Before the End of Summer Concert

Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: NOT Classroom

Mood: Calm, Caring, Uncomfortable

Tags: @Kaine @QuirkyAngel
Dakota smiled as Jack took her notebook and settled into the seat next to Lauren. Her eyes drifted to the brush being pulled through the other girls hair again, then as her twin finished up and added the barrettes. meanwhile, she busied herself with clearing off her desk and packing items away. Her eyes followed Sarah as she made her way past Jack and up the short steps to her row of desks. She smiled faintly to the girl, reaching up and carefully freeing the skull barrette. It hadn't really been holding anything back, and it seemed she only wore it out of habit. Still handling the barrette with care, she held it before her, gazing down and letting the memories flow freely of her own sister. Her eyes drifted to Jack and Lauren, watching as the boy began to copy the notes into his own notebook, before switching to Sarah for a few moments. She was about to say something, anything to the other girl.

“A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body. Funny. That’s what my uncle always tells me right before making me do laps. Emphasis on the body part.”

Jack's voice cut in, before Dakota could do anything like that, and her gaze snapped to him again. That saying. It was constant in life at the DWMA, yet another repeating echo she would never shake. She shook her head, clearing it, and turning to Sarah just in time to catch her light smile. She returned said smile, before moving a bit, settling into the chair, and sitting so that the twin could have access to her hair if she still wished it. She listened faintly to Jack as he spoke about things here and there, her gaze drifting down to her barrette again as she set it on the desk before her.

“So...are you girls weapons? Or a meister, like I am?"

Those words finally cut through her daze like a knife, and she shifted her gaze to Jack, then glancing to the twins in turn the best she could. She debated on answering, but ended up not having to as Sarah began to answer.


"What does it mean to be a Meister?"

Dakota eyed Lauren for a second, before turning to think about what Sarah had started to say. 'Wea? Wea... Weapon. They're ... Weapons?' She started to think, before factoring in Lauren's question. 'But maybe one's a meister? Oh well, I'll leave it up to them to clarify when they see fit.' They continued on, and Dakota's eyebrow raised just slightly at 'expe' but she didn't take the time to question it mentally this time. Her eyes flicked quickly to Sarah's stiff form beside her, then to Lauren. She wanted to say something, anything to try and help.

"It's just strange is all. Everything is so new for us, but everyone else has known since forever."

'Right... They're all new... to the DWMA... Whereas I've... Been here a while.' Dakota commented mentally finding herself growing more out of place by the minute among them. They were all so... cheery, where she had a hard time controlling her emotions like that. Giving each of the girls the closest to a reassuring smile as she could manage, she looked to Jack as she debate don saying something. However, she didn't need to say anything, or do anything more, as Jack took over in the comforting area.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure there’ll be lots of opportunities for you guys to become familiar with this bizarre school. For me as well. I wasn’t trained as much as you think…unless you count my Uncle’s attempt at making me grow muscles training. I just like to read up everything I can about a school I’m applying to before I attend—especially if it’s a school run by a Death God to train weapons and meisters to fight evil. Which, in all honesty, sounds pretty slick if you think about it. The students in the EAT class must have an awesome sense of justice.”

Dakota's eyes found the paper, brochures, and pamphlets Jack pulled out, and she found herself reaching very carefully over, her hand finding Sarah's in an unconscious notation of trying to help as well. Jack move don to explain meisters to the best of his ability to the twins. As far as she could tell, the whole thing ended alright, though her out-of-place feeling just kept growing involuntarily. It was time she said something.

"Well... t-to answer your q-question Jack, I'm a m-meister as well..." She started, her stutter returning tenfold, to which she grimaced ever so slightly. "I-I...." She hesitated a little bit, debating one weather to tell them this next part or not, then continued, "I-I can t-try to h-help you guys i-if you'd like... I m-mean... to understand the D-DWMA..." She paused again then finally finished though her voice was considerably quiet, almost non-existent by this point. "I've b-b-been h-here a while, aft-afterall..."'I just don't like to remember...' She added mentally, then basically clammed up, and looked unwilling to share anymore on the subject of why she'd been at the DWMA for a while.

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Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

When Jack went and pulled out a ton of pamphlets, Lauren gasped in fear, "What... what is this!" She hissed slightly with her arm shielding her face. It was like Jack turned into an intructor and was attempting to teach her something. Taking one, she lifted it carefully as if it had the plague within it. Though as she read a few words, quickly, she became absorbed and started to read them all. Burying her face into them s she read, it appeared as if she was ignoring Jack, but really she was multitasking.

As Jack finished the first portion of his speech, Lauren nodded twice then turned to him, with a sort of unemotional expression, "
But I think the EAT class is for skilled individuals. You cannot base a persons sense of Justice on that. Serial killers are skilled, and also have their twisted version of Justice that they enact."

Turning back into her pamphlet, she giggled slightly, "
Thats just my opinion though."

Sarah kind of turned her head down. She knew exactly what Lauren was talking about, and it seemed like when that came up, Lauren would always get a shrowd of darkness that engulfed her, even if for only a moment. Suddenly a slender hand, soft and warm slipping into hers. Sarah felt the trembling as Dakota spoke, yet she still had the strength to speak. Sarah couldn't help but smile. She couldn't help but feel like maybe they were destined to meet. They seemed so much alike, even though they barely knew one another. Embracing her hand, Sarah just had this feeling, like she wanted to be Dakota's friend, for a long time. She didn't want to release her friends hand, but she also really wanted to brush Dakota's hair.

Letting go gently, she moved behind Dakota. Running her fingers through her hair a few times, she got a feel for what it was like. Jet black, silky soft, but much thicker than Sarah's own hair. She loved it already. Carefully using both her hand and the brush, she ran it through Dakota's hair in long, light strokes. Keeping it together, and also being careful not to make it friz. After a few minutes, her hair was already done. Laying the brush down, Sarah used her hands at the same time, getting her longest portions of hair from the sides and carefully sweeping them behind each ear.

Leaning over, she whispered to Dakota, "
Your clip looks important, so I'll leave it to you, Kay?"

Before waiting for a reply, she took her brush and moved back to her desk, putting everything back into her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She nudged Lauren in the shoulder, and she nodded. Lauren got up and stretched, making to much notice to herself.

Oh man reading is so booooring." Then she smirked and corrected herself, "Oh wait, it's always boring. Haha." Piling up all the pamphlets, from biggest to smallest, she put them back infront of Jack. Grabbing her own bag and then moving around his chair, she took both her hands and placed them on his shoulders with a firm grip. "Really it's a toss up. I think being able to kick someone's ass is way more cool than turning into a blade." She smirked, purposely using blade instead of weapon. Lifting both her hands, she ruffled up his hair.

Giggling Lauren spun in a circle and ran down the stairs. Turning around at the base of them, she playfully turned and stuck her tongue out at Jack, "
Hurry up slow poke!" then turned back and waved at the teacher, "Bye Mr. Metshahkey." before rushing out the door.

Sarah was behind Lauren up to the stairs. She scoffed when Lauren messed with Jack's hair. "
Sorry 'bout that," she apologized softly, before turning back to Dakota and holding her hand out. "Common 'Kota! Let's go get our pictures done."

