder, wondering if anyone else was going to come for the lesson. She actually hoped Aeryn would show up although she wasn’t sure if he had gone somewhere with Lexie or not. Just seeing someone she knew would’ve been nice, and she didn’t recognize Jack at all.

Zyra Harriot

Zyra moped through the hallway of the DWMA, a sour expression on her face. She was no longer wearing her dress, as it was now wrapped up in a ball in the bag she held at her side. Her cloak covered the top half of her body, so it hid the nearly form-fitting shirt Daemon was wearing that day that he had given to her to change into. He had his jacket, so he had zipped it up to the top to show that he wasn't shirtless in school. He would probably get into a ton of trouble if a teacher caught him.

She was glad she had at least brought an extra skirt with her to change into, the fabric reaching down to just before her knees, like she was used to. The heels, though, were not very comfortable. She missed her platform shoes, and she wished she had brought those along with her as well. But, as fortune would have it, she had left them at home. But, she hadn't expected to have her dress ruined in the first place and need to change in the first place.

Now that her anger from the cafeteria had subsided, she began to recall what had happened...

Zyra had her hand raised, ready to block whatever Xander was going to throw at her. But she had not expected him to charge at him. She mostly stood stunned while he ran at her, his wavelength coming off of him in obvious anger. She wanted to move, but it felt like her feet were glued in place.

She was glad the teacher had stepped in when he did, even if she was in as much trouble as Xander was. It had been so long since she had taken someone on in a one-on-one fight, so the issue at hand just seemed...scary. And she knew worse than scary, and even that didn't make her freeze up like she did, like a deer in headlights.

When Mr. Fuller pushed the two of them away from each other, Zyra regained her senses. "He's the one who got all mad for no reason...I didn't do anything to provoke him..." At least, she didn't think she did. She didn't know a lot about Xander at all, so maybe she had said something that had set him off and she didn't know. Of course, that still wasn't her fault. She didn't know, so it was his fault for getting so upset. 'Maybe if he could control his anger...' She didn't want to say that out loud in case he wanted to have a tantrum about that was well.

It was then that Zyra had made her way out of the cafeteria. She turned around to see Daemon getting down to follow her. She growled at him. "DAEMON! I need time alone, thank you! Get off of my ass, seriously.' She didn't even look back at him as she stormed out of the cafeteria. There was too much drama, and she just wanted to cool off...

Daemon had ended up following her, and giving her his shirt. She hadn't really said anything to him, but she didn't want to yell at him anymore. He seemed upset already, so if she opened her mouth, she would have just yelled at him. Thus, she had taken his shirt and made her way to the bathroom to change. She knew she would have to talk to him when she got home later and apologize, but she was not happy with herself or the moron Xander. But she would go and kick his ass at the athletic field later. She knew that.

As she approached the stairwell that led back downstairs, she noticed Aeryn walking away from Lexie, who was wearing his jacket that he had been wearing earlier. She wasn't very surprised by the fact. They looked cute together, which was good. Hopefully they were happy with each other as well.

She bit down very gently on her tongue. She had read those sappy high school romance novels enough to be thinking about finding someone to date in high school. Of course, she knew she had no redeeming qualities. She was pretty intimidating with her attire, and her eyes were pretty freaky, even to herself. Daemon didn't mind, but Daemon was a strange one to begin with. He liked weird stuff.

She sighed. '
Maybe I'll just date when I'm an adult. Or get a cat. Cats are pretty cool. So are dogs. Maybe a bird...'

As she walked down the stairs, she saw Lexie coming up, holding an envelope in her hand. Zyra smiled, waving at her. "
Hey, Lexie. You seem to be pretty cheery. You and Aeryn having a moment?" She gestured to the envelope, eyebrows raised playfully. "Or had some sort of weird exchange? If it's illegal, my lips are sealed." She turned her fingers at the corner of her mouth, signifying the locking, and threw her hand behind her back, like she was getting rid of the key.

She realized that by using her hands, she had pulled her cloak away from concealing Daemon's shirt, which showed more than she would have preferred. She quickly let her hands fall back to her sides, concealing her top. "
A-Anyways, you two look cute together."

@Sergeant Sass



Kalin Mickleson




“Don’t worry Kalin,” “Just follow the dice and everything will turn out alright. Fate won’t take anything away.”

Kalin gives Jack a reassured smile and head nod, reflected upon the blade of his sword form. "Right." It worked for Jack. Why couldn't it work for him? He knows that beneath this pristine blade, lays a core of impurities and imperfections. But maybe, just maybe, Fate would let him become a hero, like he promised. He focused on his partners movements, on becoming an extension of his will and body. Slash, stab, Parry, thrust. He willed himself to move and accent his Miester's movements. He could do this. I...I can be a good weapon. Maybe not the best. But I can be good! He fell into pace with Jack, almost predicting his next movements, almost visualizing their imaginary opponent.

“Um… H-hi…” “Are you here to t-train with that new t-teacher too?”

