Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]


He listened to Penny's story, the hope that something was going well for her quickly faded. The more he listened the worse he felt, He watched as she let the sand fall from her hands. It was really tragic, He'd gotten relatively light when it came to nasty side effects of his powers, so he was hungry sometimes, so he got migraines. She currently was unable to deal with water, had lost most of her memories, and was so shy she could barely talk. Yeah, he was fairly certain he never would have a right to complain after hearing her story. He could only sit there staring at her staring at the sand.

Though she was right back to normal shyly speaking with a smile on her face. He got up, and looked around, "Tell you know what generally makes things better food. We'll figure out building a half way decent sand castle after some food. We'll think clearly then. What do you say Penny?"

Sen nodded slightly and too a stance and tried to have somewhat of a decent hold on the Frisbee. She had the disadvantage of the wind blowing against her, something she hadn't accounted for but figured she could manage. She flung the disk in Grays direction getting a decent flick. The toy sailed through the air at a decent speed catching some wind to arch it wide off in the wrong direction.

Gray watched as the disc flew, and quickly started running towards it. The moment he started to speed up, however, his feet started slipping in the sand, causing him to fall flat on his face. He coughed, spitting up sand as he watched the disc soar over and land.

"I don't think I'm going to be very good at this..."

Sen stiffed a small chuckle as she made her way over to the fallen blond. "Eh, stand isn't exactly forgiving." She smiled slightly offering him a hand up. "Learning how to run on sand might be a good thing tough. Its supposed to be more taxing because the sand gives." She said before going over and picking up the disk. She offered it to Gray. "You're turn."

He took her hand and smiled a bit, pulling himself up. Her hand felt warm in his, his skin cold despite the shining sun.

"So I see... I guess I'm going to have to avoid using my powers here. At least until I'm used to running on sand." He took the disc and felt it for a moment, testing it for balance and weight. He had to stop himself and remind himself that it was just a game, he didn't need to treat this hunk of plastic like a weapon.

He soon reeled his arm back and smiled a bit, throwing the disc with a sharp snap of his arm.

As soon as it left his hand he let out a curse... Old habits died hard, and he realized that he had hurled the frisbee like a chakram, aiming straight at her.

Sen moved off to get a good bit of distance from Gray given that the wind was at his back. She stood ready to run off need be as he readied to throw. She probably was going to so the same as Gray had and end up tripping but it was still in good fun. Her eyes widen as soon as the disk was as thrown however and she ducked out of reflex the disk flying past her and skimming along the sand. She looked over to the disk and back to gray "nice throw...."

Gray let out a sigh of relief, glad that she wasn't hit.

"Maybe I shouldn't play this... I could have hurt you." he said with a small sigh, scratching his head.

"Maybe there's something else we could do? Something that won't require us to throw things at each other?"

Sen picked up the disk and walked back over to gray. "Ah hm... I'm not particularly well versed in beach games. This is my first time as as you I'm guessing." she shrugged slightly. "We could grab some lunch though. The smell if barbecue is actually getting me hungry."

"Lunch sounds pretty good... I guess we could eat. Do you know if they have any apples?" he asked, walking up to her with a small smile. He had a feeling that coming to the beach was a bad idea, but he was willing to give it a shot at least.

Sen tilted her head slightly at the question "I dono, maybe. I saw some fruit on a table near the rest of the food." She muttered heading back towards the larger gathering of students and staff. She was curious as to why all the boy seemed to eat was apples. He didn't eat much else so perhaps he was just a picky eater? She shrugged slightly willing to give the burgers a shot. She had been getting used to eating normal size meals, it was slow progress but progress non the less.

Gray watched her for a moment, frowning a little. "I bet you think I'm kinda weird, huh?" he asked, watching the sand as he walked. "I've always been told I was a little strange... I guess that's why people have avoided me most of my life." he explained with a little grin.

Sen looked over noticing how out of place he must feel "Weird isn't really bad." She replied with a slight shrug. "I mean... compared to everyone else here your pretty normal. Everyone has their quirks, my self included. I guess that's gives all of us some kind of common ground." She smiled slightly. "I didn't really give people a chance to avoid me, I just kind of avoided people. Much easier that way."

@Alex Phalin
"That's a very kind offer," Jon smiled, keeping tabs on Gray and Sen, "but I'm alright. After all, I have only just got over my aquaphobia, and I don't want to push things too far. Thanks, though." Then the eye-patch guy, Zach, turned up, and Jon nodded courtiously to him. It didn't take him too long to sense the new invisible tie between the pair, exactly the same signs Gray had shown for Sen. He found himself grinning wildly: they would hardly be a conventional couple, but as long as they made each-other happy, Jon was willing to accept and enjoy their bond. It was very tempting in watching them to make a comment about their feelings, but he prefered to remove himself from such intimate affairs.

