Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]


The battle was over, the fight had been won. The EMT's had come and those that were injured were now being treated. Zeek uncorked the bottle of Ibprophen and swallowed two tablets to kill the headache before it got worse. He sighed as he sat on the curb. There were two casualties. 1. The bus now was broken into multiple tiny pieces. Zeek recollected on that fact as he picked up a half bent hubcap that had landed on the road. "Well there goes the easy way back...great..." the other causality was his love for the beach, one does not simply "Have fun" on a beach when one can get attacked by a sand-meta. Hell of a first day.

He sighed, "Damnit...hell of a way to spend the first day." He heard someone say something about hating the beach he spoke aloud, "Yeah crossbow cultists apparently do that to you. Next time how about a movie night? but no scorpion king, or any of the mummy know what just scratch anything with sand at this point!"

Penny kept her eyes downcast far way from the paramedics as everyone was getting treated. She had no physical wounds on her body, she wasn't sure she was even able to, but her mental state was another issue. The ravenous hunger reminded her of the days after her transformation, but on a lower scale. She could remember a lot about her days after her transformation, but she could remember the terrible hunger that didn't stop at her gut and spread throughout her body, the hunger becoming her body, Penny and the hunger as one being.

While she had always been rather open with her past and most of her recent and past life, those few days and her inherent hunger were two thing she was ashamed of and tried not to speak of. Yet, no matter how she ran away from it, the hunger always managed to get to her, like today. When she had accidentally consumed that man her inner hunger that constantly plagued her sprang up. While she could usually keep it under control at the cost of her lack of bodily control, and a semi-constant source of sustenance, the promise of large amounts of food, which the Cultists had provided, unfortunately, made her ability to not let loose decrease in epic proportions.

And now, she had done ti again. She had eaten the poor souls' alive and wholeheartedly with her acid. It hadn't bothered her much then, but when she thought of the screaming that came with her acid burning into their skin and gathering anything it could reach, Penny couldn't help, but lose herself in the terrible memories. Looking up, Penny observed her peers and couldn't help, but think of how much her presence was putting them in danger. How long would it be before she would lose control of her hunger and consume someone's brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father!?

Sighing heavily, Penny felt her slime hair start dripping a she lost hold on her form. The only thing she was sure about, was she didn't deserve to be friends with anyone of them and it was wrong of her to get close.
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Sen Harper

Sen sighed softly as she watched the EMT's take Zach away to be treated. They said he was going to be just fine but that didn't stop her from worrying. She looked back to the rest of the beach where everyone was in the same mood. Granted this fight went a hell of a lot better than the one at the gym, it still didn't change the fact that it was still an attack. Even everything she'd been hearing lately it wasn't going to be the last. She looked over hearing an angry out burst off to the side and saw Gray looking seriously pissed off.

Sighing heavily sen opted to do something other than sulk and try to find her belongings. She wandered over to where she last remember sitting down and managed to unearth her bag and hoody. She shook off most of the sand to her jacket before sliding off her ruined shirt. Gray approached her not looking in much of a better mood but wasn't exactly in the mind frame to deal with more negativity. "Was fun while it lasted..." she muttered before overhearing one of the other student try to lighten the mood. She smirked slightly glancing over to the guy. "That's excluding a lot of decent movies but sounds like it could fun." She called over.

@Alex Phalin @Der Kojote

Zeek nodded, "Yeah, but then again... with a movie night, I get the feeling we'd get jumped by some meta who thought that star wars was real. or worse...some Michael bay film was true." He shook his head with a sigh "I don't want to deal with that many explosions. Is it usually this crazy, or is this just something for the newcomers?" He looked around with a puzzled look on his face, speaking of newcomers where the hell was penny? He surveyed the scene and noticed his green friend looking down trodden, though it wasn't for the sad look on her face, the whole body dripping slime gave it away. He called back to here. "Hey penny! Over here! come on, we got a while to wait. might as well pull up a seat on the curb." then he looked around, "Hey umm, has anyone called the principle?"


Gray sighed, and with that sigh seemed to dispel his anger at the whole situation.

"Yeah, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe a movie night in the bunker at school might be an option." he said, smiling a little. His demeanor seemed to change completely.

