Before the End of Summer Concert

Jack E. Trinity

Putting the bowler hat back on his head, Jack saluted. “Will do, Professor. I won’t be late again.” Probably. Professor Mitsaki seemed to be a laid-back kind of teacher. How nice. A letter home about how he’d ditched the first half of class, on the first day, would be a pain. Especially since he was currently living with his disciplinarian uncle. Jack had no desire to do anymore punishment drills. He made a mental note to himself to watch out for this Professor Parsons character. Giving the teacher a thankful grin, Jack stepped off the dais, his eyes following the dark-haired girl as she made her way to the twin on the floor.

Alright. Now he had choices. Go to the auditorium and get his picture taken now, so he could get it over with. Or stay and ask one of the students here for notes; Probably the dark haired one since she seemed like the responsible-type. Jack reached into his pocket. There was only one thing he did when given choices. Pulling out a red dice, he flipped it like a coin, violet orbs watching as the cube spun rapidly in the air before dexterous fingers caught it. "Even, auditorium. Odd, stay in class." Jack opened his hand. Five. Odd.

Jack nodded. “Thus is the will of the dice.” Closing his hand, Jack replaced his beloved dice in his pocket before strolling over to the dark-haired girl who was reprimanding the laughing twin. Well, reprimand-ish. She was stuttering and didn’t seem willing to meet laughing twin’s eyes. He didn’t exactly know the situation, but it wasn’t really hard to take a guess. He knelt beside her and clapped her on the back, partly to get her attention and partly to comfort her. Jack gave the girl a thumbs up . “Yes. You’re right. It’s not funny. Poor Blondie could be seriously hurt. And since you’re right you should say it loud and proud.” He winked.

Then he looked down at the twin on the floor. “If you need serious medical attention, just say the word. We’ll get you to the nurse’s office lickety-split.”

Well, no. He didn’t actually know where the nurses office was, but he was certain he’d be able to find it if tried. After all, he had his dice. Though, in all honesty, he wasn’t particularly worried about the blonde girl on the floor. Her sister had been laughing so she was probably fine. The most she’d probably need was a band-aid…if even that.

“Oh, by the way,” Jack smiled charmingly at the dark-haired girl. “Seeing as how I missed Professor Mitsaki’s lecture and all, I was wondering if I could copy any notes you might have taken? Whenever you’re not busy, of course. And I swear on my dice I'll return them to you in mint condition. ”



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Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Somehow, Lauren ended up on the floor, upside down. She had hit the back of the desk pretty hard. The classroom felt like it was spinning. How did a person even get dizzy while laying down? She could that was for sure and she whined lightly as Dakota came down to check on her. Though her words were lost. She watched as her lips moved, but there was no sound. Only spinning.

Lauren's hair was a mess but her face was clearly visible. The girl had a large red mark to the side of her forehead. But her hand came up and covered her nose eyes and part of her head. She thought for some reason if she grabbed her head, it would somehow anchor her to this spot and the spinning would stop. This was definitely not the case.

Finally coming to stop from laughing so hard, Sarah had to wipe tears from her eyes. Even now her chest felt like someone had punched it. She had not truly laughed that hard in years. Though she only stopped cause Dakota got mad at her. Another had come in and introduced themselves but almost immediately joined Lauren's band wagon. Really it was rude on her part to laugh so obnoxiously but seriously, who superman's over a desk to try and save it. With a deep breath, she attempted to rid herself of anymore giggles. Kneeling down and getting into her bag she pulled out a hair brush before heading over to her sister.

Lauren was finally feeling better. Moving her hand down, she now looked clearly up at Dakota. The girl was actually really pretty and Lauren's cheeks flushed a little bit. She was both envious and embarassed. Even the other boy came over and offered help. Honestly she just needed to lay there, or sit; just something still so she wouldn't lose her balance. Smiling at the two of them she poked Dakota lightly in her knee, "
You saved my sammich though."

She also happen to hear what had said Jack. He really was an unknown to them; was friendly enough to take her to the nurses office if needed. Now A normal person might have blushed, and really Jack's intentions were probably pure, but Lauren was about as dense as Titanium. You have to beat her with something before she realizes it.

By this time Sarah had scaled the wall of desks. Her fingers grasped the ledge and her upper body lurched over the desk in slow motion just like a B-rated Horror movie. She just stared, cocked eyed, "
You mean my sandwich, right?"

Lauren's jaw dropped as her finger shot up to point at her as if it was something scary. "
Nah uh!" She proclaimed, "Your exact words were," Her voice got all dull and robotic."'If you want it that bad, you can have it.' That last bite of sammich is miiiiiiine~."

Ch..." Sarah's expression quickly retorted. Lauren had got her. Sarah would never go back on her word, even if it was something dumb she said while not thinking. Her head turned away from them and she muttered under her breath, "Fine."

Hehe" Lauren laughed victory through her toothy smile. She made a peace sign holding it up in front of the other two. Quickly though Sarah pointed out that she had been scolded by both students. "Could you at least let Dakota and Jack know you're OK so they dont think I abuse you?" She pleaded.

Lauren finally sat up slowly and leaned against the base of the desk she smashed into. Looking up at Sarah innocently with a slight, ever evil smirk, she replied. "
But you do abuse..."

I DO NOT!!!!" Sarah half screamed at her. Her face showing both fear of trouble and a little hurt. Lauren had gotten her revenge. She couldn't help but laugh. Not loud or obnoxious, but kind of a caring, conniving laugh.

Both of them ended up sighing at the same time. Now it was time for introductions. Both turned to Dakota and Jack. It was easy to tell they were twins. Especially since it was picture day. Sarah, who's hair was normally down, was neatly braided and tied up into a bun so that you couldn't even tell if she had long hair or not. Lauren's hair was all sorts of messy. There was no way this would do. Both the girls waved at the two of them.

I'm Lauren." Said the girl sitting, "And I'm Sarah." Said the one up on the desk.

However Sarah swung herself up over the desks to where she ended up sitting on one. Using her feet, she spun a chair around, though it was cold against her bare legs. She looked at Lauren and pointed to the chair. "
Sit" To which Lauren carefully got up, took the sandwich from Dakota's desk and sat in the chair. Removing two barrettes from Lauren's bangs, Sarah began to brush her sister's hair ever so delicately. It was easy to see her bracelet and her ring while she brushed.

Turning to look at the two, "
Promise I won't be so mean to her from now on. Kay?" With a good smile, she turned to Dakota and asked, "Would you like your hair brushed?"

Lauren motioned for Jack to come sit with them as well. "
Then you can get your notes!"

@Zenaida @QuirkyAngel
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Alexander “Xander” Traynor

Codename: Dynamite

Location: Cafeteria

Class: EAT 1-Star Meister

Mood: Infuriated

Tags: @Chibii
As Zyra jumped into Xander’s face, Xander’s hot breath washed over her, his eyes angling as his expression became nothing short of pure and unadulterated rage. Xander wanted to scream at her; he wanted to tear her apart limb from limb right then and there. The only problem was, she was gone before he got the chance to. His eyes remained trained on her until someone else took a seat at his table and Xander had to turn his attention away.

At the comment of the new girl, at first, Xander was admittedly quite confused. Stupid ass task? He knew she was talking about his idea to ruin picture day for as many people as possible, but he didn’t understand how his idea was suddenly a stupid ass task. Xander was dead serious about it.

Still angry at Zyra for getting in his face like she did, Xander was breathing heavily, trying to control his rage because Lord Death was watching him and that much the boy was well aware of. He couldn’t go starting any more fights without risking things he wasn’t quite ready to risk just yet. However, with this new girl offering herself as ‘tribute’, he was sure he could work around a few things. “One sec,” he said to her, his voice probably coming off slightly rude even though it wasn’t exactly what he intended.

