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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She frowned a little, adjusting to get comfortable so she was sat up, running her fingers through his hair gently while she looked through some emails, eventually looking to the door when Kelly walked in without knocking, banging the door against the wall and waking up Noah in the process. “For fuck sakes Kelly.. what do you want?” She muttered, shaking her head. “Moah go back to sleep.” She murmured,

He just nodded and got up, passing hee over. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. You want anything?” He asked her frowning some, just feeling a bit off.
Max shook her head seeing the look in his eyes "No, they said they'd bring me my meals." She said softly as she situated herself to feed Maya. He'd been so quiet since it all happened and she was scared that maybe he was second guessing everything.

Noah jolted up as he heard the slam of the door "Huh? Shit whats wrong?" He asked quietly while he ignored Carmen asking him to go back to sleep.
He just nodded and headed out to go grab something to eat, rubbing at his face, trying to shake off the feeling.

She frowned and got up; “it’s nothing babe, go back to sleep.” She coaxed, going to step into the hallway with her. “Do it again. I dare you, something important and our door is shut just text.” She snapped, walking back in the room and shutting the door again, going to sit with him again. “I’m sorry, this is what she’s been doing the whole time.” She sighed seeing he was awake now and likely wouldn’t get to sleep again til tonight.
Max held Maya close taking a few deep breaths before she started crying softly. Her hormones were of course completely out of wack right now, and the fear of Will changing his mind was throwing her for a loop.

Noah frowned deeply and shook his head a bit "The fuck? Good thing we'll be leaving soon then I guess. I'm gonna miss Orie, but definitely won't miss her." He muttered pulling her into him.
She smiled a little. “You wanna game a little? Or you good if I game a little?” She asked him quietly, reaching over and using her nails to scratch his head.

His mom walked in not long after and set the bag down of things max had left. “Hey hey, what’s wrong?” She asked her frowning, “will gone to get some food?” She asked, taking a seat near her. “Good. Talk to me then. Everything okay?”
Noah shook his head some and cuddled her "No I'll watch you play don't worry." He said softly before kissing her gently

Max sniffled and took deep breaths to calm down "Something is wrong, he's quiet and not in an I'm tired way. What if thinks this is too much now? What if he leaves us?" She got out before sobbing again as she watched Maya feed.
She nodded and smiled, moving to get her controller and soon sat back with him. “You want Thai food tonight?” She asked him as she turned on the Zelda.

She shook her head and sighed a little. “I don’t think that’s it at all sweetheart. I think he’s scared to death about messing up.” She told her frowning. “And I think… maybe… he doesn’t appreciate you telling him how to do things…” she told her slowly as will had already texted her.
Noah gave a small nod and yawned "Yeah that sounds good." He murmuted as he watched her play quietly.

Max frowned more and took a deep breath "What do you mean? I just....I just told him to keep the blanket on her, it had fallen off of her. What have I been doing wrong?" She asked worriedly before breaking down again "I'm driving him away?!"
She smiled. “Try and go to sleep puppy. I’ll wake you up when food gets here.” She suggested, worrying about how much he was pushing himself at the minute.

“Max honey he was already about to do it.” She sighed. “I think he’s worried enough that he’s gonna mess up and he doesn’t like feeling like he’s being told off.” She told her, glancing over when the door opened and he walked in with a bag of food from the McDonald’s down the street.
Noah gave a small nod and started to drift off against her keeping his head in her side.

Max looked over at Will as he walked in and sniffled some "I'm sorry, I didn't....I didn't mean to make you upset." She said quietly reaching over to him to come close to her "You're going to be the best dad in the whole world."
She smiled tiredly and gently stroked his cheek while he slept, sighing quietly while she gamed until she ordered their dinner, having to wake him up when it was nearby so she could get up. “Baby you gotta let go so I can go get our food.” She told him smiling as he whined.

He frowned and went to sit down. “Hey, hey what is going on in here?” He asked hee, setting his food on the side but sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her back gently. “You okay?”
Max sniffled as she watched him "I'm sorry if I made you feel bad, I promise I didn't mean to." She told him while she handed Maya to him taking deep breaths to try and calm down.

Noah whined for a minute before finally letting her go with a grumble "Fine fine, go I guess." He said before turning over to still sleep a bit.
She smiled and got up, going to get their food and brought it back up, sitting with him to eat. “You ready to talk yet or not?” She asked gently, not wanting to pressure him but definitely worried.

He frowned and just rubbed her back sighing a little. “The reason I didn’t say anything is I wanted us to get home first then we can work out whatever little kinks there are in the comfort of our own home.” He sighed a little. “It’s gonna be fine alright?” He coaxed gently while he kept Maya in his free arm cradled to him.
Noah sat up and gave a heavy sigh "I'm alright babe, just really tired and a bit anxious about the move." He said softly before helping her hold the food "Hows your head?"