"Though, those movies you mentioned... I don't think I've heard about those." he said, looking over at the boy he hadn't met yet. The confusion was plain on his face, as he tried to figure out why a bay would be called Michael, or where people would find a mummy to film.

@Der Kojote @Shura
Fox sat down next to Sen and the boy she didn't know painfully, letting a long breath out as she did. While her side wasn't bleeding (much) it hurt pretty badly and hiding the fact that it did made the pain even worse. She didn't want it looked at though after developing what was, in her opinion a "healthy' distrust in doctors. Forcing herself to take hr mind off it, she looked over to Sen and gray,"Whats a movie?" she asked, "And why would we need to be in a bunker to see one?"

@Alex Phalin


@Der Kojote
"She's most likely already been called..." Sen sighed heavily as she sat on the curb "Ugh I rather not think of a meta that can shoot lazers or cause ridiculous explosions..." She grumbled before looking over to Gray. "They're kind of old by now. Lots of Egyptian lore and what not... I guess we lucked out that it was just sand and not some kind of flesh eating beetles." She shivered slightly at the thought. "Movies? uh... its like tv... only with more money. People dress up and act out scenes for others to watch. You don't need to be in a bunker... though by this point it might be the safest place." She muttered combing her fingers through her hair trying to get as much sand out as possible. It was a near impossible task and would probably be finding sand for the next several days but she was alive which was a bigger point.

@Der Kojote @Alex Phalin @theunderwolf
Penny glanced as she heard her name being called. looking up, Penny's cheeks grew dark as she saw Zeek looking at her with interest. She knew she had just said that it was in everyone's best interest to stay away from people, but she couldn't refuse Zeek. He was the one fo the ones who called her a Friend, one of the first ever since her awakening. Trudging away from the tree she had been sitting under, Penny stumbled as her foot, which had been weakened from her emotional distraught state, turned into green slush and started to slowly burn the stuff that got in it's way. When she was able to, Penny limited her acidic level to the lowest degree to keep her from burning people, and so, right now she could only burn small plant life with a large amount of time.

Fixing her foot, and her cheeks darkening again, Penny made her way towards the group, and she overheard them talking about movies. The word rung a bell in Penny's mind, but it had a dull sound and was covered in fog, like most of her leaks from the past. Sitting down, Penny looked at the group and tried to come up with word to say. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had just literally walked into. Under the influence of Zeek's plea, she had, under her own free-will, walked into a group of strangers who she didn't even know by name. Her throat clenching up in fear and anxiety, her slime began to melt more rapidly as she felt invisible eyes in all directions stare down at her in condescension and visual sneers, all of them judging her while also learning her insecurities and fears.

@Der Kojote @Shura @theunderwolf
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Gray looked over at Fox, tilting his head a bit. "You're hurt... You don't want an EMT to look at you?" he asked with a little frown.

"If you don't like doctors, I could maybe take a look. Either way, you need to get it looked at. I mean... You don't want it to get infected or anything." he said, obviously trying to get his mind off of something else by offering to help. He walked over to a nearby ambulance and swiped a medkit when nobody was looking. Making his way back over to them he sat down next to her, eyeing the cut.

"Were the bolts poisoned? Does anyone know?"

@theunderwolf @Shura
Fox sighed and slowly lifted her tank-top up, revealing the jagged wound to the boy "Thanks Gray," She said hesitantly, flinching as the salty sea breeze stung against it,"And the bolts aren't poisoned, I checked and even if I was wrong I would have felt it by now." She flinched, remembering the last time she was poisoned, then flinched again as the motion stretched open the gash

@Alex Phalin

@Der Kojote

Gray inspected the wound, flinching a bit as his palms stung. The gouges had stopped bleeding, but they still hurt.

"This is pretty bad... Luckily it's a clean enough cut that I can stitch it up." he said, dabbing some antiseptic on the wound.

"This is probably going to hurt... I'm sure Zack would be willing to help, if he wasn't off counting unicorns or something." he said with a little smile, trying to help get her mind off the pain.

"Does anyone know why we got attacked? How did the rogues even know we were here?" he asked as he threaded up a needle and started carefully stitching the wound shut.

