Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]

Aye, everyone but me, Jon thought with a grimacing smile. And though Sen's request was fairly poorly explained, he knew exactly what she was talking about through what felt like an ominous sixth sense. The sea, jeering at him to come nearer, no doubt.

Naturally, this left Jon in quite the predicament. Of course, he wanted to spend all the precious time he could get with Sen, but he wasn't sure if he could bare being in the water. After all, it was everywhere, and all so powerful... Yet, a little voice told Jon that the best way to treat a fear was to overcome it. And he already half-hated himself for having such a puny weakness. Besides, Sen was a very good motivator to try and remedy his phobia, and her being would sooth him slightly.

After a long pause whilst he contemplated all this, he rose uneasily to his feet. "Alright," he nodded, and then began to follow her. However, after a few steps he stopped and looked around uneasily, a little jealous of the fun everybody else was able to find. He sighed, deciding to be honest. "Actually, Sen, if I'm honest, I really don't like beaches. Or the sea. I can't remember exactly, I think I was too young, but I nearly drowned as a child, and it's kept me from going in large areas of water ever since. I can't even swim." He chuckled at that, as if his own weakness were some satirical joke.



Fairly nearby, Emily sat alone in the shade, still dressed in her green hood and knee-length jean shorts. She wasn't quite sure why she'd bothered to go at all, in all honesty. She supposed she'd presumed it would be a bit more peaceful, a good way to relax given her senses. But with everybody else screaming and loudly enjoying themselves, it was almost as bad as before. She sighed sadly.

If only things could return to how they were before.

Sen Harper

The sand under the sun was hot, much hotter than what was in the shade so it a bit of a jolt when Sen stepped out from the overhang. She looked back as Jon stopped and explained himself. "Oh..." she muttered everything clicking together. It made sense as to why he has been fairly tense since they got off the bus. "Then.. its ok we can just hang out on the beach." She replied not really wanting to force Jon into something that would just scare him. "Why did you come on the trip if you hate the beach so much?"

Cyrus Praetor

Cyrus stood in the sunlight. He did enjoy the beach and swimming, but he was still dressed(@King Of Imagination ). He had clothes if he wanted to change and swim, but for now he was wearing a white button-up vest and white shorts. He liked the colour white. He wasn't running off and trying to drown himself in the heavenly liquid yet, simply because he believed that first of all he should make sure everything's fine around.(@King Of Imagination ) With his dussack strapped over his back and it's handle sticking over his shoulder, he patrolled the beach. He looked around for Mica(@King Of Imagination ) during his walk, but to his disappointment didn't see a single SENTENCE (@King Of Imagination ) of his. Whatever that means. @King Of Imagination

He thought he heard a cry from somewhere regarding food, which instantly caught his interest and he headed over. When he arrived he was met with one of the teachers, Dex, offering everyone veggie burgers. Now, Cyrus was very accepting about food, but he would never stoop that low. He sat down in the sand instead, after letting out a "Bleh." expression his discontent.

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination

@King Of Imagination @King Of Imagination @King Of Imagination @King Of Imagination 
(Hey, @King Of Imagination , I made a post)
"No-no, it's fine," Jon insisted a little anxiously, "I don't want to rob you of your first time in the sea. Besides, I... actually want to get in. I reckoned it was about time I got over my phobia, and the best way supposedly is to fight it. As for why I came... well, it was supposed to be relaxing and I figured people like yourself would be tagging along too."

"So yeah," he laughed uneasily, stepping forwards slightly, "Lets go. Only, just to warn you, I might need to hold onto you if I get too scared." Man, I hate this feeling of weakness, he thought, but that's why I have to fight it now.

Sen Harper

Sen tilted her head slightly "Are you sure?" She asked knowing what it was like to have a fear. Just thinking back to when gray had tried to show off made her stomach churn with uneasiness. Still if he wanted to face his fear having a friend would help. She smiled slightly and grabbed his hand. "It's fine with me. I know it can be kind of terrifying to face a fear." She assured before leading the way to the surf making sure not to rush it despite the sand being fairly hot.

Alec Schiffer

To live up to his temperature standard, Alec only had to wear a single cardigan over his t-shirt. He did kind of like that about the beach. It was very warm and comfortable. What he did not like, on the other hand, was that there was water. Water made you cold and wet, is full of monstrous creatures, and keeps monstrous land walking creatures alive. On top of that, every murderer ever has confessed to drinking water, AND it's the leading cause of drowning. Thinking about it, everyone who has drunk water in their lives, will inevitably die. Damn. That's deep. Like water. Eugh.