Kalin was jerked away from his near trance-like state, as he had fallen into rhythm of Jack's swings. A female, somehow even paler than he was. Not that he saw it as a bad thing. Actually, he found her...
KALIN! Focus! We're working with Jack. Kalin, however, is unable to resist responding. "Y-Yes mam! My name is Kalin...not that it's important or anything. I'm not very good. B-But this is my partner Jack! He's... He's...." 'Good? No. Great? No. Amazing? No..they all "He will be someone important. Respected. And I'm gonna do my best to help him..."

Well, it wasn't a complete disaster. He meant what he said. But his usual eloquence, instilled with fear, and tested with rigorus standards, had failed him. Then again, Jack said he talked too much. And he managed not to ramble. And he got his point across. To a person of the non-male gender. ''That wasn't too bad', He reassures himself.

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Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: Fitness Fields

Mood: Relaxed, Amused, Surprised, ... Just read the post.

Tags: @Kaine
Dakota waited quietly as Lauren rushed into a stall. She listened rather regretfully to the sobs let out by the other girl, suddenly wishing she hadn't tickled Lauren, despite how fun it may have been. Her mind drifted a little bit, floating around in the space between daydreams and the present, kind of half there and half not. 'I wonder what Alexus would've thought about the twins... And Jack...' She pondered silently, her thoughts turning to her sister. A large sigh and the sound of flushing pulled her from her stupor, and she snapped back, watching Lauren as she left the stall, carrying her now soiled panties. It seemed the blonde girl had stopped crying for the most part, a fact that Dakota was fairly glad about. Lauren took off her shoes, then a sock that must have gotten soiled as well. The girl then attempted to thank Dakota, who smiled and shook her head lightly, brushing off the thank you. "You don't need to thank me. I-I don't mind helping friends..." She replied, just as quiet, though lacking the large stutter she showed before. She was becoming more comfortable around Lauren.

Dakota smiled again in a tad bit of amusement as Lauren jumped due to the shutting of the bathroom door. She turned, to see Sarah holding a fresh pair of panties for Lauren, and she nodded in greeting. She watched as Sarah teased Lauren a bit, then hesitantly agreed with her statement about revenge with a nod. What happened next was even more amusing. Sarah smacked Lauren's butt, causing her to howl like a monkey and fall down onto her sister's face without much dignity. The twins laughter seemed contagious, and Daktoa found herself joining in, not even caring about the exposed butt of Lauren. Eventually the rambunctious and good natured laughter died down and Sarah instructed Lauren on what to do with her soiled clothing.

Sarah then did something that surprised Dakota thoroughly. The blonde girl pulled her into a squeezing hug, causing her to freeze up for a second, before loosening up and letting the hug continue until Sarah pulled away. Her eyes locked with Sarah's as the other girl's hands touched her jaw before she completely froze up. Sarah's lips softly planted onto hers, and she stared into the other girl's eyes. Once the odd kiss was broken, she continued to stare at Sarah, until the other girl blinked and turned away, seemingly headed out of the restroom. Surprised, Dakota remained where she was blinking a few times in puzzlement. Her surprise grew when she found herself now faced with Lauren, and pulled into another hug, then receiving a gentle kiss to the cheek. When the blonde girl stepped back, Dakota blinked a few times, then focused in on her friend's tilted head.

"Thank you 'Kota. I really appreciate what you did. And please don't feel like it's your fault. I should of known about tickles. I just couldn't pass it up. I'm sure you're the same."

Dakota found herself returning the other girl's smile, as she began to relax again. Her eyes followed Lauren as she moved beside her and gripped her hand, lacing their fingers. The shorter girl leaned a bit, to whisper into her ear again.

"And that kiss meant she trusts you. Tehehe. Shall we go to the Training Fields? Or is there somewhere else you need to go?"

'So that's what that was...' She mused mentally, still not really comprehending the situation normally. Dakota nodded lightly, a smile gracing her features again. "Let's go to the fields. I-I think Jack and K-Kalin went there earlier..." She replied, her voice quiet but hear-able. Despite the twins odd ways of acting and personality, they were growing on Dakota. She found herself more relaxed around them, happy almost. They reminded her of her own sister, yes, but in a good way. With a nod, she took her stuff from Lauren gently, placing it over her free shoulder before start out the door, hand in hand with Lauren still.

She lead the way through the DWMA halls, and out of the building. Her face remained happy, and she kept the pace to one that Lauren could keep up with. Eventually they arrived at the Fitness Fields, and Daktoa drew to a stop. She spotted Jack, a sword in hand that she assumed was Kalin, and then a white haired girl she didn't really know all that well. Sarah seemed to have only arrived shortly before them, and she released Lauren. It seemed the white haired girl was trying to converse with Jack and Kalin, so she stayed out of their way, turning to Lauren.
"W-well... What now?" She questioned, though it seemed like she was just voicing her thoughts more than actually asking.