@DaughterofAthena @Zenaida @QuirkyAngel


Eve Penchant

DWMA Nickname: Grenade

Class: NOT, NEW Student

Locatiom: Cafeteria

Eve couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing as the girl stormed out, but stopped when some other red headed dude offered him her jacket. "Are you kidding me... It's a stain, I didn't dye her hair bright green!" She yelled in frustration. As she said that, the boy behind her said something about her being dead if she threw another spoonful at little miss over there. "Well too bad, I don't like the prissy ones." She rolled her eyes and flicked another spoonful, not aiming at anyone in particular, she just let it fly as another girl joined them in the fun. "Those veggies are eggcellent." Eve chuckled, attempting to make a lame pun which she found actually quite amusing.

"Looks like my food won't be used for consumption purposes..." The ravenette looked down at her plate. Spaghetti would be a good next option, the pasta sauce would leave a stain. Thank god she wore dark colors today, not like she cared about looking neat, it was just that she didn't want to have a blood stain looking thing on her shirt all day. The female shoved her fork into the noodles and twirled it around, getting a large bit on her untensil and flinging it across the cafeteria, hoping that it'd hit somebody.

@Sergeant Sass



Aiko had been sitting at her desk, the girl looking rather bored lightly tapping her finger against the wood. It was one of those days for Aiko. Her interest in class was quite low, the only reason she even came to class was due to the fact it was picture day. I'd never deny anyone my pretty face to look at, its only right I take the effort to show up so they all have a pretty girl to look at in a picture! Such enthusiasm wasn't very obvious given how much class seemed to drag on. It didn't help she had to look at Miyuck. She always was a massive stick in the mud, not to mention very 'painful'. Just looking at her caused a pain in the back of her head... a place where a bump had been the last time she had 'acted up' in class. No matter how much stuff was tossed up, she always managed to get her in the end. Sneaking around to avoid being struck could only last so long after all.

Even as Miyako mentioned for them to get ready to leave, she didn't even register it in her mind. Her daze left her oblivious to anything coming out of her mouth as her foot very softly tapped on the ground as if keeping some rhythm. Since she had become partners with Ikeda, she had started to find herself more musically inclined. She had always enjoyed music, though it had only grown more with having her partner act in part as an 'instrument'. Aiko's natural tendencies to be a quick learner helped her to go from being oblivious on playing anything to being able to play quite well. She needed some more practice to it to really perfect the art but she was well on her way to doing just that given a bit more learning.

As the bell rang Aiko nearly jumped out of her seat. "Finally out of this crappy class room and off to some fun!" She spoke out in an outburst of energy. Just as quickly as she did, the young meister put on a rather sour expression. "To... practice stuff that was... learned and... yeah..." She spoke as if to cover her rear end given Miyako heard her little outburst. She quickly began to shuffle out in a hurry. Her feat were swift carrying her away in hopes of avoiding any trouble making a break for the door reaching it quickly before exiting the classroom, slipping through a few people to do so in a hurry.

A soft sigh escaped Aiko's lips as she leaned down as if she had found a safe place in the hall. Why does she have to teach so much... Hiro is so much better, much easier to get away with stuff! She thought before stretching a bit, letting out a yawn as she seemed to wake up a little from her sleepy state. Sitting for so long while being bored always tended to make her feel quite stiff. She finished her little exercise a feet outside the door tapping her chin in thought of what she might do until she got her pictures taken.
Lord Death

The Shinigami hadn’t been paying much attention to who came or went for the duration of the time after Hakoda had left. His attention had been focused on a particularly interesting screen in front of him - interesting in the fact that it appeared to be a small town although there was no movement within it. Where exactly this small town was would remain unclear because in the moment he heard Paul’s “First one here, huh?”, he had turned off the screen, turning to pay attention to the student.

Nodding at Paul’s comment about going to California, Lord Death replied simply, “The city’s in the mountains so you probably won’t get the full experience but the mountains themselves should be a sight to see.”

Lord Death had waited patiently yet quietly with Paul until Jessyka and Skyler had walked in as well and the Grim Reaper nodded to each of them in turn although he knew one more student (well, technically 2…) was on the way. He left Paul to his explanation for a moment and when Paul was done talking, Lord Death took over.

“Paul is correct on multiple accounts,” he began. “The threat level indicates a potential for trouble on that level and the more I look into it, the more I’m sure that I’m right on that account. It could just be some little demons with dream affecting abilities, but it does sound similar to a case that hit my desk around the time the DWMA was founded. We sent two students to investigate because we thought - just as Paul suggested - that it was something small. When they came back, they were ghosts of their former selves, so lost in fear that there was nothing we could do to help them.”

Lord Death’s gaze trickled between the students in front of him for a few moments at that revelation. “This could be the same thing. It could be different. It could be a witch trying to replicate it. It could be many things. All we know for sure is that there is magic involved. Thus, again, as Paul said, this is PURELY investigation. If you find anything of interest, you are to call and report in. I will give you further instructions as needed.”

His gaze fell on Paul in particular with his next statement. “Your engagement with any opponent will depend on the information you gather. If you know nothing, you will not engage. You will get out and report back.”

Sighing, his gaze flickered between Jessyka and Paul for another brief moment. “Teamwork will be critical,” he emphasized. “There will be a bus to take you to Dunsmuir. It stops in Death City in about an hour’s time and you should use your time on the bus to figure out how to work together. If you break off on your own, this will not go well.”

Finally, Lord Death felt he had said his piece and as he analyzed the team, he really hoped things would go well. If there was one thing he credited himself on, it was that he knew his own students. Skyler would follow Jessyka and Riven didn’t seem like the kind of student who would disrupt a team too much. Of course, Death didn’t consider Zarren too much because he was attached to Riven. Where Riven went, Zarren was kind of stuck following. “Any questions?”

@Violet Obsidian @AnnoDomini @Pariah Stark @Sunbather
Jack E. Trinity

Jack entered the auditorium just as a couple of older students left the stage hand in hand. Perhaps, if Jack hadn’t been distracted, he would have noticed that the red-haired guy’s soul was a bit more peculiar than a normal person. Perhaps, if his hands weren’t occupied, he might have greeted the lovey dovey couple with a friendly wave. However, none of that happened because Jack was currently preoccupied with fixing his hair, which Lauren had kindly mussed up before leaving the classroom. It wasn’t so much that Jack cared how his photo turned out as he liked keeping his style consistent with what the dice had decided. He was very please when he heard that DWMA adhered to no standard uniform protocols. It gave him a lot of things to roll for. Re-attaching the last hairclip on his head, Jack finally looked towards the girls that he’d accompanied, though most of his attention was focused on Lauren.

Her comment about justice had startled him, simply because he hadn’t expected that sort of view from the lively girl. He’d been tempted to take off his glasses then and there, to see exactly what her soul was like. But he hadn’t. Because it was rude. Because experience told him that people didn’t like their soul being looked at and that wasn’t how to make friends. That was why his father had given him the glasses in the first place. He’d learned the hard way that there were some things he was probably better off not knowing. Besides, it was more fun getting to know people the normal way. Nodding to himself, Jack made his way to Dakota, and handed her the notebook that had been under his arms.

“Thanks again for this.” Jack smiled kindly at the girl. She’d mentioned that she’d been in the school for a while. An older student? Jack studied her features: her light skin, dark hair, and violet eyes…which all resembled his own. Even their heights were similar. Jack’s eyes twinkled. To top it all off, she was a meister like him.“Well then, Dakota, I think I’ll take you up on your offer. I look forward to receiving a lot of help from you regarding DWMA.”

