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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Orie had gone to help not realising they’d left Noah on his own for a minute but came back quickly “hey, she’s fine, she passed out on the stairs. Nicks helping her up to bed to go lay down. Said her heads killing her. We got the last few shots to get though so can we get those then you go?”

She was laying in bed, holding her head and crying by the time he got up to her around an hour later. “It hurts so bad Noah.” She whimpered. She’d tried to not take the pills but she was so desperate for it to stop.

He nodded and sighed a little. “I know but I’m still worried.” He told her quietly. He spent the next few days being as close to her as he could until he had to leave again, trying to get the tour to go as fast as he could but he was looking forward to getting home which seemed to make the thing drag on so much longer. He called hee from the airport with a sigh again. “Hey beautiful, I’m about ready to rent a car and drive up to you, they haven’t even opened check in yet. They’re saying they might have to cancel this flight as well.” He muttered. He’d had his previous flight home cancelled due to bad weather and it still hadn’t got better but he just wanted to get home to her finally. It was about a five hour drive but he’d rather that than being stuck away from home any longer.
Noah rushed up to her once he was done and frowned deeply seeing her in so much pain "Come on...we're going to the hospital, they've got to be able to help." He said softly as he took one of her hands in his.

Max sat at home rubbing her bump gently. She'd been told that it could be any day by this point to have the baby and she wanted Will home. She sighed heavily when she answered her phone "Oh no, thats not good at all." She said with a pout before taking a deep breath as what she thought were braxton hicks started up.
He sighed as he leaned up against his luggage. “You alright?” He asked frowning some. He just wanted to get home already, putting her on speaker while he looked at renting a car instead. It would be longer to get home than a flight but at this rate he’d still be home quicker.

She lay there quietly, sniffling still while he got ready to take her in, getting up and leaning on him out to the car, just wanting this to be over with, tired of hurting. “I’m sorry. I wanted our days before you go on tour to be nice.” She mumbled, feeling his hand go to her thigh while she just tried to relax as much as she could.
Max took a deep breath and nodded softly "Uh.....uh yeah....whoo....just some braxton hicks. They're pretty intense." She said quietly putting him on speaker while she pulled the timer up on her phone to time the contractions and see if this was real or not.

Noah rubbed her thigh gently and shook his head "I want you to be alright, so don't worry about it.'" He said softly as he started to drive to the ER.
She hummed quietly and closed her eyes, holding her head while he drove. “You gotta pull over. I’m gonna be sick.” She mumbled when they were halfway there,

He frowned and started heading down to the car hire area. “I’ve just reserved a car. Im gonna start driving. Should hit the road in about half an hour.” He told her. “You want me to leave you be or stay on the phone?” He asked her gently
Noah frowned and pulled over once it was safe. Once she was done he rubbed her back gently "You alright?" He asked softly.

Max frowned some and shook her head "No....no stay on the line please." She said quietly whimpering when she felt another contraction hit a few minutes later "Will.....how uh....how fast can that car you got go?" She asked quietly gulping when she felt something wet between her legs "Pretty sure....my water....broke."
She shook her head frowning a little, “it hurts.” She mumbled, getting back in and leaned back until they got there, leaning on him through to the ER, starting to feel dizzy again and while he was talking to the reception desk she blacked out, dropping to the floor.

He frowned a little. “Shit. Shit. Uh, let me see what I can do, call my mom or an ambulance babe I don’t want you driving yourself alright? Call me back soon as you’ve done that.” He told her trying to stay calm for her sake but now stressing that he was going to miss his kid being born.
Noah turned when he heard a thud and went wide eyed seeing Carmen on the ground "Shit! Can we please get a bed and a doctor as soon as possible?!" He asked the front nurse worriedly while a few others helped Carmen on the floor.

Max took a deep breath and exhaled "Okay, I'll call you....back." she said before hanging up and calling his mom. "Hey....I uh.....could you come over please? I need a ride to the hospital, my water broke."
The moment he’d got the car he had made sure his phone was connected to the Bluetooth, starting the drive straight after that, answering the moment she called back. “Hey beautiful, you doing alright?” He asked her frowning. “Sat nab says it’s gonna be about five hours for me to get home.”

Carmen came to a short while later and frowned over at Noah sat next to her in a ward bed, reaching over for him. “What… when did we get here?” She frowned a little.
Max took shaky breaths as she sat at home and nodded some "Okay...your mom is coming to get me. Contractions....they're not getting any closer together, still about 6 minutes apart." She explained before whimpering as another hit her "Shit Will.....this hurts.."

Noah frowned deeply and gave a small sigh "About fifteen minutes ago, you passed out from the pain. They've got you on an IV for painkillers now. The doctors want to run a few headscans." He explained quietly
“I know honey I know, try to stay calm alright? I’m gonna be there soon as I can alright?” He promised.

She frowned and watched him a little, “it’s a little better.” She mumbled, squeezing his hand. “You got clay all in your hair still.” She smiled tiredly.
Max nodded and took a deep breath "What if....what if you don't make it in time?" She whimpered as the pain started to pass "I love your mom, but I don't think I can do this without you."

Noah nodded and smiled tiredly at her "Yeah well your health was more important than me washing my hair entirely." He murmured softly
He frowned. “Baby I’m gonna do my best okay but you got this. I know you got this. You can keep me on the phone alright? Not even born yet and she’s already giving us trouble, definitely my kid.” He tried to joke.

