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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She frowned and shook her head. “I’m not getting my hopes up… Noah they’re not… they’re not good people. My grandma is the only reason I’m going up there and when she’s gone I will have no reason to ever visit again…. So it’s not you that they won’t like, it’s me being happy.” She told him, kissing his cheek as she finished and stood up. “What are your plans for today?” She asked him.

He frowned and shook his head, tapping on the table to try and get her attention. “We neee…. To go… now.” He managed to get out, forcing himself to stand up and start to head out to the car, not caring that he had no shoes on.
Noah nodded and frowned a bit "Nothing, some work on producing but thats about it." He murmured giving a small shrug "Might try to unpack my game room fully." He murmured which he had been saying he'd do for the past week.

Max frowned deeply and nodded grabbing the diaper bag and rushing to the car with him. She got Maya buckled up quickly before getting into the drivers seat and heading to the ER.
She nodded and rubbed his back, leaning down and pecking his cheek "Alright, well I've gotta get some brushes cleaned up and then I've got e-mails and stuff, then packing, might make a run to Target later, I want you to come with me so I don't spend too much." She told him, really just wanting to make sure he got out of the house for a bit.

By the time they got there he was still worse and he managed to get inside, leaning up against the counter, not able to say what was wrong but thankkfully one look at him and the nurse was paging to get someone over there to see him while he tried to just stay awake and alert, hearing them asking questions that he couldn't answer right now
Noah nodded and smiled some "As long as we can get some Starbucks." He murmured with a small smile taking her hand in his "I'll need some more travel stuff too, I used it all during the last tour."

Max got in as quickly as she could after parking the car and getting the baby situated. She looked at the nurse who was helping Will and explained what was happening with him.
She nodded and leaned down, kissing him gently. “Alright, I’ll give you a shout when I’m almost ready.” She told him and started heading up to go get stuff done for work, messaging any clients that she needed to reschedule or move over to her assistant for the next few days

They moved her back out of the room once they had the information they needed and had her wait around an hour until they had him settled, letting her go back in to sit with him in the bay they had him in while he reached for her hand. “You gotta… take her home.” He mumbled, looking over at Maya. “Don’t want her… here getting… germs.” He mumbled, squeezing her hand. “I’ll be here… til tomorrow.” He frowned a little.
Noah nodded and gave a heavy sigh before getting up and going to his game room. He sat on the floor getting a box and opening it just staring at the contents inside of it.

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "I will once your mom gets here. She is on her way, I don't want you here alone." She said quietly
She went to find him by the time she was done and smiled as she stepped inside. “You know what we should put in here.” She told him, sitting next to him. “Mood lighting. For your streams.” She told him, pecking his cheek. “Come on, I’m getting hungry so before I start eating you let’s go get lunch…. My treat. Then we need to pack and go to the airport.” She told him quietly, sighing a little.

He frowned a little and tried to respond but couldn’t keep talking and just lay back watching his girls tiredly, just holding maxs hand and trying to stay calm so that she didn’t panic
Noah got up slowly having actually got a few boxes unpacked for once. He nodded in agreement and gave a small smile "Yeah I think that would be nice." He said softly before getting his shoes on "What do you want for food?"

Max held his hand while she gently pushed the stroller with the other. She gave a small sigh sitting there for another 30 minutes before his mom finally came in "Hey, they haven't come back to talk to us yet."
"Something greasy and salty." She told him, going to grab her bag and head out with him "There's a mcdonalds opposite the Target we could go to." she suggested, glad she was getting him out the house for a bit and enjoyed the day with him as much as she could until they got their flight late that evening, holding Noah's hand tightly while it took off, always nervy with flights but starting to stress about what was waiting for them in Virginia as well.