That said, Jack swept down the aisle leading up to the stage. Dropping his backpack randomly on one of the front seats, he grinned playfully at Lauren—the blonde blade that had called him both ‘cool’ and a ‘slow-poke’. He could see why he’d seen a caring soul in Sarah. The girl’s sister was a bundle of energy. Getting injured, speaking her mind whenever she felt like it, mispronouncing the new teacher’s name. In many ways, Lauren reminded Jack of his cousin. Though, they were different in just many ways as well. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out his dice, flipping it like a coin so it spun rapidly in the air in such a way that the dots on the sides were blurred. Catching the cube swiftly in his hat, Jack peered inside.

“One. Looks like I’ll be going first.” Jack said happily, putting his hat back on his head. “I hope no one minds.” Before anyone could say anything though, Jack was already filling out the necessary information sheet. He handed the sheet to the photographer before settling on the bench in front of the camera. What followed though wasn’t a simple snap of a picture or flash of light, but lengthy and somewhat perplexing monologue from Jack. One of the photographer’s instructions had been to remove the bowler hat because it created a shadow over his eyes. Unfortunately, that did not sit well with Jack at all. He had to explain to the photographer clearly why his hat must stay firmly on his head for the picture.

10 minutes later

“…and so, you see, the hat is an important part of me, just as any religious headgear is. My dice had chosen this ensemble for me and, if you’ll remember, the dice—,”

“Alright! I get it! Keep the hat. Pose in any way you want. I don’t care. Just let me take the goddamn picture!”

Shooting the camera a winning smile, Jack didn’t so much as blink when the flash finally came. The boy thanked the photographer, who simply grunted in an annoyed manner, before climbing off the stage and making his way to the girls. “Whew! That wasn’t hard at all. The photographer’s pretty reasonable guy once you explain yourself." Jack took a seat in the front row, his backpack resting on his lap. "So…who wants to go next?”


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Jessyka Volontari and Skyler Emerson

Collaboration with


Jessyka’s eyes feverently turned when the third component of their team arrived, proclaiming all of them to be idiots right off the bat. Her eyes widened at the sight of the thing sticking out of Riven’s body and she couldn’t contain an expression of intermingled confusion and disgust. “What ON EARTH are you!?” Her question was very clearly directed at Zarren although it could’ve just as easily been interpreted as a question towards Riven.

Skylar’s eyes went quickly to Jessyka, as his left hand went to her mouth. His eyes were widened, but his face then turned into a frown. “S-Senpai! Do not be so cruel.” Skylar said in a rather hushed tone, looking at Zarren, then at Riven. His hand then released her mouth, returning to his normal pose. “S-Sorry.” He said towards Zarren.

Without waiting for an answer and without addressing her partner at all, Jessyka listened to Paul’s response and, at first, she merely nodded along. Everything he said made sense. Then Paul made a single mistake; he started showing off and Jessyka’s expression, previously more or less neutral, curled into a glare. It didn’t go away when he tried to put her into a higher position than him, either - when he tried to imply that she was the leader. Of course, she completely and entirely believed that she was the leader. No one on the mission was stronger than her - in theory. “Who do you think you’re showing off to?” she sneered at Paul. It wasn’t a yell, and it wasn’t a snap. Her voice was soft although her frustration was very clear.

Skylar was paying attention to what Paul was saying, standing with his arms crossed to his chest. His eyes went again to Jessyka when the boy mentioned her as a leader. “Oh god…” Skylar said, his hand going to his head, sighing. He decided not to scold her in front of the others, his hand playfully patting her on the head, while a rather quiet tone was used to deliver three words. “Calm down, please…”

Luckily, for Skyler’s sanity if nothing else, Lord Death offered his own briefing on the mission they were going to be attending to. Although Jessyka was not quite brave enough to argue with the Shinigami himself, her eyes flared wildly when the Grim Reaper had told them Paul was right. Already, she felt her position was being usurped.

Then Lord Death started talking about teamwork and again Jessyka rolled her eyes. “Tell that to the show off over here…” she mumbled, her words barely audible under her breath. However, as soon as the Grim Reaper had finished his briefing, Jessyka did run through all the information in her head and she came up with one question which she quickly offered up. “What became of the two students and did you ever find out what happened?” Even though she didn’t seem too happy about her team, she was going to take the mission seriously.

Skylar looked a little at Jessyka when she referred to the past incident, some memories resurfacing. He looked down at the mention of teamwork. He moved a little closer to Jessyka, not realising that.

Jessyka didn’t even notice Skyler’s sudden change in demeanor. Her attention was directed elsewhere for the moment as she glanced first to Paul and then to Riven. “We should get moving soon so if you have any questions, ask them now,” she said evenly to the both of them. “If we’re late, we’ll be an entire day behind, I imagine.” Her eyes still glared at Paul whenever she spoke to him although her gaze at Riven and Zarren was more one of curiosity than anything else.

@Pariah Stark @Sunbather @DaughterofAthena

Paul Wright

“What ON EARTH are you!?”

Jessyka and her outburst were pretty effectively spot on for what Paul was thinking. Although, his phrasing was more along the lines of: what the Hell is that? He could see it with his Perception. It was... it was something entirely different. It wasn't part of the girl, but it was also connected to her in a way that would be best described as blending the two together. A part of Paul became appalled at the thought of this. The girl was cute, too; not as cute as he pinky, but he felt something was just ruined her condition. He almost felt bad for his immediate, internal reaction, but at the same time, he found all of his pride and strength from himself - alone.

While Paul normally would have barked back at Jessyka, and likely still would later, he found himself becoming reclusive around Riven and Zarren. A part of him wanted to show her what showing off really was. Potentially recreate Keziah's electrical threads. That wouldn't be beyond his ability, although they would still likely be weaker than hers. Or, potentially use his wavelength to paint the air as if it were his canvas. A purely miscellaneous technique, but it debuted his elite level of control. Or, if he had some latent desire to intimidate her... maybe show her what Soul Menace was all about. Show her a force uncontrolled.

Likely for the better, he decided against all of that and simply stayed quiet. He understood the mission, he knew a bit about his allies now, and he knew they needed to hit the bus station. Pinky was asking more questions, but she still had half-a-foot out the door. Personally, Paul didn't quite care for her questions. Quietly, and coldly, and he walked right past her before Death could answer her questions. If they were important, she could tell him. If not, then it would be a trivial matter and he was going to the stop anyway. He had a travel bag made for this particular type of instance at all times, so it would be a quick stop by his apartment, then waiting for the bus. He needed time to reassess his focus and figure out how he was going to work with them - if he was at all. Jessyka, for what it was worth, he could likely eventually get through to, although he would still view the reliance on her weapon as a weakness. As of this second, Paul was fairly sure he would never accept Riven.

Giles Riven & Zarren

Name: Giles Riven

Nickname: The Halfsleeper

Location: Cafeteria

Class: ?

Mood: Shy, slightly embarrassed

@DaughterofAthena @Pariah Stark @Violet Obsidian

While Jessyca expressed her displeasement in vocal manner, Zarren struggled around just enough to free himself from Riven's half-hearted attempt to keep him quiet, then swatted away her hands from his general head area with enough force to come across as dismissive and mark the girl's boney fingers with faint pink spots. The hammer's feline form jerked around, as if to shake off an unpleasent feeling, then swayed his fist towards Skyler. "Yeah, you better be, bro!" The rest of his tirade slowwly spiraled into mumbling, fading away into nothing after a while.