Xander stood up from his seat and walked over to the slowly depleting lunch line, grabbing a bowl and flooding it with gravy. Sure, there was already gravy on his tray back at the table, but he honestly did intend to eat that at some point or another. This bowl was for something different, something more fun. Xander grabbed two spoons, one for himself and one for the girl who had decided to share his table before he returned and set the bowl in front of her, gesturing to the group that was forming around his sister.

“Ladies first,” he sneered, taking one spoon in his own hand. “And save Miss Red Riding Hood for me.” He smirked at Zyra’s back while he made his last comment.

Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: NOT Classroom

Mood: Calm, Happy

Tags: @Kaine


Dakota jumped ever so slightly when Jack joined her beside Lauren, and his hand connected with her back. She froze for a millisecond, before calming down again and turning her head enough to look at Jack. Her own purple-hued eyes met his, which she was slightly surprised to find were of a similar color. A faint smile crept onto her features as he gave her a thumbs up.

“Yes. You’re right. It’s not funny. Poor Blondie could be seriously hurt. And since you’re right you should say it loud and proud.”

Her eyes moved away after that, finding the twins again, and she noticed Sarah had indeed stopped laughing and was now busy with her own actions. Dakota's eye drifted to Lauren, who had place her hand on her head at one point, and she tilted her head just slightly.
'Why is she covering her mouth and nose like that... Is it helping...?' She wondered mentally, before pushing the thought away as Jack spoke again.

“If you need serious medical attention, just say the word. We’ll get you to the nurse’s office lickety-split.”

Dakota nodded along with Jack's words, completely agreeing, although now she was seeing reason and could tell that the other girl was not injured much at all. A finger poked her knee, and she looked down for a second, to Lauren who seemed to be getting a hold of herself again, and a smile returned to her face, returning the other girl's own.

"You saved my sammich though."

At this, Dakota found her smile growing a bit, and she soon found herself amused as Sarah cut in and questioned her sister of the food. They began to act up again, and Dakota found herself looking over to Jack again as his voice once again sounded beside her. It seemed the twins pointless arguments were a normal thing, and thus she was able to block them out for the time being.

“Oh, by the way, seeing as how I missed Professor Mitsaki’s lecture and all, I was wondering if I could copy any notes you might have taken? Whenever you’re not busy, of course. And I swear on my dice I'll return them to you in mint condition. ”

Jack finished speaking, somewhere in the midst flashing a rather charming smile her way. She blinked, diverting her gaze to the twins again, before nodding in response.
"S-sure." She murmured, hopefully loud enough to be heard. By this time, the twins were finally done with their pointless argument, shown by the shared sigh, and that fact that both had turned towards them. She watched the duo as they began their introductions once more.

"I'm Lauren."

"And I'm Sarah."

Dakota smiled faintly to the two of them. She'ed known this already from class, so she assumed the introductions were for Jack's sake. Sarah settled herself onto a desk, turned a chair, and told her twin to sit, which Lauren did after grabbing the sandwich. Dakota's eyes caught on Sarah ring and bracelet as she brushed her sister's hair, and she grew distant for a second, a hand going to her neck where one of her string bows was, then drifting down to the one on her right wrist. She snapped free of it again, as Sarah spoke again.

"Promise I won't be so mean to her from now on. Kay? Would you like your hair brushed?"

Dakota blinked for a second, her hand moving to her hair, and almost by instinct, the skull clip located there. Watching the rhythmic movement of the brush, she came to realize that she missed having what the twins shared. She missed the friendship paired with having a sister.
'Stop thinking like that, your only going to make yourself sad again!' Snapping out of it again, she dropped her hand, still watching the brush for a second, before finally nodding ever so hesitantly. They seemed like nice girls, even if they were a little rambunctious, and it was about time she tried to get along with her classmates after all. She looked to Jack for a second, as he was motioned over as well, and stood, making her way back around to her desk. She pulled out her notebook, and held it out to Jack after flipping it open to the start of the class notes for today, giving him a brief smile.

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Hotaru Yukishiro

Nickname: Mirage

Partner: Ren Ichisayame

Location: Cafeteria

Feeling: showy

Tags: @Violet Obsidian @Sunbather
"Warren, if that's what you call a show, you'll never outdo me!" Hotaru shouted back. She turned to Riven and Zarren.

"Can you believe that guy?" She rolled her eyes with a little huff of laughter. Zarren was more than a little bit rude but he and Riven were an interesting pair. Honestly, it was like the DWMA didn't accept anyone who wasn't an interesting character. Hotaru brightened at the tray nudged her way. Yeah, these two were more than alright in her books.

She chose a large muffin and sat up on the edge of the table facing Riven. Planting her feet on the seats under her, Hotaru leaned towards her and between bites of her muffin, she furrowed her brow and asked, "Didn't you see me practicing my handstand today? You're EAT, right? I've been upside down since class ended." She waved at her mussed hair and red face pointedly. "Well anyway, didn't you hear me slam into your table?" She smiled lopsidedly and said, "You're not very observant!"

Tossing the muffin wrapper aside, Hotaru grabbed for an ice cream sandwich in the pile of food. At Riven's question, the sandwich paused mid-way to her mouth and she gaped at the other girl. She'd thought she already established her magicion role at this school! But, but, but-she bit into her sandwich to give herself time to mull this new information over-surely, Riven was new to the DWMA so of course she wouldn't have heard of her yet. The ice cream sandwich was gone and she crumpled the wrapper into a ball and tossed it around. It wasn't like Hotaru had given the new students a reason to know her yet... she'd been so busy with everything else she hadn't done any tricks yet. Clearly she'd have to fix that.

"He calls me magician because of this." With a flourish of her hand, the crumpled ball disappeared from her hand and was replaced with a small top hat. Putting it on, Hotaru winked dramatically Riven's way. "The whole disappearing and reappearing act is kind of my favorite. I do a lot of cards too!" She held her hand up, palm toward Riven and Zarren and flipped her hand back and forth twice before making a fist. Slowly she uncurled her fingers and written on her palm was "check out my hat". Tucked behind the ribbon was her deck of cards.

Shrugging, Hotaru smirked before saying, "It's not witch magic or anything like that, but it's not like anyone can just do what I do without practice, you know?"

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Akahana Shima

The Hooded Terror

Akahana had slightly readjusted her mask in order to eat her food. She came into the cafeteria with a quiet demeanor, but underneath she was smirking, oh so ready to start some mischief. She wanted to find someone to dump food on and ruin their picture, but she didn't particularly feel any sort of way towards anyone. She wondered where her partner was, even if they did have a mini fight. It was mostly her fault for being a dumbass.

She quietly picked through her food; nothing that she would complain about, but it wasnt something she'd like. She brought another fork-full to her mouth, chewing quietly. Hah, she felt like doing something fun... Maybe freak the lunch room out! Totally that was a great idea! Though how to do it... Maybe that doesn't matter. She proceeded to climb up on her seat, and in one swift movement she threw her fists.


She shouted, soon giggling and sitting down. She didn't know why, but that felt good!​
Giles Riven & Zarren

Name: Giles Riven

Nickname: The Halfsleeper

Location: Cafeteria

Class: ?

