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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

-4 months-

Max walked into the kitchen rubbing her ever growing bump in soothing circles looking for a snack to eat. She smiled some as she settled on her third bowl of cereal for the day jumping slightly as she closed the fridge seeing Will in the doorway "William! Don't sneak up on me! I almost peed myself!" She said before turning back to eat her food. His surgery had gone well and finally he was starting to get back to really being himself.

Noah sat at the house looking over a few properties the realator had sent over and sighed heavily. He was doing his best to try and take this over while Carmen was on tour, but it was becoming a bit more difficult. He was starting to freak out a bit with the thought of actually moving. He was also missing Carmen a lot at the moment too, he was worried about her. Something seemed off these past few weeks but he didn't know what it was.
Carmen had been struggling. Her career was taking off and she was loving it but her migraines had become so frequent it was making it hard to do her job. She’d been on tour with a couple bands that had her doing makeup for them the past few weeks. The second day one of them had given her some real strong painkillers and by this point she was already in way too deep. And too embarrassed to tell Noah what was going on. She sat back after cleaning her brushes up to call him, just wanting to hear his voice. “Hey… how’s it going?”

Will had been recovering slowly from all the damage done and had contacted a lawyer to sue the guy whose car it was. Aside from that he was doing better than ever. Excited for the baby to get there and enjoying having the time off with max. “Sorry… I came to grab a soda…. How’re my two girls?” He asked her smiling, ecstatic from the moment they’d been told they were having a girl and getting impatient about her getting here.
Noah smiled when he saw her name flash across his phone and quickly answered "Hey beautiful, oh uh you know going okay I guess. Missing you." He said softly while shutting his laptop and putting it to the side "Hows it going with you?"

Max smiled some and gave him a kiss "We're good, she wants a snack. We're going to need more milk too." She said giving a sheepish smile since he had gotten them a gallon only yesterday. She gasped quietly and took his hand placing it where she felt kicks "Can you feel her? Looks like she is excited." She said happily.
She smiled, relaxing a little soon as she heard his voice. “It’s good. Four more days before I’m home… and five with you before your tour.” She sighed a little. “I miss you.” She told him quietly, trying to not cry as she thought about the situation she’d got herself into.

He smiled and kissed hee cheek. “Oh let’s hope she ends up more like you or we’re gonna have a right handful.” He chuckled. “I’ll go to the store later if you want. I wanted to pick up a couple bits to take on tour anyway.” He told her, looking forward to a mini tour to get back in the swing of things.
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Noah smiled a but at the thought of having her with him again "Yeah I can't wait to have you home. The uh realtor has been sending me some options to look at." He said biting his lip some "You want to go look at them?"

Max gave a small nod and smiled at him "I'm gonna miss you but its only a month right? Nothing super long?" She said as she ate her cereal happily.
He shook his head. “Not even four weeks babe, we’re getting back into the swing of things.” He promised, rubbing her back gently.

She frowned a little. “Yeah, yeah book it in for when I’m back. I’m not working at all during our five days.” She told him quietly. “Noah I…. Actually never mind. Don’t worry about it.” She mumbled.
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Max nodded and smiled softly "Okay that sounds good. You hear anything from the lawyer?" She asked quietly

Noah frowned a bit as he listened to her "Whats wrong beautiful? You okay?" He asked worriedly
He nodded as he grabbed a soda. “I got a follow up with him on Friday before I go. Rick will be served with papers on Monday.” He told her.

She frowned and stood up to start packing her things away for the night. “Yeah… yeah I’m fine. I’m just gonna go get an early night…. Don’t forget to catch up with me on the ancient magus’ bride.” She reminded him. “I love you.” She told him quietly and hung up
Max nodded and sighed a bit "Hopefully its not too messy ya know?" She murmured while she went to put her bowl in the sink.

Noah frowned deeply at how quickly she changed the subject. He wasn't even able to get a word in before he heard the dial tone which made him even more concerned about everything.
Orie stepped in to chat with him shortly after and frowned at how stressed he seemed "Hey, sorry to bother, the Dethrone video, is Carmen around on the filming dates?" He asked him, "Cause two of the makeup people have dropped out... Theydidn't like the message of the song." He chuckled "But if no... what's wrong?" He asked him

He nodded and stood in the kitchen doorway, watching her for a minute "I'm gonna go finish up some emails then I thought I'd go do some work on her room again." He told her.
Noah frowned deeply and shook his head a bit "She should be here for it, but something is wrong with her. I don't know what it is but she doesn't want to tell me." He explained running a hand stressfully through his hair.

Max nodded and smiled some "Will you let me help this time? I could put together the small stuff." She pouted as she went to head to the lounge. He'd barely let her lift a finger lately and it was starting to upset her.
He sighed a little and looked over at her. “Are you gonna stop if you don’t feel good this time?” He asked her. “Cause I know you wanna get it done so it’s ready but I don’t want you making yourself sick.” He pointed out.