"You may want to hold off on transforming for a while, at least until these are healed. Otherwise you run the risk of re-opening the wound."

Sen spotted the strange slime girl and just waved slightly. "yeah... one hell of a first week overall..." She shook her head. "On the bright side no one from the school died... so this is already better than the last time." She smiled slightly. She watched as Gray started to treat foxes wound about to voice that one of the EMT's should take care of the wound but knowing fox strangers were probably the last thing she needed right now.

She looked over to gray. "Last time this happened the sand guy went for Nikolas..." She looked over at the ambulance where Nikolas were being healed. "This time was the same I guess..." She sighed. "It's not really that hard to find a group of school kids riding in a bus... for all we know he could have been ready to attack the school but saw everyone getting on the buses." She thought aloud. "Kind of too late to just ask now, even if we didn I doubt he was sane enough to even answer logically... he probably would have claimed prophesy."

@Der Kojote @Alex Phalin

Penny smiled at the kind gesture from the girl and managed an even smaller wave back. Penny focused in with intense concentration as the girl in front of her summarized the more recent trouble they had experienced with the "God".

Penny forced herself to speak up as she finished listening to the girl's explanation of the "God's" past events, "H-He s-seemed kind o-of cra-crazy." Inside her mind Penny was more vocal about her opinion, she had found the "Sand God" very crazy and a maniac. He especially didn't seem like a nice person, understatement of the year, although that was probably the most blatant trait he had. Penny noticed her melting state and tried to fix, but only managed to stop herself from dripping completely, her skins still rather droopy in some places while others were malleable and softer to the touch than she would like.

@Der Kojote @Shura


Zeek noticed Penny melting again, he poked her, "Hey calm down. we got a while to wait. Nothing worth getting nervous around. There's only so much craziness that can be thrown at one day, No more crazy meta with god-complexes, at least I hope." He yawned and leaned back on the curb. Listening to the other girl, "Wait what do you mean it went better than last time? Somebody actually died?" he rubbed his eyes with one hand "God...what have I gotten myself into? Damn things would have made sense now if it wasn't for that migraine."
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Penny blushed a deep green as Zeek lightly reprimanded her. She wished she could stop. It was just all the people around her and the intense feelings she could get rid, especially the underlying hunger, always messed with her control. Penny tried to rein in as much as she could as her green eyes sparkled with curiosity at the girl's answer. It was a heavy question, but Penny really wanted to know as much as Zeek.

@Der Kojote @Shura
Sen nodded slightly in agreement with the other girls statement. "Perhaps not crazy... defiantly delusional. Then again when you wake up and suddenly find out you have abilities that would rival the military. Its a wonder there aren't more." She muttered before looking to the blond. "Yeah... second day of school a group of metas attacked... three were killed one was captured the other escaped from what I heard. Unfortunately two of our students were also killed. A good number of us were hurt because of it as well, I was stabbed. The nurses were able to patch everyone up afterwards." She smoothed the hair back from her face. "Well news says more Rogues are popping up at an alarming rate... So the whole words probably going to hell." She shook her head.

Penny wondered if she was considered a Rogue when she was wandering around, eating stolen goods and...sometimes people. Was she like that Sand guy? He seemed crazy, or "deluded", but was he the same as her before he simply gave into it. What were the chances of her suddenly going Rogue? Would it even be her or the hunger? Penny felt the slime in her gut start bubbling at the repulsive thought of hurting people for no rhyme or reason, except for food.

"D-Did you k-know any R-Rouge's per-personally?"

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Zeek rolled his eyes, not at the girl rather the situation, "Glorious, world going to hell in a hand-basket and I get dragged along for the ride JUST in time." He eased himself up to resume sitting on the curb rather than reclining on the walk. he propped his head in his hands and rocked back and forth seemingly lost in thought. His mind drifted to his dad's long talks about military matters, He looked at the girl "Are the rouges random? or are they organized? because if it's just a small number attacking first, it sounds like they're probing your defenses... and the sand guy...might have been random happenstance, or it could have been an attempt to attack students while they were alone, separated. Though...teachers were here...I don't think anyone would expect chaperons NOT to be present." He closed his eyes still thinking, though honestly he still knew nothing more about this scenario, other than rouge metas would want to kill him. He sighed "Wish I had my dad's brains for this sorta thing..."
Gray soon finished stitching Fox up, wrapping her torso in bandages to keep everything in place. He was quiet, focusing on his work for now.