Mood: Shy, slightly embarrassed


Riven blushed. Harshly. Her head quickly jerking downwards, so that clear sight onto her face fell victim to angle and a falling mess of brown hair. "N-No, not very obse... I'm sorry." The way she gulped out her apology was, there's no other way to describe it, entirely pathetic. "I'm sure it was great!" Her voice sounded hurried, as if she was a little too hasty in trying to assure the girl she meant to insult. "I'm... It's actually my first day. I just kinda... uh... stumbled into class, really. I feel like-"

"What li'l' Miss Dumbnut 's trynna say, is dat she was too scared to ask someone who has a damn clue where her class is."



"Our... Our class."

"Ye, ye, whatever, shut up." Zarren cut her off, emphasizing his words with a dismissive 'shove-off' kinda gesture, before his finally empty mouth let out a satisfied burp. He then turned towards Hotaru again. "Basically, she's got no clue where she's gotta go. Haaaa ~"

While Zarren's stretched out laugh slowly faded out, Riven pushed a muffin, from the left to the right and back, with her ring finger. "I mean... yeah... I really don't know where to go. But... I'm gonna speak with Lord Death later, so... maybe he can tell me. It was painfully obvious that the newbie meister was embarassed by her chaotic approach to the first class of her DMWA career, but Zarren made it easy to sympathize with her.

The little tricks Hotaru performed for Riven caused her mouth the curl upwards ever so subtly. A sound escaped her that could, vaguely, have meant to resemble a laugh. Progress... Kinda. She nodded in approval of Hotaru's doing, then let her mouth stay open at a certain buzzword. "Witch magic is pretty good." she said, suddenly a little more confident than before, before Zarren chimed in again.

"Eeeeh, it's okay. This loser just likes magic 'cause it killed the old hag and-"

This time around, however, Riven's hand paced upwards and covered Zarren's snout, making his words nothing more than jibberish.

"H-y 'emme 'o 'ou du'' 'i'ch" he managed to muffle through Riven's hand, but the girl, very non-chalantly, talked over it as loud as she could. "Sorry about that! It was nice meeting you! I have to go - mission and all! Take the food please!"

And with that, she and a wiggling, black cat darted out of the room.

Jayce Hamerkin and Alessandra Volkov

Meister: Alessandra Volkov

Weapon: Jayce Hamerkin

Weapon Type: Khopesh

Rank: NOT Pair Equivalent

Location: Cafeteria
As Jayce filed out of the EAT classroom, following along with the rest of the crowd of students, he didn’t slow down or stop until the group reached the entrance to the cafeteria. Letting all of the rest of the students pour in, he decided it would be better to wait outside. He wanted to know how Alessa’s first day in the NOT class had gone and he figured he would be much easier to find if he waited outside. Inside the cafeteria tended to turn into a jumbled mess and he didn’t know if Alessa would be able to find him amidst all that chaos, especially with so many new students running around. Thus, he contented himself with leaning up against the wall with his hands in his pockets, his eyes focused down the hall as he waited for his partner.

Having slipped in with the large group leaving her new classroom, Alessandra bit her lip as she glanced around the hallway, wondering where exactly everyone was going. Professor Hiro had mentioned something about pictures? While she knew it could be a possibility as to where everyone was going, she doubted it. It was lunch time wasn’t it? Is that where they were going? The cafeteria?

Due to her lack of height, she couldn’t really tell, seeing as all her landmarks were at corners and doors. Being stuck in the middle of this crowd wasn’t doing her any favors. Oh she hoped she didn’t get lost...That would be the last thing she needed, especially without Jayce there.

Letting out a sigh, she shuffled along, trying to stand on her tiptoes, so she could see above some heads. Feeling hopeless for a moment, her pale red eyes lit up at the sight of her weapon partner. “Jayce!” she called out, waving her arm in the air, hoping to get his attention while trying to find a way out of the pack she’d joined.

Jayce heard Alessa before he saw her because she was actually quite good at blending in with a crowd whether it was intentional or not. It wasn’t a phenomenon he himself was unfamiliar with either; his own short stature made him difficult to pick out as well at times. “Alessa,” he yelled out in response, not quite as loud as she had called out to him.

Jayce quickly navigated his way into the crowd rather than let her walk out of the crowd and he simply walked alongside her as they made their way into the lunch line. The crowd quickly thinned out; students did have some idea of the concept of a line. “Did you survive class alright?” he asked. “No one yelling and fighting like the last time?”

Grinning brightly once she met him in the middle Alessa nodded. “Yeah, things went much better this time.” she told him. “Though I think I’ll have to get used to some things being pretty loud. Some of the others seem like they have really loud personalities.” she said with a small laugh. “But I think I’ll be fine! At least, I hope so. A-anyway, how about you? Your classes are fine right?” she asked, trying to stay positive. She’d been doing well so far, she didn’t need to start thinking negative and ruin her mood.

“Loud personalities are bound to happen,” Jayce commented. “Class was the usual first day stuff. Professor Miyako had to remind everyone of the rules, we all had to introduce ourselves, we went over a syllabus… kinda boring, really. I’ve been through it more than enough times, though, so I’m used to it.” Jayce shrugged at his own explanation. “Oh, and there was the picture announcement. I’ll probably head down after lunch.”

“It was...somewhat interesting. I’ve never had to do that before, being homeschooled.” she explained. “Pictures...for the IDs right? W-would you mind if I went with you? I-I don’t really have to be anywhere soo…” she murmured, flushing slightly. She didn’t want to be a bother.

“Sure,” Jayce agreed. “And then maybe afterwards we could start working on a few techniques? We might even be able to find a teacher or an older student to work with us...” He was a bit hesitant about the suggestion, but she did have to start somewhere.

Almost as soon as he suggested it, the line started to move forward and Jayce grabbed himself a tray and handed one to Alessa before he made his way through the line, simply grabbing a plate from the nacho bar before he waited for Alessa.

“Sure!” she exclaimed, perking up only to shrink slightly as she realized how loud she’d been. Flushing slightly, she laughed awkwardly at herself. “I’d love to.” she told him, a smile on her face as she followed after him, reaching for a tray.

Grabbing a simple ham sandwich and chips, she moved out of the way of others and back towards Jayce, paying along the way. “So...uh...where should we sit?” she asked, glancing at the groups scattered around the room.

“Umm…” Jayce stammered for a moment before his eyes caught sight of a table that was half empty. He gestured in its general direction before his eyes also fell on Warren and he looked like he hadn’t quite decided where to sit just yet. “Hey Warren!” Jayce called out. “You can come sit with us if you want.” Then Jayce led the way to the open seats he had spotted, not really caring whether or not Warren followed.

Collab with @DaughterofAthena

@Violet Obsidian
Jack E. Trinity

It was a lucky day. First he’d gotten off scott-free despite being ridiculously late to the point of missing Professor Mitsaki’s first lecture of the year. And now he was being invited to join a group of decidedly pretty girls from his class at their table. On his first day no less! Even if they were only doing girly things, like brushing each other’s hair, it was a lucky accomplishment for someone like him. No. Eyes glinting, Jack stuck a hand in his pants pocket and caressed the cube hidden in the fabric lovingly. It wasn’t luck. It was the dice that brought him here. His dice would always lead him down the best path. Jack’s smile grew when the dark-haired girl returned to her desk and pulled out her notebook. Dakota. That was what Sarah had called her. Sarah, Lauren, and Dakota. Jack filed those names in his mind. They were his fellow NOT-mates, after all.

“Thanks,” Jack said amicably, taking the notebook Dakota offered. As he expected, the notes were organized in a readable fashion. Nice handwriting as well. “This helps me tremendously.”

