Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]

Gray caught the frisbee and froze, staring at it. His eyes went wide, and his hesitation was obvious. After a few moments he looked at her, blinking.

"The hell is this thing going to do?" he asked, before turning and lining up his shot. He threw it hard, watching as the plastic disc arced over and knocked a crossbow from one of the cultist's hands. He cursed under his breath. "I was aiming for his throat..."

Seth saw the giant beast, attempted to hit it with blast of sand unsure of what it was. Noticing the sand did nothing but pass through Seth understood the beast was merely a mirage. "You dare attempt to fool me with desert sickness!? You will all pay!" Then he was knocked off balance as he felt himself having trouble keeping some of the sand under his control. Noticing the witch casting her curses on him he attempted to blast her across the beach with a huge amount of sand that would require her to move in order to avoid being hit. Looking towards the giant brute who dared insult Set he summoned yet another sandstorm, this time it wouldn't go away, while it was not as powerful as the first it was certainly going to make seeing even more difficult. He commanded his worshipers to fire off another volley of arrows, this time aimed directly at the witch. "This heathen witch shall feel my wrath!"


The entire ordeal had already began to upset Hayden. All he wanted was a nice day of relaxing and now he was frustrated and buried under a foot of sand. He transformed while under the sand so he could escape from a very embarrassing death. Moments later a very angry werewolf shot out of the sand ready to do some damage. Quickly surveying the area and the damage he jumped directly in front of a turban bound man stabbing him with claws and tossing him into another as a bolt fired off and hit Hayden in the shoulder. The beast was back and stronger than before, control was going to be incredibly difficult to hold onto this time around and the barbed bolt in his shoulder did not make it any better.
Fox was interrupted from her little blood lust session by Zach's hand, giving her a scratch behind the ears, Yeeeeeessssssss Right there,She thought bare resisting the urge to kick her leg out. The momentary joy was sadly interrupted by Zach rushing in and Sen shouting something about ranged fighters, They die first then. She unleashed a bloodthirsty howl and raced towards them, almost in step with some girl she didn't know and met the first cultist's throat a second after. Grinning (as much as a great cat can grin) as she felt his neck bones snap under her jaws.

@Alex Phalin


Zeek looked at the bolt sticking out of Penny's arm, it was slowly dissolving, still though, the fact she had been shot had made him more than a little peeved in fact he was furious. He heard another student call out something about taking the crossbowmen out. Seeing that the big guy was distracted, Zeek figured out that this was probably the best time to actually do something. Damn the headaches that would ensue. Right now a friend had been shot. Although the acid was dissolving it...the principal still stood.

He looked around, luckily all he need was at his feet. there were more than a few bolts He made a gesture upwards with his left hand 5 bolts picked lurched from the ground. With the other hand he sent all of them to one unfortunate member of the Sand-meta's retinue, the result was a cultist that now resembled a pin-cushion. With that he screamed out "STOP SHOOTING AT MY FRIEND YOU BATSHIT CULTISTS!"
What looked like a giant cat bounded past her and proceeded to tear one of the cultists apart. Julian made a short mental note to get a pet like this one some day. It would help a lot, and didn't her therapist say something like pets being aiding in stress relief? She'd think about it. After she was done treating her inner self with this fight.

