Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]

Penny nudged Zeek's arm and whispered light into his ear, "Zeek, what's a comic book?" Even her ghost memories were at a blank on this one, which was rather rare, since her past self always seemed to be a rather knowledgeable person. Maybe she didn't enjoy things such as Co-mic books. That would explain why she didn't have many ghost memories of the Mo-vee thing thing they were talking about earlier as well.
"Hi Penny!" Fox said happily as she slowy stood up to face the girl, "Full names Fox Redtail if we're being formal." The girl seemed shaken Fox noticed,"You okay though, you don't look so hot. I could finally cook up some fish and...yeah seconded, whats a comic book? " She smiled hopefully at the group.

@Der Kojote



Zeek scratched his chin again thinking, "Well a guy like that is hard to deal with, amorphous, regenerating, that is a very big problem to deal with. Now if he was solid for most of the time I can think of a few ways how to deal with him...most of them would give me a migraine and be know what never mind lets not discuss that." He looked over at Penny with her question, damn the amnesia was pretty bad. Rehab is going to involve a lot of videos from youtube...maybe one or two old classics maybe that'll jog her memory of something. "Umm, comic books are a collection of drawings usually of super heroes, villians, all sorts of crazy stuff happens, action generally was directed by speech bubbles. gonna need to show you an example hard to explain"

He looked at the spot Zach used to be in, "Where did he go? what was that? someone explain how he disappeared?"
Sang Jin-Yeong


All this talking. All this meaningless chatter. Why? Why why why? It was so useless! It was boring! These rogue metahumans, or whatever they were, were wreaking havoc, and here they were, standing around, TALKING. Always with the talking. Always with the fucking talking. The conversation. What good did it do? What good will any of standing around here do? Now wasn't the time for inactivity. It was the time to do something. Go back to the school, train, or do something stupid like always.

Why don't you just hit them if you want a fight so badly?

Julian clutched at her head as she stumbled past the other students. Who was that? That sounded like herself. The Berserker within her was talking. This never happened. It usually just growled, roared, clawed at her insides to let it out. It was...conversing with her now? She attempted to dismiss it, and pushed a student aside, taking slow, unsteady steps to nowhere in particular.

You can't ignore me, Jin-Yeong. You love to kill. You love to fight. You love the sight of blood on yourself. Then kill them.

"Shut up."

What are you to them anyway? Look at them.

"I'm not-"


Her head jerked unwillingly towards the students. She could name them, for some reason. She never actually paid any attention to them, but she could name each one of them. Sen. Penny. Ezekiel. Where had this information come from? Had she overheard it? Latent information stored in her mind? She pressed her hands on her face, her breathing ragged. What the heck was going on? She could feel her anger rising, the need to punch something becoming more and more insistent, urging her to hit someone. Hit something.

You see, don't you? They're all friends. Who are you? Just a thug. Just a frightening bolt out of the blue. You're nothing to them. You don't NEED to care about them. You can just kill them without feeling any guilt. After all, they're not family. They're not friends. Come on, let me out, Jin-Yeong. I'm hungry. I'm huuuuunnnggrrrryyyy. You know we didn't get our satisfaction from that last fight. That fool of a teacher stole your dinner. You could kill him too. You could kill all of them.

"Shut up. Just...shut up."

Jin-Yeong. LET. ME. OUT

"Shut up."


"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up."
Julian's clawed at her hair, as if it would get rid of the echoing voice in her head. The world spun around her, as she dropped to her knees, her eyes wide, as she let out a scream of anguish. The voice fell silent, and Julian was suddenly aware of the looks she was receiving from those around her. The sudden self-consciousness set in, and she realised, just how much more of a freak she must have seemed to them.

Ignored on the first day.

Ignored by her peers.

Unseen by others.




And now, looking stranger than all those who gathered here.

Julian gasped for breaths, rising to her feet. Unwilling to look at any of the watching faces, she strode off to one side, one hand gripping onto her leather jacket, and the other noticeably clawing at her arm, leaving a red gash on it. She wanted to go back. Go back to the dorms and lock herself in, never to come out again. The Berserker within had taken a much more threatening form, and she could only hold it back so much. For the first time in her life, Sang Jin-Yeong was afraid.

(@Shura @Der Kojote @DamagedGlasses in reference.)
Penny paid the girl a glance and was about to say something when Zeek began his explanation, thankfully missing the mention of food. Listening closely, what Zeek described sounded amazing. Although, her ghost memories seemed to not look favorably down upon it for some reason, but she disregarded them, thinking that her past self was rather paranoid if what she just heard could actually hurt somebody. Penny nodded interested as he finished, and she looked back at Fox, "H-Hello Fox, I-I'm fine-" Penny cut off when she noticed a rather invigorated sound coming from behind them. Looking around, Penny stared curiously at the girl walking off who seemed to be struggling against something, "I-Is t-that girl a-alright over t-there?"

@Shura @Der Kojote @theunderwolf
Sen looked over at Gray as he spoke up, bring up a good point. She noticed a strange look to his eyes, distant almost before he sped off faster than she had before. She wondered if she possibly said something wrong or brought up something painful for him. She looked over to the other missing the question about comic books completely. "Oh yeah... Gray's ability is to move really fast..." She replied. She jumped slightly when she heard one someone yelling and saw it was one of the other students. Perhaps the stress was really getting to everyone. "I... don't know..."

He looked at the girl now clawing at her own arm, Something is not right here... and that is an understatement. He stood up cautiously, With a slightly concerned tone he spoke , "Hey? you doing alright over there? Anyway we can help with?" To be honest he had no idea what was going on with this person. "Was it the the Sand guy, he's gone now. Not much to do but wait for pickup from someone. Come on sit down with us, take a load of your feet and your mind."
Oh, look. One of them's coming to you now. Got yourself lucky, huh? Too bad that once you go wild, he's never going to wake to see the light of day again.

Julian gritted her teeth and dug her nails deep into her skin. She cast what she assumed was a smile, albeit with a pained expression. "It's...alright. It's nothing I can't handle. Just a little...power trip, that's all." Is it now, Julian? Julian buried her nails deeper. The pain that registered seem to shut off the voice momentarily, and that was enough. She waved dismissively at the young man who approached her, Ezekiel, wasn't it? "Nah, the dude wasn't even worth my time. Did you see how easily he died? Got his head chopped off and all that? What a loser." She gave a forced laugh, silencing the voice.
Penny didn't like the way the girl was talking to Zeek. Her words were rather amiable, nothing to be worried about on face value, but the tone under them reminded her of the times she was dealing with her Hunger. Standing up, Penny stared straight at the girl inquiringly, her acid level steadily building up. Steam started to rise out out of her body as the tiny fragments of the leaves and dirt suddenly became bits of energy for her as the high level of acid ate them away with ease. Her face deadly calm, a sharp contrast to her nervous attitude, Penny momentarily had to get her Hunger back under control, the deadly instinct rising alongside her battle-ready awareness.

A few more minutes passed before several buses pulled up to the boardwalk to take the students back to school.

The injured were patched up by the EMT's, bodies of the cultist cleaned cleaned up and reports all filed away for the moment. Everyone was allowed to go back to the school

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After about an hours students arrive back to school and are allowed to go to their dorms to rest and recover. Food is being served in the dinning hall.

~Please return to the Main Thread~

He nodded still with a concerned look on his face, "Alright just making sure. make sure you take it easy." with that he turned back to everyone. " we just wait for a bus , so uhh anyone... got something to pass the time? cards? a game? movie trivia? Something? Anything?" Then the buses rumbled up "Oh never-mind buses are here."

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