He frowned and shrugged. “We’ll ask her if she can do it otherwise we’ll look for someone else cause o wanna get that booked.” He told him.
Max crossed her heart and gave a small smile "Yes I promise to stop if I don't feel good." She said before kissing his cheek "Just come get me when you're ready." She murmured before going to sit down and watch some TV.

Noah nodded and gave a heavy sigh "Yeah, yeah I'll see if she can do it." He muttered before getting up and heading to the restroom.
He gave her a salute and went back to finish what he was doing, coming back to grab her a little while later. “Come on you, let’s go.” He told her, reaching for her hand to help her off the couch.

She hadn’t been responding much to his texts or calls over the next few days , spending most of that time high as a kite when she wasn’t working and too scared to answer the phone while she was under the influence in case he noticed. She got home around midday though from the airport and headed inside, going up to their room to drop hee bags and then went to find Noah playing video games downstairs with the others.
The next few days had gone by so fast for Max and before she knew it Will was hitting the road again "Just make sure to call me everyday okay?" She murmured as she kissed him repeatedly

Noah had been worried sick about Carmen this entire time. The constant rejecting his calls and the short texts. When he saw her come in he quickly dropped what he was doing and went to her "Hey beautiful, why didn't you call? I would've come to pick you up."
He smiled a little, nodding to her. “I love you.” He told her quietly. “I will I promise. I’m only gone for three weeks alright?” He murmured. “I’ll be home before you know it.” He promised, crouching to kiss all over her bump. “Mmm be good for your mom. Let her sleep please. Cause otherwise I get in trouble.” He chuckled some.

Carmen smiled a little and shook her head. “No it’s alright. Taxi was fine.” She assured him, “I was gonna go nap anyway I didn’t want disturb your gaming, just letting you know I’m back.” She told him quietly, feeling jolly and Ories eyes staring at her.
Max nodded and sighed softly "Right, only three weeks." She said giving a small smile as he kissed her bump. She kissed him lovingly as he stood up and Austin pulled up to the house "I'll see you later handsome, have fun."

Noah gave a small frown and nodded "Oh uh, alright well go nap and we can grab some dinner later yeah?" He said with a smile. Normally they couldn't be seperated when either of them got home but now he could see something was clearly wrong.
She shrugged a little and nodded, not moving to touch him at all and headed up to their room.

Jolly frowned, watching her go and shook his head. “What the fuck was that?” He frowned. “What is she taking?” He asked him frowning after seeing the state she was in.

He waved after hee and sighed a little as he got in Austin’s car and watched hee disappear. “Just a few weeks at least.” He sighed a little, not really wanting to leave at all. He loves touring but with her pregnant he was terrified of being more than an hour away.
Noah stood there dumbfounded as he watched her leave "I don't.....I don't know, I don't think she is on anything." He said quietly before turning to the guys "Something is wrong though right? I'm not going crazy?"

Austin smiled some and chuckled seeing the concerned look on his face "Hey man its going to be alright, don't worry. They'll be safe." He said trying to cheer him up.
He frowned and shook his head. “I dunno man… maybe she just doesn’t wanna talk with us in the room.” He suggested, watching Noah leave to go after her and shook his head some.

She glanced over when the door opened and she saw Noah coming in anyway, “I thought you were gaming.” She mumbled, watching him carefully.

“Yeah easy for you to say man.” He muttered, getting back fo Austin’s where the bus would be picking them up and made a post with photos from the last few weeks, mentioning a thank you to max for helping so much with his recovery the whole time.
Noah went up to their room and frowned some "I wanted to come see you instead. Babe are you alright? You don't seem like yourself." He said softly taking her hand gently in his.

Max smiled happily when she saw his post and commented with some kiss faces and an I love you on it.
She nodded and scooted over so he could sit down. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just worn out.” She told him frowning a little. “What time are we seeing that house tomorrow?” She asked him. She knew she should just tell him what happened but she was scared that he was going to kick her out.

He smiled a little seeing her response on there, just getting settled into the bus until the evening when he FaceTimed her from his bunk. “Hey beautiful, I’m being bullied for wearing my bonnet.” He pouted at her a little.
Noah frowned as he sat beside her "At one, babe you sure you're alright? Seems more than your usual worn out." He asked worriedly while rubbing her back gently.

Max smiled as she layed in bed snuggled up in her pregnancy pillow "Oh you tell them to stop or they have to deal with me. I think you look adorable in it." She said giving a small laugh and yawning some "Hows the bus this time?"
She paused before nodding. “Yeah… just not used to touring like you are.” She told him frowning some and moved to roll in closer, finally falling asleep in his arms.

He smiled some. “I’ll tell them that. But I’m not sure it’s you that they’re scared of.” She chuckled. “Yeah it’s not bad, it’ll do for a few weeks.” He told her. “I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I will see you soon okay?” He murmured.
Noah held her as she slept and frowned deeply just really looking at her. Her eyes were sunken in a bit, she had deep bags under her eyes, and he could tell she wasn't keeping up with her skin and hair care which she usually stuck to religiously.

Max smiled some and gave a nod "I love you too, kill it on stage okay?" She said softly before yawning again "I'll talk to you tomorrow alright? I love you."

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