So, keeping a close eye on Gray and Sen's rather unsuccessful game of frisbee, he stuck around with Zach and Fox for now. After all, as long as Gray was in sight, he could be sure that the pair of them weren't getting up to anything he'd find hurtful. The emotional web that you feel when you're so attached to someone would make him uneasy if he saw anything suggestive after all. "Mind if I tag along?" he asked the other lovebirds with a knowing grin, "I'd kill for some fresh seafood, and besides, you owe me for barreling into my leg and potentially contracting me with various deseases."


@Alex Phalin

Mica smiled and stood up, watching Cyrus run off with the frisbee, way off into the distance. He saw the frisbee coming at him, and prepared to catch it, until he realized that the frisbee was hurtling at him at a speed he could not catch. He quickly ducked, feeling the frisbee whiz over his head and imbed itself deep into a dune behind him. He luaghed aloud and called Cyrus back with a wave of his hand. He dug his other hand deep into the dune and grabbed the frisbee, pulling it out and shaking it off. "Jeez, trying to take my head off?" he called out.

As Nikolas looked out over the beach that seemed to stretch on for miles he noticed people in the distance, covered in head to foot with only their eyes exposed and turbans on their heads. Oh no. They were walking closer, chanting in ancient Egyptian behind them was exactly what Nikolas feared. Seth.

Seth drew closer urging his worshipers to slowly chant louder and faster as they approached the heathens on the beach. They would bow or be killed, this was their last choice, if you did not bow to a god you would pay the ultimate price. Transforming into Set and taking the beach sand as an advantage he stood at a full 14 feet tall. His waved his hand as his worshipers stopped their chant immediately. He looked across the beach as his voice boomed. "You will bow to me or you will all face the wrath of Set!" He turned to the one person on the beach that he recognized, the man named Nikolas, the thorn in his side that he could not seem to catch. "Now surrender the swordsman Nikolas so that we may begin the sacrifice!"

Nikolas teleported to Morgan and looked at her a bit worried. "I apologize but Seth won't stop until his worshipers sacrifice me. He will also attempt to kill us unless we accept him as a god. Would you like to fight or flee?" Nikolas looked over at Morgan unsure of what they should do now, Seth was never going to give up, he was too deluded. "Oh yes, his worshipers also carry crossbows and sickles." Nikolas pointed out to warn Morgan. "I can easily take out his worshipers but Seth is the real problem."
Zach looked over at Jon, grinning a bit.

"I don't mind some company. Of course, it's up to Fox... After all, this is technically her catch." he said, digging into his bag. He pulled out the switchblade that he picked up during the attack on the school, sliding it into the pocket of his swim trunks. As he turned to leave he heard chanting from down the beach and froze, turning to see what was going on.

"Fuck. Looks like we're in for a fight..." he growled, pulling his chain out of his bag. He wrapped it around his waist and moved in front of Fox, between her and the rogues.

@theunderwolf @SkyGinge


Gray smiled a little. "I suppose you're right... I'm just afraid that people will just start avoiding me because I'm not like everyone else." he grinned at that. He was about to say something else when he heard the chanting and his blood froze.

"Sen? Do you..." he said, turning to look. When he saw the rogue his eyes went wide, his face going pale.

"Sen, go find somewhere to hide. Now."

Morgan Winford

Morgan saw the approaching group approaching and got a sinking feeling in her stomach. Of coarse a rogue had to show up now. Worst off it was the sand mimicry one. She looked over to Nikolas eyes already growing dark as she took control of the shadows around. "It would take too much time to gather to students onto the bus, take care of the followers I'll stall Seth." She looked over to the graduates and students. "Graduates get the students off the beach!" She called over to the rest of the group.

@Godman873 @PicaPirate @Der Kojote @DamagedGlasses @Prizzy Kriyze @tomio @Hellkite @The Kaosophile @Kyd Jhesus @Night Vision @Procculus
Fox giggled as Zach stepped in front of her, Aren't we gallant She thought. "C'mon, Zach. You don't need to protect me," She said denying the fact that she was very flattered," I should be helping you!" She punctuated this by turning into a full grown lioness and gracefully wrapped herself in front of his legs and gave a ferocious growl. Internally, she was sizing up the cultists. Don't look like that much She concluded, This'll be fun.

@Alex Phalin

Penny brightened up at the mention of food, "R-Really, there's food here? Where!?" Penny's body naturally reacted at the mention of food and started to activate it's high metabolism to make room for the meal. Her gut, which had been full earlier, was now empty and she was really hungry. Grabbing onto Zeek's arm, Penny looked into his eyes and was about to ask where the food was, when she looked around and saw everyone either running towards or away from something.