Jack E. Trinity

Jack stopped moving as soon as he heard a voice call out to them. A female voice. Somewhat hesitant. Dropping his sword arm to his side, with his fingers still wrapped around Kalin’s grip, Jack turned to face the unknown girl. She was taller than him; A skinny female, with pale silvery hair and—oddly enough—pink sunburned skin that didn’t quite suit her appearance. Tilting his head to the side, a smile formed on his face as he looked the girl up and down through clear lens glasses. Jack tipped his hat in greeting upon hearing Kalin's introduction, his violet eyes twinkling and his face flushing slightly at Kalin’s words.

“I think you’re exaggerating a bit there Kalin.”

Him? Someone who’d be important? Respected? He’d never heard anyone describe him in such a way before—let alone someone he’d just met. Perhaps he’d left a better first impression than he’d thought. Jack tried thinking back to all the things he did in the auditorium that might have made him seem worthy of such admiration. However, besides helping the kid when he fell down the stairs—which was essentially what a regular decent guy would do in that situation—he hadn’t really done anything especially noteworthy. It was only his first day of school. Jack shrugged away is his thoughts. Must have been the die. It did say he and Kalin were compatible after all. Perhaps this was what it meant—that Kalin would be able to see something in Jack that even he himself didn’t see. Nodding, Jack pointed Kalin towards the sky.

“But you know what, Partner? You’re right!” Jack smirked as he eyed the raised weapon. “With my die in my pocket and you doing your best to help me, there’s nothing that can’t be accomplished. I’ll be the most respected person in this school! And once I become important enough that even Death knows my name, so too will your name be known! You're my partner after all. And partners are equals. If I am a person who will be someone important, how could you be any less?”

Jack finished by stabbing Kalin into the ground. He ignored Kalin’s self-derogatory comments for now, since there wasn't much he could do about them . Instead it was better to focus on moving forward. After all, once the die was cast, there was no going back. He and Kalin were complimentary partners. And there was nothing Kalin’s negativity, or anything anyone else could say that would change that fact.

“But that's for later. For now, I think it's better that you change back into a human.” Jack grinned playfully. “It's not very polite to greet a pretty girl in your weapon form.”

They were pretty much done anyway. There was no need to tire themselves out before the teacher showed up. Light practice was enough. Jack lifted his gaze towards the pale haired girl—whose name he still didn’t know. He held out his hand. “Nice to meet you. Let's all of us have fun training with the new professor. ”

So the teacher in charge of the drills was new, huh? Jack wouldn’t have guessed it. The man had appeared much more confident than what he’d expect of a new teacher. Then again, this was DWMA. A fearful professor probably wouldn’t do well at this school at all. Then he noticed Dakota, Lauren, and Sarah from the corner of his eye.

“Lauren, Sarah, Dakota!” Jack called, waving at them with his free hand. “I see you girls wanted to try some basic drills too.”

If Jack thought it was odd that other students had arrived before the professor in charge, who had yet to show, he didn’t comment on it. All it meant was that the lesson had a chance of being delayed...or canceled…which was no skin off his back. It wasn’t as if Jack was particularly looking forward to doing drills. From his experience, drills often involved running, sprinting, and whatever random cardio-workout that his uncle came up with—which wasn’t fun in the least. He wondered if DWMA drills would be the same. Jack glanced back at the white haired girl. Either way, It was much more fun to meet new people.




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Kalin nearly had a heart attack when the first words came from Jack's mouth. "I think you’re exaggerating a bit there Kalin.” Had he crossed a line with his Miester? He hadn't meant to brag terribly, but he had meant what he said. He'd find a way to make it up to him though. He had everything riding on this. And then Jack kept talking.

"But you know what, Partner? You’re right!"

Wait what? Didn't he just...

“With my die in my pocket and you doing your best to help me, there’s nothing that can’t be accomplished. I’ll be the most respected person in this school! And once I become important enough that even Death knows my name, so too will your name be known! You're my partner after all. And partners are equals. If I am a person who will be someone important, how could you be any less?”

If he didn't have a heart attack before, he was assuredly dead now. It wasn't as if he was untouched by the sentiment, but, the most respected in the school? Had he gone mad? And surely, while co-operation was paramount between partners, Jack didn't understand that the Miester was the important part? Without Jack, Kalin would be nothing. Without Kalin, Jack would still be something. And that's the difference of importance. But I'm already in hot water. Just shut up and do as he says for now. Don't get inflated, you're two steps from trash. Never forget it.

But that's for later. For now, I think it's better that you change back into a human.” “It's not very polite to greet a pretty girl in your weapon form."

"O-Of course." Kalin replies. How could he have been so impolite. His weapon form starts to glow. What if she doesn't like me. What if she can see through him? He suddenly doesn't like this idea anymore. He starts to move from Jack's hands. It's too late. My Miester has already told me what to do. The short sword stretches out to form the 5' scrap of a boy, who seeks refuge behind his Miester from this harrowing social encounter. "Even less impressive now, huh?" He looks shyly over at the older girl, his cheeks flushing. And then he spots Lauren. He hides further behind Jack. God he was a miserable, worthless coward.





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