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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Obsidus got up and yawned realizing she was on the floor, she went over to the kitchen to get something to eat. She saw Petro "Hey Pet, how ya doing today," she said getting a jar of sand and pouring it between two slices of bread.


Sarah studied them "Are you a half gem like me, you aren't as colorful as the rest. My gem is on my tongue," she said sticking out her tongue showing her gem. "My mom was a Dragon Breath Opal, worked with someone named Rose," she said before looking at Peri and poking her leg.

Petro Wood

Petro looked at Obi, what in the world was she doing with the sand? With a small chuck the carton ended up in the trash. " Why are you putting sand between bread? You don't actually put sand in a sandwich, you put ham or cheese or something edible in there." Petro's stomach turned as he thought about eating sand.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus saw him seeming sick and opened the jar of sand, consuming all the sand. She wiped her mouth "Eh, it just needs flavor," she said laughing before looking back up at the other gem. "So how's it been lately, haven't seen you in a while. You should also stay away from my kid, she breaths fire." She said with a smile as she ate the 'Sand'wich.


Sarah stared at Peri "Do you have a mom? Are you a gem?" The kid asked letting out a sigh that turned into some fire. She jumped covering her mouth and tried to smile ignoring the fire.

At the shores of the Homeworld island, a large figure would slowly be pulling itself from the waves lapping at the sand, a muscular hand slowly reaching out and digging into whatever it could possibly grasp as it began to emerge.

The figure's head would emerge from the soft blue of the water, topped with blue hair of its own, as well as eyes lacking pupils, only round orbs filled with silvery-gray. She slowly drags herself farther up the land, a deep gasp and a cough leaving her throat "Land...Finally..." It was another gem, soaked through as deeply as a gem could be, seaweed hanging loosely from her broad shoulders. A long sigh escapes her as she raises her head, looking about to see where she's climbed herself onto, slowly scanning the new environment.
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mewbot5408 said:
Blue cat's eye sat across from azurite in the water as the breeze blew his long hair gently behind him looking up at the sky. He couldn't help but to chuckle seeing how embarrassed azurite was leaning over torwards him. "Azurite...you Okay??" he asks then smirks splashing him with water playfully to lighten up the mood a little.
"Ehh..." Azurite froze the water that was splashed at him. He looked up at Catty with a rather sad look. "It's just..." he said softly, "I think it's too fast. I mean, we've only known each other for two days. Now, you're offering fusion. Listen, you're a great gem, but I just need some time." Azurite dropped the ice into the water, and gave Catty a big smile. "You're a great gem Catty," he said fondly," but I need more time to recover from my experience on homeworld."
Unonemous said:
At the shores of the Homeworld island, a large figure would slowly be pulling itself from the waves lapping at the sand, a muscular hand slowly reaching out and digging into whatever it could possibly grasp as it began to emerge.
The figure's head would emerge from the soft blue of the water, topped with blue hair of its own, as well as eyes lacking pupils, only round orbs filled with silvery-gray. She slowly drags herself farther up the land, a deep gasp and a cough leaving her throat "Land...Finally..." It was another gem, soaked through as deeply as a gem could be, seaweed hanging loosely from her broad shoulders. A long sigh escapes her as she raises her head, looking about to see where she's climbed herself onto, slowly scanning the new environment.
"Um, hey, guys? There's what looks to be a corrupted gem or something invading Yellow Gem Pal's Homeworld Base." Amber worriedly looked to the emerging figure, unable to distinguish any details, and summoned some crystalline shards, which orbited his arm. He took aim, his arm shifting into a more cannon-like barrel, the shards orbiting just in front of the barrel's opening. (Think Peridot's cannon hand, minus the finger in the middle.) The shards began spinning very quickly, glowing brightly, and a beam of light shot from the cannon, burning the shards in the process. The recoil from the blast knocked Amber off his feet, and missed his target by a few feet, there was now a burn mark on the ground next to the emerging blue gem. Amber scrambled to get back off the ground to fire again.
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Goldy looked at Amber "No, if it is homeworld then it can only help. If I get attacked then attacked then do what you must to poof him." Goldy went up to the new figure, the crab bubble underneath his arm "Howdy," was all he said, waving and smiling.

@ferociousfeind @Unonemous
The gem gasps as she feels the familiar heat of a charged attack flying by her, her right hand clenching tight to reveal the silvery gem on the back of her hand, a large webbing of cracks working down it before it's covered by a series of thick, jagged crystals slowly growing up her arm "Great...Just where I....Needed to end up." She grunts and slowly brings herself to her feet, showing just how tall she was.

Then her gaze turns to the one that didn't attack her...Something that confuses her a lot more than it should "Wha...Hel...Hello?"
Pyrite smiled "Welcome to the yellow gem pals homeworld base, I'm a pyrite, we also have a Amber, and a Citrine. You ok, I mean you did just get attacked," he said looking up, he tipped his cowboy hat.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Pyrite smiled "Welcome to the yellow gem pals homeworld base, I'm a pyrite, we also have a Amber, and a Citrine. You ok, I mean you did just get attacked," he said looking up, he tipped his cowboy hat.