Momentarily taken out of her ravenous state, Penny looked and gasped aloud as she saw the very large man promising to slay them all for religious reasons. Shuddering, Penny felt her slime start falling off her body as she lost control, but she paid it no mind as she grasped onto Zeek for some sort of protection.

@Der Kojote
Lori spun at the sound of Morgan's voice, drawing her gun from its hiding place and draeing back the slide, checking that a round was in the chamber. She called to the students still on the beach.

"Students, get off the beach. Now. Leave this to Morgan and Nikolas."

Lori's tone brooked no argument, cold and deadly serious. As students began to flood back towards the coaches she moved to stand between them and the metas, a short distance behind Morgan and Nikolas. If the rogues tried to go for the students, they'd have to go through her fist.

I doubt my power will be of much use here- I need to stop anything from getting past me, not go wandering around in the Astral realm.
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Sen Harper

Sen nodded slightly and shuffled towards the grill until she started to hear a strange sound. She looked over as Gray spoke up and spotted a familiar figure approaching. The same sand guy who was at the gym before. Her stomach twisted with nerves as she started at the oncoming group realizing that they were at a disadvantage considering there was sand all around. She looked back to gray "Hide? Where? were kind of surrounded by sand." She replied before hearing the graduates calling for everyone to get off the beach.

"That's probably a safer idea." She muttered grabbing Grays arm and started running for the board walk. It might not be the safest location but the further they got from the beach the less sand was around to draw from.

@Alex Phalin
Jon watched in horror as Seth appeared in all his twisted glory. Having been unconscious at the sand-man's appearance in the previous attack, he was yet to experience him first hand, although he'd gathered a vague understanding of things through his peers. It appeared the man was the kind of extremely arrogant, self-righteous religious fanatic that Jon despised. After all, what they spoke of was barely ever anything more than a poor excuse for chaotic desires, and it unfairly sullied the good and much more creditable works of other religions.

Still, now wasn't the time for theologising; another rogue attack? He hadn't quite realised things were this bad, and felt rather sad that their one attempt to enjoy themselves off site had been promptly shut down. Worse still, Boris was yet to return to him with his weapon, which meant he was defenceless, and despite Morgan's calls to get to the bus, with all the sand around them it wasn't too hard to believe that escape would be much more difficult than that.

No, with people like Zach, Fox and the graduates around, his place was on the battle field, trying to avert any chaos as before. Without the weighted suits from last time he would be unlikely to stop and alter momentum this time, but he was adamant to do what he could. After all, he had vowed to protect Sen, and he couldn't do that properly locked up inside a bus.

Running over as a panicked tension settled into the air, he reached Sen, Gray already poised to defend her. He was thankful he had been wearing his swim-shorts, as otherwise it would be much more difficult to run properly. "I've got your backs if we need," he said, and then ran back with them, keeping a watchful glance on the sandy battlefield in case needed to step in.


@Alex Phalin

He was happy to see penny brighten up about the promises of food, "Yeah supposed to be a barque going on at...some...point..." He stopped his sentence traling off as he looked around. He noticed people running away. "Why is everyone fleeing?" He then saw the source of the commotion. One large sand monster looking like an Egyptian god...check...with a god complex to match as well, even better! Army of cult followers, check, and lastly promises to slay them if conversion was not met. He nodded gulping heavily. Tactical assessment of the situation...we should not be here.

He turned to penny who was now grabbing on to him, "Penny? umm now might be the time for what my dad would call a "tactical retreat." He then noticed her begin to loose her form with slime falling off. He cursed a little under his breath "We need to get off this beach, Can you keep together enough to run? Because I' don't think we want to be here...No actually, I know we don't want to be here."

Mica, seeing the man called Seth and all his crazy looking goonies, felt just off kilter enough to help out on the beach instead of helping the student off the beach. He was sure his power would be of more use distracting this so called "big bad" than it would be getting students to leave. He raised his hands high and threw his head back, laughing maniacally as he "summoned" the giant dinosaur. However, instead of the usual purple color he gave it, he made it appear to be made of cracked lava-rock, with lava flowing through the cracks. It was three times taller than previously, and it let out a fearsome, earth-shattering roar. He "stood" atop the head of the dinosaur, in his white suit, pointing his cane at the fools.

"You were wrong to come here! Leave while you still can." The dinosaur let out another loud roar. Of course, the only people who could see this whole scene were Seth and his minions. A second illusion was being projected to the others on the beach, of him explaining what he was doing. All the while, Mica sat on a rock eating a ham and cheese sandwich.

