Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]


Nikolas looked over to Lori trying to think of the uses of astral projection but he himself wasn't too sure of what the power actually was. Nikolas nodded pretending to understand what the power was. "I am sure you will find a way to make it work, all powers have some form of use in combat, even if it is unlikely." He paused thinking of how teleporting in a fight didn't actually hurt someone, though it wasn't too hard to use in a fight. "To be honest you do not always have to fight with your power directly, for example teleporting does nothing aside from move me a short distance but with some practice I can use to avoid most attacks and attack from unexpected angles." Nikolas looked around noticing the burgers before teleporting away and grabbing food considering how hungry he was.

Jon nodded, and then began to laugh lightly again. In complete honesty, he did attribute everything to Sen, in spite of the fact that it was he himself and his power that cured the phobia. All the more reasons to love her, I suppose. He grinned like he so often did, but this time his grin felt stronger, deeper than any other grin before, like the gentle archs of his mouth were being held up by some kind of emotional scaffolding. There was nothing else to say now, and he knew she was being too humble to accept his thanks, but there was no point in arguing back, and anyway that was one more virtue to add to her evergrowing list.

Before Jon could say anything in particular, something was ramming into his leg, and in an instant, his expression flew from a contented smile to complete surprise. He toppled over like a falling oak, landing with a damp splat in the sand beside him. To top things off, the tide advanced further, and a large water washed over him again, the cold flurry of water making him shudder violently.

Climbing back to his feet, he spotted his attacker: a seal, of all things. He shrugged wildly to Sen. "Well, seems like mother nature wanted in on my celebration," he retorted, eyes wide. "I just hope it's not contagious. You know, almost every natural seal carries seal herpies. That would be an absolute bummer to get now."



He nodded at Penny's question, Yeah, Dad was in the military, retired a few years back, I've been all over the United States, the move here didn't bother me too much because of it. I got used to it. Though really wish the parents hadn't found out. Dad took it Well enough, Hell he took it better than expected. Mom..." He looked out to the ocean, the memory was not a pleasant one, He never heard her shout so much, hell you'd think he killed someone. Shaking his head, he turned back to Penny. "Never-mind about that. Well how about you, what's your family like? Were they fine with your situation or did it go less than well?"

Penny looked at the Zeek, and thought about how to answer his question. It always saddened her when she thought about her parents. Not because she forgot about them, but because she didn't forget about them completely. She could still feel the whisperings of her life before being slime and she could tell that her parents were kind people. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment, considering her options, while letting her hands run through the sand that surrounded them.

Opening her eyes, Penny gazed at Zeek with a stare edged with pain, her words were void of her stutter, but were heavy with a sorrow, "When my powers first activated, I was using the toilet. Being sent down the plumbing isn't fun, especially since it was filled with water. The combination of my body changing so drastically and being completely surrounded by it's genetic enemy, it was just too much for my developing brain to handle. I can remember some things, but there just ghosts of what was. Everytime I reach for them, hoping to get a solid hold on my past, " Penny picked up some sand and let it fall through her fingers, "They just fall through my grasp, mocking me with their importance."

Penny shyly smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes, as she looked at Zeek, "B-But don't let my tr-troubles bother y-you. L-Let's just h-have some f-fun...or s-something..."
Gray finally awoke, the sun burning at his face through the bus window. He had fallen asleep on the trip up, and when he woke up he wasn't really surprised to find the bus empty. He hadn't been sleeping well, so the nap was helpful.

He stood and yawned hugely, stretching. As he gathered up his things he wondered if he should even bother getting changed, he wasn't very fond of the ocean. Shrugging a bit he sighed, deciding to stay in his normal clothes as he made his way off the bus.

The sea air was cool and refreshing, a nice change from the oven the inside the bus had become. He took a deep breath and made his way down to the sand with the rest of the students, frowning a bit when he saw Jon and Sen. They looked like they were having fun.

Finding a small bit of shade he sat down in the sand and sighed, watching the waves crash. He was content to just sit in silence for now, his mind occupied with a typhoon of thoughts.
Sen Harper

Sen giggled softly as John fell over into the water, another bigger wave washing over her as well causing a chill since she was soaked and there was a pretty good breeze blowing in from the ocean. She looked down as the seal as it swam in the surf staring as it passed since she had never seen on before. "It seems so. Are you okay?" She chuckled softly. He might have gotten over his initial fear but it seems the ocean wasn't going to make it easy for him. She blinked a few times at Jons random fact no really knowing if he was joking or serious. "Uh... Yeah that would be really bad."