She huffs softly, those empty eyes staring her down as she thinks over the gem names told to her "Pyrite...Amber...Citrine?...Who are they? And you?" She asks confusedly, seeming to have missed a good portion of what Pyrite had said. Hematite raises her free hand and holds her forehead with a soft grunt
A lowly group of homeworld Jaspers tugged mercilessly at the large set of gold-colored chains they'd been handed, their ears deaf to the muffled cries of resistance spilling from the mouth of the Green Giant behind them, trudging tirelessly through the halls of the ship. No matter how much it writhed and struggled, the twenty-five foot tall beast couldn't free itself from it's constraints. Though their muscles burned like holy hell from the workout, the Jaspers knew there'd be a price to pay if this thing got loose.

Finally, they managed to haul the monstrous fusion into the oversized jail cell meant to house Serpentine on the journey to Earth, and clicked the chains onto magnetic security ports, which were attached to the walls. They then left, the last Jasper to ditch the scene turning on the force field as a final precaution.

Despite the hopelessness of the situation, Serpentine continued to resist his constraints, trying his best to free himself from his kneeling position, but to no avail. One would think that by now he'd give up, but there was a cacophony of noise in his mind, so much so that he could barely bring himself to anything other than an endless, seething state of rage.

Nothing about this situation was right. Nothing worked. He was trapped inside of himself, with an argument on an eternal loop in his head to fuel his existence. His two components had been trapped in a state of anger when they were forcefully joined together, their emotional states frozen in time, not allowed to progress past the need for revenge and control. This made no space for thought, either, which made matters worse. Without thought, all ideas of reasoning about his situation had all but flown out the window. So, as things were, he was stuck like this.

Though Serpentine wasn't so happy with this, Yellow Diamond was more than pleased. Having an unstoppable, twenty-five foot tall warrior on her side? The method of creation may be a little... Disgusting, but you know what they say! If the shoe fits, wear it. Yellow Diamond had grown tired of the rebellious "Crystal Gems" long ago, and though there wasn't all that much reason for bothering with Earth anymore, she figured that she had to give Serpentine a test run somewhere. Why not on Earth, and more specifically, against the gems?

The hand-shaped ship lifted off the ground, ascending towards the night sky. The Peridot piloting the ship enters the coordinates for Earth, leans back in her seat, and stares out at the starry night sky, wondering waste the beast on this ship will lay to their location.
MightBeASithLord said:
"Ehh..." Azurite froze the water that was splashed at him. He looked up at Catty with a rather sad look. "It's just..." he said softly, "I think it's too fast. I mean, we've only known each other for two days. Now, you're offering fusion. Listen, you're a great gem, but I just need some time." Azurite dropped the ice into the water, and gave Catty a big smile. "You're a great gem Catty," he said fondly," but I need more time to recover from my experience on homeworld."
"I know....and I said I wouldn't force you to. I guess that's true..." he says with a little sigh smiling with his chin on his wrist. He can't help to laugh at himself and looks down. "I'm probably rushing things.....I'm sorry. " he looks up at azurite blushing a little as he closes his eyes with another sigh. "I guess this is what happens when you look at someone's memories a little too much....azurite,do you want to see my memories?" he asked the last part looking up with glowing eyes.
mewbot5408 said:
"I know....and I said I wouldn't force you to. I guess that's true..." he says with a little sigh smiling with his chin on his wrist. He can't help to laugh at himself and looks down. "I'm probably rushing things.....I'm sorry. " he looks up at azurite blushing a little as he closes his eyes with another sigh. "I guess this is what happens when you look at someone's memories a little too much....azurite,do you want to see my memories?" he asked the last part looking up with glowing eyes.
Azurite looked down in the water. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. Although," he said shyly, "if you really want to, then you may."

((@Midnight Peace If you head to earth, you can have your first Player/Player interaction with @mewbot5408 and I, if you want. Just land near the shores.))
Kyanite trudged up the hill to the temple, almost crawling. There was a large crack down the middle of his gem that spiderwebbed across the entirety of it. He had gone out for a long time, much too long, venturing out too far this time.
(Don't sympathise with Amber, while he seems mostly normal, there's a reason he was left on Earth, he's completely dysfunctional, and can't take a hint.)