Meanwhile, Riven had fidgeted around, tweedled her index fingers around one another and, in a hopeless attempt, tried to pull up her coat which appeared to be a size or two too large for her slender frame and constantly slid off her shoulders, hanging around elbow height instead. She tried twice only to have it sink down each time, then gave up. "It's fine..." Riven finally answered, not quite whispering but talking breathy enough to make her words seem brittle and shatter any possibility of a confident appearance. The boy with the glasses didn't seem too talkative, or at last he seemed practically mute to Riven. Him walking off, and Jessyca's words created an atmosphere of finality, as if any additional word would be redunant - a feeling not quiet helpful when you're struggling to string words together as it is. Finally, it had clicked, and she figured that answering the pink hair girl would be a proper thing to do.

"I'm Riven by the way... And this is my partner Za-"

"I'm Zarren! I'm the witch-slaying Greathammer, wielded by the halfsleeper Giles Riven!"

Introducing himself or otherwise bragging was about the only occassion during which Zarren refrained from ghetto lingo, which, to Riven, made both, his recent speech as well as his general vocabulary, all the more irritating. An awkward little pause ensued, during which Riven quickly let her head hang low. She looked deflated, both embarrased and just generally uneasy.

"Just Riven. And yeah... we're a duo. Weapon and meister. Uh... we didn't REALLY slay a witch though..."


Riven sighed and looked to the left, away from Zarren.

"No questions here. Except, uh... L-Lord Death?"

Heat rose in her cheeks, painting her face a little redder. "I'm really sorry, but what... what class am I in?"
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Keziah Swan

No one had noticed her walk into the cafeteria. It could’ve been attributed to her skills with silence. It could have been attributed to the name she had been assigned by the DWMA. It could have been attributed to the fact that everyone else in the cafeteria was entirely too distracted by both their own conversations and the events that had begun to unfold. The reason why she went unnoticed didn’t really matter though, for the moment she decided to make her move, everyone would likely see her given the unfolding situation.

“Ey, pretty boy!”

That was the comment that started it. Not only did Keziah disagree with Akahana’s assessment of the Evening Star Warren Langston, but she also disagreed with Akahana’s decision to start something more by throwing green beans at the ginger. On top of that, Keziah couldn’t imagine others would see her as a very strong meister if she just stood off to the side and allowed her partner to be bullied. She was practically required to intervene even though she found just as much amusement as everyone else from seeing Warren attacked by lunch.

Keziah leaped in and grabbed onto Akahana’s hand in the meister’s follow through and yanked it really hard as Keziah spun into a position behind Akahana. Although it was possible that Akahana had seen her, Keziah’s long and loose black hair concealed her face, her expression, the fact that she was doing this in such a monotone way that it honestly seemed emotionless. Then as Keziah froze behind Akahana, she twisted the grip on the girl’s wrist to the point of just barely painful.

“First of all, he’s not very pretty and he certainly doesn’t need you buffing his ego any further,” Keziah snarled at Akahana while she held the girl restrained. “Second, if you attack my partner, you deal with ME!” Her grip on Akahana’s hand tightened just a bit more. “Third, what made you think it was ok to go throwing food around, pretty girl?”

Keziah’s eyes bore into the back of Akahana’s head as she held the girl’s wrist behind her, awaiting struggle or a reply.

@Chara Angel of Death @Violet Obsidian

Daemon Alexanders and Zyra Harriot

Zyra looked at the open seats that were gestured by Lexie, and shook her head. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm fine standing." She looked over to Daemon, who was now absentmindedly flipping through one of her books, his head leaning on his free hand. His fingers were pushed into the thick mess of hair on his head, making it seem wilder than usual. She sighed. "I should go make him feel better..."

She turned away only for a moment when she heard Lexie shout out, disgusted by something. Zyra turned back to see the huge glob of gravy on the girl's shirt. Zyra followed her glare to the table of delinquents that were sitting around a bowl of gravy, spoons in hand. The blonde knew they were the cause of the mess, but she didn't glare at them. Instead, she kept her face relaxed, watching them for a moment in case they launched another attack on the group.

Turning to Lexie, Zyra was about to offer her apologies (for what, she didn't know), but the girl was already storming out of the cafeteria. Zyra watched her walk off, feeling bad for the girl.

Miss Red Riding Hood!" Zyra could only assume the annoying voice of Xander was referring to her. As she turned around, she didn't even hear his next comment as another spoonful of gravy soared through the air. Zyra didn't even have time to move out of the way before it hit the front of her dress, covering a very large area of her dress.

She looked down at the mess on her clothing, the messy liquid dripping down from her dress to her stomach. She stood there silent for a moment, not saying anything.

When she looked up, her nostrils were flaring. "Oh. OH. You did not just do that, did you?"

Daemon turned to see what Zyra sounded so upset about, and heard the wet
slap of noodles as they collided into the side of his head. He turned to the direction it came from, and saw the girl with her fork a few tables away. He reached a hand up and peeled the food off of his face, holding it out in front of him. He stared at it for a moment before slurping up one of the noodles from his hand, tasting it. He smiled, holding a thumbs up to the girl. "Thanks for the meal, miss! It's good!" He began munching on the rest of the noodles.

Zyra, meanwhile, was trying her hardest to control her anger. She saw Daemon eating the food that had hit him, and groaned at his simpleness. She looked back to Xander and brought a thumb across her neck. "
You're dead, Alex." She had seen how that name had ruffled his feather's before, and if it annoyed him that much, then she would use it against him again.

She looked over to a table of students who were watching the whole event unfold. She briskly walked over and grabbed the plate with the most food on it. She disregarded the outburst of the girl she took it from and took the fork on it, jabbing it into the pasta and flinging it at the boy.

Daemon was also reaching for food, taking a boys plate that had chicken and mashed potatoes. He jumped up onto his table, and gave a wide grin. "
Food fight, food fight! Woohoo!" He grabbed a handful of the mashed potatoes, forming it into a baseball shape, and pitching it as if it was one straight at the table of students. "All gravy needs mashed potatoes!" Picking up the chicken next, he flung it like a Frisbee freely into the air, not caring who it hit, and laughed.


Akahana Shima

The Hooded Terror

She smirked at the mayhem she was causing by flinging that first mush of food. Even if she did screw up on ruining someone's picture, at least the entire cafeteria and it's participants would be caked in food! What a win! What a laugh! Ah, but her unwasted efforts would soon have another thing to come by and ruin her good mood. To usurp her mental throne...

She was suddenly taken from behind, a new opponent in the works, twisting her wrist to the point she would feel pain. Though, that was the problem; pain was nonexistant to her at this point. She's felt it so many times she's forgotten the difference between no pain and pain itself. Tch, this girl really thought she was a badass with how she was talking. She's been in this pose plenty of times; it was like walking with how familiar she was with it to get out of it.

Though, the girl's words made her chuckle, laugh, guffaw. All the good stuff... Did she really think she was some dopey stupid new meister kid that wouldn't know her shit?