He decided to sit there in the sand, burrying his head into his shirt. He didn't want to get a tan, after all.
"Well, I'm glad somebody knows what it's like," he chuckled, cheeks reddening slightly as he held tight yet soft to her hand, embracing its warmth, trying to memorise the feeling. It was already comforting him, and the fact that she was perfectly fine, no, even instigated the action was brilliant. "I mean, other than this, it's been years since I've really been scared of anything at all, apart from maybe in the mega attack before." As they approached the watermark, the gentle fizzing of the waves, like unholy interference, got louder and louder, the mocking caws of gulls echoing out overhead.

"Thanks for this, by the way," Jon reaffirmed, "I can't wait to be able to not act like such a baby."

Sen Harper

"Don't worry about it." She assured. "Honestly I'm terrified of heights... not so much being up on a building cause I'm standing on something but like... falling or flying. I just kind of freeze up." She admitted as they neared the shore. "Not exactly easy to get over that kind of fear..." She chuckled softly. It wasn't exactly something that would happen often but it did limit what she could to some extent, even just levitating was unnerving. Perhaps she could get over that fear at some point in the year but now she wanted to try and help Jon.

"Really I don't want too go far in... I can barely treed water let along swim against waves like this." She said taking a step into the water the waves rushing up to her ankles before being drawn away. She shivered slightly the water much cooler against her heated skin but it did feel nice.

"I'll try not to," he smiled wryly, "though given everything it's gonna be hard not to worry here." He listened a little vacantly as Sen described her own fear, desperately willing himself to listen whilst all the whole finding himself distracted by the cloister bell whoosh of the nearby waves. "I guess we all have our phobias, hey? If this goes successfully, I'll definitely try to help you with your fear too. Repaying the debt, if you'd like." With tentative steps, her steady grasp encouraged him forwards into the sea

Tendrils of creeping water grasped his ankles, like an icy hand extending from some kind of ghoul. He felt his body tense up, teeth gritted, and willed his mind to think of something else, anything else, as long as it could distance him from the unnatural feeling. He focused every ounce of his concentration on gripping Sen's hand, and after a long moment, began to relax ever to slightly, getting accustomed to the way the water moved around his ankles.

But no, this wasn't deep enough: this wasn't a strong enough cure. Now leading her, he marched blindly into deeper waters, until the chilling sea reached his upper thighs. The water splashed and crashed against his swimshorts, but he was oblivious to it all. Despite the horrible feeling in every inch of his body, he forced himself to focus on the way the water encompassed him, blanking out everything else so that he was now unaware that they may have strayed a little too deep. After all, he was stronger than the water: he was alive, in control, whereas the sea was cursed to follow the same movements day after day after day.

A sudden wave violently destroyed his rising hopes, soaking the bottom of his t-shirt as it cascaded around them. Suddenly the feeling of powerlessness returned, even stronger than before, and before he knew what he was doing, Jon had flung his arms around her, embracing her tightly as they stood amongst the waves. His chest rapidly rose and fell, his eyes clenched shut, arms trembling slightly. And all he could think about was what a coward he was, what a stupid coward.

Sen Harper

Sen squeezed Jons hand slowly as they entered the water. She figured it would take a while for him to adjust to the waters but instead he pushed ahead. She followed along figuring he would pace himself. She smiled slightly happy that he was able to get as deep as waste high water and not complexly freak out. The water was chilling at first but she slowly got used to it and it was rather nice. She could see why people spent hours in it. She glanced over as other students shared in the marryment some trying to run to catch a ball but ending up face planting into the water.

She chuckled softly looking back to Jon "This is nice." Unfortunately as soon as she said that a taller wave splashed into them. Sen shivered as her newly wet shirt clung to her making the sea breeze feel much cooler. Though that was the last of her worries since Jon lost his nerve and went from simply holding her hand to hugging her. Something that threw off her balance by the sudden extra weight. While she might normally have been able to catch her balance back the moving tides made things more difficult.

Stumbling back some she almost righted herself until a large wave came crashing just over their heads. Sen yelped as she fell over into the water flailing slightly as she was complexly submerged. The large waved pushed them back into the shallower parts of the shore causing the rough sand to scrape against her exposed skin. She panicked for a second having taller student clinging to her, sharing his phobia for a moment. Then managed to get her feet under her and push up breaking the surface. She coughed up the over salted sea water, her hair sticking to her face neck and shoulders making it hard to see. "A-are you okay?" She asked catching her breath.

