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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah gave a weak nod and squeezed her hand gently "Very....tired...still hurts....but not as....bad." he said taking deep breaths to try and keep his energy going.

Max squealed as he threw her over his shoulder "Will! You were supposed to eat dinner!" She scolded teasingly before giggling as he threw her onto the bed. They'd done it a few times since she had given birth but her limbido had been so out of whack that really she was never in the mood.
She frowned and nodded, pulling a chair up to the side of the bed and sat down. “Get some sleep babe.” She coaxed. “I’m not going anywhere okay? I’m right here I promise.” She murmured, cupping his cheek with her free hand.

He laughed and threw her down, shutting the door so the cats couldn’t come interrupt them but got down to business, not wasting any time. He lay with her after, catching his breath a little and smiled at hee. “I love you.” He murmured, kissing her gently. “So very much.” He pulled her in closer so she was on top of him again and just rubbed circles in her back.
Noah gave a small nod and smiled softly at her before he eventually fell asleep.

Nick came back into the room after his call ended and gave a heavy sigh "Alright work is handled, they said take as much time as he needs." He murmured before shaking his head as he looked at Noah getting serious deja vu.

Max smiled as she relaxed into him and traced tattoos on his arm "Mmm I love you too, more than anything." She murmured sighing happily "So I guess now I get to go do dress shopping huh?"
She nodded and just gently stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. “I hadn’t noticed til now. How much he’s lost again…. He’s not been eating much but he’s been going to the gym at least every day.” She murmured, standing to go use the restroom and get a couple drinks and snacks so she could stay in the room after that, checking her socials and sighing a little at all the people messaging her about Noah right now, eventually opting to put out a story to say he was alright but they just needed some privacy to deal with personal matters.

He nodded and kissed her head. “We gotta look at venues and florists and sort out a guest list. I gotta get a tux and Maya needs a little flower girl dress but that’s obviously gonna be last minute cause she’s growing so much at the minute… why are you looking at me like that?” He smiled at her as she pulled back and was staring at him.
Nick sighed heavily and sat beside her running a hand over his face "You let me know if he starts to push back on getting help ever okay? I'll come in and help." He told her seriously.

Max looked at him in a bit of shock but smiled widely "I just.....I never figured you to be wanting to be so hands on. Plus the thought of you in a tux is hot." She said happily
He grinned. “Oh baby I’m about to be the worst kind of groomzilla.” He chuckled, pulling her in close and kissed her gently. “Mmm you stay here I’m gonna get cleaned up downstairs but I’ll be right back.” He promised, kissing her gently and got up to go get downstairs locked up.

She nodded and leaned back, keeping a hold of Noah’s hand the whole time as she started drifting off, exhausted from the last few days
Max gave a small laugh and nodded before getting off of him. Once she was off she got up slowly and got dressed into her moomoo nightgown. While it wasn't the most flattering piece she owned, it definitely made breast feeding at night so much easier.

Noah woke up hours later and groaned quietly seeing it was now dark in the room. He tugged Carmen's hand gently to try and wake her so she could get the lights.
He got back up and smiled at her some. “Oh look at the sexy grandma.” He teased hee, going to get showered and ready for bed.

She grumbled a little but looked over and saw him wide awake. “Hey, how you feeling?” She asked quietly, getting the bed raised a little and bedside lamp turned on.
Max gave a funny pose before he went off downstairs laughing. She got the baby monitor set up and then went to check on Maya to make sure she was okay.

Noah gave a small yawn and shrugged "Still tired, but my mind woke me up. Thirsty too, could I have some water?" He asked quietly
She nodded and went to grab one of the bottles out of her bag. “I called dr. Parson. You’ve got an appointment with him next Monday.” She told him. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.” She told him, sitting on the edge of the bed and passed him the bottle. “I’ve got my laptop, you wanna watch something?” She asked him.

He ended up coming to bed a while later to find max already asleep but smiled and got snuggled up close to her, turning the lights out for the night, or at least until Maya woke up next.
Noah gave a sigh but didn't argue with her about it. He gave a small nod and tugged her to come lay with him "Watch some One Piece?" He asked quietly.

Max was up early with Maya the next morning. She sat in her room rocking her gently as she burped her from the morning feeding. She smiled when she saw Will come in and gave a small wave "Good morning, how did you sleep?"
She nodded and smiled, setting it up for them and moved to lay carefully by his side, holding his hand. “I love you.” She murmured. “Nick is gonna come by in the morning again so I can go home and shower.” She told him.

He grumbled a little, not fully awake and smiled at her tiredly. “Not great. Couldn’t get comfy.” He mumbled. “What we got going on today?” He asked her yawning and stretching before reaching for the baby.
Noah gave a small nod and ran his fingers through her hair "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to get this bad again." He said quietly.

Max gave a small nod and handed Maya over once she was finished burping "I was going to take a walk around the park, get some sunshine but other than that nothing." She said softly as she watched him happily.
He nodded and yawned a little. “Alright, cause remember it’s my last day at home, why don’t we go out for lunch? Not fancy but get out the house for something good for once?” He suggested.

She frowned and looked up at him. “No one ever means to babe. I’m not upset with you. Not for a moment.” She promised, kissing his cheek. “I love you. I know I can’t fix it all. But I can wait here quietly with you until it’s better.” She promised,
Max smiled softly and nodded "Yeah that sounds great actually. Go get some mexican food?" She said before standing up "You mind if I shower? My hair is feeling so icky right now."