"It would indeed," Jon nodded, glaring subsequently between the seal and the water as if they were coconspirators or fellow assailants preparing to mug him. He wasn't afraid any more, but that didn't mean he'd get on with the water. There was still the fact that he couldn't swim, which would definitely inhibit him somewhat later down the line.

However, he had noticed something in the moments after the impact, and he had a strong hunch about things now. "It's a good thing shape shifters don't share the disease, am I right, Fox?" He walked over to stand in front of her and bent down cautiously, just in case he was completely wrong. Eyebrow raise, he looked like a teacher midway through rebuke save for the friendly smile on his face. That, and he was fairly certain he was right judging from the lack of other seals about. As if to take advantage of things, an over-cheerful wave leapt up at him and splashed his face once more.


Sen Harper

"Hm fox?" She looked over to the seal. She wasn't sure if seals were even native to this part of the ocean but the presence of the shapeshifter wouldn't surprise her either. A few giggles escaped her as another wave deiced to crash upon Jon as he crouched low. "Perhaps getting so low wasn't the best idea." She said refereeing to the sand that was churned up by the moving tides and now clung to his skin and shorts. She was fairing better against the sand and enjoying her self quite a bit still.

Gray looked over, wondering if the pair could even see him from where he was. As he watched, he could feel jealousy bubbling up in his stomach, and he began to wonder if he even had a chance. After all, she seemed to smile a lot more around Jon... He quickly shook his head and growled under his breath, standing. Deciding he didn't need to just sit and mope around all day he stepped out into the sun, his eyes squinting against the light. Being unsure of what to do he just waved at the two of them.

@Shura @SkyGinge
"Well, I'm glad somebodies enjoying this atrocious luck of mine," Jon chuckled as he unclenched his eyes, glad for Sen's laughter. He sighed through his quaint chuckling, the pair of them stood there in the shallows, soaked head to two, their hopes of just paddling lightly promptly chattered into a load of pieces. It was at that point that he noticed... "Hey, nice hair accessory," he smirked, and then fished out a string of seaweed from the back of her hair, tossing in genially out into the sea. "Looks like the water loves you just as much as it does me," he laughed, an earnest grin across his face.

Something caught his eye nearby, white hair shining slightly in the sunlight; Gray had turned up after all. Jon felt his elation fall a little, suddenly reminded of how bad he has felt for the boy on their journey. Then to give such an exuberant display of affection and appreciation for Sen... he really felt bad for the other boy. Still, something had changed slightly inside of Jon, and his feelings for her had been strengthened by her good act towards him. It was clouding his judgement slightly, but it was a pleasant obscurity, and Jon wouldn't feel guilty for embracing his feelings now.

Returning the awkward wave, he gave Sen and alright nudge. "Looks like Gray did make it on time," he commented, indicating with his finger.


@Alex Phalin
Sen Harper

Sen blinked as Jon pulled some sea week out of her hair feeling slightly creeped out by the discovery. What else had gotten into her hair during the tumble? Perhaps she made a mistake in not tying up her hair especially since there was probably a bunch of sand peppered through out her hair. It would probably take quite a while to get it all out later. She ran her figures through her soaked hair making sure there wasn't any more surprises before hearing Jon speak up. She shifted her gaze over to the beach where Gray stood waving over to them.

She smile a bit and waved back happy to see he managed to make it out. "Look's like. Guess we should head over and say Hi. Plus those burgers are starting to smell really good." She looked back over to Jon before leaving the shallow waters tugging slightly in vain at her clothes so they wouldn't stick to her thin frame so closely. "Hey, glad to see you managed to catch one of the buses." She said as they got closer.

@SkyGinge @Alex Phalin
Gray sighed a bit, watching them for a few moments. As they came closer he forced a smile.

"Yeah. Fell asleep on the bus, though... Looks like I've been missing out on all the fun." he said with a little chuckle, his eyes not seeming to focus on either of them for a few moments.

"How's the water? It looks cold..."

Sen Harper

She smiled softly over to the blond, "Well not all of it. We were only in the water a little while." She replied noticing the slightly distant look in Grays eyes. She wondered if he just had stuff on his mind or was just groggy still. "At first but it's actually really nice." She glanced back to the ocean. "Actually a lot of fun. You should come in as well" She grinned back to Gray "Are you okay though, you seek kind of out of it."

@Alex Phalin
"I'll pass, I think... I don't do so well with water." he explained with a little smile. He shuddered a bit at the thought, and was soon snapped out of it when she asked if he was alright.

"Oh... Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I just tend to overthink things." he said with a shy little laugh, scratching his head.

"You know, I've never really liked the ocean... Too much sand." Changing the subject he smiled a bit.

"You don't seem like you mind it, though."