She grabbed the bolt as soon as it was fired from the cultist's crossbow without even flinching and slammed the pointed end into his eye. A scream erupted from him, as he stumbled back, clutching at the shaft that had been buried into his eyeball. "One." She hissed under her breath, and darted towards the next available target, leaving the cat to deal with her own meals. "Two." She reared back a balled fist, aiming at yet another crossbow-toting cultist. The impact probably did more than shatter his nose. Blood spurted from his nasal orifice and sprayed onto her fist and face. A cold, calm smile still on her lips, she turned to the rest of the cultists. "Who's three?" She dug her heels into the sand and sprinted forwards towards them once more.
Zach grinned and lunged towards one of the cultists, jamming the switchblade deep into his shoulder. The man's scream was suddenly cut off by a jolt of electricity coursing through his body, enough to stop his heart. Zach let out a long sigh as steam started rising from his body, having fried himself pretty good as well. He ignored the tightness in his muscles and turned, catching a bolt in the shoulder. Letting out a scream of pain he ripped it out, the barbs tearing a large hole in his arm. "Fuckin' bastards..." he growled, throwing the switchblade at the cultist that shot him. The knife landed deep into his neck, and he used it as a lightning rod to channel another blast. Zach fell as the cultist did, dropping to his knees from exhaustion. There wasn't enough electricity sources around to keep going, and the hole in his arm was gushing blood at a rapid rate. Growling under his breath he dragged himself away from the battle, fighting against cramping muscles and an irregular pulse.

Morgan Winford

Morgan got exactly what she wanted, attention off of the students. She saw the blast of sand fired at her and quickly formed a shield around herself, angled sharply to cut the stream around her. She cursed under her breath as another sand storm kicked in and growled under her breath. She was pissed to say the least. The bolts harmlessly bounced off of her shield. Twinges of pain started a the base of her skull but barely felt it with the rust of adrenalin running through her.

"Is that all you got!" She yelled to the sand mimic sending another wave of barrage of shadow bearing down destroying the mimics form. She charged forward not letting up with her attacks waves and waves of shadows reaching from the ground below him grabbing and shredding parts of the sand in a whirlwind of black.

Fox flinched as a bolt grazed her side, cutting a a chunk of flesh and skin off but luckily not sticking. Ignoring it, she rushed forward and shifted into a bear and using her slightly increased size, she gave a cultist an brief lesson in the meaning of the word, "evisceration" However, an all too familier scent caught her nose. Zach's blood. One fight with no one injured, Is that too much to ask? She thought as she ducked under a bolt and, after a quick shift to human form, grabbed it from the sand. She slid over to Zach and gave the bolt a sniff Not poisoned, thank god she thought and, with no fear of speeding a venom, she threw Zach over her shoulder and ran to the crowd of fleeing students. "Anyone have a first aid something?!" She shouted at them desperately.

@Alex Phalin

@Anyone with a first aid something
Penny stopped she heard Zeek yell off her attackers. She smiled as she heard him call her his friend. She had never had a friend before, or at least, she didn't think she had ever had one before. Looking back at the cultists, Penny suddenly felt something bubbling up in her stomach. She didn't know what was, but it felt good...real good.

Penny held out her arm and felt a massive rush of her inner slime swarming her the inside of her fist, before lashing out at a Cultist a few feet away. From her arm came a glob of her acidic slime that captured the cultists and started to eat his body with it's natural properties, turning the body into energy to burn. The process was short and it took no time at all for the glob to be eating nothing at all. Penny recalled the glob with a victorious smile on her lips. She was hungry...and these cultists were food.

@Der Kojote
Sen Harper

Sen watched from a distance not really sure what to do aside from fire stray cross bolts back at the cultist. She spotted three taking aim at the ground her and narrowed her eyes already focused in on the bolts. She pushed her hand down as they were fired and she grounded them with in a few feet. she smirked slightly bring her hand back up and fired them back and the cultist taking the three out again.

She noticed Fox and Zach stumble from the gray blood pouring down Zachs arm and ran over. "Zach! what happened?" she asked cursing the guys horrible luck for battles. she saw the gash in his shoulder seeping out blood. "Oh... crap..." she breathed before quickly shredding the bottom half of her tank top into some kind of make shift rap to at least stop the bleeding.

@theunderwolf @Alex Phalin

The cultists were bing brought down, however, Zeek got an idea, a very violent Idea. He focused on one cultist desperatly trying to reload his crossbow. Target acquired. He lowered both hand like he was grasping a table, "Welcome to the Windford academy space program! YOU'RE OUR FIRST TEST DUMMY!" He then made a sudden push upwards as if flipping the table. The cultist went flying end over end upwards. screaming the whole way up before reaching a height of about 80 feet, then plummeting down back to the ground below. He winced as a mild headache sprang up, he couldn't help but snicker, "worth it."
Zack held onto Fox as she dragged him away, chuckling weakly when Sen came over.