@Godman873 @Everyone else on the beach.
Seth looked around at the roaches scatter laughing at the beast before him. "You dare not bow down to your god!? You shall perish!" He summoned a sandstorm that would blind anyone who did not have extraordinary sight. Sinking into the beach he quickly appeared under the bus now standing at a total height of 20 feet. He picked up the bus with ease as he threw it into a nearby building causing an explosion. "You shall not escape!" He said forming a huge wall of sand around the area with the only route of escape being the ocean. As he stopped the sandstorm he was standing at a height of 14 feet again. As he watched Nikolas teleport and impale the first follower but Seth predicted his next attack as he smashed Nikolas into the ground. Picking up Nikolas he threw him into the sand wall with the sound of cracking bones. "I must admit you were quite elusive but you cannot outrun a god! Now your sacrifice shall begin!" He exclaimed as he began to slowly fill Nikolas's lungs with sand. "Now you will all share his fate! Fire!" The worshipers revealed their crossbows and began to fire, not just normal crossbow bolts barbed crossbow bolts that would be nearly impossible to pull out.
Penny shot Zeek a terror filled glance. She could hear what he was saying, but her mind, full of shock, was taking a while to recognize it completely. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts slightly, unaware of parts of her hair flying around from the sudden movement, Penny looked at Zeek and nodded her head in an affirmative. Focusing onto the density of her slime, Penny forced her body to cement itself back into it's original form.

The traces of slime that had been wiped onto Zeek in her frenzy quickly swarmed back into her as she called to them.

"Alright, I'm good! Let's go, go, go!" Grasping Zeek's hand and not giving him anytime to react, Penny began running as fast as she could get away from here, somewhere safe, somewhere...not here! She wasn't built for this situation, not for fighting! If it wasn't for Zeek, she would probably be just a puddle on the floor until she calmed down and everything blew over. Although, she didn't feel comfortable becoming useless so near to the huge expanses of the Ocean. She really needed to get out of here, it wouldn't be long until she became so scared not even Zeek's presence would be able to keep her from melting.

@Der Kojote
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Morgan Winford

Morgan reached out to collect as many shadows as possible when the sand storm kicked in. She cursed under her breath and shielded her face from the burst of sand growing more and more annoyed by the second. She looked over in time to see Nicolas smashed into the wall. She narrowed her eyes from behind her glasses at the so called sand god. She saw the followers ready to fire and quickly yanked the shadows out from under them causing their footing to slip and their fire to miss the students.

She returned her focus to Seth an Nicolas forming a bubble around the graduate to stop any more and from getting near him. "I will not allow you to harm these students!" She yelled over to Seth before pulling the shadows from around the man to rise up and start tearing into the sand mimic keeping an eye out in case more sand started to shift.

Lori swore as the sandstorm enveloped her, bringing a hand up to protect her face from grit that tore at it. She heard an explosion and a man's gloating, before the crossbow bolt caught her thigh. Lori screamed, collapsing to a knee. The bolt had pierced through to emerge on the other side, and Lori knew that the barbs would make tearing the bolt out impossible, even if she'd had the stomach for it. Raising her pistol Lorelai tried to distinguish friend from foe in the storm, but with no use.

Damn. Guess I'll have to call upon my Astral Projection if I want to be of any help here at all.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Lori felt her soul leave her body. Opening them again, she saw her physical body slumped on the sand beside her, while her soul form stood, ethereal and transparent, impervious to the biting sandstorm. A wild crossbow bolt passed clean through her form without so much as scratching her.

Like this, they can't physically hurt me, just as I can't physically hurt them. My best bet will be to find myself an opponent and invade their body. Maybe I can figure out then how to actually fight with this power.

Running fast with penny was currently the only thought in Zeek's brain at the moment. Then he heard something. The whistling of bolts. Luckily one of the teachers apparently managed to make the bolts miss. More students need to find more students...students with more powers. Tk is useful cannot take on or deal with sand meta with a massive god-complex! He was fairly certain he couldn't deal with the giant sand meta...the followers though...he scrapped the offensive thought right now he just needed to get away from the general area.

Penny grunted as she felt something enter her shoulder. Curious, even in this dark situation, Penny looked over and screamed loudly. Sticking out of her shoulder was a long crossbow bolt that was slowly seeping in. Forgetting that her Slime Physiology stopped her from feeling most physical pain, Penny screamed in fear. ghost memories of being hurt and the threatening position wounds like this put you in coursed through her mind as she slumped knees first onto the sand of the beach.

