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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max smiled happily and nodded as she moved without hesitation to get a nap in "Mmmm yes, cold stone I want my triple berry and heath bar mix." She murmured tiredly as she lay down.

Noah chuckled and gave a small nod "Yeah I guess you have a point there." He murmured while continuing to eat. "You alright? You've been staring out the window for a while now." He murmured to her near the end of their meal.
She hadn’t heard him at all this time and only turned when his fingers snapped in her face and she glanced over at him, the drugs fully kicked in by this point and her pupils blown wide. “Huh?” She asked him quietly.

He nodded. “Alright we’ll then let’s go get w nap and then I’ll take you out for ice cream.” He promised, kissing her cheek. “I love you by the way. Not sure if I mentioned that before.” He winked at her.
Noah noted her pupils almost instantly and took a deep breath. He wasn't about to address anything in the restaurant, but now everything was starting to make sense as to how she had been acting recently. "Nevermind, lets just go okay?" He murmured quickly paying for their meal and helping her back to the car.

Max laughed quietly and gave a tired smile "I love you too, very very much." She murmured before getting comfy in her pillow once they were in the room.
He groaned a little as he stepped into their room. “Oh this is the first time I’ve had to sleep with this thing in the bed and I already hate it.” He grumbled, trying to get as close to her as he could with it in the way.

She smiled tiredly at him and just watched him while he drove. “You streamin tonight?” She asked him slowly, resting hee head against the car window. “Noah… are you mad at me?” She frowned a little when he hadn’t responded.
Max giggled and cuddled into her pillow "Its sooooo comfy though. It has been a life save for my back and just being comfortable." She murmured while he pouted.

Noah took a deep breath running through all of his thoughts on how to confront her. He gave a heavy sigh as he heard her shaking his head "No, I'm not mad at all. I need you to be completely honest with me right now, are you using?" He asked seriously.
She frowned and looked over at him as he had parked in their drive, fiddling with the hem of her tshirt before nodding slowly. “Spencer…. I was sick all over the place on day three of the tour. I told him how bad the migraines are and he gave me a couple pills. Said they were codeine… I didn’t realise til the second week of taking they were ket. But it makes the headaches go away Noah. I’m being careful I swear.”

“I’m sure it has been baby bud it doesn’t mean I like it. It’s a real cockblocker.” He chuckled, finally getting a comfy position with it and just held her, rubbing circles on her bump. “I can’t wait for her to get here.” He murmured.
Noah frowned deeply and took a long deep breath as he did his best to stay calm "Carmen....ket is not something to mess around with. Why....I thought we talked about you seeing a doctor to get you a perscription for migrane medicine?" He said as gently as he could not wanting her to think he was getting on to her, he was just scared and worried.

Max nodded and smiled softly "I can't either, she is going to be perfect." She said quietly as she relaxed into him while he rubbed circles on her.
She shook her head and frowned. “They told me to take some paracetamol and it wasn’t doing anything…. I’m being careful I promise!” She told him. “I’m so tired of hurting Noah.” She told him quietly. “And it makes it stop… he told me it was just painkillers when he gave it to me.”

He smiled and hummed in agreement but was asleep within a couple minutes, snoring loud while the cats came up to cuddle with them as well, dusti making biscuits next to max
Noah shook his head a bit and sighed "Just fucking pain killers, I'm gonna tear him a new one." He muttered before turning the car off "Come on, lets get inside." He said before getting out.

Max smiled softly petting Dusti gently before falling asleep as well. It was another hour before she up again hearing some clattering and movement downstairs. She groaned quietly and got up to make her way down to see what Will was up to.
She frowned and just followed him inside, going straight up to their room while he stayed downstairs, going to get comfy in bed to get some work done on her computer.

Spencer was in the middle of unpacking when his phone rang, smiling seeing it was Noah. “Hey man, long time no see, hear bad omens is getting off the ground a little. Hey man your girlfriend was a star on this tour, you got a keeper there.” He told him.

He was sat on the floor in his gaming room, busy putting together the new cat tree he’d bought for his first children. “This thing is worse than the crib to put together.” He muttered.
Noah felt his blood boil when he heard what he said about Carmen "Oh yeah? Such a star you decide to fucking give her ket instead of an actual pain killer?!" He spat down the line.

Max came in and gave a small laugh "Oh yeah? I'm sorry, I looked at trying to put it together but it was too heavy." She said softly sitting in the gaming chair he had gotten for her.
He shook his head and frowned. “They’re my cats babe I don’t expect you to.” He smiled at her. “You ready for ice cream?” He asked, finishing up the step he was on and stood up, cracking his shoulders then his knuckles and smiled at her. “Might wanna redo your hair first though.”

He paused and frowned. “Ah… listen dude she was really struggling, she needed something or we were gonna have to send her home. She’s been great since. Maybe it was what she needed.” He told him.
Max frowned some and felt her bun giggling when she felt how lopsided it now was "Bed head at its finest." She said before standing up slowly and waddling to the bathroom to fix herself up. Once she was done she made her way back to him "Ready now!" She said happily

Noah frowned more "She has past fucking drug problems you idiot! I should fucking sue you for lying to her about what you gave her." He spat angrily feeling his anger start to get worse
He frowned and paused. “Hey, hey man I didn’t know about all that… I’ll uh, I’ll talk to you later Noah.” He muttered and hung up.