Another hungry wave soon followed the first, almost as if the sea were intentionally trying to mess them up, and Jon found himself being dragged under as Sen lost her balance. Submerged, water rushed into his every orifice, distorting everything. In the chaos, he lost his hold on her, and finally everything got too much for him.

That was when it all suddenly went silent. He realised he was screaming, but although water was surrounding him still, it was making no effort to seep into his mouth. In fact, everything had stopped, frozen in place, and suddenly Jon realised that he'd inadvertently frozen time. Because I was so tired, he reasoned, Intense emotion and all that.

Taking a long moment to catch his breath, Jon tilted his head and then tried to force himself up through the water. To his surprise, it wasn't completely hard and statuesque like everything else in a time bubble; as he pushed up, it moved around him like mud. Something else curious for Timestorm to explain. By the time he had broken the surface though, he felt unnaturally exhausted; clearly pushing away the water had been more of an effort than he'd thought.

But of course, that meant that he was safe! With his power, even if he were about to drown, he would be able to freeze time and simply climb his way back to the surface. A raw grin spread onto his face: he had done it, he had won! His ultimate victory, for now even if it tried, the monstrous sea wouldn't be able to claim him like it had tried all those years ago. Any remaining sense of fear was washed over with overwhelming relief, and a wide grin spread from ear to ear.

So overjoyed he was, in fact, that as he returned to world to normal time he completely forgot he was still surrounded by water, and a stray wave caught him right in the face. In front of him, Sen emerged, hair rightly entangled in her face, and immediately asking after him. He laughed wholesomely, a booming, quivering laugh right from the heart.

"I'm fine, amazing in fact!" he beamed, "More importantly, how are you?" It's down to you that I'm now cured of this fear, Sen. You deserve... deserve something. But what to give her? What to give that wouldn't cause anything dramatic?

But impulse kicked in, and suddenly Jon was leaning forward. Halfway, he managed to control himself and freeze time, but his face continued forwards, arms extending around her as he submitted to his feelings. His mouth pressed against her frozen lips, and for a decent while he held the impossible kiss. Then he broke away and fell back to his knees with a sigh, looking at we frozen form. He had vowed never to misuse his ability, but in overwhelming thankfulness he'd been unable to control his emotions. Returning the world to normal, it would look to her like he jumped position suddenly.

"You have no idea how grateful I am," he grinned, cheeks blossoming rose red as realisation kicked in as to what he had just done. "You're a star, you know that? A brilliant star and I'm so glad I met you."

Sen Harper

Jons laughter was the absolute last thing she expected to hear. She quickly pushed her bangs back starting dumbfounded at the happy brunet that stood before her beaming with joy. She just stared at him wondering what ha happened between being terrified by a small wave lapping at his chest to being over joyed after being completely submerged. Had that been all he needed? To face his fear of being submerged to see that he would be fine? The sudden switch was baffling but welcomed. It meant he would be able to enjoy the beach.

"Uh... yeah I'm alright." she answered before smiling slightly. She noticed him lean forward then suddenly back. Was the sun just playing tricks on her by this point? Her lips suddenly started to tingle which only added to the confusion. She reached up touching her lips lightly, perhaps just the water then? She looked up as he started to praise her and blushed lightly. "Eh.. I didn't do much your the one who actually went in. I'm glad your over your fear though. Hopefully that'll make today a lot better."


Looking out, he could see a lot of beach to work with, though looking down he came to a realization. "Wait, do either of us have anything to craft sand castles with? I'd prefer not to really use powers here, don't want my day being spoiled." He looked back at Penny though about her last comment, "So what's the problem with water? Do you have hydrophobia? have you had bad experiences? Or can you not swim? If you don't want to answer you don't have to. Still I'm kinda curious."

Penny's cheeks darkened as she thought of a way to explain her condition. Looking down at her arm, Penny's bright green eyes lit up in revelation. Looking back up, Penny pinched her arm and pulled, showing off how stretchy she was, "D-Due to my body's p-physiology, water c-can mess up my c-control and make me c-crumble. My c-control is n-not all that good a-anyway, so water m-mixed in doesn't help. It also h-h-hurts, a lot." Penny looked at the beach, the sand in particular, and considered Zeek's first question, "I-I don't know about you, b-but I l-like the i-idea of free-form. I m-mean, we do-don't have t-to have t-tools right? L-Let's just h-have fun a-and s-stay away f-from the w-water."