Max gave a small nod and sniffled a bit before wiping her eyes "I'm sorry, my hormones are all out of whack right now." She said quietly holding his free hand tight in hers "You get enough to eat?"
She nodded and grabbed the tray from next to the desk, setting it down for them. “Alright, well we can take it slow. There’s no rush to be out of this house and we don’t have furniture for ours yet anywa.” She reminded him, avoiding the question about her head.

He chuckled and nodded towards the still full bag of McDonald’s. “I didn’t eat yet.” He told her quietly, kissing her head. “And you’re all good babe.” He promised, going to put Maya in the plastic cot so he could eat and she could relax for a minute.
Noah nodded and gave a small smile "Alright, but how is your head?" He asked quietly not wanting her to avoid his questioning, he wanted to know she was okay.

Max gave a small smile and nodded "Alright, I love you." She whispered before kissing his cheek gently and letting him go eat.
She shrugged a little and frowned. “Right now it’s alright. Just a background headache. But I have no more answers than I did last time.” She sighed a little, yawning. “I got a job tomorrow morning but you wanna grab coffee after and go find a couch?”

He winked at her. “Try to get some sleep. I’m not going now til they let us go home, I’ve dropped the rental off already anyway.” He told her.
Noah gave a nod and smiled some "Yeah that sounds real nice, just some us time without anyone from here." He said softly before he started to eat.

Max nodded and did her best to try and fall asleep while he took care of Maya and visited with his mom.
She got back from her job the following afternoon, going straight up to their room to get changed into more comfortable clothes and pop a couple pills, wanting to take the edge off the pain she'd been having the last couple hours but finally went down to Noah while he was in the kitchen "Hey, I'm ready when you are." She told him. She knew he had barely slept the night before because she had as well and woken up each time he had a nightmare, worrying about him, more than usual.

Will sighed quietly but just turned his attention to Maya for a while. By the next afternoon he was bringing the car seat in for them to take her home, grinning as he walked into the room to find Max getting her into her going home outfit "My girls ready to go home?" he asked her. He'd sent out all the messages yesterday that he needed to to let people know she was here but hadn't put anything on his socials, wanting desperately to keep her offline as much as possible
Noah looked over at her as he sipped his energy drink giving a small nod. His eyes were sunken in a bit now and the bags were deep purple under them. He'd been sleeping and eating like shit lately and he didn't know what to do about it. He desperately wanted to tell her, but he was scared to put that kind of stress on her when she was still obviously having her own problems.

Max smiled happily and nodded "Yeah I am, the cats are going to be okay around her right? They told me that we have to be careful like when I was pregnant. I know it should be fine, we always keep it clean. I'm just worried.." she rambled while she got dressed into a loose fitting dress.
"Babe, I don't plan on her touching cat poop... I don't touch the poop... That's why we have a scoop and bags." He pointed out, getting Maya into her carrier, getting a couple photos to send to his family "Your mom is at ours, said she's making us a late lunch cause I told her we haven't eaten yet." He told her.

Carmen went to grab a drink out the fridge to put in her bag and waited til he was ready, going out ot his car with him and leaned back once they were in "I think once we finish moving, we should go on holiday. Either by ourselves or with Nick and Nadine. Or Will and Max," She told him yawning a little "Cause we need a break." She sighed a little, taking his hand while hedrove
Max nodded and ran a hand through her hair "You're right, you're right. My brain is just going a million miles a minute right now." She said softly before sitting in the wheel chair they'd brought in for her. "Oh okay, well atleast we'll have food." She murmured quietly.

Noah nodded as he drove and sighed "Yeah I think that'll be good for us. Not sure about Will and Max, don't want to impose with the new baby." He said softly before giving her hand a squeeze.
He nodded. “She did say you can kick her out tonight if you want but she wanted to help if she could.” He explained, getting her to hold the carrier in her lap while he took them both out to the car. “It feels like we are stealing a baby.” He chuckled.

She shook her head. “I don’t mean right this second anyway.” She told him, “hey do we wanna go to the house party for Halloween this year or do you wanna do something else quieter with your birthday?” She asked him, frowning when he just sighed and didn’t answer, just watching him worried.
Max laughed lightly and nodded as she watched Maya sleep in the carrier "Yeah it does, I can't believe we're actually taking her home." She said softly before wiping at her eyes "I'm so happy Will, we finally have our family complete."

Noah frowned a bit at the mention of his birthday and shook his head some. He normally looked forward to that halloween party, it was always a good time, but now he just didn't see himself making it.
She sat quiet in the seat, just rubbing his knuckles gently until he parked and she got out with him, going round to his side of the car and slipping her arms around him tightly. “I love you.” She told him quietly. “So very much…. I hope you know that.” She told him quietly, “I don’t know what you’re going through right now… but I’m here with you the whole way.” She promised.

He smiled and nodded, getting both of them into the car then went to give the chair back and finally started the drive back home. “Right. Now Maya you’re gonna meet your brother and sister and you gotta be nice cause they don’t know you’re coming.” He chuckled.

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