Jack slid in the seat beside Lauren, pulling out his own blank notebook from his backpack and preparing to copy Dakota’s notes, while simultaneously keeping his eyes on the girls. He didn’t even need to peer into their souls to see that the twins were close. Just watching them interact through his special perception-blocking glasses was enough. The way they teased each other. The way their exuberant personalities showed when they spoke together. It contrasted with Dakota who seemed more reserved.

Pen touched paper as Jack began the tedious process of writing down everything he’d missed. “A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body. Funny. That’s what my uncle always tells me right before making me do laps. Emphasis on the body part.”

Then again, his uncle was also an alumni of DWMA. And a zombie. Jack’s eyes flickered to the candles at the end of each row of elevated desks. They added to the ominous atmosphere of the room. Of course, it didn’t really bother Jack. He had grown used to it. Death city was all around ominous. Skull decorations everywhere, cobblestoned streets…it all served to remind him that he’d stepped outside the realm of normalcy ever since deciding to attend DWMA. Ah, no. Correction. That happened right when he was born. Jack smiled and continued writing.

“You know, I’m glad Professor Mitsaki’s a nice man.”

Scritch-scratch. Scritch-scratch.

“If he weren’t I’d probably have to face my uncle.” Pause. “Or worse, if he were an incredibly mean and unreasonable teacher, the headmaster. ”

Scritch-scratch. Scritch-scratch.

“Which, now that I think about it again, might not be so bad.” Jack continued writing, his eyes trained on Dakota’s notes. “Since, if that happened, I could proudly say I stared Death in the eyes and lived to tell the tale.” He tilted his head thoughtfully. “Assuming Death actually has eyes that is.”

Scritch-scratch. Scritch-scratch.

“So...are you girls weapons? Or a meister, like I am?" Jack asked conversationally. He glanced up at Sarah, Lauren, and Dakota. His first day at DWMA had gotten off to a rough start. Well, not so much rough as late. Extremely late. But he knew everything would work out in the end. He found some interesting people to talk to. The dice wouldn’t lead him wrong. And, if it did occasionally make an error, he’d just have to re-roll the dice. After all, that's how Jack Trinity rolls!



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Warren Langston

Codename: Evening Star

Partner: Keziah Swan

Classification: Weapon - Morningstar

Mood: Fairly delighted
At Hotaru’s comment, Warren scoffed. “Pfft! You think this is my show? Sweetie, you ain’t even close to right, there!” Warren held onto his stomach, chuckling a bit at the suggestion. “Although I do appreciate your attempts at outshining me. Life would get boring without them.”

Swiftly, Warren’s attention turned to another student who seemed to be trying to make a big fuss - Akahana. Warren couldn’t help but crinkle an eyebrow as she stood up on her chair and threw her fists in the air, proclaiming that she was tall. “And you,” he called out to her, not quite knowing her name. “If you’re trying to put on a show, that’s pathetic! Come learn from me sometime! I’ll show ya how it’s done.” He pointed his thumbs at his own chest as he spoke, smiling and beaming at the thought of teaching someone how to really put on a show.

Finally, after all those pathetic attempts at outshining him, someone finally addressed Warren directly. “Hey Warren!” Jayce called out. “You can come sit with us if you want.”

Warren nodded at Jayce’s comment. “So you wanna have lunch with the Great Evening Star today, huh?” He tilted his head in contemplation briefly before he nodded. “I think I can do that.”

He followed Jayce to an open lunch seat and looked at Alessa for a moment, realizing that he didn’t know her. “And… who are you?”

@Chara Angel of Death @DaughterofAthena @Arkytior

Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Pulling the brush gently through her sisters hair for the final time, she moved around to in front of her. Using her fingers, she separated her hair in the front, attaching the barrettes to the larger side keeping it out of her face, and sweeping the remaining strands behind her ear. Lauren tilted her head a little when Sarah's hand went across it. Even though Sarah did their hair everyone morning, it was one of Lauren's favorite times. For them, Family was always the closes friend.

Smiling, Sarah moved over behind Jack and then up the stairs to the side of Dakota's desk and watched her. Waiting to see if she was going to take her up on her offer. She had no issues with brushing a friends hair. And she really liked her skull barrette. Which now that she thought about it; there was a lot of skulls
everywhere. Guess it was rightly named Death City.

Lauren on the other hand was more interested in Jack. He was kind of girly. Skinny, thin figure, moderately long hair for a boy. Glasses. Accessories. Maybe he was one of those, "Metrosexuals" that her father use to talk about. She turned her chair around and scooted into the desk and closer to Jack as he began to talk and scribble notes as fast he could.

Though when his first line was about their theme, "
A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body" Lauren and Sarah's expression both kind of tensed slightly. Turning, they both looked at each other. Sighing slighly, Lauren turned back to Jack and Sarah forced a light smile back at Dakota. Neither of them honestly knew what that meant. Of course neither of them really knew anything about Meisters or Weapons, other then what they were. That's why they were at this school in the first place.

Both of them listened silently while Jack spoke. He seemed like he really knew this stuff. Not just that, but he seemed to truly be fascinated by it as well. Lauren simply listened to his story, laughed lightly a few time but then at the end his question kind of hit them right in the thinker.

So...are you girls weapons? Or a meister like I am?" He asked.

Sarah remained silent. Though she fidgetted with her hands and the brush in them that here down in front of her. She wasn't paying attention to who could see this.


What does it mean to be a Meister?" Lauren interrupted. She wasn't purposely trying to be rude, and really Sarah was relieved she didn't have to speak at that time. She let out a soft sigh and watched her sister; her fidgetiness lessening.

Lauren shifted a little uneasy in her seat as well. She didn't want to sound stupid to the people they just met. Even though they seemed to accept their antics, whether they would still be friends was up for debate.

I mean, you talk about your family like you've been trained before coming here. And from what we read everyone has a long history with this Academy but yet we didn't know about our family line until like 2 months ago. Our father just told us our Great Grandfather was the last person with the ability" Her eyes turned down, little ashamed of the next part, "We've always known about our ability, but kept them hidden cause we thought we were freaks. Then we got expe..."

Lauren!!!" Sarah half way yelled, clearly upset that her sister nearly spilled their secret without thinking, even after they promised each other. Her body was easy to read. Arms straight and stiff, shoulders shrunched, and white knuckle grip on her brush.

Sor... orry," she apologized softly. Slowly her eyes came back up and look at jack. Regret and sadness within, but only for moment before trying to switch directions with the conversations.

It's just strange is all. Everything is so new for us, but everyone else has known since forever."

@Zenaida @QuirkyAngel
Thalia “Aerodynamic” Travis

Thalia was the kind of person who went all out for picture day. Her golden blonde hair was brushed neatly and curled on the ends while she was dressed in summer dress that flurried out in an almost coral color around her. It came down to her knees and the top was more of a floral white. As she made her way into the lunchroom, she was seriously hesitant as to whether or not going to get her picture taken first might be better idea. She didn’t want to ruin her pictures after all. However, at the same time, her stomach grumbled and she knew then and there that food was a priority.

Alright then. Food first, I guess.

Thalia trotted into the lunchroom, glancing around wondering if Kamryn would be there yet. It was quite possible that her meister had decided to do things opposite of Thalia unintentionally, though, and so Thalia wasn’t entirely concerned when she didn’t see the girl anywhere. She grabbed a tray and made her way through the slow moving lunch line, grabbing a cheeseburger and fried along the way before grabbing a soda. Afterwards, Thalia surveyed the lunchroom, knowing that if nothing else, lunch was meant to be social.