@Der Kojote

He nodded at penny explanation, "Ahh...that would explain it, and make all the reasons clear as to not to go near the water. I'll keep that in mind." He looked around at the sand scratching his head, He was pondering what to do about her response to his initial question Hmm I Could use telekinesis... or I could not...spare my self the headache and the know what? yeah stick with that plan. "Free form, Yeah let's do that." He walked out on to the sands, not to far from the overhang, that should the light become to much he could retreat to refuge. But far enough from the water for Jenny to avoid any contact. "Alright! here we go, looks like a nice spot, lets start."

Penny smiled and walked over to the place Zeek picked out and sat down. Putting her light green hand on her chin, Penny closes her eyes and thought for what she could make. Opening her eyes in delight, Penny started digging into the sand with exuberance. She took the sand she had dug out of the hole and piled it around the hole and made it smooth. In the end it looked like a hole with a wall around it.

"Haha, I-I've made a...actually I-I don't kn-know what th-this is."
Penny rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. Penny was about to destroy the whole thing, but noticed something about the sand. Looking closely, Penny's jaw dropped slightly in surprise and embarrassment as she saw the bits of green slime mixed in with the sand she had been molding. She must have got so excited that she accidently lost control of her form.

@Der Kojote
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"Nah, there's no need for modesty," he shook his head, grinning like a dog. The waves seaped around them, still holding their distasteful chill, but now he wasn't afraid. The seawater still made him feel a little uneasy, but he could fight its force. "If you hadn't have been there to comfort me, I'd have crumbled to pieces before I even got anywhere near the water." He clenched her arms, eyes bright as beacons. "You are beyond amazing, and because of you I'm finally rid of this stupid fear that's bugged me for as long as I can remember."

For a moment he stared brightly at her, and then once again he leapt forward to embrace her, although this time it had none of the panicked tightness of before. When he was done, he withdrew with a sigh, and took a deep gulp of air. "When we were submerged, I panicked completely," he explained, "and as a result, I accidentally froze time. Normally I can't interact or move things in that state, but for some reason I were able to push the water away like it was a large sheet of mud. Which means no matter what happens, as long as I have my power I'll be safe from drowning, hense why I'm miraculously changed now."

"It's probably something to do with particles, come to think of it," he mused, still parading the same joyous grin, "I mean, in a time bubble we can walk around alright which means air doesn't slow us down. Maybe it's similar for water - weaker bonds and stuff making it easily to manipulate. That said," he suddenly winced, as if remembering his fatigue, "that was flipping exhausting and now I'll probably need an almighty early night." He chuckled weakly, leaning back slightly.

"But still, thank you Sen," he continued, his appreciation now much more withdrawn, "I owe everything to you."
Mica, a tad bit late, showed up at the beach in something other than his usual formal suit and what not. He was wearing an open, button down shirt, a pair of swim trunks, sandals and a pair of nice sunglasses. He walked down onto the beach and looked around, searching for Cyrus, or anyone for that matter. In his hand he held a basket, and within that basket was a frisby, an uninflated beachball, and 15 varieties of sandwiches. He finally spotted Cyrus, plopped down in the sand, and walked over to him, giving him a tap on the shoulder and dropping the basket in his lap. "Sorry I'm late. Some stuff came up on the way here." He shuddered as he thought back to the odd Chinese twins who seemed to have an odd obsession with his left hand. He then grinned and sat down next to Cyrus, leaning back on his hands and letting the warm sand run between his fingers. It was a nice day for a beach trip, and Mica had even deigned to remove his suit in exchange for his current clothes. And no, it wasn't just to show off his well sculpted body.

@Prizzy Kriyze (For fucks sake, I'm sorry. I was at my fathers and was without internet acess for about 3 days, and I've been horribly laden down with homework, especially in physics, and physics homework takes me hours at a time. I then had to write an essay on a fucking dead moth. So, here's your long awaited Mica post. Feel free to lose your shit and fawn over his sexiness. xD )
Cyrus flinched slightly when the basket was dropped into his lap. He'd been distracted by the sun and the warmth it spread, especially in the sand. He looked back at Mica and smiled. His eyes wandered down to his chest and abdomen briefly, and gave a "Not bad" expression while thinking "nice..".