"You really are an idiot..." She said in a gentle, almost mocking tone, "Acting like a big shot won't scare the piss out of me, princess. You'll have to do a lot more than that." She loosened her shoulders up, seeming absolutely relaxed, "Because the last thing that scared me--"

She freed her arm by forcing it through the weakest area of the girl's hand, her thumb, then she kicked back into the girl's shin before turning around, pulling her cute cat mask from her face, exposing her rather irksome expression for a girl her age; a sick smile on her face. She pointed to the large three-scratch scar over her right eye,

"Gave me this. Better up your game."


and any other onlookers
Lord Death

The Shinigami eyed Jessyka evenly for a second. Her question was a completely honest one, and quite frankly it had also been one he had been hoping to avoid because it wasn’t an answer he wanted to give. Then again, another thought occurred to him. Perhaps if he did answer it, it would discourage them from getting into a fight they couldn’t win. While he knew Jessyka would not be scared, he also knew she wasn’t likely to be stupid. “They had to be sent away. While it wasn’t madness persay, that consumed them, they were no longer stable enough for their own safety. They went insane.” It was the simplest way to put it, in all honesty.

Then Riven asked a question and Lord Death actually chuckled a bit. “Well,” he began, “you did attend Professor Miyako’s lecture this morning, correct?” One eye rose a bit, as he wasn’t entirely sure if that was where she had gone. “That would place you in the EAT class, which is where I’d like you to stay. It is probably best given your unique partner.” He glanced at Zarren briefly.

Sighing, Death realized that Paul had already left and thus he made an almost shooing gesture at the remaining students in the Death Room. “You should get moving, now,” he advised. “Jessyka was right. You should not miss your bus. Stop and get what belongings you need and meet up by the bus station. I’m sure Paul will be there.” He gave them a moment before adding, “Off you go.”

@Violet Obsidian @AnnoDomini @Sunbather

Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: Auditorium

Mood: Happy, Amused, Nervous

Tags: @Kaine @QuirkyAngel
Dakota followed Sarah into the Auditorium, her hand clasping the blondes. She had fastened her clip carefully, and a faint smile toyed with her face. She'd made friends, at least one, and that was an achievement in and of itself. She watched Jack idly as he finished fixing his hair, then glanced to Sarah and Lauren, then up to the stage with the camera. Her mood sunk right then and there. Pictures had never been and would never be her thing. They were awkward, much like herself, and always made her way more uncomfortable than necessary. Jack interrupted her thoughts, as he came over and handed back her notebook. She accpeted it with her free hand, holding it close to her body.

“Thanks again for this. Well then, Dakota, I think I’ll take you up on your offer. I look forward to receiving a lot of help from you regarding DWMA.”

Jack stated before he turned away and walked up the aisle towards the stage. She blinked, before shaking her head lightly, and smiling. She was starting to enjoy the company of the boy, he was fairly interesting. She watched curiously as he produced what looked like a small cube.
'A die?' She wondered mentally, but was unable to tell for sure. He caught the cube with his hate then pronounced that he would be going first. That was perfectly fine by Dakota, who did not want to go onto the stage anytime soon, though she knew she would have to. It seemed it would indeed be a while, as Jack launched into a long speech about his hat and it's importance that thoroughly confused the female meister. Blocking out jack's rant, she looked to Sarah, still smiling lightly, before slipping her hand out of the other girl's carefully.

"L-let's sit down... I-I think he's going to be a-awhile..." She said, before turning with a very faintly amused smile, and making her way to where Jack had dropped his bag. Sadly, that happened to be the front row, and she settled for sitting in the seat directly behind that. Dakota's eyes settled on the stage, watching as he continued to talk and the cameraman continued to grow more annoyed with him. It was all fairly amusing, to say the least. Finally, the annoyed man interrupted Jack and the boy's picture was taken, and he left the stage.

“Whew! That wasn’t hard at all. The photographer’s pretty reasonable guy once you explain yourself. So…who wants to go next?”

Jack stated as he joined the girls, to which Dakota froze up, shaking her head just slightly. She shrank back into her chair, and looked at the camera on stage for half a second, before shifting her gaze to the floor. She was not moving anytime soon. That much had to be obvious.


Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Arriving with Jack, Lauren also noticed the couple leaving as they entered. Her thoughts on it were non-existant. They were not her friends, and they paid no attention to her, so she returned in kind. Her eyes didn't even attempt to meet them. Lauren just kept her attention on Jack.

Following him down into the seats, she made her place the seat right of his own. The front row was not really to her liking. The stage was eye level with them seated, and while she could see the whole stage she had to look up to see the camera man and his little bit of equipment he had. Her eyebrow raised as she noticed he looked a tad scrawny.

Finally Sarah and Dakota joined them. Sarah looked very pleased as they came in hand in hand. Lauren noticed and was very pleased as well. The twins had not had friends in a long time. They simply hoped maybe these two would not be scared of them. Jack handed Dakota's notebook back to her and scampered up on the stage. They all watched for a few moments before realizing he was more of a drama queen than they were. Both the girls giggled at Dakota before sitting like she had said.

After what felt like forever the man was finally suaded and took the picture with his hat. If only the photographer knew what was in store.

Sarah noticed that Dakota sank into her seat. So she was one of those types of girls. Scared of anything that could capture her existence. Sarah giggled again and Lauren jumped up. "
Yosh!" With both her arms held high. Sarah jumped over the seats and both the girls went up to the stage. The cameraman just looked confused.

You do know that it's portraits right." He said.

Yeah about that..." Said Sarah with a conniving look in her eye.

We're gonna take our own pictures." Commanded Lauren, "It'll only take five minutes."

Lifting her arms to draw his attention to the seats."
Seriously," Said Sarah "No one's here, surely you don't mind."

Normally he would of fought but after that last boy, enough was enough. Throwing up his arms and turning to walk away he just yelled one thing at them. "
5 minutes, And you break anything, you buy it."

Both of them jumped and high fived at the same time in the air. Sarah turned, winking at Dakota.

Sarah was first up. Sitting down in the little chair, she turned sideways slightly, crossed her legs arched her back and using her hand, she blew a kiss and winked for the camera.
Click, Lauren giggled loudly. "It was perfect! My turn! My turn!" Switching places, Lauren scooted the seat away from her and did a little dance from an anime she liked. Putting her hands up to her chest and curving them like cat paws, she puffed out her lips, arched her back and kicked out her butt quickly to make her skirt appear like she was moving. Click.

The camera definitely caught the picture correctly. As did Jack and Dakota. A plate full of form fitting Lavender and White striped panties with a side a cheeks smothered in flawless skin. An entree any man would sell their soul for.

Haha! So puuuuuurfect!" Sarah said as she took the camera off the tripod and turned towards the Seats. "Oooooh Miss Daaaa Kooooh Taaaaaah~ Hehehe~" The photgrapher's camera in her hand and a seriously evil look on her face.

Somehow in the distraction, Lauren had wandered off and was nowhere to be seen.

@Zenaida @QuirkyAngel
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Alessandra Volkov

Classification: Meister

Nickname: the Wolf

Partner: Jayce Hammerkin

Feeling: Happy/Nervous
"So you wanna have lunch with the Great Evening Star today, huh? I think I can do that.”

