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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She sighed a little and frowned. “I can’t believe you don’t know by this point how tight I hold on when I want something.” She teased him, kissing his cheek. “I love you.” She told him, heading out to walk to the pizza place, enjoying each others company for a bit and Carmen feeling like for once he was going to get better. All up until she felt him tense up rigid next to her when someone called his name.

He took Maya with him and sat down on the bed cuddling with her and letting the cats come up for a sniff. “Be nice to your sister you two.” He smiled, reaching one hand over to give their heads alittke scratch, glancing over when max came back in. “We should get this one to bed huh?” He smiled. “Hey did you say the other day that carm and Noah might be coming down to visit?” He asked.
Noah walked happily hand in hand with her. He tensed up though when he heard a familar voice call out his name loudly. He stood there hoping they'd leave but when he heard Kevin yell again he finally turned around giving a nervous smile "Kev...hey man." He said trying to sound happy.

Max sat down and gave a small smile seeing Will with Maya. She nodded as she sat beside the two of them "Yeah she was talking about coming since they were in Virginia at the moment. I told them it shouldn't be a problem." She said softly.
He nodded and yawned a little. “Sounds good. You know I’m back at work in a couple days remember? New album to work on finally.” He smiled, looking forward to finally working on a full album with Lorna Shore rather than just the EP. “It’s gonna be weird not getting to be around this little one all day anymore but dads gotta work so you can have nice things. And so your siblings can have their treats otherwise they’re gonna eat me instead.” He smiled, waving Mayas arms around a little while he talked watching her giggle.

Carmen frowned as she turned, trying to place where she knew this guys name from, listening to him and another guy who apparently was called Liam chatting to Noah until they eventually turned to look at her and it clicked when they asked ‘who’s the chick?’ She’d heard all about Noah’s old band from him and nick and now they were right there and she could see how weird they made Noah feel. “The chick can hear you. And it doesn’t matter who I am. It matters that after all these years and all the shit you did that you’re still here in Richmond and no one knows a damn thin about you or your music.” She spat at them.
Max gave a small pout and nodded some "Yeah I go back in a few weeks....I'm not looking forward to it." She said softly watching Maya a bit "I'm terrified honestly." She murmured to him taking a deep breath.

Noah talked to them and frowned deeply as they completely brushed off his success with Bad Omens. He was about to say something when they address Carmen finally. He smirked a bit as she spoke and let his arm fall to her shoulders "We'll be leaving now, good to see you." He muttered before turning around and walking away with Carmen.
He frowned a little and looked over at her. “You don’t have to… the offer is there if you want to be home with her love.” He told her, moving to set Maya down as she fell asleep, going to sit with max again.

She glared at them for a minute before heading out with him to carry on towards the restaurant. “Say the word and I’ll go back and boot them up the ass.” She muttered. “You okay?” She asked him, reaching up to hold his hand that hung around her shoulders.
Max nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "I know, its just that would be a pay cut. I could go freelance again, do more family oriented and less band." She said softly before biting her lip hard "I could even....go back to weddings." She said in a dramatic voice. When she started her photography journey she had tried the wedding route, but it had gone badly after a few bridezillas and she had decided to leave that area of photography.

Noah nodded and gave a small smile "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit shaken up. I didn't think we'd run into them. Still jerks I see." He murmured as he squeezed her hand gently.
She nodded and sighed a little, enjoying their evening as much as she could with her head in agony again and then spent the next day trying to stop from crying, knowing that this would be the last time she got to spend with her grandma, glad that Noah had come with her for support though. She finally let it out once they were on their flight back, not noticing how quiet Noah had gone since the night before.

He rolled his eyes a little. “Like I don’t earn enough for the three of us.” He muttered, shaking his head a little. By the following evening he was finally feeling a lot more back to himself and making him and max dinner, wanting to cheee her up qfter she’s got confirmation that Carmen and Noah wouldn’t be coming to visit. “Hey, she go down easy tonight?” He asked her, reaching for her to step in closer when she appeared in the doorway from putting Maya to bed
Max wrapped her arms around his waist and nodded with a small smile "Yeah she did, out like a light." She murmured before kissing his cheek gently "Thank you for dinner love. How are you feeling?"

Noah held her as she cried "Its okay, its gonna be okay." He whispered quietly to her rubbing her back. He didn't know what else to say, but this was all too familiar as he remembered having to say goodbye to his own grandparents who.had raised him.
She just tried to keep it quiet as much as she could, holding his hand tightly. “It’s not fair though.” She mumbled, sniffling a little and frowning at how he kept wincing. “Are you alright?” She asked, wiping her eyes and sitting up a little, ignoring how the people across the aisle kept glaring at them both for the noise.