"No wait, Pyrite! We don't know how malicious this new gem is! And it isn't even a warm color." Amber squinted his eye when he said that. He took aim with his cannon hand, charged up another shot, and fired, missing again. This time several gallons of ocean water were vaporized into steam. The shockwave knocked Amber to the ground again, and he scrambled to get back up off the ground.
MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite looked down in the water. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. Although," he said shyly, "if you really want to, then you may."
((@Midnight Peace If you head to earth, you can have your first Player/Player interaction with @mewbot5408 and I, if you want. Just land near the shores.))
Blue cat's eye nods and holds azurite's head pressing their foreheads together as the memories would come flooding in. Memories of being trapped alone in the darkness. Memories of waking up and fighting. Memories of being put to sleep. Memories of reawakening anew to explore and learn how to cope. Memories of being in pain. Memories of friending the animals. Memories of the death. All his memories would flash through azurite's mind. Blue cat's eye moved back with a little sigh.
She would stand and gently push Pyrite to the side, as if protecting an ally, or attempting to remove her from the line of fire. She clenches that spikey, sharp crystal covered hand before swinging in Amber's direction, sending a few sharp pieces of shrapnel her way. They traveled far and fast, but clearly weren't meant for such distance, missing easily before the crystals on her arm slowly start to fall away, showing just how weak her state currently was, barely able to maintain her weaponry or stand
Pyrite stood between the two "No! You won't hurt anyone, we are all gems from homeworld. Since Citrine is sleeping I am in charge," he looked at the new gem and grabbed her hand. He guided her inside and smiled "Welcome to our place," he said letting go of her hand. He let out a sigh and stared at amber, his hand on his gem, located on his hip.

@Unonemous @ferociousfeind
mewbot5408 said:
Blue cat's eye nods and holds azurite's head pressing their foreheads together as the memories would come flooding in. Memories of being trapped alone in the darkness. Memories of waking up and fighting. Memories of being put to sleep. Memories of reawakening anew to explore and learn how to cope. Memories of being in pain. Memories of friending the animals. Memories of the death. All his memories would flash through azurite's mind. Blue cat's eye moved back with a little sigh.
Azurite took a deep breath to process all of Catty's past that he saw. He inched slightly closer to Catty and smiled. "Catty," Azurite said with a smile slowly forming, "I'd be honored to be your first fusion. Although, when we fuse, and I mean when, I want you to see my true power first. I want you too see me fight without my limiter. Fusions result very differently with and without my limiter." Azurite stood with a smile and started heading back to the temple. He gestured Catty to follow him.
(In imagining Amber, even after Being gem-healed would still puzzle over why they didn't help him eliminate the corrupted gem. xD ) Amber, instead of feeling ashamed or something, felt utterly and completely confused at the situation. Wasn't this their mission? Eliminate all of the corrupted gems? Whatever! Amber just had to deal with having a blue gem in the Homeworld Gem Pals. "I'm just gonna go... Out there... To get some... Intel?" Amber ran out the face entrance, into the open. It had stopped raining, so the world wasn't actually ending! He saw what he thought was some commotion, and embarked on a journey to find the rebellious Crystal Gems.
MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite took a deep breath to process all of Catty's past that he saw. He inched slightly closer to Catty and smiled. "Catty," Azurite said with a smile slowly forming, "I'd be honored to be your first fusion. Although, when we fuse, and I mean when, I want you to see my true power first. I want you too see me fight without my limiter. Fusions result very differently with and without my limiter." Azurite stood with a smile and started heading back to the temple. He gestured Catty to follow him.
(I swear I ship these guys so dang hard xD )

Blue cat's eye stood up and brushing any sand off as he followed behind azurite. He stretched a little bit as he walked behind him with a light blue tint on his cheeks forming a blush. "I understand.." he says softly in response smiling as he brushes some of his dark blue hair behind his pointed ear.
ferociousfeind said:
(In imagining Amber, even after Being gem-healed would still puzzle over why they didn't help him eliminate the corrupted gem. xD ) Amber, instead of feeling ashamed or something, felt utterly and completely confused at the situation. Wasn't this their mission? Eliminate all of the corrupted gems? Whatever! Amber just had to deal with having a blue gem in the Homeworld Gem Pals. "I'm just gonna go... Out there... To get some... Intel?" Amber ran out the face entrance, into the open. It had stopped raining, so the world wasn't actually ending! He saw what he thought was some commotion, and embarked on a journey to find the rebellious Crystal Gems.
((Why are you rating all of my posts "spooky"))
IIQueenestII said:
(Sorry about being gone for a little while, my notifications messed up.)
Pink Marble was back at the beach again looking for more seashells, until she saw Azurite and Blue Cat's Eye sitting together near the water, she seen Catty splash Azurite with water, then Pink Marble got curious and ran in the water in front of the two and kicked water onto them in a playful manner, giggling happily.

@mewbot5408 @MightBeASithLord
((Oh man, I didn't see this post! I'm so sorry! :( ))

Azurite evaporated the water that had just been kicked onto him. Not knowing who it it was, he quickly summoned his axe and turned around to face the potential threat. Upon seeing the little gem laughing, he realized that the gem meant no harm. Azurite's weapon dispersed into light as he chuckled with embarrassment. "Oops," he said with a sheepish grin, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. What's your name? I'm Azurite," he gestured to Catty, "and this is my partner, Blue Cat's Eye. I just call him Catty, though. Who're you?"

@mewbot5408 @IIQueenestII
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