She whimpered as she felt a tingling feeling start working itself at her shoulder, but realized it was her acid slime melting down the object. Feeling embarrassed, Penny sat there, stock still as she tried to regain motor skills from the emotional whiplash she had just experienced.

@Der Kojote
Kojiro would usually be in a good mood for fighting, however this was different. This wasn't a proper fight, this was a one sided slaughter in the making, and the victims were the students.

Kojiro bellowed in a powerful voice, "YE CAN BLOODY WELL FUCK OFF YA SANDY BASTARD!!".

He couldn't see a thing so kicked the ground in outrage. The shockwave had cleared the nearby area around him, making him see Set. Nikolas, his former classmate, was flung towards a wall and was about to be made a living pincushion. Something that Kojiro was not to allow any time soon. He was called to help, so he is gonna do it.

Of course his lack of perception meant he didn't notice Morgan protecting him too.

Kojiro screamed in strength as he jumped in front of Nikolas, somehow clumsily ending up in front of him. The arrows plinked harmlessly off Kojiro's body, nothing more than hail raining on a body.

He kept in front of Nikolas to protect him, while he still had any grip on himself left before he let himself get into the fight. He had a brawler fighting posture, ready for any attacks.


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
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Indy had just finished changing when he stepped out of the bathroom. He had only trunks and sandals on. He was planning to have a good time and relax but some jerk had to come and ruin it before it began. Indy heard the bombing voice of a man far out at sea. He turned to the ocean and saw a large figure, A living Myth. The god Seth! Sure he wasn't a real god just thinks he is one. He was demanding a certain swordmen.Indy was told to get vback to the bus but before he could get there a sandstorm had covered the battle field. It the storm arrows were launched his way but thanks to Morgan they missed him.

"Why the fuck would this happen! God, Crazy metas likes this make us all look crazy." Indy said to himself.
Zach grinned as Fox shifted form, reaching down to give her a little scratch behind the ears. He couldn't help it, he loved cats.

"Alright then. Just be careful, otherwise it'll be me patching you up this time." he said with a little smirk, pulling the switchblade from his pocket. As the blade snapped into place it started arcing with electricity, producing a crackling sound akin to a taser. He shielded his eye as best he could against the onslaught of sand, cursing under his breath. Sure, Morgan had told them all to get off the beach, but he really never was one to listen to authority figures.

"Don't get yourself hurt now. We have a fish to cook up after this." he said to Fox with a smirk before sprinting across the sand at the enemy, lightning arcing from the knife to the ground as he charged.



Gray yelped when he was suddenly being dragged, sand pelting his face and eyes. Instead of looking scared he looked... Well, livid.

"What the HELL is going on?! Haven't they done enough fucking damage?!" he growled, rubbing sand from his eyes as he followed with Sen. Despite his anger he didn't try to jump into the fight, knowing that his abilities would be useless on the sand.

Sen Harper

Sen shielded her face from the sudden sand as a sand storm kicked up not even bothering to try and see. There was a loud boom and a chaotic mess of noise before everything stopped. She chanced a glance up in time to see a monster wall of sand and shadows ripping a part a mound of sand she could only assume was Seth. "Well... there goes escaping.." she muttered before hearing a wizzing sound and a thunk. She looked too the source spotting a stray bolt in the sand barbed wire that had been wrapped around it sticking out of the sand. She looked back and saw a group of people dressed very similar to Seth trying to recollect themselves. "Oh shit..." She reached for the bolt with her ability and quickly fired it at the first guy who started to get his bearings hitting him in the chest. Not a lethal shot but enough to cause pain and stun him enough to knock over into another one.

"We have to take them out before they can reload!" She called out figuring it best to take out the group of ranged fighters while the big bad was distracted. She realized she was still holding the Frisbee and quickly shoved it into grays hand. "Here you can throw a lot better."
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"About time this little narrative picked up." Julian sauntered out of the shade that she had been cooped up under for the past few minutes. She swung her jacket around her and threw it into the air, and cracked her knuckles. "I was getting bored. Time I showed them what Sang Jin-Yeong is really made out of." The exhiliration, the adrenaline, oh, how she felt purely ecstatic when she took slow, deliberate steps towards the threat. What was his name? She didn't care. What she cared was that she would feel skin and bones giving away under her blows once she reached him. Him and his little pack of pansy-ass arrow shooters.

A stray bolt shrieked towards her face, but was stopped abruptly when she snatched it in mid-air and snapped it in half. A lopsided smile curled on her lips, and her eyes took on the crazed lust for blood. The Berserker was here. Her pace quickened to a stride, then a swift ones, before breaking into a full out run. There was no battle cry or snarky words to be said. There was only carnage to be had.

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