He quickly averted his eyes though, to avoid being noticed checking him out. Instead, he looked in the basket he'd placed in his lap, and smiled. "Oi! Mica! Feel like doing some long range frisbeeing?" He popped up from the ground with the frisbee in hand, and pointed at an area about 100 yards away. "I'll go over there, alright? You just try to catch it!"

Without actually waiting for an answer, Cyrus took off at at least 70km/h. Little did Mica know, he'd accidently stumbled over one of the few things Cyrus really enjoyed. Cyrus stopped at the 100 yard mark, and turned around. He quickly lined up his shot, and threw the frisbee with precision. His main combat type was tossing weaponry, despite carrying around swords, so he was pretty good at it.

@King Of Imagination
Lori shrugged at Nikolas's response.

"I didn't bring anything with me- although I don't really need anything else. I'll get some practice in with my powers- I can use it to monitor the kids without them realising."

Lori shrugged.

"Plus I need to work on it- Astral Projection isn't of much use in a fight at the moment."

Boris lousily saluted miss Winford, then turned around. He had students to guard, after all, and he couldn't just slack around

Even though that might be what he had done the week before, today would be different, he told himself.

Ten minutes later, he had requisitioned a floating mattress from a random kid, and was lazing about with the Mannequin serving as his 'propellor'. In his hand was a (originally non-alcoholic) cocktail, in a convenient plastic coconut. After drinking the cocktail to the bottom, he returned the mattress to the kid, offering him a ride with the robot acting as an engine.

The kid agreed, and he was in for the ride of his life. The Mannequin reached speeds up to thirty kilometers an hour while in the water, which was just below the speed of your average professional cyclist. On water, however, this is much faster than you'd think. The kid clamped himself onto his mattress, holding on for dear life, while Boris was lying next to him, laughing like a maniac and occasionally getting water in his mouth.

After the ride, the kid immediately assumed a foetal position, rocking about.

Boris shrugged, and started using the Mannequin as a surfboard. Pretty hard, but he'd had the robot for about eight years. He was experienced enough to know how to balance on it.

He looked at Penny then the sand noticing indeed the same thing she did, "Alright then umm...does that hurt at all, and do you need it back?" He looked down closer indeed it was fairly well mixed in, looking back at penny he said in a concerned voice "Ok you weren't kidding about the control, how much effort does it take you to maintain human form? Does it take all your focus? Or just a little bit? Or should I not be asking, if your not comfortable talking about this than...well, that's fine."


Penny shrugged in a mild manner, "It's n-not a big deal, Mo-most of the co-control has become second nature, b-but it kind of "stops" e-every so often. It's not painful, j-just embarrassing. I g-get slime over a l-lot of things s-since my b-body is a-always generating m-more even when I don't want i-it too." Feeling flustered over his concern, Penny tried to change the subject, "So, y-you s-said something about t-the mi-military right? Yo-your fam-family is in the mi-military?"

Even if it was said to divert the conversation, Penny was truly curious. She had heard him mention it before, and really wanted to know what that kind of family entailed. Was it super strict? Were the parents home often? Did they get guns half-off on thursdays?

@Der Kojote
Fox flapped her flippers and felt her body gracefully move through the water, wearing her favorite aquatic form, a big spotted seal. She'd never admit it, but sometimes she did prefer her aquatic forms over her flying ones, both had such freedom in their envioronments and well, you can't fall while swimming. She shook a bit at the thought of falling, and twitched her whiskers. Not a good day. Catching and devouring those fish had done wonders for her mood though and her belly was contentedly full. She reveled in the plentiful fish and did a couple of corkscrews in the water, ramming right into someone's leg.

Sen Harper

Sen flushed softly as Jon continued to praise her in his joyful fluster. She honestly didn’t see how she played much of a role in him over coming his fear other than suggesting to go in the water. However she wasn’t going to keep arguing the point. Fact was he was over his fear and over joyed by the new development. She squeaked softly from pulled into an unexpected hug awkwardly patting his back in response. It wasn’t that she was against touchy feely stuff she just wasn’t exactly used to it. Especially from friends.

Jons explanation did fill in a few gaps though. She found it interesting how he described being able to freeze time and move through water. It must have been a very strange feeling but she was glad he was able to see a way to conquer his fear. “Well I’m glad you’re over your fear.” She chuckled softly. “Will if you’re really tired perhaps we should head back?”


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