"Oh, I'm fine. Wasn't watching who was firing at who, is all. I fried myself pretty good though." he said weakly, forcing a smile. He could feel his heart beating like crazy, skipping beats every once in a while. Giving someone else a heart attack took a lot out of him.

He hissed as Sen wrapped up his arm and sighed, sitting on the ground. "I think I'm done for this fight... If I push myself anymore, I'll give myself a heart attack."

@Shura @theunderwolf
Deus Ex Machina: First Aid

@Alex Phalin

The can of beer was tossed aside. To be honest, Josephine had not really wanted to be part of the whole beach trip thing. Her physique wasn't all that flattering in a swim suit, and her suit would get flakes of sand on it if she wore it. She settled for an uncharacteristic black and green t-shirt, bemudas and slippers, along with two packs of beer, which she indulged in at one side of the beach, away from the action.

It was people like Josephine that made a mess of the beach. Littering was a crime, but right now, with all this action, maybe it wasn't going to be noticed. She erected a vector field around the injured student and his compatriots, setting the changes to direction = 0 and velocity = 0. All and everything that flew their way would stop dead in their tracks. Once that was done, she knelt by the injured student.

The shoddily done job of wrapping up his wound had been done by the girl beside him. That would stem the loss of blood for a while, but in the case of an extended battle, along with the fact that it was a hole...

Josephine remembered why exactly she didn't want to come. She had a bad case of a hangover. She sighed irritably and rubbed her neck. "You removed the projectile, didn't you?" She took a look around and found a stray bolt that had been snapped in half. "A barbed bolt? And you pulled it out? Christ Jesus, that's..." she cursed and made several profane statements. She gave another sigh and ruffled her silver hair in frustration. She cast a glare at the girl (@Shura), which was unintentional- she always looked like she was glaring. "You, keep pressure on his wound. We need professional medical help. He's gone and caused more damage to himself than it should have. And you," she dug into her pocket and withdrew a clamshell cellphone, throwing it to the other girl (@theunderwolf ), "call for the hospital."

Ignoring all else, she set her sights on the wound on the boy. "Alright. There's no need to panic. Try to calm your heart beat. I'm going to try and carefully recreate your regular blood flow." Her hangover was still creating a bit of a ruckus in her head, but they didn't need to know that. Trying to rewire the flow of blood coming out of microscopic veins was tough enough, and they knew it.

"Alright. Let's begin the operation." She created a miniature vector field on the wound, and started to work, stopping the blood flow and redirecting them slowly and carefully to where she thought were the right places.
Seth watched as his cultists dropped fast. It was expected, they were not as strong as their god. Seth was about to fully strike the witch again when yet another part of sand was separated from him. "You are growing more and more frustrating by the second you Harlot!" His body melted into the sand as he became the beach. He started off by isolating the witch into a pillar of sand high into the air then followed by having the sand slowly crawl up her leg as the sand attempted pull her into the pillar. Using more sand Seth created four more imitations of himself to attempt to inure Morgan and distract her so she could be pulled into the pillar and suffocate. The four imitations began to speak as they attacked her with blasts of sand. "Your mortal lungs shall fill with sand! You will die to the desert!"
Fox looked Sen desprately, then gazed at the phone,"Sen..." She started slowly,"YoutakethethingbecausetheonlypartofthesentencethatIunderstoodwasputpressureonthewoundAndI'mprobablybetterwithbloodandyeah." She finished quickly, falling to her knees by Zach and carefully putting pressure on the wound as best she could. "Hang in there Zach we'll get your shoulder patched up in no time." She said reassuringly, wishing she could hold his hand instead of pressuring the wound, as necessary as it was.