He was still struggling by that point but waved goodbye to Max and Maya, wanting her out of there so that Maya didn't get sick but he glanced over at his Mom, finally letting himself look scared

Her Mom was calling her about twenty minutes later, smiling some "Hey sweetheart, you and your troublemakers still coming over for dinner tonight?" she asked her, "I wanna see my favorite grandkid." She told her despite Maya being her only grandchild
Max frowned deeply and cussed under her breath "No, I'm so sorry but we won'r be able to make it. Will had a major asthma attack and had to go to the ER this morning. He won't be out until tomorrow." She explained while she watched Maya sleep.

Noah held her hand tightly doing his absolute best to be there for her right now and push his shit to the side. He smiled softly as they leveled out and kissed her cheek gently "You okay?" He asked softly.
She sighed a little and nodded, “i think so.” She told him quietly, closing her eyes and trying to sleep for the flight. She’d only been asleep for ten minutes though when she was woken up to the sound of bickering and frowned a little, looking over to some girl stood in the aisle facing Noah, confused until she registered that the girl had her camera on on her phone and just sighed a little, shaking her head. “Time and a place man.” She muttered.

She frowned a little and sighed. “Well… I could have Maya if you want to go stay with him?” She suggested. “I could come to yours and watch her there if you prefer?” She knew max would be worrying and making herself more anxious.
Noah frowned a bit as a fan came up to him asking for a photo "Hey uh not right now I'm sorry. If you'd like I could sign something for you." He said as gently as possible just trying to maybe compromise with the fan.

Max sighed heavily and shook her head "No, thank you for the offer but knowing Will he'd want me home because I could still pass germs to Maya." She explained quietly
Carmen frowned, reaching up and pressing the button for a flight attendant, shaking her head. “Get the fuck outta here, can you not work it out that in the middle of a long flight is not the time?” She muttered, looking to the flight attendant when he arrived “can you get her out of here? I understand that he’s a rock star but this is so inappropriate.” She told him. As stressed as she was she knew Noah was too mentally drained to be anything but nice to these people at the minute and she was more than willing to be the bad guy.

She frowned but nodded. “Alright if you’re sure.” She sighed. “You want me to at least bring you some food tonight? I was really looking forward to seeing Maya….. and you of course.” She smiled, trying to cheer her up with a light teasing. “You don’t have to decide right now but I’ll call later if you’re not sure yet.” She suggested.
Noah gave a heavy sigh but thanked the attendant quietly and took Carmen's hand in his "Thank you." He murmured before laying his head back and closing his eyes "Hopefully the rest of the flight will be peaceful."

Max shook her head some and gave a small smile "No, no that would be great actually." She said quietly before yawning some "I'm gonna take a quick nap Mom, I'll call you later alright?"
Wills mom called her just a little while later, sighing quietly as she left him to rest for a minute. “Hey, he’s just managed to get some sleep. They’ve put him on heavy duty antibiotics and they’re gonna send him home tomorrow with a heavy duty inhaler as well. They have also assured him that it is not contagious and obviously not to be coughing all over Maya but he can be around her.” She explained.

She nodded in agreement and just held his arm gently until she’d fallen asleep again. By the time they landed and had gone to get the rental car and get to their hotel they were both still exhausted enough to just conk out immediately but for once Carmens dreams were the stressful ones as she was worrying so much about tomorrow.
Max let out an immediate sigh of relief when she told her he was okay "Oh thank goodness. Alright, I'll be up there tomorrow to get him." She said softly while she fed Maya.

Noah woke up that next morning a nervous wreck. He was sat wringing his hands as he waited for Carmen to be ready. He knew she didn't care, but he wanted to make a good impression.
She got herself out together to go over to her parents place, smoothing out her hoodie a little in the bathroom mirror, just one more time before looking to Noah as she stepped into the room again. “Babe you really don’t have to wear a shirt…. They’re gonna be mean either way.” She sighed, worried about the way he seemed to think she was exaggerating. She headed out with him though, gripping at his hand a little.