Carmen wandered downstairs around 12:30 and found him in the lounge with orie “hey, you ready to go see that house?” She asked him yawning a little and crouching to give harper cuddles.

He nodded and headed out to the car with hee, getting her door for her and glanced up at the sky. “Looks like I brought the rain back with me.” He chuckled, going to get in the drivers seat and head out.
Noah looked over at her and gave a small nod "Yeah lets get going." He said quietly before standing up anf saying bye to Orie. He grabbed his keys and threw on his shoes "Your head okay?"

Max pouted as she noticed the sky and how dark it had gotten "Aw man, I hope it rains after we get the ice cream." She said while buckling up. "How were the last few shows?"
He nodded and took her hand. “They were good… good turn out. Oh so I got a package coming to the house in a week or so, it’s got my name on it but it’s for you. It’s a bunch of Lorna shore merch that you liked when I showed you what we were selling.” He told hee.

She nodded a little. “It’s alright for now. I’m hoping this house is good. It’s way closer than anything else in our budget too.” She told him, going to her car but frowned when he turned her around towards his. “Not that I’m complaining but I can drive us.”
Max smiled widely and nodded "Thats awesome I'm glad they turned out for you guys." She said before clapping her hands excitedly "Yay!! I love wearing your merch."

Noah shook his head and gave a heavy sigh "No I got it. I'm hoping this place is good too, its looked good in the photos." He said softly
She nodded, getting in and held his hand while he drove, watching out the window for the three minutes it took them to drive over there, getting out and headed up to the front door, greeting their realtor. “Hey Rachel, thanks for squeezing us in pretty last minute.” She smiled a little, heading inside with them.

He chuckled and nodded. “That’s why I shipped some of it to you.” He told her, parking up outside the cold stone and helped her out the car, walking inside with her. “You wanna take a tub home?” He smiled.
Noah smiled some at Rachel and thanked her as well as he walked inside. He looked around smiling a bit "This is real nice." He murmured taking Carmen's hand in his.

Max nodded happily as she got out of the car "Yes please! Oh you know what would be ADORABLE? If we got a Lorna Shore onesie for her." She said as she took his hand and walked with him into the ice cream parlor.
She nodded, wandering around with him and out to the back yard. “Needs a bit of work. But I think we could make this work.” She told him, slipping her arms around his waist, “you wanna put the offer in?” She asked him smiling a little, just feeling like this place would be perfect for them.

He nodded and opened the door for hee, going to get their order and sat back down with her. “Here you go m’lady.” He smiled, handing her regular over to her. “So I’m just gonna wash my clothes and repack straight away I think.” He suggested. “Cause there’s no point unpacking for three days.”
Noah gave a nod and smiled some "New grass needed for sure, but the fence is good. Inside is nice too, really just needs paint and we can make upgrades later on." He said happily feeling good about this one "Yeah I think I will." He said before giving her a kiss "We're really gonna do this huh?"

Max nodded some and began to eat her food "Yeah that would probably be best." She murmured with a small sigh "Oh! You wanna see the print for the magazine I just shot? I got the preview yesterday." She said happily
She nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I think we are.” She told him happily, going through all the paperwork with Rachel they needed to do for today before heading home. By the following afternoon she was really starting to struggle without a little help from her pill bottle. She’d grabbed the glass of water though and taken it through to the dining room where Noah was sat blindfolded and covered in clay. “Here, open your mouth.” She told him quietly, her head feeling like it was on fire.

He nodded and sat up some, reaching for her phone so he could see. “Hey, this is lookin good babe.” He smiled, handing it back over. “Once baby is here and she’s a little older we’re gonna have to have you come on tour and do our photos.” He smiled, watching her. “I’m fuckin terrified by the way.”
Noah opened his mouth and sipped at the water "If I could smile comfortably in this I would." He said just looking in the direction of her voice "Do I look cool at least?"

Max gave a small frown and gave him a concerned look "What are you terrified about babe?" She asked gently still eating her ice cream.
He shrugged a little. “I didn’t have a dad…. What if I fuck it up?” He muttered. “I know it’s not likely but I’m still worried about it.” He explained.

She hummed quietly. “It’s coming up really good on the camera.” She mumbled, waiting til he finished then turned to go out the glass away. She’d done all her part of the job a while ago but she did love seeing what they created. She put the glass in the sink, starting to head back up to go lay down, really starting to feel off but she got up the first two steps before feeling a wave of dizziness pass over her and she blacked out, falling forward as Jolly was coming back downstairs.
Max gave a sympathetic smile and nodded "You're going to be a great dad babe, and if you're doing something wrong you know I'll tell you." She said softly before squeezing his hand.

Noah frowned the best he could when he heard Jolly yell Carmen's name "Whats wrong? Hello? Hey! Whats going on?!" He asked as he started to panic when he heard yelling but no one answering him.

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