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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah gave a weak nod and squeezed her hand gently "Very....tired...still hurts....but not as....bad." he said taking deep breaths to try and keep his energy going.

Max squealed as he threw her over his shoulder "Will! You were supposed to eat dinner!" She scolded teasingly before giggling as he threw her onto the bed. They'd done it a few times since she had given birth but her limbido had been so out of whack that really she was never in the mood.
She frowned and nodded, pulling a chair up to the side of the bed and sat down. “Get some sleep babe.” She coaxed. “I’m not going anywhere okay? I’m right here I promise.” She murmured, cupping his cheek with her free hand.

He laughed and threw her down, shutting the door so the cats couldn’t come interrupt them but got down to business, not wasting any time. He lay with her after, catching his breath a little and smiled at hee. “I love you.” He murmured, kissing her gently. “So very much.” He pulled her in closer so she was on top of him again and just rubbed circles in her back.
Noah gave a small nod and smiled softly at her before he eventually fell asleep.

Nick came back into the room after his call ended and gave a heavy sigh "Alright work is handled, they said take as much time as he needs." He murmured before shaking his head as he looked at Noah getting serious deja vu.

Max smiled as she relaxed into him and traced tattoos on his arm "Mmm I love you too, more than anything." She murmured sighing happily "So I guess now I get to go do dress shopping huh?"
She nodded and just gently stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. “I hadn’t noticed til now. How much he’s lost again…. He’s not been eating much but he’s been going to the gym at least every day.” She murmured, standing to go use the restroom and get a couple drinks and snacks so she could stay in the room after that, checking her socials and sighing a little at all the people messaging her about Noah right now, eventually opting to put out a story to say he was alright but they just needed some privacy to deal with personal matters.

He nodded and kissed her head. “We gotta look at venues and florists and sort out a guest list. I gotta get a tux and Maya needs a little flower girl dress but that’s obviously gonna be last minute cause she’s growing so much at the minute… why are you looking at me like that?” He smiled at her as she pulled back and was staring at him.
Nick sighed heavily and sat beside her running a hand over his face "You let me know if he starts to push back on getting help ever okay? I'll come in and help." He told her seriously.

Max looked at him in a bit of shock but smiled widely "I just.....I never figured you to be wanting to be so hands on. Plus the thought of you in a tux is hot." She said happily
He grinned. “Oh baby I’m about to be the worst kind of groomzilla.” He chuckled, pulling her in close and kissed her gently. “Mmm you stay here I’m gonna get cleaned up downstairs but I’ll be right back.” He promised, kissing her gently and got up to go get downstairs locked up.

She nodded and leaned back, keeping a hold of Noah’s hand the whole time as she started drifting off, exhausted from the last few days
Max gave a small laugh and nodded before getting off of him. Once she was off she got up slowly and got dressed into her moomoo nightgown. While it wasn't the most flattering piece she owned, it definitely made breast feeding at night so much easier.

Noah woke up hours later and groaned quietly seeing it was now dark in the room. He tugged Carmen's hand gently to try and wake her so she could get the lights.
He got back up and smiled at her some. “Oh look at the sexy grandma.” He teased hee, going to get showered and ready for bed.

She grumbled a little but looked over and saw him wide awake. “Hey, how you feeling?” She asked quietly, getting the bed raised a little and bedside lamp turned on.
Max gave a funny pose before he went off downstairs laughing. She got the baby monitor set up and then went to check on Maya to make sure she was okay.

Noah gave a small yawn and shrugged "Still tired, but my mind woke me up. Thirsty too, could I have some water?" He asked quietly
She nodded and went to grab one of the bottles out of her bag. “I called dr. Parson. You’ve got an appointment with him next Monday.” She told him. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.” She told him, sitting on the edge of the bed and passed him the bottle. “I’ve got my laptop, you wanna watch something?” She asked him.

He ended up coming to bed a while later to find max already asleep but smiled and got snuggled up close to her, turning the lights out for the night, or at least until Maya woke up next.

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