@Alex Phalin

@Shura @Procculus
Zach seemed unconcerned, oddly enough. Then again, everyone's voices were pretty muffled, and for some reason Fox's face kept shifting around. He chuckled a bit, not realizing that he was hallucinating from blood loss.

"Eh, I'm not really the sharpest knife in the drawer... Plus, I couldn't afford to keep that bolt there. Otherwise I would have had a lightning rod in my arm." he said, shrugging a bit. He winced when he did, cursing quietly under his breath.

"I'll be fine, Fox. Trust me, I've had worse." he said with a little chuckle. "Plus, you looked like you got nicked too."

@theunderwolf @Procculus
Morgan Winford

Morgan grunted as the the pillar suddenly shot up from underneath her nearly loosing her balance. Okay perhaps a step to far. She thought to her self before seeing the four clones. "G'damn it.." She growled pull pulling up a bubble round herself as she was blasted from the four different direction. the walls pushed in from the pressure of the sand pressing against her. She pushed back against it not realizing the sand was slowly consuming her.

She gasped constricting the bubble around her upper torso as she was pulled into the pillar and start to constrict around her. She gritted her teeth before shutting her eyes tightly and taking a deep breath. Then pull in the shield slightly before violently pushing the walls outwards with violent force. Walls thinned out but had enough solid mass behind it to collapse the clones causing the sand to crumble and loss it's solid form. Morgan forgot that small fact as she suddenly felt her stomach drop and the air rush past her as she fell about 20ft. She scrambled some near by shadows to break her fall but it only helped slightly.

She hit the ground with a solid thud knocking her for a loop to say the least. Sand was not as forgiving as some might think. Morgan pushed herself up slowly looking around to see where the hell Seth went.

Penny gasped as she felt the blob of slime she had sent at the man reenter her body. It felt like a burst of electric fire was rush up her arms nd filling her body with energy. Her satisfied smile turned into a ravenous green grin, the slime making up her teeth sharpening into a form similar to shark's teeth. Her body started to become less dense as her acidic slime used the new introduction of energy to increase the acid level. Her body on fire, Penny looked around and her eyes lit up with desire as she saw a cultist with his back to her, firing at another Meta. Reeling back, Penny shot her fist forward and watched as it stretched across the distance between her and the cultist. The arm splashed and wrapped around the cultist's neck, burning him while dragging him over to Penny.

Her eyes widened in
exuberance she walked the last few feet towards the screaming man, and fell on him, her body falling apart completely and drenching the man in her acidic slime. Penny was ignorant of the man's weakening screams of anguish and despair as well as her surroundings as she felt the pleasurable rush begin to surge once more in her system, filling up the painfully obvious hole in her gut that spoke of her appetite.
Mica was trying to figure out what god this fool thought he was. God of sand or beaches or the desert, sickles and crossbows, ugh, who could he be. Greek? No. Roman? No. Maybe Egyptian. That was the only real desert god he could think of. He thought back to Egyptian myth, unsure which god he was. Not Horus or Ra, that was for sure, but which one... "Hey, Sandy! Who the hell are you to call us mortals?!" He hoped the idiot would give his name, Mica needed to know whether or not he would bow to Horus and Ra. He knew enough about Egyptian myth to know that a handful of them wouldn't. He groaned internally.

Seth reemerged from the beach as he watch the witch fall to the ground. She fell at his feet as he smiled ready to strike her down. The sand turned and shifted into a human form, as it revealed two swords being held by a man dressed in a turban in his late 20s. Seth had changed to human form so he could strike her down with his swords. "Now! you shall fall." The swords he possessed were special to him and if he were to execute someone he preferred to use his swords. Pulling back with his swords he thrust forward ready to impale her only for something to suddenly halt the blades.