“Mmm welcome beautiful.” He murmured, kissing her head. “Much better. Gonna take it easy but I got some stuff to do for nick tomorrow so I’ll be working in my office. I can watch Maya too if you wanna go get your nails done or something, go do something to make you feel good?” He suggested.
Noah gave a small nod and rubbed at his chest "Yeah I'm fine." He said quietly just trying to focus on her "I know its not fair, its beyond unfair, but atleast you got these few days with her and she seemed so happy to have you. You made her lasy few days happy." He said as quietly as possible.

Max smiled and stared at him with loving eyes "You're amazing you know that? I'd love to go get them done if you don't mind." She said softly before pecking his lips quickly.
He smiled. “I know you re gonna wanna send out announcement photos. And I know you’re gonna wanna have your nails done in those photos.” He winked at her, “I love you. Very much.”

She frowned and just gripped his other hand, trying to keep it together so she could keep the noise levels down, eventually falling asleep, not really believing him when he said he was okay, but not in much of a position to argue it right now.
Max laughed some and nodded "You know me too well." She said happily as she let him go to finish up the meal "I love you too. I can't wait to get little family photos of us done, we'll be so cute." She said with a small laugh as she sat down as the kitchen island.

Noah was thankful when she fell asleep. He took a deep breath before sitting back and rubbimg his chest some more wincing a bit. It was worrying him that something was wrong, but he was pushing it off as much as possible so he could be there for her.
She only woke up once they had landed and was immediately checking her phone for any updates, sighing a little when there were none and soon turned her attention towards getting home, not paying moah as much attention as she should have been but she was distracted. “You wanna go see the guys tonight? I was gonna take a hot bath and relax some. Thought you might like to go check in with them” she suggested as they were collecting their bags finally.

He nodded and smiled. “I’ve known you long enough love. Yeah we need to set that up. I’m gonna need a hair cut before we do those though so just give me a few days warning.” He told her, getting their dinner in the the table
Noah was struggling by this point taking deep painful breaths. He shook his head as they got their bags before looking to find a seat "Carm-Carm.....Carmen....stop....hold on.." he wheezed trying to catch his breath but by this point it wasn't going to happen.

Max nodded with a small giggle "Yes of course, wouldn't want the crazy poof." She said before pecking his cheek and following him to the dining room
He smiled and sat down with her, looking over some emails while he ate and stood when he heard her crying over the baby monitor. “I got her. I got her.” He smiled, getting up and heading up to check on her, chuckling a little as he found she was laying there wide awake and crying, Dusti sat on the windowsill watching her horrified. “You got a noisy little sister.” He smiled.

She frowned a little and turned around, quickly guiding him to sit down up against a wall once she saw what was going on, “hey, hey, what’s wrong?” She coaxed, moving his hair up and out of his face. “Noah, what hurts?” She asked
Max smiled widely when she saw Will come in with a grumpy looking Maya "Oh my sweet baby, you mad to be awake?" She cooed smiling as she cuddled further into Will "She is gonna be such a daddy's girl."

Noah patted his chest lightly trying his hardest to breathe easily "Chest.....chest hurts..." he wheezed out
She frowned and looked all over, finally spotting airport staff and flagged them down. “He can’t breathe, said his chest is hurting. He’s healthy he’s not… nothing obvious.” She told him quickly while he called for a first aider to come down and they called an ambulance. “I’m here baby, I’m here.” She coaxed as she felt him gripping her hand still.

He chuckled and nodded, kissing her head. “My little monster.” He murmured, cuddling her close. “Dusti was watching her. Didn’t like her crying.” He chuckled. “We gotta check her room better before we shut the door.” He murmured, going to get her a bottle warmed up, not worried about his own dinner right now. “Oh I missed my little Maya cuddles.” He coped to her. “You think we’re gonna be one and done? Or do we want another?” He asked max smiling some.
Noah held her hand tightly the entire time trying to relax as much as possible "Lung...collapse..." he wheezed wondering if this was happening yet again to him. He had it happened when he was at his lowest, but he didn't think he was that bad right now.

Max gave a small nod and made a mental note about checking her room better. She smiled as he came back into the room and gave a small shrug "I dunno, I think two could be nice. Maybe when she is around 3 we could try again." She said softly
She frowned and just nodded slowly. “He’s had it happen before. What like six years ago?” She asked him, rubbing his knuckles soothingly and just staying right by him until they saw paramedics walking over to them. “I’m right here okay?” She coaxed, stepping back so they could work and she called nick. “Hey, we landed about an hour ago, we’re going to the hospital. We think he’s got a collapsed lung.” She told him frowning

He smiled and watched hee. “You got time to be an only child then.” He murmured. “I might as well have been. All my sisters are so much older.” He smiled some, sitting down to feed Maya and just stared at her. “I can’t believe we made her.” He murmured.

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