She nodded a little. “I gotta go to work here soon but hee got his phone and he said he would call you after his nap. Don’t worry if he doesn’t call though cause nurse said he may just sleep all day now with how rough that one was.” She told her.
Noah gave a small frown and shook his head "I want to atleast look like I know how to dress, because we both know I can't." He said giving her a small laugh trying to help her loosen up a bit "I love you." He told her quietly before taking her hand.

Max gave a small nod and thanked her repeatedly before hanging up the phone. It was another hour before her mom showed up with food and drinks in toe along with some gifts for the baby.
She smiled a little and stopped at the car for a moment, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him, "Thank you for coming with me.... Means a lot." She told him, "If you need to step out at any point though just let me know, I... I know they can be a lot." She told him quietly, getting in the car to drive them to her parents' place initially so they'd give her the information on where to go so she could go see her grandma.

She walked in and went to set everything down for her, "Where is she? Gimme gimme." She smiled, reaching over when Max was bringing her in, "Is she still quite colicky?" She asked her daughter after she had passed Maya over for some cuddles, "Oh you've been crying huh little one? You being a pain for Mommy when she's on her own today?' She asked, cradling her close "She's starting to look more like Will I think." She smiled a little
Noah sat in the car holding her thigh gently as she drove. He did his best to push his mental state to the side so that he could be there for her entirely.

Max gave a tired smile and nodded some "Yeah she still is, thankfully she hasn't been all too bad today." She said softly as she handed her over and gave a small nod "Oh yeah, she has his hair. I think she'll be a good mix of the both of us."
She smiled and bounced her gently, "You need me to do any laundry or anything you need help with round the house?" She asked her, taking Maya to the kitchen to start getting out the food she'd brought for dinner for them, about to ask her something else when her phone started ringing and noticed it was Will calling her "Let's leave Mommy to talk in peace for a minute shall we?" She smiled.

Will had facetimed her once he was awake and set his phone up on the dinner tray they'd brought him, smiling tiredly at her "Hey beautiful." He croaked out, "I'm alive." He mumbled, sipping at the juice they'd brought him

She frowned a little, feeling the start of one of her headaches from the stress of the whole situation and just sighed a little "When we get home... I think we need a duvet day." She finally spoke as she pulled up to the curb outside her childhood home, her hands shaking a little
Noah took her hands in his as they stopped the car "Hey, deep breath okay? Its going to be okay, I promise." He said softly giving her a comforting smile before kissing her gently.

Max smiled some when she saw Will's face pop up on her screen "Hey there, oh its good to see you." She said softly feeling herself relax a bit knowing he was okay "Your mom said they got you on some heavy antibiotics."
He nodded slowly. “They said I’m probably not contagious … but when I get home I’m gonna give you both … some space anyway.” He told her quietly. “I’m so tired.” He mumbled, “wanna be in… our bed.” He told her quietly.

She nodded slowly and got out with him, heading up to the door and ringing the bell, not sure what to expect after so many years of no contact. She frowned as it opened and saw her mother on the other side who stood studying Noah’s face for a moment. “Mom…” she flinched as the door was immediately shut in their face and all she could hear was her mom yelling obscenities and slurs about him questioning where Carmen had got the audacity to bring home someone of his breeding and she sighed quietly, looking up at him. “I’m so sorry.”
Max nodded and sighed softly "I know love, you'll be home soon enough okay? And I'll be there to pick you up." She said with a small smile just watching him happily "So my mom thinks Maya looks like you, I told her she definitely has your hair."

Noah frowned deeply when he heard her mother's yelling. He looked at her a bit confused and gave her hand a comforting squeeze "Do I really look that asian?" He asked quietly with a small laugh "I thought I was pretty discreet."
She frowned and shook her head. “I… no she just…. She obsesses over it so fucking much that she notices.” She muttered, banging on the door again and waiting til she answered. “We will leave but I need to know where grandma is so I can go visit. Please.” She begged her.

He smiled a little, starting to pick at his dinner. “Mmm miss your cooking too.” He murmured. “I hope she looks like me a little. But not too much.” He mumbled starting to fall asleep again still on FaceTime with her.

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