Thus, Thalia looked for the biggest group she could find and practically skipped towards them with a smile on her face. She didn’t ask before she took an open seat at the table; Thalia just took a seat, glancing at her classmates. “Hey guys!” she exclaimed. “Boring class, huh? Anyone want to go do something fun later?” Her eyes glanced to Zyra, Alexis and Kassana - assuming that none of the guys would be interested in her first suggestion - before they widened in excitement. “Ooh! Do you wanna go shopping!? Or we could go swimming… that’d probably feel so nice!”

Thalia was beaming from ear to ear as she waited for an answer.

@Pariah Stark @Sergeant Sass @DaughterofAthena @Refaulted
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Kamryn "JJ" Vessot

Kamryn sighed as she entered the cafeteria after the longest class ever, taking in the students gathered there. Most were dressed nicely for pictures, and she smiled. She had decided to go with a simple, yet nice outfit, consisting of a dressy black and grey top and a nice pair of grey jeans. There were additions of jewelry dotting her outfit and, of course, she had on her grey cap.

Her eyes landed on her partner, Thalia, who was seated among a number of other students. She smiled as she noticed the girl had chosen to go all out today. She debated on joining Thalia for a second, before turning to examine the other tables. One in particular caught her eye. A brunette boy and a black haired girl were seated there, and before them rested a bowl of something. Curious, Kamryn made her decision and started over towards them.

Status: EAT 1-star Meister

Partner: Thalia "Aerodynamic" Travis

Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Curious

Tags: @Chibii

"Hello!" She announced, as she came t a stop next to their table. Her voice was cheery as usual, but not exactly loud. "Do you mind if I join you for a bit?" She asked, giving a friendly smile. Her eyes flicked down to the bowl briefly, noting what exactly was in it, before resting on the pair seated there. 'What do they plan to do with a bowl of gravy...?' She pondered inside her head, wheels turning though not clicking into any real ideas.

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Eve Penchant

DWMA Nickname: Grenade

Class: NOT, NEW Student

Location: Cafeteria

"Woah pretty boy, you actually want to RUIN picture day when you're all dressed up like that..." Eve laughed, her mouth turning into the annoying grin that she had. This was her automated face whenever she was trying to piss someone off, works like a charm of course. As the female gave the Warren a brief scan, her eyes landed on his tray. Pizza and Tacos... Her eyes glinted with amazement. She hasn't seen it when she entered the cafeteria, they actually sold pizza here? This childish joy was so rare to her... It only came when she saw food, specifically burgers, and of course, pizza.

Just as she was about to make a beeline towards the glorious and all mighty pizza, the kid next to her started breathing all heavy, angry at that one chick that had just popped up.
"Holy shit, calm down." Eve's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but her grin still on her face. As the guy ran off to get something, Eve just sat there and stared at the girl. Crush? Nah. Friend? Definitely nope. Enemy? Probably. The raven haired girl giggled to herself at the concept of enemies, she'd never really had one herself but it was a fun thought.

"Gravy? Hell yes." Eve's blue orbs glinted with excitement and mischief as she took the spoon from him. "I'll throw it if you do... Boy with a name I don't know." She grinned, looking at him dead in the eye. As she did, a girl approached them. "Oh? You wanna join? Grab a spoon." Eve grinned evilly, pulling the spoon back and flicking it across the room, making it land on another person, not like she knew who it was anyways.

@Sergeant Sass @SummerWolf


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Daemon Alexanders and Zyra Harriot

Zyra frowned at Daemon at their table, pointing an angry finger at him. "Daemon. Shush. Eat your food." Daemon looked at her for a moment, then back to Kassana, then pouted as he sat down in his chair, disdainfully nibbling on his sandwich. Zyra watched him for a moment longer, then sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "He's just some overgrown child, I swear..."

She turned to look at Kassana, giving her a pleasant smile. "
I apologize for him. He tends to have no filter when he talks." She could tell from the girl's body language that she was uncomfortable with all of the attention. Zyra felt bad for approaching the girl in the first place. Zyra had just been surveying the lunch room, and had seen her classmates, so she wanted to try and be social. But, as usual, Daemon had to follow her like a puppy. It wasn't like she didn't mind, as that meant he didn't get into much trouble. She could keep an easy eye on him, with his constant outbursts. Only when she put her foot down did he stay quiet.

She perked up at this thought. The more she thought about it, Daemon really
was like a dog. At least, she treated him like one. She frowned, lost in thought.

She didn't even notice another girl show up right behind her, and looked over to her in surprise, a hand flying to her chest. But she calmed down when it turned out to be another student in her class, Thalia. A weapon like Zyra, she knew that. When she posed the question of shopping or swimming, Zyra gave a nervous giggle. "
I'm not sure I'm that much of a shopper, but I do need to buy some new clothes for myself, and Daemon needs some new shoes..." Daemon had torn another hole in his sneakers on their last mission, and Zyra had been rather upset about it. Those one's costed her a bit more than she had liked, and she was definitely considering buying him a pair of metal boots instead. "Swimming, though...I did buy a new swimsuit over the summer that I haven't had much of a chance to use."

Daemon's back straightened when he heard the word 'swimming'. He waved to Zyra, grabbing her attention. "
Can I go swimming with you, Zyra?!"

The Weapon shook her head. "Daemon. Sweetie. You don't know how to swim." Daemon frowned, stomping his foot on the ground. "I can learn, though!" But his words were lost as Zyra turned back to Thalia and the other students. He groaned, picking up his tray of food and walking angrily over to the garbage barrels. He dumped the paper trays in the bags, two plates still full of food. He stood there for a few moments, before he realized what he did.

He groaned, pouting as he looked in at his wasted food. He slowly walked over to where students were to return their trays, and dumped it into the pile before shuffling away with an upset pout on his face.

@DaughterofAthena @Kyra
Alexis "Lexie" Traynor and Ren Ichisayame

Yawning slightly, Ren lifted his head from the back of his chair. Slowly blinking his eyes open, he gazed around the empty EAT classroom before shrugging. Uncrossing his ankles from underneath his desk, he pushed back in his chair, before sliding out and slowly slinking down the stairs and into the hallway. Miyako had probably dismissed class and left him there. She'd done it before and he really didn't care as long as she didn't try to hit him.

Glad that the halls were somewhat empty now, seeing as the bell had rung a while ago, Ren stepped into the lunchroom and winced slightly at how bright everything seemed. He sighed. Bright and loud. That was always fun. Heading straight to the lunch line, he slipped in between two arguing students at the front and grabbed a slice of pizza, sticking it in his mouth before he walked off, not bothering to pay.

Lazily chewing on his stolen prize, he glanced around the rowdy cafeteria before he spotted Lexie, his new roommate. With a small shrug to himself, he started towards her, watching as her redheaded boyfriend walked away.

Dropping himself down onto the bench next to her, he quickly assumed a slouched position. "Yo," he mumbled around his food.

Lexie, meanwhile, had been busy greeting the people who had decided to come and sit with them. First had been Zyra and Daemon and she had waved at Daemon when he called out. She heard Kassana correct him wiht her name and she smiled at Kassana briefly before replying to Daemon and Zyra, "Hi there! You can sit, you know!" She nodded at open seats that ran the length of the table.

Thalia had been the next one to join them. At the prospect of going shopping, every feature about her had lit up with excitement and she had nodded to her classmate. "Shopping sounds wonderful! We could go today after classes get out if nothing goes, well... horribly." Lexie chuckled at that because honestly, she didn't see anything going wrong.

Her eyes followed Aeryn as he walked away as she had another thought. Maybe when they went shopping she could pick out a dress to wear on a date with him, since he had been bugging her about it.