Watching as the boisterous teen followed Jayce, Alessa smiled somewhat nervously. While she was still happy from earlier, meeting new people wasn't one of her strong suits. Biting her lip when he asked who she was, she froze, unsure what to say. "U-uh..." she stuttered, glancing at Jayce from the corner of her eyes.

Clearing her throat slightly, she flushed, knowing she was taking a moment. "U-um s-sorry. I-I'm Alessandra." she introduced herself, offering a hand out to shake. "Y-you can call me Alessa if it's easier." she offered, smiling shyly. "A-and it's Warren, right? Um, n-nice to meet you." she finished, glancing down at the table.

Remembering the food she'd taken, she quickly took a bite of her sandwich, trying to make herself look busy. She hoped the conversation would move on soon. She hated being the center of attention.

@DaughterofAthena @Violet Obsidian
Helena Jeanne

Sauntering in, Helena walked with all the ease of someone who wasn't several hours late for their... civic duty, as she would put it. She was covered in dirt: under her fingernails, smeared on her forehead, staining the knees of her pants. Smiling serenely, she stopped at Lord Death's side. The cloying scent of something sweet followed her.

With an air of nonchalance, she brought out a handkerchief and wiped at her face. As she did so, she said, "My apologies for my absence, Lord Death." She moved on to rubbing the dirt off her hands. "I've been in the gardens." She grinned and her eyes seemed to twinkle. "I checked out the new statue there - it looks great - but they've also planted some of the strongest smelling flowers I've come across. Been studying them."

Helena shrugged like that explained anything. Well, for someone who had known her since she was a pre-teen like Lord Death, it did. It was a wonder she'd even made it in at the time she did. That old lady was so sweet even if she had yelled at her to "stop digging up the goddamn flowers" and how she was "gonna call security". Without her dulcet tones, Helena would never have even remembered she had a job to go to.

Putting the handkerchief away, she relaxed next to him. Without the dirt on her skin, Helena could have been the picture of professionalism if her clothes were ignored. Already, she was listing to the side and shifting from foot to foot ever so often. Nobody ever said how boring being a Death Scythe could be.
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Kalin Mickleson




Kalin yawned, rubbing the stinging drowsiness from his eyes with his right arm, as he clutched his books to his chest with his other. It had been a long night of heated discussion and litigation over who the Mickleson apartment in Death City belonged to. It had gone uncontested for a great deal of time, however, given a new chance to spite her husband’s son, the scorned widow had reared her ugly head. Even with his father’s lawyer and his appointed protective services representative helping him along, it had been an arduous fight over a relatively small slice of real-estate. But it was the Will of one of the few people who had genuinely loved him for Kalin to have this tiny bit of happiness, and that made it worth fighting for in his eyes.

But now, he was exhausted as he left the N.O.T Lecture hall, having managed to scribble a few relevant notes before succumbing to his lack of sleep. He was roused just about the time the Professor had begun to talk of picture day. He had initially been panicked, as he had completely forgotten given the drama of the night before, but luckily, Kalin was the type to show up sharply dressed the first day of classes. He had dawned his favorite white button down shirt, and forest green overcoat, the fruit of weeks of labor. He was quiet proud of what he saw as fanciful, ostentatious attire, though he’d never admit it. Hince, he carefully made his way to the Auditorium, after several wrong turns, managing not to muss up his clothes any further.

As he opened the door at the top of the auditorium, Kalin’s stomach dropped. The young weapon was momentarily petrified with fear. The large number of seats indicated reminded him that this room was meant to hold a large quantity of people. A large crowd which could descend upon him at any moment. A crowd that could contain not even a single friendly face. However, with a deep breath, he was able to derail that train of thought, realizing the room was mostly deserted, save three genial looking students, and the photographer and their equipment. He had nothing to be afraid of, he was a Mickleson. His father’s line had been trustworthy, dependable, and well-known weapons here at the Academy for generations. He had a pedigree, even if he wasn’t the strongest yet, he would be someday. And that was something to be proud of, right?
"Fake a smile, until it's real. Keep picking yourself up until they give up hope. Endure." He spoke softly to himself, reaching into his pocket to rub his thumb against the silk kerchief in his pocket.

He quickly began to descend down the steps, towards the stage, with a faint smile of confidence. Until the toe of his shoe snags on the edge of a stair about half-way down, letting out an exclamatory squeak.
"Aeeek!" His books go careening down the steps, tumbling, as his face slams into a landing, rather than the next set of stairs in a somewhat lucky break. His head rings as he picks himself up, wobbling to his feet, and grabbing onto a rail, before speaking up, absolutely mortified. “I-I’m ok…” Blood dribbles from his nose, and he’s forced to blink away those pesky tears that occur when a solid object comes in forceful contact with one’s nose. He scrambles about on his hands and knees, searching for his books. It would appear that Kalin had a lot of enduring to do today.

Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: Auditorium

Mood: Scared, Amused, Having fun

Tags: @Kaine @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee
Dakota jumped slightly, and her eyes shot to the twins as they went up to the stage together, looking really excited. They conned the cameraman into giving them the camera, and after Jack's looong talk, he didn't seem to want to fight it. Sarah winked, and Dakota tried to sink farther into the chair to no avail. She had a bad feeling about this... The twins with a camera seemed like a bad idea. A very bad idea. Watching silently as Sarah got her picture taken by her twin, she let her thoughts wander a bit. 'Why is it so empty here?' She wondered, but snapped back when the twins switched places.

Dakota's eyes widened just slightly as Lauren did a little dance, and she averted her eyes away politely, back to the ground. What she'd been able to see from her spot was certainly not something she needed to, though she glanced to Jack. He might have enjoyed that, who knows. Her eye shifted back to the ground and her mood sank as she realized. She was the only one out the the group of them that had yet to take their picture. Frightening. Truly frightening.

"Oooooh Miss Daaaa Kooooh Taaaaaah~ Hehehe~"

Dakota's eyes shot up, and landed on an even scarier sight. Sarah moving closer with a camera in hand, and a serious freaky face. She froze, gulping, her hands shaking slightly. Inside, her mind was racing as her eyes flicked about.
'Friend. Camera. Picture. Run!' shot trough her mind and she found herself up out of the chair, and bolting down the row of seats and to the right wall of the auditorium. At this point she didn't care if her hair got mused up, or anything of the like. She was simply worried about not getting caught and getting her picture taken. Tripping over her own feet a bit, she turned into the outer aisle and start towards the back of the auditorium, where the door was. Her mind was in flight mode, but she was actually kind of having fun too. In an odd way.

The door opened, and Dakota stumbled to a stop, watching for only a second the blonde boy who entered. She shot a glance around, looking for the camera twin, before ducking into a random row and tucking into what was as close to a ball as possible, her face hiding in her knees.
"No p-pictures. No pictures." She murmured to herself, before falling silent, and letting the moment set in, silently shaking. Not with fear, but rather amusement and joy. This was actually kind of fun, aside for the threat of a picture.

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Jack E. Trinity

Lavender. White. Lavender. White. Jack’s eyes widened at the view before him, his face turning red from the blood rushing upward. Thankfully there was no nosebleed. That would have been embarrassing. Pushing a finger against the tip of his hat, Jack tilted the bowler downward to shade his eyes, and hide his reddened face. Who knew Lauren was so indecent? Then again, Jack was mentally considering the possibility of purchasing Lauren’s picture from the photographer, so he was hardly the epitome of decency himself. It couldn’t be helped though. The cat pose, done by a cute blonde girl, was too adorable to resist. She was hitting his weak points.