She smiled at him a little and squeezed his fingers again. “Mmm, I don’t understand why they’ve got so bad.” She mumbled, “I need to call Louisa. I got, I got a bridal party to work tomorrow, she might have to go instead.” She told him quietly, sitting up to look for her phone but got a wave of vertigo and lay back closing her eyes right, pausing for a minute. “Noah… what if this… what if it’s like bad bad?” She asked him quietly, finally voicing what neither of them had been brave enough to mention since it had got worse.
Max let out a small laugh and nodded "Yeah she sure is." She said softly, yelping as another contraction hit. It was another ten minutes before his mom had gotten there to help her to the hospital. "Hey....Will is on the phone, he's driving now." She said quietly

Noah frowned deeply and gave her hand a small squeeze "Well....then I'll be here by your side the entire time. I promise you Carmen I'm not going to leave you okay? You won't be alone through whatever happens." He said softly
She just continued watching him quietly until they took her through for what tests they were running and finally they were being sent home and told she would get a call when she could come back for those results, “you wanna grab Taco Bell on the way home? My treat.” She told him yawning a little, exhausted now and sure he was feeling the same way.

“Hey mom, sat nav is saying just under five hours for me to get back but I’m gonna do my best to get there a little sooner.” He told her, “you can keep me on the phone though babe, I’m here alright?”
Noah gave a small nod and smiled a bit at her "Yeah I could definitely go for some right now." He murmured before giving her hand a gentle squeeze "You excited to hear back on the house?"

Max grabbed her phone and had his mom grab her hospital bag and pillow "Be careful okay? Please be careful." She said a little worriedly to him. The last thing she needed was him in another crash because he was speeding.
“Oh don’t you worry alright? I’m being sensible, you leaning yet?” He asked her frowning a little, just worrying about her and scared he would miss the whole thing. He kept her on the phone as much as he could but making sure his phone didn’t die so he still had sat nav. He made it in four and a half hours in the end and rushed through the hospital, straight up to the maternity ward. “Hi, my girlfriend is here with my mom, Maxine wends… where is she? Did I miss it?” He asked the poor nurse at the desk, rushing and looking probably a little crazed.

She nodded and smiled a little. “Yeah, fingers crossed they accept the offer.” She murmured. “Plus it’s really close to the house now, we won’t be far away from everyone.” She smiled a little. She knew he wasn’t looking forward to the change but she was hoping he would be alright in the end.
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The nurse frowned some and checked over their intakes "Okay sir, are you William Ramos? I'll need to see your ID." She said calmly. Once she had him checked she gave him a smile "Looks like she is still in delivery, go down the hall, take right, and she'll be in the second room on the left." She explained to him before handing him his visitors badge "Congratulations by the way!" She called as he ran off.

Noah nodded with a small smile "Yeah that is definitely a plus. I can come hang with them whenever." He said softly as he pulled into the Taco Bell drive through "You want your usual?"
“Yeah, we can set up play dates and everything” she teased him, getting her card out and handed it to him.

He rushed through and stepped in. “Hey hey, I made it. Im here.” He said as soon as he stepped in, going straight over to her. “What’s happening now?” He asked her, kissing her head as he saw his mom step out to give them space now.
Max's face broke out into a giant smile seeing Will come into the room "You made it." She said tiredly taking his hand in hers "We're at about 8 cenimeters, so close but not there yet." She said softly gripping his hand as another contraction started to hit her.

Noah rolled his eyes and chuckled "You're so mean!" He pouted before taking the card and ordering their food. Once they were back home he got them some TV trays to eat in their room and smiled "You wanna watch some anime?"
He nodded and grabbed a chair, taking a seat. “I made it beautiful.” He smiled, “you want anything? Any water, shoulder rub?” He asked her quietly, just sitting right by her.

She smiled and nodded a little, feeling the pain starting to creep back in so rummaged through her bags for the pills, taking a couple while he was grabbing something from downstairs, going to sit down and eat finally.
Max shook her head letting a few happy tears fall "No, just...just sit with me, let me squeeze your hand? The epidural is helping but only a bit." She said quietly. She made a pained face and whimpered as she squeezed his hand tightly feeling a big contraction hit her "Oh, oh, okay nurse, get a nurse..." she said the best she could while taking deep panting breaths.

Noah came back up and ate with her happily. He frowned though when he noticed how out of it she seemed once they were done and gave a heavy sigh already knowing she'd taken the pills again. He held her close as they layed in bed rubbing big circles on her back.
He nodded, reaching over and pressing the call button. “I got you I got you.” He coaxed gently, sitting with her and kept quiet, letting her tell him what she needed, just trying to soothe her as best he could. “She’ll be here before you know it alright?”

she smiled tiredly and rest her head into the crook of his neck. “I’m gonna miss you.” She mumbled. “I can’t wait til you all start working on the new album. I want you home for a few months. Not a few days.” She mumbled tiredly, clinging to him.
Max gave a small nod taking a deep breath "Uh huh....soon." she murmured looking at the nurse as she came in "Can you check me again? I think....I think its nearing time." She explained frowning a bit as the nurse told her she probably hadn't changed much since they'd checked 30 minutes ago. "No, I don't....I don't care. I need you to check me again." She said sternly.

Noah gave a small nod and smiled a bit "By then we'll be in our new home too." He said happily before kissing the top of her head gently "Have you heard from Max? How is she doing?"
She shrugged a little. “Pregnant.” She mumbled, burying her face into his collarbone. “Not called for a few days.” She mumbled.

He frowned when they continued to try and tell her she didn’t need it. “Listen, please. Or I want a different midwife.” He told her straight away. “Someone who’s gonna listen to her.”

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