It was as her eyes followed Aeryn that Lexie noticed that Ren had also stumbled upon their table and she waved at him as she heard him call out his typical lazy greeting. "Hi Ren! Do we need anything for the apartment? I think I'm going to be going shopping tonight."

Unhappily the raven-haired male grabbed his food out of his mouth so he could answer his roommate. "Unless you want something particular to eat," he mumbled. "I'm good..." he told her, placing the remaining amount of pizza in his mouth, enjoying the taste that wasn't half bad.

Yawning awkwardly, he spared a glance for the other occupants of the table before focusing back on Lexie. "When are you planning on leaving?" he asked, swallowing the last bit of his meal.

Lexie glanced at Thalia for a moment although she was pretty sure she was safe assuming they'd go as soon as school let out so she decided not to ask. "Probably right after school lets out, now that I think about it. I don't think we'd be out too late," she added. "It is only Monday, after all."

She had been about to ask Zyra and Kassana if they planned on tagging along when something warm and wet hit the sleeve of her blouse and Lexie's lips curled in disgust for a moment as she realized what it was. She yelled out, "YUCK!" as she tried to wipe it away. Her eyes darted out, glaring at her brother only to realize that he hadn't even been the one to throw it. In fact, Xander even met her gaze for a moment and held up his hands, feigning innocence.

Nodding slowly with half-lidded eyes, Ren had slowly been starting to relax until he heard Lexie yell. Eyes snapping open, his body tensing, he looked at her only to see the gravy splattered across her sleeve. Narrowing his eyes, he immediately looked for Xander, curling his lip slightly in disgust only to see others with him.

Growling lowly in his throat, he made to stand but stopped, clenching his fist that was still hidden under the table. Glancing back down at the girl he'd deemed his charge, he knew that she wouldn't appreciate a fight. Especially if it included her brother. Forcing himself to breath heavily through his nose, he stood from the table and headed toward the register, snatching a handful of extra napkins before returning to the table, making sure to 'brush' shoulders with the girl he knew threw the gravy.

Other than this, he knew he wouldn't start something. He was an ass, but he wouldn't start something that would end up dragging Lexie along the way. Sending a sharp glare at the new girl, he paused for half a moment offering a small warning. "Watch where you throw next time." he growled, continuing on his way.

Dropping the napkins in front of Lexie he sighed, closing his eyes as he took his seat once more. "Here," he grumbled. He knew he shouldn't have left his room this morning.

"Thanks," Lexie mumbled softly while she grabbed a napkin and wiped the remaining gravy off of her sleeve. It wasn't much help, though. Her blouse was ruined and she grumbled, glaring at her brother one more time although he still hadn't done anything, technically.

Finally, Lexie sighed and took one more bite of her meal before she stood up and walked out of the cafeteria, presumably heading home to change because she wasn't about to take a terrible picture.


Hotaru Yukishiro

Nickname: Mirage

Partner: Ren Ichisayame

Location: Cafeteria

Feeling: alliterative

Tags: @Pariah Stark
Having Aeryn come over only to repeat her own words was strange and Hotaru raised an incredulous eyebrow at him. She'd heard he had some quirks but was he always so... superfluously obvious? Chuckling, she told him, "You don't have to tell them, everyone knows already!" Her shoulders shook at her increasing giggles. She hadn't talked to such a Captain Obvious since that twelve-year-old in the street a few months ago. "You know," she leaned in with a smile trying to contain her mirth, "most people don't actually even need Soul Perception to see through it." It sure helped though.

But then he complimented her tricks, so at least he wasn't as bratty as that snotty pre-teen. Honestly, what a little know-it-all. "Duel? she asked. Was he talking about those spars everyone at school liked to have or was he referring to those "count to ten, bullet to the chest" duels? She could never tell how serious anyone was about these things anymore. "I can assure you, I have won many a duel with these parlor tricks," she said straight-faced.

Hearing the loud sound of disgust back at the table Aeryn came from originally, Hotaru rested her elbow on his shoulder and leaned over him to see Lexie gone from her spot. Turning to him, she said in sing-song, "Your lady love, Lexie, has left the locale. Lad, is there trouble afoot?" Clucking her tongue, she put one hand over her heart and shook her head in mock dejection. Fake because she was quite proud of her alliteration. "Have fun, my love lorned acquaintance!" Picking up the trays of food left behind by Riven and Zarren, she did a swift heel-face about turn and threw them out. Not that hungry anymore, she headed for the auditorium.

Wouldn't it just be delightful if Aeryn hadn't noticed her slip the three of hearts card in his pocket when she leaned over him? Hotaru muffled her snickering but couldn't stop it before she left the cafeteria.

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Eve Penchant

DWMA Nickname: Grenade

Partner: Remi Kita

Class: NOT, NEW Student

Location: Cafeteria

The raven haired girl named Eve grinned as the gravy flew across the room and landed with a 'Splat!' On a girl's sleeve, making her yell out a big "YUCK!" At that reaction, Eve groaned. Aw shit, was it gonna be like her other schools with the sensitive bitches and the overprotective boyfriends? The female sighed in dismay at the disappointment, man, she was expecting someone to maybe burst out laughing or retaliate... Or... SOMETHING. But instead, THIS is what she got, seriously? As if on cue, what Eve suspected to be her boyfriend or let's just say... 'Close male friend' (Notice the quotes) sent the ravenette a disgusted look, to which she just shrugged and giggled, attempting to hold back her laugh that was threatening to spill.

As the male went over a snatched a few napkins, her eyes followed him, something about him made her eyes widen, when he walked by, she realized what it was. HE WAS TALLER THAN HER. This was probably one of the weirdest things to get excited about, but there were rarely any people who could match her height. Not that she meant to brag of course, okay she did, but still. The glare he sent her made her realize that it was no time to get excited that people in this school had decent height. She sent a venemous glare back and twirled her fork into the food on her plate, glancing at the kid next to her who's name she still didn't know and the girl that had approached them a minute ago, she raised her brows expectantly.
"I did it, so you should too. Especially you there boy. By the way, what are your names, referring to people as boy and girl is too... Stranger sounding? With lack of better words of course."

@Arkytior @Sergeant Sass @SummerWolf


Akahana Shima

The Hooded Terror

@Violet Obsidian

Akahana scoffed as she was going to be told "how to put on a show" by the idiot she smudged up with ice cream. Psh, how pathetic! What a laugh! This dumbass wanted to show HER how to get attention? Oh she had her ways of getting attention, and that was true! She didn't need anyone's help with that, idiot idiot idiot!


She did now have someone... Someone who's picture is to be ruined. She's been wanting to do some crafty shit since she came here; she didn't care if people thought it was unethical of a young lady to stir shit up. She was no "young lady". She was young, young and free! No one should be allowed to put her down! Sitting still and acting pretty and cute is such a tiresome act, why do people even do it? Why not be wild and free? Oh well, not everyone grew up in hell, right?

"Ey pretty boy!" She called out, getting a handful of her greens. She hated greens anyway, so perfect ammo! She threw the warm, slimy green vegetables at him, smiling widely under her mask. Hey, if he wanted to fight, so be it! She didn't mind getting dirty!​
Alexander “Xander” Traynor

Codename: Dynamite

Classification: EAT 1-Star Meister

Partner: MIA

Location: Cafeteria
As Kamryn sat down next to Xander and Eve, he threw a single glance her way. He remembered her name from the introductions in class, but he didn’t bother to say anything to her in regards to greeting. Instead, his only comment was, “You’ll need a spoon.” There was no way in hell he was going to let someone sit with them and not join in on their mischief. That would only make it more likely that he would get in trouble for it, and Xander did not want to risk another lecture from Lord Death.