Noah gave a nod and yawned some "They say when they'll bring dinner? If they're anything like last time I'll be forced to eat and gain weight before they let me out." He said quietly
She shook her head and frowned. “They’re not really telling me much. But it wouldn’t surprise me.” She told him quietly, “Why don’t you get some rest and I’ll wake you up when your dinner gets here?” She suggested, getting him to lay down some more and get some sleep, not leaving his side but waking him once his dinner came and helped get him to eat as much as he could before getting settled down for the night, waking up the following morning to nick shaking her awake. “Im up. I’m up.” She mumbled. “What time is it? … Where is he?”

He smiled and shook his head, taking Maya to go get her dressed for the day, putting them in matching outfits as much as he could, singing to her most of the time. It really was like his world had shifted from the moment she was born.
Nick gave her a small smile and handed her some breakfast he'd gotten for her "He's gone for some tests. They went to see what level the lung is functioning at." He said softly to her "Eat, go take a shower and do anything else you need okay? I got things handled here."

Max smiled widely as she came down after her shower "Oh look at you two! The matching outfits are so cute." She said happily before pecking Will's cheek "We need to get matching stuff for all three of us."
-6 months-
Carmen walked into the house after a long day, going to put her stuff away in her room for her work stuff, slipping the prescription she’d picked up into her bag and keeping it hidden out of the way before going to grab a drink from the kitchen, heading Noah streaming in their room. She was thrilled to have him back to himself again but after another six months of no answers for the pain she was in daily she had slipped back into old habits, having used Noah’s painkiller prescription to continue refilling it, taking the pils herself. She glanced down seeing a text from him asking her to bring him a white claw cause he’d run out in his mini fridge, taking it up to him and smiling. “Room service for mr. Sebastian.”

Will crept into the house late at night after another long day of recording, trying not to wake either of his girls up but he stepped into the kitchen to find them both wide awake while Maya had a late night bottle anyway. “Hey, im pretty sure that it is way past your bedtime young lady.” He smiled as she was immediately reaching for him. “How’re my girls doing? You guys have a good day?” He asked. They’d had a good six months with him at home while they worked on new music but his first tour was coming up and this time he was taking them with him, refusing to leave them for the whole six weeks. “I missed you both today.”
Noah turned to face her and smiled widely taking the drink from her "Thank you my lady. I am forever grateful." He said happily before blowing her a kiss and turning back around to get back to streaming. He'd been a great mental state at the moment since he had started up his therapy sessions again. He was growing a bit concerned though about her again, he knew the last doctor's appointment had really hit her hard when they said they didn't find anything out of the ordinary about the migranes. He was doing his absolute to really be there for her now through it, but he was worried she was about to slip again, not knowing she already had.

Max smiled tiredly at Will when he walked in later that night. Maya had been going through a sleep regression and without him there to help through the nights since he was sleeping more often due to being back at work, she was exhausted. She handed Maya over and sighed softly "She was very fussy, I think she is teething. Might be getting a tooth in here soon." She said quietly just watching the two of them happily. "We missed you too, how was the studio today?"
She smiled and moved to grab the spare chair, pulling it up next to him. She pulled the blanket off their bed and went to sit next to him, snuggled up under the thing. “What are you playing today?” She asked him quietly, yawning a bit and watching the chat start to explode with people either asking her to hang out or to go away and stop ruining the stream. “Relax you lot in only here to take a nap.” She smiked a little.

He smiled. “It was good. Good day…. Why don’t I take her with me tomorrow. I’m only there for a few hours but give you a nice break. Have a lie in.” He suggested, rocking her gently but watching max tiredly. “Maybe get some wedding planning in?” He winked at her.
Noah rolled his eyes at the chat and gave a small laugh "Just some Fall Guys, you can join if you want." He murmured happily just watching her with adoring eyes. Fans had been spouting shit rumors lately that she was being abusive towards him, he'd done his best to shut them down of course, but they still had upset him.

Max smiled happily and gave a small nod "That would be wonderful." She said softly before kissing him gently "You know how much I love you?"
She shook her head and yawned again. “I’m good. It was a long day. Really nice family just a lot of makeup.” She told him. “I’m gonna nap.” She murmured, “peace out chat.” She smiled, pulling her sleep mask on she’d grabbed off the bed and got snuggled up in her chair, smiling a little as she felt noah rub her forehead for a moment before going back to his game.

He smiled and nodded “I love you too beautiful. Love you enough that I let you take photos of me when you think I’m sleeping and post them on the internet to laugh at me.” He winked at her after seeing her Instagram post of the day.
Noah smiled softly as he watched her for a minute before he went back to his game. Once he had finished up he gently shook her awake "Hey, I was gonna order some chinese food. You want anything?" He asked her gently

Max gasped and gave a small laugh "I have no idea what you're talking about." She said before pecking his lips gently "So I got a friend to do our engagement photos. They're going to get back to me soon for the dates they have available." She murmured happily.
She stretched out a little and nodded. “You know my order.” She mumbled, reaching for him to help her up. “Oh CVS has your meds ready when you are to pick ‘em up, I was gonna stop by on my way home but I was so tired.” She told him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into his shoulder while he made the order on his phone for dinner, sneaking one hand around his back and reaching down to grab his butt.

He gave her a salute and glanced back down at Maya who seemed to finally have fallen asleep. “Oh there we go..” he whispered, taking her up and putting her to bed, just watching her for a minute before going back to help max lock up. “Right. Your turn. Up to bed.” He chuckled, lifting her up over his shoulder and carrryung her up there.
Noah jumped lightly when she squeezed his butt and gave a small laugh "Hey there, someone is getting frisky." He said with a smile while he put his phone up and picked her up bridal style "Come on my little burrito, lets go." He murmured making sure her blanket stayed wrapped around her while he carried her to the living room.

Max squeaked and smiled happily as he carried her to bed. She cuddled up close to him once he was layed with her and gave a big yawn "I love you." She murmured before falling asleep almost immediately against him.

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