Oooooh Miss Daaaa Kooooh Taaaaaah~ Hehehe~”

Jack glanced upward, watching amusedly as Sarah approached Dakota with a sinister smile on her face. He had expected something like this from Lauren, but not Sarah. How odd. Yet, at the same time, entertaining. Unpredictability…that was what Jack enjoyed. And the twins he had just met were anything but predictable. Jack’s lips curved upward just as Dakota bolted from her seat towards the back of the auditorium. Then, to make things even more interesting, the auditorium doors opened and a blonde boy entered confidently…at least until he fell half-way down the stairs. Jack raised an eyebrow.

Gracefully getting to his feet in one swift motion, Jack went over to the blonde boy. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. “Here,” He said simply. Jack gave the boy the handkerchief before bending over to help him pick up some of his scattered books. “Ah, you’re a NOT student.” Jack said as he glanced at some of the titles. They were NOT textbooks. “So am I. Though, I wasn’t in the first class so you might not have seen me,” The dice-lover grinned. “Jack Trinity’s the name.” He thought about a follow up line, rhyming name with game, but that was a bit too corny. There was no need to ruin his soon to be NOT-mate’s first impression of him so soon. “If you’re here to get your picture taken, you’ll have to wait until Sarah finishes taking Dakota’s picture.”

Jack tilted his head in the direction of the girls. More specifically, at where Dakota had ducked under a row of seats. Grinning, he handed the blonde boy the couple of the books he’d picked up. Then Jack removed his hat, took the die from his head and, tossed it in the air before catching it inside his hat. The black haired boy peered inside. Nodding to himself, Jack replaced the hat on his head before slowly climbing the stairs to where Dakota was hiding.

“C’mon, Dakota,” Jack said coaxingly, a hint of mirth in his voice. “It’ll be alright. I’m sure Sarah will take your good side.”

The picture was needed for the student ID. At least, that had been what Professor Mitsaki had said. Whether Sarah or the photographer took it made no difference. Though, if she broke the camera, the twins would have to pay for the expensive equipment. Jack doubted the girls had that much money on them. Not to mention, picture day would be delayed. Jack’s eyes flickered to Sarah and back to the empty stage. He frowned when he noticed one twin was missing. Where was Lauren?



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Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Wait, what?! Sarah had not expected this. Dakota took off like a bat out of hell. Damn She thought. Running to jump off the stage, she held onto the camera tightly. While Sarah was enjoying herself, she knew damage to this would result in big trouble. Landing almost perfectly, she pulled her hand out and grabbed onto a chair, pushing off of it some so she could chase after Dakota.

Sarah tried to match her speed but the boy that cut Dakota off, tripped and almost took her out. She narrowly missed, jumping up with one foot on the hand rail of a chair, she skipped a row before jumping back down to land just behind the boy. It was't normal for her to ignore someone, but right now Dakota took priority. A smirk crossed her face as she caught a glimpse of Dakota right before she disappeared. Going into stealth mode, Sarah also ducked down and disappeared into the chairs.

It seemed like minutes had passed. Jack helped the golden haired boy. He found out he was in their class; Jack introduced himself and even asked the boy if he would be patient enough to wait for her to be done with the camera. A true gentleman. Sarah was already in position though. She was sure Lauren was somewhere close. It was just a sisterly feeling.

Jack tried to coax her out. But that was no longer needed. Lauren commenced her stealth attack.

Two lightly tanned arms emerged from the shadows behind Dakota. Silently, they had been waiting. The slender little fingers on each hand crept up to Dakota, slowly lifting her shirt, being ever carefully not to alert her. Once inside, they crept up slowly before biting into their prey. Lauren put her hands against Dakota's skin; it was so warm and soft. Immediately, Lauren squeezed enough to not let Dakota get away, but not enough to hurt her. Lauren's hands were just above Dakota's hips and she moved her fingers around trying to tickle the girl. Happy, Sad, Mad, or Crying, the twins would have their photo.

Sarah jumped up from the row infront of her, staring straight at Dakota.
Click "Gotcha!" She said enthusiastically with a small fist pump. As soon as that was done, Lauren stopped tickling her. Sarah got up and ran over to the end of the aisle to where Jack was. Holding up a thumb and winking, Sarah spoke with a highly excited tone, "Mission accomplished!" But her face almost instantly changed she noticed the blonde boy. Leaning sideways to look past Jack, she saw he seemed a little frazzled.

Lauren's arms wiggled and struggled for a second before everything fell lifeless. "
Koooootaaa~" She whined, but then muttered something else barely understandable, "I think I'm stuck..." Struggling one last time, eyes closed tightly, face contorted, she waved her arms and kicked her feet a little before finally falling lifeless and completely defenseless, in front of Dakota.

Wondering over to the blonde kid, Sarah asked if he was OK and apologized about them."
Sorry about that bit of craziness you just saw. We were just uhm... getting our pictures done?" Somehow her apology turned into a question. She wasn't sure how it worked, but just going with it. Sarah put one hand behind her back nervously and held up the camera with her hand.

You want me to take yours too or I can give you the camera to take to the photographer." Sarah held out of the camera a little, giving him the option to do either.

@Deadeyelee @QuirkyAngel @Zenaida

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Kalin Mickleson




Kalin accepts the hankerchief, looking stunned for a few moments. He's not the best at social encounters. However, he looks down at the Kerchief, and back up at Jack before giving him the warmest grin he had to offer. He feels all warm and fuzzy inside, he remembers sitting next to the fire with Mrs. Joanne. This means more than Jack knows. He presses it over his heart in a fist, before using it to dab up the blood from his nose, careful about not using it too much, as he starts to nervously reply to Jack's actions and querys in a pleasant tenor. "T-Thank you, so much. Y-Yes I did come down here for pictures. My name is K-Kalin. Kalin Mickleson. I'm a weapon. It's nice to meet you, sir. I might as well have skipped class...I fell asleep. I hope the proffessor wasn't too angry...I really want to advance to E.A.T. classes, because I made a promise, you know, and I really would like to keep this promise. Like I don't want to screw up something else. But I need a miester. Man, now everyone in the class probably thinks I'm lazy, too. I'm not, I work really hard, I swe- Oh no I'm rambling again I'm sorry..." The torture ends and Kalin starts to straighten himself up, as the Twin arrives. Dang, he had really wanted to make a better impression with this guy. This is why nobody liked him. His smile started to falter.

"Sorry about that bit of craziness you just saw. We were just uhm... getting our pictures done?"

Kalin shakes his head, holding up his freehand, his face reddening. "It's fine Mam, I didn't mind at all. Craziness has become status quo, but not the good kind. I-It was refreshing, honestly. I promise." He smiled, more politely than than true warmth as the lovely memories Jack had likely inadvertently drawn out start to fade. Still, Kalin would rather die than be improper to a lady. There was nothing Heroic or Knightly about that at all.

"You want me to take yours too or I can give you the camera to take to the photographer."

He nods, keeping his hand raised in a neutral position. "Whichever you'd like. I'm sure you're a fine photographer, however if you find me too boring a subject, you could hand it off to the person it belongs too. I'm happy either way." Lies. He's not sure he'd be happy either way. He's just not normally a happy person. He has no objection to letting someone else decide. He's sure It'll turn out alright. Surely fate couldn't be anymore crueler to him. No, his Karma had to swing positively eventually. Everything had to balance. Joanne believed that. So it was good enough for him.