Xander watched with an evil grin on his face as Eve sent the first splatter flying although even Xander flinched when the gravy landed on his own sister’s blouse. He did not flinch out of any concern for Lexie - he couldn’t care less whether or not her yearbook picture was ruined - but he did flinch out of concern that he would be the one receiving the blame for it. People had bad habits of making silly assumptions sometimes. Thus when Lexie glared his way, Xander threw his hands in the air, feigning innocence until her gaze fell away.

It was only after she had started storming out that Xander started laughing. Really, Lex? Jeez, no one can even tease you anymore!” He sneered at her even as Aeryn was offering her his coat.

Calming down although still chuckling, his entire expression changed as he glanced at Eve quickly, uttering softly yet threateningly, “Hit her again and you’re dead because I’ll be dead. And I’m not fond of dying today.” Anyone who didn’t know the situation revolving around Xander and Lexie would quite possibly be confused.

Out of the corner of his eye, Xander noticed another person joining in on their fun and he threw a glimpse their way - it was Akahana although once again, he didn’t acknowledge that he knew her name. “Joining in?” His smile showed that he was not about to complain about it.

Finally, Xander scooped up a spoonful of gravy himself and flicked the spoon toward’s Zyra. “Miss Red Riding Hood!” he called out to her. “Better watch out!”

@Chibii @Chara Angel of Death @SummerWolf
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Giles Riven & Zarren

Name: Giles Riven

Nickname: The Halfsleeper

Location: Cafeteria

Class: ?

Mood: Shy, slightly embarrassed

@DaughterofAthena @Pariah Stark @Violet Obsidian

"Why did you sign up for dat mission?"

In Zarren's voice, great accusation hid, as if Riven's possible participation in a mission was a cardinal sin. Riven, however, continued her oddly uneven steps, though her pace slowed down ever so slightly at the feline's spastic motions.

"We are here to help..."

Her tone revealed that, really, she wasn't all that sure herself, but Riven is the type of person who, when forced to choose between doing something they don't quite understand or arguing about it (or having to realistically engage in a thought of clarifying nature), they just go along with it. It's easier. Of course, this is also a person that allows a co-dependent creature born of bad blood to bully her just about every teh minutes, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

"Speak for yo'self..." Zarren hissed back, eventually falling silent to show off his ridiculously exagerrated pout, only to speak up after Giles' feet turned around a corner, the way now leading up to the Shinigami's room. "So dat's the room Death chills in?" A hint of respect, no, fear wavered within his hoarse voice, though his host remained oblivious to it.

"Yes..." she huffed out barely audibly, then stepped into the sky-like chamber but stopped on the doorstep as her gaze went over the already assembled students. From the boy with the glasses, to the due of a pink-haired girl, and a blonde male who, to Riven, was weirdly hard to categorize in terms of age, in a way, even his gender. Though the brunette lacked a lot of cognitive and social skills compared to those who have aquired them over the course of their lifes normally, she remained feeling distinctly inedequate at the mere notion of mistaking someone in such a manner. And while this (to Riven) highly troubling issue caused her to adopt a red tinge and looked towards the crowd, a third party observer is justified in wondering just what the hell this girl's problem was, though it could be excused with simple timidness in the face of Lord Death himself.

Zarren, however, entirely unimpressed by the other students, burped nonchalantly, then sighed in relief. "Aaaah, hey, idiots!"

Now full on blushing, Riven flinched only to quickly throw up her hands defensively. "Sorry! Sorry! Don't mind him!" It was unusually easy for the girl to make Zarren shut up, as the being laid eyes upon the Shinigami, now feeling a healthy amount of respect.
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Alexis "Lexie" Traynor and Aeryn

As Lexie was making her way out of the cafeteria, Aeryn had come up to her before she had been able to storm
entirely out. She turned to face him as she realized he was taking off his coat and offering it to her. At first, her eyes were filled with scrutiny. “I can always go get a new shirt. Home’s not that far away,” she explained. She didn’t like the idea of ruining his picture because quite honestly, the coat had looked rather nice on him.

However, after looking at him for a moment and realizing that he really was insisting, Lexie sighed and took the coat that he held out of her. She slipped her arms into the sleeves and rolled them up a bit before she glanced back at the people still in the cafeteria, flinching as she saw Xander throw a splatter of food and as she saw yet another girl join him in his game. Turning around, she glanced over her shoulder and asked him,
“Think you could tighten it for me? It’s just a bit too big.”

Aeryn chuckled at her. Sliding on his jacket revealed she was right. It was just a half-size too big, but it wouldn't be too terrible. Aeryn darted behind Lexie and slipped his hands under the jacket, pulling on a strap on the inside that tightened it around the waist. After he let it drape down, he folded the shoulders of it in slightly, which cut off a good inch of the arm length. This jacket didn't have a collar, so it would just be a quick button up from the front. It didn't actually look too bad as long as it was worn for a portrait.
"How's that?" Aeryn asked as he stepped away. Lexie still needed to button the inside of it, but the temporary adjustments were made.

Lexie fiddled with the sleeves a bit more, even after he had folded over the shoulders and cut some of the length off, but she did manage to make it work. She turned around to face him again as she started buttoning the front, although she left half of it open because the front of her blouse was untarnished and the black underneath contrasted with the white coat quite well.
"It should work." Lexie glanced back to their table briefly. "Did you finish your lunch? We could go take pictures right away," she suggested, partially because the coat Aeryn had given her was white and she didn't imagine it would last long given that people didn't seem to be eager to stop throwing food.

"I ate enough," Aeryn told her. He had left a good third or so of his food on the plate, but that was because he got up to talk sooner than later. They could always find another place to eat, though, so it wasn't a major issue. "I think it might be best to take the pictures as quick as we can, though. Some seem quite intent on ruining others choice in clothing," Aeryn told her before offering her hand. With a sly smile, he added, "Granted, some didn't quite need help..." Aeryn was of course referring to those that didn't try to dress up as nice. Granted, Aeryn was now in a black tee with a dark brown scarf, but that wasn't his first choice. At least his shirt was clean...

Lexie took Aeryn's hand as it was offered and nodded.
"That's exactly what I was thinking. And I'd rather not mess up your white coat too much," she added the last bit as an after thought before she started leading the way out of the cafeteria.
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Paul Wright

Lord Death hadn't made much of a reply, although the group hadn't all collected yet, either. It was just Paul, Skyler and Jessyka for the moment. Skyler seemed just fine, although he most definitely was daunted by the presence of Lord Death. Most were. Paul saw him slightly differently. While he treated the Shinigami with the utmost respect, he also saw Lord Death as the inspiration for all Meisters. Meisters learned all of these techniques and sit through all of these classes for things that Lord Death basically gifted to humanity. The very first textbooks were wrote by none other than him, and other authors weren't used until later. Paul often tried to impress Lord Death more than he was truly intimidated by him.

"Threat level is variable. It's treated as a level four because that's the perceived maximum threat. The bebriefing described the potential for complex magical events, which normally are caused by something more sinister than an Evil Human. Could perhaps be the side-effects of a Contracted Soul or a monster of some kind, but valid reports claim there could be magic. If there's a Witch in that small town, we could stir something up as large as a Level Four threat... or it could just be a monster causing sleeplessness and night terrors with the power level of a regular Evil Human. The mission is first and foremost investigation; we only address the problem if we believe we're able to," Paul said. In the time his lengthy explanation consumed, Riven and Zarren had already showed up with the latter screaming at them a minor obscenity.