Nikolas had regained his consciousness to see the last few moments of what had happened between Seth and Morgan, exhausted and unable to think clearly he teleported directly in front of Seth horizontally swinging, when he finally arrived he had taken the blow for Morgan and delivered his own blow to Seth. Rarely did Nikolas attempt anything so foolish but his actions were the result of very little thinking and more of a desperate effort to prevent the fate that might have happened. As the two of them stood stationary for a moment Blood ran down Nikolas's stomach from where he was impaled as Seth's neck began to separate from his body. Seth's body fell to the ground as his head was separated from his shoulders. Nikolas fell to the ground as he suddenly wished he had thought things through. Attempted to look at Morgan he spoke before collapsing to the ground. "Well this is incredibly painful. I really should have attacked from another angle."

The worshipers slowly witness their god fall to the ground, clearly defeated. Only a few of them attempted to continue fighting, the rest of them were in so much shock they just dropped to the ground surrendering the battle.
Julian's hand released her latest victim's neck, letting them crumple to the ground, lifeless. The rules of engagement were as follow: do not harm those who have surrendered. As much as she loathed having to stop her carnage now, she supposed it would be boring to hit defenseless idiots. What an anticlimax, though. Seriously, she'd thought they'd put up more of a fight. She spat at the ground and flexed her fingers, striding acrosd the sand of the beach. These rogues didn't seem to be that strong after all, if they couldn't even use their powers to save themselves. In the end, they were all weaklings.


So boring.

She clenched her fists, dug one of her feet into the ground, and twisted her body around, the other leg outstretched. Her military-like boot slammed into one of the cultist's face, sending him spiralling into the air and landing face first into the sand, neck twisted at an unnatural angle. She gave a sniff of disdain and strode across the crowd of students and surviving cultists, and picked up her jacket. Dusting the sand away from the fur and the leather, she threw it over her shoulder. She paused next to the headless body of the rogue metahuman, looked at his killer (@Godman873) , who had been stabbed through his abdomen. She brought her foot up and slammed it down on the disembodied head, burying it further into the sand. It frustrated her. It maddened her that she didn't get to kill anything interesting today.


So terribly dull.

She gave a grimace and rubbed the back of her neck as her boots grinded on the sand, striding away from it all. After this, they'd go back to their normal, boring, dull, uninteresting lives. It sickened her. It made her retch. As inevitable as it was, she did not want to meet it head on. She stared out into the vast cerulean sea, thinking, yet devoid of all thoughts.

Ardghal sat in isolation far from the others on a chair propped on the sand. He spurned the water as its salty taste was repulsive and cold temperature made Ardghal extremely sluggish and lethargic. He was also too tired and exhausted to join in with any of the other students for any sort of activity, so he had just stayed on this chair, bathing in the energizing warmth of the sun. His wounds and strains were better now, although his muscles still ached terribly. The combination of the vivid scenery, general atmosphere of ebullience, and comforting warmth of the sun had sent Ardghal into a long and deep sleep. Fionne and King both joined Ardghal in this slumber, with Fionne being unable to swim and King not being able to stand salt water. It was truly a day of relaxation.

When Ardghal woke up, he found the sandy beach a disorganized mess, with streams of flung sand spattered about in chaotic fashion and crumpled bodies of hooded men strewn about. Ardghal's sharp eyes quickly darted around the battlefield, taking in all the details from the people involved to the results of the conflict. Using these details, he forged a mostly accurate depiction of what had happened. No body was significantly hurt that he could see, and it seemed that the leader was defeated and his followers helpless. Obviously a sweeping victory. Ardghal began to wonder what the danger of these rogue metahumans was if they were so foolish as to attack in open against a considerable amount of metahumans. Yawning, Ardghal simply went back to sleep, still too tired to care about what had happened deeply. He did not feel left out nor did he feel especially bad about not aiding his fellow students, largely because he did not place much concern or importance upon his fellow students and because he probably would not have been able to fight all that well with his beat up body in the first place. It was also a good thing that absolutely no body had noticed Ardghal completely absent, including the mad metahuman that attacked.