"Hey Sen? I'll be right back... I need to make a few calls." he said, looking over at the other two.

"I don't think we've met, and I don't intend to be rude... I'm Grayson. You can call me Gray." he said to the other two, before turning on his heel to walk off.

@Shura @theunderwolf @Der Kojote @DamagedGlasses
"No... I didn't really know any metas back home..." Sen looked over to the other two new students she had yet to even get their names. "I dono... Like... Rogues are metas who just snap and start wrecking shit... at least that's what it sounds like. So it could honestly be random... though at this point who the hell knows whats going on any more." She sighed before nodding over to Gray figuring he was probably calling family again for more weapon supplies or something. She looked up at the sky for a second before letting out a small chuckle "Hey.... maybe there all gathering into some kind of huge villians club and giving each other nick names. You think they'd wear goofy spandex suits and stuff too?"
Fox hissed as the antiseptic touched the wound. It felt like a burning needle against her cut. She bore it though, focusing her attention a girl who appeared to be melting, "Knowing Zach he's counting metal records and pink fluffy kittens." She said, letting loose some yelps as the needle stuck through her skin. "And no worries about shape shifting, I've done when I've been worse off and while I woould love to have an extended conversation between how my wounds transfer while shifting, I don't like talking while being stabbed, thanks." She finished as he stood up and left. "I'm Fox by the way!" She said to Sen's companions, pleasure to meet ya'"

@Alex Phalin


@Der Kojote


Zeek joined in the chuckle as well, "Ahh yes! giant villan club, the legion of doom! living in a swamp in an impractical building. silently buying their time till world domination, or something like that." He nodded at the one girl gave her name, "Ahh yes, can't be so rude as to forget an introduction! The names Ezekiel, though Zeek works if you like nicknames. Transfered in last night actually! " He then gave a hand gesture to his friend, "And here we have Penny. Very nice person all around."
Penny watched on as "Gray" started walking off, phone in hand. She wondered if she should get a phone, although she would probably eat it on accident, and she didn't really have anyone to call except maybe Zeek if he was willing. Listening to the girl's discussion about Rogues, Penny couldn't help, but think about the chance her hunger would finally win out. Shaking her head of such thoughts, as they seemed to just make the eventual problem more likely, Penny heard the other girl, who had been getting medical care from Gray, tell her and and Zeek her name, which was Fox.

Not finding anything funny about villains in spandex, Penny stayed silent as everyone began laughing. When they were over she realized that this would be an opportune moment to tell them her name, regardless of Zeek's kind introduction of her, Penny unclenched her throat and began with quiet strain, "I-I'm P-Penny, Penny W-Wilson...N-Nice to me-meet you."

@Shura @Der Kojote @theunderwolf
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Sen couldn't help but chuckle at Zeeks addition to her amused thoughts. She smiled slightly over him and the slime girl. "Yeah... as Gray said earlier I'm Sen. Nice to meet you both." She introduced feeling rather rude being the last to really give her name. She sighed her humor fading slightly. "Eh... Kind of wish this whole thing was like a comic book." She muttered. "Then at least there would be a group of Metas to stop the Rogues from wrecking everything. I know some older ones are stepping up and playing heros. Kind of frustrating to be attacked... even with there being several of us they still seem to be stronger..." She shrugged
Gray stopped, overhearing their conversations. He seemed to freeze for a moment as he listened, and as he turned to look at them his eyes seemed to meet Sen's first.

"I'll be right back... If I don't find you guys by the time you leave, I'll see you back at the school." he said, his voice flat and monotone.

"Just so you know... Being a hero is what gets you killed. I'm not surprised there's not many heroes out there these days." he added with a light chuckle, smiling.

Suddenly there was a loud CRACK, and Gray seemed to freeze in place, that same small smile on his face. As he looked at the group he began to grow transparent, slowly at first before his entire form vanished. He was nowhere to be seen.

@Shura @theunderwolf @Der Kojote @DamagedGlasses

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