Sen Harper

Sen watched Gray a moment seeing the similar signs Jon showed earlier. Was he afraid of the water as well? She wondered quietly to her self "Yeah, Staying mostly in the shallow end though. Never really learned how to really swim. But it's still fun." She shrugged. "We honestly helping Jon come to terms with his own fears it went better than initially though." She glanced over to Jon with a slight smile. "The waves didn't seem to agree with him though."

Gray chuckled a bit at that. "I could tell... You both look like you've been battered around by the waves." he explained, shrugging a bit.

"I don't think I'll be going in, I'm not exactly dressed for it... What else is there to do around here? I mean, it kinda seems boring..." he admitted with a shrug. "I'd rather be training... Or building things. I know this trip is supposed to be fun and all, but I think there's better things we could be doing."

Sen Harper

"We trained all week, sometimes a break is need to recover and what not." She muttered softly "Besides some could see swimming and being active her as a kind of training. My P.E. teacher boast about how things like Volley ball were great for team building and coordinating." She shrugged slightly "It's kind of like training... I guess..." she sighed, smile faltering slightly while trying to figure out a way to make the beach seem like some kind of fun for Gray. He was always so serious and seemed to enjoy the card game the night before so having fun wasn't completely out of the question for him.
Fox turned back to her human form, clad in a tank top and shorts (She had left her beloved hoodie on the bus because it was uncomfortable and limiting when wet) and gave Jon a dirty look. 'I'll have you know that all the seals I've known were wonderfully nice and mostly disease free she declared with a pout, she immediately brightened up though, 'Do you guys really not know how to swim?!" She asked her vicinity unbelievingly, "Your missing out. I could teach ya if you want."


@Alex Phalin

Gray forced a little smile. "I suppose you're right. If anything, I guess I could play volleyball? Or maybe something else... I don't just want to sit in the sand bored all day." he said with a shrug. When Fox came over he shook his head quickly.

"No, I know how to swim... I just don't like doing it." he explained with a small smile.


Zach had been swimming, seeing how far he could get away from shore each time. Once he was finally exhausted he made his way back, breathing hard as he walked onto the sand. Pulling his eyepatch off he wiped sand away from the socket and quickly replaced the patch, smiling a little when he saw Fox. He had been looking for her, but in the excitement she had managed to vanish like she seemed to be so apt at doing.

He walked over to the group, trying to shake the water from his hair.

"Hey Fox, how was your swim?"

@Shura @theunderwolf
Fox shrugged at Gray but brightened up as soon as she saw Zach...without a shirt. Which she was completely fine with."I saved you a fish!" She declared tossing him a fat trout, "I know you don't like your meat raw so you should ask them to grill it up for you, Oh and gut it first, got a knife on you?"She asked innocently, liking gutting a fish was the funnest thing in the world. When you do it with someone you like... she giggled internally.

@Alex Phalin
Zach caught the suddenly airborne fish, staring at it for a moment. He chuckled a bit and scratched his head.

"Yeah, I've got a knife in my bag. I wouldn't mind if you tagged along, I haven't cleaned a fish in a long time." he explained, turning to head over to where he had placed his stuff. She was certainly an odd one, but he didn't mind.

"I don't really mind some cuts raw. Sushi is one of my favorite foods, after all."

Sen Harper

She glanced over to Fox as she came up to them and smiled slightly, "Thanks but maybe later." She looked over to the rest of the volley ball area seeing it packed with other students. "Hm perhaps not volley ball." She looked around spotting a Frisbee but also Zach. She smiled slightly. "Hey Zach." she greeted before looking back to Gray. "We can plays Frisbee? We take turns throwing the disk and catching it. " She suggested to Gray

@Alex Phalin
Gray looked over at Sen, tilting his head. "I guess we could do that... I mean, I've never played before, but I guess I could give it a try. How do you win?" he asked, obviously confused. It was odd how little he knew about seemingly common things, and it soon became more and more apparent how much of his life had been devoted to nothing but training and fighting.

Sen Harper

Sen made her way over to one of the discarded disks and picked it up. "Uh... I have no idea." She chuckled. "Usually you throw the disk back and forth until one person drops it or fails to catch it. There's some official rules and what not but I never really looked them up." She explained moving over to an less populated stretch of beach. "It's not terribly hard though. Just got to be careful with the wind." She explained. "Might want to move back though, not sure how far this will go." She suggested turning to face Gray.
Gray tried not to show that he was at least still a little confused. It didn't seem like this game had a winner, which was hard for him to comprehend.

"Alright..." he said quietly, following her down.

"I think I'll be alright, if you throw it too far, it's not like I won't be able to catch up to it." he said with a little grin, finding his footing in the sand wasn't that great. He didn't think too much of it, and readied himself.

"Alright, go ahead."


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