Cyrus shot himself across the sand, dodging a crossbow bolt, and in a fancy-looking seamless motion created a force enchantment just in front of the worshipper he was going for, using the added momentum to send the worshipper flying a meter straight up into the air with a kick. He proceeded to enchant the worshipper's clothing with fire, literally cooking the poor man within his garments. He grabbed his dussack from his back and cut the other worshipper present from the left shoulder down to the right hip, slicing him into two seperate pieces. The display was unnecessary, but Cyrus felt quite bad that he hadn't managed to approach and assist the main fight, and he was taking out the frustration on these two. He grabbed the sickle out of the split man's hand, and threw it, hitting another worshipper in the distance using a weight enchantment. The poor man broke upon impact.

Now that they'd had been dealt with properly, he quickly made his way back over to Mica, to ensure he was fine. "Oi, Mica, sorry about the whole frisbee thing, but things got quite heated here. Are you..." He realized that Mica looked fine, and that he was letting his sudden affection for the well-dressed man cloud his judgement. "... Okay..? I've got to go and look at the more severely injured though, sorry." He felt a slight sting of regret as he turned his back on Mica again, and shot off, landing in the sand next to the two heavily wounded teachers.

After a brief moment of contemplation, he decided that the most fucked up person on the scene must be Nikolas. He wasn't even sure if he was alright. He quickly slipped the white vest off himself, and lifted Nikolas slightly off the ground with his free hand. He slipped the vest in under him, and proceeded to enchant it. It quickly slithered it's way around Nikolas, covering both the entry and exit wound, and tightening around him. "Tsh, such a waste of a white vest." Cyrus whispered to himself.

He let him lay back down on the sand again, and then leaned away from him, still keeping a hand on the twisted vest bandaging him. "This is about as much as I can do!" He declared loudly. "First aid or medical care is unfortunately not on my list of merits!"
Morgan Winford

Morgan saw the strange man appear behind her swords already drawn. Before she could react however someone had already appeared in front of her her. She stared wide eyed for a moment before scrambling to catch Nikolas and lay him down on the ground. She looked over seeing Seth glad that things were finally over but at the same time frustrated that the attack happened in the first place.

Sirens could be heard in the distance, closing in fast on their location. The large explosion tipped off the locals that something was going on. Morgan looked over as Cyrus ran over to help Nikolas. "It'll hold for now, ambulance should be here soon." She assured standing up to look over the rest of the scene. Most of the students were fine for the most part, only on or two sustained any injuries. The cultist who were still alive took off as soon as their 'god' fell. Thankfully no one from Winford was critically injuries or killed, this time.

Several ambulance and police cars arrived on the beach ready to confront what ever had caused the explosion but quickly realized they had missed the conflict. EMT's rushed to the injured to stabilize and treat their injuries. Due to Winford being a safe haven for metas there were quite a few medical professionals with some kind of healing ability so the injured were quickly stabilized. As the student regrouped and recovered from the battle Morgan had to deal with the police and relaying everything that happened.

@Godman873 @Alex Phalin

(For the sake of keeping thing kind of consistent, Sen called 911 when she was given the phone.
Zack growled a bit as he was hoisted onto a stretcher by the EMTs, but his irritation soon faded when they started pumping him full of painkillers. He was already loopy from blood loss, but the painkillers made it even worse.

Looking over at Fox he grinned goofily, his eye kinda focusing on her.

"Yer pretty. Next time yer in yer kitty form I'll give you more skritchies." he slurred, laughing hard for a moment before finally passing out.



Gray had been standing off near the wreckage of the bus, looking positively livid. His hands were balled into fists hard enough to draw blood from his palms, which dripped thickly to the sand. An EMT tried to come over and help him, but the sudden outburst of screaming and cursing was enough to make the man change his mind and go help others.

After a few long moments he composed himself, wiping his hands off on his shirt as he walked over to where Sen was.

"I hate coming to the beach..."


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