"I'm personally interested in the magic. I have a whole new technique," Paul said as he allowed his wavelength to swirl around his hand, dancing like a feather blowing in the wind. His control over his wavelength was fine enough that minor displays like this were entertainment to him, but most students his age were still using their Soul Force purely for offense. This was nothing less than him showing off. "And I do need to test it out on a practical target..." Paul commented.

He then looked to Jessyka and smirked, "Of course, I believe you're our leader. The two-Star, yes? Whether we even engage a target will ultimately be your decision. So my tests do, in an odd way, rely entirely on your will. -- Not something I'm accustomed to."

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Alexis "Lexie" Traynor and Aeryn

As Lexie and Aeryn walked into the auditorium, it didn't take long to realize that picture day wasn't very high on anyone's priority list. They were the first one's there and the photographer was sitting down in one of the seats and it looked like he was playing a game on his phone. His head perked up as he heard the two of them walked in, though, and he jumped up from his seat and quickly climbed the stairs leading onto the stage before he beckoned for the two of them to join him. The photography set up was fairly standard. There was a gray background and a small bench for the student to sit on. There was a camera on a stand and a large black 'umbrella' that kept too much outside light from leaking into the shot.

At the photographer's summons, Lexie nodded to him and yelled up,
"We'll be right there!" before she turned to Aeryn and said, "I'll go first, ok? Since you've never gotten your picture taken. It's really really easy." Lexie chuckled a bit, still not quite over how odd it was to meet someone who had never taken a school picture before, but, she had also come to accept that there were many odd things about Aeryn.

Aeryn chuckled at her comment as well. Ever since admitting he was seventeen and had never even been in a car, let alone considered driving one, he had often been the butt of many jokes. He learned to just laugh along with them. Everything was just so different and he had so much catching up to do. What people considered normal and easy was often new and confounding to him. The car was an odd exception, though. Apparently one had to be a certain age to drive one with all sorts of permits and licenses and laws and rules. Roads were so much different now. Plenty of other students didn't know how to drive, so it's not like his inability was some terrible inadequacy. It just so happened to be the fact that spurred a good amount of jesthis way.

"Oh, please do, Lex. I want to know how a master has her picture taken," he replied to her with playful sarcasm.

"Of course!" Lexie replied with the same playful sarcasm before she led him up to the stage, stopping by a table with a small information sheet. She grabbed a sheet of paper and handed another to Aeryn before grabbing a pencil and filling it out accordingly. It was fairly easy stuff - name, age, class and rank, mailing address if pictures were being ordered, etc.

Finished with her form, Lexie walked over to the photographer and handed her the sheet before she took a seat on the little bench and sat up straight. The photographer gave her a few instructions. "Put your hands in your lap. Chin down slightly. Eyes on the lens." It was the usual stuff and after a moment of fanaggling, he told her to smile. Lexie did. There was a flash of light and afterwards, she bounced back up and walked over to Aeryn.
"Your turn! And remember, don't blink."

Aeryn had a slight existential crisis in the time Lexie was gone. While she had no problems filling out the form, Aeryn did. Aeryn was Aeryn. Aeryn thought and felt and acted as his own, independent person, but in the end, his paperwork named him Saren. Aeryn remembered this from when he was sat down in the office. He was told that while he could take Aeryn as a given name, Lord Death insisted on his identification and paperwork reading Saren. Aeryn thought it was rather cruel, but apparently, Lord Death had made contigencies for Aeryn, Nariel and Szar and it required being identified as Saren. It was a safety protocol and ultimately it only really affected paperwork. Saren and Aeryn sounded so similar that most people shrugged it off as a simple drop of a letter.

But it was more to Aeryn than that. Saren caused him considerable problems and he wasn't really progressing with his memories. Sure, some were less fuzzy and he discovered a few, but ultimately, he wasn't that much closer to understanding who he was. And, it was so incredibly hard for him to figure out who he really is without knowing something like that. It was as simple as filling out a form, but it brought Aeryn quite a bit of inner turmoil.

Nevertheless, he had it ready once Lexie came around and he focused on her enough that he had the general idea of what to do.
"I'll just pretend I'm looking at you," Aeryn told her as he got up. As he headed to the photographer, he explained, "I try not to miss a single moment." Once he got up to the photographer, it was the same set of instructions: "Put your hands in your lap. Chin down slightly. Eyes on the lens." Aeryn met his instructions quite easily, then returned to Lexie. He then commented, "And this is an important step of the school year?" mostly as a rhetorical queston.

Lexie once again found herself chuckling.
"Well, I wouldn't exactly say it's important. It's routine, though. You'll get used to it." She smiled at him before offering him her hand. Aeryn took her hand and followed her wherever she intended on pulling him off to. He wasn't for sure what her plan was, but for now, he was just going along for the ride.
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Jack E. Trinity

Jack’s eyes flickered between the twin’s, focusing briefly on Sarah’s stiff form before finally resting on Lauren. He hadn’t meant to make them uncomfortable. His chattering was simply meant to be an icebreaker, a way to keep the atmosphere light and friendly with his new NOT-mates. Yet that wasn’t what happened at all. Jack inwardly sighed at his failure, but he was quick to regain positivity. It was only natural that they were a little nervous, especially if they hadn’t been exposed to the supernatural beforehand like he’d been. Besides, the fact that they were opening up to him was a good thing, right? Jack put his pen down and shot Lauren a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure there’ll be lots of opportunities for you guys to become familiar with this bizarre school. For me as well.” Jack winked and reached into his backpack pulling out several DWMA brochures, pamphlets, and DWMA student handbook. He spread them out on the table, showing them to the girls. “I wasn’t trained as much as you think…unless you count my Uncle’s attempt at making me grow muscles training. I just like to read up everything I can about a school I’m applying to before I attend—especially if it’s a school run by a Death God to train weapons and meisters to fight evil. Which, in all honesty, sounds pretty slick if you think about it. The students in the EAT class must have an awesome sense of justice.” Or they liked fighting. Jack had read about the differences between the NOT and the special EAT class. It all sounded like a game to him. Then again, with the way he rolled his dice to make decisions, Jack pretty much saw his life like one big game. One he intended to win. That’s why he read all the game manuals before starting. Jack paused his train of thought, remembering Lauren’s earlier question. He straightened his collar, fixing his glasses to make sure they are perched firmly on his nose . “A meister is someone able to see souls and can wield a weapon. At least that’s what I was told before coming here. Trust me, seeing souls isn’t as much fun as you think. Not nearly as cool as turning into a weapon." He shrugged. "But who cares? Everyone's rolls start out differently. It doesn't matter if you get a bad roll every now and then, so long as you continue to roll the dice.”

The last line was for Sarah's sake, since he did manage to piece together the word 'expelled'. Jack didn't care about that though. Why would he when he'd been nearly suspended several times in his previous school for refusing to do classwork? Not to mention, truancy had been a crime where he'd come from. Jack wasn't exactly the model student so he didn't have any right to judge the twins in that regard. However, it was clear to him that Sarah cared. At the very least, she cared what they thought of it. Flashing the girls a brilliant ‘Jack’ smile, he waved his hand, indicating that they could look over the pamphlets if they wished. There was no harm in sharing information with his new NOT-mates and games were always more enjoyable on a level playing field.

The boy returned to copying Dakota’s well-written notes. Once he was done, he would once again roll his dice for his next stop. Should he go get his picture taken at the auditorium? Keep his new NOT-mates company where ever they liked? Or should he take his time to explore the school after classes were finished? So many choices to roll for. Jack grinned widely. Life had become infinitely more enjoyable ever since he'd started rolling his dice.


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