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Aoi Asuka

Nickname: Ponytails

Rank: NOT Weapon

Partner: Undine Isle

Actions: Making a fool of himself

Tags:@Anyone in the Cafeteria

The blue haired male left the NOT classroom, he nearly forgot that it was picture day to be honest, but his attire was usually formal so no harm done there. It was their lunch break but to be honest, he wasn't 'starving'. This happened once and a while to him, which is where he learned how to cook in the first place when he volunteered after a food fight when he was a 'NEW' student and didn't know when to stop apologizing and making up for it. Once he arrived to the area of gravy catapults and greens as torpedoes, he - more or less speed-walked and ducked through the mayhem to reach the kitchen. He pushed open the door a bit harder in his rushed state, flopping on his face - effectively messing up his own picture up as he was dipped in vinegar and gravy when he knocked into one of the cafeteria ladies that was cooking.
"Oh, uh hey,"

"Seriously Aoi?" She said facepalming at the weapon. "This really is unlike you," She commented, which was somewhat true considering that he usually didn't rush into the kitchen like today.

Ponytails instantly felt ashamed of himself, not because she had used that tone of voice, just because that he messed so badly.
"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry..." He continued apologizing until the lady stopped him. "Sorry, I'll go clean up the mess I made." He said walking towards the cleaning supplies.

"Nope," She said pointing back out the door that he had came through, "Go clean yourself up - you are literally dripping vinegar and and gravy all over the place."

Aoi gave a nod as he walked back out and into the cafeteria.
"Well, then good job Aoi." He sarcastically scolded himself as gravy dripped off his left sleeve and vinegar from his nose. Ponytails - the human salad - walked into the restrooms to wipe off the vinegar and gravy that wasn't A) Soaking his clothes B) Solidifying on his clothes or C) both.


Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: Auditorium

Mood: Plotting, Devious, Friendly

Tags: @QuirkyAngel @Deadeyelee @Kaine
Dakota shook her head, refusing to move when Jack's voice tried to coax her out, though she did lift it from her knees slightly. She stayed where he was, wary of Sarah and the camera the girl held, and was about to calm down a bit, when a pair of hands locked around her torso, making her squeak. That wasn't the end though, as whoever own those hands began to wiggle their fingers, creating a ticklish sensation. Her head lifted fully, and she couldn't help up laugh a little, though she held most of her laughter back. Click! went the camera as Sarah popped up and snapped the photo. The tickling stopped, and so did Dakota's laughs, as her face contorted into defeat. She'd been caught. They'd taken the blasted picture.

Dakota twisted a little freeing herself from however she'd gotten herself wedged, and looked to find that her tickle attacker had been Lauren. She smirked as the other girl wiggled a bit, before dropping lifeless. She giggled, and her face grew devious. Instead of helping the twin free, she decided payback was better option. Lifting her hands, she found the base of the girls neck, her finger-pads just ever so lightly brushing against the girls skin, in short light motions. She switched to wiggling her fingers like the motion of spiders legs, and being careful to avoid whatever might come of Lauren's reaction. Stopping, she sat back, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. She wasn't done getting revenge on the twins, but it was time to free the other girl. Reaching out she assisted Lauren out from where she had gotten stuck, shooting a glance towards the others. Her grin faded, one payed back, one more to go.

Dakota pushed herself up, waving to the now free Lauren, before slipping by and walking down the row to the aisle. She joined the duo with the newcomer, stopping beside Jack, and mentally plotting revenge on Sarah as well. She stayed silent, watching the new boy, though she glanced to Sarah a few times, then looked for Lauren. 'How do I get Sarah back for that...' She pondered, her head tilted slightly, before readjusting to the normal. Ah well. The opportunity would show itself sooner or later. Right? She shook the question off, before focusing on the topic at hand. Who was this? Kalin, was that his name? She thought she'd heard it earlier. Ignoring what might have been said that she missed, she extended a subtly shaking hand to Kalin.

"T-they're probably g-going to m-m-make me introduce m-myself anyway... s-so here g-goes..." She stammered out, figuring if it was going to happen anyway, might as well get it over with, though she had to admit, she did want to meet this boy. Maybe he'd end up becoming a friend as well. "I'm Dakota, NOT class Meister. Y-your name i-is Kalin r-right? Nice to m-meet you." She said, doing just as she said she would. She might have been interrupting his picture taking, but really, Sarah still had the camera. That still scared her. Was this boy really going to just let the twin take his photo? He had guts, she had to give him that. Pictures were awkward, especially when forced by maniac friends with cameras.

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Jack E. Trinity

There she is, Jack thought as he watched mischievous, lightly-tanned hands begin their tickle attack. Arm folded across his chest, the dark haired boy’s lips curved upward as Lauren’s assault drew light laughter from Dakota. It seemed the twins had everything under control.

Turning away from the scene, Jack returned his attention to the blonde boy—Kalin Mickleson—who had been chattering non-stop after introducing himself. How…odd. Especially the ‘sir’ part. Jack had called plenty of other people ‘sir’ before: his past teachers, the police officers, his uncle. But he himself had never been called ‘sir’. It had a nice ring to it. Returning the Kalin’s faltering smile with a bright one of his own, Jack brushed aside the boy’s apology with four simple words. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Mission accomplished!”

Facing Sarah who approached them excitedly, Jack nodded, an expression of mock seriousness on his face. “Well done, Soldier. Keep this up and you’ll be on your way to EAT.”

Jack took the time to assess Kalin while Sarah offered to take the boy’s picture. Kalin was polite. Really polite. It was weird for a kid—especially one that looked younger than him. Of course, Jack wasn’t exactly in a position to judge a person’s weirdness. Kalin also seemed to lack confidence judging from his words. His many, many words. Though not as much as Dakota. Jack was honestly surprised when the dark haired girl came to introduce herself. Even if she was still stuttering, that was unexpected from the girl who’d been running from the camera moments before. Jack’s eyes flickered to Lauren, who seemed to be freed from whatever had caught her. He didn’t watch the tickling fest between Dakota and Lauren for very long, but he’d heard the girlish laughter.

“Hmm, can’t say who won that round,” Jack said, smirking at Lauren. “Looks like a tie to me.”

Returning his gaze to Kalin, Jack took off his hat with one hand, his other hand wrapping around his die. He showed the cube to the group. “If you’ll truly be happy either way, Kalin, then why not let chance determine the fate of your yearbook photo?” Jack asked dramatically. “Whether your picture should be taken by a more experienced photographer or be left in Sarah’s crafty hands. Which would turn out better? Which would make you look more dazzling? THAT is something for the dice to decide!” Jack winked at Kalin. “At the very least, that’s what I would do in your situation.”

The black-haired boy settled in the nearest seat, watching Sarah and Kalin with interest. “But if Sarah really wants to take the picture and you really don’t mind, then I suggest you guys hurry. She’s only got five minutes to show us her camera skills, after all.”

Jack’s eyes flickered to the photographer, who seemed more interested in a game on his phone than the events of the auditorium. Well, maybe longer. Grinning, Jack returned his attention to his NOT-mates. He had a feeling that they would make his years in DWMA very interesting indeed.



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